SATURDAY, APRIL 12. 1919. PAHF. NINE THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON- DALLAS HOLDING BIG 1 !frflftfel f liiu IULMI eceive DALLAS MAKES READY f or eitw week Systematic Campaip To Rid Cty Of Unsightly Debiis Is Launched. - pi " II It I We Have Just DP II ! UU On the place known as the Sol Durbin farm, 10 miles east of Salem, on Salem-Silverton road, 5 1-2 miles west of Silverton, near Central Howell school. WED.. AP 116,1919 Sale Starts at 10 o'clock a. m. One 4 year old cow. fresh -last January; 1 5 year old Jersey eow, fresh lust January; 1 heifer fresh a!xut C -tuber 1; 1 pair of young mares, 4 and 5 years, weight about 1300; 1 orrcl hoi je. 3 years, weight 1230; 1 bay mare, 3 years old. weight IOOO; 1 brown horse 3 years, weight 1000; These are all broke ; 1 sow, weight about 230; 7 shoats. weight about 1-W; about 1U tons rheat hay; about 10 ton baled clover hay; some fall oats; One 3-ji inch wagon, 2 seta wheels; 1 3 U inch Moliue wagon and box; Scinch wagon and box; 1 3-iuch old wagon; 1 hack, heavy; 1 14-inch 2-"2 Oliver plow; 1 10-ineh steel plow; 1 12 iiuh teel pkiw ; i 1 horse cultivator 1 2 horse 1'. k O. cultivator; 1 4 horse, 4-inek space Superior drill; 1 3 section harrow; 1 2-aeetion wood harrow; 1 tandem lSineb. 'foot disc; 1 3aeotioa spring tooth harrow; 1 5-foot McCormick mower; 1 K-foot McCormick binder; 1 Ill-foot Me Cormiek hay rake; 1 5'j-foot MeConuiek reaer; 1 2-row Case rorn planter and fertiliser altai-hment; 1 I. H. 0. manure RprcaMor; 1 single hole eorn aliellor; 1 No. 9 Ohio hay or corn cutter; 1 No. L-9 Blizzard corn cutter and 30 feet of pipe; 1 pair platform aeales 1 No 12 PeLnval separator; 1 10 foot Kimball harrow; 2 hand corn plauters; 1 lawn mower; 1 riding attachment for plow or liurrow; 3 gasoline or oil drums; 2 sickle giiidoitf; 1 power grinder; 1 grindstone; 1 small hand forge; 3 sets harness; 2 blocks and tackle; 1 John Deere sub-soiler; I bucket spray pump; 1 2 bottom 14-inch gnng; 1 8-foot roller; 1 buggy : nd single harness; some cheat seed; some fence posts and wire; two dozen ehickercs; some household furniture and other articles too num erous to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON THE GROUNDS (Capital Journal Special Seme) Pnllas, April 12. At a meeting of the representative of the Dallas 'o wau's club and committee from the CemiBcrcial club la the club rooms Wednesday afternoon plans wer made for holding the auntial cleanup week in this city and a more thorough cam paign than heretofore held has been mapped out. The joint commute will make an appeal to the eity council at its next regular meeting asking that that body eoieratt wit a the organiza tions in Heretofore citizens have just been in the habit of clenning up their front Minis and hauling oft tin cans, .., but this year's campaign will be waged to have the back yards and alley (cleaned up a!sj ad parties neglecting Ito uo the same will be liable ta ar rest. After the close of the cleanup i week it is planned to have a party luiake" a trip about the eity ascertain ing whether the order has becu follow ed out. Grocery Business Sold II. G. Black one of tae ipjoneer bus iness mm of this fitv tuii wee'' is" posed oif his grocery store on Court street, next to the postoffico, to V. A. Measner, a former .business mun of this pla'je. Mr. Uluck will devote his time in tho future to the cultivation of a large prune orchard near this city. Mr. Messuer the lie wowuer, dis posed of grocery store in una cu several weeks ago to 1'. J. Vut. Polk County People Gainer To Discuss Proposal To Issae Bonds. (Capital