PACE FIVh "MtttHtMlMt)MHlin TKE DAILY CAPITAL JOIMNAU SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL Z. 1910. The Journal New Today A JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-IKY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEBTTSING KATES Kate per word New .Today: Each insertion 1 la One week (tf insertions) 5c One month (26 insertion 17e The Capital Journal will not b re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Head your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Miuimuiu charge, l."e. WANTED Cattle and kind. Phone 1570W. calves any 52 VH1TE Indian Runner ducks for sule. 10SO Norway St. 4 24 TAKEN VP 2 Phone 76F11. sorrel, bald face colts. 4 24 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. 704. rhone 5-IB WANTED Roomers and boardfrs, 49!i N. ComT. Fhono 144d. tf FARM hand wanted. C. C. KuMfll. Call Salem 3F3, tf WANTED All kinds of ehickens. pay top price. Phone 13I19J. Will tf FOR plowing or orchard tractor, call 17E14. work withi 5-28 YOUNG woman nent and capable, to help in kitchen. Hotel Marion. 4-23 FOR SALE Punsv 211 Miller St. plants. Maruny, 4-30 STREET 'S garage, 420 S. kinds of ropair work. Coral. All 4 2C FREE BOOKLET ' Care Baby Chicks' 544 (State St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 IN. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-5 WANTED Poultryi eggs, hides and veal, heavy heus, 32c; light bens 31e. Cherry Oity feed barn. tf FOR RENT Clean apartments for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St. tf . FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain Mino by describing same at thig office and paying for ad. tf KXR 8ALB-Tnree quarter ton truck. In first class shape, $200. Highway garage. tf FOB REJNT Or sale residence at 360 . N. Capitol St. one block from Cap ital, tf WANT To secure at once, a 2000 loan on good farm security. Socolof sky, Bayno bldg. tf WANTEDExperlenced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phona U1F21, Sa lem Et. 6. tf FOUND Hat for miss, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal of fiee and pay for ad. tf FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chcmclieta. Phone 308. tt WALL PAPEB IS cents per double roll npward. Buren's Furniture Store, 178 Commercial. tf FOR SALE Am leaving town, will sell my new 4 roem plastered bunga low at once for $500. 620 8. 18th. WE HAVE on hand a few torn of mill run for sale, at a oargnln Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf HAVE recently listed some exception al bargains, for grain, fruit stock or dairy ranches. 1 can assist you in buying right. For best buys ee Socolofsky, Boyne building. tf FARM for sale, 24 acres. 5 miles east of Salem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 oeres in cultivation, ' balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box 25A for further information. tf OWING to the continual inrronso in tour shoe dyes, labor nnd polishes we, M.J X lt,n r,r,'a nf hnf shining to 5c straight after ,Mr 1. W. J. Halscll, Chas. Maxwell. 424 I)ST Somewhere in Aumsville, a black imitation leather pocket book containing 100. ell 20 bills. Also a W. S. S. book with $25 in stamps in David Alexander's signature. Finder please return same to O. M. Alexander, Aumsville, Or. and re ceive roward. '23 MUM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. . HAWKINS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. WANTED A man to do spading. A. 70 care Journal. . 4 24 ifVR SALE High class Collie ntinsi G. W. Brenner, Rt. S, box 30. 4 -,s FOR RENT -(Furnished housekeeping rooms. Call 131u State strict. 4-23 POT washer, and vegetable man, good wa;es. Apply Hotel Marion. 4 23 FOI SALE White spring oats. Phone W. 23 FOR SALE 1 heavy man's saddle "and hop furnace. Fhono 64F15. -24 FOR SALE Hard red brick, Phone 101F2. cheap. ,4 26 FOR SALE 114 inch wagon, new. HS5 N. Summer. nearlr 4-24 YOUXG lady wishes position as clerk or office wont. Fhone 141(5. tf FOR SALE Selected Oregon yellow dent seed corn. Phone 9JF13." 4 23 1 BUY young calves. Phono 9F3. C. C. Russell, tf LARGE modern rooms with board, 461 N. High. Phono 1627. 