PAGE NINE . . . .,,r .tt nrrvrV A 1T?TT 1 i 1010 Lnbj DAILY CArlTAL JUUKiSiAU 3 M. ur.rAu w "' x ' " sfT tilfi G m HUNTING LURES AMERICAN SFORTSMEN TO THE FAR NX3RTII ) vv ant U-. - - " ' . " jt . Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short Where liuyer Ana sener rieei u e Recommend Our Advertisers. M Vv 1 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electrio Co., Masonio Temple, 12T Kortli High- Maia 1200 !!!: WATER COMPANY REAL ESTATE J -s Ja U L3U U L : ' ;? i f t - 1 . . .. ' h f illiliw EylLliil WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE LARGEST SE LECTION OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE SPRING SHOES EVER SHOWN IN SA LEM. WE CAN FIT ANY FOOT, ALL STYLES IN EVERY WIDTH AND LENGTH Th popele of Salem and vicinity are showing their appreciation cf this wonderful stock by giving us the largest increase in our business that we have ever had, far beyond our expectations. We are going to recommend that all of our customers get all the shoes they need this month as there is to be an increase in price the first of the month. Women's Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, from $5 to $12 Men's shoes, pumps and oxfords ...$6 to $12 We do not claim to have the cheapest shoes in the city but we do positively claim to have the best shoes in the city and we stand behind every pair that we sell and give more for the money than can be ob tained elsewhere. THE HIGHEST GRAPE RUBBER HEELS PUT ON WEDNESDAY ONLY ONE-HALF PRICE, 25c N- " ,s" 5 sALEM WATEB mii?AST-Offe eorner Commercial and Trade itweW Billa pavnble mcnthlj in aiaBC. Pai 60S. FTNANCUL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estats Pfcarity THUS. K. FORD Lad j A Buaa bank; Salem Oregon fEDEKAL FARM LOANS 6 pel eent 34 yeari time. A. C. Bohrmtedt, 101 Masonio Templo, Salem, Ort(on MONET to loan on good real tstate. 5V percent government money to loan. Liberty bunds bontt and told. W. D. Smith, Balem Bank of Com merce. It-H Bear1- cemc out well satisfied. J. f rank. N. ricacn oi new io;, .i -, v..v... cZX tlLZtRU mA of th, uremenU road. "Spread 62 wlwi j Rr to he Tnwi ir huntinir parties madft I rw-f' ':n. 89xla; Points, 24. U. A. , Creek, i ' Thirteen American hunters of bUr, caribou, one sheep and the ONLY , To t Pame. went into the Ca.siar Dijtrfct j rr. J o the .eason The , flnert Ran e jnt'n IS IDC UUlliMM K outfits. ini'lud:ti hhv h. mooamwmpnti. thrw wtW Hie prize cariuau !!. ". - : ,. This record shows the total m 13 1 antlers haviM a spread of 47H moose, 25 caribou, 16 coats; 27 sliecp inches, length 51 'n inches, and Zo and six bears. That means o moose pomts. . n. ,4 sunn imp in rr; H!:iui. oi vtvv v...- , t . . , .... MrsV.M fcr. of Salt. Lake' Cty. enhance itc dwlrabilitt because the? ;j Nieep ana i kouw . t .4 m..m n.,.. innur inn v ni beans to an Indian guide, will be in video by either Mr. Gallbrcath or lh Hudson's Il;iv Company. As the va- ron oiwns oh Sept 1st. it K'hoove:. trouiiht down one mnose, mi nn- i,mm ,...-... m. t.. .h b.u and two sheep, while Mm. Mead hunter and insure fine spoils for the Bears may be sh ot CbicaKO, banged one moos, two i luriuna- ie vi.ri i then caribou i season. hunteii hr. r t!.V. m 'HSf ' 'hrouuh th'. from Borifdi on tho coast of Norway to the coast of Hcotltind. Tho length of the mine field was 240 miles, and wo made it 25 miles wide. It was so com plete that no ship could pass, whether STAYTON NEWS NOTES AMUSEMENTS TH.E 80LDIER BOYS Pool end bil liard parlor is now open under new management and it renders you and the general publie a congenial place to pasa away few leisure hours The basement of Oregon Electrie depot, corner of State and High. Phone 628. Win. Livock, prop. S-8 BEST BUYS 2 acres, 16 cultivated, S acres la gans. 5 acres young prunes, fair im provements, stock, iaipleraents, tools, rock road, close to school, church and station. This is a bargain for soma one. Arc you that onet 365 acres, all in cultivation one of the best improved farms in Mario county, 3 miles from railroad town, only $75 per acre. 50 acres all in cultivation, well draia ed, fair buildings; 414 miles from Snlem, only $160 per acre; thia ii 40 per acre less than it is worth; $."