Journal Special Service) Dalla. AprU 12. Backed by the Dal!a Centmereial club, one of the biggest rod meetings ever held in Folk county is scheduled to take place in tho circuit court room in this city this afternoon beginuinj at one o'clock. The purpose of the meeting i to as certain the eutiineut of ifte people throughout the county towards the pe titioning of the county court to call1 a special election for the purpose of; c eooperar win in organ - ,yoUug bomls for the construction of! obtaining the disirtd results. , . makin), tne ecessarv im-i Terms of Sale All sums of $10 or under cash. Sums "over $10 twelve months' time will be given on bank able notes at 8 per cent interest. Fred Callister A. L Stevenson FredW.Durbiu Clerk of Sale Auctioneer Owner proventent on several roails m me county that the state highway cum mission has" promised to haul surface this year if "placed in condition for so doing. The amount estimated by the com mission for placing these roads in shape for hard surfaeing is something like $iW,000 but it is the intention of the taxpayers to ask for a bond issue of the county' limit or JW,000 so that all parts of the county will de rive, some benefit from the money so raised. A committee of Dallas citizens com posed of K. L. Ch'pmnn. Dr. A. B. Staibuek and E. K. l'iasecki have ieeii busy this week outlining the cer tnin iiistriet where the money if vot ed will be spent and these plans will be laid before the meeting today. It i expected that very little opposition will bo hud to holding the bond election. it jjjl A large shipment of Reed Go-Carts and Reed Buggies in the Brown finishes, and also plain shellac. The Handy and Pretty Oriole Go-Baskets sell at the extremely low prices of $12.50 to $18. Larger carriages are specially priced at $28.50 to 56.50. We also have two-wheel carriages ranging from $15.00 to $25.00. Come in and See What We Can Save You. 1 JS I yifeU I; Buow Falls lu Folk A full of STK-w averaging all the wuy from six inches to two und one hull' feet, fell in the mountains west of Dallas this week and has gically iuter fered with logging operations, causing a shortage of logs for the mills iu this locality. Jt is ttuusuully late lu ,he scasos for fall ot snow in this coun ty and unless more settled weather follows in a few days it is thought by fruit growers that the trup may lie damaged ns for the past several nights everc- whito frosts have occur red. A few of tho prune orchard in this section ure in bloom but the grow ers stat that thty are not fur enough advanced as yet to be injured : by frosts. Pearh trees have however suf fered f loin tho frost. ... Get a r VICTR The new 1919 line of Wall Decorations Represents a veritable Whirlwind of Bargains More beautiful than any previous season, and with an endless line to select from. aswWsaWWis1MWWM. BureiVs Furniture Senator I. L. Patters of tola was a Uallna business visitor Thursday afternoon. W. II. Beard tho Fall City banker, transacted business matters in Dnllas Thursdnv. Vlrenit Judge Horry H. Belt was' a Cnnitnl citv visitor this week. ' . ... ... . 1 T. Arthur Ualin, ot tne iioeueis raper cnmpiuiy of Piuem, was a visnor m-n.