PAGE EIGHT. II7T1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY. APRIL 14. 1919. Are You a Friend of Economy? If you are, please visit our Economy Basement at People's Cash Store, 1SG-194 N. Commercial Street. You Will Find Economy At every step. Our big assortment of Graniteware, Glassware, Stationery and hundreds of other items at surprisingnly low prices which will get you for a friend of our Economy Basement. A few of our Extreme Bargains in the Economy Basement for all week are as follows: 10-quart Galvanized pails :.37c Brooms at 63c Matches 5c Crystal White Soap 5c And Hundreds of Other Bargains Management Peoples Cash Store 186-194 N. Com' I St. Phone 453 It's a good InvestmentBuy Victory Bonds 1 IK - ' B 'ROUND COAST ' LEAGUE BASES The witincTH: Los AnKelca, two; Hna Francisco, Seattle, Sncra uu'iitu. Yesterday's attendance tolullctl 32. 7(i(, divided l follow: Nan Francisco iiKirniiiK, HKIIi; afternoon, ):l,940; Angeles, morning 15(10; afternoon, 0000; Unci n ut o, 5200. Home run honor roll: Miller, Oukland. H V V. $rS, 6 BCLL-ANS - r"T I Li ,u.p Sure Relief B ELL- AN S FOR INDIGESTION T T Good B THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN IS COMING IT IS YOUR VICTORY AND YOUR LOAN GET BEHIND IT. t t tt 4 44 III the best game of the week, the Ruiniers won the afternoun ocutest, 7 to S. Duo to Cusiy Smith's par es; cellciicu hurling, the Heuls won thej' moriiiiig giinie, 0 to 1. Biuith allowcj only two kits. The Angils, by winning two gumes yesterday, now shale tnn league lead with the Heals. The Seruphs took the morning contest, S to 4. The afternoon score was 9 to 3. With a timely three-bugger iu the sixth, rinelli of the Senators, drove three men ucross the plute and then stole home. As a result Harrnmcutv won 7 to 5. Tho Tigerss and Bees were kept in their respective lairs and hives as a ro sult of snow falling iu the Mormon city. I'll i 1 Ivoerner, San Francisco, lead the league in bating, getting ten hits in fifteen times at the plute. Wutlo Killi (Vi', Angels boss, was the lending base stealer, absconding with eight. Justin Kitzgeruld who seconded in beso steal ing, lead in run getting, lie netted K This compilation does not Include Hun- usiness! THAT'S WHAT the coming THE COUNTRY is all ready for an era of trade and industrial activity that will mean more business, plenty of employment, and good wages for everybody. THE COUNTRY is all ready for an era of prosper-ity-rROVIDED you and I do our share. BUT OUR FIRST TASK is to get our war debt out of the way so that we, as a nation, can turn all our en ergies to seizing the opportunities that lie ahead. "PAYING YOUR BILLS is good business"the only policy for the successful man or the successful na tion. .... THAT'S WHY the Victory Liberty Loan is good business for you and for the nation. . THAT'S WHY it's YOUR business. DO YOUR share to insure its success. Roth Grocery Co. 444444444A44444444-44444 UttmtliiiZT f - 44444!444 - cmni nrrrntrn OHLLri ULILHILU II 1 RACGED GAME 14 102 i ! Errors Cf High School Lads i Costly Indians Play Air- TigbLBalL I In a gime thit was marked by 17 1 errors on the (tart of ialein, and with I t'lieruawa playing an errorless game, the! Salem high school baseball team lost ' out last Saturday at Chemawa with a' score of 14 to 2 in favor of the dubky players, . This result ia bo evidence of superior material in the Cheuiaws, team, for the tally sheet showed that eaiem regis tered 7 hits to 5 for Chemawa, and they also fanned out 0 men as against 7 for the Indians. Owing to the very bad ron tlit ion of the local diamond the high , school boys have had but very little irnetiee aside from batting practice. With the field put in first clasa condi tion, as it will be this ween, the boys will get in some hard and regular workj and will show up much better iu future games. The Salem line up in this gumn was as follows: Hicks, .; Lynch, 2b; E. ' Uill, 3b; Latham, lb; Xutting, ef; A.1 H'lill, us; Albrecht, If; Gregg, 3b and c; (irire, rf; Fischer, p; Ashby, 2b. Coach lluuser, of the Indau team, acted as urn ; pire. i Next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock 'on the Willamette field Hulem high will I meet Eugene high in tho first regultrj game of the season. Tlie local team hns a Tery heavy, schedule this season with about sixteen! games. .N-ven of these will be played lit home. Eugene is coming down with a very strong team, but Coach Murdock is lipping his ter.ra into some