Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 19, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Burean of
sfr' t A ((f
Weaker Report
Orevrna: Teutr.M and r?m-lny
rain; warmer touijrh esi i'-or-
tion; inereasirg southerly winds
becoming strong and gusty aloe
: lub 1 Ju
Nipponese Press- Demands
Withdrawal From League
J B Hi T . l"l'sll,,',,t 01 lllc seilllio. lie lioms mm
ACQ HlOnrOe IJGCtrine I0j,l p-tltioiior t-annot roiu ami appuiitt
Protect Orient.
Tckio Journal Says Principles
Of Humanity Underlying
Proposed Covenant Mere
ToUio, April LI. (United Tress.)
Declaring Japan should secede from the
league of nations and that the princi
ples of humanity underlying the league
are falsehoods, the Japanese press to
day with striking unanimity attacked
rent Britain and demanded a Monroe
ilnelritie for tho Orient.
liciitinn of news from Pnris tliat the
league of nations had rejected the
Japanese amendment providing for the
principle 01 e()tiunty of nations.
All the leading papers nppeared to
day with strong editorials regarding the
rejection of the Japanese amendment.
The Ifuelii Shimlmn abuses trie dele
gates to the peace conference and dc
dares the Japanese empire should take
tins opportunity to secede from the
Discrimination Charged
The acceptance of the American Mon
roe doctrine and the rejection of the
Japanese plea, says the Hociii, "shows
that the principle's of justice and hu
inanity underlying the league arc mere
Ilochi blames the British delegates
for not placating Premier Hughes of
Australia. " the real sentiments of the
British ore pun- apparent," it adds.
Nichi Nichi insists that since the
commission recognized the American
Monroe doctrine, Japan can proporli
ilciiinnd a Monroe doctrine for trie Oil
Vaiualo Shimlmn fears for the Angle
Japanese alliance, "when the vote of
Hughes is so much stronger than the
votes of Saionji and Makiuo." Yuma
to refers to the rpiestion of closing Jap
anese schools in Hawaii.
"What if the authorities or.-vred the
closing of American schools here!"' it
Amendment ft Mistake.
Vomiuri Shiinhun admits Japan con
tributcd little to the winning of the
war, and declares it was a fundamental
mistake to raise the great question of
racial equality. It calls upon the peo
ple, however, to awake and "attend to
the solidification of the nntion's
strength, and t6 determine not to flinch
in staking the state's fate ngnlnst a
great foe."
tFoch Declares Huns Will
Start War Again Within
50 Years If Given Chance
London, April 1(t. Marshal
Koch, in an interview with
Ward Price Paris correspond
ent of the Ihiily Mail, predicted
that fifty yei'.rs hence the (iir
insns, if givon the opportunity,
will make another assault on
Francs and (treat Ilritain.
"Now that we have reached
the Khine, we must stay there."
Foch was quoted as saying. ''It
is our only safety. We must
have it as a barrier and we must
double-lock the door.
"Remember those 70 000,000
Germans will always be n men
ace to us. They are a people
both envious and warlike. Their
natural characteristic have
not been changed by the events
of the last four years. Fifty
years hence they will 1 what
they are today. The next time,
the Germans will make no mis
take. They will break through
northern France and seiz, the
channel ports as a base of oper
ations against England."
A brief in the cuso of Oleott vs. Hoff
regnrdirg the itutus of the question us
to whether the governor can resign the
office of secretary of state, lias just
been submitted by Frank S. Grant of
Portlaml, in which he deals tit length
with nil phases of the question. On one
point he is very specific that so long
as the governor retains in his own per
sonality the functions of secretary of
stute he must continue to perform the
duties of governor. But when his term
of office as secretary of state expires,
and no new governor is elected, the
duties of governor devolve upon the
.i ,. i . ii . i. .i.i.. i L.t
his own successor as secretary or stute.
The moment he resigns as secretary of
state he also resigns us governor, und
the president of the senate must assume
his duties, including the duty or ap
pointing a secretary of state. Owing
to the fact thut the terms of governor
mil secretary of state expire at the
next general election, a new governor
must be elected, since the constitution
piovide that the secretary ot suite
shall hold office until the new governor
is elected. The writer also holds that
the incumbent is legally entitled to both
the salnrv of governor nod secretary of
stute, which does not constitute double
onipeusution within the inclining of the
Italian Situation Still Undecid
ed And Critical Is
By Fred S. Ferguson j
(Unihtd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, April 19. With the Ilaliun sit
uation still in a critical stage so far
as available information is concerned
the "big four" wns expected to be con
fronted today with the additional pro
blem of adjusting Japan's territorial
i. .;... :., el,;,,.,
Premier Orbndo was ihedulcd tol
present a demand for immediate ae-
eeptance of the nnuexation program
granted Italy under the pact of London,
at yesterday's session of the "big
lour. In
believed he would threaten to wreck the
entire peace settlement by refusing to
sign the treaty and holding -tho other
powers to their agreement not to makej
a separate peace, unless Italy s aspira
tions were recognized. What transpired
in the meeting remained a mystery, as
the entire proceeding was surrounded
with the deepest secrecy. From cer
tain unofficial sources, it was learned
the Italian rpiestion was coimuuiu un
til today. This could not be confirmed.
