Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 19, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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B.P.0.E io era
li C yX AnnGimciDfrtheiMewberanton II
1 iOr CO-V- - I
I fefei Life i 1
The foundation of a house is the most important feature; and yet drapery setting properly constructed,
which makes the home have a home-like appearance seems to be the last thought in the amateur's scheme of
Interior Decoration. Too often the person, who has built and furnished his own home, is ready to die of
exhaustion after the Walls, Furniture and Rugs have received careful attention.
Too often his money, as well as his patience, has given out, and no Draperies or Pretty Cm tains are used
to give the one thing lacking, "Homey Effect", in his otherwise nicely furnished home.
We have just received a wide line of attractive printed Scrims, Marquisettes and Voiles al popular
prices in the "Sunfast" materials.
The production of these fabrics is a logical development growing out of the increasing popularity of
Scranton Filet Nets and Lace Curtains, and the demand for Over-Drapery Materia?, made with the same
standards of excellent design, fine materials and careful workmanship.
Let the Victrola Furnish Your Easter Music
Your E
m I .1 ,1 w t, k H
is L u m u w a
j it ,
Will give yqu added pbasure if you know there
will be entertainment later on the Victrc'.a.
You can dance to the music;
You can laugh at tbe music;
You will thoroughly enjoy the music of tho Victrola.
Urn Eiks Flan To Entertain
7&0 Members At Annual
With 9i members ia eoo standins;.
anj a growing lode, wilh .IT.lO I
worth of jiruporty and not a dollar tt
iili4teiiuts, aiul a loile Jpirit thst
brings out from in) to at evory
wpokly mwtii'C. ttKMnlx-rs f Salon
linlge Xa. Xi, li. 1'. O. E. will coli'liratc
I thes happy ronditiona at the amiui-1
homwoimns; to bo hold at the ar'iicry
ucit Tuesday evening.
Two years ago. there wa ait attend-
;ance of about 500 at th home coming
'event. But with the growth of the lodte I
I during the past two years, arrangements
J j have been made to entertain 7'0 Kli'
J Members of tlio Indite w ith af liliatioes
I ; else here are invited to join iu th1 fe
5 jtivities. - .
'. i These festivities include a ijei'iiite
Klk Oiiiiier to be followed Lv address
romiiient loe'il moil. A musical pro-
am including Ihunaiian dancers and
isii.gers will eU'se the evening's felcbnt-j
;io. j
. The )rogriuu it as follow:
I Charles 1!. Ardierd- exalted ruler,
; toastmaster.
I ''KlKdum lis believed bv the old r
; members," Brother I', II. U'Aie.v.
I ratriotism of Kllidtm to our owi
ieountrv," Brother Kobin Ihiy.
Vocal aolo, Brotlwr (). I.. .Melbmald.
"Hia'ory of Klkdem," Brother t'ha-.
V. Oalloway.
'I have to Come Back," Past Kxal
ed Kuler .loha Knight, of Cortland.
Selection by the Klks orches'rn.
'How it feels to be nil Alternate,"
Brother Frank T. VYrightiuiiii.
"Duties of Those nt Home," Brother
Judjre Lawrence T. lliirris.
'Bast Ksultcd llnlers," Br.d K.xul'
ed Kuler Louis l.uu limit nd.
''Our f'ct Mate Convention." Bro
ther .tieorge . Brandenburg.
Ml oViock V. M. Teas' " Bast Kr
alted Ruler Walter II. Keyes.
Kntertuiiiiueu!, vaudeville urti-ts and
uietioa picture.
S I bv pi-'
i r ' '""L -.
L 'Hi' '-V S" '
r- J ' . ' n
i ss11 -if. . ;
y:; - -
- - ... .
You get More For
Your Money at
illuio urn lvi
Maybelle Jette lias been appointed hy
tho court as receiver for Kin Daw, a
Chinaman, and to earo fur and cultivate
liis crop of liU aercs in hops. The re
ceivership came about in tho way of a
unit brought against Kiu Daw by the
i'irm of 8. & Jt Uhlman. The coutt
figured that it would be best for all
artic3 concerned to hnvo the C'hinn
Juan's affairs properly taken care of.
The receiver was authorized to borrow
tt.tOO to properly handle tho crop.
administrator of tho estate of l.ulu B.