4 2' FOR SALE 3 fine lots, in excellent condition, and a good buy. Phono 12;iiW or cull 1263 N. 20th St. -23 TENT for sale, 40x110, black wall tent note siie beforo making inquiries. Manager Oregon theater. 4 24 FOR SALE 5 room moderp cottngo $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. II. Norris. tf YOUXQ man who attends business col lego mornings, wishes work after noons. 0-52 care Journal, tf FOR RENT 5 acres,, all in cultiva tion, close, to car lino, fine egotablo land. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf HAMBLETONIAN horse and Dingy for sale. Phone 70E32 or write Bt. 9, box 114B. tf FOR SALE About one half ton Bur 'bank seed potatoes $1.25 per hund red. Honry Hill, Cherry City feed barns. 3 24 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery. Fruitland nursery, l'i miles east of state ponitontiary. Phono 111F21. Kt. 6, Salem. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit troes, roses and si nibs. Special low price on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf 1000 LOGANBERRY tips for sale; al so stock hos. draft and driving horses, and Early Rose potatoes. W. E: Egati ft Son, Oorvais, Rt. 2, phono 3F11. 4-23 30OI rooming louse to lease, 30 rooms. partly furnished; will lease very reasonable, inquire 506 N. Com'l 8t. or phono 154'JM. tf VE PAY highest enstt prloe for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer do, 171 S. High 8t. rhone 1400. tf ?OR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. nice little house end lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf HOMESTEAD In Canada for $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling nnd locator's expenses. Fine mixed funning district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. tf A SNAP 1 have a alec 5 a-ro tract, well improved at city limits, good new house end barn, young orchard, loganberries and other fruit. Will take good trade. Price 3500. Big discount for cash. G. W. Laflar, 505 0 Hubbard bldg. tf MODERN house for sale. 8 room house lot 54x180; all modern improve ments with sun parlor; double gnr age; firoplnee, furnace, full base ment. For terms nnd inquiries call phone number 2413W. 1745 Stato street. , ''23 inn ra ' vcrtised some time ago, will be tak en off the market May first. This is a snap at SOOO, as there are im provements as well as 150 acres in crop, all tillable land being under Suttle Lake irrigation project which will be rwidy to irrigate the 1920 crops. More particulars can be had by addressing or talking to advertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your time is limited. tf LOANS-6 ROBERTS Salem, Ore. .LOOSE hy fur sale. 47FI2. 4-24 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 292 X. Church St. rhoae 5:2R. 4 2S FOR SALE 1914 Ford, good condi tion. Apply "12 State St. 3 23 I CAN use another (food f;irm hand. Phoue 31"3, C. C. Russell, tf FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, makes pound butter day, $60. 2503 State St. 4-23 FOR SALE Fine four-year old, frcsa Jersey cow; very rich, heavy milk er, gentle. 203 State St. 4-23 10 ACRES S acres in loganberries, 2 .res full bearing No. 1 berries, 3 miles on Jefferson rosd, S3 rods east See owner, F. R. Stark. 4-25 40 ACRES good berry and prui.e land for sale. Will 3c!l in small tracts or whole piece. Phone 23MJ. 5 19 FOR SALE Auburn touring car, in first class shape. Highway garage. tf POSITION wanted as nihtwatehman or light janitor work. W. E. Dueh ien, 666 N. Sjinmer St. Salem 4-23 WANTED Loan of V'O on real es tate, good security. Call at 247 N. Commercial. tf NEAT, capable elderly lady wants light housework, good cook. Phone 1302 The Leonard. 4 23 1 YOUNG Holstein and Jersey cow, fresh eiht weeks, price )ii5. Call 70FJ1. 4-25 SMALL ranch and house and 2 lots in Sulcm to trade for farm iu Kansas. Phono 5 It'll. 4 25 FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow See Chas. lioM 355 Chemeketn. 533 WANT Experienced men's furnish ings and shoe man, give reference and salary expected. L-141 Journal. 4-23 COWS for sale; several fresh Jersey cows, fresh and coining fresh. In quire at 554 Ferry St. back of Clear wator !aru. 4-24 FOR SALE 4 acres bearing cherry orchard, good location, rock road, 4 miles out. Price 1300. W. H. Gra benhorst ft Co. 275 State street. 