Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Eat per word New Today:
Sack insertion - le
Us week (8 insertions) 5
One aooth (36 insertions) 17e
Tka Capital Journal will sot bo r
poaiible for mora thaa ono insertion,
(or arrort ia Classified Advertisement
Sa4 jour advertisement the first da;
It appears and aotify us immediately if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c
WASTED Cattle ami ealvei any
kind. Phone 1570W. 5 2
FOR 8 ALE Early fuggle hop roots.
Phone J. A. Kroiw. tf
WANTED Boomers and boardfrs, 49",
N. Conil. Phone 1448. tf
GARDENS plowed and harrowed.
Phone 927. 4 12
VACANT apartment at tho Miller, 633
Kerry St. 412
I WILL plow your garden. Phoue
1001. . 4 12
FARM hand wanted. Call 6aleni 3F3,
C. C. Russell. tf
WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf
WANTED Experienced palters at
Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa
lem Rt. . tf
WANTED Position in garage or shop
as mechanic . F L D, 171 Union St.
fOR SALE Ford touring car in fine
running order. 187-195 8. Com. St.
WANTED Girl for general honse
work. Apply 835 Oak fit. Phone 9S
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants
$2 per thousand, in the patch. In
quire B. C. Ziolinski, Salem. 4-12
FOUND Hat for mias, Wednesday
afternoon. Owner call at Journal of
fice, and pay for ad. tf
FOR 8 ALB Good logariberry wire.
Capital Junk Co., 871 Chemeketa.
Phone 388. tt
WALL PAPER 15 eentt par double roll
pward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 17
Commercial. tf
WB PAX highest cash prlee for eggs,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Co, 171 a High Bt. Phone
1400. w
FOB 8ALB 5 room "bungalow, bath,
toilet, lights, witih 4 full lots, small
orchard, at Aumsvdllo, Or. Very roas
oou'ble for cash or payments. G.
Kirkpatrick. Suleoi, Bt. 6, box 22.
FOB SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a
nice little house and lot for $325;
can give terms; act quick, for this
is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf
FOR BALE On installments 6 room
house barn and 8 lots, or will trade
for 7 TOom houso near ear line. W.
A. Liflton, agent, 484 Court. 4-12
FARMS WANTED We are selling
farms and are glad to list farms at
prices that it will pay us to adver
tise.. We hnvo buyer now for good
farms, priced right. Kinney & Co
agents. Corvallis, Or. 4-14
HOMESTEAD in Canada for $l2o
This includes fare to Alberta; board
traveling and locator's expenses.
Fine mixed farming district. Partic
ular at my offico. only. C. W.
Nionjcyer, Masonic building. tf
We Buy and Sell at the Market
Tax Exempt
314 Masonic Temple
Salem, Ore.
FOR SALE Pansy planta. Marunv,
211 Miller St. " 4 30
Headquarters for baby chicks, tf
W. BBAVER, well driller phone 827J
1105 X. l!th St, Salem," Or. 5-5
GOOD, gentle team for sale. Phone
63. 4-12
VIKrXG- cream separator, model C,
$33, new. Phone eOFll. 4-12
GIRL wanted for general house work.
Call at Wills Music Store. tf
FOR SALE Jersey hoifer talf. 420
8 20th St. 4 12
HEAVY team of mares for sale; also
wagon and harness, cheap, at Center
St. feed barn. 4-12
FOR SALE Scrimps-Booth 8 in fine
condition. 195 S. Commercial St.
4 12
WANTED Poultry, eggs, hides und
veal, heavy hons, 32c; light hens
31c. Cherry City feed barn. tf
FOR RENT Clean apartments for
clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer
ry St. . tf
FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may
obtain samo by describing same at
thi9 offico and paying for ad. tf
FOB SALE 13 acres of good timber
land without buildings, near Rose
dulc. See W. A. Linton, agent. 12
FOR SALE Three quarter ton truck.
