TUE DAILY CAfflAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1919. tAC,E F1VK j The Journal New Today Ads j 4MI JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMLNT IS THE BEST SELLING; SALE-"- n 36F13. 415 GOOD garden cultivator for sale, 1110 . 17 U St. alter i p. a. 13 BEDIDM LN MARION COUNTY-TRY TEEM FOR RESULTS V'k s- OLASSmSD ADVERTISING RATE3 FOR SALE Pansy plants. Marunv, Sat per word-New Todaj: U MUlcr St. 4-30 Hack insertion la I " a wk (6 insertions) 5 Ob month (26 insertion!) 17e The Capital Journal will aot be re poniibJe for more than on insertion, tot rrors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first da; It appears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. liiaimua charge, 15c 544 STATE ST TELEPHONE 400 Headquarters for baby ehicks. tf FOR SALE 4 year old milk cow l'hone 9F24. $40. 415 . WANTED To 1432. rent a piano. i'hone tf W; BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 N. ltfth St, Salem," Or. 5 5 CcaTl. All 426 WANTED 2d hand grape hoe. Phone 113SJ. 4 15 WAITED To rent fembll furnished house; no children. 11-191 ear Jour nal. 415 ITALIAN prune trees for sale. Phone 7r11. 4-18 WILL do plain sewing. 12C9 8, High. 4 19 f)B SALE Toung, fresh Jersey eow. I'hone 101i"I2. 4 16 A BOY of IS wants any kind of work. Phono 432J any time. 4-16 FRESH Phone WACTED-Poultry, eps, hide and ! bla ni w!lite rat terrie puppy, veal heavy hens, 3:1c; light hens Phtfne 3or; cau for pavi. 4 17 oic. vjuerry tny icea orn tf FOB RENT Clean apartment for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St. tf FOB SALE 4 room bungalow, $S00, electrieitv, toilet, gas, close in; 475 S. tVirnU. Call after 6 p. m. 4 15 WANTED Hop twiners and trainers. Call 71F2. 4 19 WANTED Experienced saleslady. Ap lily Ciale ft Co. 316 FOR KENT "Bachelors delight" housekeeping rooms at the Miller, 633 Ferry St. 4 19 WASH polish and grease your cars at 310 ii, Com'l St. 4-17 WANTED Cattle am' calves kind. Phone 1576W. anv 52 FOR 8ALE Early fugule hop roots. Phono 9S2R, J. A. Krolx. tf Fi)R RENT Modern house, close in. F. L. Wood, Hnyiie blilg. 4-15 "WANTED iBnby buggy. 160t Center. 421 I'.KANB $i per hundred. 1001 Center. . 4-21 FOITND Bunch cf keys. Owner may obtain same by describing same at;KR SALE Six sheep, seven lambs. mis omce ana paying ror a. ti ihone siypj. 4 19 " --ihre quarter ten true.. ? KOOu; furnisheJ ,,,,, in, $23 'r CH" ulw -vv- "'ga-y , montB. SeC W. A. Listen. 4-15 garajfe. tr FOB RENT Or sale residence at 360 N. Capitol St. one block from Cap ital. tf IXJR tractor plowing phone 17F14. -17 MAXWELL roadster, 1915 model, for auto cheap. 263 N. Com'l. 4-21 FOB KENT Nice, elenn housekeeping rooms. 597 N. 21slt. 4 16 WANTED A wash HlK) Chemekota t . woman. Apply Phone 565. 416 111(1 Flit stove wood for sale. 64F14. Phone 4-21 MILK cow for sale, $75; heavy milk er, fresh in 10 days. 1 mile east or Brooks, Rt 9, box 70. 4-15 5 ROOM plastered cottage, nearly new, 1 paved street, $1)60. F. L. Wood. Bavne bide. 4-17 WILL trade fine piano aud some cash for light auto. Phone 4!2 afW noons. 4-li LOT for rent or stile, 75x150, Saginaw St. between Miller and Owen. Phone 1415. ' 4-15 WILL buv sian of youne horses, 1100 to 1300 pounds weight, l'hone 1-Ho -16 YOCNO man who attends business col lego mornings, wishes work after noons. 0-52 care Journal. tf WANTED To rent furnished house May 1st; can give references. Ad dress G care Journal. 4-16 FOR SALE Progressive everbearing strawberry plants, Kellogs strain. Phone 51F22. 4-16 FOB RENT 5 acres, all in cultiva tion, close to ear line, fine vegetable land. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf FIVE young women to learn luncheon and banquet service. Apply Hotel Marion. 