Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 21, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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MONDAY, APKIL 21, 1919.
(Djc ZJaitenilol Ifoiinial
We have a nice line of
Girls White Ore
That will please the girls for
We have a fine assortments of patterns in lawns and voiles, daintily trimmed
so you Vill like them. Prices range from $1.98 to $11.50
Girls white canvas slippers .1.23 to $2.98
Girls white canvas shoes $1.23 to $3.98
Girls slippers in black and brown $1.69 to $2.98
AD Around Town
April 22 Annual home-o.!n-
lug of Salem Elks.
April 22 Christisa Science
lecture, opera house, g p. m.
April 27 Humana Sunday.
f May S Celebratioa at Cham-
F& anniversary .
May 3 Last day rn which
to regiater far special election
May 2 S Junior week end,
Willamette university.
May 19 23 I. 0. 0. F. Grand
Lodge session.
June 3 Special state elee-
be submitted to the people and will
be on the June 3 bailot. The only way
the city charter may be amended i
by a vute of the people. '
White & Emsiett will ship all kinds
of live stock turdav; top prices paid,
rtone H2aM. 4 24
(J Incorporate
iiMiwr- - n Hi n hi it. i
I Just Received a fine Line of Ladies' Dctaan Coats. Prices speak for Themselves
Mrs. W. E. Hansen and her mother
pent Runduy in Portland, having been
called thoro last week by the death of
Mrs. W. F. Ramsdon left Saturday
to make a aliort visit with friends in
Chas. Aroherd returned tills morning
from a brief business and pleasure trip
to Portland.
Mrs. W. K. Baron eamo in Satur
day from Albany to spend a few daya
with friend, in town.
Mrs. W. I. Needham and her moth
er, Mrs. John Pniley, have been spend
ing several dny with friends end rub
tives in Portland.
Mr. end Mrs. Irwin flriffith are
visiting this week with relatives at
North Bend.
K. H. Kennedy has recently return
ed from France where he was connect
ed with the telegraph battalion
for about a year, nud has again taken
over his dry claning plant oil east
State street. He reports an unevent
ful career in France, not having oppor
tunity to see much of the country or
to get into the fitting rone,
A. C. Ilohrnsteilt is spending thu
week in Eugene and other vnlley points
on business connected with the feder
al loan work.
Died :
niTOHIEWilliam Franklin Ritchie,
fathpr of J. W. Ritchie, Oregon
Electric Agent, at the home of bis
son April 19, 1919, at the age of 72
years. He had been in failing health
for several months.
Besides his eon, J. W. Ritchie,' ho
i survived by a daughter, ISiira Hello
Tho funeral services were held this
afternoon from tho Friends church and
burial was in the Odd Fellows remo
ter v.
Mr. Ritehio was born in West Vir
ginia Oct.. IS, 1H12, and moved with
his parents to Ft. rlcott, Kansas, when
13 years of Ho enmo to Sale 11
years ago.
m m s. s
We consider each
trust a sacred obli
gation. V fulfill
our duties in an able
dignified manner.
Our record for fair
dealing is well
known. Fairness in
everything is the
motM of this organization.
4 A
HKRRIN'flEU At one of the city hos
pitals, April 21, 1919. Benjamin
Franklin Bcrrlngor, at the ago of
47 years.
A few days age Mr. and Mrs. Ber
ringer were thrown out of their 'buggy
in a run away near his home at Lyons
and Mr. iBcrringer sustained a frac
ture in each leg. He was brought to a
hospital in Hnlcm and it was found
necessary to amputate ono of tho legs.
Ho did not recover from tho shock of
the operation and died Sunday re
nins. He Is survived by his wife, w m
step children, his father, Frank Ber
ringer, a brother 0. E. Berr'nger, and
a sister, oil living nt Meliama. Also a
brother living in San Francisco,
The body 1s nt the undertaking fir
lors of Webb k ('touch today. Tho
funeral services will be held Wednes
day nt the Fox Valley cemetery where
the burial will tnke place.
HKIAIKI! At his home seven miles
south of Turner, fl. E. Heltner,
April 21 1919.