Baker, who died June 1, 1914, and Alice
M. Bnkfr, who died March 29, 1H.
The appraisers of the estate as appoint
cd by tho court are Jesse Prince, Frunlc
Toothacho and L. D. Waring.
In the case of Claude Colo against
T. B. Dean, the court ordered and ad
judged that the defendant be barred
oiid foreclosed of all right, tilled and
interest in a 24.06 acres tract in Tp. 9
K range 2 V., unless he pays to Claude
Colo tho br.lnnee of the purchase pricf,
$3"00, by May 15, 1919. If he docs not
Iay, he must surrender tho place.
In tho case of P. O. IJngoway aganift
E. Ri'goway, involving tho closing op
of tho Independent Meat Market, re
port is made to the court that no per
gonal service may be had online ar
fendnnt as stud defendant is now in Cal
ifornia. Also, that although taat P. (.
Eogoway does not know the present ad
dress of E. Hogoway, although he "has
rxnrciited duo and proper diligence to
Uncertain and determine the postoffice
address of. defendant." Heneo sum
mons will be by publication for an, mayor
In the mutter of the estato of Henr?
8. rineo, a petition has been filed bp
John bteclliuuimer and Kobert II. Scotf.,
asking that they bo paid $32.72, the
amount of the judgment they told
against Ed Place, one of to nen.
J. C. McFarland, E. L. Eodgers and
Paul Girod have been appointed ap
praisers of the estate of John 8. Kick
cits. As administrator of the estato
Phillip Carter, Down W. Miles, aduiinili
trator made his final rnport to the coun-
tv court. The same was npprovca ana
confirmed and Mr. Miles relieved of
further liability as administrator.
Mayor Baker, Portland,
Says He Is CirtCf Politic'
Portland. Ore.. April 19. Mayor lin
ker who has been frequently mentioned
as having gubernational aspiration:!.
announced today that he is out ot pv
French Aviator Starts On
Second Attempt To Cross
Ocean To South America
Paris, April 19. (United Trcss.)--Lieutenant
Fontan, French avintor,
started on his third attempt at a trans-
Atlantic flight from tho African ro i in
Brazilian coast today. Ito left Ville
Coublay for Casa Blivnca at 0:10 a. in.
Tho actual trans Atlantic portion of
Fontan 'g proposed flight would bo coh
ered in two "jumps," from vnum t
Ht. Paul's Rocks, 11U0 miles, and from
there to Pcrnnmbuco, 700 miles. Tlio
total distance to bo covered between
Villo Coublay and Kiu Janeiro is 5")00
Fontan 's first attempt was made.
March 10. He was fmced to land bo
cause of cngino trouble after making
100 miles.
His second attempt, April 8, a!so end
cd in failure owing to a mishap to his
motor, after he had been in the air ft
little more tli.ni one hour.
Preparations Fcr Referendum
Oa General Walkout .
San Francisco, April 19. Preparation
for labor's rank and filo casting its
first refreendum voto throughout tho
nation started today, when the Interna
tional Workers Defense League began
mailing ballots to unions on tho ques
tion 0f Reneral strikes in an effort to
gain a no wtnal for Thomas Mooney,
Twenty thousand locals will voto on
in tho Red Cross work tooiu on Mi'l
street and from the time tho doois
opened in the morning until the elo.-.-
ing iimo iuio in mo nneriioon tni' ti, ,, , , . , '
room was crowded with an interested ! . '",q",'s"0"' ,ll'ftM,TO lvll'"0 offi-
crowd of onlookers. The Dallas schools I m," i.h... ... , .
five-day utrilies, tho first beginning
luly 1, tk.i second lH-giiining Labor
Day and the third beginning jn .Novem
ber. The plan is to call tho second
strike if tho first fuils iu gaining its
purpose. Should nil threo strikes prove
unsuccessful tho question of an indef
inite strike wilk be taken up, say de
fense workers.
i 'JO
A Winning Battle
Every Day In Tin
''jtS From the moment 3'ou atlve cut cf yoa
. f 8a"age, your tires must itradn &.-A bcttle tyl'J
I the rough and bruuing roads.
r are built to give you the utmost in ia2o
age the last inch hi .kid preventba aac
you get it!