In first tes shape, $200. Highway
FOB KENT Or sale residence at 360
N. Capitol St. one block from Cap
ital, tf
MJLK cow for sale, $75; heavy milk
er, fresh in 10 days. 1 mile east of
Brooks, Bt 9, box 70. 4-15
LOT for ront or solo, 75x150, Saginaw
St. botween Miller and Owen. Phone
1415. 15
YOUNG man who attends business col
lege mornings, wishea work after
noons. C 52 care Journal. tf
FOR BALE Progressive everbearing
strawberry plants, Kellogs strain.
Thone 5IF22. 416
VOR BENT 5 acres, all In cultiva
tion, close to car hno, fine vegctaDie
land. Bocolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf
OREGON strawberry plants 50e per
hundred, $3.50 per thousand, post
paid. Chas. Hart. Jefferson, Or.
V 4-19
WANTED Woman for general house
work on farm in Polk county; fami
ly of four; no heavy washing. Write
Mis. P. T. Frizzolle, Kiekreall, Or.
4 12
MUST sell 5 room house, tath, hall, 2
closets, barn, fruit, 1 lot, worth
KiW for 11350. 1 block Highland
school; pnrt cosh. Lnvallcur, 271 N.
Commercial. Phone 734. tf
WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
run for sale, at a bargain Willam-
ette Valley Transfer Co, 171 South
High St. Phone 1400. tf
SOUTH WESTERN Nurnery, Rt. 6.
Frnit trees, roses end shnibs. Special
low prices on cortain line. Phone
111F3. . tf
GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms
partly furnished; will lease very
reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com'l
St i. rdinnn 1549M. tf
;FHOXE 1572J for lot plowing. 4 12
FOR SALE French bull puppies,
eheap. 320 X. Com"! St. 4-12
JERSEY cow, 45, if taken at onee.
Phono SOF11. 414
WASH polish and gross your ear at
320 N. Co'n'l St. -17
WANTED Maturnity work by gradu
ate nurse. Phone 2454W. ' 4 14
i WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework. Phone 1S91W. 4-12
BOARD and room at 891 X. Commer
cial, via
FOB SALE Good (heat hay, 1 miles
from the asylum. Box 109. 4 14
2d Hand buggy and harness for sale
cheap; would trade for wood. W. B.
Dumars 13S5 Waller St. 4 15
FOR SALE 2 young Jersey cows,
just fresh. 715" S. 12th St." upstairs
FOR SALE I rocm buugalow $s00,
toilet, electricty, gas, close in. Call
after 6 p. m. 475 S. Com'l. 4-12
FOR SALE Loganberry tips $23 per
thousand. Rt. 1, box li. rnone S2
F5. 417
FOR SALE Half Durham cow, 5
years, 4 Mi gallons, due fresh 13th,
95. A. Hawthorne, Bt. 3, box24ti
Salem. Phom. 40F21. 4-11
WANTED Agents to demonstrate Dr.
Scotts corsets and toilet articles. M.
E. Mackie, 343 N. Liberty St. Call
afternoons or evenings. 4-11
THE party taking the bine eyed white
kitten on . Cottags St. is known;
please roturn same and avoid trou
ble. 4-12
HAVE recently listed some exception
al bargains, for grain, fruit stock or
dairy ranches. I can assist you in
buying right.- For best buys
Bocolofsky, Bayne building. tf
FOB SALE One e the best prune or
chards in the Willamette valley,
eloso in and a money maker. Come
in and let me show you. F. L. Wood
Bayne bldg. 4 12
FOR SALE Lease or rent, furnished
or unfurnished 5 room house with
light and wator, etc. Large garden
space, chickens, close in. Address
A H X care Journal. 4-14
NEARLY new 5 room modern house
with lot 60x100 feet, small barn and
woodshed must be sold at once. See
it at Hoyt and Winter Sts. 4-12
50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees
for fall delivery, iFruitland nursery,
IV, miles east of state penitentiary
Phone 111F21. Rt. 8. Salem. tf
PLANT artichokes if vou want cheap
hog feed, liotn tops and luoers mane
splendil feed. I have a few bushels
loft. Phone 622 or 254. tf
FOB SALE One of the classiest 6
room bungalows in the city, with all
or any part of my furniture. Call
mornings or after 6 p. m. S35 Rich
mond ave. 12
formation about Lite Insurance see
J. F. Hutchason, dint, manager for
the Mutual Life of N. Y., office at
371 SUto St., Salem, Or. Office
phono 99 residenco 1396. . tf
A KNAP 7 room bungalow nearly
new, cMiirut basement, one block
from ear line; east Salem, $2000;
$500 cash, terms on baluncc, F. L.