- ilic first ot the wecK. Harry P. Byers returned Wcdnes lny from Briday Veil, where he wont to do a surveying job last week. The heavy fall of snow recently in the mountains near that place is interfer ing with, lodging operation. Oscar Smith, a prominent ifnrnier of the Bridgeport community, is in the citv visiting relatives. E. C. Kirkpatrick returned this week from a short business trip to f)rnnt Pass. Frank K. Kersev left today for Portland where be has accepted a po sition with a wholesale confectionery establishment. Mr. Kersey recently returned with Coiniuiiiv L from France . X. Words, a prominent Dallas citiien and for more tlmn 25 years agent for the Southern Pacific railway at this plnce, died at an early hour this morning from rheumatism with which he has been afflicted for a num ber of years. Funerul arrangements have not vet been made. Arthur Hayes was Portland busi ness visiter the first of the weok. Karl Crook hns accepted n position as clerk at the Farmers (Iroc.cry store oa Main street. have been employed iu Portland for a number of mouths, have finished their work there and returned to West Salem to the homo of Mrs. Jnrvis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fennell. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Beckln aro planning u several week' visit to theit old Can ada homo. They will take little Verla 11 nd Master Will with them. Miss Alida Beckin is visiting nt the Harvey Crawford home at Zena. J! li. Bedford is In receipt of a card with birthday greeting from his grnnd mother, Mrs. James Lennox, who attain ed the ripe old age of one hundred yeas on March 9th. Phe lives nt Crbker Luke, Canada, is of Irish descent and is in fnirly eood henjth. OLD FASHIONED M liONI ONIJI COLORADO Sixty Cow Pinichers Seeking Two Murderers.- Double . Lynching Likely. Pueblo, Colo,, April 12. (United Press.) An old fiisliioned western tuun hunt for two minders is on iu tin Greenhorn mountains, southwest of hero today. The quarry two unknown nion who shot HI. C. Parks and William Hunter on the Kyo road yesterday afternoon are being hunted by about 60 eow puncher. There is every prospect of a double lynehiig if the murder ara caught. Hunter, president of the Arkansas Valley Cattle (irowers association, is known to practically every cowboy in this section. These riders came in and took up the trail. OLA for Your Easter Music We have all sizes of the Victor talking machine, and are able to fill all orders- We carry no other line but the Victor recognized as the best talking ma chine on the market. i w You get More For Your Money at Moore's f. Vrft- E -sr '""TV W.IW V i si ii i 1 "V" TTfTPf" S3 en West Salem. ore Commercial Street Salem, Ore. CCunitul Journal Sneciul Kervice.) V..Nt. Snlem. Or.. April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peterson and children arc visiting in Tneonui, at the home of Mrs. Peterson's parents. A little son arrived atr tuo Wilfred Thomas home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Linegar, daugh ter and soii-iii-law of Mr. and Mrs. U. Cade, hnvo arrived from Nebraska, liLL0 IUUI I riiAl IU 12 BIG BATTLES Court House Anna Tremayne waa yesterday grant ed a divorce from Jnck Tremayne. Hhe was given custody of the three chil ilrcn, the youngest 14 years old. In her complaint she alleged that the fn'h er deserted his family in 1!)0". Norton Vnnderhoof has been ap pointed administrator f the estate of Minnie Vanderhoof who died at Sparks, Nevada, April 4, 1(1 111. The estate is estimated at 7o0. In his seni annual report ns admin istrator of the estate of Eli7.abeth Trost, Jos. J. Kelicr reported on hand the sum of 127S.03. D. W. Kyre, F. M. Derbj and W. M. Hniilh have been nniKiinted an- Thoy have disposed of their holdings ( .aisrr (lf t10 estate of Iva F. Tur jthere and will locate in Oregon. nor. Besides property in Marion coiui- Tiio Jane Wil.suu and Gcurgo Gosserliy n, holdings in the counties of houses aro occupied by families lutely j fillamnok, Lake and Klamath. FISHING TIME