Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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I - -i iii -
Cool slippery spindles
Mica Axle Grease
spreads evenly and
formsa cool,slippery
coating that clings
to the spindle and
makes pulling eas
ier. The Mica fills
up all roughness in
the metal, makes'
the grease work,
better and last twice as
long. No hot boxes. A6k
your dealer. Buybythel
R. IL CAMPBELL, Special A?U Standard Oil Co Salem
Eiy It. Fanner Hdw. Co- Salem, Oergon II. Polil & Son, Salem, Oregon
Lot L. Pearce Son. Salem, Oregon Lilly Hdw. Co., Stayton, Oregon
Salem Hardware Co, Salem, Oregon
Locking After Sixty-Two
Room muse No Task lo
Mrs. La Plant Now.
"All my friends know ami ran tell
you that fur a long time 1 was almost
a nervous wreck, ttai this TaJilac has
made such a wonderful change in my
condition 'that they are s'.niply amax
ed at my improvement," said Mra.
Ella .La Plant, who emdiic:s a large
roomma house at 412 Puyaliup ave
U-,t,-r I- Sob? Pittsburgh Pa.
Hugh, Carrel!, Patersc-a X J.
Leomdaj Gtva'ias, New York X V.
William 11 Mct-sor, Hartford Tenn.
Jesse R Miller, Ava X Y.
Earl D 1'iulttwliouer, Heading Pa.
Wiluum J Walsh. Cumberland B L
Died of Disease.
Pvt Frauk J Mover, Lake Mills Wis.
snnsmsELis Jotat ant
Capital Journal Spevial Service.) V eUssaWa. W
Scotts Mills, Or April IS. The pros
poet for a good prune crop here is very
promising. The bloom buds are plenti
ful and now if the weather will con
tinue favorable for a while longer there
will be a larger croo thaa last year.
Miss Pieree of hlouiuoutk has takes
Mrs. Jones place as primary teacher in
our school. Mrs. Jones resinned her po-
i sit ion iu order to live at her home as
A r
Ssa awe W
Killed in Action.
Pvt Alva flwik, Lakevicw Mich.
pvt Charles O Diol. Detroit Mich.
THful of Wnnnds. .
Lieut Chides A Rice, Abridge Mass. kusbnnd has been mustered out of
Lieut Ldaiuu.l H Coluua, Kuciue n is.
Wiliara M Ewedt, Caltuar Iowa.
Alonxo Huuter, Brandenburg Ky.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Sogt PelUmu W Campbell, Fort Rus-
Tacoma, Washington, . the other . w p. .
"From Over There" YJ
General Pershing's Official Report
Killed in Action - - 10 Missing in Action
Died of Wounds - -- 10
Died from Accident and Other Toti',1
Causes -
Died of Disease 51
Vi'oiimled Severely - 36
AVcinded Do ;rce Undetermined).... 18
Wounded Slightly
333 Ct.
Big Musical Song Show
With a Bevy cf Beautiful
"For the last twelve years," she
continued, "1 had been in a ternrdy
rundown' condition and during that
whole time, hardly a day issed that
1 didn't suffer from awful hea.tacUn.
1 had no appetite at all and what lit
tle 1 forced down would feruient in
iiiv stomach and distress me for hours.
My kidneys were wit of order and wor
ried me night and day and my nerves
were s unstrung that, alter going to
bed, any little sound, even the rustling
of a newspaper, would wake me with a
start and it oulrt be some time oe
fore I could dron off to sleep agwin. 1
thad a verv large house to look after,
and 1 was so weak and miserable that
a couple of hours' work would exhaust
me so that I'd just have to quit for
the rest of the day. The fact is, loss
uf sleep and hick of noHrishment had
undermined my nervous system and I
was just wealing myself out.
"1 spent all .the money I had on
medicines and treatments that did me
no good, nnd 1 had about given uji hope
of ever nctti'is: ewll, when 1 began to
rend about the good Taulae was doing
(others and 1 thought 1 might as wen
S'.trv it. Well sir. the way 1 began to
-li.uk up right utter starting on it, sur-
487: prised oven nip for after experience
1 . . .i . , M. ......
with otner meuiciucs i u' i "i1"-'
such quick results. My appetite is just
fine too fine, the wny prices are now
for .1 feel hungrv "lose all the tunc.