4-16 WANTED To rent a furnished house. Cull 379J. 4-15 WANTED Roomers and boarders, 405 N. Com!. Phoue 144U- tf FARM hand wanted. C. 0. Kussoll. Call Salem 3F3, tf .WANTED All kinds of chicken. Will pay top price. Phone .1339.1. tf 2d Hand buggy and harness for sale cheap; would trade for wood. W. B. Dumars 1385 Waller St. 4-15 FOB SALE thousand. F5. -Loganberry tips $25 por Rt. 1, box 17. Phone 52 417 WANTED tCows, fresh (and ccoming fresh soon. Phone 483 A. F. Clear wator. 4-15 OREGON strawberry plants 50e per hundred, $3.50 per thousand, post paid. Chas. Hart, Jefferson Or. 4-19 MUST soil 5 room house, 'bath, hall, 2 closets, barn, fruit, 1 lot, wort $1650 for $1350. 1 block Highland school; part cash. Lavalleur, 271 N. Commercial. Phoue 734. tf WANTED Married man to work on fruit ranch, steady job to right man. Address H care Journal. 4-15 WANT To socure at once, a $2000 loan on good farm security. Socolof sky, Bnyno bldg. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phon 111F21, Sa lem Rt 6. tf WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 835 Ouk St. Phone 989 4 15 FOUND Hat for miss, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal of fice and pay for ad. tf FOB SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemckcta. Phone 398. tt WALL PAPER IS cents pet double roll npward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a fcargaln Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 8. Fruit trees, roses end shrubs. Special low prices on certain line. Phone 111F3. GOOD rooming louse to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com'l St. or phone 1549M. tf WE PAT highest eas price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry, wiuameiw Transfer Co, 171 & High St. Phone 1400. tf FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; ean give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P fare Journal, tf HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator' expenses. Fine miied farming district. Partic ulars at in- office, only. C. W. Nieme-nr. Masonio building. tf i - BETTER REALTY BUYS Dairy farm of 426 acre. All new buildings; large modern house, Darn 60x04; silo; 200 acres cultivated, (more than half in crop now.) Splen did ran go of farm machinery; 60 head of sheep and gnats; 11 hogs, 10 head of cattle, 6 horses; all hay and feed soed, etc, The whole ranch complete at $90 an acre. Close to R. R. town and high school. 5 room bungalow, new; very com fortable littlo homo, Vi block off main street; 2 beautiful lots, 0d fruit. $2000. 20 8. 14th Btreet, good 5 room bungalow, $2800. Good terms. 10 Vj acre apple oichard; no build ings. Fine location. $2500. 10 acres with good house and out buildings. All cultivated, $2000. $100 down, balanco easy. A real snap. 2 acres and large, modern house; just outsido city limits. $4(50. 5 acres: 3-4 acre loganberries fine fruit. Dandy soil. New buildiniis horse, 2 cows, chickens, implements otc. etc. Off Silverton road. $2200 the lot. Lood at this one! 5 acres 1 mile from S. Commercial street car. 2 acre, logans; 2 acres full bearing cherries; good modern house with bath, etc. Gns lighting plant. $4500 9 acres near Pratuin, 6 acres logan berries; no buildings. Fine land. $2650. 10 acres Vi mile to R. IS. 5 acres loganberries; 4 acres evergreen blackberries family orchard. Woven wire fenced. No buildings. $3200. 6 acres at Fruitland; good build ings fine little family orchard. A good loganberry proposition, $1300. Quarter of a city block; splendid fruit and fine soil; 7 room house and fully modern except ba-temcnt; $3, 500. $1000 cash will handle. Bal ance long time. LOST Either at. Ye Liberty or be tween 1140 N. Front and Ye Liberty a lavullicr. Leave at Journal. 4 15 WANTED Intelligent Christian wo man for very light house work, good wages. 