4 23 FOR SALE 10 acre tract all enltivat ed house and barn, well, located south of Salem. Price ,J0)0. W. H Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. 4-23 FOR SALE 160 acres Lake county land lO per acre, or will trade for Salem property, any kind. W. Jfi. Duchien, 606 N. Summer St., Ha- loin. 4-23 FOR SALE 10 acre tract, nearly all cultivated, best of soil, 5 acres bear ing Italian prunes; small house. Piieo 3000. W. H. Graibenhorst ft Co. 275 State street. 4 23 FOR SALE !M acres of No. 1 land located 0 miles from Snlcm, on good road, in fjood" location, good houso and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 800 cords of w iod ready cut, all at a bargain. Write M W care Journal. tf FOR SALE Or trade on account of circumstances, will sacrifice good home in Brownsville; will trndo t,his eh'ar property for your mortgaged home if well situated; might trade for good lot close in, or acreage. Ad dresj 1335 Stato St. or phone 1136 K. tf FOR SALE Yes, this is for sole and it is going to ee.ll too.comc and see it for we want to sell it furnished or unfurnished, S3500 ' unfurnished, 000 furnished. This offer will not last but one week; you never wtw a more complete 6 room bungalow, big lot with garage; come on anil hurry. S76 North 14th St. Key one door south. Easily worth $6000. 4 23 MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER- FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAS BEDS 20e NIGHT; BE8T MEALS 35c. 5 2 ANYONE looking for a place all ready to 'set up housekeeping couldn't do better than buy the following: 10 acres good fruit land, 3 room house, good well, barn aid wagon shed, wood house, chick house and park; shade trees around house and barn, good garden in and fences in nece sary places, 1 '-j acres strawberries, some lognns, gooseberries, raspber ries, blackberries, pears, plum, ap ples and cherries. Everything is in first clam condition and 3 miles south of Salem. No incumbrances and can give possession at once. 2500. Terms if desired. 3-XIV eare Journal. tf SALEsI AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a ear corns and see me. Buick roadster, 1914, SSj 2 1914 Studebnkers. 250 and 275 Overland g"ood as new 700 1916 Ford, good n new, 475 1915 Bnd 1915 Fords, 375 1915 Buick, first class condition too 1016 Maxwell, mechanically per fect, tw) Detroit-Abbott J225 Lots f others, come and sea uf Open till 9 evening Fhone 867 ds BIG FIR stove wood for sale. Ffcone 64F14. 42 KINDLING wood for sale $1 per load, corner Commercial and Chemoketa. 4-29 WANTED Woman for washing and house work. Phone 244. 4 25 RABBITS FOR SALE 544 State St. 5 1 TOR RALE Furniture and man's bi cycle. Call mornings or after 6 p. . at 335 .Richmond Ave. -24 WILSON strawberry plants for sale. O. L. Martin, Macleay, Oregon. Phone 26F4. 4 26 WANTED 2 young men about 21 years or more, to work in pool hall under reson Electric depot; must be able to play some themselves; 8 hour shifts. See proprietor, Win. Livoek. 24 HAVE on hand 10OO each, Loganberry tips, red Cuthbert raspberry ud Wilson strawberry plants. If taken at once will sell for half price. Rt. 6. box S'S, Win. A. Bond. 4 23 INVEST in victory bonds. Buy a pi ano on easy payments; some very fine bargains in bigh grade pianos. The Wiley B. Allen Co. 51!) Court St store hours 1 to 6 p. m. 4 25 WHY not build a silo and save hayf W. I). Smith, 303 Salem Bank of I Commerce bulling. Government' monev at 5iJ percent, payable in 34 ' years". 4 22 FOR SALE Quick at sacrifice, 15 acres oil cultivated, 6 acres grain, 2V6 acres strawberries, 1 acre pota toes. Write H. Crane, Aumsville,1 Or. 4-28, FOR SALE By owner, 7 lots and 7 ' room modern house, full size imse ment. near school, large barn; 36' bearing fruit trees; a bargain at 1 4000 if taken at once. 2015 N.; Com'. 