My kidneys don't worry me at all now,
and I am ri.l of that terrible toacaacne
at last. Those awful headaches are all
gone, too, which is a grand relief, be
sides, 1 sleep all night like a child
an. I feel so strong and rested when I
get up in the mornings, that 1 don't
mind at all the work I have to do in
looking after a sixty two rom house
full of people. My father i tiow tak-i
ing Tanlac and tays he is just feehns
Tanlac is sold in Salem by Dr. 8. I.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Oooch, in
Oervais bv John Kelly, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Wrodburn by Ly
man H. blimey, in Kilverton by Geo.
A. Steellmmiuer, in (Intel by Mrs: Ji
P. McCmdy, in Slnyton by C A.
Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, in St. Paul hv uroveieTiu .ioiv.
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Ji-ffersou (bv JVsIlbv t Mneon, ana "i
M'Jl City by Marketer'm (iro. Co.
apolis il au.
; Privates.
Harry B Challuud, Chokio Minn.
Stephea K Dresser, Westbrook Ma.
Wiliam II Uassil, Uoadilla Xeb,
Niles II IVtersoa, Botiesteel S D.
Walter E Grimes, Chiacgo lib
(ieorge T Hiirgins, Oilman City Mo.
the aerviee.
Sarah Hammer is visiting here wiih
friends and relatives. She has reeent
lv made her home with her son, Levi
Hammer in Portland.
Miss Lavcrne Kiih took an auto load
of pupi's from Miss Stearns room to
Silverton last Saturday to attend the
teachers' meeting held -at that pWce.
The pupils were in the play given for
Scotts Mills by Mia Sterns room.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Scharbach r.nd
family of Mt. Angel visited with Mr.
and Mrs. W, II. Commons Friday even-
Mr. and Mrs. John Irvine of Port-
Quick Reference To Firms That G:?c Service On Short
Yhee Bayer And Seller Meet N e
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Eectrie Co., Masouw Teaiple, IZJ Korth High-
.Maia 1200
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Paoae toi.
S1IEA RKPA1RJ all kiada ef furni
ture if broken or out of repair; up
holster repairs made. Shop 353 Che
incketa it. between Commercial end
Liberty. Phone 1S1. 4 20
Killed In Action.
Lieut Karl E Rahn, Birdsboro Pa.
LieHt James Earl Williams, S:vniirnli
u ,i ...... 1 .l...,t land are cuesta of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
mi i, iiCouimons this week. Sir. and Mra, Ir
rid f Diaeasa -twin formerly resided here. Mr. Irwin
Lieut Pred L Costen, Pangould Ark." rarpenter for the Oregon Laud
I r...rj.. X M ..r Jr ew v ork . company uvil mis M)n us iirw iiiui-
i i ,
icu anil suuie oi our orvi uuiiuins wvic
planed and built by him.
The friends of L. J. White will re
gret to learn of his continued ill health.
An operation caused by a diseased bone
in the siil of his face leaves him very
Spenco W'ortman of Salem, agent for
the Toledo Scales company, was iu
town Tuosdav.
E. A. Bennett of Salem, president and
manager of the Capital City Xursery
company, was iu town Tuesduy on busi
ness for his conqmny.
Mrs. J. A. Merry and daughter, Olive,
were visitors at Mt. Angel Wednesday.
The Friends Sunday school is doing
good work under the r.ble superintend
eney of David Delano. The new con
test seems to be an inspiration tor all
to do their very best.
For bargains in new and secondhand
goods for the house, furniture, rug
es, heater and stoves, rugs, sewing
machines, graniteware, dikes, avit
eases, trunks and tools. We want
your eld furniture and stoves, will
pay you highest cash price, bee ns
last Peoples Furniture rore, X71
if. Conrmereial St. Phone 734.
X -v.
Sgt Harry B Osborne, KiihuiourJ a.
Alvin James Adams, Yates City 111.
