Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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tJt-H- f"! I I I" " " ' "TV 'i I I 'll Cii'-ii'S i
- 1 - -."-- tj ---s-.jJ tat
Continuous Show
Starts 2:15
& . .
i -
Best , ,
lei r
"to our population and resources is
muall indeed compared to that of any
of the great countries of Europe."
Refined Comedy
Special Arranged
1 : 0 J
1 , av Yt.v
' f-- Va. .V. .- 1,1
(Continued from l'ft0 1.)
jlrtH'kdorfr Itanuau stayn, lim eoumn,
Con nt von IteniKtorff and the rent of
the irenent outfit will likewise Mtny.
Thai iiienuK the wune old in eh i lie will
fiiiiiluct I ho I'ogntintioiiii In l'arin.
Hun Bluff Foraeen.
The (lerinaiiM probably will make a
great bluff at trying to aearn the al
lieH. That is, tliey will threaten ft)
bohhevize IhoiimtfK en and try to get
the French and Mulinn workmen to
join tliein. Itut it iloea not aeem ponaiblo
iu view of the (lermana' traditional
lov of aystein and order, tha govern
neat would ''(uit cold."
Iiiaamuch aa tin' workmen ara diwirin
ed and rannot fight, the only thing
aide to force out the new government
would be a treniendoua atrike much
larger than the. present one which
iiio.t observera believe the rudloala will
be unable to awing.
A nianaage from Pnnzig today re
ported a railway strike' in that dia
trie,!. The striker, numbering 20,000,
are demanding establishment of A aov
iet republic nnd an nlliiince with Kua
aia and Hungary. Three peraona are
reported to have been killed in a elanh
bel weeulrilera and auldiera who were
guarding a square lu front of the prin
ciple railway stutiou.
Bavaria Being Pcgaiiied.
Herlin, April 11. Havarian loyal
ists are rapidly reeouqueriug their coun
try from the communists, according to
dispatches received here today. The
anti soviet forces huve captured Kierth
Hcgiinsburn and several citica in the
chief manufacturing district. The food
blockndo of Munich was reported to
be still under way.
(Cuptial Journal Rpeciul Hervicp.)
Hilverton, Or., April 12. Vernon M.
Suckow made n trip to I'ortlnnd.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe V. Welch visncu
in l'ortlund during the past week.
Holicrt Mount and L. t,'. Kastmnn mo
tored to Diillns Wednesday.
Mrs. Hurley Kmith was a Portland
visitor Friday.
fluwnrd 1iiiBter.J left Inst week for
Montana where he will spend the sum
The Parent Teachers' association held
a meeting in the high school Friday aft
ernoon and talks were given by Mrs.
A. ('. Wiiyhtmnn nnd Mrs. F. K. Cullis
ter, Mrs. lr, Kliensorxe presiding over
the meeting. A playlet was put on by
the irrr.de school students.
F.innm Anderson wns In the citv this
8 I l i -vv
I TUlll TA nrilllll lirnr I
a ru Jt mam m tt.i fi ni uliil
i n in i m nmr
iiniui iu llLllrtlll IILHL
ftbwitXT i"
: W Mr W ft
. : . K .., 1 '
fi- l
Give Your
Feet A.Rest
From Treadle
i i I A
MM i I..
Do'your sewing the electrical way with a
Western. Electric
Portable Sewing Machine
A sewing machine
thatVno larger" than' a
tjTevrite'r that can
actually he carried' in
one hand from 'room to
room and put' away
on a closet shelf.
A full sized, high grade
sewing machinejwith
out a treadle but" with
a' little elcctricmotor
that does all thework!
A foot control gives any
desired 'sneect.
It costs little to buy
the price is only $:ii).50
and little to operate
-,.-.i jw .1 . w- st I'M'.
Call us up for a demonstration
Portland Railway Light & Power Company
week visiting friends.
Veva Uoldeu visited iu the city (Satur
day. Mrs. (leorge titeelhainnier and Mis
Miiurine Digeruesa were ia Ma lew Wed
nesday. Mrs. A. Hunter and daughter, Vivian,
of .Vancouver, H. C, were guests nt the
F. H. Hunter homo during the past
week. Vivian returned home Mouduv,
while Mrs. Hunter will remain for u ii'n
days longer.
