1 I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 19. 1919. PAGE SEVEN. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL NEW TODAY WANT AD PAGc 1ATTOMII WANT All IWDAPTlfTOT IC TUT DUCT CO IITf", rfwwuum iixwi nu Via nil I ODIUM IN MARION COUNTY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Bat pr word New Today: Sack Iniertio It at week (6 Inseraont) , as OM month (26 insertions) 17e Tit Capital Journal will aot to re speasibla for nor thai ons issartioa, tar errors ia Classified Advertisements Ksal your advertisement ths first day It appears and notify si immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c, WANTED Cattle anil ealves any kind, Fhoae 1576W. 52 WANTED dtaby buggy. 1609 Center. 4 21 BEANS $4 per hundred. 1601 Center. 421 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone 704 . 5 16 BIO Wit stove wood for sale. 64F14. Phone 4 21 WANTED Roomers and hoarders, 495 N. Gonil. Phone 1446. tf FARM hand wanted. Call 6ulem 3F3, C. C. Russell, tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOR SALE Pansy plants. Maruny, 211 Miller St. 430 STREET B garage, 420 S. Coml. All kinds of repair work. 4-20 WILL do plain sewing. 1299 S. nigh. 4 19 FHEB BOOKLET 'Care Buoy Chicks' 544 Bute St. Telephone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1105 IN. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-5 WANTHD Poultry, eggs, hldet and veal, heavy hens, 32c; light hens 31c. Cherry City feed barn. tf FOR RENT Clean apartments for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry 8U tf FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain same by describing same at this effice and paying for ad. tf FOR SALE Three quarter ton truck. In first 'class shape, $200. Highway garage. tf FOR RENT Or sale residence- at 360 N. Capitol St. one brock from Cap ital, tf WANT To secure at once, a $2000 loan on good farm security. Socolaf sky, Bay no bldg. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem St. 6. tf FOUND Hat for mias, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal of fice and pay for ad. tf FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. tt WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf HAVE recently listed some exception al bargains, for grain, fruit stock or dairy, ranches. 1 can assist you in 4 Diiying rignt. ror nosi uuyt sen Socolofsky, Bayne building. tf We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Exempt r rr m rstiviorcsase Farm INVESTMENTS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. iiUiili o limDLOk QLLLLWll - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS WANTED Mop twiners and trainers. I Call 71F2. 4 ia FOR SALE Six sheep, seven lambs. Phone 90F2. 4 19 FOR SALB 5 room modern eortage $700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris. ti FOR SALE Beans in first class con dition, spraying outfit, and a cream reparator. Phone 107F13. 4-18 WANTED Player piano, state make, price- and condition. Address Piano care Journal. 4-22 YOUNG man who attends business col lego mornings, wishes work after noons. C-53 care Journal. tf FOR RENT & acres, all in cultiva tion, close to car line, fine vegetable land. Soeolofaky, Bayne bldg. tf II AM BLETON1AN horse and ouggy for sale. Phono 70F32 or write lit. 9, box 114B. tf FOR SALE Or rent, store building with living rcoms, furnished or un furnished, in connection; also gar age. Call 335 S. 19th. 4 22 50,000 TO 73,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery Fruitland nursery, 1 milea east of state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. Rt. 6, Salem, tf PLANT artichokes If you want eheap hog feed. Both teps and tubers make splondil food. I have a few bushels left. Phone 622 or 254. tf