SALEM, OREGON. PAGE TEN (L!)c Daib Ifounial 1 We have a nice line of S.S Girls White D resses t A 11 A in mi m :oun d iown That will please the girls for We have a fine assortments of patterns" in lawns and voiles, daintily trimmed so you will like them. Prices range from $1.98 to $11.50 Girls white canvas slippers $125 to $2.98 Girls white canvas shoes $125 to $3.98 Girls slippers in black and brown $1.69 to $2.98 YOU CAN ALWAYS BE ASSURED OF GETTING THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY AT THE Amcn several .'things cf Interest April 20. Easter Sui&ay. April S3 Annual home-CQm-iug of B&lem Elks. April 22 Christian Science lecture, opera house, I p. a, April 7 Humaae Sunday. May 3 Cclebratiea at Cham poeg, 76th eaaiversary. May 3 Last day cn which to register for special electiea May 2 3 Junior week end, Willamette university. May 19-23 L 0. O. F. Grand Lodge eoosioM. June 3 Special state elec :to come hefire the meeting of the tity council nest Mondav evening niU be the salary proposition, besides that 'of putting up to the voter the salary of the city recorder and chief ot yr lice, there will eouie before members of the council a proposition to slight i ly increase the salaries of deputy Mar tin .Paulson and police Matron Mrs. 'Mvra E. Shank. I o Fheae 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer ' Co. for quick service. tf 1 Wa buy liberty bono 311 Masonic hid. tf o OREGON THEATitE NOW Incorporated S3 iHVr,ft';ViiyiieWsf The army recruiting station in the D Arcy building enlisted one man to day, Lee C Greenup, for the three years of over seas service. Two other! enlistments have been received and the three men will be sent to a training station next Monday. For the three year enlistment is for overseas ser vice, and this is guaranteed men who enlist for the three years. The one ( year enlistment is for home service only. Just Recced a Fme Line cf Ladies' Dotean Coats. Prices speak for Themselves Dry wood prompt delivery,. Phone 62!. Sulem Pud Vards, 732 Trade 8t. 4-22 Dance at armory tonight King Coal best Phono 5L'. Salem Trade St. on the market. Puel Yards, 7f2 4 22 Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tcrwilligcr, grad uate nfirticiuns and funeral direuiors, 770 t'hemeketa r!t. Phono 724. Bee Mis. L,. E."ooodlme at 251 8. 12ih St. for subscriptions to till maga zines. Phono 741 M. The Coiuitry club w.ll give Its first annual Easier breakfast tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at tho club homo to which all members of tho golf club uro cordially invited. Thero is to be a merchandise tournament as the be ginning of the sensnn. have been donated by the Kodgors Paper "o., Paltoii Bros., Meyers -department store, hill cm llurdwnro coiujuiny, 1). J. Pry, K. t). Cross & Son The Sua, According to present plan of Coach ' Malliows, tho Willainutto university ibali team will meet tho I'nivorsity of Oregon titim next Friday afternoon. ?tain has interfered with praetieo thus far, but in expected that work will be fu'lttd steadily next week. The lineup has not Hs-yiH been decided, but it ill probably ineludo 8mess as pitcher mid ; Capital Prim store. C. P. llishon and iWmick as catcher. McKit trick, is a Wlcnslol'f Bros. All nieiiihers uot hnv-1 pouTMIity for first base, Davies for ) in tr cars arc to be at the Oregon Klee sccond and Olsen for short stop. Pialdjtric station at 7 o'clock Sunday niorn-1 ers from butt year who ttio now ininr' to bo picked up by thoso who school are Medler, Wnpato, Storey and Tinve. Recent additions to the country' llickinuu. Other men who are working ! club are as follows: Oliver Mvers. . Charles (I. MiUcr, M. AUst, Kirk, Herbert Stiff, .'. N . Lnngridgo, V'rnii k Spears, K. J. Mantis W. I). Evnns, K. B. Ouodin, Fred Williams, K. M. Hofl'.ioH, Judge A. S. Bonnott and Pred Mungis. 