The Japanese are seeking, principally,
ratification of their concessions in the
Shantung, peninsula and retention of
Kiao I'linu, which thev seized from the
florin r.-ug.
The Chinese are bitterly opposed to
Japan's claims and it is understood the
minority of the peace delegtes arc in
clined to favor the Chinese.
Two Entire Divisions Are
Assigned To Eaily Convoy
Washington, April 13. fruited
Press.) -All organizations of the 3:ird
a ud 7th divisions have been assigned
to early convoy from France, tue wn
department onnotlnced todav,
The following organizations also have
ben assigned to early couvov:
Salvage sound five; Coth company
transportation corpsnero squadrons 50.
fi:'.7. liOO and 1108: first, Second and
Fourth engiiiers service companies of
the '.'Ota enginers and base hospitals M.
8 and 80.
Albert Iluuptmnn died Vreflncsdoy
April 9. 1119, st his home in Rt. Louis,
after several months illness, of cancer
of the stomach.
Mr. Hauptmnn was ft native of Ilnn-
uaria, and has lived in rrem lor
number of vears, ond Is serived by his
wife and three daughters r.nd one son.
The funeral took place Friday morn
ing April 11 at St. 1-oui church, and
interment was in St. Louis cemetery.
Oervais Star.
Rome.' April 19. (United Press)
Work has been resumed in every ity
where 24 hour strikes were called as
anti givernment demonstration, it was
offii'iallv announced today;
Popular Subscriptions Will
Be Made Through Banks
Instead of Campaign
By J. F. Hutchason -
As chairman of the publicity committee for the Vic
tory Liberty Loan in Salem, I wish to call to your mind
a number of things which must be borne in mind. I hope
you will read and think carefully of every word in this
The four banks of Salem have sub- over so easy. Do your duty and then
scribed or guaranteed the sale of the
tui quota for the city. As far as wo can
learn Salem (that sleepy, mossbnek
town, erstwhile known as the capital
city) was the first city in the L'nited
States to go over the top in this Victory
" What This Means.
It means that business will go ou un
interrupted. Thut the business men will
not have to make a canvass and spend
weurv days away from business in order
to induce the people of (Salem to buy
bonds. Thut there is great prosperity
in our city which has enabled the bt.nks
to underw rite this loan that the people
have ulreadv saved the money and have
it on deposit in the banks where every
dollar thai is "t working should be , 'thank tho mn oil my committee and
kept so that it will help the. eomuiun-1 for t1( committee I wish to thank the
ity to grow through the efforts of mod-1 business men who so loyclly aiid pa
ei n banking. It means that people c&n j trioticallv assisted this committee with
go about their many lines of endeavor I Hp,,,.ml advertising. More auvcrrim.g
with the positive assurance that theymnv yot )P Iiecti(,(i R(i I Rm sure that
j do not have to skimp to buy bonds thlsjuny tu,sin,.ss man thut has red blood
I time and that they w ill not have to un-Innl Iovcb his citv and county ond slate
der"0 the or.b'ul of facing the deter-. nmi th0 Vniled States will be only too
mined soliciting committees. That Sa-,r, t0 assist the banks and the oxecu-
lom hr.s arisen from what ws itnownltive committee by tuking special ad-
tin tut o-n.noi. u" .... ...... ... . .......
to the leading city iillio l mtert Mates
when it comes to doing "big" things.
Give Banks Credit.
The banks of Salem have rendered
this city a service that cannot bo valued
in dollars and cents. Every business
man in Salem hivs been saved times andjunleni cun well bo proud and thankful
""')' because the bauls made solicit
g unnecessary. It shows that our
la..ks have the business interests at
heart and stand ready at a 1 times to do
M'" 1? "Kt to make Salem the fore-
It shows thut
Salem banks are run by real bankers.
Men who would be a credit to a cily
inanv times the size of Salem, in fact
to aiiv citv in the world.
Duty Yet to Perform.