He had been in failing health for the
past two years. The funeral services
are in charge of Webb & Clough. Bur
ial will bo nt Rosedalo Tuesday,
Dr. Carl O. Doncy, who preached the
Enter sermon at tho First Methodist
church In Portland yesterdsy, was
greeted with one of the greatest au
diences in the history of the church,
Tho building was beautifully decorat
ed with flowers and the choir present
ed a magnificent program of secial
A dainty basket lunch waa served to
an informal gathering of Willamette
student Hundiiy evening by Miss Ina
Moore at apartments at "All Inn."
The lunch was served in several cours
es followed by an Easter cake baked
bv Miss Anderson. Following th
luncheon the rartv adjourned to the
church. Those were Laura Arney,
Pearl Anderson, Paydlc Peringer, Odell
! Savage, Charlotte Croisnn, Mary Pul
lman, lXavid Lawson, Ralph Thomas,
Hike Oliling, Paul 1'legel, Howard
Mort, Russell Rarcy, Harlnu Fisler ond
tint hostess.
Joseph ELscle of Dallas, a raimer, age
30 and Anna Miller, of Gervnn, ngo IS,
woro todoy granted a license to marry.
Tho marriage will take place at Corvnis,
May t),
The Oregon Life Insurance company,
through its local tigent, Sim Phillips,
has subscribed for 10U0 of the Fifth
Liberty loan bonds.
Fresh strawberries are In the market
today. They were grown near iajs An
geles and tho retail price is 25 cents a
Clifford Compton of Scto decided he
would like to see service oversells and
henco enlisted in tho infantry for three
years. Ho has a brother ia the urtil
lery. Eurl Doyle also enlisted for over
seas doty. The new recruits are first
given five weeks of training luid then
sent to Camp Moade and thoro held un
til 1000 recruits arrive. They arc then
sent over seas.
A marriage license has been Issued to
John Orville Lacey, ago 21, an niitomo
bile denier of Hnlcm and Gladys Mary
Graham,, age 17, of Hnlcm. They were
married at tho parsonage of tho Fiist
Methodist church.
Mm. W. B. Lindsay of 1919 Center
street, has just received a wire from
her son, Rnlph W, Lindsay, forward
ed by radio from tho V. 8. B. Charles
ton, sending Ktister greetings, stating
that ho was in fine condition and ex
pected to lnnd in New York snrno time
today. He has been with the 411th tel
egraph battalion in France.
Tho Willamette quartet, with Miss
Florence Shirley as accompanist, loft
this1 morning i'or Jtrownsvillo where
they will give their first concert. The
group is mnilo up of (liiitnve Anderson,
I'anl Sterling. Floyd Melntyre and
Harry Howies. Anderson and Bowles
have been with the organization for
four seasons, appearing in over 10 con
certs in that period. After the Browns
ville Concert thev will visit Drain,
(Iraiits Pas, Medford, Ashland and
llulsey. In addition to their quartet1
niiinlM'rs they will pr'sent a number
of nolos, readings and pinno selections.
ER1X0N & JONES, General Contractors
201 Masonic Building. rhone 121G R
Building in all its branches
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Express Service at Freight Rates
Long Distance Hauling Only
PHONE 1400
Like the kind Mother
used to make come to
Peerless Bakery
170 N. Commercial St
Everything in the bread
and pastry line.
and Cospaay
First Claaa and Up-to-Data la
every respect, and Conrteoa
Treatment Extended to Everyone
"The best" la aa yon can do when
death eomes. Call Webb ft Clough Co
Phone 120. U
Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer
Co. for quick service. tf
Oliver Matthews, a former member
of Company M, son of Prof, end Mrs.
J. T. Matthews of Willamette univer
sity, arrived in New York a few days
ago, according to a letter received by
his parents, lie saw 13 mouths ser
vice in France.
Prices on fish lowers Ling cod or
red cod sliced, 15c. Whole fish 12c
a pound.. Pitts Market. tf
Wj buy liberty bono. 311 Masonic
bldjr. tf
Get your wood for next winter now,
while prices aro lower. Phone 529. Sa
lem Fuel Yards 752 Trade St. 4-22
Clarence W. Mrlels, who died in
Poitlind April 1(1, was a former mem
ber ot the police force and well known
in the city. Ho was born May 27, 1871,
at Macon City, Missouri. His second
marriage was to Mrs. Frances OiU iu
Dr. a B. O 'Weill, optometrist-optician,
has resumed his practico over
Ladd & Bush bask blilg. Office hours
9 to 5 p. a. Bnndays by appointment.
