Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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H asjr! wi the wandering pleas-
la that land from whence yo
Were the mountains higher and bluer
Than those of your western home?
Hi the loag road run more smoothly
To a ky more deeply blue
.Vera the fiiieyards tweeter than
cherry bloom '
Did it (rem like home to Tout
"O, I loved the ancient highways
And the simple kindly folk.
Their hearth firea and their open gales
And the quaint old tongue they
The high blue sHes and fertile fields,
Their aonga, ao haunting sweet
But, oh, and it 'a good to be liunie agala
A-dreara at my lady 'a feet!"
.Aad, say. were the white nights whiter
The dayg more filled with goldf
Did the Ion? light (lie more slowly
In that alien land and old!
"Were tho shadows in old Cathedrals
Softer than some we know
In a little wood we found one day
In a springtime, long agof
"O, 'twaa pausing fair of an evening
In the gardens of old chateaux,
Or watching the light on the river
That slow through the city flows.
But what eare I for the aunlight
Or the moon or the starlight too
When 1 can aee through the dusking
The eyea and the lips of you I"
The Indian pantomime work of
lira. Oscar Oingrich ia becoming moro
nil more a popular favorite at social
and club gathering. Thursday after
noon ahe and Mit Kuth Bedford, her
talented svecompnnist, delighted tho
Thursday afternoon club at the social
gathering for which Mrs. Ccorga Bur
nett and Mrs. Uusscll Catlin were joint
The program consisted of a group
of Jndinn on!B, "Red Willow mcli
los,""Jr the Waters of Minnctonka"
"Echo," and a lulliiby, ''.Sleeping In
fant," the latter two being in the orig
inal text. An Indian dance completed
tho entertainment.
The Burnett residence was beautl
fully dmtrt'ated for tho occasion.
Wild currant and fragrant apple bios
aoras, in tho reception hall, produced
spring timo effect in artistio keep
ing with the program', while the ban
quet table was handsomely centered
fV You will enjoy
l Served Noon until 8 p. m.
. r $1.00
Choice of Tomato Bouillon or Rice Chicken Houp
Tickles Wipe Olives
Choice of
Htowcd Chicken with Baked Dumplings
Boast Beef and Dressing
Mashed Potatoes
and Gravy
Choice of Creamed Cauliflower or Fresh
Choice of
Potato or fruit Salad
Bread end Butter
Apple, Coeonnut Custard or Kliubarb I'io
Loganberry, Maple Nut, Vanilla or Chorolata
Ico Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
We are also serving a
415 State St.
ill i N
JA 7
WWMtTttMHytmwmtttH tttSttttttttttyTttTtTTT-
with vellow and white daffodils and
narcissi. An exceedingly delightful
time waa. had by those present. The
guest list included ail members of tha
Thurslay afternoon club.
Professor Poll a Crowdcr Miller of
Willamette university west to Eupene
IViday evening in company with Flor
ence Ishirloy, who represented the uni
.versity ia the oratorical contest. They
were accompanied by delegates iroin
each class.
An event of interest in the social
calendar of the fast week was tha de
lightful dinner party at which Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Clover and Mr. and Mrs.
John Brophy entertained a eoterie of
friends last Monday night, t the Glov
er residence. The affair succeeded the
danee given by the Monday .Night
daneinit club at the Masonic Temple,
and the guests were all members of
the club. A charming white and yel
low eolor scheme waa carried out in
the entire plan of decorations, the
dinner tallica being gracefully center
ed with yellow daffodils and the out
er room, being artistically decked
with the yellow bloom of Oregon grope
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wiedmer, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B.
Wc-lib, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom flalloway, Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Darby, Mr. and Mrs.
Koy Burton Mr. and Mrs. I'aul John
son, Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. Olson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Perry, Mr. and Mrs.
William MoOilchrist Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. William Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
Kov Mills, Mr. and Mrs. George Rich
es, Mi s fyhil Harrington. Will Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy and Mr.
and Mrs. lialph Glover.
