PAGE SEVEN. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY I HEHAH THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 21. 1919. : city news : t - MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House MORRIS BUILDING. 309-311 Stark SU Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-r ive Years NA-PEER TIRES ""j&f DJn Writ far Spacial rWiM A ss. PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, S 1 9 0 0 PORTLAND. ORE. V A -'eV V IwtiikM nil wi iua vv'a Hotel Alder ORIENTAL CAFE Port cud'. Famous Grill P A R M CleJTUn,'! T"'"- StndebaW Wagon. Tren Ate kind ranta enlHrator 1 If 1 rulUyatom and potato plantar. Braender Bull Dog auto I HTM rUTVTP Tunwtrn park plui, Wad drag- saw. P. E. EUwnaaada. J0 tut Llll LLiiLlt I S MarneoD it.. Portland. Or. Laixwtntauaraia Northwest. Send lor Catalogue F. FRIEDLANDER CO., Jewelers. fcipert Watea aaa Jewelry Repeirlag. IIS Washington Bftwee tth ad 6la Bta, and Walking Engine $285.00l Perfected After Years of Testing and Improving. A One Rorw Motor Cultivator and a All Par pom ill.l1. Power that Goes from- Job te Job MltaOwa Power. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC Second Street at Tartar PORTLAND. OREGON Wben answering those ads. mention this paper loll of if onor "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Reoart The following casualties nre reported by I be comiiiMnrling jreueral of the An.erican Expcdilionary l'lircesl Died of Wounds 2 liicil from Aciiilnet and Other . Causes .'. ? Jied from Disenso VViundi'd Severely Wounded (l)i'rei Wiionded Slightly Mis-si. ig in Action 1 llll l;ii.elerii.iiied) . 17 I : 131 ! Hj Total is.:' N Died of Wouads Jane's K Fields, Portland Or. Joel H I.nivrence. iiMeneiidenct" Pvt Pvt C-il. Died from Accident and Otlicr Cauies. Sgt Marshall F,nd Seattle Wash. Corporals, luck Arnold, Saa Marco, Tex. Time,' H Brown. Rellview Iowa. Michael S. Sullivan, Hudson Mass. Marvin G. Winters, Smith Mills X J. Pvt Marshall A Cobbc 4in Ark. Blue Moan- The mica in Mica Axle Grease fills up all rough ness in spindles and bear ings, keeps them cool, slippery and smooth at glass. Then the grease works better and lasts twice as long. No hot boxes. Just like patting ball bearings on your wagon. Ask your dealer. Buy by the pail ITANDASD oil company (California) R. 11. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co Salea Bay L. Farmer Hdw. Co, Salem, Ocrgtm hot L. Pcarce It Bm, Salem, Oregon Sslen Hardwars Co, Salem, Oregon You Cant Break 'Em! Gt Sprint with written guaranta far rear. 15.000 Sprints a Slock. Portlml. Ore. Room. II per dr rid up. Speck) nonthlr rata, Out-of-town visum mad ta feel at ham. Southern Facine aleetrie train depot in hoi btilkiinr. J. W. BUSHONG, Manager. Est Alder Bt.eor.4th.. PORTLAND. ORE. AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES. Sank at all boon. Musi and Dam-In. Hat your friend be rJ muaj jaar itj in Portland. Upstair, Comer liroadwaj and Washington St. At HEILI8 THEATER p the Blrpvt American and European Nov! tie. Er SUN, MON,TUES, WED. Mt Dally. 10c to 50a Nlirhta. 10c ta H.00 ESTABLISHED 1.7 Hall Order Cfraa IaawdUt Atteatloa. PORTLAND. OREGON De Laval Separators Errrthinf for the Dairy, Creamery and Cheese MCIOr, Uutnbuton ot lllii jjiui.uii nus m acmFfecu?!1'1? iI'"'i'V; , r MfHAOKaOKma ,. "T "'"'"""'y v'",tl'! 1 , EMPIRE M1UUNG Mcaiae . 1 Saturday and Sunday. ! Writ for price or Inform, tkn. culumbla uaikt supply CO., I K-U Front St, Portiand, Oreron at tea Uiftes! Pried, trmtTq But Smici. CASH BUYERS OP G-eam, Eggs, Poultry, PORTLAND, ORE. Veal and Hog. Creamer and Offices, Front and Ankanjr Sta. THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 1 128 Sixth Street. Portlaad, Orerea. Bee what yon want and pa for what you ret. Wounded Severely. Corp William R St John, L'nionville Mo. Privates. Willie Allen, Memphis Tenn. ( ha vies If Clay, Norfolk Va. Angido Di.nnlo. Pittston Pa. T.'iirhnael P Elsen Seymour Wis. Frank V Juigens, Stwkton Iowa. Wiler Lewis, Wann Okla. Joseph II O'llourke, Stockton Cal. Angelo Palermo, Long Island Citv V. William Rogers, New oYrk N.Y. William Smith, New Orleans I.a. Frederick Thome, New York N Y. Herbert-A Wood. Portland Or. Albert Cooper, a young boy of Cot- i tage Grove, wa8 seriously burned about j Ihe hands and fai-e when he picked up a bi ttle of cari olic acid that had been I . Iiiiumi into the back yard of his home. ' : .