TKE DAJLY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1910. I The Journal New Today Ads JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING EMUS! IN MARION C0UN1Y-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CI.AHSITIEP "ADVEETISlNa RATES Et per word New Today: XKfc iniertioa , It M week (4 insertioas) ... . 5c Oil month (26 insertion) 17c The Capited Journal will lot be re poaaible for nor than ene insertion, or error im Classified Advertisement Bead yonr advertisement the first da; It ppears and notify ni immediately it error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c WANTED Cattle anil ealvcs any kind. Phone 1070 W. 5 2 VTHITB Indian Runner ducks for sale. 1081) Norway St. 4 24 TAKEX VP 2 torrtl, bald face colts. Phone TtirTl. 4 24 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone 704 . 5 16 WANTED Roomers and boardfrs, 495 N. Cora'l. Phone Hit. tf I II I . .1 FARM band wanted. Call Snlem 3F3 C. C. Ku&Mil. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. WUI pay top price. 1'hone 133UJ. tf FOR SALE Pansy plants. Maruny, 211 Miller St. 430 8TRBHTB garage, 420 S. Coml. All kinds of repair work. 4 26 FREB BOOKLET 'Care Blv Chicks 544 Btate St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller, phone 827J 1163 N. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5 5 WANTED Poultry, eggs, hides and veal, heavy hens, 32c; light hens Sle. Ohorrry City feed barn. tf FOR RENT Clean apartments for clean people at the Miller, 633 Ker ry St. tf FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain same by describing same at this office and paying for ad. tf FOB SALE Three quarter ten truck. In first ok! shape, $200. Highway garage. tf FOR RENT Or sale residence at 360 N. Capitol St. one block from Cap ital, tf WANT To secure at once, a $2000 loan en good farm security. Socolof sky, Bayne bldg. ' tf WANTED Experienced grafters at ' Frnitland nursery. Phone 111F21, 8 lem Et 0. tf FOUND Hat for miea, Wednesday afternoon. Owner eall st Journal of fice and pay for ad. tf FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Cmpital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. ti WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll pward. Buren'i Furniture Store-, 179 Commercial. tf t'OR SALE Or will trade for liberty bonds 6 acres in Hollywood. Call nt Clarke Tire House, 319 N. Com mercial. 4 22 FOR SATE Am leaving town, will sell my new 4 nxin plastered bunga low at once for $500. 620 S. I8ih. 25 WE HAVE on hand ft few tons of mill ran for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 Sonth High 8t. Phone 1400. tf nAVE recently listed some exception al bargain, for grain, fruit stock or dairy ranches. I can assist you in baying right. For best buys see Soeolofsky, Bayne building. tf FARM for sale, 24 acres. 5 miles east of Salem, new building!", 9 room bungalow. 14 ocres in cultivation, balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box 25A for further information. tf OWINfl to the continual increase in tour shoe dyes, labor and polishes we re forced to raise the price of shoe ahining to 15c straight after May 1. W. J. HalscU, Cbaa. Maxwell. 424 TjOST Somewhere in Aumsville, a Mack imitation leather pocket book containing $100, ell $20 ills. Also a. VV. S. 8. book with $25 in stamps in David Alexander's signatare. Finder please return same to O. 31. Alexander, Aumsville, Or. and re ceive reward. -23 SLtFJUH WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY' $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. 41 TTTT1 IT ACT ATTfJ T A t H.TC HATOS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. It s WANTED Experienced girl in house worn. 745 s. Com I. . tf FOR SALE Milk cows. Phone 105' I 16. - 4-22 ! I BUY young calves. C. C. Russell, ITione 3F3. it LARtiK modern rooms with board, 461 Ilvgn. i'hone 1027. 