Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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lILUli lilfJIMI m ' '.r--3- M
Bat per werd New Today:
lack iasertioa . If
m week (8 Insertions) ,. 5
Csse taoath (26 insertions) , , 176
Ths Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than ana insertion,
far errors ia Classified Advertisements
Seat your advertisement the f irat da;
it Appears and notify ui immediately it
error occurs.
Minimum charge, 13e.
WANTED Cattle and calves any
kind. Phone 1576W. 5 a
WANTBD-JJaby buggy. 1009 Center.
BEANS $4 per hundred. 1G01 Center.
4 21
WANTED To buy some goats. Call
5F3 in day time. 418
JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone
704. 5 18
MAXWELL roadster, 1915 model, for
sale cheap. 203 N. Com!. 4-21
BIO FIR stove, wood for' sale. Phone
64F14. 421
WANTED Roomers and boarders, 495
N. Coral. Phone 144a. tf
FARM hand wanted. CaU Salem 3F3,
C..C. Russell. tf
WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf
FOR BALE Pansy plant. Moruny,
Ell Miller St. 4-30
STREET'S garage, 420 3. Com'l. All
kinds of ropair work. 4-28
WILL do plain sowing. 1299 S. High.
FREE- BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks'
544 State St. Telephone iW--
Hcadauartors for baby ehieki. tf
W. BEAVER, well driller, phone 827J
1165 if. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-5
WANTED Poultry, eggs, hidea and
veal, heavy hens, 32e; light bens
Sle. Unerry oity reed barn. w
FOR RENT Cloan apartments for
elean people at the MiUer, 633 i'er-
rY St. . tf
FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may
obtain same by describing tame at
this office and paying for ad. tf
FOR SALE Three quarter ten track.
Ia first class shapo, $200. Highway
carazfl. tf
FOR RENT Or sale residence at 360
N. Capitol St. one block from Cap
ital, tf
WANT To secure at once, a 2000
loan on good farm security. Socolof
sky, Bay no bldg. tf
WANTED Experienced . grafters, at
Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa
lem Rt. 6. tf
FOR SALE Burpee's stringless green
pud seed Ivans 12c per lb. Phone S2
F2. ' 4-1H
FOUND Hat for niss, Wednesday
afternoon. Owner call at Journal of
fice and pay for ad. tf
FOR SALE Good loganberry wire.
Capital Junk Co., 271 Chcmeketa.
Phone 398. tl
WALL PAPER 15 cent par double roll
npward. Buren 'a Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
WANTED To lease by May 15, a 6
or 7 room modern house, with gar
age. Address C C C care Journal.
4 18
WE HAYE on hand a few tons of mill
ma for sale, at a targnln Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 11 South
High St. Phona WOO. tf
HAVE recently listed some exception
al "bargains, for grain, fruit stock or
dairy ranches. I can assist you in
bnying right. For best buys se
Socolofsky, Bayne buiKiing. v
A 8MP T have a nice 5 a?re tract,
well improved at eity limits, good
new house and barn, young orchard,
loganberries and other fruit. Will
take good trade. Price 35O0. Big
discount for cah. G. W. Laflar.
505-0 Hubbard bldg. tf
314 Masonic Bldg.
FOR SALE Six shew, seven lambs.
Phone 90F2. 4 19
FOR SALE a room modern cottage
$7(K); terms, till room 304 Hubbard
bKLj. V. II. Norris. tf
TO EE.NT 71 acres 1 mile N W of
Aumaville. Call J. E. Scott, real
estate office. -l!J
TEAM for sale, eheap; good work
team, flee D. A. White Sons 235
State St. Phone 160. 4 IS
FOR KALE Beans in first class eon
ditiooi, spraying outfit, and a cream
separator. Phone 107F13. 4-18
LOST One sorrel marc, 4 years old,
had halter on. Finder please notify
J. W. Manley, Et. 1, Salem. 4 18
WANTED Player piano, ctato make,
price and condition. Address Piano
care Journal. 4
YOUNG man who attends business col-
lego mornings, wishes work after
ooons. C-52 care Journal. tf
FOR RENT & aeres, all in cultiva
tion, eloso to ear lino, fine vegetable
land. Socolofsky, Hayne bldg. tf
HAM BLETONT AN horse and Buggy
for sale. Phone T0F32 or write lit..
