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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1919. 1 1 Jiifil FACE FOUR D) iL (Q) Oj. (Dili iiiicdlll Add i 3 41 5 5? jl I I it n a a Specifications New POWEH PLAKT 1'nit type, motor, clutch nntl trant nistiou in one, ith a thivo jmint stisiK'nsinii in fraii.i'. MOTOR Six c-vlinili r c-n I.W, SVi im h bore, inch rtrukc. Vitlvis loculeJ in rrmuraliU- cylinder hind, nnkiii all jir.rt lU'ri-Mililo. Crankshaft Urat treated Iini forging, acciirati' Iv Imlam-d '.im-s!ift One pU'co lrp foruiitij. Tiviirj tii-nrs Sjiival with 1! l'i i ! faro, r.lso- lutfly quiet. t en !.' t iinj llo'ls II WTtioii, heat trnitcil drop I'istuns llijjliot grdi jittty iron acciirntcly yrciund to siy.o. Horse 1'owpr 10. Coolinj; Thi'rmo svption wnliT rirriil.'iliim with lar(;e jacket (pucex, Kffieieiit fan ami V sIikim." tH!ulur railiutor with ample pooling Biirface, LUBRICATION Combination rii i-n'iitin nplnsli ami pressure feed. Oil pressure gaui;e on iiiHlrurnent hoard. IGNmOH Wrcner. Switch vidual for each ear. lot-k, Yale type, imli- TRANSMISSION Select i vc, three uppedn forward, one reverse, nickel leel Rears. inch face, 7 tf pitch. Lame nmnilnr lir.ll bearings. CLUTCH Fanning Burg & Tieek, vidvet neflng dry plate disc. Smooth hut positive encasement. Very light pressure required. Dill VI! Double universal propeller almft, using 1 Cl inch diameter tenailesi steel tubing. FRONT ANXLE Heat treated drop forjrlng nf T sec tion, with iiitccjinl spring pad, Inre niljustablo tie rod in rear and stearin bull arm nhove r.xlc. Timki ii roller beariims in liulm, larjre grease I'lijis on knuckle and t i 0 rod. REAR AXLE Three quarter floMing type (housing carrying wheel bearings and uippurting weight of car), i'rested teel housing on which is bolted lRrgu cover plate at rear. Kpiral bevel gears SVi per con nickel steel, no loBt power no rattlo. I)rivo shaft, pinion, ring gear, differential, bear ings, adjustment, etc., can be taken from axle without further dissembling of car, DIFFERENTIAL ftrown l.ipe Cluipln, fonr ptuion type running oa large annular ball beariugs. Tor sional strain is provided for by latest design Tor que Arm of unusual strength. Drive shafts are 1 'i inch in diamenter, heat treated. Flange on outer end of drivr shaft is bolted directly to rear wheel hub, and can be removed without disturbing wheel or any other part. Large annular ball bear- ' ings J M rear wheel hubs, BRAKES Hon rep brakes, external contracting. Emer gency brakes, internal expanding, operating on 1 inch diameter rear huh (hums, outer brake " inch face, inner 1inch f-ice. Drakes are easily ad justililo for wear, Shoes are lined with asbestos and copper wire woven fabric which is very durable. After reading the above specifications of the Elgin you can readily seevhy we are selling so many.cara. Can you afford to pay $2000 to $'2500 for a car that has the same specifications, and is a great deal heavier than the Elgin, and costs you a great deal more to operate and far more inaccessible to overhaul and ad just? Why is it that Elgin owners come right back and trade in their Elgins that have been driven thousands of miles and get a new Elgin? It is because they like their car and want another. Use a little judgment and look this car jdvoTBo fore you buy, let us show you what this wonderful World's Lightweight champion six will do. See this wonderful Elgin Motor, featuring advanced engineering principles of modern aircraft engines, minimized woight, overhead valves, detach able cylinder head, counter-balanced crankshaft, light pistons and wighted con necting rod and assemblies. It is silent and vibrationless through all speed ranges and capable of extremely high speed underload. Especially designed for econom ical carburetion of low gravity fuel. Notice the bore and stroke---;! 1-8 in. by 4 1-4 in.; displacement cubic inches, S. A. E. h. p., 2J.11;; develops 4G h. p., at 2290 r. p. m.; maximum speed :i.510 r. p. m.; weight 425 pounds. This is the second year in Salem that the Elgin has been sold and there are sixty nine satisfied owners. Ask any of them if we have ever replaced any axles, gears, transmissions, differ entials or had a motor go wrong. Now isn't that sufficient proof of what this wonderful car is made of. Ask about the service that goes with the Elgin, ask to see the service card. 