Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation is Salem Our-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Circulation, 41
Or ion: Tonight ar.d Satur
day fair east portion, probably
showers west portion; eooW
tonight east portion, with liht
to heavy frost in par It niern
iitg, moderate- south tu west
d I If
y ir "v v r
Twenty Thousand Employes
mvtived In Telephone
Walkout Effecting Whole
Of five States.
630,000 Phones Thrown Out
Of Commission And Losses
Run Into Millions. End Not
In Sight. '
By J. 3. Rowlands
(United Press Stnff Correspondent.)
lbntnn, Mii.su., April 18. Twenty
thousand telephones employes of five
Sew Kngluud states me on Btrike to
day. Tin- industrial nnd social life of five
states has lieen seriously disrupted;
more I lum 630,000 telephones arc out of
commission; the loss to business inter
ests is daily amounting to hundreds of
thousands of diillurs und the people aro
fining emergencies in whieh, tinder nnr
imil conditions tho telephone plays the
lending pnrt. And. yet despite the tre
mendous ini'onvetiicnee to which the
pnlilie Iiiih been subjected, tho finnnciul
loss and the personal anxiety there is
every indication that the public sym
pathizes with the striking telephone
work era.
The strike is nn effort on the part of
organized labor to gain higher wages.
Wilson's Aid Asked.
The governors of the fivo states af
fected by the strike cabled President
Wil-on urging action to settle it.
City und slate officials have been and
still are, making desperate efforts to
find some way of bringing about a res-
toration of telephone service. Lending, the rear The engineers of the 'special
democrats of Sew England in a coble I was said to have heard the torpedoes,
.but was onnble to stop his traiu in
.(Continued from page two) 'time, owing to its high speed.
Viscount Kato Declares For
Halt In exploitation lit
Tokio, -April 12. (Delayed.) Vis
fount T. Kato, leader 0t the Kensei-Kai
party, announced today that the party
at a mass meeting decided to favor au
tonomy for Korea and Formosa.
Autonomy for Korea and Formosa is
urged at the earliest time expedient,
Kato announced. Kato declared his par
ty opposed consideration of the colon
ials merely as instruments of profits.
The Kensei-Kai is new the second
narty in Japan. The 8eiyu-Kui is in
control by a lanre mnioritv. The Ken-
sei-Kai were in control at the opening
of the European war. and are still pow-'
Piful. I
Formosa is an island in the China
sen. It was reded bv China tu JaiOil
in 1SH.).
More Troops Bent
San Francisco, Aprild 18. (Units
Press.) Additional Japanese troops are
arriving in Korean ports, according to
cable advices received today by the Ko
rean national association. Recently,
the Tatted Press' Tokio correspondent
told of two complete divisions of Japa
nese troops and several thousand gend
armes leaving for Fusan for guard duty
throughout the turbulent districts.
Six thousand troops and 40fl0 gend
armes have already landed at Fusnn,
the local Korean organization.', advices
from rusan state.
Seoul Again Quiet.
Seoul. Korea. April. 10. Via Tokio,
(Delayed.) Seoul bad assumed a nor
ma I npH.iranrp today following the na
tionalist demonstrr.tions. Conditions in
the interior, however, are very unset
tled. Forty market placet in Choong
Choong province hsve been closed as a
precautionary measure.
By a vote ef more than three to one
indorsement of th. Spokane soldiers'
and aili,rs' council in refused by
the 'Vn'.ral Labor council.
NO. 80.
Br Ed Ik Keen
(Tinted Press staff correspondent)
Paris, April 13. The Italian situa
tion was expected to reach a erisU in
today's session of the "big four.-'
Premier Orlando it was understood,
plnnned to present "' ' ultima
tum, threatening . .e whole
peace settlement ... ifiplomatie sabot
age unless Italy ' territorial elaims aro
fully recognized. This would He ac
complished, according to certain Ital
ians, bv refusing to accept a ueaty
inconsistent with their aspirations, aud
at the same time holding the allies to
their agreement not to sign a "sepa
rate" peace. 1
Despite the seeming seriousness of
the situation, the delegates appeared
optimistic of. nn amicable adjustment
before the "big four" adjourned.