The "Miller Method" of vulcanizing endows
all Miller Tires with lugged, brutal strcngtl
to fight the roads, became it retains irdcci
all the native strength and stasrJna ra hath
cotton fabric and rubber. All the lusty vigo?
that nature puta irto cciton and rubber L
KEPT THERE'm MJler Tire. Let hUlerTlzz
fight the mileage and skid battles for yet:!
5 fire'S
154 S. Commercial St.
. Phone 428
lieeords iu the ol'liie (if Kerc'nr,- ef Mi-:i I'.llis lu: done eousidera5
sh.le today show the remarkablj truriini; work in tin- stale mid reoeiv"
that the registration of uuto vi'ii' rr endorseuien of memiers '
dismissed in order to allow the child
ren tuke a look at the exhibits.
Death Awaits Conspirators
Iayolved With Blanquit
Vera Cruz, Apr.il 19. (United Tress)
Court martial of .Geneinl irrnneiseo
Alvarez and other insuriroiits eantured irnuso the -hiiri.h f..lt H, , , v 1. 1 v- i u .. . . ' . .'. : 1,y "JO'-eruor Ok.i'1 to ! as tnt
- I , "" 'i. n ...-in .1., i orMiinu nniinnriuui, I'onitliiu, ( ire- 1 rjiut I i u j ..n u. ;. 1 -.
wk.nOenerulAureli.no Wan(et U " """ to th,.o, r, - r of .1,- s,a.e boau. otiUp HMmZ:
Aiuru, ui-r.u oi-re i-Miav, j ne pioceen e.Mi m inai ion an'i i-eisi 1 ;r, ;oa 01 infill
ings were exported to be brief. The Juts nio-ses. Sle sio-roeils. Miss Klizn
law provides for prompt i .-: ntion of & betli Hailing, of 1'nrf la m-1, w lio term ex
persons beiaing amis iigainst the gov-j i , ui.il April I
eminent. !
today tins ai-tuallv pii iw-n ran it,.-i . '
regis! rut ion's fur the entire year of j!)! ;
whiidi go.s In (li nioiistre'e two t hi ,r; i
tlmt the unto veliiele is increating I
utility at 1111 iviinziiig rate, and th it
too profession. Tha new ap;ntit
vi l become presi.lent of I lie board.
Ufivrmnr Olrolt lias i . pointed Ch
P. Her, if I'oitland, to bo his rep.
ifiitntivi. ii. ... ...... ..r tt... i.
there w niiin. i.i.r .nt.il., 111. l..ll, , ' . 'l"'
, , ,, ' ., .7 ...'" nn.i eutrrtiiiiiineut for -the aviators a
a ..uud Ins year than there was ...',.,,,., milki , Fv, ci
Ihe o.al rngistni t,.,,, ito date arc about lVi, it (i:,iu ,,, , ,,, A,pi a,Htt
t. (til, v, . js I ,"i'0 ,,e :... w,-r ,.,, ,)f ,,, Vi,,rv Jf
regis,-, ,1 ,-t Ins ,,-nol la; year I I-,,. M. r, ia,B1 v knw,, ,',.,;
""U'a ir ,. '" I'loiHliitUon lost,!,.,,,, hii.I has a-eeptrd tlin ippeintuu,
year v.ii.i 1 (,!!),! tmne than t!ie ri-gr..trii ',
tion in 11.17 whirl, foi llier shows the !tv vntnmim.;r I h. fa,.,K V
em-iilatiou of the rubber tire. Harry H. Torrry of I! f, .B,
, ... , I I'lton AVutkins. u kuoH-ii Bttorni
t.oveinr Olrolt today nnnonnwl thn ; ,i .,h.,I !. i -
Mi,..;,,f,.. 1 ... V!luu n.. 01. . ' " "'"
a M-rirs of meeiins for the purpose
iiiventi.ini inir into tin- in,. to. 01 iuu.
Dallas, Ore., April 19. Although Dai
Ins did not get to see tho first train cf
war trophies that pnssed through tie
Tho head of General l!laniict was
severed from his body and nronenr here
for identification and was buried here
yesterday after it had been viewed by
more than Eo.iiin) persons.
Mormon Church Invests
Quarter Million In Bonds
(Hv t'nited l'rcss.)
Yester. lay's winners: Han J-'i -ineisco,
."alt I.iik.-, t.eniinento, I.os Angeles.
Home run honpr roll: Kamiii, Heals;
Shccly, liecs.