The meeting of tho North Salem Wo
man's club which was held at the homo
of Mrs. Merle Prunk, Front and Mar
ket streets, Wednesday afternoon, was
one of the most enjoyable In the hia
torv of tho organization. The hostess
I had transformed (he house into a vori
' table bower of flowers. Huge jarde-
nierea of fragrant poach blossoms
matched their beauty with artistic
vHse. of ilo blue and pink hyacinths
in the parlor and reception hall, while
,'IniwIs of graceful duffodila adorned
the living room. Mrs. Oscar Gingrich
.'delighted the guests with one of tho
I oeniiliful Indian pantomime programs
for which she is noted. Hor costume
was a beautiful creation of white doe
Imndy Chicken Dinner
Gray Belle
440 Stat St.
For two days only, Monday and Tuesday,
April 14 and 15. We will close out all odd,
soiled and discontinued models in our stock at
$2.98 Each
Nearly all sizes in the lot See State street
window display. Corsets in this lot sold as
high as $8.50 each. Remember TWO days
"Home of Queen Quality Shoes"
'skin with a wide sash of woven bead
work. Her accompanist, Miaw Rath
Bedford, wore an Indian gowa of kha
ki and leather. The program consisted
of aa "Echo Song;" a song in panto
mime entitled "By the Water, of
Minnetonka;" a sore song, "Red Wil
low Pueblos," and a character dance
"Big Chief Dantooset." A poem by
Virginia Grey of Seaside entitled 'The
legend of the Kinnikinic," waa read
at the close.
Additional guests of the club were
Miss Harriett La Rue, Mrs. Lynn Pur
vine and Mrs. MUo Mathews.
The aext meeting of the North Sa
lem Woman 'a club will be held at the
Cherry City bakery where the women
will be given a demonstration of the
work and will be the guests of the
management at an informal luncheon.
Mrs. W. 8. Thompson was charming
hostess at a line party at le Liberty
theater Tuesday afternoon in honor of
her daughter, Mrsa Aline Thompson,
who has recently returned from tho
east. Following the matinee tea was
served to the guests at the Thompson
residence on Choniekcta street. Those
ipresont were Mrs. Frederick Thielscn,
.Mrs. j. u. van Doren, Mrs. William
Burghardt Jr., Mr. Charles Fisher,
Mrs. William Lytle, Mrs. Ronald
Glover, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Mrs.
John Roberts, Mrs. Dun Fry Jr., Mrs.
Connell Dyer, Mrs. Walter L. Me
louxal, Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, Miss
Aline Thompson and the hostess.
The woman 'a building fund commit
tee of the Stale Federation of Wo
man's clubs lias seized the psycholog
ical moment in the short lull between
war drives and the renewal of an ante
bellum quietude in which to speed to
a finish the campaign for the remain
ing W.OOl) for tho woman's building
at the University of Oregon. Some
timo ago the clubwomen of the state
volunteered to raise lOO.IMM) to match
tho appropriation of the same amount
made by the state legislature. The
time in which the women have been
given to raise their sum will soon have
elapsed and unless the money is forth
coming within tho next few weeks the
state contribution will be forfeited.
Already the women of the state have
rnisod .iL,n(H), but the last lap of the
race is still to come.
Mrs. George T. Cerlinger, a regent
of the state university, has done a
great deal to forward interest in the
project among the women, Mrs. Hoy
Bishop of Pendleton has been appoint
ed stato chairman of the committee by
Mrs. C. H. C'a'.ituer, federation presi
dent, and she has in turn appointed
Mrs. George McMath district chair
man for Multnoinuh ami four other
President P. I. Campbell, of the
stato university, has written the club
women an enthusiastic letter of nippre
cintion on their nerewed efforts in the
interests of the woman's building fund
Among the gay social events of the
past, week the informal dance nt the
I Malice Country club lint evening
stands out a one of the most enjoy
able. The Invitation list included mem
bers of the Tillieum club and a num
ber of additional guests. Mr. and
Mrs. E. V. Carleton, Mr. and Mrs.
