Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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5 . 9
r rt
moils oi uuarra
Germs Afloat in the Air
Atmosphere is Ladeu With
Germs of The Disease.
.'resting merely the symptom of the
liaise, and overlooks its nuM,
You must icaiire that Catarrh is
nlnM t!'t . nfrA irrltal in i k -i
err person afjirted with Catarrh ,,,,. ,,, .- . ,..
r.o.sei lillio.u of tie tia, disease !liroat fhukt " ,our breathing
R-rmi v.ith .e rough or Baeew, o I t.arat us.
luai U.eueie.- .... the tlwt .am rj i,ar blood is saturated with Catarrh
a; net ..r other public piare you see -'.,. and those tv.I1 touting their
lkiu ae I coughing an J aneeiing,
e. e-yone ia their vicinity it ijmsI
t ti.e disea e.
You ; -.1 in;; i.it'a everyone else will
f i 1 yourself cxjiosej j t!,H jrcmM of
i;a:rl several liiacs every day. The
H'rnt i-iuit'i ly by the i.iiillous, ar.I
thv air you Inatbe w thi.-k itli these
t i ay Knit d tease demou tliat cause
so i:u:i'h tii:trc.i uu.l tutTerin;..
( atarra is uio of the most stubliorB
.Il-eases, ami it ;.lay worse ia cold,
f ti anil iliarifablo weather. It
..iiou.d n. , lio..eer, be considered in-c.-'ruUe,
tlio,:!i there arc t li.ji: n ).-;
a.'lli.ic.l v.:t!i is v.hj are il.ribt!,i
i m ly to loKoie tiiat a cmo is imuvshi
hi l(':ii;e ef their csiH-ricUfe.
Uut Ike ail other nfilictions, the
ii.-iiti tioublc ii that Calarih. is ca
(. ivy r. isi.micrsloml, and therefore!
tr ue, n tht vr-nig way. Hec.iuso
liioo lit: lo -'run il.'iiioua attack t Li
ik'lieato i ii'ir.branes of the nose an.l
lii.v:.!, dwl.iii;; up the air pnss-iees
aul irritating the lo.ider linin of the
n-,.:rils i.n. brum ha tul.es, th. amr
jge MilToror uiakn the mUtake ot'
irritutiag attacks u loa? as ther re
main ia the LtliMxl.
The only sensible treatment, there
fore, ia the one tthich will rout the
lis.ie germs from the blood.
This is why the most satisfactory
remedy for Latairh is S. 8. S., the
i":i!i'ivis old reliable blood purifier.
.!. S. has been used sureemfully
for Catarrh for tfwre thin fifty years,
ami it is tho one remedy that atta.ks
the sourre of I lie disease, cleansing
Ihe blood thoroughly, and eliniinatinf
from it every trare of disease germs.
If you waut a remedy th;it goes di
rect to the seat of the' disease; begin
to take IS. S. y. to day, and throw?
away your at' 'mirera and other local
treat went that cannot powil.lv rea. h
your Catarrh. You will be delighted
after (riling this remedy a trial, and
nil! soon linu youiself on the road to
i rmiijdete reeovety. S. a. S. is sold
by diugjists everywher.
Urgin its use to day, and write for
free medical advice ubout your own
individual rase. Address Chief Med
ical Adviser, W; .Swift laboratory,
Atlauta, t:a. (Adv.)
Press Correspondent And T
Worker At Front Re'ates
this murk there were ineritably many
wi'h a yellow streak in them many
who were temperamentally nufit to deal
with soldiers the suia of the thing ae
coaiplished by them during the wtr
period ought to be sufficient to silence
all criticism of the association as
body. He counselled the worker and
friends ia Saleni not to allow them
selves to be irritated or prejudiced by
criticisms, as time would demonstrate
their utter falsity aud injustice.
Classes Iatermtnfled.
I.ockley'g narrative, while devoid of
j superlatives, was mkde up of incidents
Fred Loi kley, who has endeared him
self to Yanks and poilus on the other;
uortawest by fi war aKetcnea, was tnt-,,,;,, viauabVed by the news gatl-
K.e. ui uoiio. . , Thev to d of individual act. f
le bv his hand to-hand fellowship in' , , .. ,
,, 1A , . . .. i that gripped his audienca eloserr, for
e field, and to readers throughout thejtht,v we ,.rlwe up.. ,Mpghot of
the men's club of the First Hlt heroism of self abnegation-of nobU
ciiiiren ciraiu. w'-ira "".' tv li st ed ftnt of the rouheiit hum. n
ana lony gueais were at uie laoiea, ,v hv .:.,:. ... u.
with H. S. Gile acting as master of ; ,ne in ,, of ,.reed ,he ,evclin
of ranks end the demolition of class
prejudices. He saw a soldier, who treat
a years ago e,j ,9 joke tlle fwt tu, hg wor( four
distinguished service medals. He told
of a duchess scrubbing a "" hut
floor. He related how a trench soldier
threw himself upon a bomb about to rx
Iplode anil shouted to Ins comrade to
I "beat it" and then it blew his body
to bits.
ceremonies, following the ratable! Mr.
ti lie led in a series of reminiscent talks.
harking back to the time
when he and Lockler aud one or two
other Kalem men were associated to
gether in the state Christian Kndeavor
work. And along with this were aues
dutea of the war.