Kven if the Italian crisis is safely
passed today, the "big four" is ex-,
pected to be confronted with the Jap
anese "situation" . tomorrow or Sun
Casualties In Troop Train Col-
lison Near Le Mans,
France, Heavy.
Brest, April 8.-r(l'nited Press)
The casualties in t''e troop train col
lision near LeMans yesterday were
given out today as 10 American and
six French soldiers killed and 15 Amer
ican and HO French soldiers injured.
A partial list of the American dead
Howard F I.acey, 310th engineers
Vi.gil .T Itnndnll, Tenth engineers
Ivekicl Skipper, JIMith engineers
Thorion (possibly T 11 O'K.vnn) 33d
Orza Hurokini Moa, Teulh engineers
P 1! Scliiilto, 319lh engineers
. Williiim Glidwcll, 1011th engineers
John Ihivison, Tenth engineers
George-F Mullins, attached 'to gen
eral head(unrters
Sergeant Huff, 1103d aero squadron
OW llefflin, Eighth infantry.
The collision, it was stated today,
was due to the troop train being forc
ed to halt because of a breakdown of
the engine. Torpedo signnls were pine
ed on the track a thousand yards iu
Individuals May Purchase On
Government Plan Up To
It is now definitely decided that the
four tank of the city will take over
the $H'.0,1j0 quota of the victory lib
erty loan anithnt no canvass will be
mnde of the city next Monday or.it
any time. $
Those who wish to buy of the fifth
liberty loan may now go to the banks
and subscribe and this privilege will
bo left open until May 10, according to
government regulations, the date which
was fixed for the last day of the drive
for subscriptions.
Payment may ibe made for the bonds
according to the government plan or
purchases may be made outright in one
payment. The government plan pro-
f,,r rft1' payment ot 10 per
cent of the amount bought when ap
plication is made or at least bv May
Easy Terms Offered
The next payment is 10 per cent on
or before July 15. and the next is a 20
per cent payment on or before October
7 and the final payment of 20 per
cent on or before Novenrtier 11th.
The bonds will draw 4 3 4 per cent
interest and will be exempt from state
or local taxes and from normal federal
income taxes.
JSince Salem banks decided to take
over the Salem quota, the idea has
been catching. P. E. Cnllister, chair
man of the victory lean at Silverton
wired Ivan Cr. Mr-Daniel. "Hanks of
Silverton subscribe for entire quota of
SllU-orl.n "Thi. mnrtiirio- Mr. Mf Inn
I iel received a telegram from St. Paul,
saying the bank there had also taken
over the St. Paul quota.
It is thought that the tanks of Ma
rion county will decide that it would
be good business for the county to
not only be the first over the top in
Oregon, but perhaps in the entire Unit
ed States. Chairman F. ti. Drckebnch
wired each of the bsnkn in the county I
the action of the Salem banks.
AdTrtislng to Continue !
A'though the tig drive is off for
(Continued oa page eight)
Two Nations dig To Conten
tions And May Prevent
Complete Agreement On
Terms Before April 25.
Oriental Delegates Insist Rac
ial Equality Amendment
Must Be Included In League
Of Nations.
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, April 18. The Italians are re
ported to have threatened to block the
entire ieuee settlement unless their
I.iims are recognized. This developed
today when tnc "big four" agalu tool.
up Italy's territorial aspiration.
.Veco.ding to reliable information, tne
llaliaiu have now lakeu the positiou
Hint the pati of London, ou which the;r
li.i"is tiro hated, not only grants thei.i
the i utire pr .rni'ii they are demanding,
but phdgos ni the signatories to stand
lo.etlur for n sinuutaiieoiis peace. A..
the Italians aeo it, tlicj could overturn
the whole peace 9i ttli:neiit by refusing
tu accept tiny treaty not meeting their
lai Imii celling ',,.oii the signatoi'-
iis or tho pact if London to livu uu
to their agreement jgainst arranging u
separate peace.
Wilson bt,uid3 Pat.
