THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 21. 1919. DM FRUIT CO. AND ROSENBKGS MERGED Local Concern and Trisco firm Consolidate More Ground Boi2?hL HIGH GRADE f Electriotys LAI Lb I rv r 'if 'W-'V- I ana Lift le But OA, Mv The picture above is that of a complete electric sew ing machine. . Just see how compact it is, and how easily it can be moved about. Can be set on any table, even the dining room table as it has rubber "feet." ou are not confined to one room to do your sewing. You can even put one of these machines in your auto and take it with you to your sewing circle. For Sale Bv Portland Railway Light & Power Co. Loaned on Trial W. E.Dragcr of the Prager Fruit com pauy announces hiving associated his company with the firm of Kosenbcrg Bros. Co. of Sta Francisco. This eoiu pan? is one of the largest dried fruit Marker iu the l' nted States with head quarters at ban. 1'rantco. re garded as one of the oldest and iuot substantial firms in the business. Mr. Drager states that the business will be continued t.s the Hragor Fruit company and that his financial .' ests as in the past, will be with (the company, lie will continue as mauagui of the Salem and other Oregon plants. in the business deal, Kosenbcrg Bros. 4 Co. purchase the west aarr of block 19. University addition to Sulein, on j Cottage street between Trade and 'Mill, on which the Drager packing plant is located. The transfer for this one plant was made for a consideration of 29.000, according to the deed filed to day in the county recorder's office. The ideal also include the Hrr.ger pluuts at j Myrtle Creek und Kosebutg. Only Oregon lubcls will be used in ; putting out Oregon products. Mr. Dra !ger said today. With the connection of the Drager plant and the larger inter H'sts of Rosenberg Bros. & Co. the plant I here in Salem will be fully equipped to liHiidle a larger business and to push the Oregon product: In many tni deal will be 'for the benefit of the rpune growers in this section of the vnl ley, Mr. Urager Bays. 'ROUND COAST LEAGUE BASES first California Units 91st Reach Sacramento Sacramento, 'al., April 21. (tmted 1'iew.) The first units of the "figlit- ASTHMA t There U no "cur" " but relief it oltea - brought Dy ing Ninety First," Wild West division, numbering 2,700 meu and officers, ar rived here today. They crossed the line into the (iohlen Mule lust night, thelr trains arriving in Snrmmeiitu at hiilf liuiir intervals af ter this morning. This city is In gala- dress in honor of the soldiers, several hundred of whom mo locul men. The downtown district is fluttering with red, white and blue bunting and greenery. Seeranieuto is crowded with visitors, thousands coming from all pints of the slate to greet the men on arrival here I'lduy. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA Why Dentistry is Costly "Its Human Costs it Chapter IV. We have thought so far of the money-cost of dentistry. We shall now think of its human costs. A human cost Is a cost of human ... - 15 . energy in worn, worry, xauguc, r or pain. Dentistry is costly in this sense, both for the dentist and the V patient. 1 k..pake 1 The dentist who worlct alone, worVi Ion J ( liouri. IU can't go as often as he ought to, on vacationi. He it always tfraid tome other dentist might steal hit clients. He it hit own business manager. To the fatigue of work is added business worry. r- He U timid ind cautious. He It afraid to maVe experiments and devise new and better methods of work. The slightest wind may blow down bit liule tabernacle. ' The fear of losing trade It I heavy human cost It checks the iree growth of his character and the expansion of hit cre ative ability. The denti?t wfio worfcs In a b'f nrgnlratlon fs free front audi anxieties. The business he it affiliated with it stable and secure. Hit income is guaranteed. He worka with an und is tut bed mind, lie gets more rest He workt in teamt with other dentists. Art and science) flourish best in congenial company. Dentistt working together encourage, instruct, praise and criticize one another. They compete with one another in excellence of workman sliip. But they are free from the pangt of tordid trade jeal ousy. I think I have done a service to the profes sion of dentistry and to the public by showing how to organize dentistry on a nation-wide scale. Under the E. R. Parker System the hu man cost of dentistry has been reduced through the co-operation of dentists. Up- to-date