.tih DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1919. PAGE TWO. XX' SOCIETY.' By G2UTBTJDE EOBISON SHIPLEY'S - .,VL.mnwnu. i. j.L.jL . - . an jn ii i " M. rmm f f"" liiifcJ yarMli hup issswiisTMiiiri f ill' ' ' ii iiwrw im i t niifr I Pf ff TIF f f HP? I ) jjij 1 111 .13 il.j.tj - Uil riMFlM- On Your Trad- I i i t f i. j i n - i t i i i v a- - ? i wum A. W. Do Your Trad ing at SCHRUNK'S THE STORE THAT ALWAYS GIVES YOU BARGAINS, BUT DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS WILL HAVE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES TO SECURE FIRST CLASS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES ALL C. 0. D. ORDERS DELIVERED FREE. 270 N. Commercial Street PHONE 721 I WANT YOUR PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. TODAY AM PAYING 41c CASH FOR EGGS. INDICATIONS POINT (Continued from page cue) the present proposed uiarkct roads a business roads, l.ee Oilbart, Klgin Hix distributor, mid tbit must 1)4 a fine country for automobile as ttboot every ear made ii now represented in the city, lie sug- nested that the nutomobilo Jliishcy wu quoted an havtng Mifl that it would cost about 113,500 a uiilo to construct the toad after the luatiocd tad been prepared. The builrtNig of the 130 mile of hard surfaced rouds; 2000 -cars in Halem ill ba In the hands of the county court. thought that if every owner of a car liarlcy O. White anid thcro was w was interested In the proponed good danger in the way Halem would vote av roads, that the measure, should easily the city waa . undoubtedly for good ! carry, especially if trvoryonr owner in road. He said that in some communl- tho county lined up for good roads. To tlon is the most Important in Oregon,' declared T. B. Kay. Congressional medals of honor for conspicuous gallantry havo been award ed to Lieutenant Patrick Rcgnn of I-oa dealers' a Bele and Lieutenant William B. Tur. should organize to talk good roads. With ner 0f Dorchester, Mats. anv vicinuy, nu tie he had heard from, whore there waa strong opposition to the bonding; bill of five yeira ago, that with chnnged conditions and the fact that the couaty court would construct tho roads, every body was in favor of tho measure. , Dealers to Organise. A. W. Hhruuk said that he wns un filled that the farmers would support the (rood roads movement as it waa a cood business proposition for him. lie follow out the ideas of Mr. Gilbert, It wns arranged to organize the automo bilo dealers in the city that each might work in the campaign for hard surface, roads. Mr. Gilbert said that for its size, Halem is said to have more cars than any citv in the United Httaes ,and yet, mud holes could be found within a few miles of tho city almost in any direction. "I've alwnvs been very conservative referred to the good roads measure of on any bonding proposition but now is fire years ago as pleasure road and our tiino to go ahead. The road proposl- M i b r i I l VII B - via l i s i a Appear At Your Best Instantly. H yw receive a Midden calUroraa nnexptctal bf vlUtlon yotl can feel con fident ol always spectrins t your bett In but a few momenta It renders to your ski a wonderfully pun. soft complexion that U bevond comtnrkon. ' Choose Easter Footwear Now While Sizes and jStccks Are Most Complete YOU'LL FIND PUMPS, OXFORDS, AND SHOES IN VARIOUS LEATH ERS AND STYLES, PRICED TO YOU AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. WE INVITE COMPARISON. Women's White Kid lace, Louis cov ered heel, Goodyear welt, AA to D $5.85 Women's white Reignskin lace, Louis covered heel .....$3.95 White fabric lace, military heel $2.85 and $1.85 Black kid pumps, Louis heel, point ed toe $4.85 Brown kid Oxford, Louis heel, point ed toe $1.95 Gun metal Oxford perforated toe, military heel $4.65 Black kid pumps, military heel, pointed toe $4.65 White buck oxford, perforated toe, military heel $4.45 Women's white fabric oxfords, low heel $145 Misses white fabric oxfords, 12 to 2 $20 Men's brown English dress shoes $5.50 to $7.00 Men's black dress shoes lace or but ton $3.45 to $0.50 Misses brown vamp with cloth top to match, 8 1-2 to 2 $2.98 Men's outing work shoes, with rub ber sole $1.98 CHILDREN'S PATENT PUMPS Sizes 3 to 6 $1.45 to $1 65 IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ OUR ADS BUY VICTORY BONDS! w 141 North Commercial St. mple Store C. J. BREIR CO. 141 North Commercial St Iff. and Mr. (Veil ii were gtteets at a informai-trtr W -sight gia by a coterie of thir friends at the hjme of Mr. and Mrs-Tom Calloway on tSouUi A'ommtrciil street. Mr. and Mrs. lx will leave in the near future to reside ia Dallas, where Mr.' i'ot will represent an important automobile concern. Vocal and instrumental mus ic were the Drincipal features of the evening ' entertainment and delicious refreshments were served Those pres ent were Mr; and Mrs.