1096 Chemekota St. 4-16 FOB RENT Neat 4 room cottage, par tially furnished, $10 per month. Phoue 853J. 4-16 FOR RENT Five room bungalow, furnished for summer months. Ref erences required. Phone 160?J. 4-16 YOUNG man over 17 to start in a boll bny. Apply at once hotel Ma rion. 4-16 HAVE recently listed some exoeptisn' al 'bargains, for grain, fruit stock or dairy ranches. I can assist yon in buying right. For best buys tt Booolofsky, Bay- building. tf 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery, Fruitland nursery, IVt miles east of state penitentiary. Fhono 111F21. Rt. 6, Salem. tf PLANT artichokes if you want cheap hog feed. Both top, and tubers make splendil feed. I have a few bushels left. Phone 622 or 34. tf FOB SALE One of the classiest room bungalows in the city, with all or any part of my furniture. Call mornings or after 6 p. m, 335 Rich mond ave. - 4-12 OUR home for sale by owner; splcndi modern 7 room house, full basement nice fireplace, furnace heat, large improved lot 63x1(15, on Chemekota street, one block from state cnpitnl Reasonable price, terms to suit. Ad dress H 19 rare Journal. 4 18 A SNAP 7 room bungalow nearly new, cement basement, one bli from car line; east Siilem, $2000 $.")(H) cash terms on balance. F. L Wood, Bayne bldg. 4-1 SAimirroracFANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a ear come and see me. 4 Fords ranging from $350 to $390 1910 Htudifliakcr $550 Maxwell, 1918, good as new, $725 Uuirk roadster, 1914, $285 2 1914 Studebnkcrs, $250 and $275 Overland good as new, $800 Excelsior motorcycle with handy ideear $250 Lota t others, come and see us Open till 9 evening" Phone 867 home 1310J. grown mushrooms. 416 e-- The igges the Season P 11 Of u WANTED To rent furnished bunga- house for family of two, must be 607. 4 15 WANTED Young lady wishes posi tion as stenographer and typewriter. Apply ABC care Journal. 4-15 STRAYED Yellow sow with small H'ek spots; weight 300. Phone 5.1 ri2., 4-17 ECHANGE 5 aere tract close in, $2,- 500, for house; will give or pay dif ference. Y. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 4-17 WANTED Second cook at Oregon state tuberculosis hospital, $ii0 per month with board, rooiu aud luundrv furuished. Phone 433. 4-17 WILL sell a very fine phonograph at a bargain price, or trade for good used piano. 519 Court St. aiter iRioiis. 4-17 TAKEN IT A stray hog; owner can have the same by proving and pay ing for this ad and damages for keeping. Phone 53F3. 415 FOR SALE 5 passenger 1915 Mitchell good condition, good tires; lots of good servico for somebody. Seo this at 102 N. Commercial. 4-15 WANTED Job driving truek through loganberry season. Adaress Earl La throp, Silverton, Or., care Silver Fall Timber Co. camp No. 1. 4-16 FARM, 836 acre, or divide, $100 per acre, improved road, railroad, mail rout cream route, phone lines, near Dallas. Mary Lee, Dallas, Or. 4-19 FARM for sale, 24 acres. 5 miles east of Balem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 ocres in cultivation, balance pasture. Writo Rt. 6, box 25A far further information. tf HAVE you bought that Fordson trac tor! Let Uncle Sam furnish the mon ey at 54 percent payable in 34 years. See W. D. Smith, 303 Salemi Bank of Commerce. 4-21 FOR BALE 5 room bungalow, batb toilet, lights, with 4 full lots, small orchard, at Aumeville, Or. Very reas onable for cash or payments. U. Kirkpatrick Salem, Rt. 6, box 22. 419 FOR SALE Bargain, 8 -room house, lot 75 by 166, at 841 N. Cottage St fruit trees and garden, $2000, $1000 cash balance terms. See W. J Needliam. court house. 419 W1IAT havo you for salef List it with me. Any thing for exchange I want farm, citv property, small tractg and installment properties; 10 acres, 5 in prunes, to exchange for city property, a simp. H. S. ited cliff, room 4", Bayne bid;?. 