Harold A Cox, Walen lnd.
Ernest Goffinet, Teil City, lnd.
lioss (i Kiechel, Northampton Ta.
Wililam McKnight, Louisville Ky.
Charles Luther Odom, Fort Cobb Okla
Fihuoro B Simpson, Marietta Ohio.
Willnrd Chase, Haverhill Mass.
Herman Steiurueck, Chicago IU.
Kuute Willielui Nordstrom, Chicago
George R Starr, Carey Ohio.
James R Bryant, Toteka Kan.
Claud McClestor, Gainesville Ga
Musician John W Stahl, Philadelphia
Fred Balfour, Ruyville La.
,I.mlwik Borkowski, V.cwara K J.
Albert Brown, Hollyerove Ark.
Willis ( Crouch, Madison Station
Charles Holier, Millijjan La.
Patrick 11 Gallagher, St Paul Minn.
Cuber Huc.kott, Purleuu X C,
Huuter L Hurlow, Trice . .
Benton K Hester, ( .nrksvillc Va.
Joe Hinkle, Forgan Okla. Ready made laxative svrup, for chil
Andrew W jonnso i, -ew i o. . fjireri are m)(ltlTi By mM t
FOE SAIJ: 120 aeree of No. 1 land
located 6 miles from Salem, on good
road, in good location, good house
and barn and other buildings, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year
lings, 511 head of hogs, mind 500
cords of wood ready cut, all at a
bargain. Write M W care Journal.
FOB SALE A good double team tar
neat, will trade for bay or gram,
or will exchange for good dry wood
See Square Deal Realty company
Phone 470
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overeeat
shoes and suits, all kiada ef msaae
al iastrnmeats, shetguns, rifles, beat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and
1000 other useful articles to sell or
trade. What have yout The Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 4.
WILL BUY used furniture and pay the
highest cash price. I have new and
used goods, shoes and clothing. Be
fore buying or selling call up J. A.
Rowland, phone Hi, or call at 47
N. Commercial St.
BLIGH Theatre
Dr. Carter s K. & B. Tea
Makes finest Home-Made
Laxative Syrup.
Easily Prepared Two Pints Coot Al
most Nothing bnt Is Prompt,
Sure and Effective
Homer C Kerns, Colinsvillo Va.
Henry Larson, Diiwhou Minn.
Lewis Leeks, Philadelphia Pa.
Orvillc C McKim, Grant City Mo.
J Havdon. Filer Idaho.
Arthur Miller, Moores Stution H C.
home vou not onlv save practically
(1.50, but you will have a much more
jprompt and effective preparation.
Simply olxinin from any drug store a
'package of Dr. Carter's" K B Tea.
Pot. cnntiMila in I,.,,. II A. hi 11. i(.
Hugh L Moaely, .M'W tuinnuig boiling water, cover anil allow to
Robert T Nestler, Akron Ohio. Island for L'houn. (Strain, add 1 pound
John 1'ulsinn, cpringiieiu n v. t)f sugar nn,i tfn t n 1 1 1 dissolvcil . IKIov-
Jolin Z Parsons, Slugdalena IS M. or either nith e-.si nee of peppermint
Albert J 1 uveitis l lovinueuce iv i. -or wintersroen icconlin? to taste
Thomui K Roberts, Kicliinoiid Hill IS j Doso for adults, 1 tablespoonful each
Y. Inigln or night and morning until a
Ed ward Kenold Seugren, South UOS'
Charles Ennis, Brooklyn X T.
Leonard Levin Jackson, Colfax Vis
rrliain U'ger, Now Bedford Mass.
Kenneth R Maekoy, Salnmnnen N Y.i
Austin Gibbons, El Paso Tex.
Kuziim Kovnl, Borono Russia.
Died of Wounds.
Corp Selmer J Simonson, Victory Wis
Corp Fraucis B Wilimns, Cadillac
Miihal Cliesum, Koseland 111.
Joseph O Orcutf, Baldwin Mich.
John C Eves, llngerrtown Mil.
lames H Hair. Sultsburg Pa.
Died from Accident end Other Causes.