OREGON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3.50 per thousand, post paid. Chas. Hart, Jefferson Or. ' 4-19 WANTED A small house of one or two rooms and toilet; give size and price. H. Klender, Kt. 6, box 147B Saleia. ' 419 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. . rruit trees, roses aad a" rubs. Special low prices oa certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf J00D rooming house to lease, 38 rooms partly famished; will lease Tery reasonable. Inquire 606 N. Com'l St. or phone 1549U. tf WE PAT highest eesb. price for eggs, ?rk, Teal and psoltry. .Willamette ransfer Oo,171 & High St. Phone 1400. tf FOR BALE At 1260 Jefferson St. nice little house and lot for $328; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z TP care Journal, tf HOMESTBAD In Canada for $125. This Includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator's expenses. Fine mixed fanning district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. tf COMPOSERS and song writers, forty copies of your composition for $8. Let me show yon how to have your 1 work published. Bruce, Music Pub lisher, 304 305 Bornice Bldg., Ta- onia, wasn. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, lights, with 4 full lots, small orchard, at Aumavillo, Or. Very reas onable for cash or payments. G. Kirkpatrick . Salem, Rt. 6, box 22. 419 A SNAP I have a nice 5 a;ro tract, well improved at city limits, good new house and barn, young orchard, loganberries and other fruit. Will take good trade. Prico $3300. Big discount for cash. 0. W. Laflnr, 505-6 Hubbard bldg. tf Loans OF MERIT ONLY TAKEN UP-2 sorrel, ball faee colts Phone rem. 4 2 BRANT) new car for sale at sacrifice. Call 649 for particulars. 4 19 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Call 1510 State street. 4-19 WHITE Indian Runner ducks lor sale. 1080 Norway St. 4 24 FOR RENT Modern well furnished house. 1045 N. Cottage. 4-19 FOR SALE 2 brood sows. Phone 44F5. 421 WANTED Work on truck or deliv ery car. C E care Journal. 4-19 WANTED To rent 3 or 6 room house or will buy on installments. Phone 213GM. 4-19 FOR SALE 80 acres at $40; partly cleared and stocked. Geo. Wober. Rt. 8, box 27. 4-19 WALTHAM watch, 11 jewels, perfect time keeper, will trade for cheap work horse. 223 Center St. 4 21 FOR SALE Bean spraying outfit iu first class condition, and cream sep arator, rhone 107F13. 4 ill MRS. E. HOLT will do relining, re pairing and alterations; ladies and gents work solicited. Call 310 Divis ion St. 4-19 FOUND Pair man's gloves between carliuo and Suunygide school house. Owner can get property by calling at Journal and paving for this ad. 1S IIAJTE ycu bought that Fordson trac tor! Let Uncle Sam furnish the mon ey at 5i4 percent, payable in 34 years. See W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. 4 21 FARM for sule, 24 acres. 5 miles east of Salem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 ocre-s in cultivation, balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box 25 A for further information. tf ROOM with or withont board for one or two young ladies, convenient to ear; home privileges. Phone 1118. 419 FOR SALE Bargain, 8 room house, lot 75 by 166, at 841 N. Cottage St. fruit trees and garden, $2000, $1000 rash balance terms. See VV . I. Needham, court bouse. - 4-19 WANTED Address of trustworthy, reliable young man wishing steady employment in city. Address in own handwriting. P. O. box 367, city. 419 FOR SALE 8 room house about 6 blocks from State and Liberty St. cherry, walnut end apple trees and grapes; small barn and woodshed, on paved street, rrice $3000. Owner, P. O. box 425. 4-19 OWINO to .the continual increase in four shoo dyes, labor and polishes wo are forced to raise the price of shoe shining to 15e straight after May 1. W. J. Halsell, Chas.' .Maxwell. 