'.The siguiitoriea i.u the pa A of I.Oi
Ion, c,.i-uui:.iiit' d
U15, were Italy,
'iv.it Diilani, Fiance and Russia. L'n-
Icr this agreement, Italy was given cer
ium territorial concessions for entering
the war on the side of tho nllies.)
t ertaiii of the allies, led by the Amer
ans, have maintained that ueceptaaco , r 8',u'w'u r permanent road con
f the armistice terms abrogated all ! "-'ton the vote stood in the eounty-
oi tne armistice terms abrogate
secret treaties. President Wilson, who
lias been placed in a position of virtual
arbitrator of the rival claims of the
Italians and JugoHlnvs, has made it
known that ho will not deviate from the
stand that the dispute must be settled
according to the 14 points.
'1'ne Jugo-Klnv delegation, it devel-
'jlll-ll tiituv linn writ!.,,, Tinn.l...
Clenienceau asking that the future of
iume aud Dulmntia bo solved by a plo-l
i .i. . - j f . i
uiiui-r recognized principle ;
of self -determination
Japs to Plead Case.
' The Japanese, in pushing their do-
j mauds for early settlement of tho Shun-
lung question, are expected to appear
hefoie the ''big four" tomorrow or !Suu
ih'.v. They are insistent thut their claims
to ratification of concessions iu tho
Shantung peninsula which are bitterly
Chinese-be recognized !
mderstood. Ceneral seu-!
oppnseu ny t no
in once, it is mm
liment, however, appeared to favor the
Chinese in this dispute.
All commissions with the exception
of t lie one considering conflicting Pol
ish and (ieriitun boundary claims, have
comideted their work. It is exriecte.l
there will be two plenary sessions next1
week, possibly on Thursday nnd Friday. I
The leniruii nf nailn.. i '
PHs of the various commissi,,,,. ..ml,. .
ably will be submitted at the first ses-'
sioii. me entire treaty would be luken
up at the second. Both meetings are
' xpected to be secret.
who remembers when th' theatrical
season used t close early euouih fer l
feller f save a little money fer straw
Bat? where thex', a fern an' baby In
th' same home somebuddy 's goln t' git
ta. worst ot tt.
Abe Martin
tk'"- r'.
Nine Women To Sit On Jury
in Trial Of LW.W. Agitator
San Francigco, Aj'iil IS. Nine wo
men will be calleit. ( o n to decide a
question involving alleged I. V. W'.'
ism hero April 23. They have -been se
lected as inwiibers of the jury to try
Henry Warfield, an agitator, charged
with disturbance ef the peace.
The women were selected from 37
fair voters, most of them socially prom
inent. Most of the men examined ex
pressed strong opinions against any
form of radicalism, holding such views
to be unpatriotic.
Figures In Past Elections
Show City And Rural Vote
, OaPar.
Word has come to the good roads
workers iu Salem that the rural districts
will vote all right oa good roads and iu
favor of bonding the county, but that
some doubt is felt as tu how ISiileiii will
vote. There is a feeling among the
rural good roads workers that in the
past Snlein has swatted every good
loads proposition that has come beioie
tho voters. . '
Tho election records of Hay 15, 1U14,
at the spring primary of thut year nnd
of tho speciul election called June 4,
1U17, do not justify the feeling that Sa
lem has been against rond improve
ments. The fact is, tho official figured
show that 8alom hus lined up an an
uverngo along with tho rural districts.
At the May 15, 1114, election wherl
the people voted ou bonding the county
tor l)!8.)U,UU(J
iui me uouus, ojiv; ngaiusr ine Ijoniis,
Of this total vote, tho vote of Bulciii
was for the bonds, 107 against the
bonds B573. Deducting the rSak'in vote
from that of the county, the vote stood
for the bonds 237; against Ue bonds
These figures show that Salem went
!",,mlt tw to one ugainst the bonds und
1 lU C0U"Uy VT "U8 t'X" t ,hu
name proportion. Aud tho entire vote
: . . . .
bonding, in other words, the official
records show that Sah-iu voted as the
county did and was not against tho
bonds at that time iu a larger propor
tion than the outlying districts.
