PAGE TWO. IHL LAiH Ai i i Ai. JOURNAL SALE1L OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 1919. SHIPLEY'S Society By fiJETSCDB EOBIS03 mil km lr Is: J - t Tiie Value of Home-baked Foods It goes without saying that home baked foods are fresher and more wholesome and economical than factory-baked foods. When one remembers how easy and sure is baking with Royal Baking Powder, it is understood why thoughtful, thrifty women are today baking more than ever. Health is protected and quality in sured by baking at home with mi mr mm w Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste 1 W)(TW 1 1 :.. a xs,r - TELEPHONE C05TANY (Oontiaued tnm page two) eoannwsioa will grant (t leant pert of ta advance, asked for. Last year th profitt of the tompnny tiJrphone line was only 1.32 per eent ia tke state, Mr. FkiBipa id, and Uers w a kiss ia Halem of 2.31 per eent. If the advanre asked fur its nut allowed Iiy the put! ir serviee roiumiwun, the wmpany will mm in Hslem this year, i.10 per eent. Mr. I'hillipa thought this wta not a fair return. Tha ripnifi of running the plant in flalera ia 1I H wan n1.8w and the reve nue only 7,.Vx. 'HVimrx-tilina ia the telephone business not desirable," aail Mr. I'hillipa. ' The majority of tele phone business ia not desirable," said paniea. In Seattle, Bellinghara. Tteoaa and Lot Angeles the independent piants ail failed and it would be a mistake to pat one ia Kalem. " In the discussion it developed that in Halem there are 27y telepoones, and including thuae into the tuuntry, the plant hre serves 37M ctmtornern. Thinks Patrons Will Stick. Alderaisn Wiest aeked Mr. rhillips what his eompany wouia ) it the pub lie servite eommissioa refused to allow the inerease asked fur and whether un ili'r mirk eirrunntaie-, the company would ieil. Mr. Phillips said he did not know what would bo done at tlje t AJU'L'.iJ.!.. "f,.'.ifry EASTER Footwear Dainty, Stylish Feminine Footwear For Spring's Formal Opening. Honorably Edit, Moderately Priced Indeed, Very Cheap compared with recent advances. telephones were now all under govern ment control. As to whther people would order out their telephones if there was an increase in rates. Mr. Phil lips claims th:t not even one per cent of the tu)? rilers would quit. They might kirk ia advance, but wnen the raise romci, there would he no ordering out of phones. Experience, he said, bad taught the company this. The telephone committee ct tae coun cil ia after more information as to muni cipal telephones and at the meeting next Monday bight, it will ask fur aa appropriation to carry on a correspond ence with independent companies Slid to get general uifi.rniaiion as to the fig ures presented bv Mr. Buselle. It wa thought that the June 3 special election was too early a date to submit the quel- tion of iuirig bonds fr a municipal teiepuone, rspeeially as so many bond- inr propositions are to be founj on the ballot. As the matter stands, the municipal telephone proposition ia not dead, but the eommitii-e ia after information. Later, if things look all right and the council favors bonding the city for tfjm,VKt. a i,wial election will I call jed to allow the voters t0 exprees their .opinion. Whpn yoa are overworked, feel list- leas or languid, or when yea can't le-p or eat, better take llollister's hViiky Mnuntnia Tew. livens yea np, jpnrfiet the b'wid, soothes andr regu jlatea th tma. h. make, yvo eat and 'sleep. A real Bpring Medicine. 35. .Tea or Tat-lets. White Sea Island Pump, turlied sole, covered Louis heel, as illustrated above $163 Same in White Satin $2.90 Same in White Kid trimmed with black col!ar....$3.83 White Kid Lace Boot, plain tot-, covered Louis heel A $7.63 Dark Gray all Kid, welt sole, leather, Louis heel as illustrated below at right SS.S3 Havana Brown Kid, welt sole, leather Louis heel same style as illustrated below at right $8.73 Havana Brown Kid, welt sole, leather military heel, imitation tip, style illustrated below, left...