4 2 WANTED A d;sh washer at Jtoyale Cafeteria, steady work for light par- j ty. ' 4 22' FOR SALE 3 fine lots, in excellent j eonditiou, and a good buy. 1 hone 123W or call 1263 N. 20th St. 23 ' WANTED Rubber tire, top buggy, in 1 good condition . Must be cheap for cash. Phone 19F13. 4 22 TENT for sale, 40x110, black wall tent nolo sire before making inquiries. Manager Oregon theater. 4 24 FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. II. Norris. tf WANTED Player piano, etate make, price and condition. Address Piano caro Journal. 4-22 YOUNG man who attends business col lego mornings, wishes work after noons. C-52 care Journal. tf FOR RENT 5 acres, all in cultiva tion, close to car lino, fine vegetable land. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf HAMBLETONIAX horse avid Duggy for sale. Phono 70F32 or write lit. 9, box 1MB. tf FOR SALE About one half ton Bur 'bank seed potatoes $1.25 per hund: red. Henry Hill, Cherry City feed bams. 3 24 FOR SALE Or rent, store building with living rooms, furnished or un furnished, in connection; also gar age. CaU 335 S. 19th. 4 22 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prone trees for fall delivery, Frnitland nursery, lVj milee oast of stato penitentiary. Phone 111F21. Rt. 6, Salem. tf .VORTUWESTERN Nursery, Rt 6. Fruit trees, rosea and shrubs. Special low prices on certain line, Phone 111F3. . tf WOOD CUTTERS wanted to eu eec ond growth fir; fine timber; 60 days work, $2 per cord. 3 blocks from end of 12th St. car line. T. L. David son. 4-22 1000 LOGtANBERKY tips for sale; al so stock hogs, draft and driving hors.'s, and Early Rose potatoes. W. E. F.gan & Son, (iervais, Rt. 2, phone 3F11. 4-23 lOOD rooming honse to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com'l St. or phone 154!)M. tf E PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette rranfer Co, 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. tf 'OR SALE At 12(i0 Jefferson St. ft nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; eet quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator 8 expenses Fine miiod farming district. Partic ulars at mv office, only. L. v . Niuineyor, Masonic building. tf A SN'AI' I have a nice 5 a-re tract, well improved at city limits, good new house and barn, young orchard, loganberries and other fruit. Will take good trade. Price $3300. Big discount for cash. G. V . Laflnr, 503 Hubbard bldg. tf MXM'KltX house for sale 8 room house lot 54xlH0; aft modern improve ments with sun parlor; double gar age; fireiplnce, furnace, full baao raent. For terms and inquiries call phone number 2413W. 1745 State street. 4 23 THE 480 acre in Jefferson county ad vertised some time ago, will be tnk en off the market May first. This is ft enp at $S000, s there are im provements ae well as 150 acres in crop, all tillable land being nndef Buttle Lflke irrigation project, which will be ready to irrigate the 1920 crops. More particulars can be had by addressing or talking to advertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your time ia limited. . tf m& tlTini TTJTT V ROBERTS Salem, Ore. fcJUMJM - "-r 4 24 FUR SALE White spring oats. Phone 3tK3 . 23 FOR SALE 1 heavy man's saddle and hop furnace. Phone 64F15. 4-24 FOR SALE Hard red brick, cheap, rhone 101F2. 4-2 FOR SALE A No. 1 cow. Et. 7, tKi 17. 4 22 FOR SALE 1V inch wagon, nearly new. 14S3 N. Summer. 4 24 YOUNO lady wishes position as clerk or office worn. Phone 1446. tf FOR SALE -Selected Oregon yellow dent seed corn. Phone WF13." 4 23 KP' V KXT Furnished rooms, 292 N. Church St. Phone 522R. 4-2S FOR SALE 1914 Ford, good condi tion. Apply 712 State St. 3 23 1 CAN use another good farm hand. Phono 3F3, C. C. Russell. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, makes pound butter day, $0j. 2)Uj btate St. 4-23 FOR SALE Fine four-year old. fresh Jersey cow; very rich, heavy milk er, gentle. 