-. i.,,-o, ''' ed home from franco with a paralyzed T T , - , 11 : 1 1 n i-iii Hit CL'na wiiiti iln.l iiA'ii'n rti Sr. a" li's valuables and sou- jvenirs which he cherished were stolen from him. ilipnaa a 1 MICA . AXLE GREASE STANDARD OIL COMPANY fa-., I;-' H. Pshl ft Son, Salem, Oregon Lilly Hdw. Co, Stnyton, Oregoa . Capital Journal Special Service.) MehMtia. Ore, Sut., April 1. liUs. James Siddall, sou cf Mr. aud Mr. J. A. sidda'l, returned the latter part ul this week from Camp Lewis where ho was : training for I'utle Saiu. He scut nearly three uioutlii in the hospital hav iiil! pneumonia and also ta eraiio un his leg which had been broken. Mr. and Mrs. Siddall cave lout- sons to tUt service of their country, one Doi.ald go ing to France. , Airs. Chas. Boiley aud two children, Catherine and Waynard. from Yanrou ivcr. Wash., were overnight gmats ur Mr. 'and Mr. Salvor. The Baileys formerly lived hole. j Mr. T. V. Taylor returned to Wood burn yesterday after spending a few days on his ranch near here. l.raiiapn linmn of Lyons is slow ly re- inj, M.riod. and which involves an en eoveriiiK from hi accident of week.', iuwu.t fund of 30,lH0 for Willam- A leg rolled on him breaking Ilia ankle' and one f inner. Dr. Beaucnau.p is in to H,emi faster with his father, Mav att. ndance. or j. Adams. Favorable re)orts come from the Mer- Katheriue Slade of Salem is visitina ry hospital in Koseburjr. One where Mrs. ' frjerj,i9 jn jno citv. li. B. Karly went with her sma.i son ( c Walf returned Wetlm sdav from six weeks ago, the child having under- s. business trip to Portland, went tn operation. j rs. Chet Waleott and Gertrude K. O., a brother of Mrs. I. A. gmith wcre ia Salem Thurs.lav. Dixon or the aieliania Hotel, a recent arrival from Detroit, Mich., says "To the Kaiser with the ruin." B. F. lteringer, who had both legs broken in a runaway l'ridiiy uisht, is resting as well as could be expected un der such conditions. Mrs. lioringer is improving, she receiving minor Injuries. I Mr. 0. L. Morris returned to his work at Vancouver, Wash., after a few days' visit with his family here. Mr. Morris had a long siege of the flu in the winter but has regained his usual good lualtli. ! SILVERTCN NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) , . Sihertoii. Or., April 14. Dr. 11. W. jStoolliamiiier has been visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Steelhaminer ; of this citv for a few days. Dr. kSteel I hammer recently returned from over- seas, und lias decided to engage in tho, practice or hum iciiie in cnstern uirrfn. i-eputy assessor a. i ,v.n .s Kn.u Ion the iob niuking his annual MBit to nrunertv ow ners. ... .: Visiting Knights of Pythhis lodge of , Portland, Aurora, Salem and Hubbard u. iVi.'i ,.il.wl tl.n MMvnrro,, l.ulu,. Tlllirs.lllV ...v evening, and assisted in secona and, third rank work. After the wo.a was " " "" ea- . ' Tho teacliers' institute neiu in inc high school building" (Saturday,, was largely r.ttemled and proven to bo a very upsticressful meeting. - Miss Miuu Hubbard and Miss Kauch of Salem were in the city over Sunday. John Stcelhunimer and fumliw of Woodlmrn visited in the city with rel atives Sunday, 1 Harvey Fischer Is visiting with friendi in I his city. Vivian Creamer Dorothy llulibs, Nel-1 lie Buck and Virgil Iluddleston were Sulem isitors Mondr.T. 1 ine rsuver inns iimuer eoiupauy put on a night crew Monday A large force il l. it'll urrivtMi ui un; ruv niiiuiun.r iv begin work in the mills and camps. L. B. Wydell was n Salem visitor Monday. Hem David spent IV few day. in Sil-1 verton Inst week. . ' W. K. I.oughmiller is making repairs on his North Water street mill. Henry Fnuer is making the changes for him. Mrs. Rov Russell came tip from her home In Portland Thursday reinrningi Fiidny. ( Mis. A. D. Carpenter of Futleiton, Cal., is here for