Wood, linyiie bldg. 4 15
WHY leave your car standing on the
street t It csn be stored at the Cen
ter St. Feed barn for a few cents
per day. Special rates bv week or
month. 245 Center St. rhono 927.
J. W. Hunt, prop. 4 14
FOR SALE 8 acres, one of the fin
est located berry and fruit tracts in
Willamette valley; ruining water
for irrigation, 14 mile north of
Kaizer school house, main road, small
five room honse, chicken house,
good well, with terms to suit. Bt.
8, box 90. .
FOB SALE 9 acres, mile east of
end of 12th street curline, 'j acre
strawtberries. 1 (acre loganberries,
young orohard, good 5 room house,
barn, chicken and hog house, good
well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or
Sundays. $2000. Js. Callahan. 4-12
To lose the opportunity to purchase
that modern house at 1133 Court Ht.
for $3300 on your own term! Un
less you do so within a few days it
will be taken off the market. It is
worth more money and proj-erty al
ues are going up. The same will ap
ply to the beautiful home at N. 1283
Court St. for $4500. Bee
404 Hubbard building
FOR BALE 7 room modern house,
close in, easy terms, $2003.
A swell five room bungalow, hllf
block from pavement, $-009.
A good five room bungalow, paved
Street, $1500.
A good homo in South alem, large
kr,,.. U.ira ln S'T.llll
A strictly modem, six room bunga
low, close in, $5.
A strictly modern five room bunga
' low, $3300.
A choice tract of garden land for
sale or rent.
A good house and one acre irtth
baring fruit, $1800. y
A good 80 acre farm at $M per
A five acre tract, close in to trade
for house- and will give or take dif
ference. F. L. Woud, Bayne bldg.
40 acr Italian prune orchard, 2
acres eight years old, 7l-j acres 5
vears old 2 acres of pears, balance
cleared land. Price $11,000.
56 sere farm and fruit, 18 acres of
bearing Italian prunes, 6 room house,
barn, orchard, some timber, rock
road; 4 mile outh. Price $15,000.
31 V aere tract all cultivated, house,
barn, best of soil. Trice $4725.
31 Vi acre tract. 24 acres ia Italian
prunes, balaace in grain except 2
acres, which is in timber. Price $$,
000. '
30 aeres bearing prune orchard, large
dryer. Price $l:s,uO0.
Well improved 75 acre farm located
close to good town, 50 seres in erop,
good 10 room house, large barn.
44 acre farm all under cultivation,
good house, barn, family orchard,
gravel road, best of soil. Price $8,
MK. 5 acres of 5 vesr old Italian prune
orchard. Price $1400.
10 acre tract, all cultivated, house,
barn, well; 5 miles south of Salem.
Price $2000.
320 acre farm, 240 acres under cul
tivation and in crop, balance pasture
some timber, running water, best of
soil; good modern house, barn, good
location. Price $34,000.
11.24 acres all cultivated, best of
soil, 6 room house, barn. Price $2,
400. Well improved 3 acre tract, good 8
room modern house large new barn,
windmill, fruithousu, wood house,
garage, good cow. Price $4000.
3S0 acre farm, 200 acres under eul
. tivation, balance timber and pas
ture, 80 acres in crop, stock and ma
chinery goes; 5 room house, large
barn, rock road. Price $75 per acre
58Va taxm located 1& mile
from small town and railroad, good
soil, ill cultivated, 15 acres of vetch
and oats, 13 acres of wheat. 21 acres
ot oats; all stock, machinery and
household goods go.. Price $10,000.
5 acres located elos to Salem, good
heuse some fruit, close t car line.