203 State St. 4 23 LOST Blue serge vest with ehaiu and charm. 146 Center St. Phouc lo2o. 422 10 ACRES 8 acres in loganberries, 2 acres full bearing No. 1 berries, 3 miles on Jefferson road, 80 rods east See owner, F. R. Staik. 4-25 WANTED Some hop stoves, must be in good condition. 360 Washington St. 4-22 40 ACRES good berry and prui.e land for sale. Will m-ll in small tracts or whole piece. Phone 2381J. 5 19 LOGANBERRY tips, $20 per thousand ror sale, nans fopp, uervais, nt. 2. 4-22 FOB SALE Auburn itouring ear, in first class shape. Highway garage. tf LOST Agate lavallicr ana chain, prob ably on State St., Saturday. Find er phono 12F14. 4-22 FOR 8ALE 3 Jersey cows, fresh; one Durham cow, fresh. 2015 N. Com mercial. 4 22 GOOD team, 9 years old, weight 2100 lbs., for sole; will work any place; also good hack and 'harness. Bar gain at $115. Phone 12F5. 4-22 Foil HALE 40 sera farm, welt Wt ed, close to Salem, and a modern S room bungalow, close in. Address Owner care Journal. 4 2J WOULD like to trade four room house, close in, for larger property, close in anil pay difference. Address E Z care Journal. . 4 22 FOR SAI.Jl'-wt prr nf K 1 Inn located 0 miles from Salem, on good roml, in good location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm . implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs round 500 corns or wioa rcaiiy cut, ull at i bargain. Write M W care Journal tf FOR SALE Or trade, on account of circumstances, will sacrifice good home in Brownsville; will trade U'is clear property for your mortgaged home if well situated; might trade lor good lt close in. or acreage. Ad dresg 1333 State Ht. or phone 1136 H. tf FOR Sf.E Ve. Iliil i for t! ami "it is going to sell too.conie nnd see it for we want to sell it furnished or unfurnished, f.;.il)il unfurnirhnd, $4, (HiO furnished. This offer will not lust but one week: von never sow A nmrM ffiintilnla It rnmn KimrtnliLiv 1 v " -"v.--. -..'", big lot wrtb gnrngo; some on and hurry. R70 North 14th St. Key one door south. Kassly worth I(I00. 4 20 MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 5 2 ANYONE looking for a place all ready to set up housekeeping foulda'i, do better than buy the following: 10 acres good fruit land, 3 room house, good well, burn and wagon shed, wood house, chick house and park; shade trees around bouse and barn, good garden in and fence in neces sary places, 1 Mi acres strawberries, some logans, gooseberries, raspber ries, blackberries, pears, plum, ap ples and cherries. Everything is In first class condition and S'4 miles south of Salem. No incumbrances and can give possession at once. $2500. Terms if desired. 3-X1V care Journal. tf SALEB AUTO EXOIANGE 229 State Street If yon want to boy or Mil ear some and see me. Hoick road-ter. 1914. $25 2 1914 Stndebakcrs. $250 and $275 Overland (frmd as new $700 19K Ford, fnod as new, $473 1915 and 1915 Fords. $375 1615 Buick, first class condition (M 1916 Maxwell, mechanically per fect. Detroit Abbott $225 Lot of otaera, come and eee Open till 9 evening' Phone 867 LOOSE hav for sale. 47F22. FOR plowing or orchard work with traitor, eaU 17F14. 5 2$ YOUNG woman neat and capable, to help in kitchen. Hotel Marion. 4 23 WANTED A mis to do spading. A- i care Journal. 4 FOR SALE High class Collie pups it. w. Brenner, Rt. 5, box 30. 4-o FOR RENT 'Furnished housekeeping rooms. Call 1510 State strict. 4-23 POT washer and vegetable man, good wages. Apply Hotel Mama. 4 23 POSITION .wanted at nightwatchnian or light janitor work. W. E. Dark ien, 666 N. Summer St. Salem 4 23 NEAT, capable elderly lady wants light housework, good cook, l'hone 1hu2 The Leonard. 4 23 YOUNO Holstein aud Jersey cow, fresh eight weeks, price $65. ( all 70F31. 4 25 SMALL ranch and house and 2 lots in Salem to trade for farm in Kansas. Phone 51F11. 