Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 21, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    v,"wv rvYvT ccriyjfi
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Editorial Page of The Capital Jouma
April 21. 1919
Editor end Publish
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communicstions To
5bf BoilnAlipl Journal
13S S. Commercial St
IU!t. hr Carrier. oer Tear $3.00 Per Month..
IallT by MaU, per year
According to the American Bankers Association,
there is an alarming exodus of aliens to Europe. These
people, their imaginations influenced by Bolshevik propa
ganda, are withdrawing their savings, selling their Lib
erty bonds and setting sail.
It is estimated that more than 1,000,000 will cer
tainly go, taking with them many hundred million dol
lars of American currency,
Naturally this sudden withdrawal of huge sums is
not good for the finances of this country, but we can
stand it. Far worse it is for those deluded souls who
have listened to the sinister whisper of "free and un
restricted liberty in the homeland.
TVioir ricilliicinnmonr Vine itc YiUifnl cirla Tviit Tier.
XSS:X Wtf i haps it is just as well that some of these people who have
la too on time,
prone to disturbance and revolution, should taste at first
hi it
I A Cold Blooded I
Per Munth-
W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Stoekwell, Chicago, People'! Oaa Building
Bl before 7:30 o'tlock and
arrier baa missed you.
kindly phone the circulation manager,
not the earners are luiiowing instructions, i none
paper will be sent you by ipecial messenger if the
la the only nowspnpcr In Salem whoae circulation la guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
hand the thing they think they want.
The first thing they find will be that in any Bolshevik-ridden
country their savings will be torn from
them without mercy, while they and the kin they go to
help may suffer, starve or bleed unheeded.
When they have seen the wages of their hard work,
their painful saving, shiveled in the roaring furnace of
Europe, this republic, free because it is law-abiding, will
have new meaning. Either they will creep back here,
chastened and worth while, or they will exert a mighty
effort to establish such republics as this in the countries
The most unexpected condition attending the issue
f the Victory Lean is the refusal of the Treasury De
niftmpnr tn nrwrnr nvprsnhscrintions. This is considered
especially remarkable in view of the fact that the issue is 'abroad. In either case it will be worth all it costs to
$1,500,000,000 'or ,UOU,uw,uuu less man me puunc nau aim tu niucuio,
been led to expect. There will be only $4,!uu,uuu,uw oi
these bonds put on the market. And what is more, this
4c firmnnnnpn as nnsitivplv Ihp last nuhlic loan.
Millions of people who have formed the bond-buying by invading other countries
i i i i i i a ? ii iv, .. i . r v.! ' , 1 .. -
liauil, wno nave leai neu 10 enjuy me ict-img vi ucmg uuu
holders," and who after paying for one set of bonds begin
at once looking forward eagerly to the next opportunity,
will be disappointed. It will still be possible hereafter, of
course, to buy war bonds; but they will not be offered
again by the government, with its spectacular appeals
and easy conditions and universal facilities for subscrib
ing with little effort. In the future purchasers will have
to go into the open market, buying government securities
through broke re. They will have to pay cash in most
instances; and because of competition that will ensue,
they may soon have to pay higher prices.
It goes without saying, then, that there will be a big
rush to take up this issue. . It is the last chance to loan
money directly to Uncle Sam in an exceptionally desirable
type of investment.
Lenine promises to send an army to Budapest. There
we find Bolshevism, like Prussianism. "defends itself"
Did Geimany ever do anything other than wrong?
Discussion of the peace delegates relative to what is to
lie done with the surrendered German fleet brings out
the fact that everything is wrong with them to prevent
I heir successful use bv any of the allied nations. The
iv.nnL!nf,.i. is in n 1if(Vrnnf crvilo tru'O.-ultf nil thp whorls trrrilli
turn left handed and even the electric light sockets are oti(.n , fV(,r ,, hHmi i Ki mou.i
an iM size. It is said that the cost of nuttinir a German1 as i Kt n ni wi-nkiy, like un old
1 nit t'nr an hour moving, atunncd by
wlml Mr. Krrdi'rick luid told me. I won;
over our fuuvorsution, ovory word si'cm
i'd fuirly huiucj Into y uicmory ic
fi-iir fully hud they hurt me. That Neil,
my Neil, tlin father of, my boy should
1)0 (lixlicMicat ; kIhiuUI kiiowiii(iy cliout
unil deceive people fiua tilmoHt unueiir
alilo. Yet oncO more wuh 1 filled with
dint rust, olive more luid veered entirely
u round in my thoughts-
I had been so aure tliat in :iui lust
analyMis Neil would prove, liiniHelf uli
1 tliouxlit him; that in tliiit talk witli
Mr.' Frederick I phould leurn thut all
in v feius, nil my forebodiims hud boeii
useless, tlmt the eruel gussip and heanl
linil been nothing but osip, anil with
out foundation, tliut the reaction Ban
Barbara, thev arel I never should
have told you, had you not asued. But
they say ho takes the money niven him
to invest, uud uses it to make a splurge,
to live on. I am sorry you asked me.