9, box 114B. tf
WANTED Girl for light house work
and help with chickens, $00 a month.
Ailaress W. H. Hart, Hospital Sta
tion Salem. 4-18
FOR SALE Or rent, store building
with living rooms, furnished or un
furnished, in connection; also gar
age. Call 335 S. 19th. 422
50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees
for fall dfllivory, Jfruitlaiio nursery,
1 milos na.it of state penitentiary.
Phone 111F21. Rt. 6, Salem. tf
PLANT artichokes if you want cheap
hog feed. Both tops and tubers make
splendil feed. I have a few bushels
loft. Phone 622 or 254. tf
WANTED To hire team or singls
horse sot over 1300 lbs. for general
farm work this season. E. C. Heil
man, Rt. 2, Dallas. 4 18
OREGON strawberry plants 50o per
hundred, $3.50 per thousand, posV
paid. Chas. Hart, Jefferson Or.
FOR SALR Choiee two acre tract,
good garden lnnd, good hoima and
barn, prico right." Must sell. F. L.
Wood, Bayne bldg. 4-18
MUST sell 5 Toom house, Tath, hall, 2
closets, barn, fruit, 1 lot, worth
$1650 for $1350. 1 block Highland
school; part oash. Lnvalleur, 271 N.
Commercial. Phone 734. tf
WANTED A. small house of one or
two rooms and toilet; give size and
price. H. Klender Ut. 6, box 147B
Salc'm. ' 4-19
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on certain line. Phone
111F3. . tf
300D rooming house to lease, 30 room
partly furnished; will leaso very
reasonable. Inquire S06 N. Com'l
6t. or phone 15-WM. tf
WE PAY highost cash price for epga,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfor Co, 171 S. High St. rhone
1400. tf
FOR 8 ALB At 1260 Jefferson St. a
nice little house end lot for $325;
ean give terms; ant quick, for this
is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf
HmrESTBAD in Canada for $125.
This Includes fare to Alberta; board
traveling and loeator'a expenses.
Fine mixed farming district. Partic
ulars at my office, only. C. W.
Niemcynr, MasonU building. tf
HAVE you bought that Fordson trac
tor! Let Uncle Sam furnish the mon
er at 5 percent payable in 34
years. See W. D. Smith, 303 Salem
Bank of Commeree. 21
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, bath
toilet, lights, with 4 full lots, small
orchard, at Anmsville, Or. Very reas
enable for cash or payments. G.
Kirkpatrick Salem, Rt. 6, box 22.
Salem, Ore.
I I His flay a v runra xv-.u-. i i nvv. r iri i .
NfiSi wTj- - irSv r ftA
iy c, m x n
1,) 3S I. ' v Authentic KrrJV
W) Before 1 WAISTS. DOLMANS Barter . IW
ea . Easter -
INDIAN Runner (luck eggs for setting
5 cents each. Phone 5U'J5. 4-17
WANTED Experienced girl in house
work. 745 S. Com'l. tf
FOR SALE 2 nice Holstcin heifers,
with young ealves by side; one nice
Jersey cow and 8 young pigs. Phone
87F24. 4-aS
TENT for eale, 40x110, blaek wall tent
note size before making inquiries.