Don't think that because tho banks
have guaranteed this Victory loan that
there is nothing left to do. Lveiy citi-1 regiment won glory in llic nt. Miluol
z.en who has from $30 to $"0,ouo 10 in-j salient offensive.
vest should deem it a pleasure to go toj -
his or her bank and subscribe to the! Los Angeles, Cal., April 19.-The first
full extent of their ability. The bunksldetnchuient of the UfHth infantry is due
have put Salem over the top, but you;m i-os Angeles liiesuny mnrnvig. ine
Mr. or Mrs. Citizen are expected toj
cull and nuike your subscription just
the same. You will be proud to waik
into your bank and mcke that subscripis.
tiou. You will be proud to Know that
you live in the grand old United States
where Uncle Sammy pays his debts. So
you have a duty yet to perform Ii
have heard many business men state
that they would gladly givo -o'if they'
could get out of soliciting. Put tj
with it Mr Businessman and buy thut
noun ana as many more as you can
Monday. Don't do like one tight auto
mobile.dealer did. When he learned that
his bank had released him from solicit
ing by joining in underwriting the
bonds, he telephoned the paiier to can
eel his spociivl advertising. Jf I were
you I would at least lend the money
you saved to the guveiuuieui and not
try to "dodge" the issue.
Attitude of Banks.
The banks will take your snasenption
for any denomination of the Victory
bonds ymi may desire and you can sub
scribe any time before May 40,
If you bear anyone make the remnrk
that flie banks "hogged the bonds" you
can tell Inm that they aiu noinmg of I
the kind. The hanks simply guaranteed
the sale of the bonds and that he is ot
liberty to buy all the bonds he wants.
All lie has to do is to call tt any one
of the four banks and place his sub
scription. Victory bonds must lie miahtv (rood
illt-.irillinll 111 font 4ll bra tl.a l.oa '
invesemtns you can make. You Kill two
birds with one stone. You show your
patriotism and moke a gilt edge invest
ment at the same time.
Show Your Colors.
If a nian or a dog has a vct'.ow srreak
he will show it sooner or later. If vou
jaren't possessed with a slight tinge of
yellow and can spare the money you
j will lu? sure to buy some bonds of this
I Victory scries. Don't swell tip and
break open because the issus was past
Word About Advertising.
The advertising committee worked
Hard and faithfully. The chairman was
on the job practically all the week and
wus ably assisted by the other members
of the committee. Every inch of ad
vertising secured and used was needed.
It enabled tho committee to get this
bond issue before the people in the
right manner and had there been a so
liciting campaign it would ouly huvc
lasted one day because every person
would have understood all about the
bonds and have been ready to sub
scribe w hen the solicitors called without
nv lmi0. .nimtiih T-eronanv 1 wish
veriJNlllg H)IUCH 11 it BllUHlU
necessary to call for more
I mil irlnd to have spent the time
and "TMntributcd special spaco und in
closing I will say that the .way in
which Sulem went over the top in this
drive is a credit and every rttlzett of
thut it was handled in this manner.
California Boys Of 34Sth
Artillery Are Home Again
Colton, Cal., April 19. Four hundred
and eleven officers and men of tho
I.HHtli field artillery, California mem
hers of the 91st division unit, passed
through Colton earlytodav en route to
i ('limp Kearny for demobilization. The
detachment is composed ot linn men
and 33 officers. All are of the 9Ut
'division and were trained at Camp Lew-
Abe Martin
Kow's th' season when wa begin
neglect th' gold fish fer th' out
doors. Tber must bits been a umbreller I
factory strike at soma time or other,
an' all th' men that walked out are still
fxQ ft
Attempted Trans-Atlantic
Flight Ends When British
Pilot Falls Over Irish Sea
London, April 19. (5:40 a.
m.) (I'uited Press) Major
J. C. P. Wood, flying to Ire
laud on the .first leg of
trans-Atlantic attempt lute yes
terday fell in tho Irish sea off
the coast of AngleKV, it was
learned today. He and his nav
igator, Captain C. C. Wylis,
were iinliuit. Their machine is
being towed to Holy Head.
Wood's plane, the Shamrock,
escorted by another machine pi
loted by L. Parker, left Fast
rhurch, England, for Limerick,
which was to bo the starting
place for tho "oig hop," at
six p. m. No details of the ac
cident had been received early
The ninth entry in the Daily
Mail's $-"iO,0"0 trans-Atlantic
flight contest is u Allinuco
biplane fitted with a 4.10 horse
power Napier-Lion motor. J.
A. Peters is the navigator ond
'apt ain W. It. Curtis, R. A.
Y., tho pilot.
Wood's representative an
nounced tho aviator would not
attempt another flight for sev
eral day.