Thomns Howard, Munroeville Ohio.
John O Rehkugler, Oberlin Pa.
(ieorge W .lohnson, Seiners Point N J.
Ignutz Dejgowski, Shai i!-loirg Pa.
.Inllll T Hiinen. Woodstock Gil-
5 ad mm
era stylish vrij stylish.
lis all the sama you want the nicest, most stylish and
best. You can have them now.
Id Hack Kid, Brown Kid, White Reignsaia or Nile cloih
or White Casvas and at prices ranging from
$13.50 on down to ?1.95 pair.
They're aH good designs,
fine fitting and finality un
surpassed, yet very rea-
!e ia price.
arc stylish wrij stylish
ton Muss.
Ambioso B Shenk, Lawry Va.
Samuel A Smith, Akron Ohio.
l.e sitev'in. Clureiuoiit Miss.
Harvey S Teeter, JUukcgou Mich. .
j" Wclkor, Cincinnati Ohio. . ',"
Kdwurd Walluos Murvel Ark. .;
Clnudo O Washburn, Willimautic
Conn, ' . .
Melvin M Watkins, Appomattox va.
John W WillinniB, Lexington Miss.
Ti.n f.ill.iwinir cabled corrections are
issued as an appendix to the rcgiilur
casualty lists at the request of the sev
eral p-ess associations:
Died from Accident ud Other Caue,
Previously Reported Balled in Action.
Pvt. Charles F Miler, South Purk Ky.
Dlod of Disease, Previously Repoiwd
Died from Wounds.
Pvt Jr.mi'1 Fomek Can den N J.
..... t,,yli..ki. Erie Pa.
Died from Wounds, Previously Reported
Died of iigeae.
Pvt James A Clayton, New Hope Ky
Killed in Action, Previously Reported
Con Castos P Kudos, Philadelphia Pa
',;, Charles V. Wmd.soi, Philadelphia
Flovd E Doahour Logi.ii Kan.
Henry C Duncan, CliiyU'n Cul.
lles.ie Edguion, Mnaaville Aik.
Delberl Kelly, Ooicna Or.
Ja. k Milclu-11, Uocky River Ohio.
Thomas Monstacho, Shenundoali Pa.
Ray Whito, Fayette County I'u.
.1- II u ) . 1 1 , 1 1 r : , N Y.
Killed in Action, Previously Reported
Wounded (severely,
pvt William -J Lavaliir, Rice Lak
regulnr movement of the bow ell is ef
fected. For children. 1 tiasiioonful
more or less aci-oniing to age.
For a real spring time tonic end
blood ptmlitT, 1 tinv'omirul every
night or every other night for nt least
three weeks.
Cut this recipe out and paste it on
the bottle.
U acres, "0 tillable, 1,000,01)0 ft.
saw timber, 3 miles from railroad, 30
miles from Portland, adjacent to im
proved farms; will trade for acreage
or ranch not over $6,-00; price on
1H a errs Wo0.
117 acres bottom, 60 cultivated, good
improvements, i miles from town,
$75 per acre.
100 acres, U0 cultivated, fair improve
ments, 1V4 miles from town, S5 per
SO acres all cultivated, one of finest
improved farms in Linn county, 34
miles from town; a real city homo on
the farm, only f 14,000.
100 acres, one of best equipped dair
ies in Polk county, all cultivaU'd,
close to school and town, or rock
road; 100 acres in spring grain; full
equipment goes, $1-3 per acre.
3(io acres, all cultivated; number one
modern house and barn, we'll feuced,
3 nples -from town, tcaent house on
inaia road; $7,' per acre.
50 acres, good house, burn; all culti
vated, 4'.j miles from iSaleui; $100
1er acre.
10 acres, all cultivated, house, 1 aero
ptones, 3 miles from tows, $2000.
15 acres, ti in 8 -year old prunes, 6
in 8 year old cherries; small house,
10 acres all cultivated, fenced, fin
est view, $1300.
H00 acres cut over lands, all seeded,
woll watered; $20 per aero ou easy
70acrcs, 50 good tiltabli) land,!, 3
miles from Mulino; will trade tot
acreage, eity residence or take anio
ns part pay.