Mrs. W. L. Cunningham went to Port
land Hundny, returning Wednesday ac
companied by her husband, who has
come homo to atay permanently.
Katharine Hindu' wus over from Su
lem lut week.
Miss Anna Finseth was a Portland
visitor the early part of the wek.
T. P. Histagen made a business trip
to- the Capital City Wednesday.
Mrs. H. A. (lulbreutli of l'ortlund and
Miss Cornelia (ialbreath, a Hed Cross
nurse from Vancouver barracks, visited
at the home of Mrs. 0. A. Back of this
city over the week-end.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. K. Wray left for
Hcattle Washington, Monday.
Kupt. H. T. Youell and family spent
Hundny in l'ortlund visiting wtin Mr.
Youell 'a brother, who has recently re
turned from service.
Miss Wieldn MeClnlne and Mrs. Clara
Keynolds were lit Bulein Wednesday
t leorge Sinter i visiting in Portland
tins week.
Heiiner Digerness returned front over
seas Wednesday Hcltner was in tho
front linns and among the wounded,
IHihee Club Weilders Make
Ready Far Meet With Eugege
With the spring weather coming on
and the grounds of the golf course of
the Ulihee ootiutry club getting n good
shape, a number of interesting g.tines
are now being played. Tho beat score
last Sunday way by Kreel Kay.
The tournament committee h arrang
ing for a series of three malchei to lie
played with the Kuenn country club.
Two of these matches will uc'pliyd
in Kugene and one in Salem.
To beautify the grounds, work has
cjimmenced under the supervision of
K. N. (lillinghuin. It is the intentions
to continue this v.ork from year t.i
year until th. )lf course is complete
ly landwapcd. With the natural beau
ties of the em no aid its wonderful
view, this will eventually make the
lllihee country club course one of the
finest in the w vt.
It is possible that within a jhof!
time the un'inbe h p committee of the
lllihee elm) wiU put en a mem H'rsh'f
drive. The date lint not as yet been
announced but the details of the drive
are now bcin;r worked out. Homer II.
Smith is president of the clnh, W-n.
Itiirgltardt, secretary and Curtis 1(.
Cross vice president. j
Yankee War Monster, Such As
Used At SL Mihiel To
Parade Streets,
Look OUt for a Pennine rent wur tnnlr
one of the Yankee kind used on the St.
Mihiel front, on the streets of Salem
noit Wednesday morning.
instead of coming to the city Buuday
mornitiir nnd stnvinir iiist fnw luim.
it has ben decided to givo the rnnk
moro time in Hnlem in order that it
mny gambol around on the streets in
the business section.
Thre aoldiers who saw real tank serv
ice will be in charge of the far nnd
will demonstrate InHtlinir ami imlncji.
ing while the tank is being driven on
tne streets or the business section of
the city.
The chairman of the Bpecial feature
or me victory Liberty loan drive has
asked the Salem committee to provide
oropcr police protection whilo the tank
is being shown.
The coming of the tank nnd the prac
tical demonstration of ita workings is
one of the many special features plan
ned to remind folks that while tlin war
I has ben won, it ia now up to tho people
to buy bonds to care for the enormous
financial side of the question.
According to the present schedule, tho
thank will arrive about 9 o'clock Wed
nesday morning by WBy of the South
ern Pacific and will at once unloud for
! its travels down town. At each of tho
prominent corners in the business sec
tion, well known speakers will make
"hort talk on the fifth liberty loan.