Phoae 625. 51
Dr. B. F. Pound announce reopen
ing of his dental office 5th floor U.
8. Kationnl Bank bldg. Phoue 169.
The Farmers' Cider Works on North
Commercial street is making several
improvements in its qilant. Among
thee is the installing of a cold stornKO
plant to care for iuo cream, soft drinks
and uch.
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, witfc over ' 8S yra experience,
at my office. Dr. D. I. Beeehler, den
tist, 302 U. B. tSat. Bank bldg. tf
Dr. Mott offices mored to Back of
Commerce building, rooms 407-8. tf
Patton Plumbing company are sow
able to take care of your plumbing
wants in their new' location, 220 N .
Commercial street. Phone 1C6H. tf
"The Funeral Beautiful." Webb k
Clough Co. tf
The plRns and specifications of the
Valley Packing company's plant to the
north of the city were submitted today
'to contractors. It is understood that
five contractors will bid on tho pack-
n house plant.
TWv wood oromnt delivery.. Phone
529. Salem 'Fuel Yards, 752 Trade St.
4 Z.'
King Coal best on the market.
Thone 529 . 8nlem Fuel Yards, 752
Trade St. 22
Judge Samuel W. Greene, C. 8.. o
Louisville, Kentucky, Member ofNthe
Hoard of Lectureship of The Mother
Church The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boton, Massachusetts,
will deliver a free lecture on Christian
rvionee in tho Graud Opera House
Tuesday evening April 22, at S o'clock
. 4 21
The automobiles of Russell Catlin
and E. K. Piasockt of Dallas met in
I'ollision Sunday afternoon at Chonick
eta and North Winter street. No one
was hurt ut the ears were consider
ably damaged.
L r. Matthews had the hard luck of
having his Chevrolet stolen Sunday
from in front of the Methodist church.
Ho also had the good luck of having
te Salem police locate his car a few
hours later over in Polk county with
no special damngo done.
The city fathers will hold a busy
session this evening. It is understood
teveral important matters will come up
for consideration. lne will be that of
submitting to the people a ehange in
the eharter of the city, whereby the
city council will fix the snlaries of the
city recorder and the city marsnal.
All city salaries are in the hands of
the council excepting these two. In or
der to make it uniform and to permit
the council to dceido what a city of Ti
er should be paid, the amendment will
Tour Tace cut out (not up) free at '
the dray Belle.
o i
Owing to its rapid increase iu bust-i
ness, the Willamette Valley Transfer1
company has decided to discontinue its
produce buying and devote all its time 1
to freighting. The company now has :
H trucks busy at all times and as soon i
as road conditions permit, it will put!
on trailers. Due to its rapidly grow- ,
ing business, the company has 'en
looking for suitable headquarters for;
sume time and today Mr. Pell, mar.a-1
ger, announces that he ha leased the I
building at the comer of Ferry and;
High streets. Tho Willamette Transfer j
company began business in Salem Jan.
1 of this year and is covering all towns ;
between Salem aud Portland on Oath
sides of the river. Mr. Bell states i
that later lie will continue the service
up the valley as far as Eugene.
Dance at Livesley every Wednesday
night. o
Prof. M. S. Bellamy, "the cut up
from Dixie'' makes, your silhouette
free at the Cray Bvlle.
Get your picture cut out la black at i
the Oray Belle. I
ine Doay oi oirs. u. w. wuw
died at Heimsville, Montana, April 19,1
is expected to arrive in tho city this
evening, accompanied by a sou, aud
mi l '..1 ... 41.a Tuvu 1 li ,mr liitme. I
WIU VV 1H!CU IU III: mt.'F-,-. ..v.----
Burial will be Tuesday morning in tho 1
O. A. V. circle at tho City View cem, i
HI - U n MWimhl'P Itf
the (i. A. ft. and died hero several
yeiir8 n'o. Iloth ilr. and Mrs. Bovee
were former residents of Sulem.
Dance at Livesley every Wednesday
night. o
Yonr walls need attention, why not
see and price our beautiful new paper!
Buren's, Commercial street.
Wall papers ag bright and fresh as
an April morning. Buren's. Com'l St.