FISHING TACKLE I from Missouri. They are relative of the liathaways. Mrs. Clay Heiac and sou, Lynn, Four men came to the office of the county clerk today, c.ieh with two wit RODS LEADERS SPOONS BASKETS REELS LINES FLIES BAIT HOOKS are at homo agftin uftcr a six weeks' , nesscj iu order to make final petition visit with Portland relatives and' for citiz nship . They had overlooked friends. Her health is much improved, j the fact that if one happened to r- Kev. E. G. Kauton. wife and little rive n this country after June 2U, ones went to Summit Saturday, return-1 liKifl. it was necessary to have a cer ing Sunday evening. Owing to the til-, tificato of arrival. All four had ar dav Centenary meeting at Summit rived in the country sine that date, there was no service in West Salem: but none knew that the certificate of Sunday evening. arrival w part of the proceedings, i Mrs! Marv Billinirs has Tioen visiting . Hence they will send on to Washing- Pershing Names Offensives In Which Americans Played Part. WasMnrtoii, 12.1 American dxnwltionarv forces! participated in twelve major eugugeuiuuts during the world war. The list, designated by General Pershing and announced to day by General March, chief of staff, follows: 8,mime defensive, March 21-April (i. Iys defensive, April 9-27. Aisne defensive (Chemin des Dames and northwest of lihuims), May 27- Jmio 5. Miutdidicr-Novon defensive, Juno 913. CliauinaiieiMurue defensive, July 15-1 M. Soinino offensive, August 8 Novem ber 11. Oise-Aisue offensive, August IS No vember 11. Ypresl.ys offensive, August 19-No-vein ber 11. 8t. Millie! offensive, September 12 10. Meuse-Argonnc offensive, September 2G-November 11. Buttle of Vittorio-Vencto. Italy, Oc tober 21 November 4. These major ei.gngement are desig nated by General Perching to be men tioned in the honorable discharge of the men who participated in them. AMERICAN ARM 50 PERCENT DEMOBILIZED ropean war ended. Enlistments up lo lApril 10 wero 7,lliil, General March said. These were equally divided between one and threo year enlistments. The strength of the army on April 8 wus,.)0(l. Of this force, 1,32(1,523 are in the A. K. F. Hincn tho armistice was signed (1S(1, 114 soldiers and officers have snilH for the United States. Health coudi tion's aro remarkably good. General March stated influenza cnes have reached their Invent nuniber since t.ui pldemic last fall. Jn connection with reports as to the casually rate during the European war. General March pointed out that in the hardest battle, the Argonnn-Meuae the casualty luto was 1S.3 per cent against (I per cent nt the hnttla ot licttysnurg and 24 per cent at Hhiloh. PORTLAND ENTERTAINS BOYS Or 100TII ON WAY TO CAMP Pnrtlimd. Or.. April 12. This city en tertained 100 former members of tho IflOth infantry for two hours yesterday afternoon. Tley were en route from Garden City, It. I., to Cnmp Lewis as the 1(101 li casual company. Lieutenant K. C. Johnson of Tacoma was in command. Major rrana varrou of Hcatl!" was among tho officers nlmnid the trnin. Tho enlisted men in the ensoul company hailed from Wash ington and Oregon. Discharges Gf Officers And Men To Date Number 1,701,469. EVERYTHING FOR THE ANGLER HAUSER BROS. in Corvallis for a couple of weeks. ! Harry Fennell of Marion and nephew, KImer Fennell of North Dakota, were recent visitors at the Joseph Fennell home. Elmer Fennell will probably lo cate in the Willamette valley. Mrs. George Fra.ier has returned to ton, D. C. to get a copy of their cer tificate of arrival and when these r rive, they ran men go iwroro juoge mfn Ifmpham ami mane a snowing as ij whether they are qualified to become ffnt o (h(, mfln have b(1(,n ,jp. rial American When WI'l'l T- I t. : i : I I . f ,.ff ...... 