4 24 FOR EXCHANGE 295 acres in Doug las county, Oregon, about 12 miles from Jtoscburg, with good farm buildings; 125 acre of creek bottom now in crop, balance upland pasturo and timber, watered by creek and wells; will trade for land in Kansas, I Oklahoma or Colorado, must be well j improved. Price 20,000. W. A. Liston,' agent, Snlcm. Ore. 4-26 YOU ARE GOING To lose the opportunity to purchase that modern house at 1133 Court St. for $5500 on your own terms! Un less you do so within a few days it will be taken off the markot. It is worth more money and property val ues are going up. The same will ap ply to the beautiful home at M. 1263 Court Bt. for $4500 . See PLANT artichokes if yon want cheap hog feed. Both top, and tubers make splendil feed. I have a few bushels loft. Phone 622 or 254. tf THIS MUST GO Five room modern "bungalow, fire place, furnace, closo in on a beauti ful lot. Its a 'Bargain. 60 acres on river bottom, in cultiva tion; the best buy in Marion county, two miles from city 1150 per acre on good terms. 45 acres on Turner rond, fair im provements, close in; US per if sold soon. 15 acre tract of the finest berry lan;l, joining city limits, in cultiva tion. No improvements. 7 acres with modern bungalow, gar- age, chicken house, uurn, has one acre of fine bearing family orchard, Sen JCTIIW If SCOTT EEALTT CO. 404 Hubbard building Have just listed 60 acres fine Log or st raw berry j""5- ' r.' ' . S tlill, IH ' I ' 1 Ml", Kl . w - - a great help to get started along with your salary. 15 acres, 6 ;res in 8 year old cher ries, 6 in 8 year old prunes, 4 at raw berries; house, barn well. Only 3'j mlies from Salem, 3730. Jf you put off buying this till the crop is further advanced you can't buy it at those fligures. Get busy, make the advance yourself. 70 acres, 50 good tillable bind, fl acres cleared, 1,000,000 ft. saw tim ber; 3 miles from railroad town. Will take liibcrtv bonds, exchange for acreage near .Salem. f you have mortmiiro vou want to get rid of the owner will assume it or pay dif- il. linker. It define as its objects to f ference, or will exchange for fcSalem j cooperate with the federal government i residence or vacant lots. in securing employment and nid in 50 acres all in cultivation, good ,t: .'.dishing homes for returning soldiers ! house, barn, the best of valley loam; !Bml sailors; to acquire by purchase, ! 5 miles from .Salem, only Win per git t or right of eminent d.uiiiiiii, Un.isj ere. This is the finest of walnut jnn.l other property for the purpose of or berry land, berries growing on carrying on its work; to riicn siid im adjoining farm illustrates that. Lrovo by dr.-unage or irrigation agri- I sen not a'lvertiM everything have listed. Have a number of el- ceptionally good buys for- the small investor, jr tne oem ouy is wuki you want call on SOCOLOFSKY Bayne building -l&r aa Plnmbtng and Watet (Systems Iriatalleo by GRAB EH BROS, 141 South Liberty Bt, Fbone 650. Also agent for Fair banks-HoTM Oas Engljiea. fr- .MMS M -'nr-srf N auonai lamsfiiam This Week Emphasises America's Staple Fabrics RECEIVED The most 'beautiful and charming line of ress Skirts This showing must be seen to be appseciated The Highest Quality of made up in Unique and Center. The house that has Something new every day. We Please Others! Why Not You? WIDOWiEB 55 years, wishes to corre spond with xmo widow in the thir ti.s wishing permanent home. Mu ni. linn preferred. No objection to 1 or 2 children. 4 care Journal. 4-24 BREW YOUR OWN LAGER 22 CENTS A GALLON! 'Finest you ever tasted, easily ninde at home. Delicious, satisfying, invigo rating; all tho flavor, sparkle nnd -snap VPm nxer MWr urew ... .Not to De compared usun r"l le'iF 1 crlcsa ilait Ilops Kxtra. t u.ul fo low the suople .1,- ri-i-i ituiB. i' i Isomer dunk than you ever bought i n ruinous. ! me, clear color; nth. creamy ifonm. KitrHH itse lf ronlaius no uleo- i hoi and can be sent to any "dry SCO- tion. One package makes 7 jjalloin genuine lia r, an. nop. ., , k..,u I inn i rt'tiuv rniriirs iiir im . ' or C. O. 1). l.5 charges, " WVtXOIsTA MALT PRODUCTC CO. I .- S. Western Ave. hi, ago, .4 . 1 I.. Write for attractive; W" u"'f t State House Notes rromiiient among the list of mrpo- rations recorded at the stale house thii week is Hint of the Oregon baml net - tlemcut foinmisst'.oii, with a . ,npltli stock of fo(l,lNM). ine.irporiuors are 1 Emerv 01niitead, Whitney L. Boise, Hobt. N. Htnnfiiil.l, Chns. Hull and i. Icnltural IniuU for the purpose of set- tlement; to lay out ii'l i.llir tor ;m tracts and towiwites. Tlie headquarters of tho incorporation is cVilem. Other coiiipanics filing articles of in enrporation are the Pendleton Elevator Co., Pendleton, 25,000; Oregon Rub ber Co., Portland 100,00(1; Victory Lumber Co., i laAamas cenniy, I.'