4-16 ft it Fancy Silks 1000 yards of our "Dependable" Silks, 06 inches wide, the product of Amer ica's most reliable factories Plaids Stripes and Fancy Weaves 1 in the season's accepted shades. This is your opportunity, - 191 Yd. (See Display Court Street Window) it :t 4 4- tt it tt Tomorrow's Big Sale Wednesday Only JACK TAR MIDDIES Made in the regulation cut Some are all white, others white trimmed in blue and colors. Sold regularly for $2.00 and $3.00. Tomorrow only (Sale opens 9 a.m.) i I FOR REALTY BARGAINS C W. ISiEYER See 215 216 Masonic' Building YOUAREGOEHJ To lose the opportunity to purchase that modern bouse at 1133 Court Ht. for $5500 on your own terms! Un less you do so within a few days it will le taken off the market. It is worth more money and property val ues are going up. The same will ap ply to the beautiful horn at N. 12C3 Court Ht. for $4500. Ke jonNascon 404 Hubbard building NOTICE Have two span government mules left, weight 2100 and 2100, nre sound, young, gentle and well brok en; price $lh5, $225 per span; if in need of good team don't overlook this, ig certainly a bargain; also one horse team, weight 20JO asjo 7 and 8, are perfectly sound; also some harness. 254. . Liberty, Waring" feed store. " 4 16 TUE 480 acres in Jefferson county ad- vertised somo time ago, wiH bo tak en off the market May first. This is a snap at $SOOO, as there are im provementti ns well s 150 acres in crop, all tillable land being under Suttle Lnko irrigation project which will be ready to irrigate tho 1020 crops. More particulars can lie had by addressing or talking to artvcnis inff mirr. Journal. Act quick, your time Is limited. tf FOB TWO WEEKS $8500 will buy a 24 acre fruit farm; 18 acres bear ing prunes, 2 acres young orchard, l'A acres loganberries; apple, pears, eherries, apricot, peaek trees for fainilv use: also strawberries and blackberries; 4 room plastered bun sralow barn, parage and other build inirs; C'A miles south of Salem, 1-3 nils off Pacific highway, vr. J-n roft owner, room 23 Breyman bloek tf mm mux WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42: HOUR, S HDUB DAY. SEE MB.F.T.- BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20 NIGHT; BEST MEAI.fi 35e. 5 2 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that the nn dersigned will receive bids op until 5 o'clock p. m. April 21, 1919, for the construction of a wood sidewalk to be laid along the east Side of Winter street adjacent to nd abutting upon lot No. 8 in block 68, in Wilds Addi tion to North Salem, Marion county, Oregon. rian and specifications may be had at the recorder' office. EARL RACE, 4-16 City Recorder. AM out of work for my teams, so will sell cheap one team males, weight 2900 Iii; grey horses 2800, mule 2500, on bay gelding 1400, several (mailer horse and double harness, on 314 farm wagon, 2 spring wag n.. two ffoorl buggies. Call and see them Center St; etables. 4 15 T HAVE several customers who desire to purchase about 40 or 50 acre with rime im prove rn en H. 'Also several people who desire to purchase a horn in Halem. List your property with me I might be able to sell it for you. John H. fVott, 404 Hubbard, building. State St. tf BOUDOIR SPECIALTIES This is a decidedly new and novel line; must be seen to be appreciated. POLLY POWDER PUFFS ROUGE BOX DENTAL FLOSS, ETC. All practical, but its theway they are designed. Showing in Notion Department. DRESSES - SUITS WAISTS DOLMANS SKIRTS PETTICOATS We are showing the very newest, in the most charming styles and" beauti ful shades. This is Easter week. Don't delay your purchases. When you get it at MEYERS It's Right. You can always do better at jLLbOOULGOOD S. k-i- We are going over the top and finish the job. An American is not a quitter BUY VICTORY BONDS! tt tt HHH4m4MW4mn44m44m4M .M-,. tTttttttt t f ti Tt TTf TTTTTTT " " " WOOD for sale. Phone 7HFI1. 