Long Tom Henton took tin
stopping the Oaks' mail d.i
Si:n Frnnetfleo. Auril 10 yf'i.W.i1 licnminl vitn-ti to. iiltiiw-n.i u...
....mrneno ,aey several uays ago an I Fress.) Tho Mormon rliureh has made r only tlire hits, the .Seals
ll'IMl llllfl4t- la 111! Dm Imui t--w M
c,puvd April I. 1'nder llir law tin- Ore-' conditions. Frederick T. Htbkrtl
,gcn Stat:- (.iinlnato .Vuisrs i u: social ion Portland, is rliiiirnian of tho spec'
IIV" ii'i.ils fi - names to ,1 xrcntivo ,,,,:., .,, n . i.:. ' ...
5 1 "r,r!:;r ::.r jr..,,,, 't.s:?.rV ; ,,., .p,
ol the live names the owiuor selects Saturday until final determination
I its investigation.
worn nts unforunnte es to bo left off a coiitriliution of 230,0II0 to the Vie- to 1,
rna untinrv nr rta tt .ii.aw ii , ik.i , . . .
it . k.,.li,,1 thrnne-h ith nol- ' T ,. , . . J. l"r ,orr 'nn. " "on announced toduy at i"! nil that can be said
-.v ----- i was eiuiniieu in naiem i nnrsi av. t ie v,..i.... i..- t.i i
itics," said the mayoY. ''I "hall contir-
Frnnk A. Baker has been appointed pugncd while I 'm mayor,
T.flin o..i.,n Iu h..t II.,. II. .. ...... c
Itr.nl. Id hail nn nr.T.nrln.i.1,. v...l..n.-,1n i n., . .. . . ...
to , thn nnblie the best I have ' ' jne inrormation was contain, d n a "IP uonvers, .) to 3.
lie to give tne puonc tne oesi nnvi viewinir fin a eollm-tinn of bin.e nnl .,i ... . .. .. i n . .... . . .....
sum- throughout the remaining two years rs ;, of ,dB,;,, v'K'7.'ranc"y , "HIU i "nun i go rs again ta.ici to
sii'mayor of Portland, but I have to look ' ' ; " ' ' ' of . , " , ' ' " i"1 ot tUe f 0p ,he A"Fh.
out for myself during my old age. Fur-,Woir , y jj "c a worker who re- 1 .' t , ,r " K " T , KT? "I? V'n7
thcrinore. I don't want my motives im-ilX t.t , , . '. ' President (Irani of the Merman innings long, earl, inning being limited
.i .Lii.Um....wi , ..- : . h"''r'r. rnurcn maao the contribution throuuh to six nut outs.
in j-ranre. .Mr. Heir Had his exhibition t10 women', organization, ho laid, be- Tho Senators won the hurling duel
lMmmm between Iiigbeo of Hcattle and Gardner!
of Hacramento, 3 to 2, evening tin the1
series, v.fetLI;
iSa Starts Next Wed nesda
1 of the Hftlt V
The president of the League of Laughter, in
Wutch for tho Opening
Aniioiineement of Our
New Organ
Engineer John Dul.uis. who has been
in Charon of the i'o :i.o liivrr ii MKi.tii.ii i
pro..rt nt (.rants I'a-is. rrrivc.) in he j
city Kridiiy and lias been in conf-r- I
euro with .Si-ue Kiigiuerr 'upper with j
regard to the, Deschutes project. i
Portland paid $2.00 to see the Stage Production at the Heilig Theatre
Liberty - Sun-Fdon-Tues- Liberty
r i
in 1 .v
Governor Olcott hui recently received
a letter from A. Kutli (Jilbrrt, manager
of the Oregon welcome rommission at
Avr. fc:..,... . i. .... x ,
j " '" ""ia miitiiT, iH-W lors, in
I which is the following paragraph:
"Oregon soldiers in New York City
.find these headquarters a very picas
ant and comfortable nl: -.. in !,;..!. ...
Urnd their leisure time, often finding
niany of their home folks and pals here,
l'li-ase use vim, influi-nco with tl.e eili
tors of the halem ni!wspiieis to get
thone sheets sent to the Oregon Hoys'
Xew York Home as hooii as luiflsidlu,
as the boys feel that that is the most
'dirret news of htune that they rsn get."
.i. -
( 'i
Ar Allen MolutX3r'5- Super Production