PAGE TEN SALEM, OKEGON. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1919. I WE ARE GLAD TO BE ABLE TO QUOTE PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING i LIST OF DOMESTICS The J.C. Penney Co. leads and others follow AS THEY WILL APPEAL TO ALL, AND YOU WILL IN TURN BE EXCEP TIONALLY GLAD TO SEE THEM. 1 GINGHAMS PERCALES In nice plaids, stripes, checks and Light colored shirting patterns, solid colors Blues and Greys 19c, 23c, 29c and 33c . 28-inch 15c, 17c and 23c 36-inch 19c, 21c and 23c CheviotShirtings Outing Flannel 25c 23c ucSL . ffEADS , Nainsooks 17c, 19c, 33c and 33c 1V have ,f lln? " a net? ' , .j,0. patterns of the crochets and marsal- fcilnCIcSSgc 'c-P-ads m phin,i:ca,Iped,ad Cambncs 33c and 35c $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and $3.90 SHEETS SHEETING 98c, $1.19, $1.59 and $1.69 72.inch sheeting nil lAwpi err 81-inch Sheeting 63c riLlAW tAiti 90-inch Sheeting 69c 39c and 49c 81-inch Pequot Sheeting 69c a if a i m All Around I ovn COMING EVENTS April 20. Easter Sunday. April 27 Humane Sunday. May 3 CJbrion at Chatn pocg, Ttitk aamveraary. May 3 Last 4ay ea which to register for speeial election May 2 3 Jniuw week end, Willamette university. May 19 23 I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge session. J una 3 Special state election. if i OREGON THEATkE NOW BILLIE BUSES IK "GOOD GEACIOXJS ANN AB ELL" GOOD COMEDY PATHS Dr. Mott office ajoved to Bank of Commerce building, rooms 407 8. tf Ws buy liberty bonds. 314 Masanlc The Highland Parent-Teachers asso ciation announces a meeting to bo hold on Wednesday, April Hi. Tlicro will bo n good program ami everyone is cordially invited. 0 "The test" Is an you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. i'hone 120. tf Dr. a B. O'Neill optometrist-optician, has resumed his practice over Iituld & Hush bank bid,:. Office hours 9 to 5 n. m. Sundays bv aiuioinlincnt. . 51 I'hone 625. The idea and motive of the old Ful ton street prnyr mooting will bo car Tied out to a certain extent in Salem thi week in commemoration of tho criptnrnl events of Holy Week, Manager Kuppor of tho Oregon then ter, lnui generously donated the use o? the auditorium for duily pruyor ser vices which will bo held eacn day dur ing tho noon hour, tho various pastors of the) city taking charge In turn. Tho Christian business and professional men nro urj-cii to make use of these meetings and to use their influence in bringing in thoso who nro not connect ed with nny church. No man in liny walk nf life could 1 ho natural up lift of thi'HO services, W.T.RIGDON and Company Undertakers First Class and Up to Date In Treat.nent Extended to Evoryon 252 N. HIGH STREET every respect, and Courteous CARD OF THANKS We wish to tlmnk tho ninny friends, the Neighbors of Woodcraft and Wood men of the World for tho hrnii.'iful flowers and t'lio ninny acts (' kindness during our hitu bereavement in the loss of our beloved wife and mother. J. J. Ixingeor, J. W. Longeor. W. E. Hanson has Just purchased very pretty modern homo on North (Japilol itroot, taking possession Sat urday . A mcetirg of the student body of the International Correspondence schools, ulong iih ol her citizens was held at the t'oiiiniciviiil club rooms Snt unlay night to confer with regard to tho retaining of Henj, It. Perkins ns representative in t!iis district. As a result of this meeting a night letter, signed by Hie officers of the student body, was sent to Pres. It. K. Weeks of the I. C. S. in 8-rnnton, Pn., ur gently requesting that Mr. Perkins be reinstated in this territory and stat ing that ho win the only representative who hud ever cooperated with the stu dent body in any way. The Salem Ministers association In vites everybody to attend the I'assinn week services at tho Orouoii theater. Thev will begin each dav liroiiiiitlv at Tli second In a scries of iutcrclaas p. m. e'clock unit will clone. I debating contests in the high school promptly