Price $2500.
If you want to buy, trade or ell,
275 State street
WANTED Good work horse, 1200 to
1300 lbs: must be cheap. Phone o
F2. 412
MAN and team wanted for orchard
work, house to camp in. Phone 1138
J. 414
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3 room
apt. 645 Ferry" St. Phone 1806W.
v 4-12
W)AXlTEiD KJowa, fresh land eoming I
fresh soon. Phone 483 A. F. Clear-1
WANT To secure nt once, a $2000
loan on good farm security. Socolof
sky, Buyno bldg. tf
FOR SALE 40 acres fine fruit land,
joins Kingwood Terraces, for $0000,
terms. Geo. H. Stoddard, 905' X.
5th St. iH
FOR SALE Strictly modern 5 room
bungalow and two fine luts, located
on Pairmouut hill, enst front, si'lit- :
ly location. Price $5000. V. II. 1
Grabcnliorid & Co., 275 State fit. I
FOR SALE Good 5 room modern1
bungalow. Price $1600. Good 8:
rooni modern house, paved street,
corner lot. Price $2.)00. 6 room mod
ern bungalow, paved street. Price
$2300. W. if. Grnbcnhorst & Co.,
275 State street. 4-14
FOR SALE 40 acre Indian prune or-
cnurii nM-Hiru 111 wu 1 j j.,.
district; 28 acres 8 year old trees,
9 aeres 5 year olds, this orchard is
in fine condition and is offered at a
very attractive price for a few days;
if in the market for a fine orchard,
Call on W. H. Grnbcnhorst k Co.,
275 State St. 4-14
FOR HALE Or trade forty aeres near
Spokane; 7 acre, bottom land, clear
ed: some timber, for property near
Hiilem. 7 acres, 7 mom bungalow in
Douglas county, orchard, berries, city
water for acreage. 5 passenger Stu
debaker car, good shape, for Salem
property. 5 aeres, house, barn,
windmill, orchard, near asylum, nt a
bargain. Enrly Minnesota and Yel
low Bantam swoet corn and Yellow
dent. Rt. 7, box 1(1, Salem. 4-12
Notice is hersby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids Bp until 5
o'clock p. m. April 21, 191P, for the
construction of a wood sidewalk to be
laid along the east side of Winter
street adjacent te and abutting upon
lot No. 8 in block 68, in Wilds Addi
tion to North Salem, Marion eounty,
Plana and specifications may b had
at the recorder' office.
pirn t 1 1 - L
Phone 36F13.
4 13
STREET "S garage, 420 S. Com'l. All
kinds of repair work. 4 .
FOR RENT 7 room house. Call 929
N. 15th ar phone 521J. 4 12
WANTED To rent a furnished house.
Call 379J. 4 15
WANTED To rent ',lill furnished
house; no children. M 191 care Jour
nal. 4 13
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, $tW.
tVll first house north of West Sa
lem school house. 4 13
WIANTED Married man to work on
fruit ranch, steady job to right man.
Address H care Journal. , 4 13
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A
Miles, nuo licsne St. Measures ra
en, fit guaranteed. Heme Thurs. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R.
RANCH WANTED Wanted to hear
from owner of goo.l ranch for sale.
State cash price, full particulars. D.
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
CAL. WIDOW 32. worth $25,000. Maid
en xi, worm mi,wiu anxious to mar
ry honoraWe gentlemen. Mrs. Warn,
2216U) Temple, Los Angeles, Cal.
YOUR future foretold. Send dime, age,
birthilate for truthful, reliable, con
vincing trial reading, llaiel Hause,
Box 1408, Los Angeles, Cal.
MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
best and most successful "Home
Maker"; hundreds riea wish mar
riage soon; strictly confiilemtial;
most reliable; years experience; d
soriptioins free. 'The Successful
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Bjx 656, Oak
land, CaL
FOR TWO WEEKS $8500 will buy
a 24 acre fruit farm; 18 acres bear
ing prunes, 2 acres young orchard,
Vt acres loganberries; apples, pears,
cherries, apricots, peach trees foi
family use; also strawberries and
blackberries; 6 room plastered bun
galow, barn, garage nd ether build
ings; SVj miles south of Salem, 1-3
mile oiff Pacific highway. Dr. Ban
croft owner, room 23 Breyman block
AM out of work for my teams, so will
sell eheap one team mules, weight
2900 lbs; grey horses 2800, mules
2500, one bay gelding 1400, several
smaller horses "d double hsrness,
ono 3V4 farm wagon, 2 spring wng
ons two good buggies. Call and" sec
them Center St. alables. 4-15
I HAVE three beautiful bunRalows, 5
rooms with furnace and cemont floor
basements, finest location in the city
and close in; one a corner, both
streets paved. This is unquestion
ably choice property and priced reas
onable. For particulars see Win.
Fleming at 341 Stato street. 4-12
I HAVE several customers who desire
to purchase about 40 or 50 acres with
some improvements). iAJso evcral
nenolo who desire to purchase a home
in Snlem. List your property with
me I might bo able to sell it lor
you. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard,
building, State St. tf
John Zuliler, cheese maker for tho
Evergreen Cooperative Cheese Factory,
nnd Miss Emma Kiirni, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kucnzi of South
Silverton wero quietly married nt Salem
Thursday. George lgeitti, a brother of
tho brido acted as best man aim AliM
Elma Kuenzi acted as bridesmivld. A
reception was held at tlio homo of tlio
" -".""' ,
inifii;iii. V'f mii iw . ,.... ...... ...
married unknown to their many friends
bilk the news leaked out. They will
make (heir home in South SiUerlon und
will live in tlio Walter on Hue resi-
dence. Appeal.
Open Forum.
Salem, Or., April II, 1019.
Editor of the Cn.'ilnl Journul.
The people of Marion county voted on
this same question Beveral years ago
that is uu b 'ore us now, as to whi rAer
we thou Id linnri our proiicrty to gel
$850,000 to build asiihalt roads.
We voted it down then by an over-
whelminir maioritv. We then started
on the plan to macadnmiw these roads
by paviuK fur Iheui as we built tliein
The work has been well done. We
now have good market roads lending
all over the county.
The law which authnrir.es counties
to crcato a bonded indebtedness to
build hard surfaced highways was ful -
ly discussed islhe Capital Journal ev-
eral years ago. It was then found to.
be full of ".jokers."
It is not fivir to votcu to ak them
te votf, snder a law that, by a skill-
ful play upon words, apparently s.v
one thing, nut actually can Be eon
jStrucd to mean tomethin? quite differ
ent, oniler SWiri JI-HI Ulirrjirrirtiii'ii.
The law in question ia a fine sample
of one capable of two interpretations.
It is thc plain duty of those who sre
urging us to vote favorably for the
tiroposed bonding vrnnv to explain pub
licly the legal effect of the ".inkers"
in this law if they have detected
If th-we advocates nf this bonding is
sno are not ecioaint'd with these
I'-jokers" then they should have this
jlaw legally interpreted asd Ihen x-ivej
jus the berwfit of this information, j
i That is fair. Xe puidic spirited, pa-;
triotie citiren ean afford to do ethe-r-,
wise. If thy do not care to ro this j
(for the guidance of eur voters, the in-;
I, 1. I. .4 V.. ,.,l.,.r. I
lormauun can ot bi'(uuu m,y v.u.'wi
FOR SALE Enrlv Rose seed potatoes.
1110 Lee St. Phone 1542. i 12
FOR SALE I vear old milk cow $40.
Phone 9F24. ' 4 13
WANTED To rent a piano.
TOR RENT Small heuse partly furn
ished. Phone 1936M. 4 12
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Call at 113
Union St. any time Sunday or after
5 p. m. week days. 4-14
BOARD and room for 4 working men
at 891 N. Com., near cannery, $7.50
a week. 4 12
WANTED Lady, without children, to
take care of elderly lady end help
with housework on farm. W. H.