424 WANTED Good tloeky-uilt w.ork horse, weighing net under 1300 and not over 6 years old. Will trade as part payment or all, big fir cord wood or 16 inch. Teter Bischoff, Rt 6 box 49 A, Salem. 4 1!) BETTER REALTY BUYS Dairy farm of 426 acres. All new buildings; large modern house, barn 00x04; silo; 2110 acres cultivated, (moro than half in crop now.) Splen did ranger of farm machinery; head of sheep and goets; 31 hogs, 10 head of cattle, (i horses: all hav and feed seed, etc. The whole ranch complete at $M0 an acre. Closo to R. R. town and high school. 5 room buugnlow, new; very com fortable little home, 'j block off main street; 2 beautiful lots, fcjod fruit. $2000, 260 8. 14th street, good 5 room bungalow, $2800. Goed terms. 10', 3 acre apple orchard; no build ings. Fine location. $2500. 10 acres with good house and out buildings. All cultivated, $2000. $400 down balance easy, A real snap. 2 acres and large, modern house; just outside city limits. $4750. 5 acres; 3-4 acre loganberries, fine fruit. Dandy soil. New buildinss: horse, 2 cows, chickens, Implements, etc. etc. Off Silverton road. $2200 the lot. Lood at this one) 5 seres 1 mile from 8. Commercial street car. 2 acre, logans; 2 acres full bearing cherries; good modem house with bath, etc. Gas lighting1 plant. $4500 0 acres -near Pratum, 6 acres logaa- 1irri.a na ttiittrli ntra Vin Unfl ! $2050. I 1 j 10 acres mile to B. E. 5 acres loganberries; 4'4 acres evergreen blackberries family orchard. Woven wire fenced. No buildings. $3200. 6 acres at Fruitland; good build ings fine little family orchard. A good loganberry proposition, $1300. j (Quarter of a city block; splendid fruit and fine s"il; 7 room house and fully modern exempt basement; $3,- ; 500. $1009 cash will handle. Bal- : ance long time. 1 FOR REALTY BARGAINS See C W. NIEMEYER 215216 Masonic Building INDIAN Uunncr tluek eggs for setting S eents each. Phone 515. 4-17 WANTSD Experienced girl ia house work. 743 S. Coa l. tf TENT for sale. 40UO, black wall tent note sise before making inquiries. Manager Oregon theater. 4 24 I BUY young calves. C. C. Russell, rhone arc. tt FOB RENT "Bachelors delight" houwkeping rooms at the Miller, 633 Ferry St. 4 19 WANTED Rubber tire, top buggy, in good condition. Must be cheap for cash. Phone 19F13. 4 22 FOR SALE 40 acres at Liberty; beet terms ever heard of; take some city property. Wm. Lemley, Salem. 4 21 FARM, 336 acres, or divide, $100 per acre, improved road, railroad, mail route cream route, phone lines, near Dallas. Mary Lee, Dallas, Or. 4 19 FOR SALE Corner lot 132x132, with 8 room house, modern conveniences, cement walks, barn and fruit; on carliue. 1395 N. Liberty. tf LOST Somewhere in AumsvilJe, a black imitation leather pocket book containing $100, all $20 bills. Also a W. S. S. book with $25 in stamps in David Alexander's signature. Finder please return same to G. M. Alexander, Aumsville, Or. and re ceive reward. 4-23 THE 4S0 seres in Jefferson county ad vertised some time ago, will be tak en off the market May first. This is a nap at $8000; as there are im provements as well as 150 acres in crop, all tillable land being under Suttle Lake irrigation project which will be ready to irrigate tho 1920 crops. More particulars can be had by addressing or talking to advertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your time ia limited. tf FOR SALS-129 acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salon, on good read, in good location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 900 eordg of wood ready cut, all at a bargaia. Write M W care Journal. tf GLA7XIOLU8 BULBS Try home grown bulbs. We are offering a mix ture admired on our grounds for rt range of color. Bulbs of vigor and vitality, 50c per dozen. Also a lim ited number of the flame colored, Mrs. Francis King, eallaUl the most popular gladiolus, 60 cents VT doaen Any variety desired that ws do not hTe will be glad tn order. W. C. Franklin, phone 52F14. 