1RANSP0RT ARRIVES WITH 2,892 YANKEES General Pershing's Band In cluded Among Trcaps On Von Steuben. Iinrd for plai es are Donev, Austin, Has ler, Piwer, Tucker, Muodhc, Snckett, 'Hurnc and liana. All but 'wo of these are fre.Jiuicn. o Judge Baimiel W. Greone, C. S., ot Louisville, Kentucky, Member of tho 'Board of Lectureship of The Mother i'hurch The Piist Chinch of Christ, HcientiSI, in Boston, .Masriichusctts, will deliver a free, lecture on Christian Science In tho Grand Opera House luowlay evening April 2: HARBOR STRIKE PUT OFT New York, April 1!. Tim third general harbor slrikc scheduled to start at 1 a. in. has been postponed at e o clock another 21 hours while Minor llvlan 4 21 confers with parties to tho dispute. New York, April 19. The transport Von Ktcubcn arrived today with 2.V.2 troops aboard. Mie sailed from Brest on April 11. Included in the troops on the Von Steuben were grigadc honibimrters of the Sixtieth field artillery nine offi cers and till men; the 'loth engineers complete, 4H officers and 1.611 men. il.- I I 1 - ft V I.' i Wullurl 11 Ki ll. -nil n.-.iiOu,iM.-ii. .-i. I.. ( nil uiri'B oiiiciTfl nun no oico; miiir ni fieers of the 12Sth field artillery; the 112nd uero sipiadrnn, three officers und l;i:i men; the .'W.'ih ninbulance coniiany three officers and 113 men; Bret con valescent detachments number ltitl to 170 inclusive, two nu n, and casual coni ia nies. General Pershing's blind returned on the Von Steuben. Tt was organized by Captain Ij. H. Fischer of Bteltimore. The drum nmjor was Sergeant Willis S. Ross of . Kansas City Mo. The blind will tour the couulry for the Victorv loan. ARE YCU FRCUDGFOUR BOYS' RECORD OVER THERE? The best they had was non too good to GIVE. The MOST we have is none too .much to LEND. What they gave and what we lend will finish The noblest page in American Hbtory. I?uy Victory Notes It's a lugh privilege We will take your subscription. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. II. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier sejiajwiiwitaimmaiai wisiMiiBtMMswisswwsmiaWaTOW Sailings Confirmed. Washington, April 111. War depart nietit confirmation nf the sailinir of the ! following or,rnnizntiniis of the 77th and I 12nd divisions was received late today. 77th division- headquarters and troop, l.Vird infantry brigade hendipinr teis; IlOlllli infantry, roiuplete, pos'al detachment mid theatrical unit. 4''od division tl7th field nrtillery brigade heudiiunrters loin' field artil lery liil'lh and 170th machine gun bat talions, 1 17th sanitary train, ambu lance companies number lt'5, ltitl und W7; 117th engineers 117th engineer train and 1 17th supply train. BRITISH IN LIBAU WALLACE EEID IN "ALIAS, MIKE MOHAN" FATTY AEBUCKLE'S LIBER TY LOAN PICTTJEE "BERESFOBD OP THE BABOONS" Wall Tint, a lot of beautiful new colors, get our prices. Buren's, Com mercial street. Dance at armory tonight "The best" Is an you can do when death comes. Call Webb ft Ciou"h Co I'hoho 120. t Bids Wanted Bids on 13 cords of P1& P"!turM itry wood, second growth or old fir, will bo received at county cierk's of- nco up to a o'clock p. m. April 24, 11)13. Wood to be delivered at court hous or on cars at Salem . P. O. Boyer, county clerk. T. J. Clartj, one of the most suc cessful growers of strawberries in the county, has sold his tract p) miles ucrth of tho city on the river road and will make his home in the city. Ho is preparing to 'sell all his personal ef fects of tho farm at a public auction. Hippodrome Vaudeville --Sunday - LOS ESPAN OZOS A dance diversion of "La Espanole" BILLY DOSS The Tennessee Minstrel Boy HOLLAND and CATHERN "I Beg Your Pardon" CORINNE GRIFFITH in Green Copper Bronze Is new tone of stand picture frames, suitable for Se- Buren s Com 1 St. The Scotch contingent in Salem ei......i will all be patrons of tho Oregon thea- iMr r rnT ti nw innir in.- nu nnni when Mory Pick ford conies to town I with her inimitable delineation of (Scotch character in the film play "Cnptain Kidd Jr." And the Scotch atmosphere is deftly woven about her .through tho skill of the director Tay lor, and the scenario writer, Frances Marion, who has written a number of' tho most famous plays for Mary. U The Clutch cf Circumstance" BIG V COMEDY LI THEATRE Oil paintings should be properly framed; we do it .that way. Buren's Commercial St. Dance at armory tonight Philippine baskets at Buren's furn iture store, 179 X. Commercial St. ERIXON & JONES, General Contractors 201 Masonic Building. rhone 1216 R Building in all its branches I'aris, Api'.l lil.