Winer Imiie, Mr. and Mrs, P. O. De
lnno, Mr. and Mra. P.- E. Fullerton,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Dr. and
rH "t
The Joy Of A
t renect akin
i v . tu. a
y . ltV" uw aiiu .
hsppincss tlist comes F
to one thru possessing
a skin of puriiy and J
"beauty. The soft, dis-J
tinguished' appearance it F
enucrs brings out your
natural beauty to its full-1
est. In use over 70 veers. I
114 Liberty St
Mrs. O. A. Olson and Mr. and Mrs.
T At T V - . I - .1 ..
lightful affair, which was in the form
of a "middy and shirt waist" party.
A yellow ucorariv note wag acfiiev-
cd in the adornments cf toe rooms.
Tcllow sis res subdued the lights and
. . 1 . o . . w
tranafomed the place into a. eJfia
oower. i aie yeui-w roses luui'u mm t . p-j-u,,..; -v.j
air of refined decency that only roseSiTi,;, morn ig, Mlsg Flora Case, city
have the power of bs twing. A four i librarian, delighted the little ones with
piece orchestra famished the music ,j
j .. . . j.i:.:.... i .'the two harpy fairy tales entitled,
ior lae oanciug, sau a uciiciuu unn
wa nerved ia the eourse of the eve-
aing. Dwarf." The secret of the suecess of
Members of the elub present were: these weekly gatherings lips in the fact
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Austin, Mr. and) that those who conduct them have a
1 T ' 1.tAn Mr mnA tm i..ll i --.i;,. AC m.tiafr fin.
and Mr. J. a. Austin, nr. ana that those who conduct tnem nave a
. D. C. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. i full understanding of just what ap
f f:i.i ... i tv a I , . i. . a :Man;na,;nn.
Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dav-'of ehildrea.
is. Dr. and Mrs. Fred El'rn, Mr. and ...
Mrs) George Elgin. Mr. and Mra. L. J Mrs. Harry Wenderoth, who has
W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.I been planning a trip to San Antonio,
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Inman. Texas, in the near future, has 'x'en
r .1 i ii' 1 v:.k u. ..11 . . , . . i. : j . r: : . .. I kA
.H r Bkliu jaro. f. . a. "".OOllgVa 10 pOSipOU II. inuriiniirij ire
Mra. C. E. Knowland, Mr. and Mrs. I cause of the recent accident that be
Uarnntn Klihtl Mf. and Mr. oJa Oa-!f.,11 kA. oAn km ,nn, nfi ltift chill
Barnum Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. oJe Oa
wold, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Purvine,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Quinn, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Siewcrt. Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Stiff. Mr. and Mrs? II. L. 8 vies, Mr.
and Mrs. B. W. Simeral, Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. (Pavage Mr. and Mra. C.
A. Vibbert, Mr. and Mrs. F. L: Wa
ters, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. White and
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright.
Additional guests were Mrs. Ada
Petram, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brophty.
Mr. and Mrs. Koy Burton, Mr. and
Mrs. Miller Bevier, Mr. and Mrs.
It. A. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke
Patton Mr. and Mrs. W. I. 8taley,
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Dal;-.elle and
Mr. and Mrs. II . C. Varney of Port
land ...
Mrs. Georgo Pearce was charming
1 . f.,.vf,nn at fin in-
uusirsis -3it-i ua, ... ...
formal tea in honor of her niece, 0
rinne "Riely" Barker, to which a few
m.. nvil.wl. The
uimiaiu in,imo ...........
i Jr..:.i:....liv .l.,ff,ii.,it,l with
spring flowers, pale yellow being the
iiuuu una a, nniii.K..j Mivv.,.,..
wont to rort!id this morning nd
for New York immediately
by way of the Canadian provinces.
r.. urni'iam Riiriilmrdt Jr.. is
planning an extensive musical program
for toe May meeting oi me rairm
11'nm.i,'. cluh ifnr which hn will be
hostess. This will be "guest day" and
the event promise to be unrivalled in
the nnnnls of club history in Sulom.