at 12: o'clock. Ootid music j was held Saturday afternoon when two I, promised for ouch service. These 1 teams innilo up of members of the jun services are especially for busy people and at no time will they extend over the time specified. ior dims tackled the question: Re solved that n modern foreign language (aside from (Ionium) should ho taught in the Salem high school." Tho team 1 The pupils of the Salora schools have oi;i.e up of Wayne Allen, Catlurnne taken hold of the Armenian relief dibhnrd and Willard Marshall took the fund work with good spirit, having ' honors. On Friday afternoon of this 1 raised altogether till!. 70, As previous-1 week there will be n contest between I ly noted, the hih siiico raided about j teams from the seniors mid juniors, tho ; !H, hut this figure was surpassed by question nt issue being "KcsolveiT, the ITuiroln gchool, which raised $lui.-j that private cunirul of railroadti gives :'-''l. The amount!, contributed by tho the public better service thai, govern ulher schools were as follows: llngle- incut control." woo.l J.Ul.OTi; (iriint fijjli; (Inrfield 0 Park; Hiehmond fL'l.SS Cloment T. Wait, who Is with the Highland $43; Wellington '17,(1(1. s't'o entfiueers' department at the WllliN IN SALEM, OREGON dtop at BLIOH HOTEL "a Home A way from Horn." Btricily Modern II per llay 100 Rooms of Solid Ooffort Only Hotel la Business District Tho official organ of the Washing ton school, which failed to appear Inst year on account of condition!,, is to be token up again this season. It is known ns the "Washington Wntchet" --a little four iiago affair, with Lelieth Kuhu as editor in chief. o Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. "The Funeral Beautiful" Webb & ('lough to. tf o Bcout loaders are ..already ..looking The new firm of Director and B re all have just closed up negotiations for the purchase or the L. M. Haines stock of furnishing goods on tSate street. They will advertise a big clear ing up sale thi9 week preparatory to putting in a new and more extensive stuck of gods. Dr. B. F. Pound announces reopen ing of his dental office 5th floor t'. 3. National Bank bldg. I'hone 169. 511 Patton Plumbing company are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new location 220 N. Commercial street. Phone l'S. tf o Dance Moose nail Tuesday night, o Ed Plinsky, formerly of the C.-rttal hotel, ij in the city yesterday, hav ing received his discharge from the ar my. He left this mining to visit his father, Joseph l'linky, who is run ning a restaurant in east Portland on Morrison street. Pomona grange meets Wednesday. April 16, at Salera. Dance Moose hall Tuesday night. The transport Luckenbach arriving recently in N'eW York, brought in a number of Oregon boys, among whom were Robert S. Damon, Riowcsville; Horace 1. Ritchie Corvallis: Corporal (lien I). Owen, Kiigene; Clyde B. Kunze, Woodburn; Corporal Douglas O. Hastre, Corvallis; Alexander Lind say, Corvallis; Sergeant Elmer Hewitt, MeMinnville . Dance Moose hall Tuesday night. The First Baptist church will hold its annual business meeting Tuesday evening April 1.) nt 7.30. o W. L. Woolkc, whose father owns large fruit trai ls in I'olk county, ro centlv purchased an improved ten acre tract of primes and other fruits in the l.'osedale district. The grantor was Seth Cliupel and the consideration was 2730. Mr. Chapel' owns other fruit in terests and will couliimo in the business. The annual business mooting of the First Baptist church will be held in the Sundav school auditorium Tues day evening at 7:.10. Pomona grange meets Wednesday, April 10, nt Salem. , o- At the First Methodist church Pas si m week service will be held Wed nesday. Thursday nnd Friday evenings tf i Mnecinl music, will ho furnished bv Miss Itnrton nnd A. A. Schramm. Fri day evening of this week tho choir of the church nccoinpanied by the or chestra will present the "Crucific tion" by Steiner. Ladies' Co; d Suits i The