a visit at tho home of 1 her brother and family, Nels Langsnr. Mr. Carpenter arrived here Wednesday 1 evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Karstetter 1P notli critically 111 at ineir some on woutli Water street. ftir. rvarstetier was stricken with heart troublo Sunday evening. Tuesday Mrs. Knmtotter be came very ill with a very severe case of erysipelas and Mr. Karsteitm con tracted the disease from Ms wii. T. L. Stewart returned from Portland Wednosduy evening where he ass ien with his little daughter, Mable, who has been critically ill. Miss Louise Fischer is visiting her 'father, Louis Fist-hcr, over 8aturdarnd , ' Sundnv. Alfred Aflrmm is home from T. of O ?! A mm . erj,.ttf - v 'A - " .r w" V .( 1 4 V 'a? S t 2 w.."'mf V -'.. it ?. I y- iAf ii- ...., 1 1 4.J.. i i Vl, ,w iv'v;- .'(Jt i Tarzonuiidhisrnatc's V I jungle courtship : l lie Koiuaiice S oTarzan" The Concluding Chapter of "Tarzan of thi Apes" Coming to Te Liberty Wed nesday, April 23rd for Four Days. A grand get together meeting and hanqunt of the alumni, former students S:t, friends of Willamette university has been .planned, to le hold at the First Methcdtsf aurrhin 7'ortlaml on Tuesday evening. May (1, at which there i promise not only of a rare treat ill edibles but a r-und of jtootl fellowship, remiuisoonce and oratory. Dr. IViney will lie among -the speakers and it is ejpeeted that Governor OVott will de liver a brief address. At this meeting plans niav be disrussod reardiug; the proposed eelebration of the 7 ." t h anni versary of the opening of Willamette university. . Announcement ha Just been mad that a final settlement has been majo in the Vpmeyer estate, in which there has been a friendly eontroversr for A Latest reports gay that Mrs. Karstet ter is iniproviiiK, but Mr. Karstetter's condition is serious. John Karstetter of Pnrtlnnrl n,l tl C. Karstetter of Ta- cyma wcrp caUoil home , fir8t n the week on Recount of tho parents' ill ness. Miss Edna Morbock of Sherwood ar rived in Hilverton Saturday fof a visit with her friend. Miss Ola Bowen. Mrs. C. 1'. Slade will leave Sunday for a visit with her parents at Grants Pass. A reception was given Mrs. C. P. Slade Saturday afternoon by Miss Frio Ida Mcl'lnine aud Mrs. Chas. Reynolds. I About 40 guests w ere present, w ho w ere I entertained by bridco whist. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Olive K Knright to T. J. BliKli, part of lots fl and 7, block 23. j(j,0)ln l)orB ,o J. 11 Uanr, 64.14 Reros . gllImu,i Brown t,iainli 5 2 W. i),00. Jlur-V E- nyM to L. N. Childs, lot, 1. 2, 11. 12, block 5, Pleasant Home Addition, Salem. A c. Brigmnn to Clarence Burr. 71.- ()8 ims in UentY , ; a,,...;.,- !il "it.s.a w v- j ' mn ( v lr nr1 : ,, , ,. ... ; ' " "' 1,1 '"'Kenson to rj. H. Hulin i., .7. " L'UUU. 0 p Hutchison to John Likuskv, lots n am, 12i g(,(.tioil V9 l .acres in J. M. Howell homestead tion 8 9-1 K. sec- W. H. Drake to Kdmiind Olson, 10 acres in F. L. Coon claim 6 1 W. Kmma A. Russell to R. I. Russell, fil acres in J. Browa claim 61 W. Samuel A. HofeT to J. N. Sehnpider, SS9.78 acres as part of the donation claims of Peter' Vlnnrd ond Daniel Murphy, 4 2 W. 'Als0 lots 2, 3, 4, 5, sec tion 7-4-2 K, in ('has. Duprcv einiin, consisting of 37 acres. $L'P,000. W. B. Gibson to LeRov Hewlett, jmrt Of lots 6 and 7, block 86, Salem. Josephus Blair to Helen R. Hedine, lot 18, Hollywood, i At P.rnimm in l,.- T. ir..... 1(lt ,,,H(,k Plv(,npor, A,illl1011 to' SllvortOn $'150 n C. Brown to Albert vtmhkowskv. :)(4 . Kli Cool(.r. Mm 5., w. $2800. T Tj Thuemler to T. J. Norton, lots 2, 4, 5, block 4, Wolfers Addition, Hub- ll. F. J. Norton to Mao Crittenden, lots S, 4, 5, , block 4, Wolfer's Addition Hubbard. 400. . Hannah R. Carter to W. H. Street, 3 acres in tract No. 2, Kaizer Fruit Farms, $400. D. A. Lnrmer tn F. M. irown, lot 5, block C, J. R. Smith Addition. W. M. Cobnrn to J. M. Coburn, 33.07 'acres in section 11 12 1.1 14, 8 fl TV, I T u rv..:.. ti,...ii, ......l.. lot go Hollywood. I C. Y. Lansing to T. B. Morgan, lot ,12, Claggette Fruit & Garden Tracts, 1125. I C. F. Lansing to Kffle Moigan, lols P. 10, 11. Clnggett'a Fruit k C.nrden Tracts. WW). R. A. Auhmond to Madie M. Fake, lot 20, Pmith FGniit Farm No. 2. I A. L. Smith tn D. T. Oorslme, 10..T aeres adjoining F. D. Gizer claim, 7-3 W. M. M. Johnson to W. E. Hansen, lots 1 arid 2, Oaks Addition, Salem. re' tiJ it iff:.