If may be of interest to know that
five years ago when there was but little
interest taken iu good roads and also
fin, KL"!ul r"a 'oulrucioH, tlmt at
""' f!'llw"'B '"aionties were
...... ... w . vi v. ..... uuuua jlui .villi im
provement: East Uervais, East Hub
bard, West Hubbard, McKee, West Mt.
Angel, precinct 11 Salem, East Silver
ton, West Silvertnn, East and West
Wooilbuni. On this 1914 election Mill
City broke even on the vote, 30 to 30.
At (hampoeg, only one man voted for
good rondB, nt Shaw only one man and
Bt 0,ly .M !ma-
the special election of June 14,
11117, Salem went stronger for tho 8i.-
000,000 state road bond issue and high
way than the rural districts iu the conn
ty. The vote was not very her.vy that
year, but in Salem, 130S voted for the
i,000,000 road bonds and 13:11 against.
Thus Salem voted iilmut even on the
big proposition,
against it.
But tho county went
The official figures for that election
, show thut the vote on the O.IHIO.OOO
KZll itZirtS.
nig the vote or Salem both for audi
against, tho vote outside of Saleinjvas'
20M for the fi,000,oo0 bonding bill andj
ngninst, 3340. (
While the vote in Salem in 1917 was!
about a 0(1 50 proposition for the ,-!
000,000 state road bond, in the rural die- j
tricts, 62 per cent of the voters ct,t
their ballots against it. In the 1914'
election for the 850,000 bonding bill, 65 i
per cent of the rural voters were against i
the bill, nnd Salem was about the same.
Taken as a whole, the election records
on file at the couty clerk's office show
that Salem voted exactly with the out
living districts on the road proposition
in 1914. That in l!)17Salem went 50 50
for the state bonds while outside of Sa
lem the vote wa against the bonds on
a per centnge basis of 62 against and
38 for.
San Diego, t'sl. April IS. Kish prie
es will drop along the coast next
week, it was predicted here today, as
the striking fishermen boarded their
craft and sailed to sea. This action
followel the defeat of Harris Wein
toek as fish director at Sacramento,
The first boats will return tomorrow
when prices are expected to droy.
18, 1919.
latin Nation Refuses To Re
cede From Territorial De
mands Based On Secret
Treaties Of London."
Wilson Refuses To Give
Ground On Contention That
Peace Must t Follow 14
Points Of Armistice Terms.
By Fred B. Ferguson
(United Press taff correspondent)
Paris, April 18. With every prepa
ration being made for reception of the
(ierman peace delegates April 25, the
Italians and Japanese continued today
to present possible barriers to complete
agreement on tho terms of the treaty.
Xo official information could be ob
tained regarding the present status of
the claims of those two countries but
it was generally understood the Ital
ians were still holding out for ratifi
cation of their entire expansionist pro-
grain, while it he Japanese were prepar
ing to reintroduce their racial equality
amendment to the league of nations
covenant nt the plenary session next
week. The lialians were said to he
standing pat on their threat to with
draw from the conference unless their
claims were granted. The Japanese,
while still apparently without specific
instructions i'rom Tirkio, were reported
to he ready to announce their refusal
to accept the covenant if their amend
ment were to be again turned down.
Mate Ready for Germans
Guests in the Hotels Vatel and Des
Keservoiis at Versailles were being
ousted today o make room for the
German delegates. It was believed that
quarters in other hotels might also be
According to the latest report, the
enemy representatives will ibe met on
ly by the "big tour President nil
sou, premier Lloyd-George, Premier
Cleiiicncenii nnd Premier Orlumln
who will formally present the treaty,
after which the German delegation
will return with it to Weimnr, where
i.t will be disi'iifsed by tho German
government and possibly by the nation
al assembly.