S acres all good garden land, for
rent on 'A share, delivered.
For best buys seo
Bayne btiildiug
liard parlor is now open ander new
management and it readers yon and
the general publie a congenial plaeo
to pass away a few leisure boars.
The basement of Oregon Eleetrie
dopot, corner of Stato and High.
Phone 628. Wm. Livock, prop, i t
50 years experience, Depot, National
and American fence.
Sizes 6 to 58 ia high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Worka.
" 850 Court street. Phone 124.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells and exchanges new and
2nd hand furniture. All kinds of
repa'u work, light grinding, filing.
and brazing a specialty. Right
prices. 247 Nortb Commercial t.
Phone 19.
refuse of all kinds removed on monta
ly contracts at reaionable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Main, 187 1
Ict'orsack bill en every Tu'hday
at e. P. Andresen, C. C. F. J. Easts
K. B. & 8.
I Wis,
card stylish vrnj stylish h
ii.t Acliille ViiliiOlot. Bun Fedrit Cal. i,pr.
Killed tn Action, rreviouaiy jwuw
Wounded (Degree Undetermined).
PU Chester Feeiistra, Everett Wash.
PU Thomas F Walsh, Leadville Colo.
Kill'd In Action, previously Ecpartod
MisMng lu Action.
pt Thomas Heavey, Now York K T.
Died, Pievlotwly Rcponca Missiig In
Corp Raymond W Uiiuibeian, Boston
Wislcnty Honcnrcwics, Fo!;;ii!, Russia
Joseidi U Culdiera, Hnyward Cal.
Marvin Dotson, Aniariilo Texas.
Avon l) Fianders, Springfield Me.
Bernard Froinholz, iloniilton Ohio.
Lrnest C Goss, W est Mass.
Fred M Lear, Alton Iowa.
John H Morris, Govan H C.
Jidiu J Mullen, South Boston MiI.
Mike Raiko, Canonsburg Pa.
John W Keveney, (uinry Mass.
(ieorge Sehultert, Corvallis Or,
Fiaueis M Shock, Frankfort HI.
Robert A Smith, South Boston Va.
l on X Tew, Oakville Wis.
Kiige Trent, Vulvan W Va.
Frank Steven Trucan, Chicitgo III.
Julius B Tunison Malvern Iowa.
Alfred Fred Zu-hn. Gillett Wis.
(Capital Journal Special ficrvieo)
Bosedule, April 18 Ah Easter pro
gram will be given t the church next
Sunday evening. Every one is cordial
ly invited to attend.
Jack Tuiiibull has been on (lie sid(
. Mr. Alexander had an attack of
pneumonia last week but is better.
B. H. Cook of Portland visited at
the parsonage Inst Fricluv.
C. A. llii'lley was in Portland Mon
day. Margery Alexander of O. A. C
spent the week end at home.
Mrs. C. A. B'ar visited her mother
Mrs. H. .1. Stroud, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. McEnrlnnd have mov
ed back to their ranch here.
Mis, Beryl Xc'dham and Htel'a
Btintn are out of the neighborhood
nursing a case of the flu.
Mrs. Cook has taken a petition us
housekeeper near Ilopmere,
Mr. Irwin came home for a short
1imn last Saturday.
The Pnreiit-Tcachcrs nnsociation had
a successful meeting rritiay rvcning.
Mrs. Gritton has been ick; her
hiother from near yuinaby is visiting
Sweet potatoes .
Onions, local ...
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. fro
ze of Kcwtwrg s baby girl; their
friends here extend congrslnlntiors.
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white Hi
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Uay. cheat . -
Hav. oats
The Victory is Ours. Let's P ay the B3L BUY BONDS!
The funeral of James H. I rice was
held at Tacoma Monday. Mr. Price
was 72 years old, a native of Oregon mid roosters
itv. anil fouiilit tarougn tnc livu war 'Cockerels
' -. t ir i.:... f t..