!000 cash, balance 6 percent. Have several close in tracts at very attractive prices. For best buys see SiWOIiOFSKY Bayne building tf FOR SALE 120 acres of No. 1 lanil located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and othsr buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs round 509 cords of wood ready cut, all at baJsaia. Write M V- care Journal. tf STOVE REPAIRING ?TOVE8 EEBTJ1LT ANI REPA1BED 60 tears experience, Detiot, National and American fence. Sizes 23 to 68 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hook. Kalem Fence and Btove Works. 30 Court street. Phone 124- BRING YOUR TRADES BRING your trades. I ean match yon. C. W. Niemeyer, ail brancnes or real estate and Canada lands, 215-211 U&sonie building. Phone 1000. FOR SALE A good double team har ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for good dry wood. Bee Square Deal Eeaity compear Phono 470 SECOND-HAND GOODS SHEA REPAIRS all hinds of furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 3.12 Che mekota St. between Commercial end Liberty. Phone 181. 20 eupyiiiff tho Baker farm west of town, Mrs. Nichols we formerly Miss Anna Baker. Tho homo of Andy megcr, in tho enst part of town, camo very near being do AUTO REPAIRING NO CASII REQUIRED- Good everceal shoes and suits, all kinds -oi mneie al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, enit eases and! 1OU0 other useful articles to eoll ot, trade. What h&vo yon I Tbe Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 483, DUX BAX OIL SELBY SHOES HANAN SHOES WITCH ELK BOOTS BALL BAND BOOTS FOX PARTY PUMPS S110E (Captiul Journal 8jiociul Service.) Ktnvtiin fir . Anr il 12. Tuesday, the over it r under it, without absolute de-j8th, was tho 19th wedding anniversary, proved by fire J ,nursW morning, juv. Twenty U-B,ats. ! t. 'Wo have a record of about twenty j birthday of tkoi son, Onle, and also Jumcs Arcliet) wno napponcd to bo pass- siibniarliics that we know wero destroy-; tho birthday of Mrs. jweret uarouer.i ,g, -noticed smoke pouring out, ana crai- cd, and often in running parallel withlTo celebrate the. events, a party ot ea Mr. wieger. jogenier ini-y wuu !., fini.i no ..ui mnn the bodies of 1 1 iie,,n were invited to tho Missler hard mid put out tho flumes. It seems inlitv nmiiv ' iirtti,,, .T (ni'ifner Beferl rm dominie, that tho firo had started in th....e wood- more than we figured on were destroy ed. "Our men, in fact tho entire ttet, faced a constant dnncer of being blown off the face of the sons, for we carried j on the ships 2,01)0,000 pounds of T. 1. which is the most powerful explosive known. One littlo slip at uny man's hands might have tnrted it. Each tim I we put to set wo expected never to 'come back, and the soldier:; in the hos- All kinds of auto repairing by an ex porieneed workman. All work guar anteod to be satisfactory. Studobak . er repairs a. spcxialty D. 8. Moir, Z03 Pi. tommercini. WOOD SAW and ri tied the nuptial knot. Tho ovon- box cIobo to tho wall, auu tno paper ing w;is passed very pleasant! and the was burned on irom iwo rooms, iiiu refrcslinicnta much enjoyed. The guest firo was checked in timo to prevent m tr ami Mm. M.J. CmbtreH. Mr! much further dumaire. and Mis. E. D. Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs, Benncman, residents O. K. Gardner, Mr; and Mrs. J. P. Wil- bore about twenty years ago, nuvo m bur, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kldor, Mr, 'turned to make Htayton tliei, homo, and Mrs. C. P. Neibert, Alva Smith and Mr. and MrB. F. I. Jones and ao,. faniilv, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oardner, Mr. I Harry, iwe home from a visit to Mrs. and Mrs. C. A. Luthy and daughter. j Jones brother, Cletas Holt, at Camp Fiuuk Itohweia of Jordan Valley, Lewis. He is now at home on B fur- nl.iiia the eoast nf Heotland