The Salem Woman a chid is one oi
ti,,. mn nmminent anil active omans
of the city and its monthly meetings
aro always entnusiasticaijy ainciii
ed by its members. "Guest day" will,
no doubt, out class, if possible, all for
mer meetings. A list or tne cnieriuin
ers follows: Miss Cathtirine Carson,
Mia. Rartnn. Miss Lucile Elliott, irs.
Thomas Galloway, Mrs. R. jh. Hofer,
Miss Hodgo, Miss Ada Miller, Miss
Marjorio Marvin, Mis lorothy Pearco,
T,.ir tifia Kierlmi?. Mrs. Ar
thur Rahn, Mrs.,, Carlton Smith, Mrs.
Stites, Mrs, Behraptm and Mrs, John
Roberta. ,
This meeting will take place on the
t,,ih nf Mav and will bo the last one
held by the club this year.
" jm ja ja
MJr. Robert L. Matthewa enter
. tm frlpnrU with a merry
"500" party Wednesday night. Bril
liant tulips and low bowls of pansies
formed the decorations. Mrs. Mat
thews was assisted in serving the dain
ty refreshments by her aistcr, Mrs. 0.
1. Allen of Ohio, who ia her guest
durinir a visit of indefinite length.
n ...
Mra. Georgo Burnett left this morn
ing for a few w'i'k vi8it in Culifor
: ul. ;n u Cn. whiln. 1h jrnc&t
niu. row run - b
of her aistcr Mrs. Jordon, and later
of ber niece, Mrs. William Morris,
v.th nr lixrVelev. Mrs. Ed Weller and
"Mrs. Hulat, aister of Mrs. Morris,
are also guests at tne juorris rv-
,. V . i c. . . three daughters. The guests were seat
Mrs. Walter McDougal lert yester- pd around , tahllli beautifully eenter
day for an extended visit in England. wUi mjuia;Ure lako on which
She will be the guest of Mr. McDou- ducklings floa.ed, giving a
gal 'a mother in Buffalo for auoui iwo
,lo for about two
inportahon anil
hile there. Her
weeks arranging tran
securing pHms
tour of England will be detal cd, in-
eluding all the historic and literary
fiMi.iiriiia nusHiHirts wh
points of interest with which
.Viui v. .1" t
. an lnfilv Afwociated
Mra. McDniignl waa accompanied on
the journey by her two children.
Mra. Milton L. Meyers, who went
to .Portland last week, will remain
over until the early part of next week,
visiting friends in the metropolis,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Carleton, Mr.
and Mrs. M. L. Meyers, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Brown and Dr. and Mrs.
(. A. Olson composed party to
i .(.. -1 in.t ..a,,!, in attend the Ms-
onio celebrations in that city. While
there the women were xno tfu.i-",
prominent Portland club and society
Numberless Salem peopla will be de
lighted to hear that Mrs. Alia David
of Atlanta, Georgia, is planning a trip
to t)reiton'this fall. She will bo ac
companied by her hustanit ana iwo
A....k,..r. .i,,t sill In. tho sliest of
her iarent, Mr. and Mrs. Oiarlea T.
Meliitire, during ber visit ia ouiem.
The ere country trip will be made
in an automobile, and tlua will e
Mr. David s fim i"it to Oregon.
Mrs. Aira Iavid is one of the beet
re.iitvnta of the Capi
tal city and her bi annual visit are
ilwaya looKeil furwarit 10 who a rvi
deal of interest by her many friends
and acquaintances.
tin T. A . Ijvcilcr. who left re-
ceatlv for British Columbia to meet
her brother. Ward I Beck, lateiy re
leased from s-TVice wim me v n....n
expeditionary forces, is expected home
Monday. Mr. De Beck will be a guest
at the Livenler home some time in
the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes are en
tertaining as their guests Mr. and
Mrs. John Maxwell of Kn.a. Mr.