. Aiinougn a mines auxiliary was uw
organized last evening, it probably will
Tl J D-ae r.ll be at an early date. As temporary of-
luOUSauUS Oec DlOVe raU.ficois, Miss Ktliel Fletcher was elected
Before 10th Inning Rally
Of Dodgers.
Boston, Mass., April 19. (United
Press.) Old king baseball respluudant
in a new crown and robes, marched out
on Braves field here today anil there-
iinoii his loval subiects. a biir crowd of,(
funs shouted themselves hoarse uml lUiMuleni: ii. li. Henderson, u, u. i.uiiren
various other ways let him know that ill, F. Ilyrell, Carl Kngstroin, Martin
whatever their utltiude toward him Holmes, (ieorge Biatty, W. A. Wiest,
dining the war, they lire heurt and souM. A. Folnnd. S. A. Harris, J. C. Wood
for hi miiow. ' nrl, K. A. Dickson, A. V.. llurris, J. L.
The occasion was the ooeninir of thellngiey und r. Y.. V liurchill.
busebull si'ason when the Huston Krt.ves
met the Brooklyn 'Dodgers in two
games. v
Ten Innings Played.
The Dodgers won the morning game,
, which went ten innings, by a scoie of 5
t0 jj
jf t lit? enthusiasm which greeted the
opening guiiic is any indication then
baseball is entering upon u new era
which may eclipse its pre-war poptilt.r
ity. The very sight of tho players as
they walked out on the field was the
signal for an uproar of welcoming
shouts and cheers.
The first hit and the first run of the
season were made by Jin lone, second
baseman of the Dodgers, who sing.ed.
Wheat tripled to right field, making
the first extm base hit, and scoring
Ma lone.
Tie in Seventh.
Olson, the Dodgers' shortstop, opened
the second inning with a single, was
sacrificed to second and scored on Kmc
ger's single to center.
In the seventh, the Rrsves tied the
score when -Wilson singled over short,
coring Smith. Muranville sacrifice
flyed to Myers, scoring Kely, but Wil
sou was caught between first and sec
Report Of Read Work Done
la County In March Is Hade
The following is a report of road
work done in Marion county during the
month of March, 1919, as shown by
the records in the county clerk ' of
fice: Macsilamizing
(Ii n"al repair and miscl
New tools and machinery
Patrolmen's salary
200 . OH
1,1.1. 03
. '.U,91H.71
No. yards grsvp hauled for perma
nent work 100; No. yards gravel haul
ed for repair work 6094; iu.
rock hauled 43 34; volunteer
men 6; tcams4.
By Fred S. Ferguson
(l'nited Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, April 19. A compromise was
reported to have been reached on
Italy's claim to Fiume at tAday's ses
sion of the ''big four." This could not
be confirmed.
In French circles it was declared
thnt the half of Fiume on the west
bank of the Keczina (Kecino) river,
which cuts tho city in two, will be
given to Italy and the remainder of the
city to Jugo-Slavia.
Italian delegates declared that no
decision had been reached and that,
furthermore, such an award would not
be accepted.
Patriarchs Miltant, Uniform
ed Branch, Organized
Clinton Capital No. 11, Patriarchs Mili
tant, tho uniformed branch of the Odd1
Fellows, was orgnni.ed in Salem last1
evening by Colonel . K. Walkins of
Portland. Tho charter -.cnoeisn.p in- crlmc wav- 'I'f'"" v I ro
cludes 21, with W. A. Wiest elected as lire J. J. Carrity to ''unavoldaoie post '
enpliun. Oilier officers elected were
H. II. Churchill, lieutenant; K. A. Dick-,
son, ensign; K. U. Henderson, clerk;
-v. u. r.iigsi.uui, nrcuuuinm. iueguiwu,
standard bearer, sentinel au ..et ,m)lc nijlu(. crimes. Unemployment, re
will bo uppointed by Mr. Wiest, rnptuin. tuni l)f cx.cnvlrts emboldened by army'
To draft bylaws a committee was ap- ,.:,,,, a, slackening of morality for
pointed consisting of L. J. Adiiins, T. W. 8I)1I0 rl,trnP(i ,(liers and tho crowding
Kiches und 0. A. Hartmnn. Meetings to(,ether hero of many iiutionalitica
will bo held lit the Odd Fellows hull wor0 p(lilta ln Onrrity's explanation of 1
the first and third Friduys of each f0,uiiting. jl0 said there will bo mora
month. The canton will be oiuciully hlvr hrenkinir. instead of less, in tna
Unstinted and degrees conferred May 19
by the department council uf the 1 atn-
archs during tho grand lodge session in
chairman und Mrs. Llsie D. Snnerul, bcc- imullU trr being permitted to join
rotary, It is thought that tho auxiliary 1he urmy Wih ,h(, fa(.U)r 0f unera
will be officially organized during the .,illvnl,.,t n.,d ,, miiBsing of dozens of
grand encampment.