Got Close to Front.
Later the evening, facing an audi
ence largely mime up or 01.1 menus ana Columns miohr he filled with A...-rn.
acquaintances in Salem, Mr. l-wkN'.v I tions of what he mentallv photograidn'il
continued a running account or experi itl Fr(l)(.e x , , th ' jfj " ' ,-,
ynces and observation. on , i.gntin;;,,,, ,he destitution of the refugees, the
. . . i"v.o. i.c; imist pathetic and the most diabolical
... ,ne i. ... v. a. contingent. """ was the wanton distru.tion of churches
.... ........ ,..e N...e "i e and cathedrals. In closing lie made a
......... , u o , ,,l ii.ri.ua u a strung t , , Am(.rU.n,18 ,0 fi,lhh
street corner, and while he placed no , ,e work b jn feu ,
l.lll t U-ll JlV eilll.llUSIS IMUtll 11... .-l.mt.ll I -a. t .... '
;,. ,, , ' iraury uere wtiat nail been wruten in
., ne.e lu.rreii oui , . ,., , ..,.
First Americans To Serve
With Allies la Great War
Return To New York Today
through his nurrutivc that he hud gone
into the fighting zone in his dual ra
pacity as writer aud Y " man with
the ar.nie indifference to Bodies and
sudden death as marked the men in the
t..v !... 1-.,,., ,. i ""'"
, trenches; and that he had proven him-
convulesceiit compunies auto arrived. Uelf the rare sort of "pal" who gets
The Duca IVAziiiMi also arrived with ,.,t to the rank and file bv sheer force
I I7.i men of the I'niled Mttaes amy t,f M'rsonalitv.
uinluiluice service sections numbers , Defends Work of '4Y."
'l-'7; 5.J,9, 5:,2'M35r'3' r,,i:1' 5r'9' 5:,7,i I"l-y saw the best atid'tRe worst
..til., u7.l, 579, M7 and 4!ttl, and provis- f the Y. Jl. C. A. work in France; he
Kleveuth engineers, the firA , , i , , ' . a"u v M""'-i"iiisier saw the field me; 'aking the same
. ..i... i.fi. '. ......... : detachment; lietidiitartera detachment; .hauces as the fivht-rsi I... . n......
hospital detuchineiit; motor repair shop putting i n hours a dtiv and euciinng
.leta. huient and casual couipanies every form of htirdship in order to mln-
t.. O.K. in:...: ..... V.
lienernl livng ' great of tensive, arrived ' ' ' """ ' ,s"'r 10 ,ht' "ovs nt ,"p fr""'J nml
1ot tmlnv i. n the t nin-omt Ki-.ntn Tore- u"lorillM' while out of the thuustinds enga.ged in
Ne York, Apiil L'3. (1'iiited I'ress.)
Ni'teii officers and !!l!o enlisted men
of the
American volunteers III France, the first
to reach the front, the first to suffer
casualties and the first lo take i.art in
Commandant Shaw, of the Old Sol
diers Home at Koseburg. was a visit
or at the rapitol today on business con
nected with his office.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
CM U ffi.Of fan- 3 '"r. M-Uf
P ' Jr ) 33 O 0 t-c t3 r 7
18 cents a package
The Valley Motor Company has been purchased and reorganized. Watt Shipp, Paul R. Wallace, Ben Vick and
John W. Harbison are the new company, specializing on America's Greatest Motor Products
$t&?Zc6 and Fordson
The Universal Tractor
Tf M
The headquarters wffi be at the old stands the Ford .and well
equipped Repair Shop on High Street between Court and Che
meketa streets; the Fordson Tractor will be handled Li its pres
ent commodious salesroom on State and Front streets. The pop
ularity cf the product of the two greatest motor factories in the
World wll be thoroughly and conscientiously cared fcr by the
new proprietors who ask the public for a continuance of their
loyal patronage.
In our retirement from the motor business in
Salem, we sincerely desire to express to our
legion of patrons our hearty appreciation of
their loyal support and patronage and frankly
state it is with many regrets that we are com
pelled through business interests to establish
ourselves as State Distributors of Fordson
Tractors in the City of Portland.
We are however, most grateful to announce
to the public and our friends that in the trans
fer of our affairs we are confident we have placed them in hands that are capatie in not only continuing our policy
of "The best for the money" and Ma square deal'' but rich American blood that will "go over the top" with a big
ger record than ever.
Sincerely thanking one and all for their past favors and indulgence, we shall always remain to Salem and
What you pay out your good money for
is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how
you do get it in every puff of Camels!
t i
XPERTLY blended choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos in' Camel cigarettes elimi
nate bite and free them from any
unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or
unpleasant cigaretty odor.
