PAGE TEN SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1919. WE ARE GLAD TO BE ABLE TO QUOTE PRICES ON THE FOLLOWLXG LIST OF DOMES! The J. C. Penney Co. leads and others follow AS THEY WILL APPEAL TO ALL, AND YOU WILL IN TURN BE EXCEP TIONALLY GLAD TO SEE THEM. QMAOS I PERCALES In nice plaids, strips, checks and Light colored shirting patterns, solid colors ' Blues and Greys 19c, 25c, 29c and S3c 28-inch 15c, 17c and 25c 36-inch 19c, 21c and 25c Cheviot Shirtings 7. Outing flannel 25c 23c 19 I f f Nainsooks 17c, 19c, 33c and 35c W have ne lm ? a Vnety ? to.iv. oi-9 i on patterns of the crochets and marseil- jnutloped'and Cambncs 33c and 35c $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and $5.90 SHEETS SEEDING 98c, $1.19, $1.59 and $1.69 72inch gheeting pn r aw r 1 ere 81-inch Sheeting 65c nHUWltoia 90-inch Sheeting 69c 39c and 49c 81-inch Pequot Sheeting 69c W .."") 0 111. II Ull. Incorporated . Phone B53 WEtCH ELECTRIC CO. FOB ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS 879 State St. W. O. W. attention Ladle and friends night. Opening meeting Fri day April 18. Como. MoCornack hull Try Mrs. Francis King gladiolus. 60 cent per dosen. Phono SQF14, 4-19 Be gladloloi ad, New Todsy. 419 Special meeting of iHalem lodge No. 4 A. F. fc A. M. thia evening. Work in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Rev. Arthur J. Bullena. superlntend- cnt of "Congregational missions in Ure Kon will speak tonight at the l'assion week services at th Central Congrega tional church, Smith 19th and Kerry street. Bids Wanted Bids on 16 cords of dry wood, second growth or old fir, will bo received at county clerk's of fice up to 2 o'clock p. m. Thursday April 24, 1919. U. 0. lioyor, county clerk. 4 19 In an address delivered at a meet ing of Pomona grnnge at Union hall yesterday, T. E. MeUroskcy, manager of the (Salean Commercial club, annouuo cd a plan which ho thought would re ceivo the approval of ull ilnmiers com ing to Salem. Mr. McCrnekey said that as a rest house and place where farmers might leave their wives and children, that a homo should be rent ed in Sulem and put in charge of an elderly couple, and that tho houso should be made home like in every re spect. Ue suggested that farmers take non-residence meiubershipa ia the club whereby this would give them all the benefits of the club and In addi tion, the residence close 5n to the busi ness section which could Ibe fitted lip ns a Jiomo. Mr. MuOeekoy spoko strongly in favor of mnking'the agri cultural department of the club one of practical benefit to the farmers. Try Mrs. Ffncis King, a pleasing scarlet, HO cent per dozen. Phono 52t' 14. Garden collection, gladioli. 50 cents per dozen. Phone OL'FU. ! j,m i Ti ' .,-.. J t I V 1 l.J (cFlte Kuppenheimer 1 EAS TER-andNew Clothes Last Easter was a martial Easter. Brass buttons and braid, khaki and blue were all the go. But this year styles have changed. A new type of clothes for the new type of men. Renewed by the events of the war, American men re quire clothes to set off their vigor and ambitions clothes brisk and buoy ant in design styles with vim and go and punch. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER has created such clothes for the men of this community clothes that inter pret the times, "ace-high" in dependability and accuracy of fit; fabrics that have life; smart patterns and color tones- The kind of clothes that will fully satisfy your careful regard for your appearance at Easter or any time. Val ues equally satisfying. $35 $40 $45 $50 FRATS $25 $35 $40 "The KUPPENHEIMER HOUSE IN SALEM" t CROSSETT SHOES Sch ei s KNOX HATS EAGLE SHIRTS AD Around Town April 4. Fkfltcr luitr. April 22 Annual home-CQm-ing of Salem Elks. April 23 Christian SUenee lecture, opera house, 8 p. m. April 27 Eshm Smaday. May I Pica si at Caam per, Tfrii iTw ry. Kaf 3 Utst ee c which te rsfuUr Ut sstMiai eleotiea Kay 8-1 Inmmt wek amd, WUlaatetU tunmtr. May 18 p. O, F. Oraad Lodg sMioM. Jun 4 peaiol state Jee-tion. W. O. W. attention Ladies nd friends night. Opening meeting Fri day April IS. .Come. McCornack. hall 02DG0N THEAThE NOW BRYANT WASHBURN IN "POOE BOOB" T. G. Richmond of Dallas hag pur chased a Dort ear of the Salem Velie company. "The beat" Is an fa can as wfesa deatth comes. Call Webb & Clougk C. Phone 120. tf ArtiOaal teeth, bars esrpert plate man, with ever 86 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beeehler. den tist, 32 U. B. Nat. Bask bldg. tf Dr. Mott officea moved to Bank of Commerce builduu;, rooais 407-8. tf Gladiolus bulbs, phone 62F14. o George Vide left for Walla Walla this morning Jo arrange for the Ford- son tractor exhibii ,to bo hold in that city next week. Patton Plumbing company are now able to take care of Tour nlumbins mints in their new location 220 N. Commercial street. Phone 168. tf "The Funeral Beautiful" lonfh V. Webb ft tf Hear the Hawaiian sing and you dance by that dreamy music Saturday night at arutory. Dr. B. F. Found announces reopen ing of his dental office 5th floor U. S. National Bank bldg. I'hone 169. 