Humphreys Jr. Phone 22F3. Shaw,
.Ore. 414
FOR SALE 210 acres geod land, new
house, small Italian prune orchard,
bearingf good roads, eheap. Write
B. M. Woods, 4.Vi Court St. or call
first house north West Salem school
bouse. 4 1-
OUH HOME for sale, bv ownei; splen
did seven room house, full basement,
nice firi'plaee, furnace heat, large
improved lot 63x11)5, on Chemeketa
street, one block from stale capitol.
Keasonablo price, terms to suit. Ad
dress II 19 care Journul. 4 18
FOR SALE 5 room plastered eot
tagc located in South Silem. pri
vate water system. Price $1300;
$200 down, balance monthly pay
ments, 6 percent interest. 4 room
modern house basement, east lTont
lot. Price $1250. Terms. W. H.'
Orabenhorst & Co., 273 State St.
TOR SALE Or trnde, 40 acres in
Washington county, good soil, no
rock or gravel, small house and bar,
other outbuildings, good tpring of
water; about 20 acres good timber;
A good deal for some one. Address
305 X. 24th St. or phone 1013. 4 12
JUST secured from eastern manufac
turer Pacific coast rights for auto
accessory used by Fords; not a lux
ury; an absolute necessity. Want
party to take full charge of busi
ness as interested part owner; ;y
time occupied elsewhere; or will sell
county or state rights. 247 Golden
Gats Ave., San Francisco.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 12. Every
man in the Pacific coast states shonld
be officially registered so it will be
possiblo to determine wh0 1 the Amer
lean and who is the alien, Mayor Ole
Hanson of Settle declared iRst night In Livock from interfering with the eif
an address beforo the City club. tedy of the child who is now with his
"We are thrown into competition
with the yeljow race and we eanner
ronipeto wnn tnem, jianson aeciareu.
"It is here that we sec the nocessity
of the nation restricting immigration."
Ccurt House Notes
Mary Hockett of Voodtmrn has sued
J. C. Wugcmmi of the same city for
$1000 for Blunder, In her complaint she
ullcges that on April 1, 1919, "ho did
tlieu and there unlawfully, wickedly
and maliciously slander unci defame
plaintiff in a falso and defamatory
manner and by openly and publicly ae-
cusing suid plaintiff of running 11 disor-
derly houso, in other words, u house of
ill fame." It is ul ) alleged in tho
complaint tnut lie mime trie remnrss 10
thc ,.01nmml council and mayor or
Wixuliiuin und that a lot ot tiystumlers
wore around when he made the remt.rks.
Thn rxiiiitiliiint filw mlilw t'llnd Wnrn
na(J() f0f tl8 tirmjl)0 of ijrinK na
((,llIllilla plaintiff in lier person and
mug pi
reputuliun, und that said accusiitions
and statements were wholly fulku and
lintruo and wero made by the defendant
willfully, maliciously aud purposely."
I .Mrs. Hockett states in her complaint
lllint she lives at her home in Wood-
! bum with her husband und eleven chil
Mrs. L. Wilson has brought suit
ugr.inst J. J. Stone for the possession of
two black horses worth $350, a set of
harness worth $100, wugon worth $35,
K"1'" 8'"'k worth $5 und four horse
,"""" cuv im inum
"f Bnmc or judgment for $490, und $5j
lor uuiuwiiu uctcnuoii.
A mandate nns neen rnea wnn rne j
county clerk from the supreme court in
which tho decision of the lower court
in tho case of Dora II. Clark vs. M. L. I
Jones wes tffairmed, in n judgment ol
$300 against Mr. Jones. Thc meo was,
, one in which uu automobile belonging !
.to Mr. Jones run over Mrs. Clark and
she sued for $500 damages. Mr. Jones I
)mt froth the circuit ami supreme'
court. j
. ,
A preliminary restraining order has
Vm,.n issued against Mabel Buiiick in a
, . I,rnuirht nirainst her. The suit In-
volves the custody 0f the five year-old
May we suggest' a Strang of Beads, a Pearl Necklace,
or a Diamond Piece of grace and beauty, that will be
in keepirgwith the Easter gown. We invite you to
come in and see our selections.