Camels win instant and permanent
success with smokers because the
blend brings out to the limit the
.refreshing flavor and delightful mel
low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re
taining the desirable "body." Camels
are simply a revelation! You may
smoke them without tiringyourtaste!
For your own satisfaction you must
compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any price. Then,
you'll best realize their superior
quality and the rare enjoyment
they provide.
rt.ci.llli iantlli.il i
MW"i)IUP Jl.1.
TUrili ill
i mi i -" i
the four man relay raeo the Lincoln C. B. Clancey returned tbia morning
school took first place, Ornnt aedond'from a trip to Yakima, Seattle and
and Washington third. In tho Individ-j other Washington points. Ho happen
ual inter ,chool race Lloyd Bohannon ' cd to visit Camp Lewis when tho fly
of Lincoln, took first place, Aubrey I na .-ircus was on. and he reoorta one
(By United Tress.)
Yesterday's winners: San Francisco,
Los AtiKcle.
Home runs, Eldrcd, Senator; Mulvey,
If the rest of Hill Rudders' Sacra
mento bull club were lis wild as his
pitchers, he could dispense with lii.so
litill uniforms and decorate his men in
broom straw. Six alnbmen faced the
Heals yesterdav and although the rapitidj
city team hit nctter tnnn tho Meats, tne
hurlers threw tho game away for tneni,
10 to 7. Ten thousand wtincssed the
"pnrinle" at Recreation.
Hack Spencer tied up the game fer
the Hees in the eiuhth with a three
bagger, letting in three nirn on base!,
and placing tho score 4 to 4. The Angels
.'tune bni'k in the last of the ninth with
Ihe winning run. Score 5 to 4.
Seattle, Oakland, roittand and Ver
non didn't piny. They were all patron
izing the Pullmans.
Fray wick of Orant second, and Merlo
of the most thrilling spectacle! ever
lVtrOn of Wnshlinclnn. itnlrrt. fn Ihn !
iater-school diving contest Lincoln ! witnessed, the squadron of eight air
school led with a total of 1080 points, j planes going through all the maneu
Washington school second with y.JO; vers and stunts of regular battle work,
points and Grant school third with KID! There was a most tremendous crowd
from all parts of the Northwest.
Dallas, Or., April LM. Folk county as
usual was one of the first counties in
the state to subscribe to the Fifth Lib
erty loan bonds, Chairman E. K. Kirk
pat rick of this city received word Mon
day morning at an early hour thHt the
entire amount had ben over subscribed.
The total amount given this county to
raise at this bonding period was $194,
S."U and was divided into the different
cities ns follows: Dallas National Bank
i 4?.4."0; Dallas City Ht-.tik, $13,100;
First National Bank of Monmouth, $32,
1400; Inili'peiidcnoce National Hank,
'$:t I, .-; Farmers State Bank of Inde
pendence, $-4,700, and the Hank of
Falls City at Falls City, $14,."".0.
Council Orders Dogs Impounded.
At a meeting of the Di.llns city conn j
oil .Monday night City Marshal Chase'
was ordered to have constructed in one!
jOiie of the city buildings on Ash street j
a place to be tiseii as a dog pound where
I animals taken up by the marshnl ci.n be!
kept until ransomed by their owners.'
The council at a recent meeting ordered:
the marshal to notify parties having ca-1
nines to keep them tied tip but as the
order hns been unheeded to a grei;t ei- j
tent the minimis will be taken up and,
if not called for by the owners will be i
taken out and shot.
our frieds,
-vick Bros.
ir, iii o tn i.
1 Wka VJ v -was vv hi Vtlllt VUVIilVltVtH
State Street, Corner cf Front Street
The finals in the swimming contests
among tho grade ehool, which have
Ven in progress at the Y. M. C. A.
tank during the past few weeks, were
held vestrrdnv with the result that in
1-1 FIitMlms Ammunition
Si- ! I . . L!.b.
Men s Work
Yes, wc have a fine line cf them now
in about all kinds
We can start with the mule skin outing thoe at $2.50
Elk soles at $2.95
Short lines of heavy black or tan grain, double
soles, t6 close out at $4, $4.50, and $5
Lion brand, hardy hide, black grain, bellows tongue
half double sole, really a $6.00 shoe for $5.00
Also one similar except Goodyear welt soles at$5.50
Brown Seamless Comfort shoe, looks well, is very
comfortable, yet wears well, at $5.50
Black, heavy grain, blucher, Jumbo wide (EEE)
welt soles, heavy but flexible. Wide enough for
the very widest feet at $6.23
And one in brown at $7.00
Heavy soled brown solid shoes from $7 down to $4.50
Brown and tan Army bluchers, welt soles,
$8.00 on down to $6.00
r 4u-, - - ' 1 - .
ft I ,t I IH,,''Ait.
" " ii inirn-TaraiiruTiw iiimn i