511 The Chemava Indian band furnish ed the music for the tank celebration! this morning. Be Tore going on parade, ! the boy were invited to make them-' selves at home at the Commercial club W. O. W. attention Ladieg and friends night. Opening meeting Fri day April 18. Come. McOornack hall . Music by 2 big orchestra Saturday night at armory. Hunts royal Hawaiian players and singers; also our own 5 niece orchestra will Xeop you going. uentlemcn 75c; ladies lOe. Dr. a B. O'Neill, optometrist-optician, has resumed hSa practice over Ladd ft Bush bank bldg. Office hours I to 5 p. as. Sundays by appointment. Paoae 615. 5-1 There will be a basket and Ice cream . t .1. 4 .1 -1.-1 j sucuu a,t ine Atiuurn scnooi Tomorrow j night. A .program will be presented by the children and the proceeds of the ; evening will go toward equipping the , play ground. Jr. A. Woodry will be the auctioneer. ' fee 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Ce. far anick service. tf Prices on fish lowers Ling cod or red cod sliced, 13c. Whole fish 12e a pound. Pitts Market. tf W boy liberty bono S14 Masonic his. tf Holsum Hot-Cross Buns will be on sale tomorrow only, have you ordered yours I A transfer of real estate Involving $9600 was filed today for record in the county recorder's office. Joseph Doran and wife deeded to John h. Bauer and wife, 05 acres, a part of the donation land claim of Samuel Brown, in Tp. 5, S. H. 2 W. The farm is near Woodburn. 1 ' m If' .f"i-j L Dance M. B. A. A 'refinished fcior hall Fit April 11. in fine condition. aaies HAT and CQATS We are shov;ing the Biggest and best assortment in town at popular prices. In buying direct from the manufactur ers at New York and Philadel phia we save you all the mid dleman's profit. Ladies' Coats and Dolmans $10.00 to $37.50 -Ladies' Suits $11.90 to $33.00 Ladies' Hats $1.98 to $6.45 "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY FHONB 107S Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Stpr "Victory Bonds Celebrate The Victory" Easter chicks Easter "bunnies". 544 Stato St. OTipositc court house. 4-19 All pork products are about five cents highor retuil than a few months ngo. Tliis include Uvrde, smoked meats and dry salt pork. All this is duo to tho faat that while hogs wero selling for 15 and 15 Va cents three months ago, today the market ig 18 cents. This information is given for the bene fit of tho good housekeeper who may look for higher prices. Choice mixture home grown gladiolus bulbs, 50 cents per dozen. Phone 52F14 ellSICK atop Regular Prices. See Specials BeW. When Ordering By Mail Mention This Add Write For Price List. HOUR Crown, sack $2.95 Olympic $2.95 Pacific hardwheat $2.85 Diamnod C $2.55 Breakfast Foods Kelloggs Corn flakes 13c Post Toasties 13c 2 Grapenuts .25c Shreded Wheat 14c Puff Rice and Wheat 13c Cream Rolled Oats pound 7c Lnrge Package G. R.Oats 30c Mathena oats, pkg ....30c SOAP 5 Swifts White soap 28c 5 bars Ivory 35c Cream Oil, 3 for 25c Palm Olive, 3 for ....32c Rose Bath, 3 for 25c ' Citrus Washing powder 27c Sea Foam, large package 25c Cascade soap, 4 for ..25c White Navy soap 4 for 25c Clean Easy soap, 5 for 35c Crystal White 6c Lux, 2 packaegs 25c Gold Dust, pkg .27c Old Dutch Cleanser 3 for 25c Light House 5c MILK Borden's, tall can 15c Carnation, tall 15c Best Creamery but ter .65c Peanut butter, lb ......16c Umeco 35c Nut Ola 35c Jell O, package 10c Jiffy Jell, pkg 10c Knox Gelatine, pkg 18c Jelly powder, pkg....l2c Sugar, 10 lbs $1.00 Sugar, 100 lbs $9.65 Tapioca, lb 14c Sago, lb 14c Instant, 50 size 45c Instant, 30 size ........25c Plain, 25 size 22c COFFEE 3 lbs Royal Club....$1.10 1 lb. Royal Club 42. Power coffee, lb 30c M. J. B., 5 lbs $2.10 M. J. B. 2 1-2 lbs....$1.15 M. J. B. 1 lb 47c 3 lbs Dependable....$1.10 Fancy blend bulk 30c Arbuckles 35c These prices will last long. BUY not Friday And Saturday Specials M. J. B. coffee, lb....45c M. J. B. in 5-lb tin3 the pound 43c M. J. B. in 2 1-2 lb. tins, the lb 44c Dependable spices all flavors, 3 2-oz tins 25c Fancy Peaberrv Coffee per lb, 40c; 3 lbs $1.10 50c size Postum. 43c 25c size Postum .23c o0c size Postum .25c 12-oz Royal Baking powder 33c AS Kail Orders Filled At These Specia 1 Prices Up To H I; Friday And Saturday No. 10 Red Karo....$1.00 No. 5 RedvKaro 53c No. 10 Blue Karo 95c r Mil .1 lAVAuusutX No. 5 blue Karo 48c Med. Log Cabin 57c 1 lb- best Dependable tea 47c 6-lb. Crisco $2.00 3-lb Crisco $1.00 Best bulk lard 32c No. 5 compound ....$1.20 Feanut butter, lb 15c Peas, per can 15c Tomatoes, per can ....15c 5-oz. Oysters 18c Tall can Clams 18c Shrimp . 16c Van Camps soup, per can He 2 cans Sardines in oil .25c 4 Fairy soap .25c Palm Olive, bar 10c 4 Cascade soap .25c 4 White Navy .25c 5 Royal White 30c Saturday Only -BR005IS- Blue Bird $1.05 Favorite .. 95c Indian 85c These Brooms are Priced 25c Under Our Regular Price These Prices Good For ONE DAY ONLY it tMetet '4