- ' -v i I I ? in '7 j va t m rt . v I hot waTer XZUA Sure Relief lELL-ANS 'for indigestion ette university. It will be remembered that, this amount of property was do nated iu the Vpmeyer estate, but the university was unable at oace to a qnire title on account of a minor claim iu the property held in the form of perpetual right of way by a certain party.- This ha been at last adjusted so that the university will hold title and receive an annual Income from the property. 0 Robert Larue, formerly with the Mover dennrtment atora and mora rn. 1 eeritly in service in the navy, has re cently became associated with the Sa lem Kleetrie eompany and will have charge of the store's decorations. I Much favoraAlo comment was made Saturday on the window decorations .of the store for the Kpicial concerts given Saturday afternoon and eve Ining. The annual opening of the Suletn j Kleetrie company was well attended !Dota attornoon and evening Saturday, I notwithstanding the unfavorable weath er. Among the soloists Saturday eve 'ning were Miss l.ucile Barton, Mrs. F. IP. Harlan. R. D. Barton and F. 8. Barton. Miss Dotson accompanied. O. Empey who for the past year has been employed ty a local transfer com pany, has gone into the hauling busi ness for himself. He has lust luirclias- Ifl li.-. t i,,,.k from J. E. Scott & Co. local Inter national distributors. Mt. Enipey satisfied there is a good opening in tins line of business and as soon a tho business develops, will add other trucks. High wind and the breaking of a post that held guv wires caused a dam age of about if-oiM) Saturday afternoon when the three smoke stacks of the SpaiiKling Logging company fell. Tho si rong wind was Irom the south aoout 1:30 Saturday afternoon and when tho 'post gave way, the throe smokestacks j crumpled up, f nluiif to tho north. Fireman Ed Ainsworth had a narrow escape as ho had Just stepped away from tho boilers when the stacks fell. It will require several days for straight ening out the smoke stacks, each VH feet by 34 inches and during this time the saw null will bo closed. 0 Banks report that it is the heavy in vestors who aro buying iiTftli liberty bonds todav. That is, those who buy iu $101111 Kits, and from this figure up to lOOO each. Very few small in vestors have as yet made purchases. Report comes from Woodburn that one of the banks has taken half of the loan quota of that eity aud that tl ntlier 'hnnlr had rnxcn 'no action tho cashier was absent, lit. Angel I has also gone over tho top as tho I' banks have taken its quota. The price of being caught while speeding in Snleiu varies, Sometimes jit is 15 but it is generally $10. Alden 'Roberts came in to the citv recorder's 'nffti.n tin. tmtriiiiH! .mill nlelld rroiltV , , m r n - 'and was given the minimum of $.1. Three other speeders euiiglil ounuay communed Ui eticii. I . b. uaviuson was not satisfied that ho was exceed ing the spwd limit and a jury will be drawn this afternoon to decide wheth er Mr. Davidson did or did not ex ceed the speed limit. Attention O. A. R. Member or becjge wick post will assemble at the Oregon Electric passenger depot Tuesday lnorn-inu- Auril 22 nt 10 o'clock to attend the burinl of the widow of our lute com mander, W. J. Bovee. Interment will be in tho G. A. R. circle o JTie City View cemetery. D. Webster, adjutant. Supt. J. A. Churchill, of the depart ment of Public Instruction, is spending the week In Baker county, visiting tho high schools. TJut. Mevers and Harold Butter- worth were up from the Agricultural college for a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vau Doru, Mrs. Carl G. Douey Is reported as be ing again on the Salem sick list. Homer O. Tanker, who Is majoring In natural sciences ut Willamette iJntver sity, has recently received word from the head of the department of physics nt the Vniversity of California that lit lias been recommended for tho position of an assistant in that department next year. He has decided to accept and will enter upon his duties some lime in the month of August. . t Tk Capital Journal $ t Daily Market Report J Grata Wheat, soft white $2 Wheat, lower grades on sample Outs - B0c llay, cheat - $-4 Hav, oats . ! Barley, ton tWaS!) Mill run 43(al4c Bntteifat Bntterfut 0c Creamery butter 5MiW'c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork on foot - IS'jC Veal, fancy 18ft 21c Steers - -. 