$8.73 OTHERS EQUALLY ATTRACTIVE IF Tra inibc movies now" WHOEVER a stor was of tie woraost rpijram ''Tiere rs Mikinx new aider lis sua" (mast hav beta a markeflLa:;da soaada Lthw oae) oe ikizg s eertaa; k -S kaowledj of womea was pataetac ally taiited. K he sever wuid kave i altered seek a far reach. ig scaxement. " w arma oi, na Ttxi . sxa) a ; dasciatr since oar bable-atorr day wkea wa liene-d witk opea seatks k story ef the Exodua aad tk ae eouat of Mixiaais daaee brf jce tke Ark. later oa tkere wa Falmae aa4 her mweh censored 'Sevea ve:lt" per arssaaee; later still, wkea we rrada ated from bble stories to Greek aad Koaua mythokgv, there were tales of the aympks and faaras, and tie pretty dancing g-irla ia tha f M:e markets cf tke old paaa cities. There are histor ies of coarse, that eoald tell one of t gradnl oVreioptD-iit of tke "Lgkt fantastic" bu-t as a ra!e, are dry reaiiag, so very few persons know how a satsrsilia f :ial'y nmsered dowa to a demure cetiihea or demurer polka. Grandmotker, perhaps, caa tell yoa ef the old sq iare dances and se date 'Balri mores; " great gran .1 moth - er, if yon have one. can tell yon the pleasures of the graceful minuet, ahak iing ker bead the while, over the mod ern one-step ana tox tret, nut wnat will grandmother say when he hears of the latest fud of tke "saiart sets" in the east Tk-y call it the "Mim ing dance. " It jnst before mid night and continues all tsrosgk the wee honr nntil dawn. Breakfat fol lows, a hearty informal affair of ham and eggs or sausage and waffles, wind ing np the festivities in true "smart set" style. Needless to say the "morning daaee" is meeting vita un rivalled favor, the yoorger set declar ing that it is "the best sport ever." Mrs. T. A. Livciiey kas returned from British Columbia where she went to meet her brother. Ward Ie Beck, on his return from overseas with the t'anadiaa expeditionary forces. Tt may interest er amnse tke club women of Palem to know that the fed eration of women's clubs in Silt Lake eity kas become aroused at tke fact that butter ia that city is 72e a pound and have graced a dratie boycott of the article. The women of Portland, if we remember riyhtly, started a boy cott oa eggs once, and remember wna; happened! a a Taa Daughters of tea American Ban olution in Marihfleld bavs started eair.paiga for tha erection of a monu ment for the men of Coot cotaty wka have served ia the great war. ....... At a mcetiag 1 the entertainment committee of the Young Ladies Svidal- ity of St. Joseph a church last eve-,' rung, plans were furthered for the dance to b given after Easter, During the Lentea season, with the exception of the St. Patrick's day program, there have been no social events of any na ture in the piuih and the young la dies are planning to put on a dance and 500'' party that will Bfher tke East er seasoa in with appropriate konou.. The exact date fur the event has not tieen set but it is scheduled to take place during Eater week or the one immediately following. The following communication from 'Washington, D. C, throws some light on the progress of the national con gress of the Danglers of the Ameri can Revolution, in which so many r-a-lem women arc keenly Interested. "Hacked bv a wlid delegation from regoa and the Oregon sta'e eonfer- enee Mrs. I-ae Lee Patterson ef Sa-j laaa arrivei atarday to rart ker can paiga for vree frrjideat eaeral ef tie aatioral society Dangkten af iks Am erieaa Sevolatiaa kei-ag its annual eosgrcst ia from Ap: 14 to 19. Mrs. I'ar.ersea. wife of State Senator Isaac Lee Psttersoa, is kosw- ary tate reirat of tke Ore-goa society I'. A. S. aad is weft kxrwa ja the aational orgamutkia. kavi-g served for a number of years en varioas im portant committee, (fegoa wiU be repcewated a-s by Mrs. Waiter F. Barrel!, state vice reject, Mrs. Eliea t. Baldwin, npreseanng Quuett tiap ter of Tke Dalies aad M.-s. Ej:i-r Al lan Jibes f oPrtland. "Beeaase a vice president general is ex-off:eio a Bieml-er of tke governing council of the aauonal society asd so has the taidc of attending the frequent meetings of the couaeil eastern mem ters tiat ail these officers should be from states convenient to asa;rf ton. D. C, w!ere the ns-etin; are "hell. The Oregon delegates, however, are advancing the arjjsaeat that the far west is entitled to oce ef the b:z positions and are already enfonrafed by the friendiv attitude of some of the influential officials of the national so ciety and support promised from the IH strict of Columbia and Massachu setts delegations, two of tke big de termining factors in the resnl: of any V. A. K. election. Frem present indi cation, there will be plenty of politics at the eomicg coagress, awe thus for several years. "Oregon also has the unique eoitsi deaee of having a mother and son rep resenting the state at tke meetings of th egrest patriotic societies this year. Edwin D. Baldwin secretary to Repre sentative Sinnott. bob of Mrs. Baldwin