- Cecil 'ox, Mr. aad Mr. Tom--OaJloway, Mr. and Mrs. Km est Bowen, Mr. and Mrev 1 (i. Ik-id ao, Mm. Jaimeg Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McOOlvain -and Mrs. Burton A. Myers. The Illuhee auxiliary met last eve ning witA Mrs. Wj il. I'limpton, 54 North Church street. The revular or der of business was gone through and all the members of ttie club were res- enl, with the exception of Mrs. Kud- rrts who is in iortlana na Mrs. aie- Douiral who is in the east. a Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Bcott have roturned from as extended visit in Hood River, where Mrs. Bcott was obliged to go because of ill health. Mrs. Mary K. Davis, who was a two day visitor in Portland while attend ing the state convention of tho Degree of Honor, has returned to Salem. Mrs. Davis, who was a delegato from Sa lem lodge No. 19, was accompanied by Mrs. Oren Hutton, t Misa Vera Wine aid Miss Lciia John son were joint hostenees at an inform al dinner party at Lausanne hall Tues day. Covers were laid for Misses Glen na Teeters, Beth 'Briggs, Bernice Knuths, Holes Boso, Evelyn Gordon and (lladys Nichols. iartre numlwr of the young ladies IK. vint. Christian church met at the home of Mias Tluth Parsons re .nnlv anil nrirnnized a class which will ncreaftej lie known as the Loynt TWanni. After a brief bueiness meet ing a social evening. was enjoyed by all and lovely refreshments were serv ed by the hostess assisted by Miss Ger tie Orapps. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Wcee Aline. Tho officers of the class are as fol lows: Miss Kada Persons, president; Miss Townscnd, vice president; Misa Roso Aline, secretary-treasurer. A farewell party was given recently for Elmer E. Young who has been vis iting with his parents at 1)25 North 21st street, at which a large number of friends were present, Mr. Young has returnod to Chicago to resume hi stu dies at the Chicago institute ot arts which he has been attending for tne past four years. "- - -. Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Delano are en tertaining as fheir guests at their homa on State' street, their daughter, Mrs. James Teed, and her son, Ja mie of Portland. Mrs. Teed will re main In Balem about two iwoeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Varney of Porunnd were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Delano, having eome to Halem lor the Tillieum ciuw uaucc lasti'ridny. Mrs. C. Cottcrmati entoitained tio u,,ih fMrcla of the First Christian i,.t. t hoe home on Highland avo- V u. . . last Wednesday afternoon, mow Ksenrt wero .Kevetena ana mre. W. Porter, Mrs. C. I" invm, a. !ihon. Mrs. Leo Caufield, k' P. Wmith. Mrs. M. 11. VI u. M. A. Walker. Mis. Wm. J. Bueic, Mrs. J. Humpnreju, yn Clarence Towneend, Mrs. Miller, Mrs it...tj. tlnkur. and Mrs. H. E. Wolf Tho eircle will hold its next meeting April 23 at the homo or Airs. r. i Smith. 1145 South High etrerf. Th Thre Link Needle club met in tho early part of the week at the home vf Mrs. W. A. Wiest, 2035 D street. Mrs. Ida Molaniel Siiu Mrs. Clara Wills were assistant.'-, hostewes - and Mr. Heath .was a guest of the club for .k- .n Tha husiness meeting l, a aooial hour and the serving of dainty refreshments. Mrs. Luella Engstrom will enter tain the members at ths next meeting, at hsr home, 575 Upitol strc.ft. Reverend Arthur J. Sullens will b the speaker tonight at the Passion week services of the Central Congre gational church. Mr. Hullens is the superintendent of Congregational mis sions in .Oregon. The Ladies Aid society of the Brooks Methodist church held a tea at the home of Mm. John Withy comb last Thursday afternoon. Twenty two gneats arrivd at an trly hour and spent the afternoon in sewing and social converse. Mrs. A.hbangh gave several eomie reading,, which J roduced a great deal of merrinwtit al won toe hearty applause of all. Mrs. A. K. Harris was assis ed in serving a licious lunch 1T Mrs.. John w'lhr comb, Mrs. Cecil Ashhsngh and Mrs. John Dualavy. ..,. Those present were Mrs. John Withy comb, Mrs. Wm. Powers, Ellen Haekit, Xtrs.'C. D. Nsylor, Mrs. Wm. .il hert Mrs. Walter Puller," Mrs.- Mil let. .Mrs. W. Unders, Mrs. I. V. IVnsett. Mr. John Ounlavy, Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mrs. Willard Vaughn, Mrs. Cecil Aahbaugh, Mrs. Hylvester Har ris, .Mrs. Johnaton, Mrs. It. Jones, Mrs. C. Blanton, Ijiuraiae Harris. M Irot Puller, John Piinlavy Jr.. Albert Harris sad Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Ore" of Portland. a Mrs. Prank Chudy of San Franrisee arrived in Kalera rwcntW to visit her mother, Mrs. M. E. Chenlcy. Mrs. Chudy, while in Halem has bees visit ing iu ths local-hospitals. Whooping Oough Give Ctaaiberlaia 's Cfengh Bemedy to keep ths cough loons and expectora Uo easy. It is excellent. nue, pr land Mrs. Mre. esko Spring's Prettiest Blouses i - BLOUSES OF SPECIAL STYLE FOR SPRING WEARING. The new suits call for blouses designed in particular mod els to wear well with the new waisted skirtsif the ef fect of the suit is to be achieved. You will find here a line of the most desirable models in suit blouses. Georgette Crepe Blouses $3.98, $4.98, $5.95, up to $14.75 Crepe de Chine Blouses $4.98, $5.95, $6.95 up to $12 50 Lingerie Blouses 98c, $1.98, $2.75 up to $9.75 EASTER SHOWING-FEATURING A SPLENDID LINE OF CREPE DE CHINE LINGERIE GARMENTS. h; r fell M mm Mm 4f XX Camisoles 98c to $3.75 Envelope Chemise Gowns $2.98 to $9.75 $4.95 to $9.75 Combinations $4.95 to $9.75 Excellent Values in Outer Garments SUITS $19.75, $24.75 to $47.50 COATS ....