The charter members of tho Patri-
nrclis MilitMit in Salem as organized
t . e. ,1 I u; t
last evening are as luionn; nuiu uu- ()f ,lr,,,r ,.ii,.a , t, wfoie coun
verton: L. J. Adams, Keber Allen, A. try f js ,mttvouuble post war co-
i Davis, U flay Allen, u. i.. jsenneu,
A. Hi rwooil and T. W. Uiclios. From
Beautiful Special
Services In Salem
Churches on Easter
h'aster Sunday will bo observed by all
churches in Salem with appropriate pro
grams of music and special services.
The annual Faster services of De Mo
lay Commandcry No. 5, Knights Tem
plar of Sulem, will be conducted, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the first
Methodist church. The speaker of the
day will be tho Kev. William Wullace
YnungHon of Portliiud. Tho Albany and
Corvallis CouiinHiiilei.es will join with
tho De Moluy commandcry in Sulem.
After the services a reception will be
hold at the Masonic Temple for visiting
knights and their ladies.
The First Methodist church will pre
sent at the evening service, I lie oratorio
"The Holy City" by (laid. At the
morning Sunday school, there will be
special music by the children and at 11
o'clock, Dr. R. N. Avison will deliver
the Faster seringa.
For the evening services at the First
Christian church Easter Sunday, there
will be Gold star memorial services in
honor of Joseph Martin, .(' B. ., Au
brey Jones, U. 8. A., Harlan Hoffman.
S. A. T. '.. and Ora K. Cavitt, U. 8.
hospital corps. ,
Special Music Provided.
At the First Congregational church,
for the special evening services, the
quartette choir will give a program of
select Faster numbers, and there will
be a showing of the film, "Tbe Blue
Triangle in France." The collection at
'the Sunday evening service Is for the
Y. W. C. A. work.
Baffling Wave Of Lawlessness .
Occupies Attention Of Po
lice In Eastern Cities Of
Large Sizs
Chicago And St. Louis Are'
Stirred By Alarming Num
ber Of Murders And Ho!d
035 Recently.
Chicago, Aprit 19. (United Press.)
('l,i,-n0 toiI,ly Wl In the midst of a-
war conditions, "
Tho rrilm, rt!(.ori, heri, , 11JlB(i
lu.", homicides since January 1, hundreda
of ivi,i U.)H ami burglaries and many
xt ffw ni011ths.
"Chicago's record, though appalling,
ln my ,,pjuion i9 no different from that
of niiy other lnrgir American city," saiil
,;liil.f Oarritv. "Mince the signing or
tnf armistilB there have come noma
o( jminal9, ex-convicts an.l
, returning to their old
nationalities in tho narrow Limns ot U
nitw ni'iniii
will not decrease, but will
',' u)(,i(.Valilo heights. That is trua
(i;.;nll it
Police Art Baffled.
Following the murder of "0-venr old
Bertha McMillan by n jealous lover
Mid the probable fatal shooting of a 70
year old druggist by a youthful Pandit,
(Continued on page nine)
At St. Paul's Fpiseopal church, there
will b a i hoi r.l celebration ot holy com
munion at the morning services. In
the evening the choir, directed by Mrs.
Ktta Siiuier Heley, orgnuist, will sing
a selection of rsperlull.v prenared Eas
ter music.
The First Presbyterian church will
observe Faster by a speiiu! program
given by the Sunday school at ID
o'clock and the Easter story by Mr.
C. A. Parks. There will be the usual
11 o'clock services and a special vesper
service at 4 o clock in the afternoon.
At the First Baptist church thera
will he the usual services with th
morning sermon on 1 lie Insurrection,
Hope and Duty." At both the morning
and evening services, the ordinance of
baptism will be administered.
Cantata at Leslie M. E. Church.
At the Leslie M. E. church oa South
Commercial street, there will be special
Faster music for the mornin? services.
In the evening, the rantann "The Uatea
Ajar" will be presented by 30 girls of
the church, assisted by Floyd Mclntire.
The Kvnngelictil Association, Sevea
tccnth and Chcmeketa streets, Kev.
Jacob Stocker, pastor, will hold tho
usual Sumlav services, wei an klaster
sermon by the pastor at the morning
At the First Church of Christ, Bcien
tist. there will he the usuul serviees.
The subject of the Bible lesson will ba
(Continued oa page tkree)