I nin nfruid you will connect me only
with disnKieeiiblu thinjrs."
"I wanted tho truth."
"I know you haven't been to blame
Barbara. You didii't know."
"I havo been to blame. I should
have made it my business to know."
Tomorrow Barbara Plans Retrench
ment. J Citv News t
1 1 . 1 1 i 1 JV. I... ll 11.;i.,l Ct.,l..n nm.1T
ircaanauni lino snape ior use uy uie unui-u oww-s nvj
would be $5,000,000.
Elks ra busy today docor'tiug ths
armory for tho nnnunl homo coming
event, to be celebrated Tuesday eve
n'uti with n banciiet, appropriate cd
dresses, music, dnurinjr and movinsr pie-
woman cliuilied tho soft carpeted stairs ture slides. Memfoerg of the lodge are
War taxes conic, but it's good business to pay them.
The United States so far has paid one-third of its war
expenses by current taxes. One of the reasons why both
Germany and France feel their war burdens pressing so
heavily today is that they raised their funds almost whol
ly by loans -whose payment they now lace.
Now there is a League of Women Voters
of Notions added to the League of Nations.
A League
Senator Johnson of California laments that the news
papers are nearly all "scycopants and cowards," and "the
clays of journalism has passed." That's what the news
papers get for not endorsing the viows of a Bolshevik
leader like Johnson!
By Walt Mascn
I'm saddest when I sing old songs of love and home;
for neighbors come and fling big dernicks at my dome.
My voice is like the wail of some sick wolverene; I ought
I o be in jail of using it, i ween. The neighbors cry, "By
jing, cut out that ghastly chant"; I dearly love to sing,
because I can't. At some things I excel; at knitting I'm
a jo; but I would rather yell than anything I know. We
mortals and perverse; we'd rather do the things that we
do worse than any one in view. There always is in reach
some melancholy guy who cannot make a speech, and yet
"is bound to try. Some fellow with long hair will punch
piano keys, although his friends declare his talent tastes
of cheese. Some weary, mournful bore hands out a story
.stale, and thinks we ought to roar with laughter at the
Jafe. One thing's beyond my skill, I cannot sing for
prunes; and so I'm bound to trill, and murder useful
tunes. And then the neighbors come, and gather round
my shack, at eve, when fireflies hum along their glowing
track; they seek my cottage door, the men of hill and
dale, and for an hour or more they ride me on a rail.
to my room, the room which 1 had so
delighted in, mid which now I twined
lit uniio.st with Innthiiig lis I recalled
v.liut Mr. Frederick luid said. People
ncic Illuming Neil ior livii'K as we did
perhaps thev were ulso bluiiilkK me.
Maybe I hey thought 1 wann-u um to
lie dishonest so I could hi ve a liundsonic
hutiic, curs, und till the luxuries v.e en
joyed. The tliuunlit wus torture.
I di'liheiiilely Hindi' a rou.m me
house. Lon into the kitchen did 1
-u, impressing upon in.ovlf the luxury
with v. Iiiih I wus sou rounded. Could
it be line tlmt Neil "as really taK.n
mom from widows and orpniins to
luiv nil this! I tried to refute it in
my iiiinil; tried to si.y no, he hadn't
done so! Kverythinir we had had been
honestly earned, but 1 couldn't. In
the bulit of what Mr. Frederic, n.ul
told mo, 1 couldn't.
1 knew he would not williimiy hurt
me, that while lie was blunt lie wan
also kind, lie bad prolmblv sJt'ti d
much; things perhaps were worse than
be had told mo. No wonder he as well
u.i ............ t.u ,o oe liotii Iho
iiiortit'iciitiou wnich wuu. d have been
mine had 1 adhered to my plnn to en
ter noeietr. No wonder be had advised
me to wait until he hml 'a look in.'
I wondered if he bad seen Mr. Powers -lie
had said that lie miht. Whv didn't
I think to ask him. 1 wouldn't fr.il
to do so next time he came. He, every
one, had a Krent respect for the biK
Imnker, and his opinion.
I started to order the cur. then halt-
tliev not
ashed to meei at the loii((o rooms at
7:110 o'clock in order that all may
march In a body to the armory to be
seated at the same time for the ban
Hiict which happens to be the first
number on the program. The chairman
of the state Pep committee of Portland
a ud a couple of (food siagirs from the
l--t city will lie on hand as well as a
string orchestra of lice pieces. Johnny
.loaes will put on the banquet.' Willi
the present membership of tlo, it is
estimated that at least Soil will man
nijo to got in en the evenini; ', events.