4 25 FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow See Cbas. llifl 3jo Chemekeia. .. . a WANT Exrienced juen 's furnish- ings and shoe man, give reference and salary expected. L-141 Journal. COWS for snle; several fresh Jersey cows, fresh and coming fresh. In quire at 554 Ferry St. back of Clear water 1mm. 4-24 FOR SALE 4 acres bearing cherry orchard, good location, rock road, 4 miles out. Price $1300. W. H. Ura - benhorst k Co. 275 State street. 4 23 FOR SALE 10 acre tract all cultivat ed house and barn, well, located south of Salem. Price $2000. W. H. Orabenhonrt & Co. 275 State St. 4-23 FOB SALE 160 acres Lake county land $10 per acre, or will trade for Salem property, any kind. W. E. Duehien, 666 N. Summer St., Sa lem. 4 23 FOB KENT Until October 1st furn ished or unfurnished six room house, one block from state house. CaU to morrow on premise 95 Choineketa. 422 FOR SALE 10 acre tract, nearly all, cultivated, best of soil, 3 acres bear ing Italian prunes;, email house. Pnce $.1000. W. H, Oraibonhorst Co. .275 State street,..., 4 23 ONE acre home place for sale on rens-! orutbla term or exchange for auiau acreage. 8 room house, every con venience. All kind of fruit, berries and garden. On paved street nenr ear line and school. Phone 2440, owner. . i 4-22 WOOD choppers wanted to eut nice , second growth fir? $4 per cord; long . or abort job. Mill reserve timber ' and sell land at $75 per acre on very easy terms. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. . INVEST in victory bonds. Duy a pi ano on easy paviiionf; some ' very fine bargains in hi nil grade pinnns. The Wiley Ii. Allen Co. 51U Court St. store huurs 1 to 6 p. m. 4 25 WHY not build a silo and save hayf W. D. Smith, 303 Salom Bank of Commerce ibuiV-ling. tl'wvernment money at 5U, percent, pnvable in 34 yiars". " 4 22 FOR SALE Quick at encrifice, 15 acres all cultivated,, 6 acres grain, 2 i acres strawberries, 1 acre pota toes. Writi! H. Ciaue, Aumsville, Or. 4 2S FOR SALE By owner, 7 lot and 7 room modern house, full si?.e Imse nieiit, near school, large barn;, 36 bearing fruit trees; a bargain nt $4000 if taken at once. 2015 N. Com'l. 4 24 DOHA UEAV McCLTCIIIXKN, teacher of liaito, a new and logical met hurl for both pupil and teacher, making clear all basic principle necessary to a musiial education, and giving the "music teacher" something to teach. 421 Court St. Phone 352. YOU ARE GOING To lose the opportunity to purchase that modern bouse at 1133 Court St. for $5500 on your own termsf Un less you do so within a few day it will be taken off the market. It ia worth more money and proj-erty val ues are going up. The same will ap ply te the beautiful home at N. 1263 Court St. for $4500. See PLANT artichokes if yon want thcap hog feed. Both top( and tuber make splendil feed. I have a few bushels left. Phone 622 or 354. U The Journal testified ad are a great favorite with people who $ do things Try ear BRICGS AUTO WOOD-SAW AHadunent Om wmmm llmJs lMa, M iwtim. Coes AajwlcTt Aaj Auto. BRIGGS I EURTEE CO, be, Kitttfactirers 2?9 Rswthorn An., Portland. lBCvase wirbt nd trccth of thin d,f!0?, tvrvuirs fhh'K It Is tJ only eijrpLi-ie una t pficvrbt tt-at lWdt th tieiT' ii!ret, t'ie chtiiit-.-iHv pur form ot pfio$phj.L aula ratty found ia bmfn end nerve cell. SolJ by Hmszltt antler a painiH tv of sntisfuvtioft or mi'ijr buck. I maud tti rfnutu ftlTK rhvphiit. ttw klatt that pbyak'Uint presvnb For Thin People Mystery Surroirds Death Of ; Coast Guard Shot In Head San Francisco, April 22. (United; Press.) James O. Harris, memrter of; the United States coast guard, died atl the marine hospital today of a .gunshot! wound ia the head. j Harris staggered to the hospital early j today weakened by loss of Mood. Ac cording to hospital attaches he refused to tell how he received