Jewelers and Opticians
N. W. Corner State and Liberty Streets
Dairy farm of 4'J arris. All new
buildings; Urge modem hoiiM, baru
60!el; silo; 20O 'acres cultivated,
(more than half in erop now ) Splen
did range of farm machinery; IK
head of sheep aud goats; 11 hogs, 10
head of eattle, 6 horses; all hay and
feed seed. etc. The whole ranch,
complete at $90 an acre. Close to R.
R. town and high srhool.
5 room bnngulow, new; very com
fortable little home, 'i block oft
main street; 2 beautiful lots, t.vd
fruit. $2000.
260 S. 14th street, good 5 room
bungalow, $2800. Goed terms.
10U acre apple orchard; no build
ings. Fine location. $2500.
10 acres with good house and out
buildings. All cultivated, $.000.
$400 down balance easy. A real
i acres ana large, moucin nousc-
just outside city limits. $4750.
5 acres; 34 acre loganberries, fine
fruit. Dandy soil. New buildings;
horse, 2 cows, chickens, implements,
etc. etc. Off Silverton road. $22W
the lot.
Locd at this one) 5 acres 1 mi lo
from S. Commercial street car. ii
acres lognns; 2 acres full ocarina,
cherries; good modern house with
bath, etc Gal lighting plant. $4o0O
9 acres mar Pralum, 6 acres logan
berries; no buildings. Fine land.
10 acres i mile to B. R. 5 acre,
loganberries; 4V4 nerts evergreea
blackberries family orehard. Woven
wire fenced. No buildings. $3200.
H acres nt Fruitland-, good build
ings fiiie little family orchard. A
good loganberry proportion, $1300.
Quarter of a city blcck; spletMliit
fruit and fine soil; 7 room house suit
fully modern exet-pt basement; $3,
500. $1000 cash wilt handle. Bat
ance long time.
13-211) Masouie Building
son. A few years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Banick were divorced and the mother
given custody of the boy. In his com
plaint Mr. Banick states that he is of
the opinion of Mabel Banick, now Mrs.
Livock, threatens to remove from the
state with the boy. The court granted
the restraining order and enjoined Mrs.
' maternal Brest irrandnarenta. Mr. anil
Mrs. A. J, Bidinger of Quinaby.
In the ease of Alice E. Pago vs.
Henry Fawkc, O. A. Fisher and others,
(J. A. Fisher prays the eourt for fore
closure proceedings against item
Fawkc and that ho bo given a judg
ment for $1112 and $105 attorney's
T. N. Derby, receiver of tho ludo-
rieiirlcnt Hunt Mnrlri.t VfttM,i.H ttt.it Ttt.
k(,nw(l k Co,t 0f Portland, claimed the
Fairbanks scales ami two meat blocks
f Hie market, sold on contract, and
ttaist P. W. Bcyelts claimed ono marble
top counter. The rest of the personal
property of tho market he sold lit nnc
tiim fur $lu(i.34, and this with tho
'7.89 in bank, made totiil receipts of
$.-,34.23. The expenses of the receiver-
ship gmnunted to $131.50. Of this
amount, $50 was fnr attorney 's fees and
fr the receiver. There is now in
the hands of the receiver $102.73. If
f(n miiny claims l() not come In, it is
thought that flic receiver may be nblo
t ,n ..II I 0 1 '. t - . - .t...
' The admiiiintrnl rices of tlio esfato of
James Finlay, liavo filed bond. Tim
estate is appraised at $1000. The saiim
administratrices were appointed for the
estate of Suruli A. Fiulay. This eslato
is valued at about $1000. Tho admin-
istrntrices are Ella T. Km Hit and Edith
IB. Phillips.
I Frederick D. Thielsen, executor of the
last will nnd testuuieiif of Henry I),
Thicken, has been authorized by the
court t assiirii to John W. Roland, tho
interest of the estate in the late firm
u i uidixcii iiouinii.
Are now able to take
care of your plumbing
wants in their new loca
tion, 220 North Com
mercial street. Phone
1GG8. -
4-M City Recorder. i the column, of the r-:'al- J