"Guarantees " understood to linve
been jiven France still remain a mys
tery. They arc surrounded by tho great
est secrecy and it could not he ascer
tained whether they will be included
in the treaty or in a separate agree
ment. Aside from the tacit admission
that the guarantees are "satisfac
tory," it was recalled tit the last lea
gue of nations committee meeting,
(Senator Jtourgeois did not mention his
amendment for an international army
or general staff. He had been expect
ed to urge this to the last, and the fact
he abandoned the idea wn accepteih
as conclusive proof of the existence of
other assurances.
Belgians Want Factories
Taking the solution of the Hnar val
ley problem as a precedent, the Pel
giiins are proposing adoption of a plan
for making up their country's indus
trial losses. They urge that a number
of German factories in the occupied
area be turned over to Bilgium and op
erated for the .llelgiain' benefit until
the latter's plants are restored. The
Belgian delegation pointed out thnt
.,ne fn-tnrv in I.ic2e alone was valued
at 15,000,000. and now is a total loss,
the building having tieen rnxcu ann
the machinery transjHtrted to Germany.
363rd Infantry Scheduled
To Reach Oakland Monday
' San Francisco, April 18. The
303rd infantry and 347th field
artillery will reach Oakland
mole about midnight Monday
and will reach San Francisco
Tuesday morning, according to
advices received by Mayor
Bolph today.
Monday afternoon, the re
turning heroes will be tendered
a big reception at Sacramento.
They will begin their parade
down Market street here at 9
a. m. Tuesday, starting the big
gest celebration ever given by
San Francisco to returning
New York, April 18. (United Press)
Viola Mueller. 14 year old school girl,
who disappeared from her room in New
r.rk, N. J., April 9, was found by de
tectives in s room here this sfternoon.
An unidentified man is under arrest in
connection with the care.
New York, April 18. Tut- transport
I Dante Alighierre from Marseilles, ar
rived here today with ISS2 nieu, includ
ing the following units: Xt.'iut infantry,
detachment of field aud staff headquar
ters, machine gun company, supply com
pany and companies H and L, base hos
pital 10-, detachment, nine cusuui com
panics, seven special casual companies.
Other transports arriving today were
the Mercy, a hospital ship from St. Na
zaire and the transport Otsego. Tho
Mercy brought in ten officers and 375
enlisted men in convalescent detach
ments. The Otsego, sailing from Bordeaux on
April 4, came iu a day ahead of sched
uled time. On board ere 942 officers
aud men from the 19th, 20th, 30th, 35th,
3bth and 45th balloon companies and
two officers and seventy-two men from
four convalescent detachments. Casuals
brought the total passenger list up to
The Mercy narrowly escaped accident
on her trip to France and return. Ou
the way over the vessel barely mused a
floating mine. While feeling her way
tlirough a dense fog off Sandy Hook
luto yesterday, a collision with the
steamer Charles Braley, wus averted by
u margin of 20 feet.
Among the sick and woundod officers
landed nt lloboken today were: Lieu
tenant James Cruitchficld, company I,
318th Infantry, Hamilton, Mont.; Lieu
tenant liovul W. Mingina, Unity, Or.
New Embarkation Record
Made In Loading Rainbow
' Division For Return Home
Brest, April 18. (United
l'eiss.) The port of Brest es-
tablished a record in troop em-
biirkatiun in preparing tho re-
iiiiiining units of the Forty-site-
ond (lluinbow) division for sail-
ing yesterday. Nineteen thou-
Htind troops, including some por-
lions of the Sevoutv-seveuth
(New York) division marched
nbourd six transports. Only the
117th amiuraiiitton train of tho
Kninbow division remained and
that will leave tomorrow.
Five of tho ships, the Mis-
souri, the Mount Vernon, Pre-
torin, Pueblo and Huntington
were en route today. The Le-
vialhan, delayed in coaling, was
scheduled to start later today.
Before distinguished gathering of
Seattle and Washington state public
and militury officiuls, Lieutenant Ches
ter E. iFrnzer was presented with two
eroix de guerre at Fort Lawton Monday.