.oiKI I'nion Building t Contracting Co., Portland, 5.WO; alapoia Cooperative Eschnnge, Brownsville, .'000; North west Welding ft Hupply Co., 15.H0II; Pilot Rock Elevator 'o.. Pilot iwk, I'mntilla county, $'Z,W; I'nion Mo tor Oo. La flrande, 100,000; pacific Coast 'onn Co., with assets of $62, 71), dissolved; Hraly Auto company, Portland, dissolved; ulla))y Lake t'ran berry Co.,- Astoria, 40,010; Henton LeT.niple Auto Co., Portland, ::f)00. ftiqirrinten lent Churchill has ju?t no tifie.l iVdonol f. A. Howard in .upo kane that five Oregon b'tuh schools Salem Eugene, McMinnville, 1a'lrande and The lMlb-s had filed applications 1 fT BY TODAY'S Materials in the Very Newest and Accepted Fabrics, Appealing StylesThe last word from Fashion's ,i . i ; 4 You can always Fx XlOOODlCOOD for.tlio government equipment to be alloted to schools that are to take up military Iwork. It is expected that thejio consignments of equipment will no ready for issuance in time for the opening of school in September. Pendleton Attorney Holds OlcoU Should Serve FuT Terra Of Late Governor ! . One of the ul.lest ami most conclusive une or tne uuiesr aim must conciusivu brH, cv,r presented in tho supreme j(,0II.j j t n t of Judge Stephen A. low - L,Ui ()f 1VmJiul(mi dt.alillJ ,vith 10 rneni v rnsn or u cotr vs. l oir. J no I w r i t centers his document tiMn the precedent of Clmdwick vs. Earhart, l'f governor hois compelled to Coiltlnuo Ore. .WJ. holiliMLr that vben the office :.. ti,. V ..... , , 'i.i . . ui KiiTiiiiur ur.mvra uu uiu ni-ci . iu i jr of state, us in this instance, ho hulilx ()h (ff.(.c ,n iU M(), ,n M( ()f . jfii iul capacity. This, he sa.ys, is the opinion of one of tho most learned uid able jurists that ever occupied tho bench in the northwest, and has been accepted as law during n third of a ecu- tury. He points out that the evident intent of the f miners of the constitu - lion wus to economize in state govern- incut ill putting the duties of a deceased "overnor unim the secretary of state, and we have no occasion to.ln.y to under- rwWvrVSt?i' HS HS n i The shoes which you have been looking for so B long are here at last and going pretty fast so you g had better come in and make your selection now. r These shoes are made under the "UrJockcd Pro- f cess," and is flexible orthopedic, corrective method S of foot fitting, having sockets for the bones of the foot, thus eliminating the tendency of the foot to $ roll in the shoe in walking. (r 1 i j ft A shoe that is recomiricndecLby the best ortho- U pedic specialists in this country. ll Good-bye bunions and these shoes. WE DO SHOE REPAIRING VHOME U f! I W aOtojr 4 tt i Piece Goods LADIES and CHILDREN 5 APRONS. ETC. EXPRESS do better at lake to analyze what other motive, pol icy or expectation they may have had as to the outworking of that arrange ment. The constitutional referenco in to the individual nnd not to the office. It therefore follows thnt when tne (ii dividtml becomes governor, t in this) case, he' takes the office witli all it powers and prerogatives and holds It fur the balance of the gubernatorial term not the secretarial term. Among tho I powers of this office is that of filling , vm. ,,,, in lu,i,e positions. ,.,.,,;, in nublie positions. A vacan- v , fr0, tt Vttrietv of causes: 1 among others It may cotno aboi.. t tj,r.Kil r,.,iyr,uioi,. There ,. ,,oll,i)f i.. ,t. u,nii., ... i,. it,., .., the secretnrv nsKiitncs the on...i " "" "'"'""" nin clliUT or llOth (If tllClll. Ull tlo ,,.i.. ). has tho ronstiliitinniil rielit to hold both of them. But if he fit t n.igii the office of secretary f H l(tt.. then in his capiuily ana in t, line of his clulv as governor, h nuist, fill the vacancv created, according ( ,;, ,.(,,,,). (. ,0,, is fho enix of Ihe whole mutter. j The sailing veni 1 Ft. Nicholas lets A-loria Wednesday with a crew of 200 fishermen, who will spend five month in the work at Nushagak Alaska. callouses if you wear il AND DO IT WELL OF QUALITY .