7ft'10c Cows - 5ta!c Spring lamlis Me Kwes..- ....4'.l:i' Lambs, yearlings 10(i 13c ggs end Tout try Egs, eaih 41c Hens, live 28(a30c Old rooster , , 15 Cockerels 22c Vegeumea Radishes, doz 3r JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY SAW Quick Reference To Firms That Gif2 Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Sleet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEKTTHINO Hasonie Temple, Salem Kleetrie Co. water C03LPAN y 3ALEX WATER OiiPANT Offiee enrner Commercial and Trade streets Bilk payable monthly ia advance. Phone 60S. SHEA REPAIRS all kinds of furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che nieket St. between Commercial end Liberty. Phone 1S1. 4 28 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and othtr buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 6 year lings, 50 head of hog round" 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at a bargaiu. Write M V care Journal. tf FOR SALE A good double team bar ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for good dry wood See Square Deal Realty company. Phone 470 BEST BUYS 90 acres, 70 tillable, 1,000,000 ft. saw timber, 3 miles from railroad, 30 miles from Portland, adjacent to im proved farms; will trade for acreage or rnnch not over $6500; price on HO acres $4000. 117 acres bottom, 60 cultivated, good improvements, 3 miles from town, $7o per acre. 100 acres, 00 cultivated, fair improve ments, 1 miles from town, $83 per acre. ' 80 acres all cultivated, one of finest improved farms in Linn county, 3ft miles from town; e real city homo on tho farm, only $14,000. HiO acres, one of best equipped dair ies in Polk county, all cultivated, close to school and town, or rock roud; 100 acres in spring grain; full equipment goes, $125 per aero, 365 acres, all cultivated; number ono modern house and barn, we'll fenced, 3 miles from town, tenont house on main road; $"." per acre. 50 acres, good house, Ibarn; all culti vated, 4Vj miles from Salem; $100 por acre. 10 acres, all cultivated, house, 1 acre prunes, 3Vj miles from town, $2000. 13 acres, 6 in 8 year old prunes, 0 in 8 year old cherries; small house, barn, $3750. 10 acres nil cultivated, fenced, fin est view, $1300. 800 acres cut over lands, all seeded, well watered; $20 per aero on easy terms. 70acre, 50 good tillable land, 3 miles from Mulino; will trade for acreago, city residence or take auto as part pay. S acres all good garden land, for rent on share, delivorcd. ' For boat buys see SOOOLOFSKT Bayn building Swoet potatoes .... - eoyjO Potatoes $1.25ft 1.73 Onions, local $.1(n)4 Cubbugu C'jftjOVio Turnip 2 3 4c Head lottuce $4.25(4.75 Beets - - 8e Parsnips 3Vj Onuliflowcr, flats $2(3.2.23 Winesup apples, box $4.50 Celery, crate $10 I rait Oranges 3?f!J.73 Lemons, box -$59 Bananas . Florida grape fruit, case $7(u8 Black fi;js lb .. 16(u18e White figs, lb. . 19( 20e Package figs per Ix SO pkg $4(a6.!0 flofley, extracted 20e Retail nice Eggs, dozen .. .. 4."c Creamery butter 6.1c Hour, hard wheat $3.15(u.3.25 Portland Market Portland, Or., April 21. Butter, city creamery 57(MHo r ggs selected local ex. i.nwlie Hens 34S35o Broilers 4i(tt43o Gcoae 17(a0o Cheese, triplets 3"(aMo DAILY L1VB STOCK MARKET Catu Receipts 2378. Tono of marki t steadq Best steers $ 1.1. 7offii4 .73 flood to choico steers $1 1.50ft 12.10 Medium to goud steers $10(a ll Fair to good steers $y(u;10 Common to fair steers $8ft 9 Choice cows and heifers $l0.50(j5 12.25 Good to ehoice cows and heifers rOr.e 10.50 Medium to good eosrg and heifers $7ft.8 Fair to medium cows and heifert $3ft,0 Canners $.1.50(rit,50 Bulls $ftH.riO Calves $ii.5(ioi H , Blockers and feeilers $710 nogs Receipts 1,710. Tone of market higher. Prime mixed $2o(6 $20.23. Medium mixed $l!Kal!).50 Rough henvie. $17. 