best and biggest assort ment in town at popular prices. Showing of the latest models direct from the manufacturers at New York and Philadelphia. Our buying direct saves you all the middleman's profit. Ladies' Coals $10 to $35 Ladies' Suits $11.90 to $33.50 1 Our Prices Always the Lowest GAI forward to Memorial day as a timo for the boy scouts to make themselves par-1 Be sure to see Prof, Lewis play bil tieulaily helpful in connection with i ijarn, wjth his nose nnd finger, to the exercise, of that day. Last yeurlnjK,t at 8 p. m in Blowing and Boone they put in a large, part of the day as- j billiard parlors, 4(i3 Slate St. sisting in the decoration of soldiers graves, providing receptacles and car rying water. Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tf Dance Moose hall Tuecday night. The evangelic8l services at the First Baptist church conducted by tho Rev. A. Sterling Jinrner of Los Angeles Lloyd W. Ivlo, son of Mrs, M"y Ivle of the Capita! hotel has arrived in Camp ticwis according to word receiv ed by hi mother, lie was wounded in tho si ond buttle of the Murne. After his discharge from the hospital at Tours he was transferred to a company to handle prisoners of war, lie aiis originally a member of the 4th engin eers enlisting in tho service from Sa lem . ERKON & JGNES, General Contractors 201 Masonic Building. Phone 1216 R "Bu lding In All Its Branches lato house, attended a meeting nf en gmeers held in Poitliiitd Saturday eve ning at (ho lutpeiial hotel. Kven be fore this country gut into the war Mr. Unite was on the resolve corps of en gineers. Shortly after the declaration of wnr, he went into service in this country lis second lieutenant, V. S, eii"ineers. and had received his com mission as captain just a week before the signing of the armistice. The com pany of engineers to which he was lit tuched had been ordered to prepare to leave for France enrlv in Decemner. Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1100 Portland Office 210 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON i 1 I 8 3 We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor ! tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash it prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell U your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. 4 at L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong f hinese Medicine and lea (Jo. T llua medicine hich will nr any known disease. Open Souduyi from 10 a. at. until 8 p. u.. 153 South Uigh St. Salem, Oregon I'hone 2811 '. ' . WE ARE NOV. READY .TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ELECTSICAIt WANTS AT S78 STATE SHEET WE1.CII EUSCRIO CO. PHONE 853. On the place known as the Sol Durbin farm, 10 miles east of Salem, on Salem-Silverton road, 5 1-2 miles west of Silverton, near Central Howell school. Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store We must finish the job BUY VICTORY BONDS and J. W. Troy of Portland, closed i with threo services Sunduv with a! largo attendance at each. The evange list and singer aro cnpable workers and made many friends during their stay in the city. Ky request, Mr. Troy will deliver a le.'turo this evening at die First Br.ptbt church on "The Story of My Life," as well as singing a number of solos. Mr. Troy is said to bo a pleasing speaker as well as a fine !inger and there is the nssuninco that the story of his life will bo an interest ing one. Tho lecture is free. Dance Moose hall Tuesday night. A very unique event is being .'d mining the ranks of the. boy scouts. They will soon make a "drive" for the collection of old flags flags that liavo become soiled, weather beaten or tottered. It is considered a mnvk of discourtesy to the colors to display a' flag thus disfigured. After they have been collected, the boys will arrange what is known n a "liberty fire" in which all the old flags will be con sumed with appropriate exercises. It is planned to ninko this a