Maxwell who is engaged in the wheat
industry ia his native state, ia aa o.d
..l.lm.ia nf VI r ItarnM . Thursday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Itaraes were' OoHnne "Biely" Barker, pepolar
hosts at a drlightful dinner party la',., ,nj ,,,. h,. f.,,,,,,,. u
their fconor having aa additional guests pgjen, , , brief visit with friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MiUs and Mr
1 i T TT T. I PArlaml
Sunday they will motor to Portland'
nj entertain Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell,
Mr. and Mrs. .Millg ana iir. ana
Mrs. Baker on a trip on the Columbia
Chorea, hour at th. public library
- -
"The Selfish Giaat," and "The Green
fell her little son. As soon as the child
ia able to go, however, tncy win leave
for the proposed visit to her mother
in the- "lone star" state.
CanitmJ Assembly "So. 84 1'nited Ar
tisans, met for a socinl gathering at
the Masonic Temple Thursday evening
After a short business session a love
ly musical program was presented con
si s t ng of
Violin duet Hobert Ramsden and
Walter Firming, pupils of Miss Joy
Vccal solo Mablc Brassfield.
niann tu,!n flelpn KjHTtKllcn .
tlunnincr .nit tramps filled the re-
"I. p
mainder of the evening. The commit
tee for the aftair eonsisiea or .rs.
Bornardi Mrs. Reader and Mrs. Day.
. .
Miss. Helen Jane Busliee of Seattle
twill DO me
Mark skiff
will ba the iruest of Dr. and :Jrs.
over Sunday.
rn.k inlercMrt ia bcinp shown in the
i weeaiy s
eekly hiking club organiied by Miss
..inn I'hilliim. . a feature of her
hieicn Phillips,
gymnasium class which has met regu
larly thru the winter at te mgn
a,.K.,nl frvmnfifiitim. Thfl clllh COnSistH
of all instructors of physical training
in tne city scnoois anu au ii-Kiiri
..l. ;.L tn n',n thotVl. ThllM fa. .he
club haa had" three fiicnics and has ar
.an.) fichi1nle for the reminder
of the school year, which includes sev
eral week end trips or "special micrcsi,
among them being a trip to Lanch
Mountain and one to Sisver Creek
TKnu wtin hnv. en inved the hikes
so far aro Misses Helen Phillips, Mar
garet Cnsper, Anna Fischer, Mona
Green, Marion Richmond, Merle Uim-
mo, Lucile Watson, lyaura nute, vr
pha hell Etta White, Adona Cochrune,
Mablo Temple, Christabel Jewctt, Eve
lyn Brown. Ocio Brown, Floy Norton,
Dollie Smith, Lylo Murray, Margaret
l,..,i. Vnr.. Perkins. Irene Rineheim,
nfrcd Hurd, Fredrika Kopf, Grace
Lick, Lua wmitn, ueorgia r.uis, mii
dred Cox and Florion Linktulcr.
The meeting of the Woman's Relief
Corpa aid society Thursday afternoon
waa one of the most elaborate affairs
of tho week. Mrs. S. W. Cook enter
tained the members at her home on
South Winter street, tho assistant
hostesses being Mrs. P. E. Ackemian,
Mrs. J. J. Ackerman, Mrs. W. U.
Ackerman, Mrs. J. T. Adams, Mrs.
L. W. Acheson and Mrs. E. T. Adair.
Tho hall and reception room were dec
orated with art baskets filled with
wild lamb tongues and red currant
blosscma for which an array of grace
ful ferns formed an artistic back
ground. The ladies worked diligently
for the Red (ross, the pleasant hours
being interspersed with musie and
song. A special feature of the after-
....- i,ntrt linntrnt firo.. the rcsdillff
of an original war poem by Harold L.
During the refreshment hour the
hottcs. was further assisted by ber
f wXwn of Kastcrtide, and
RRyly .j.,.,! with Japa-
;,. hintuni and irreenery.
,,,, quince blossoms an
Thfl h( wfn nMaed
b((, .hsdps ,
IBU .....w - - r. -
.... l A ji
with red,
white and blue shades, and were prot
I ...rin K!nfiUmfl.