4-21 SOME SPLENDID CANADIAN BAR GAINS 160 acres in Red Deer district, fine stock ranch, 35 acres in timothy and . grain, good house, well furnished; barn and outbuildings, living water; balance of land in 'brush, easily clear ed. Price $3500. Want to exchange for 10 or 15 acres near Salem, 160 acres, same district, snail house nnd outbuildings; all fenced. Price $2500. Want to exchange for acre age near Snlem, Fur sale, beautiful home on 24th St. with an acre of ground, for about what the house cost; strictly mod ern. A snap in a splendid 6 room mod ern home, with garage, only $1500. Want vacant lot i'er my $500 equity, or easy terms for cash. $250 will let you Diove in. 2 of the finest lots on Fairmount Hill, paved street; a most beautiful spot to build a home. Jlave a customer for a nico building lot, reasonably close in, not to ex ceed $500. Sec II. ,. Bolinger 328 Hubbard Mdg. Phone 1009. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR 'DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35e. 5 2 ANYONE looking for a place all ready to set up housekeeping couldn'i do better than buy the following: 10 acres good fruit land, 3 room house, good well, barn snd wagon shed, wood house, chick house aad park; shade trees around house and barn, good garden in and fences in neces sary places, 1'4 acres strawberries, some logans, gooseberries, raspber ries, blackberries, pears, plums, ap ples and cherries. Everything is in first cUss condition and 5Vj miles south of Salem. No incumbrances and can give possession at once. $2500. Terms if desired. 3 XIV care Journal. tf SALm AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Btreet If yon want to buy or sell ear eome and tee me. 4 Fords ranging from $350 to $390 1916 ttttidbakcr $550 Maxwell, 1918, good as new, $725 Bulik roadster, 1914. $L'H5 2 1914 Studebakers. $250 and $275 Overland tf"d e new $700 Excelsior motorcycle with handy sidecar $250 Lot, of others, come and see ns Open till 9 evening Phone 867 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY COW for family wanted flesh or freea toon. Phone 810. 4 19 TWO Poland China pigs for sale. Wt. 10t Hs, registered. .Phone 5313.4-21 FOR SALE Milk cows. Phone 105F 16. 422 WANTED To rent four rooms in pri vate house, close in. Phone 423 be tween 8 a. m. and 1 p. ni. 4 21 LOST Cold wrist watch, between Ma rion and Division, on Liberty. Leave at Journal office, for reward. 4 21 FOUND Pair man's leather gloves. Call at Journal office prove same and pay for ad. 4-21 WANTED Some hop stoves, must be in good condition. 360 Washington St. 4 22 40 ACRES good berry and prune land for enle. Will sell in wnall tracts or whole piece. Thonc 23.MJ. 5 19 LOGANBERRY tips, $20 per thousand for sale. Hans l'opp, Gervais, Rt . 2. 422 PORTABLE chicken fence. ISO lineal feetTor sale. H. C. Hummel, 2340 Laurel Ave. Phone 2097.1. 4 21 FOR KALK Auburn touring car, iu first class shape. Highway garage. tf SILOS Build your silo with govern ment money at 5-j percent for 34 years. See W. D. Smith, 303 Snlem Bank of Commerce building. 4 19 FOR SALE 5 room modern house lo cated at 1507 S. Cottage, corner lot east front, price $1500. See W. F. Shank, 1530 S. Liberty. 4 21 1000 LOfiiANBERiRY tips for sale; al so stock hogs, draft and driving horses, aad Kurly Rotto potatoes. W. E. Egan & Son, Gervais, Rt. 2, phone 3FU. 4 23 FOR- SALE Am leaving town, will sell my new 4 room plastered bunga-. low at once for $500 . 620 8. 