meniniial ilay in commemoration of he signing f the armistice. House Furnishing t Our mission in life is one of responsibil ity, Our profession al wisdom nnd our tactful politeness is assurance of the su perior chnrncter of our services. NOTICE If you tare m'T Junk or sec ond hand goodu of any kind see as first. FHONE 308 271 Cmoineketa St. CAPITAL JUNK CO. Sale Starts at 10 o'clock a. m. One 4-year old cow. fresh last January; 1 5-ycnr old Jersey cow, fresh last January; 1 heifer fresh about October 1; 1 pair of young mures, 4 and 5 years, weigh! about 1.100; 1 sorrel horse, 5 years, weight l-."0; 1 hay mare, 3 years old, weight 1000; 1 brown horse 3 years, weight 1000; These are all broken; 1 sow, weight about 2.10; 7 shouts, weight about 1.10; about 10 tons cheat hay; about 10 tons baled clover hay; some fall oats; tine .1' inch wagon, 2 sets wheels; 1 3.j-ineh -Mobile wagon Hud Imix: 1 3 inch wagon and hox; I 3-inch old wng n; 1 hack, heavy; 1 14 inch 222 Oliver plow; 1 10-inch steel plow; 1 12 inch rteel plow; 2 1 horse cultivators 1 2 horse V. t O. cultivator; 1 4 horse, 4 inch space Superior drill; 1 3 sectiou harrow; 1 2 soctiu wood harrow; 1 tandem l.H-inch "foot disc; 1 3 section spring tooth harrow; 1 5 foot McCormicTt mower; 1 8 foot McCormick binder; 1 lu-foot Me-Corini-ck hay rake; 1 fttj-foot McCormick reaper; 1' 2 row Case corn planter and fertilirj-r attachment; 1 I. H. O. manure spreader; 1 single hole corn shelter; 1 No. 9 Ohio hay or corn cotter; 1 No. 1, Itlizrard corn cutter and 30 feet of pipe; 1 pair platform scales 1 No. 12 IVI.aval separator; 1 10-foot Kimball harrow; 2 hand corn planters; 1 lawn mower; 1 riding attachment for plow or harrow; 3 gasoline or oil drums; 2 sickle grinders; 1 power'grinder; 1 grindstone; 1 small hand forge; 3 sots harness; 2 blocks and tackle; 1 John Deere sub soiler; 1 bucket spray pump; 1 2 bottom 14-inch gang; 1 8 foot roller; 1 buggy and single harness; some cheat seed; some fence posts and wire; two dozen chickens; some household furniture and other articles too num erous to mention. i I 1 3 i J l i 15 LUNCH WAGON ON THE GROUNDS Terms of Sale-All sums of $10 or under cash. Sums over $10 twelve months' time will be given on bank able notes at 8 per cent interest. Fred Callister A. L Stevenson Fred W. Durbm Clerk of Sale Auctioneer Owner vn 433 Union Street 1:30 p. m. Sharp Tuesday, Apri Consisting of 1 Toledo 6 ho:o Eane with water coil, extra good; 1 large air tight Heater, like ne,v; 1 2 burner Perfectiou Oil Stove; 1 Perfection Oil Heater; 1 Congoluim Kug tfxl2; 1 Axminster Rug, 0x12, floral design; 3 Ingrain Cnrpcti; 1 Kitchen Linoleum; 1 Whito drop head Sowing Machine, like new; 1 Oak Davenport bed; like new; 1 sipiare oak 10-t. Extension Table; 1 Fir Library Table; 1 Combination Oak Hookcase and Writing Desk; 1 waxed oak leather seated Rocker; g 2 Cano liockors; 1 Magazine Hack; 1 M-day Clock; 1 Linoleum, 0x6 M gomi; l nee tiecrnc Carpet Bwcoocr; 1 Fir Library Table; 1 Fir Dress er; 1 Fir Ptand Table; 1 Stair C.irpet; 1 lowing Kockcr; 1 Oak Foot stool; 1 F-air Tortiers; 1 good Washing Machine and Wringer; 1 Baby's Bath Tub; 50 ft. Garden Hose; 1 patent Ironing Board, new; 1 2 inch Post Brass Bed, Steel Spring and Bilk Floss Mattress; 3 White Enamel Beds. Springs and Mattresses; 5 Dining Chairs; 1 High Chair; 1 Jardi nere and Plant; 1 Plato U!as Mirror, 2x3 ft.; 1 White Enamel Kitchen Table; 10 Electrie Light Globes- 10 doz. Fruit Jars; some Wood, Scythe H..c. Sprinkler, Stone Jars, Sal Irons, Cobbler Outfit, 5 gal. Oil Can, 8 W indow Screens, 2 jshovel. Broom, Meat Chopper, Jelly Classes Alarm Clocks, K. Utensils, Dishes, Window Blinds, and Manv Other Things. Don't miss this Sale if you are wanting anything. Everything goes to the highest bidder. F.LBODENHiMMER Owner All TTmnn Ctt.Al 4 1iJ Ui-IUU UlltLl F.N.W00DRY, The Auctioneer, Pfcciie510cr511 Note: Wcodry hays anything for cash or will sell for you w, aaw fcaaa mm