good field ing practice. Fischer or Aahby will ! probably pitch and Gregg or Hicks will be behind the bat. day's games. l'ete Lapan, of the Angels, wound up the week with six hits out of seven io yesterday's tw0 games. ' TROEH EETAIN3 TITLE l'ortlnnd, Or., April 14. Frank A. Troeh successfully defended the Hercu les open tiapshooting trophy emblematic of the oix'u all-around championship of America, at the Portland Gun club yes terday, defeating liU chnllenger, Hugh K. l'pstou, of Hail Francisco, 1M4 to 181 targets. Although yesterday's match was not quito as close as the race be tween Troeh and Charles Lcitb. last Sunday for the Hercules amateur all round trophy, the shooting was much better, Troeh was in excellent form, hut had to shoot with an unerring eye t retain tho trophy. I'osron took the leail en the first fit) Victory Liberty loan is- J . M . .. . . . . .. . . . 44 tt4 t4444- Suits, Coats, Capes, Dolmans, Dresses and Skirts Wonderful Creations, sparkling with all the witchery and imagery of the foremost Parisian and American Courtesies make their formal debut. Suit prices $20.00 to $65.00 Coats $15.00 to $45.00 Dresses, Silks Easter ia i 416 State Street 44444444 4 4444-4 44-4-4 targets shot at from the 18 yard linn, breaking 50, while Troeh shattered 41). Shooting on the next set of 50 targots from the 20 yard line, Troeh jumped in to tho lend by one bird, breaking 48 to Poston's 46, making the total scorn, Troeh 97, Toston 96. The next set of "i0 targets wits shot at from the 22-yard line, which is about the toughest propo sition that can be given a tiapshooter. Both champion and challenger broke even, each breaking 42 out of a possible 50. The other event called for on tho Her cules open all round championship tro phy is 25 pairs of doubles. Two targets are thrown at once and the shooter has to nab both of them while in flight. Troeh put tho match on ice by scoring 45 in the doubles while Poston regis tered 43 dead the final score reading Troeh, 184 out of a possible 200 and I'ostou 181 out of a possible 200 targets, giving tho former the niatch by a mar gin of three targets. O. A. 0. TEAM WINS I'ortland, Or., April 14. Oregon Agri cultural college's combined varsity and freshman track squad proved tho big thing in the 15th annual northwest open meet at the Columbia university coli seum Saturday afternoon when Coaeh Hill Hargiss' bovs edged out the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club team by four points, the final core reading, O. A. C. 52 13 and Multnomah club, 43 13. The University of Oreon placed third, scoring 22 1-3. The open 880 yard relay was the final and deciding event of the meet. When the call was issued for tho relay race Multnomah club had 48 1-3 poimn, wi..iv tho Aggies' total was 47 13. By win ning' the relay in 1:40 the Aggies car ried off the meet. The winning team Was composed of Reardon, Greene, Carter and Humbaugh. following are the scores: Oregon Agricultural College 5513 Multnomah A. A. Club IS 1 3 University of Oregon 22 1-3 Chemawa Indian School .8 Willamette University 1 Academic Eyents. Jefferson High Hchool 2! Washington High School ......12 Franklin High School 8 Corvallis High School - 4 Lincoln High School 2 .lames John High School 2 Columbia University first Of Yankee Veterans Fro:n ItaV Reach States New York, April 14-The firs United States troops to come home from Italy arrived here today on the steamer Puca D'Aosta. which st.iled from Genoa. March 29. Units aboard were the 44.1ml infantry, field and staff, detachment of headquarters company, supply company, machine gun company; companies A, B. C, 11, I, veterinary detachment, and de tachment of medical detachment; total 47 officers and 1591 men. nfiri. A ;An Economical, Delightful, Light Thee to Trade Waists They are piling in fast these days. The collection now at hand represents all that is new and smart at the present styles, mater ials China silk, pongee silk, taifeta, satins, crepe de chine, Georgette and lingeries and voiles in all - colors. Prices $1.50 to $12.00 We're for America! Are ttttt4444 VICTORY LOAN TOTAL Figure Far Below first Estim ates. Excess Subscrip tions Refused. Washington, April 14. Undo Ham wuntsi loss money on the "victory loan" than had been expected. All he apparently needs now is 500,000,000. He is ready to pay 4 3-4 percent on partially exempt lour year treasury notes to get it. This was revenled by Secretary Glass in announcing detail of tho