German Radicals
Fear Restoration
Of Military Rule
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, March 30. (By Mull.) Radi
cal leaders in Germany aro sure they
see In preparation a coming militury at
tempt to control tho country tu 4he
guise of the "League Against Bolshe
vism," which is gaming strengin daily,
and which linn millions of marks at its
Their concern is not confiiied to sym
pathy they may have for the Bolshevik
cause, but in fear that the militarists
will again get control of the country
and the government. Some o" the fadi-
ills go so far ss to say Germany is now
pructieallv in the hands of the militar
ists, and thut the Noske maneuvers aro
simply a means by which the unsuspect
ing government has militarism thrust
upon it.
The charge is harillv supported by tne
government s artions in becoming more
nnd more liberal in politics, under stress
of attarcks from the workmen. How
ever, there is reason to believe the rtd
icals are not entirely without basts for
their militarism fears.
Germany's greatest militarism danger
conns from tail seventy -nve inousuou
officers nnd old army men within close
proximity of Berlin, who made the army
their profession formerly and who are
now entirely unfitted for any other pro
fession and lire not knen to take up
ordinary work.
It Is an open secret these men want
to see a semblance of the old regime
back. Their sitm.tion is pitable, since
they have served their country faithful
ly and are now without suport, unless
the government continues the old sys
tem of granting them government posi
tions as a reward for their services.
This is just whnt radicals fear, and
they are condemning the cabinet for or
dering the old system sustained, ct least
until the present generation of officers
and soldiers are no longer to be dealt
with. These men are dungerous in the
government the radicals claim, since
i .
State Of Seige Declared h
German Capital As Result
Of General Strike And Sub
sequent Disorder.
Possession Of Control Over
Munich Still In Doubt And
Desperate Street Fightir
Copenhagen, April 18. (United
Press.) Berlin has been declared in at
state of siege as a result of tho general
strike there, dispatches from that city
reported today.
Proi'ltiiiiiiitious to thnt effect wersj
dropped on the city from government
nirpliines, it was said. The proclama
tions were signed personal by President
Herr Klchnrn, former police president
and Spiirtncan lender, was said to hava
attempted t escape from the city in an
airplane. He was over taken by gov
eminent machines and forced to land.
Ho is now in jail.
Government forei nnve occupied
Brunswick, the Spnrtnrnn resistance
there suddenly having subsided.
Munich righting Heavy.
Berlin, April 17. (United Press.)
Despernte fighting continues fer posses
sion of Munich, acording to dispatches)
received here.
Several regiments of government
troops were reported to have met th
socialistic forces outside the city, which
are making preparations (or a grand
assault.. The communists defondcrs,
while maintaining their artillery fire,
are erecting barricade, and barbed wir
entanglements In the principal street
entering the towu. Plundering is suid
to have got beyond control of the com
munists guards.
they could at any time join a militarist
Iu addition, Hie radicals dema-nd tlia
complete disbanding of the Hindenburj
army of the east, now guarding thsj
doors of Russia against bolshevism.
This, with the other forces the govern
ment has under arms and the officer
and soldiers at large, gives a militury
force of some three hundred thousnnd,
which, it is claimed by the radical lead
ers, is pledged to rise to arms u caso
the proletraiat gets the power iu Ger
many. There is no doubt thut tho radkul
kro prompted in their fears largely by
resentment thut a military force pre
vents them from joining forces withi
the bolsheviks in Kiissis, but tnere is
alsu ground for their belief that mili
tarists are secretly organizing and are
growing stronger. Whether they would
use their organization against a demo
cratic government is uncertain.
Officers have again begun to flaunt
their gny uniforms ou Berliu boule
vards in full dress unit covered witn
decorutions. Until recently the olticern
did not wear their decorations, only
j armbands.
j The so called. "League agi.inst Bol
Ishivisiii " is plentifully supplied with
(money bv capitalists and the former no
ibility. It is getting to be a formidable;
organization, and will soon be able ta
cope with a proletariat uprising if it
chooses to do so, according to report
regarding the secret gathering et Sup-
The steady growth of this group,
strongly adhered to and supported by
;ine loriner militarists, or army men,
nnd of the Soviets on the oilier hand
(forebodes a struggle which will be noth-
jing short of a civil war, if open hostili
ties ever do break out, when both sides)
claim they must support the government
by force.