Barley, ton tW5U
Mill run - 43(tt44c
Hutterfat "Ok
Crcamerv butter M(iiJi0k
fork. Veal aa4 AJutwn
Pork on foot - IH'jC
Veal, fancy Ihfi21c'
Steers 7fi 10c
Cows Sa9c
Sprii'g lanrbs 11c
Kw... . -4r4a
Lambs, yearlings 10('j(13e
fcgl and Poultry
Eggs, carfi - - 4le
liens, live - 88(:30c
itwtWHii.jwi ryt.tyi...ti.M tvLis.
Radishes, dox. . 33e
'i 3 4c
Heud lettuee $4.2."f;i 4.75
Parsnips - - 3 c
Cauliflower, flats 2()2.2
Wincsnp apples, box $i.50
Celerv, cralo -
I nut
Oranges $5(f0-75
Lemons, boa $5"
Bauanas 9e
Morida grope fruit, case $7(o8
Black figs lb. 10(,i)lt4c
White figs, lb. - 19(rt-20e
Package figs por bx 50 pkg $40.0
llouey, extracted -. 204
Botali f i ices
Eggs, dozen - -
butter i"ic
Flour, hard wheat 3.15(a.3.25
poitlana Marxei
Portland, Or. April lS-Butter, city,
creamery OTtfi-jHa
Eggs sle te,l local ex. 4.1(rJ t"c
Hens 34(u 35c
Broileis 40(a43e
Oeeso 17P20O
Cheese, triplets 37(ft30e
lleceiptg 1111
Tone of mark' steadq
Hi st steers $ 13.7")(Vj 1 1.73
Good to choice steers 11.fliWlS.R0
Medium to good steers 10(gll
Fair to good steers $!10
Common to fair steers $(9
Clu.ico cows and heifers $10.50
Good to choice eows and heifers
$l)fel0.50 . '
Medium to good eows and hoifers
Fair to medium eows and heifen
$.roj a
Gainers $3..r)0t.50
Bulls $Cft8.50
Calvis $!l..W'i 14
Stockirs and feerlers $710
l'weipts 412
I1.,-.. nf mn-et -l--'t"
rrlme mixed 19. 50(3:19. 73
Medium mixed $19(5'19.50
bough heavu g i i ,,a oi it .73
Pigs $17(0 17.50
Bulk $l'J.')0(-i 19.75
Receipts 212
Tone of market steady
Prime lambs $17.5n(o 18
Fair to medium Inmbs $lfl(ff 17
Yearlings $1112
Wethers $Si(al0
Ewes t'j.ujetlO.JJ
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Grape camp No. 1300 meet every
Thursday evening in MoCornaek hall
Elevator service. Oracle, Mra Car
no E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recor
der, Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 a,
4th Ft. Phone 14:i6M.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 8246 me to
every Thursday evening, e o'etor
in MeCornack hall, over Meyer
store. Kay A. Grant, V. C; W. As
Turner, clerk.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday al
8 p. ui. in Masonic Tenplc. Glenat
C. Miles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert,
secretary, 340 Owon; stft.
On Good Real Estate Security
O.tt Ladd Busk bask; Salem Oregoa
cent interest. Promrt service, m'h
yours time. Federal farm loan bonds
for wile. A. C. Bidirnstedt, 401 Ma
sonic Temple, Salem, Oregon.
formation about Lifo Insurance see
J. F. llutchason, dist. n.anager for
the Mutual Life of N. Y., office ab
371 State St.. Snlem, Or. Office
phone Vi resilience 131)0. ti
HOP LEE, expert JaundryrJn, 3t
Ferry St. I pay top warfcel price lor
chickens and eggs. Office phone)
13.1HJ, residence 1333,1. tJ
Our Prices are Right
W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor
1235 N. Summer Street, Balem, Oregoa,
jnt installed a machine that Ul
sharpen lawnmowers the same as tha
factory puts them out new. Brag
all vour iiht repair work to mo. Ai
vin B. Stewart, 317 Court tit. Phona
All kinds of auto repairing by aa ex
pcrimiccd workman. All work guars
anteed to be satisfactory. Studobak
er repairs a specialty. D. B. Moif,
263 N. Commercial. ,