used ' ,tho i.t Rlnvrnn. nlrenAV possessed IoueIi. to make bets with each other of ten toi0f u,riro ,n0unt of laud, added to hint Mrs. Paul Fehlon is visiting in Port 'one that wo woulil be UeBtroyed wiuun a certain length of time. PHONE 1090B Our Prices are Right Vf. M, ZANDER, Proprietor 1255' N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregon. REPAIRING Exposed to Germans, "Despite all this we kept at the task, holdi'igs recently by tho purchase of the land. William Biothorton place, aajoinlug his Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers of Fort own, containing over HO seres. Tho land liavo been visiting at the home of a., m,.,ln i, !eruo A Hmith. Mr. 1 Mrs. Munkers mother, Mrs. J. 11. Trask. nnd nt the end of five months had coni-jHmitil BS() CI,Kjneored tho transfer of 'Mrs. Archio Bradxhaw, who has been returned to Portland Misses Clara Mielka and W'ava Browa visited over Sunday with Minnio Foley at Corvallis. Georgo Warford is now driving tno lianRtias pletedit. Wc stayed constant!;' on the the Neibert place iu tho Waldo Hillu inside of tho field, that i, on tho sido ,0 q Forrette. j between tho Orkney islands and Scot-. ( f- Hldwin, Who has been living In ml for our own passage out. on the ranch nenr tho cemetery, hs I "Our most dangerous task, strangely, , moVed to Grants Pass, una nul the hiving of the mines, danurer- m!m .Miinmn Alrxmnler entartnlned a ous as that was. The most langeruii8ml)ll)(.r of riellj, at her home Tuesday bnleiii-Maytoii auto singe. one came after tho mine field was coin- pV(nln(? Games anrt Diiisrc weie in- A. C. Peterson is reported sickythroat' pleted. Jt was an to diuw i (u(rt in unti a )ttt0 hr and the cncu wiui pneumumu, German fieet out into the North Son y0un., people unite in proclaiming it a where we wero to engage it, so thVpry pienwuit event. Brick ico cream, British fleet could get in behind the rak0 and ehondatc wero served, 'fhoso enemy to destroy by gunfire or orrv , pres. nt were Misses Cecelia and Clr.ra STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP Have iust installed a marlnno that will sharpen lawnmowers the same M the factory puts them out new. Bring all your light repair work to me. Al vin B. Stewart, 817 Court St. Phone 493. WILL BUY need furniture ucd pay the highest cash price. I have new ana used goods, shoes nnd clothing. Be fore buying or selling call up J. A. KflWlniid, phone Id. or call at 247, -N, Commercial St. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchangee new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repaii work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial Si. Phone 18. SCAVENGER SALEM 8CAVENGER Garbage refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts st reasonable rales. Cess pools cleaned. Doad animals re moved. Office phone Main, 187 fiend lettuce Beets t.23t.75 visiting her father, A. V. Shelley, has 7 Parm-ps - SV4 Cauliflower, flats - 2Z.25 Spinach, box - 1-W Celery, crato - IJ LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET 11 McCornsck hall on every Tn-seday, at 8. P. Aadresen, C. O. I. J. JvuaU fC R.,4 8. Irnlt Oranges Lemons, box 15(0)6.75 5(u6 c it into the nunc Held. Lure German Fleet. 326 Slate St, Next To Ladd & Bush Bank "On October l!lilh last Two Salem Boys Helped la Mine-Laying Feat to work their hr.voc. Invite Yankee Aid. Mielke. Wava Brown, tjilva Hestuk Pull, Tfov Ghiilvs llnniman. Carvl the British ,,.i w,,r. Eiwaid Warren. John government umde it known to the Gel-;c,.r'V) Kilwin Keeeh, Carl Ruble, Nonal .man naval nutnori'ies turougn in i fisher, Roy Follis, Ed vard Bell nd ugents in Germiny tlmt we were cn-Le() vVilling. Miss Alexander wns as Kaged in mining operutious. e were ;njHtClj jn entertaining by her siHter, Mrs. ; ordered to lay about as though busy t i Frntifpa Parry. j that task, to set as a dewy for the tier-j Mi-s. Myrtle Hiillivan, daughter of man fleet. We did it, but in doiii it,,wi!ium Grier, died in the Oregon City we faced positive destruction ourselves. 