5uft 17.73 Pigs $17ft 17.50 Bulk 1 19.0ft 19.73 gneep Receipts 995. Torre of market steady Prime lambs $17.5ift 18 Fair to medium lambs $16(317 Yearlings $llft)12 Wethers $tolO Ewes $0.50(1110.50 TelepW Maia 1200 ELECTRICAL 127 North High.. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secondhand goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and stovea rugs, sewing machines, graniteware dishes, suit - cases, trunk and tools. We want your old furniture and etoves, wiS pay you highest cash price. See sa last Peoples Furniture Store, 271 N. Commercial St. Phone 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes and suits, aTt kinds ef masses al instruments, shotguns, rifles, haa ing stoves, gas etoves, suit ease aai 1000 other useful article te sell os, trade. What have yout The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493, WILL BUY used furniture and pay the highest cash price. I have new ana used goods, shoes and clothing. Bo fore buying or selling call up J. A. Rowland, phone 1(1, or call at 247, N. Commercial St. Ik THE 80LDIER BOYS-d'ool and bil liard parlor is now 'open under aew - management and it renders you and the general public a eongenial place to pass away J"cw leisure hoars. The basement of Oregon Kleetrie depot, corner of State and High. Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop. S i STOVE REPAIRING 4TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, Netioaal and American fence. Sixes 2G to 58 ia high Paints, oil and varnish, ete - Loganberry and hop hooka. j Salem Fence and Stove Works. 230 Court street Phone 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchange new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 347 North Commercial UX. Phone 16. SCAVENGER SALBM SCAVENGER Oarbag aafl refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rate. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal re moved. Office phone Main, 1B7 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET Al McCornack ball on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. 0. F. J. Enafat t, R. k 6. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gen Grape camp No. 1300 meet every Thursdny evening in MoCornack hail Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rlo E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recor der, Mrs. Melissa Persons 1413 M, 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEEICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. (240 sneta every Thursday evening, It e'eloek in McCornack hall, ovar lieyens tore. Kay A. Grant, V. C; f. A. Turner, elerk. 0NITED ARTISANS Capital Asset bly No. 84 meet every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Tcuple. Olena 0. Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owen; street. MONEY TO LOAN On Oood ReJ Estate Security THOfl. K. FORD (.er Ladd ft Bush bank; Salem Oregoa FEDHRAL FARM LOANS-5 per cent interest. Prompt service. 34V4 years time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Bodirnstcdt, 401 Ma sonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE COUNCIL "For free la formation about Life Insurance see .T. F. Hutchason, dist. manager for the Mutual Life of N. Y., office at 371 State St., Salem, Or. Office phone 99 residunco 1300. tf LAUNDRYMAN HOP LEE, expert, 43$ Ferry St. I pay top market price for chickens and eggs. Office phoae 1339J, residence 1333J. tf WOOD SAW FHONE 1090B Our Prices are Right W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregoa. REPAIR INO STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP nave just installed a machine that will sharpen lawnmowers the same a the factory puts them out new. Bring all your light repair work to me. AJ vin B. Stewart, 317 Court St. Phone 493. AUTO REPAIRING Al! kind of auto repairing by aa ex perienced workman. All work guar anteed to be satisfactory. Stodebak er repairs a specialty, D, B, Matt, 2G3 N. Commercial