-d'nited Tress) British troops have landed at libau (Russia), where German troops have overthrown the Lettish government, uc cording to the Deutsche AUgcmoine Zeitung. II 1 Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. Hiph Street Phone 1400 Tortland Office 2."0 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell If your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. I) . ... IF YOU WANT PIES, CAKES. DOUGHNUTS AND BREAD Like the kind Mother used to make come to the Peerless Bakery 170 N. Commercial St. Everything in the bread and pastry line. Dr. O. B. O'Neill, optometrist-optician, has resumed his practice over Udd & Bush bank bldj;. Office hours 9 to 5 p. rn. Sundays by appointment, i'hone -025. 5-1 Dr. B. F. Found announces reopen- iiiS of his dental office 5th floor U. S. National Bank bldtf. Phone 109. 5 11 Try Mrs. Francis Kins' gladiolus. 60 cent -per dor.en. Phone 52FH. 4 19 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the friends for their sympathy and many kindness during Iho sicknesj and death of my late hus band; also for tho beautiful flowers sent by the different orders, os well as the lovely cut flowers by friends. One and nil, I thank you. I thniik you. Mrs, A. W. Howell. o Bee gladiolus ad. New Tod?;. 4 19 Artificial teeth, have expert plate ian, with over 35 years experience, at my ornce. ur. u. aeecnler, den tist, 302 U. 6. Nat. Bank bldg. tf Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerce building, rooms 407 8. tf o Beginning tomorrow all rates on the Oregon Kleetrie will be adjusted to a flat rate of three cents n mile. This will mean a reduction in some instances and an increnso in others. Hereafter tho rate to Portland will bo $l.ti3.- Oregon'Taxi and Transfer Co'g truck will leave the Manie Temple at 8:30 tonight for Livesiey dance. iiOe round trip. o Dance at armory tonight Got your wood for next winter now, while prices ore lower. Phone 3J9. Sa lem Fuel Yards 7.j2-Trade .St . 4-22 Fred Locklcy of Portland, well known newspaper correspondent, will deliver na address next Tnevlay eve ning at the First Baptist church be fore tho brotheihuod of the church. Ir. Lockley held nn important posi tion with the Y. M. O. A. service abroad and had more than usual op portunities for observing men under all conditions. The letters he wrote homo of tho Oregon boys were 'of un usual human interest find it is on the experiences at the front that Mr. liockley will speak. An invitation is extended to all men of the city to hear Sir. Lockley 's story. ,. DeMoliiy Commandry .No. ,") K . T. will hold ' .1,. ; i'.,.!., ....;.., t iinil i.u.-hi Bruin-, lit At the meeting of the h'gli school studint body yesterday thero was adopted an amendment to the consti tution providing that only those hold ing student body tickets should be elin giblo to membership in tho student cuuneil, which is made up of 11 stu dents from the upper classes. In the oratorical contest in the fore part of tho afternoon tho sophomores won the greatest number of points. The class which wins the greatest number of points during the season will be enti tled to have their naino engraved upon the silver trophy cup presented to tho 'school several years ago. Nominations for student body offi jeers for tho coming year nt VVilliim letto were made yesterday nt a meet ling of the associated student body, in anticipation of the election which will be held sometime next week. Balph Thomas was tho only nominee for man ager of the Collegian, and thus jvns de clared elected. Harold Uimiik and Hubert C. ftorey were nominees for president of the student -body; Miss Udell Savage and Miss Velum Baker for vice pretldent; Freda Campbell and Evelyn Gordon for secretary; Bus sell Unrey end Br an SfcKittrick tor treasurer; Lawrence Davies and Paul Ooney ore opponents in the race for the position of editor of the Collegian WHEN IN SALEM, OEEQON stop at BLIQH HOTEL "a Home Away from Dome." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District 1st M. E. church to morrow at 3 p. m. Knight Templars land their wives will meet at the tem ple at 2:30 p. m. The public is invit ed to meet at the church at 2:J0 p.m. Patton Plumbing company are now able to tako caro of your plumbing 1 1 wnnts in their new loi'ntion 2-0 N. Commercial street. Phono l'JOS. tf L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong "The Funeral BoautUuV Clough Co. Webb A tf Free lecture, Moose hall Sunday, April 2tth, 2:30 p. m. "Why Bible students do not observe Saturday lis the Sabbath." "4-19 H. N. Stoudenmeyer, who h8 been visiting his folks in the city, return ed to Portland yesterday. He will go to Spokane and Butto to play in an orchestra for ithe famous Kussian vio linist who is touring the west. Mr. ;ftoudcnnicycr played with the violin list ut the Poiiples theater in Portland for two weeks nd his work was o satisfactory that he was engaged for he !SKkane and Butte engagements. Ho makes his home in Portland. WELCH ELECTRIC CO. . FOB ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTEIO TOASTEBS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS Phone 053 379 State St. . NOTICE! . If you have apy junk or sec ond hand goodu of any kind see as first. PHONE 398 271 Cmemeketa St. CAPITAL JUNK CO. Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicino which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until S p. u.. 153 Soufh High St. Salem, Oregon Phone 282 t - FOR SALES if Another Cured of Cancer GiCEiSTOCil ROTES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE TRICES This stock is all fresh and the fixtures are the best Located in the best business district in Salem. Es tablished business for 15 years, which has an aver age daily business of $100.00. This is a good oppor tunity for the right man to get in business. Terms: Cash. No trades. See me at once if you are inter ested. F. N. WOODRY. the auctioneer Ferry and Liberty Streets, Salem Phone 510 or 511 W.T.RIGDON and Company Undertakers First every Clasa and TJpto DaU la respect, and Courteous Treatment Extended to Everyone 252 N. HIGH STREET "Motollfe,, saves 25 to 50 percent Salem Doctor gasoline, removes carbon from cylin- is Recommended. uerg valves ana spark plugs; prevents i'lmn rWl' lnhri"Rte irnner To Whom It May Concern: tfiimSefl perfoeUjJ prolong life I was afflicted with a cancer of my motor, increases power aim mileage I nose about as largo as a good sized and produces higher motor efficiency, imarlile. Among others 1 cppliva to 1'r. Clark's tire house, 319 X. Commercial 1 8. C. Stone for relief. The doctor ap-! trcet. 419 plied a medicine for a few days and iui o 'about twelve days the cancer dropped1 Wliy Bible student do not ob- J out, the place healed up nicely and has serve Saturday dress by K. O. as the Sivhl-ath," Miller of Portland. ad- 4 19 The automobile driver who cuts cor ners in the city is pl.ving for trouble, according to police hoadiuartcr. There is a city ordinance as to how the driv er is to .turn corners and also one as to giving signals before turning. The speed cop as well ether members of -cured of cancer. the force are on the look out for these 'other people whom drivers who make it dangerous for pedestrians. caused me no trouble since. I can cheer fully recommend the doctor and his' treatment to others who nity be afflie-! ted with cancer. This was in December 1917. I Nnlem, Oregon, July 27. 1918. I. K. KURT. I Salem, Oregon, Route 6, Box 52. i Sutter chicks Easter "bnnnies", 544 8tate 8t. opposite court house. 4-19 o E. O. Millar of Portland at Mooes hall Hundiir. 2:.tO . m.. euhiect free 'lecture "Why Pible students do not johscrve 8aturd.iv a the fsbbsili." I will be pleased to refer yoa to many I have recently S. C STONEJL D. (Stone's Drug Store) 141 North Commercial Btreet, Salem, Oregon rhone 35. Consultation sod Advice Free. A Chance for the Dealer We will sell by auction all of our stock of shoes, fruit jars lamp chimneys, 45 yards of heavy canvas, boys overcoats, about GO pounds of good tea. Will sell one or all of any article. YOU CAN GET A BARGAIN AT THIS SALE FOR WE ARE GOING TO SELL IT ALL TO THE" HIGHEST BIDDER, THE DEALERS' CHANCE. AT i:30 O'CLOCK Sale mf Auction Co. 157 S. Commercial St. WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS 8 ' 419