dentistry is performed for most reasonable prices. wm .SYSTEM; 1 Painless Parker Dentist Corner Comniercinl and Plate St. MORE PACIFIC COAST War Department Announces Additional Transport Sailings. WuHliingtiion- , April 21. (United 1'ress) Transport sailings wero nu uoiiccd todny by the war department us follows: Transport Leviathan, Brest for New York, due April 25, with the 117th snu- itary train, less auibulaneo conipMilos number loo, 106 and 107, for Camps l)ix, Dodge, Meade, i'unstoii, Leo, Bow ie, ('usler, Lewis and scattered; eom ps nies 34oli, Nebraska; 6400, Oregon; ;ttli(i, Washington; forty casual officers; Major tienenil tieorge V. Bead, com manding 42nd division; Brigadier-lieu-eral Douglas MiicArthur, commanding Mlth infantry brigade; Major General Siumiel U. Stuigis, and other troop units fioiu the eust. Transport A(uitiiniii, Brest for New Vurk, duo April 24, with: .ttl'ith iiit'iiu try, I'oniplete, for Camps Funsom, Vra vis, Lewis, Kearny mid tirant. Transport Krooulund, St. Nuzaire for Newport News, with lUth infantry field mid staff, heailipinrters First r.nd Third battalions, medical detachment, machine gun eompnny, companies F, U, ii. I, J, I. and M for Camps Dit, Dodge, Devens, Fiiiiston, I'pton, Lewis, Sher man, Meade, Taylor, I'ike. Grant nd scattered. Transport Western Hero. La I'alli-n noehelle for Newport News, due Mnv 2 with rasual eompanv 51,", California; medical detachment "for dutv; foil, ens iii.l officers. (By United 1'ress.) Yesterday's winners: San Francisco. 2; Los Angeles, 2; ISalt Lake, Sacra mento. Home run honor roll: Wolter, Sen ators. 2; Compton, liainiers; C'randall, Seals. an Frnncisfo look both morning and afternoon games from the Oaks. Six out of seven games of the series wa-s the Angels' average, when they annexed both contests from the Tigers. With the score 1 to 1 in the 8th inning, the Senators trnmped the home plato with five tallies and down Cly nier's club 6 to 1. Five hits and five runs in the eighth inning contributed to the Bees' six to three win hver the Beavers. Denny Wilio of the Oaks shows to anbe the real leader in Coast league hitting with an average of AM. Sheo ly and Koemer follow closely. " Twenty-five thousand persons at tended the morning and -afternoon games in the bay district yesterday. TOURNAMENT DATES FOR CLUB All Attempt to Tax Farm Loan Bonds to Meet Opposition Washington, April 21. (United l're A new fiKht on tpe igncrnl farm loi-.n board appears to be develop ing. .Members of the board reported today they had received "samples" of " propaganda " seeking withnrawnl of tax" exemption privileges for bunds of the farm loan system. The fight against the board promises to come to a eliinnx with the re convening of congress. Opponents of the tnx exemption for fiirin lmi n bonds are advocating the elimination of the privilege on the grounds that "the government is los ing thousands of dollars by not taxing the bonds," according to Herbert (juick, bnniil member. Lynn, Mass. Some one charged To lice Chief Derke a quarter for a tag. lie didn't know for several hours that h. had been wearing a "No beer, no work" buttoa. We are showing nothing but the highest grade shoes that can be bought Every pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We do not carry any shoes that we cannot give full value for the money charged. Get your Hanan Shoes now as they are to be higher the first of the month. New PirniDS and Oxfords are corain in each dav in all leathers and stvles. New Patent Pumps and Oxfords arrived vesterda? at. . . . Hanan Pumos and Oxfords while thev last o at $8.00 $1 0.00 $1 2.00 AO stvlojjngh shoes in everv width, black, white and . .brown, botfhisth and low heels from $6.50 to.. Rubber heel dav each Wednesday. We out on rubber heels CJ fpntc at half nrice. highest rade heels VXA& DUX BAX OIL SELBY SHOES HANAN SHOES Ik SHOE WITCH ELK BOOTS BALL BAND BOOTS FOX PARTY PUMPS 326 State St., Next To Ladd & Bush Bank Illihee Golf Schedule Outlined Easter Breakfast Well Attended. The first annual Faster breakfast giv en at the Illihee Country club was at tended by more than (Ml. TTe it re garded as n most fr.vornblo start by members of the club, considering tint bad weather and the predictions 1 rain Sunday. With the recent drive for members und with 25 new members Jeu ibtl the club the pant month, interest in the club's affairs and in the playing of golf is on the incrense. One of the affairs promised fur this week is an Intur.rfal dance at the club house Friday evening und the opening of the golf tuui nauieut next Sunday when the Watt Shipp trophy will be played for. The tournament committeo composed of Wm. 11. Lerchen, chairman, Krcel Kay, Kulph Jloores, Fred D. 