18th. 4-25 !XH RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms on carline, bath, toilet, hot and cold water electric lights, tele phone, also bam suitable for garage, garden ground. Phone 253M. 4 19 FOR SALE A bargain in a largo 9 room house, lot 78x88 ft. on corner of Center and Winter, good furnace and fireplace, oilet, bath, electric lights one of Ike best locations in the city, 2 blocks from state house, for $3, 250; rash, balance time to suit Inquire or phone R. B. Ryan, 19 F3. - 421 GOOD BUYS 50 acre farm, well improved, 47 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, targe house and barn, family orchard, dark prairie eoil, Vs mile to school. 'Price 10,2W. 3d acre river bottom farm, 25 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; good six room bungalow, fine barn, fnmilv orchard and berries, closo to school, l'rice $7200. 20 aero tract, 15 acres under culti vation, balance pasture, 1 acre of Lo ganberries, l',4 acres bearing cherries, 4 room house, barn; 3 horses, 2 cows and farm machinery. Price $3150. 40 acre tract, 17 acres in cultivation balance pusturo and timber; housu Hint barn, running water; stock and ma chinery go. Price $6000. 40 aero tract, 35 acres of bearing psunes, 2 acres of M'urs, located south of Snlctn. Price $275 per acre. 5IV4 acre tract, 24 acres in 5year old prunes, balance nearly all in grain, sumo timber. Price $8000. 4t.2" acre tract. 30 acres in cultiva tion, 8 acres 4 year old prunes, 2 acres loganberries, 10 acres in wlient; house and barn, family orchard. Price $1000 3-4 aero farm, ull fnim land; good house, barn, well, rock rouJ. Price $.ViOO. $3500 down, balance 5 years 6 percent interest. 320 acre farwi, 80 acres under culti vation, bain nee good timber and pas ture; good house, barn, spring water. Prico $10 per acre. 320 acre farm, 210 under cultivation and in crop, balance pasture, running water, good set of farm build'niRS. This land is in a high state of cultiva tion and if yu r looking for a first class farm, investigate this. Price $31, 000 . , , 162 acre dairy farm, all cultivated and in crop, dark soil, well located; good set. of modern farm buildings, good road. Price $125 per acre. 160 acre farm located 2 miles east of Turner, 100 acres in cultivation; Kood house, barn, 50 acres in crop. Price $12,500. 310 acre Howell Prairie farm, 210 acres under cultivation, two set of building.. Price $155 per acre. 10 acres all under cultivation and in crop, located 4V2 nile from Salem. Price $1350. 6 room modern b'irga.ow, lot i0 by 110 feet, gravel str'et. I'i e $1350, $330 down balance terms at C percent interest. S0 acre farm, 100 acres under cul tivation, balance timber; large plas tered house, lrn, rock road. Price $10,400. $3000 down, Wance 6 per cent interest. 5 room modern house located on pav ed street. Price $1500. $300 down, balance to suit at 6 percent interest. 15'j aero tract located 5 miles from Kalcm. V. sere und'-r cultivation bal ance timber and pastore, fine spring. Price $1000. If yon ant to buy, trade or sell, Hce W. E GRABENBORST & CO. 273 State slreet JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY! MIXED gladiolus 2- per doa. Dah lia bulbs from $1.25 dozen to 73c each. Mrs. f. L. Purvine, 1009 lifth St. 421 GOOD team, 9 years old, weight 2100 His., far Ante! will work in rIaw: I !.. n.,n,i k..L- ,.) k.n,. gain at $115. Phone 12r'5. ' 4 22 TOR SALS 40 acre farm, well locat ed, close to Salem, and a modern 5 room uungalow, rloso in. Address Owner rare Journal. 4 22 FOR PALE Or will trade for liberty bonds 5 acres in Hollywood. Call at ( larks Tire House, 319 N. Com mercial. 4 22 jFOR &ALE 4 room bunslow pnd I acreage, 3 miles south of Salem on O. E. Ry. Cash or terms. Write 512 j 5th Ave. Aberdeen, Wn. 4-iD j 10 AOltES 8 acres in loganberries, 2 ' acres full bearing No. 1 berries, 3 1 miles on Jefferson road, SO rods east See owner, F. R. Stark. 