A t iachers zone meeting will bo held
next (Niturdi y at Donald. Mrs. M . L.
r'uikors.in, supervisor will at lend and
address the session. One of the spe
cial features of the meeting will be n
prnetieiil demonstration of the Donald
Standard rooking club, as this club
will serve luncheon. An address will
be delivered 'y President .T. 11. Ack
eriiiau lit the tiinrninif session. In the
afternoon P.lcf. John J. Almack, di
r.'elor of the extension service of the
Uiiixcrsitv of Orcein, will spak.
Tonight la Cherrlan drill night. Cap
tain .iaiitfis is anxious that every
Cherriun should report for duty at ":'M
o'clock at the city hall.
One case of influenza was reported
yesterday to Mayor C K. Albin. I-ast
we. k several were reported from south
of the city. Mr. Alton stntes that,
with the bare possibility of the mini
reptr-piK lo
usmess rropostiion
You've Heard People Say It
"The people are tired of patriotism new that the war is over. The only
thing that will appeal to them is a COLD BLOODED BUSINESS PROPO
SITION." Do you believe it? Do you think people are going to invest in this Vic
tory Loan ONLY because it's a bully good investment?
Seventy-two thousand Americans went to France and "INVESTED" all
they had in Liberty and were killed before their "DIVIDENDS" came due.
THAT was a cold-blooded business proposition. Two million other
Americans went to France, too, and willingly offered their lives on the same
investment They knew they might never clip a coupon.
Thirty million other Americans at home got in on that "INVESTMENT
saved and sacrificed to do it.
That was a "cold-blooded business propesiition."
The Job Must Be Finished
We are still Americans and every "TRUE AMERICAN" is going to see
the job finished in the good old American style.
It may be a "cold-blooded business proposition," some people call it
Go to Your Bank NOW and
Space Contributed by
f?ljtfilry (a.
pnekajjo shall not exceed the oven ,,f Mr,
linnniltf Bnil tlmt It 1iA fnltv Tirnnniil find
,-w......u ...... v .v
properly addressed.
and Mrs. K. A. FarriiiKtoa of Some of the musip of the ervi.. were
is city Is huverinir between life und the Rounds of the hotel cash reenter
death today us the result of the over- and telegraph instrument. Guests ar-
The International CorreSDOndenco ,!"n"" VI a "r in which alio was rid- rived und checked out. The bootblack
school has brought suit np.inst Itenja- ! ilK,S Z ; " '." ZT' ,Wh? ''"'1 tho shoes of some yt the "con-
the bead and is otherwise 'injured but ! 'l',ltio!'-" TUo mu,3""1' '""''bora of
i not .rimwU- ltllu services were utipluuded.
The youim couule in coiniiiinv with!.
min U. Perkins, its former agent in
the city. In the complaint it is stated
that Mr. Perkins hug possession of
noun, I volumes, iiiMnicuoii papers, an- ; a mt li.T couple whose names have not
vending and soliciting equipment and ).,. r0Vl.nnI) att.iiiiit.-d to pass a ma- !
tli... I... 1. u t.iil.i.l t. .In ivi.i tlti.itt In ' '. x i
this is said to he the ttrst time .t
the history 0f tho Methodist church that
regular services have been held in a ho
tel lohbv.
the newly appointed aiciit. The Inter-!,,. .;M
the citv, that all
national Correspondence school iisks
the court for an injunction preventing
Mr. Perkins from selling scholarship
and from collecting any money or in
any nay injuring its business.
Salem ha witnessed the monster pro
ductions of (iriffith, among them the
'Hearts of the World'' with its grii
pini; scenes from the world war. In
this same elnss, without its whirl of hor
rors, is Allen llolubar's masterpiece
The Heart of Humanity", which
comes to the Oregon for a four-day run,
beginning Wednesday, April 3rd. In
this eight-reel film Dorothy Phillips has
been cast for the most nppenling role of
her screen career. It is a story of mother-love,
of heroism, of the most telling
dramatic incident. In it is fcaturcd-tho
laiuous i rincess mi regiiueiii oi i
1'nii.idiuns which was literallv shot tot
extinction in i pres front. This collos-'
al picture, built up without regard to
cost i;t I'nivemal City, reveals tne work
of the Hod Cross and the magnificent
couriiu'C of the Canadian contingent to
no when their car was wrecked.1
The injured people were brought to the
city in a passing car. i
Ccngregalicn Smokes and
Speeder Willi Arm Around
Girl Runs Down Aged Man
i I! r I coruntiu, ur., April 21.