Chairman P. W. Mulkey, of the Sol
diers and Sailors Relief commission,
has made a recent report to Governor
Olcott in which ho hows that most
effective work is already being done by
the organization in connecting soldier
applicants with jobs. Tho immediate
ed that none of the bids presented last I . I P 0 ' nf
week by flown firms came withinL0S AngelCS breetS DOyS Of
megapnone distance of tho state appro
priation for this work and all were re
jected. By a drastic scaling down and
elimination of features in tho specifi
cations the bid of W. M. Lorenz was
cut down from $39,730 to 2(J 03.'i on
the hospital dormitory; then by further
eliminations to $24,895. To this figure
was then added an estimate of $ 132
for excavation, thus making tho final
accepted bid from this contractor $23,
327. On the boys' dormitory Siewert
& EngBtrom, of this city were the suc
cessful bidders their figure on the mod
ified specifications being $25,411.
function of the bureau i, to place the ZTZvJ, LimeQB,,a."'
boys in temporary positions-to tide VU"rnP2 .os,'8..attc.n,.on. to 8ectlon
gated $2,225,708, mostly royalties to tho
American Telephone & Telegraph com
pr.ny, the parent corporation. The Pa
cific company's nsseta at the end of
1918 were $118,341,427.
boys in temporary positions to tide
them over until they have opportunity
to locate positions that are desirable.
Later on. as funds become avnilable.
the commission will assist returning
soldiers who wish to continue their
education by mean of non interest
bearing loans.
After long discussion end a few prob
lems in hiirher mathematics lltn R..u..l
of Control yesterday afternoon finally
awarded the contracts for construction
work on the hospital dormitory and
the boys' dormitory at the institution
for the feeble minded. It will be recall-
IThe question has recently come be
fore Attorney General Brown as to
w-hcther bills for medical treatment
for sick and injured convict at work
in the atate lime quarries at Gold Hill
should eome out of the regular peniten
tiary . appropriation or out of the ap
propriation for the State Lime Board.
TL . . ....
9, chapter 397 of the 1017 low. f-Kih
provides that prisoners let out to the
lime board for work in the quarries
should have only their food and cloth
ing paid for out of the, prison funds
and this to continue only until the
lime plant was placed upon a self-sus-.
taining basis. Nothing is said with re
gard to traveling expenses, medical at
tendance, or other ineidentn n-h;t,
must be eared for by the lime board 'si
own funds. (
160th Infantry With Cheers
Los Angeles, Cnl., April 12. (United
Press.) "Oh, you Golden West."
That was the shout which sprang
from 750 war-weary fighting men when
the ItiOth infantry's troop traina pulled1
into tho Santa Fe depot early today.
But it was almost drowned beuoatb
tho storm of cheers which rose from a
crowd 0f 50,000 persons thronging the
stntion and the streets.
Then the trnnna mmroil nut Krn,...k
i doors and windows of the coaches
wherever there was an opening.
And they rushed into tho waiting
arms or motiiers, rntliers, brothers, sis
ters, wives, sweethearts and friends.
They were received in a devoted
mingling of hugs, kisses, rh
candy and ma's sugared cookies.
Peter A. Moses, a prominent resident
of Corvallis, died in that city Monday
at the ago of 91 years. He had been m
member of the Masonic lodge for 61
years, and at the age of 80 enrolled in
the Oregon Agricultural college aa a
student in agriculture.
Financial operations in 1918 of the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company
an applicant before the Oregon public
service commission to increase rental
charge of it thousands of pntron,
show a surplus of $!24.ii IVrcuiher 31,
compared with $(."i8.749 at the close of
the preceding year. This is a gain of 40
per cent. The net corporate income
for the year was $2,280,741, out of
which dividena of $1,920,000 were paid
on the preferred stock. Operating reve
nue amounted to $21,482,653 and oper
ating expenses, $15,421,242. To the bal
aiirn of lililol 111 . i-.v.iia
of none operating revenue, making the
grosj corporate income $0,516,920. In
terest on the funded debt totaled $2y
010,471 and other filed charge s;i;ro-
Presenting the Musical Playlet
Mardo & Hunter
"Flip It Up'
Margaret Ryan
Comedienne of Distinction
Special Vitagraph Feature
Martin Johnson's Cannibals of The South Sea Islands
. . m -- - -- - f
IV-.-,. '- - .." s
l J : ' X '
f . . -.
ft r- &
iht moit tmcl.
tavagt on tarth
Coming Wednesday to Ye. Liberty Theatre