4-25 WOOD CUTTERS wanted to cut ec ond jfrowth fir; fine timber; 60 days work, $2 per cord. 3 blocks from end of 12th St. car line. T. L. David son. 4 22 FOR SALE Or .trade 1915 Bui k four good tires, self starter and lights, new .lattery, spare tire and repuint ed, good as a new ear. Will trade for team, weight 2600 to 3000, har ness, wavon m gK,d milk cows. Phono 109SR. 4 19 A SNAP Well improved 73 acre farm all in crop, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, all farming tools; also crop on 103 acres rented land 3-4 mile from station on Oregon Electric, Price $10,500 good terms. List your prop erty with us, we can sell it. J. H. Scott, 124 S. Liberty. 4 19 140 ACRES, 16 acres 3 year old prunes 15 acres moro under cultivation, 30 million feet saw timbe-r, watered by springs and creek, good buildings, 1 1, miles from town and railroad. This is a snap at $45 per acre. $1500 will handle. HwIkucs terms. (List your property with us we can sell it. J. . Scott, 121 S. 'Liberty. 4-i MARRY if lonely; for results, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar-Ji-ago .soon; strictly confUleutial; mast reliable; years experience; de scriptions free. "The Bueeesstnl Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 858, Oak land, Cal. TRACTS! TRACTS! TERMS ON ANY ONE Two fine acres adjoining city limits $2100,. Good bona aad bant, fra$ All cultivated. S acres; 4 room house; barn; torn, chickens, buggy, implements; doss to car; $2200 5 acres; mall plastered house; all cultivated; at Hollywood, $1700 6 acres all in orchard; 1 acre logans; 2 acres prunes; blackcaps, gooseberries and strawberries; 6 room house; good barn; block soil close to car; $3500 5 acres on Smith's fruit farm; small house; $1500 6 acres off Silverton road; good house and barn; 1 acre mixed orchard; 1 acre loganberries; cow, horse, chick ens, good Implements', flue soil and lays well; $2200 5 cres S Bilom, with first dam house bas full cement basement; 3 acres mixed orchard; i acre logans; $3000 (the house is worth more) 5 acres with modern house; bath; gas lighting plant, etc; 2 acres full bearing cherries; 2 acres loguns; flue buildings $4i"00 6 acres at Fruttlnnd; good buildings $1300 6 3 4 Scros well Improved, close to car, $3200 8 3-4 acres with 0 acres in 'logans; no tuildtu(T", $J(i.r)0 9 acros fine loganberry land; no buildings; all e'eared land; SlfiOO 10 actus; 3 acres prunes; 2 acres lo ganberries; balance In grain except 1 era timber; buddings poor; Just out bide city and a grout baigaiu; $4000 10 acres with a modern house and fine fruit; -iMO 15 acres; 7 in bearing prunes; good buildings, $4500 BUY LAND NOW two years lrom now, u you nave not bought, you will wish that you had FOR REALTY BARGAINS SEE C W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 215 216 Masonic building 4 21 YOU ARE GOING To lose tlio opportunity tn purchase that modern house at 1133 Court Kt. for $5500 on your own terms! Un less you do so within a few days it will be taken off the market. It is worth more money snd property val ues ore going up. The sum,- will ap ply to the beautiful homo at N. 1263 Court St. for $4500. See JOHN IL SCOTT 404 Hubbard bi ilding Portland Firm Wishes to make agen- y arrangement with cL'iss responsible citizen rf Salem as agent for Fire Insurance Company. Man miu:t be hih- cuizcn, ambitious ana energetic. Address Rcoi esentative, L. V., Care Capital Journal I J D. H. MOSHKR i DOK3 i HIGH CLASS LADIES i TAILO&INQ ' j SriRELLA corsets sold by Alice A, Miles, 1106 Leslie Rt. Measures tak en. ft guaranteed. Heme Thurs. af ternoons. Phone 1425B. RANCH WANTED Wasted to hear from owner of good ranch for salt. Stats cash price, fnl particulars. U. F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. CAL. WIDOW 32, worth $25,000. Maid en 21. worth $u'0,0OO anxious to mar ry honorablo gentlemen. Mrs. Warr, 22164 Temple, Loa Angeles, Cal. YOUR future foretold. Send dime, age, birthdate for truthful, reliable, con vincing trial reading. Ilasel Haust, Box 140S, Los Angeles, Cal. WOULD like to trade four room house, close in, for larger property, clost in and pay difference. Address E 'it care Journal. 