$14.75, $19.75, to $44.75 DOLMANS $24.75, $34.75, to $55.00 CAPES . $14.75, $19.75 to $34.75 SKIRTS $ 695, $19.75 to $29.75 SILK DRESSES '. $12.48, $19.75 to $57.50 FABRIC DRESSES .......$14.75, $18.50 to $34.75 Quality Merchandise "Where Shopping is a Pleasure" U. G, Shipley Co. Popular Prices t BUY 5th VICTORY BONDS n n OTHERS B V f 1 Reduce your doctor s A tt bills by keeping always on band iaCSVAPOROIM YOUR BODYGUAR0"-30f.eO.' THOUSANDS SEE (Continued Irora page one) what it could do. Running true to form, it climbrd over ditches on Xorth Liberty street and look a dip into Mill creek, Then it walked over some small trees and pushed its way through a thicket of hnehes and cavorted around orach to the delight of the hundreds of school children who had been turn ed loose for-the occasion. About 9 o'clock wis mormnB the tank showed itself on tstate and inm mereial streeft tefor going to the ex hibition grounds. At Liberty street, hVbin Pay spoke, telling of the diffi culty of wntching the tank while in action at th front on account of the shot and shells flying and the big holes through which it had to travel. Ppeaking' nf his experiences with the tank, Mr. lny said that at one time the baby tank came to the assistance of himself and comrades who were fae iug a machine gnn nest. The tank just walked right up to the nest of tier man gunners aad that was all there ana t it. This afternoon the fighting machine left for Woodrmrn. over the (Southern Paci-fie local freight. It will then he returned to Albany and (Yirvsllis and Dallas asd then to Portland. Tha mix up on the schedule -of the tank and its arrival here early this morning caused thourands to miss the opportunity of seeing a real camou flaged tank and to V practicat tlem onstratioa of its working. llHary Pickford Coming In Captain Kid, Jr. Sunday At first Mush it would seem to be a waste of goodi ink to advertise a fihn picture 1iy Mary Pickford. "If Mary's in it, it's bound to be good," will bo the sentiment of film enthusiasts in ISalem and they will be just as eager fo see Mary in her latest Seotrh role as any of the past. The directors toll us that she never appeared to better advantace than as the bonny, canny, lovable but irritating lass in "Captain Kidd Jr;" coming to the Oregon thea er Pundny for a three ia yrun.This is a whimsically delightful offering wrth, the merit of great originality, and1 the charm of freshneea and qnaint character-delineation. It sfored a genuine sueeess on the legitimate" stage thru, ont the country, and on the film it has lost nothing f its effectiveness'. It has to do with a picturesqne old book store proprietor, his charminff granddaughter, a talented young au thor who is in love, una a hid len treas ure . the search for which brings ot f snries of peculiarly comical situations, in this play Mary Pickford is support ed by an exceptionnlly fine east. Do You Keep. Weil? To be at his best man must have sound, rcfrefhing sleep. When wakeful and restless at night ha is in no con dition for work or business during th day. Wakefulness is often caused by; indigestion and constipation, and it quickly relieved by Chambcrlain'H Tablets. Try a dose of these tablet and see how much better yon feel with a clear head and good digestion. A straw vote taken by i The DallcJ Chamber of Commerce on referend-.,it measures to be voted on in June was practically unanimous against the pro posed Roosevelt memorial highway. Oth er measures received majority votes. For Itching Torturt There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve akin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any drurgist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Eczema, itrlt, pimples, raabra, blackheads ii rr.rvt cases give wsy to Zemn. I'r -, rrinor blcrn- ishes disappear r x'-t. Itrhmsr us ually stops ins' .- . Zi-rno is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean. rs3 to rse and dependable. It cors only 35c; ait ex trs large bottle, Sl .oa It will not stain, is bk greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, scrtsjtive skins. The E. W. Bos C. CJertiand. Q. ERKCN & MM, General Contractors- 20f Masonic Building. Phone 1216 R Building in all its branches Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 & High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON I We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are ibla to pay the highest cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc, to us. . 1 f t t t m I m t