'MO(l,,jIfti April 7th. uf paeumonia. Khe 1 "Had the German fleet, came out, it,.. : Mcl.ainii and wim 3(1 vears Mrs. Harah Cox left Friday for a visit of a week or more with her daughter, Mrs. T. H. Thomas, at Jordan. Mrs. Milea Watson is expected soon from Vancouver, B. C, for a visit at the E. Roy homo. Dr. and Mrs. K. II. Hobson are visit inff at tho V. If. Hobson homo. Or. Hobson has received hie discharge from the army and wo understand expects te resume his practice at would have driven us upon our own (f g(,(, Khe leaves besides her husband The Biitihh naval authorities, realiz ing lute in 1!1( thai tin; iNoiin P" minfl) for it ,.0, have been impossi- ,, iv ,.i,i,lren. her oarents. one bro Oliver C. Michaels, a bov whoso: would have to he blocked, invited the fui m , PK,g(, them Miitil the ,i(.,r 0lie ster. The funeral eerv liun.e U at llH iirmaw street pen-Is ! American navy. Iiauna just at tlint tunc Irtish and Ameriean fleets get in bc-;i(fl W(rp Mli Wednesday, conducted liis mother s clipping' from the Chicago' completed with successful experiments , hilld ,, anJ th(, lo liave gotten', ,i(. Warren, and interment made Tribune, telling of the remarkable mine-, " '""'!-' apparatus far more danger lhro, , narrow pnMtagcway at in Kin(,, uj,.y eemetery near Mill City, laving feats ef Yankee ships and sail- ". deliinte powerful than nyjl,cnan( firti,, jn faet, that was nev- K,, n.,mmiia ad family have motored ors. It is of local interest because ! heretofore used, took up the task. er thought of. AU.our men knew that , Turu.r , rpM, vonmr Mi-haels and Harold II. 8mjth.! Fnr 1n"'e the mining cruiser jf fhe ih.n,l3m me f,,nh from their, , t WnnI,r u. Ht. wart, formerly the bate, now discharged from service, 1 "uad,on was orannized in iA-cemi,er, ,air W(, W(,r(. gne Mi that was all 'a8,;e. uf ,,e Farmers & Merchants ' n ... . 1,11 ? ti;,. .nun, mn in mitifp tin 01 tea 1 . , : . . .... ,1 - ... . were member of tho crew ot Hie.""" ""."" ' . . .,;icrc iu n. .. . .. bank, was visiting nis many oiayiun friends Thursday, lie has received his The Capital Journal Daily Market Report wan organized in December, Thin wmaitron is mauc up 01 ieu! , , :, iilti' nie.iiuer.s 01 1110 vie" ul , ,.j Oainnebaugh mentioned in the r,rnc!e, vessels, and is under the command of, Fraise. NeWOobS." nd t,.ok part in tljo greM work of tin t Captain K. K. ue,Knap, 1. c. ... ..t ..j. Want t hand it those new lads, dU(,;,nrj?c fr( the army and oxpeels vessel: ' I loading ships are the old H111 Francisco lh(rc Wt,rc u!)ut i:m 0f thom, nd 2,).) (mn 0 uko up civiiilin iife, 0 is Fort Monroe, Va., Jan. Lying nt an- and lialtimore, wnicn are it . .. 'M ,,f fleers oil the skips, and m :M,i(r,l,, disappointed that he did waited turougn inai ieurim u "" iBot yet to "go across," but was Kept -I ..It .1.1 r- t. :.. Il : innl flv itlllff Cnni in 1 lie " -v roads t..,.ight is the I nited Hta,es B.ii-,,". PramMsco having pe rfo rm d fam ing cruiser squadron whose eommandi r onslr at Manila bay m 18J8. The other paA erews performed what is now term-1 eight vessels sre the Aroostook, fchaw c4 bv all naval authorities s "thmut, Caronicus, Kosinoake, Canadiagiw, greatesi naval offensive the world Housatonic, yumnehaugh and the haia over " ,,c. Th. se formerly wore merchant ves- The feat which these men achieved 'K and were fitted up by the navy for tin mining of the entrance to th? ; mining. forth rVa,-from Heotland to the coat of Norway, a distance of 210 miU-s. It was an -undertaking unprecedented in naval history. Washington and lialtimore we never expected to see mo enu oi him alive, thev went about tncir duties, arI)iy fampn. laughed, sang, and stood to tncir guns; jwrrl and Charles Rnnsome of as only Ameriacn lads can do such . T()ri vf Aamsville, have bought the things. !toro formerly owned by Blatchford "Well, ail that day we worked along Br(w of 81Pt)UI.. . calmly, watching and waiting for the- The many friends of J. J. Barns here--il, til Vi fli-mian ttiflt meant certain , . . . i r.t Ym Annih