Manager Oregon theater. 4 24
WANTED Steady man or boy on 40
acre fruit ranch. S. M. Arnold,
Phone 65F1I, Kt. 4, box 82. tf
I BUY young ealves. C. C. Busscll,
Phone 3F3. tf
FOR RENT "Buehelora delight"
hoo'keeping rooms at the .Miller,
633 Forry St. 4 lfl
FOR SALE 40 aeres at Liberty; best
terms ever heard of: take some city
property. Wm. LemJey, Halem. 4 21
FARM, 338 aeres, or divide, $100 per
acre, improved road, railroad, mail
route tream route, phone lines, near
Dallas. Mary Lee, Dallas, Or. 4-19
FOR 8ALE Corner lot 132xl32j with
8 room honse, modern eonvemeaees,
cement walks, barn and fruit; on
earline. 1395 X. Liberty. tf
FARM for sale, 24 acres. S milce east
of SaJem, new buildings, 9 room
bungalow. 14 oer- in cultivation,
balance pastor. Write Rt. 6, box
23A for further information. tf
Every express brings us new exclusive models in new est designs and materials. It will be our pleasure to
assist you in making your selection. Should you get bewildered, keep i nmind our splendid organization, add
to that the basis of our growth"Good Goods." Your decision fortified by the 'above will bring satisfaction
and pleasure-
You will be delighted with the
showing of Waists. Another ship
ment has reached us of ''Georgette
PepluroWaista." The very new
est creations. Some are beaded,
others are trimmed in yarn em
broidery. They harmonize splendidly with
our new arrirals in those bewitch
ing DRESS SKIRTS. We advise
early inspection while the stock is
Ea.,er pettiTt! perfect ia We specialize on outfitting the Boy. "XTRA- Are designed oh' the ac
workmanship, and extra quality, GOOD" Clothes are without doubt or question the cepted, practical models,
. wide rang, of eoior. and Ieading make 0f boys Buits in America. New ship- from the very .newest
- ments have reached us in the very latest models, and , .f . T . ...
. all priced close. We show the most pleasing and aitaS1' incoiette,
WOYeS. ' complete line of WAISTS, BLOUSES, HATS, TIES, Silk Tapestry, La Serge,
An absolute MsentiaWof in fact everything to dress up the boy, and all of Kiota Cloth, Broad
new arrivals " Superkfr Grey the most dependable merchandise. MEN'S. TIES, t cloth, etc.
Mt h' ind" aiUsuin r1! uTt "of GLOVES, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, that only the Ranging in price from
White Kids. uperqu",ty 0 leading stores of America handle. SI. 25 to S7.95
The House You can alwaj 8 d0 bettcr at Quality First
of lrW(T(W but Prices
Reliability WiilcowsiP Are Right
ROOM with or without board for one
or two young ladies, convenient to
car; home privileges. Phone lllfi.
FOR SALE Bargain, 8 room house,
lot 75 by 166, at ml N. Cottage Ht.
fruit trees ami garden, $2000, $1000
cash balance terms. Be W. I.
Needham, court house. 4 1'J
WANTED Address f trustworthy,
reliable young man wishing steady
employment in eity. Adlreg in own
haudwritong. V. J. box 367, eity.
4 19
IF YOU want to buy, aell er trade
your old auto or auto parts see
Steinboek Junk Co., (Autj Wreck
ers) 326 N. Commercial St. Phone
305. 418
FOR SALE 8 room house about 8
blocks from State and Liberty St.
cherry, walnut and apple tree and
grapes; small barn and woodehed, on
paved street. Jriee $3000. Owner,
P. O. tKi 425. 4 19
WANTET Gnod Idocky fyaM wnrk
horse, weighing not under 1300 and
not over 6 years old. Will trad as
part payment or all, biir fir cord
wood or lfl inch. Peter Biachoff, Rt
8. box 49A, Salem. 4 19
LOST Somewhere in Aumsville, a
black imitation leather pocket book
containing $100, all $20 bills. Also
a W. 8. H. book with $25 in stamps
in David Alrxsndcr's signature.
Finder please relurn same to G. M.
Alexander, Aumsville, Or, and re
ceive reward. 23
We are showing the most beau
tiful and novel DRESS SKIRTS
ever shown. In all our experience
we have never seen more charming
and appealing models. The fabrics
are the latest production, includ
ing: Baronette Satin, Patriette, Vic
toria, Georgette and Satin
In the newest shades.
Victory Rose, Orchid, Sunset,
As well as all white
THE 4H0 acres in Jrfforon county ad
vertised some lime sgn, will bo Ink
rii off the sinrk't May firtt. This is
a snap at $000, Rs there aro im
provements a well as 1M) seres in
crop, all tillable land being under
Suttle Luke irrigation project which
will be ready to irrigate the 1920
crops. More particulars can be had
by Bddrcsing or talking to advertis
ing mgr. Journal. Act rjuick, your
timo is limited. tf
tk aeres in Red fer district, fin
stock ranch. 35 acres is timothy and
grain, good house, well furnished;
barn aud outbuildings, living water;
balance of lend In bruh, easily clear
ed. Price $3500. Want to eii-hangc-for
10 or 15 acres n"ar Salem.