The challenge of Fred Thlehlen and
Arthur Knhn of the Kodgers paper com
parry to plav tiny two men in the city,
associated with" a business house to
gether, has been accepted. Curtis B.
Cross and Frank II. Spears have ac
cepted the challenge for the game of
golf, nlthough the date of the conflict
has not as yet been determined.
Picture frames as up to date as to-
morrow's newspaper. Buren s, com
mercial street.
. !l 3 ' JtJ V
V.;- -- 'IW
Silks and Dress Goods
Shovnng a wide range of patterns for your choos
ing in Taffetas, Mescalines, Crepe de Chines, Geor
gette Crepes, etc. All our Silks come direct from
the manufacturers, thereby assuring you new fresh
goods a very important thing in buying Silks.
Silk Poplins, yard wide - $1.00 Yd.
1 Taffetas , $1.79 and $1.98 Yd.
Phone 1072
Commercial and Court Streets., Salem
Formerly Chicago Store
We must finish the job
Take off that outlandish wall paper,
if such vou have, and replace it with
plain, pretty stock. Sec out window.
Bureu'a furniture store, Com'l St.
Dane at Livesley every Wednesday
night. ' A"
t. ,.. talir about the weather. The
maximum temperature yesterday was
58. The niontn or Apru u j." -been
about It) degrees colder Khan,
April of one yenr ago. Tho April of
1'tlS was ono of the warmest spring
months on record, with an average max
imum temperature of . The average
maximum of this month so far .is
dcrees. One venr nsio today the max
imum temperature was 80 and it was
not far from this for the following
week. While the average maximum so
far this month has been 58 this is con
siderably warmer than April of 1MU
when tlie average for the month was
52 degrees. For the month or April ot
miii ii,. .vnn remnernture was 63.
The river had risen to 10 feet above
Sunday morning, but feu one i
ing the following 24 hours and today
noon is HVj f''t above the low water
mark. The minimum temperature last
uight was 44.
Wanted Girl for vaudeville act, 20
years weight not over 105 pounds; no
oxTorienee necessary, good salary. Ap
ply Loring Kelley, Uligh hotel-
Frank Grosvenor of Tekoa, Wash.,
a former Willamette student, was ft
visitor at the office of Tree. Doney
this morning. Ho has just returned
from France, where he has been con
nected with the first army corps. Ho
was married just previous to his en
listment, and will now ninko his home
in Saleun, returning to finish up his
course of study at the university in
the fall.
The first matches In a "Ecund Bob
in" tennis tournament to be held at
Willamette this week, took place on
the grounds this afternoon, under the
direction of Mies Mary Findley, who,
though a junior, is entering on her
fourth year aw a member of the Co ed
Varsity tennis teajn. tome work has
been done during the past two weeks,
and if sufficient material can be devel
oped during the next ten days, a match
may bo arranged with iTio C. of 4).
team during tho May day festivities.
care of
Yick So Tong
f Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo.
Una modicine which will cure
any known disease
Onen fiundav from 10 a. m.
I until 8 p. m.
153 South High 81.
Salem, Oregon Phone 282
Stop at
"a Home Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Booms of Solid Coffort
Only Hotel In Business District
Phone 053 379 State St.
If yon have ajiy Junk or see-
ond hand goodu of any kind see
us first.
271 Cmemeketa St.
Carbonate of Lime
Magnesia Carbonate
Hicturbonate Boda
Castile Soap
Powdered Borax
Tincture Myrrh
Vlavorin Airent
'1st Glycerine keeps cream soft.
?2nd Castilo soap is purest cleanser.
i-., . .. f l.imff is a tooth
building agent.
4th Tincture of Myrrh hardens gums
and tends to prevent Pyrrhoea.
3th Carbonate of Magnesia overcomes
acid mouth and prevents decay.
6th Bicarbonate of Soda neutralizes
lt Acids of th stomach.
7th It is pleasantlv flavored, making
its use a pleasure
(Price 35c)
The following prominent cklem den-
It ists give it their endorsemmit:
For Kale By
Salem, Oregon
Christian Science Lecture
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Salem
announces a Free Lecture on
Christian Science
By Judge Samuel V. Greene, C. S., of Louisville,
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother
Church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Bos
ton !IVIrss
Taesdav Eveuinf. ADif 22nd at 8 P. M.
WillfJAH Women
Nursing Services
Red Cross