who represent (uenett chapter D. A. R. of the DsJles. ka been selected as a delegate to represent Oregon society, tScms ef the American Revolution, at its annual congress to le held in Detroit on Mar 19. " Sergeant Bert Pratt of Carrn Lewis was a recent visitor at the C. H. Wied mer residence on Collage street. Ser geant Pratt was cn route to Camp Lew . from the east where he had been sent on official business and where, incidentally, he steured a pass to visit kis mother in Virginia. Ton nam clean the stomach and bowels purify the blood, each spring. or, you leave winter s germs and un our tie in your blood and system. Drive them away, clean oat the stom ach and bowels rake Hollistcr's Roeky Mountain Tea, a spring cleanser purifier. 3'o. Tea or Tablets. Cable servire to Braril is so unsatis factory that the postoffice authorities have agreed to take up the matter with the manager of cables at once. STLi . f- . iimh lomiuoic iuikut f - . ' caasra the stomach to act funs rally ind kwo the boatUopcw jVJ b purely Tcsdabte, produaoc f ; only highly bencfiasl reulis. ; MRS.WIN SLOWS SYRUP AWWiJCwh,'.! Absototcly hamilcas-csmpjcte for mula oa every botlk only very best tnaredictlU mmL At mil dwmwwUt. .1. Pe Easter Toggery for WOMEN MISSES AND CHILDREN COATS CAPES GLOVES HOSIERY ' SUITS DOLMANS SKIRTS DRESSES RIBBONS NECKWEAR Silk Petticoats Lingerie Underwear Every item for wear or use Look over our line of Easter Gifts, Parisian Ivory, Novelty Jewelry, Box Stationery, Fancy Combs, Leather Hand Bags, Embroidered Linens, Handker chiefs, Umbrellas, Toilet Articles. BUY VICTORY BONDS THINK IT OVER BUY SOME MORE. QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES U. G. Shipley Co. 1 "Where Shopping is a Pleasure" r ---" 4 Central Baptist Associa tion At HayesviL'e Central Baptist association meets this week at Hayesville Baptist church on Wednesday and Thursday, April 16 and 17. Five sessions, each one brimful of good things, marks this important gathering. It is anticipated several hundred peo ple will be in attendance at these meetings. The first session will be Wednesday. April 16, at 2 o'clock. Another inter cstinjj session will bo Wednesday even ing, April 16. Thursday, April 17, will see three liig sessions addreHses being given by some of the best speakers ia the north wests A general invitation is extended to all and from present indications Hayesville 's largo church will be filled to its capacity. Missionary addresses, sermons and music will be among th attractions. This is the 62nd session of this orgnnization and promises to rie out of the most interesting and best attend ed in its history. OiMlMi SUNDAY -. f I . . I I SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENSCRAY HAIR Brush Tbis Thrci Faded, Streaked Locks And They Becczs2 DarL Gassy, YoatMd Almost evervone kn.iwi i..i Tea and Su'.pniir. prierly compona I- unng oaa rne natnui eoiv.r and liwtre to the hair wkea faded, streak ed or gray. Vears ago the onlv war to get t b . mixture wss to make it at home, which i a.uxr and trinbe mma. Nowndnys, bv awing at aav drug store for"Wveth's So2 and iilihiir r-iippound." yu will g.-t a lare bot tle of thi faianus old recipe, improved by the addition of oth-r iBgredieots, at a small cost. 1'on't stay gra ! Trr it! So ona can p-bly tell that yoa darkened yor hair. a it d.e ii natursllv ui ev- enl. Vou iteaipcn a !Hn;e or soft bruih with it and draw this thrones your fair, lakisr one small at rand at a time; by morning tie gray hair dis appears, and after another a-piirst;os or two, your kur b.rtne beautifully dak, glvsr and attractive. fc.f v -.1. -.a tZ -fcJi an hp tiu i-oit f r, ktnilOMiSt MTOgt en t&rtk STARTING TOPAL, AU?t) THrKiUt.Y. HUDAV AND PATl'RDW AT YE LIBERTY Caniial Jonrnal Want Ads M Get Yea What Yea Wast Canial Journal Wast Ads Will Cet Yoa What Ifoa Wad Give Your Feet A Rest From Treadle Pushing Doyour "sewing thciclcctri'cal waywrth a Western Electric Portable Sewing Machine ; T17-Wr W I I I J A sew-ing machine that's no larger than a typewriter that can actually be carried in one hand from room to room and put away on a closet shelf.: A full sized, high grade sewing machine with out a treadle but with a Httle electric motor that dees all the work. A foot control gives any desired speed,. It costs little to buy the price is only &y.50 and little to operate Call us up for a demonstration Portland Railway light & Power Company i'. V. ., js . ' 1 . iS it U n