1 " - llllf)lll-11 KIIU Dili UU' l I'l IIH ui.i.cin. Mnir r.r rinni naners. one musi navr i.. ...i i ... j...,.k. wt j me TiMUl llllllipur vi'n;n-u iui 'i' Washington. April 12. 'Nearly half of the American army has been di mob ilized-to dutc. Discharge of oflicrs announced by General March today, number 1,701,419. Forty CaDiial journal Want.Ads Will Get You What Yea Waul Portland after a few day stay at her home here. City council met in regntar session Monday evening when the regular rou tine business was transacted. Raymond Bex, son of Mr. and Mr. Arthur Rex, arrived home from Texas Tuesday morning1. Ho ha been fn the quartermasters eorps. He is looking fine and ha increased somewhat in stature. Mrs. Lien Jarvi and son, Frank, who two witnesses to tewtifrof an acquaint ance of five years and that the appli cant has been in Oregon one year. Al- ilization, ini'ud n(r ihose already dis chari'ed i 1 .'I2o,000. Drnnobilization m moving faster than so. that applicant is of a goo, rcputa- (Ud u ,hc fivil waf Md in the c. . tien and worthy of citiwnship. A few,. , . . .... ,...,., u.i, . I mil- Hitri iaii wan MFiiLini u.v.,i r.u. years gi it was yn easy matter to be-1 u threc n.orc , hivr h,a come a citizen. f0 ferint. it is entirely tLf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY liscbargcd thuu those discharged ia a year after the civil war. After the I Spanish-American war it required more than a year to discharge fewe men than in the first month af er tde La Lambs, yearlings 10(151 3 gg and Poultry Eggs, eash liens, live , - 2H(iM i Old roosters . 1 Cockerels - Vegetable Radishci, doz -. O Swoet potatoe 6(a', Potntoes 1.25(iiH.7S Ouioiu local 2.5I)CE! Cabbage 4(ff44 Turnip ... 2Cu2 Iluud lottuce - 4.2o(ii-l-7i Beets t,J Parsnip 3 '4' Oaulifluwor, flat $2(0,22 Kiiiuach, box 0 Wineanp apple, box $ Celery, crate - . til I nut Orange .. Lemon, boi Banana . 5C8.7I . a Whoa you feci that your stomach, iivcr or Hood is out cf crder, renew their health by taking lEGiMS PILLS r.. S.I. of A., Mlicin. Florida grupo fruit, cas 7!u. Black figs lb 10(a)l White figs, lb 19ft20 Package figs per bx 00 pKg 4(aii. Uony, extraoted 80 Setau nice Eggs, dozen ... . 40 Creamery butter . - -. 70 Flour, hard wheat 3.15()3.2i The Capital Journal Dauy Market Report Orals Wheat, soft white 2 Wheat, lower grade oa (ample OkU 80n iluy, cheat ... - Har, oat Barley, ton 4S(a50 Mill run 43(ac Battetfat Butterfat Bl" Creamery butter 80(tf01c, t-ork, vwat and Mutwa Pork on foot ....lSc. Veal, fancy mrti21c .Steers - 7("10e Cows - 5((J 9c stirinz hmbs 18 Kwii- 46 Portland Market Portland. Or. April 12. Jiuttcr, eity creamery 5S(i 59e Eggs selected local ex. 41(q;45a Hons 31(rt35o Broilers 40((ti43a Oeoso lTCo.'-iUc Utioeso, triplet S7di39ii DAILY L1VB STOCS MaBEIT CattH Heceipts 209 Tone of market stealy Best steers 13jrl4.50 Good to choice steers ll.50(a i li.5 Modium to gocd steers $10(11 Fair to good steers 10 Common to fair steer $Srti9 Choice cows and heifers $10.50vl 12.23 Good to choice cow and better 9fol0..r)0 Medium to good (ow and Aeuera Fair to medium cow ana Seller $ jCi 6 Canner 3.5O4.50 Bulls (' 8.50 Calves 9.50('i 13.50 ; Stockcrs and feeder 710 Bogs ; Receipts 174 Tone of market steady. Prime mixel 195 19.25 Medium mixed 1 8.7.".$ 1 9 Hough heaviea 17(it 17.23 Pig, l.2')fS 17.23 Bulk $19(19.10 Receipts 31 Tono of marKet -steady Prime lambs 10(al7 Fair to medium lambs $1415 Yearlings $11 12 ! Wethers w-rl Ewes 6.50(alQ.5O J