the wound. MUNICIPAL SYSTEII (Continued from page cne) treats. He found the cider was not of the moonshine variety but was of the ;kind with raisins. roducing thereby the desired kick. He also reported that (,ne could buy a go ut drunk in Salem I(" "'" -W cents to $!. lie blames i,u.t i . , . . . . . i uriKioH tor me real noose found Ju the nty. When that citv wot a uood "upi'Iy. some of it ciime to Salem I the ways and means committee of I the council reporUd against allowing 4 23:l"e bill nf $15,514.11 against the uitv. or me viurKe tienery Co. This ia the company that paved Twelfth street from Mission to the south city limits. Warrant for the work were not paid for lack of funds. The report states that the company knew at the time the . living was done thut there would be litigation and there was no negligence ou the part of the city beeuuse there was no money on hand to pay the war rant tor tnis work, Taxpayeri AV Time M. E. Pogue represented a number of tax payers who petitioned the eity not to foreclose improvement liens just a the property was (becoming valu able and just when rca' -tatc was bo' ginning to move in tne norm pa. of the eity. He said it would discourage prospective purchasers if the eity be gan foreclosure proceedings and that after mo many property owners hd h,.i,l their property during slow timea, it I would not bo fair for the city to take i it away from them just as the real ea-, tato market was looking up. Mr. Pogue said the reason many had not paid wns because they did not have the money. Referring to the Oaka adila- tion, ho said that many property own-1 ers would lose- their proierty if suits were brought to foreclose imp,,,,-, meut liens. The council took no defi-1 nite action. H. H. Vanvervort wanted to knoif why there was to many dcluya in build ing sidewalk, especially when there was nbout two miles to be built and just little stretches coming in for build ing at each meeting of the council. I He didn't ret nnv sntisfuctorv ans-1 wer. Alilerman Smith said the aide-: walk building should ibe runhed. May Sell Rollers j TIio city attorney and treasurer were ' instructed to isue certificates of do-j linouency to the city on all property; in tho aks Addition improvement pro-, ject which are four years or more de linquent and to alwi take atl necessary and proper proceedings to get these de linquent liens in siinpe fur foreclosure. This means tliat tho city authorities. nave miaiiy (toeutoil to liegin nt once foreclosure proceedings in the Oaks ad dition. The city has two big rollers, pnrt of its paving plant for sale and the proposition now In fore the council is whether to accept one bid of $1500 to ho paid in gravel aud stone at. the reg ular rate or take $1000 cash. Itntlt of fers are from the same wind and grav el company. A petition nns read from the Brown ing Amusement company Bsi'.in,' for part of Court treet between Liberty rind Front from May 10 to, L'l, during the tatn convent inn ef Oild lVHiiu- W A ..,,ir,..,.,t:,1,. u. ri.l.lll Follows vigorously protest! d nguinst I granting a license. He said there would be about lolMMMd Fellows ami R-bek- nh here that, week anil thi're would lie plenty of entertainments arid things going on without an tiiniiseini-nt show. The council was with him nnd refused to grant the permit for the week. Hence, no amusements by wny of strwt shows during the stale conven tion of Oild Follows. Book Aftentg Licensed The. ordinance providing for the pay ment of a license fee for book agents and such was finally pnssed bist night. It will cost to .peddle spooks or mag azines in the rity hereafter an follows: ono day 50 cents; one week $1; one month $2; three month, $.1; six months Widower Congratulated "Hince my wife's death, five years ago, I have suffered greatly from stomaeh nnd liver trouble nnd at tacks. I lost