4 -ii It'R SALE Or rent, two story seven room house, with hot and cold watei, batb, toilet, lights, two lots, plenty of fruit; ulso Inrn 011 place; corner nineteenth and Mill. See owner, V. H. Coleman, Capital hotel, Salem, Or. 42? S'OR SALE Or traile on account, of circumstances, will sacrifice goo'l homo in Brownsville; will trade li clear property for your mortgage! home if well situated; might trabi for good lot close in, or acreage. Ad dress 1333 State SH. or phono 113? R. tu iBEAUTIPt'L farm ranch in Montana, 40(H) acres with 4000 shares of wa ter right. All fenced and building on. Part trudo taken. 245 8. Win ter. 4-l! FOR SALE Yes, this is for sale and it is going to sell too.eom nnd sec itf for we want to sell it furnished er unfurnished, $3500 unfurnished, $1, 000 furnishtd. This offer will nc-t . last but ono week; you, never saw . a more complete 6 room bungalow, big lot with gurage; eome on n'" hnrry. 876 North 14th St. Key on dour south. Eusily worth $6000. 4-2."r Henry Ford, Not Local Men, To Blame For Vkk s Moving It is understood that a few grouches who are inclined to criticiie everything, have been making seme ujifavorablw comments oa the Sulem Commercial club for permitting the whole business of Vicks Bros, to move to Portland. In this instonce, according to treorD Vick, it is Henry Ford who Is doing the moving and not any of the VieK. brothers. When Mr. Vick was in De troit a few mouths ago, he was plainly told by Mr. Ford that the state agency for the Fordson tractor should be in a larger city and Mr. Vick was given t understand at tho time that if he re tained the agency for the tractor, hi would have to move to Portland. As n distributing point, Henrv Ford Insisted on tho tractors being handled from the larger city, especially as Vick Bros, had been given the wholesale 1 agency for southern Idaho rn Humcwi I to the slate of Oregon. In speaking of the business change, Mr. Vick siiid this mornin: ' Wo re- urot more than we can express, the ne cessity of b'tivini! nnr homes snrt oil' friends in Snlem. Our business hns been built up here nml within tin) past two years, two of us have built homes and expected to niuke Salens our permanent home. "But Mr. Ford put it up to us indi rectly tliat the wholesale agency inn.-1, be located iu Portland. There is noth ing that we could do, or anything tlm Silent Commercial club could do to chrnuo Henry Kurd's mind on this sub ject. Died MA RI ELS At Portland, Oregon, April 16, 1919, Clarence W. Muriels, at tl age of 48 years. Ilo is survived by six children, Her bert, Percy, Clarence, Jessie, Lyle, En ma and Eugenia Muriels, all of Snleir. He. is also survived by two brothers, John Muriels of Portland and Fred Mm iels of Lyons, Oregon, and two step daughti'is. Miss Lottie Gill and Mrs. Ma Keyes, both of Salem. (Inn-lien W. Muriels was bora Mn f 27, 1971, at Mai on City, Misso.n:, ant moved 'o Oregon when 14 vears 0I1I. Since his coming to Oregon lie had t:' wavs lived in Salem or vicinity. Several years sfter the death of hn first wife, he married Miss I.tnrai fl'dt "i 1917, who also survives to mourn hi l"S. He was converted to the A post ol in Faith. three weeks before his iteath. Burial was at Fox Vnlhy, Oregon. first large grade