'You don't pay for service every time the hood is' lifted. We are here to stay! We don't forget vou after you buy, but do everything in our power to keep satisfied owners and Elgin boosters. Our service and parts de partment is open for your inspection. Come and see the World's Champion Light weight Champion Six. The car of the hour, the car that is always ahead. Get ac quainted with Lee Gilbert, the man who sold the first Elgin in Oregon, and who has been selling them for three years, and if the Elgin wasn't good he would be sell ing some car that was good. Give this matter your serious consideration. Inves tigate it. Try it out on the steepest hills. See the car any woman can drive. See the car that starts on high; the easiest gear shifting car on the market; .the car that laughs at hills and rough roads an Think it over! "KIWlpi p Elgin Six Series '19 ELECTRIC SYSTEM Self contained, two uuit," Wag ner Wei-trie lighting and starting system. Willard battery, located under front scat. TIRES 3.1x4 plain tread front, non skid rear. WHEELS Regular artillery type, best grade hickory, 12 spokes, 1 inch wide. RIMS Fin-stone, (juick detachable, demountable, one. extra rim included in equipment. WHEEL BASE IIS inches. TREAD Standard, 3d inches. REAR SrEINGS Full cantilever, swung beneath frame, rliiniiintiiig frame strees, -tti'.j-iui-hx:!!-inch, double heat treated steel. SPRING BOLTS All spring bolts i-iiic.h diameter, hardened and ground, with easily accessible oil cups. FRAME Pressed steel section, with upkick over rear axle. Side rails 5Va inch deep, of o 3'J imli stock. Tapering type 30 inch wide front, 30 Vi incti rear. GASOLINE TANK In rear undur frame, capacity 18 gallons, equipped with gauge. OASOLINE FEED Stewart Vacuum System. STEERING GEAR Worm and full type, ball thrust, ample adjustments, fore and aft movement, with automatic take up ball and socket drag link con nection between steering arm and front axle. CONTROL 18-Inch corrugated steering wheel, left side. Brake, and gear levers iu center. Spark and throttle lever, also horn button on top of steering wheel. Foot accelerator on toe board, with foot rest. BODY Hardwood framework, covered with special t0 gatigo sand blasted sheet steel. Long, graceful lines with popular center cowl. Tpholstery, seiui bright finish pebble grain Calloway In fronfh pleats. Deep, comfortable seat and back cushions. COLOR Itody and hood, Victory blue. Radiator and fenders, black enamel. Wheels, Imperial naturi.l wood finish, TOP One man type, "Neverlenk" material. Clamps direct to windshield posts when extended. Beveled plate glass wiudows iu rear and rear quarter cur tains. EQUIPMENT Includes quick adjustable curtains, top boot. Van Sicklen speedometer, charging indicator, dash lamp, ventilating windshield, oil gauge, elec tric motor driven signal horn, extra tire rim, set of tools, pump and tire repair outfit, coat and foot rails. ' Motor WhicI 4HI IF YOU are one of the many who intend to buy a car, you will find that you have a choice of three purchases. You can buy (1) Abefcre-the-war model, or (2) A hastily designed and hurriedly constructed car, made ready for the market since the armistice was de clared, or (3) The New Elgin Sfc, a car ready for delivery now, that represents such a big step forward that it is fully a year and a half ahead of the times. For eighteen months, whilo the Elgin fac tories were building war trucks, tho Designing, Engineering and Executive Staffs of the Elgin Motor Car Corporation devoted their best tal ents and energies to the designing, testing and perfecting of the New Elgin Six. WewTEtohra Star " J"-J-' - ' ..s ... M t.., M,- . ..v . u ....j n V . .. ,) r-vi ..ri.t ....... - j , - n - " ' ' 1 i S 1 '. . 4- V ' . $1395 LEE L. GILBERT, DISTRIBUTOR Good Proposition for Live 15G S. Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. V i Do Yon ? G Slowly and carefully they designed, tested, refined and perfected an entirely new automo bilenew in design from radiator to tail-light a car that retains the notable stardiness and light weight which won for the Elgin Six perfec; scores and highest honcr; in every one oi the many gruelling endurance and economy con tests it entered during the past three yecrs. New Elgin Six cars have received many thousands of miles of the most 6trenuouc and exacting trials and have more than satisfied cur highest expectations. Come in and see the New Elgin Six, with the 36 improvements and refinements which have placed it a full year and a half ahead. A postcard request from you will bring "Inside Information" in terms you can readily understand. ' 3 iff : : .. ' . 'w.A. a " - l. I. - , W" Sr 1 , f.o.L Factor Dealers In Unoccupied Territory Phone H61