100 acres, same district, small house
and outbuildings; all fenced. Price
$2500., Want to exchango for acre
age near Salem.
Fur salo. beautiful home on 24th St.
with an acre of ground, for about
what the house cost; strictly mod
ern. A snap in a splendid 6 room mod
ern home, with RaraRc, only $1100.
Want vacant lot for my tVM equity,
or easy terms for cash. $250 will let
ycitt move in.
2 of the finest Jots oa Fnirniount
llilL paved street; a most beautiful
s;ot to build a home.
Have a customer for a nice building
lot, reasonably close in, not to ex
ceed $50. See
If. E. Bolisg't
328 nubbarj Wdg. Phone 1009. tf
Our stock has been augmented with
the arrival of a new line.
In that soft appealing Jersey Cloth
A most durable wearer. Neat and
natty for street and utility wear.
They come in
Beige, Mouse, Reindeer and
Oversea Blue
OCR homo for snle by owner; splendid
modern 7 room house, full basement,
nice fireplace, furnace hentf large
improved lot 63x105, on Chcmeketa
street, one block from stuto cupitol.
Reasonable price, terms to suit. Ad
dress It 19 care Journal. Phone
220HW. 4-18
POK PALE !-" "' t ho. 1 land
located 6 miles from Salem, on good
road, in good location, good house
and barn and other building, farm
implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year
lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500
cords of wood ready cut, all at a
bargain. Write M W care Joarnal.
(rLAPfOLVH lit
LBS Try home
grown bulbs. We
aro offering a mix
our ground, for rt
ture admired on
ranao of color,
vitality, 50c pi r
ited number of
l-ulbs if vigor and
dozer . Also a lim
ine flame colortrd,
Mrs. Francis Ki
it if, called the most
, t I cents I'cr doren
re I that we do not
popular gladiolus,
Any varietv desi
have will be g!a
Franklin, phone
I to order. W. f .
. jrit. 4i
YXm TWO WEK'iS $-W0 will buy
a 24 acre fruit farm; 18 acres bear
ing prunes. 2 acres young orchard,
aerej lng-aberries; apples, pears,
cherries, ap ieots, peach trees for
fare i ! y use; also strawberries and
blseUierrifs; 0 room plastered ban
galnw bsrn, gnraso and other build
in-;s; 5j miles south of Salem, 1 3
m-ie rrff'l'scific highway. Dr. Ban
croft owner, room 23 Breyman bloen
ANYONE looking for a place all ready
to sH up housekeeping couldn't do
belter than buy the following: 10
acres good fruit land, 3 room house,
gocd well, tarn and wagon shed,
ik)i house, chick house and lrk;
shade trees around house and bam,
good garden in and fences in ncete
sary pluces, l'j acres strawberries,
snme lognns, gooseberries, raspber
ries, blaekb-rries, pt ars plum, -;
pics and cherries. Everything is in
first cUss conditjon and b'j miles
rnuth of 8akm. No incumbrances
and ean give possession at once,
$2500. Term, if oVsircd.-3 XIV care
Journal. tf
229 State Rtreet
If you want to toy or sell a
ear come and see me.
4 Fords ranging from $350 to $390
I 1910 Stud-ibsker tW-0
! Maxwell, 1 !!, geod as new, $723
1 lluiek roadster. 11)14. $JS5
I 2 191 1 Studebakers, $250 and $2"3
j Overland flood as new $700
j F.xceUior motorcycle with handy
i si'leear $2"0
Lotg of ot'uers. come and see us
Open till 9 evening
; Phone 807
j Marsh Aubrey, 90 years old and a
veteran of the Mexican war, took hi
.first ride on a railroad train this week,
!.hen he left Tumalo for Roseburg,
'where he wi!l enter te old so'.dicra'
ihyinc .