victory loan. The popular subscription cam paign will open one week from today. Size of the forthcoming issue was a surprise, as Olass previously had spok en of the possibility of a five or six billion loan. In addition, all over-subscriptions will be rejected, the treas ury also reserving the right to redeem tho notes in three years. The 4 3-4 partially exempt notes will be convertible into 3 3-4 exempt notes The 3 3-4 per cent notes will not be issued immediately so tho transfer back, if desired would have to be lat er. The 4 3-4 percent notes are exempt from state and tax rates. The 3 3-4 issue will be exempt from all state federal and IccaJ tuxes ex cept inheritance taxed. Trans Atlantic Flyers Delayed By WeaOier And Threats Of Wireless Men I St. Johns, N. P., April 14. (Unit-' ed rPcss.) With adverse weather con ditions delaying Pilot Hawkins and with Major Morjjan s Martinsyde plane being rapidly assembled todi.y, inlica tions pointel to an almost simultaneous getaway of the rival airmen in their dash across the Atlantic. London, April 14. (United Press.) iMBjor Wood's attempted trans At lantic flight from Ireland has been de layed by weather conditions, the air ministry announced today. High winds have been prevailing on this aide of the Atlantic since Saturday. Four thousand wireless employes in the mercantile marine, threaten to strike Wednesday unless they are Riv en a war risk bonus, which is now in dispute. Such a strike would further hamper plans for a trans Atlantic flight. The Journal Job Department will print y0 anything ia ths stationery line do it right and save yon real money. 1 poare Dolmans $20.00 to $50.00 Capes $14.50 to $35.00 $15.00 to $45.00 Easter Neckwear Our assortment contains stiff and soft collar sets, 'vestees, the daintiest crea tion and as they are wide ly varied and the prices are low 25c to $3.50 You?. Buy Victory Bonds!! I . .LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS New York, April 14. (United Press.) Immediate effect of the announce ment by the United Stntcs of the forth coming victory loan km a substantiul advance in liberty bonds now outstand ing. The only exception was in the case of tho tex exempt 3'4 per eent of the first loan whieh lost slightly. Prices were as follows: 3V, 8.88, off .26; first 4's, 94.80, up .20; second 4's, 93.72, up .10; first 4V4's. 95.80, up .20; second 4's, 93.72, up ms; third 4'A 's, 85.64, up. 08; fourth 4 ',4 's, 93.74, up .12. ATLANTIC FLEET HOME Xew York, April 14. Twenty four hour, ahead of time, the Atlantic fleet of 103 war vessels began steaming into Xew York harbor today. The .first units to arrive were dc- stroyers, in long gray ranks, some of them bearing tho scars of shell fire from (ierman submarines. Admiral -Mayo, on the Pennsylvania, was expected during the afternoon. The battleships include those which co operated With the liritUh oranA fln.t i in the North sea. Oakland, Cal., April 14. (Ciiitcd Press.) Private funeral service for Mrs. Phoebe Appetwon Hearst, who died yesterday afternoon at her home in Pleasonton will be held at the home Wednesday. A public service will be Motor Car Sale There still remains a splendid assortment of Motor Trucks and Automobiles at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Wn., for sale at exceptional prices by the United States Spruce Production Corp. Motor Trucks 1 1-2 to 5 ton, $1,000 to $4200. Trailers 2 1-2 to 5 ton, $400 to $1,000. Fords $300 to $450. Also a few passenger cars of other makes. All cars carry prices plainly marked. Come and see and buy. For further information address Automobile Department. Sales Board United States Spruce Production Corp- Yeon Building, Portland. f n h it Phone 877 held in the afternoon. Mrs. Hearst died at the age of 76 following an'attivck of influenza whieh developed pneumonia. She had been ia poor health for three years. At ber bedide was William Randolph Hearst, her only son. Mrs. Hearst's life was devoted to charitable acts. Among the institutions owing much to her is the University of California. BETTER THAN CALOMEL m a Thousand Have Discovered Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwarda? Olive Tablets the substi tute for calomel are a mild but aura laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver ind bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy. and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain and how they "perk op" the spirits. Ifc g 2oC a box, Ail druggists, a