One of the commanding ollicers, , ,h Th (:prm.s never Mime out!.. i. Ki,.m Mr lr.cnging at one of the hotels Il(r0 ' after us, so here we are. !Hrne, lived near Htavton for a number night, told a brief but graphic story ot ( Wcl thp (),,rnlan, ,., f(,me out. f arfl ,, ma,le mnny trie,u,. He the desix-rately dangerous job to whiel , , in vi,r there,"!.' -., I ., . Th fnneml was It as America's solution of the Ger-jho and his squadron mane - ' and he swept his arm out towards;, ,p,(, , Xl.g,iay where ho was bud man submarine proldem, a solution sited. i Hampton Roads to the southwest ot oldito r),st rltUe j,ig wifP( nd where he thorongb and eff.-teive that itirenderel "Navy men now Mil im Point Comfort, where the wbrshipe I jjVC(j tot n,av years before locating onensive wi i" " ' - .; ; which m'.gnt nave i,een gnosi amps, may ,u- fh nbmarine proiiiem, nu n iwpo- ight have bean the agenev for the dr-j ruction cf the German navy ooner orl be seen dimly. the German submarines almost tent. Tbe British previously mined the bng-inn mar Blayton. He leaves a son, J. K. and a daughter, Mws Nellie Barnes. Alexander W. Smith visited the first of tie week with his brother in Scio. Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols are oc- Gram Wheat, "ft white 'i Wheat, lower grado' oa sainple Oats - llay, cheat t-1 Hkv. nfita i. . , Barley, ton 4H(a50 Mill run 43(a44o Butter fat Butterfat 61c Creamery butter - WcjGle Pork, rwaJ and Mutton Pork on foot -lc. Veal, fancy IHfdle Hteera 7(.iue Cows - "'"He Spring lambs . loe Ewes Lambs, yearlings ..a 10frjl3e aujgs and Poultry Eggs, cash 3S Hens, live -. 2Sft 3be Old roosters 15' Cockerels - 22c VegetftDies Radishes, dos. . 33c Sweet potatoes 6MV6 Potatoes $1.23(li 1.75 Onions local 2.50('t3 Cabbage , 4(5 4 Vic Florida grape fruit, ease 7fe8 Black figs lb. . lfl(u)ltte White figs, lb. - 10(i20e Package figs per It 50 pkg 4fei0.H0 Uoney, extracted 20e Betau rriees Eggs, dozen .. - Crcanery butter 70e Flour, hard wheat 3. 153.83 Portland Market Portland Or. Apiil 14 . Butter, city creamery liHfo ."i9c r.ggs selected local ex, i.m ite Hens 34(S 3fifl Broilers 4dY';43e Geese 17(p,-20c Cheese, triplets 37(fi39c DAILY LIVE STOCK MiOSKET Oattn Receipts 1241 Tone om market higher Bi -d steers 1 1 . 2."fo 1 1 . ."0 Good to choice steers 11. .Wo 12.50 Medium to good steers 1(11 Fair to good steers 10 Common to fair steers IKfi'D Choice cows and heifers 10.50 12.25 Good to choice cows and heifers Wa lO.'jf) Medium to good eowi and heifers 7,S Fair to medium eows and neuen .jffi,fl Canncrs '! . Wl . 50 Bulls 5ft.1.50 t'alves 9.50013.50 Stockcrs and feeders 710 Bogs Receipt 1418 Tone of market higher l'ri-ne mixed l!l. "iiKii 19.75 Medium mixed l!(Vim.25 Hough heavies 17. Jl)f 17.73 Pigs 17fo 17.50 Bulk l.2.(!i'18.75 ftLeep Receipts 1770 Tono of market steady Prime lambs 117 Fair to medium lambs tl415 Yearlings l!fi!2 Wethers ;f'i 10 Ewes U.5u:a 10.50 KOYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grapo camp No. 13(10 meet every Thursday evening in MoCornack hall Klevator eervice. Oraclo, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 Uuion St.j recor der, Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 W, 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. D1S4B mt every Thursday evening, 8 O 'slock in McCornack hall, over Mcjrs store. Hay A. Grant, V. C.j P. 4 Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISAN Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonic Tepple. Glen O. Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owen- street We Buy, Bell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, t lothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We bay what yoe don't want and pay the highest price in cash. Peoples' New k 2nd Had Store 71 N. Commercial Phone 734 LAUNDItYMAN HOP LKE, expert Jaundryman, 3 Ferry 8t. I pay top market price for chiclens and eggs. Office phone 133W, residence H33J. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Ka5tt WANT ADS PAY Turnips 2a2V