over 50 lb., and at times wis as yeiiuw as saiiron, iy uocnirs could not help me. Hix dovs of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy have entirely cur ed me. I have regained my weight and every one is congratulating mo how well I look.' It is a simple, harmless preparation that remove the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which enures practirally aH stouiS'h, liver and inteitinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, flepital Img Htore. and druggist ev erywhere. ' The Journal Job Department will print yon anything ia tb tationry line do it right and save you real money. National Gingham Veek This Week is Set Aside "Nationally" to Emphasize B A CadlStyf J3 741 Tomorrow's Big Sale High Grade Dress Gingham 27 inches wide. Sale opens 9 a. m. Special Introductory Sale The Sphagnum Moss Girl To Introduce these SFAG - I Special Price Package of Six - Yoa can always t.; 4 IS fe J " $4 and one year $5. Again representing the Odd Fellows, ir , U':.. ...... 1 11...1 1!. .IfilA nf i . 1 . ! H-Bl him-ii lllUl l lit v. tho first band concert be moved up so as to happen the week when the state convention of Odd Fellows is held in Salem. The council was ugieoabU) to tho change. AIo to having the foun tain play in colors during the conven- tion. After several member, of the coun cil had ihcgged the pardon of the mayor for talking hcpwi table, to each oth er, it was voted to adjourn until Thursday evening of thi netk to lahe up some matters regarding the propos ed measure to place the salary of ull city officials in the hand of the city council. As the charter now read, the council has nothing to say about the salaries of the city martini ami cny recor(,,r COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Sidelight nt the meeting of the city fathers Inst evening: Alderman Hi moral: Tie Victrola in the next room ii making too much noise. 1 move that Chi f of Pol.ce Vax ney be instructed to tell the fire boya to postpone the concert until after the meeting of the city i iitncil. Aldermnn Wiest to Alderman Vi.nder vort: I'll bet you don f inuw wmtt Wr are voting on. Alderman Wil in: Mr. Mayor, IM like to know what the ordinance ii nbout. I was taking to Dr. Vtter whi r, it was rend. Alderman Utter: What are wo vot ing onf Ablermon Wilson: I move wo ad lonrn. ' Aldermen Wiest: I think I catch his , point if nnybody else doesn't. He want? to know if we adjourn this meeting uu AMERICA'S GREAT FABRIC GINGHAMS We shall specialize on this fabric this week, in PIECE GOODS; DRESSES, APRONS and CHILDREN'S DRESSES All made in the United States CLew bj SFAG-NA-KINS A Sphagnum moss sani tary napkin The "Sfag-na-kins" will be found to prove greatly superior to any thing else on the market 1 t0 3-0ne "Sfag-na- kin" will be found equiv alent to 3 or more ordi nary cotton sanitary napkins. ' NA - KINS for do better at . . f-5 . jtil 8 o'clock Thursday. Alderman l iter: " 1 want a ruliiir from the chair. As I understand it. Hint Thursday is a distinct meeting. Aldermnn Roberts: It is uu adjourn ed meeting. Alderman Vnndervort: 1'ndcr what i hei;d are we. What is the next order of business I Alderman Wilson: I move we do now adjourn. Alderman Wiest: I wish to bog tin riardon of tho mayor for talking too hastily to other members. All Aldermen: f-nme here. Mayor Albin: Thia session of th citv council in hereby adjourned until Thuriduy evening nf thia week at 8 o 'clock. rheumatic pains Dwellings gout When the agony is almost unbear able and the ains sharp and picrc i.ii or incessantly gnawing, llegy's .VnstHrine discs give iiirk and bles sed relief. One small box proves it. To stop any extreme pain use Bigy's Mustariue once and you'll never again w:ite time with lini nciits, plasters or slow (siting out tits of any kind. He sure its llegy's always in the yellow loi.