417 FOR SALE40 acres at Liberty; best terms ever heard of; take somo city property. Wm. Ieni1ey, Halcrn. 421 NICELY furnished room with or wilh-l xhe m.xih annuiil convention ot tii out board, rates reasonable, l'hone Cuttle and Horsn Breeders' association 1,7?8, Jof Oregon will be held at Bond AprU rXl SALE 3 cows, 1 Ilidslein, fresh in 5 weks; 1 (Juernscy, f rech m 3 weeks; 1 Durham, fresh. The Journal classified ad ar great favorite with people who do things Try w ' A SNAP 1 have a nice 5 a;re tract, well improved at city limits, good new house and barn, young orchard, loganberries and other fruit. Will tako good trade. Price $!i500. Big discount for cah. (i. W Laflur, 505-6 Hubbard bldg. tf HOME KPIiKNDII) CANADIAN BAR OAINS 160 acres in Red Deer district, fine stock ranch, 35 BTes in timothy and grain, good hoi.-".', well furnished; barn and outbuildings, living water; balance of land in brush, easily clear ed. I'riee $.'1500. Want in exchange for 10 or 15 acre near Salem. acres, same district, small house and outbuildings: all fenced. Price $2500. Want to. exchange for acre age near Salem. For sale, beautiful home on 24th St. with an aere of ground, for about what tho house cost: strictly mod ern. A snap, In a eplendid fl room mod ern home, with garage, only $1500. Want vacant lot for my ".00 equity, or eav terms for ca-.h. $250 will let you move in. 2 of the finest lots on Fairmount Hill, paved street; a most beautiful mni to build a home. Have a customer for a nice building lot, reasonably close in, not to ex eeed $'0. See H. E. Bolingcr 328 Hubbard bldg. l'hone 1009. tf FOR SALE Corner lot 1.12x1.12. 8 room house, modern convenience, cement walks, barn and fruit; en carlino. 1395 N. Liberty. ttf CENTENARY RALLY AT KEIZLR A very delightful progium wa giv en at the centenary rally on Friday evening by the students of the Kim bull School of Theology. Miss Inn Keefer was the pianoforte accompan ist and (lis program was as follows: Baritone solo "The Long, long Trail," by Alfred Bates. Hecitation Mrs. S. W. Hall. Choruses Alfred Bates and S. W. Hall. Holn "Tho Skipper, of St. Ives," Alfred Bates. Heading Airs. Minnie Bates. Solo "The Bluebird," Mrs. S. W. Hall. Song "America," bv audience. Prayer .Murray R. Keefer. Remarks by It. W. Allen, pastor. Address S. W. I'-ilI. AS YOUNG AS YOUR KIDN A "iroposnl to v rrad improvement the special cleciion Iv usr'.rod. $r,Dn,000 bonds f ' Ir Linn county t piw.iiefc- in June , ) The secret of youth Is Y.XMX . Tli IN Of PfllWO.NH from your Thi'i il'.no, you run live lo be u Itumltv I and enjoy the kooiI things of life with as much "pep" us you did when in the Sriiiiliinn of youth. Keep your body In rood rendition, that's the secret. Wnteh the kidneys. They filter and purify the Mood, ill of which UooJ p.is.ies lliroiiifh them otiee every three minutes. Keep thm dean and in proper working condition and you have nothing to feur. Drive the pois'Oioos wastes and deadly line arid necirenln tioos from your avsleoi. Take U'I,! MKDAL Hanilem Oil Cupoules and you will nlft-nys tie in good condition. You i il feel strong and vigorous, with fcft-.idy nerves find el.-istie mum-I'M. (.OLD MKIUL Haarlem Oil i'anviles are imiwutfil direct from the l"'ora tories at Haarlem, Holland. Tlmy are a relinliie remedy .. Iilch has been used by the sturdy Dutch for over 2H years, and has helped them In develop into one of the stronirest ml hearthiest raws of the world, tiet them from your druggist. Do net take a substitute. Iu scaled pscku(e three sizes. P-jJiMm mm j i I A KCIILD Olt SOFT Til E ARROW rn- If y-l IS A DEPENDABLE INDICATOR f OK SMART SERVICEABLE WXi COLLAR a- . . ,. -imm firTTT, y,.,wni n . Ivc. Mnk'ri. Troy. W. V.