Lounges at Unique oei'vice ' 0, m h,ruck nml meA by
. I bile w hich w i;s driven by a
Portland, ()r., April 21.-
and cigarettes were sold and smoked,
Pr. W. V. Youngston conducted the
regulnr services of Wilbur Memorial
Methodist Kpiscopal church here last
The scene was the lobby ami mezza
nine floor of the Multnomah hotel.
April 21. 5f. Kasetle,
an uuiomo
by an unknown
While cr"ar I m"n s,""lu? afternoon at Tigard, 11
mile siutli of Portland.
The driver of the machine, say eya
witnesses of the fatal accident, was
traveling at the rate of 41) miles aa
hour while having one arm around his
girl companion. He wore a soldier's
uniform. Rasette's skull was iracturtd.
The cars too. were, i ...y m flackers, - faster of
bought with other people s money I VS as ' mombcrf hou,a .
not Neil criticised for Having men. , uh ,h fllty authorities in TTJ" .
,f No. no, until I knew more or w a. ."r piled of any case. WJ, ViAtP VVrP K f
was true, and what laise won... , ,,.,. , ,,.,. sh,i.i there "r" ""S- " '
be any danger of the return of the dis
ease, in ha happened in some commu
nities, the mayor states that he is In
favor of at once eaialilishing an emor-
- t i u t li t v nos i a wnrrv rn i vsv
wa ked for an hour. When 1 came oa. s vmptoms are first
I fell better vhvsicallv; tint my men-, ai(.OV(,r,,lt wuh r11 e0MTatin(r with
tal distress bad been increased. ,'(hf m)viir M(, f01in,ijt jt j, felt that
I had met Lorraine .nor...... f. . mfCI hp svh.ecs.f uliv combat
the cars. 1 would walK
It mnv have been a niorom ireai
in me thai made me choose the oldest,
plainest dress in n.v wnr.iror-e. me.
I took little Hubert in his go cart and.
Eugene Discharged Soldier
Eugene, Or., April 21. Thornton lTm
phrey, discharged soldier, was instnntly
killed last night when he came in con
tact with high voltage wires while try.
ing to walk the girders of the bridge
Lorraine Morton. Mie .1; ',, .,.. i, .uceeasfullv combat- between this city and Springfield. His
turned Bud walked with me, loosing In There is but the one case in the body lias not yet been recovered from
surprise nt my costume. t itv now anj j, thought that all the river into which it was plunged
Where oh where is the siynsn airs. ,Kmli.i j, a their minrd and report from the tiridge.
Korl.es gone, oh. where oh. where has q,,;,, should a case develnp. Wern-
sh" snng out at me. i b,-rs ef the lioesehold wher? the ano plirev dared a companion to wi The
"I.orvsine will too answer me a qnws- .,,,)r,,,,i w(.r a thP strin-ts girder. ll
According to details available I'm-
girder. The dare was refused and he
tion. and answer it truthfully I 1 asK- Hri.,v. - 'attempted t0 do the feat himself. His
cd w ithout preamble. ! . o shoulder struck the live wire snd he
"If I answer it at all T win teit thej For tha past year or so, there has was instantly electrocuted. He is the
truth," she bantered. 1 was sure she ,(,n , post office order that ao pHek- ;son of John I'mplirey who lives about
she had no idea of what 1 was going to acj ahoultl (e received for aoldiers jseven miles west of Kugene.
sor. j unless accompanied by a special order j 1
Are people talking of nor emmva-jof hi:her commanding officer. This W rt.tL A .
gance. our new house, er,r and all the order has now been cancelled and it is.liUVCUC Ulil Iivui lvtllU rto
ether things when they speak of list"', possible to mail packages not exceed
I couldn't wav Neil's name. It stmk ing seven pounds to any of the boys
in mr throat. ion overseas duty. ISO order is acees
" Whv liarbara " Then: "Ye.jarv. Ail that is asked is that the
Result cf Auto Accident
Eugene, OrM April 21. Thirteen-year-old
Margaret Farrington, daughter
Scratching sometimes
leads to blood-poisoning
Scratching that inflamed surface does not relieve the irritation it
Increases the pain. The finger-nails often carry dangerous micro-org.ir.isrr.s-infection
sets in bloxl-pnisoning may be the result. Avoid
ncb a calamity by anointing the sore spot with Resinol Ointment.
Cleansing it occasionally with Resinol Soap and warm water.
Oi Ins mtiliratina lb. itchinf 0,ul!lT iipn entirtlr a4 th Iroakis
iuci ucart up it inwi ccmutctttir.
Al fl in, utrtl. H'rtit Blt,mrt, Mi.,J-frn mmtftt.