'lhie.!i and Arthur Keene has preporeo golf toiirnuineiit beginning with next butt' day and "with special trophies offered for every Sunday up to September 2H The tournament is as fo!Hii April 27th Club match, Watt Bhipp trophy. May Jth Kugene at Salem, Intel Club niati h, Kugcno cup. Mkt 1 lth Clancy cup hsndicop nicd al play. May l.Sth Mixed Fouisom, Hansel Bios, trophy. Mnv 2'ith-' Director cup, qualifying j round. June 1st Directors cup. first elemi 'nut ion round. I .lime Mil- Directors cup, second elimi nation round. June Mill- Directors cup, third elimi nation round. June 22nd- Directors cup, elimination finals. June 2!Hh Salem at Eugene, Intel Club match, Kugeiie cup. Julv th Dave Lyre ei.p, handicap medal plr.y. July 13th Ladies championship ami tub championship qualifying round. liardiner and Kecne cup. July 2Htli As above first elimination. July 27th As alnivc, second elimina tion. August 3rd-As above, third climins- tion. August 10th Finals. N August 17tlr?Eugeiie cup Unals, In ter Club match. August 24th Presidents cup qualify ing round. August 31 President cup, first elim ination. , Ceptembcr 7th Presidents cup, seo nnd elimination. September 14th Presidents cup third elimination. September "1st Presidents cup, fi mils. September 28th Bogy tournament. N. T. STOCKS ADVANCE. CONFERENCE ON PRICES OF COAL, STEEL TO BE RESUMED New Yoik Ootham'j exclusive ser vant circles are reading today a news paper ad offering .'000 a year, break fast in bed and a limousine to a "lady to assist in house work." JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Washington, April "f. (United 1'resi.) In compliance with President Wilson's cabled request, conferences between the industrial board and the railroad administration over coal and steel price reductions will be resumed soon. She railroad administration was to be represented at a conference today bv .ludie Robert S. Lovett and Henry Wallers, but Lovett was taken ill and it was necessaryto postpone the meet Ing. New York, April 21. (United Press) Practically the entire list moved to a higher level at the stock market opening today. Industrial and equip ment issues were favorites. United States Steel opened at 1)9 7-8, lip ; General Motors 182, up 1 3-4; Amer ican Beet Sugar, "7, up 3-8; Corn Prod ucts 02 up ; American Locomotive CBV,,. up ; Atlantic Gulw 13fiV4, up IV,; Bethlehem Steel 'B" 70 7 8, up Vi; Central Leather SOKj, up 1 1-2; United Cigar Stores Ltd 3-4, up 1. TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS. Chicago He's all blood; get doe tor quick, yelled Police Sergeant iFlynn. "It's all right," said Charles Nelson. "The wife just bumped a bot tle of ketchup off my head." Chicago M. C. "Wade's (laughter, Isabella, disuppeered. He offered a reward ifor information as to the fam ily ear, which went with her. A news dispatch from Paris says it has been decided that Helgoland shall be dismantled and. so far at possible, destroyed. Don't Let Catarrh Drag You into Consumption jellies Avoid Its Dangerous Stage, There is a more serious stage of Catarrh than the annoyance caused by the atopped-up air passages, and the hawking and spitting and other distasteful features. The real danger comes from the tendency of the disease to continue ita course downward until the lungs become affected, and then dreaded consumption is en your rath. Your own experience has taught you that the disease cannot be cured by and other local applications. S. S. S. has proven mot satisfac tory remedy for Catarrh because it goes direct to Its source, and re moves the germs of the disease fro the blood. Get a bottle from yoi druggist today, and begin the only logical treatment that gives real re sults. You can obtain special medical advice without charge by writing to Medical Director, 27 Swiff. labora tory. Atlanta, Ga, sates ASK FOR and GET HorlicEc's Th Original Msltcd Milk a For Infant and Invalid OTHERS ere IMITATIONS OILGE COMEDY R'S (J) AMMAI Featuring JAZZ-BO The Roller Skatirn? Mule CIRCUS THE ONLY ONE IX AMER ICA USIVO BALL BEAR ING ROLLER SKATES EDUCATED DOGS MULES PONIES MONKIES. BABOONS, GOATS and CLOWNS TODAY TOMORROW P THEATRE M i SALEM'S ONLY VAUDEVILLE SHOW