:i.. ,l..li..,l with finrlncr OlOSHOmS.
ii,.,i fifw member en ioved the
ho-ipitality of the charming hostess.
Friends of Mrs. Herbert A'unn will
be delighted to hear that she has been
discharged ifrom tho hcspital and is
n-valeseinii from her recent illneaj at
tome. .
The Chautauqua Reading circle met
Thursflay afternoon at the home of
Mrs. R. B. GoocRn. The regular order
of business was eovered and an enjoy
able and profitable time had by all.
The past week was taken up with
the centenary observance of the Fust
Methnd;t Episcopal church, which be
Kan. hundny nt the morning services
and will dose today.
Monday evening Miss Lulu Heist en
tertained the Standard lkarera of the
church at her home on North Com
mercial street. An invitation was is
sued to all girls over fourteen years
of ago and a merry time was experienc
ed by all who attended. Tuesday eve
ning the department of public t,jk
ing of Willamette university, under
the direction of Professor iDella Crow
der Miiler prtsented Horace Kahskopf
in a dramatic recital' at -Waller hall.
He was ani'trd by Miss Myrtle Ma
son and Mist Winnifrcd Ayre.
Members of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary seciety were the guests of
Mrs. M.C. Find'lrv Wednesday after
noon at ber home, Z'H North 50th
street. Devotions were led by Mrs. II.
1). Smith and the lcon entitled, "Isa
bella Thohura," was given by Mrs.
A. A. rnderhill. Friday morning the
annual W T. M. 8. d strict meeting
Kn.,n M Gorlfrcv nf India
and Mi a Ary J. Holland of Malaysia
were p-esent and adiiressea the asecm
blv Jridav evenins. The tceial side of
th ctde-bration came to a close this
afternoon when Mrs. Lee entertained
I aoliiiht f val Fwter party.
I i
te senior K'. Hen.1 ;iri at a
"Where Shopping is a Pleasure'1
Easter Toggery for
Silk Petticoats
Lingerie Underwear
Every item for wear or use
Look over our line of Easter Gifts, Parisian Ivory,
Novelty Jewelry, Box Stationery, Fancy Combs,
Leather Hand Bags, Embroidered Linens, Handker
chiefs, Umbrelas, Toilet Articles.
U. G. Shipley Co. J
and relatives. Miss Barker will leape
for New York tomorrow evening, go
ing by way of the Canadian provinces
State, county and local unions of
the W. C. T. U. nre engrossed with
proparations for the big "Million Dol
lar and Million Member" drive" insti
tuted by tho national nnion as their
jubilee celebration for tho triumph of
national prohibition.
The money for which tho unions arc
now preparing will not be undertaken
until after the victory loan campaign
is over but many preparatory meet
ings and functions will be necessary
to launch tho drive successfully. Not
able among these is the luncheon to' be
given at the Portland hotel Friday
noon to introduce Mrs. Florence Ewell
Atkins of Nashville, Tenn., a national
iii,n, nf wide renute. who will ex
plain the aims of the drive and the
philanthropies to whicn tae money win
he applied. Am!ng other saeakcrs at
the banquet will be Mayor Baker, Col
onel May, and, perhaps, Governor Ol-
cott. - . .
At a largely attended and enthusi
astic, meeting held in Portland last
Wednesday. Mrs. Gilbert, Multnomah
,l,.f fitntpd that because
of the numerous army posts m Wash
ington and the proximity oi Vancou
ver barracks to Portland, the Wash
ington W. 0. T. V. had asked Port
land to take over tho hospital work
there, and that a part of Oregon's
h.r. nf the money raised would be
spent ;for that purpose.
Mrs. taiterson was un,",ll,,u
er mission superintendent and Mrs.
Tsvlor "key woman" for the drive.
"Lessons from the war," a patriotic
song written and composed by Mr. and
Mrs. Allen of the Oregon Conservatory
. . f..B;n finnir hv Mrs. Bnrtce.
I.. ... , il ! ... .,f ..Hi
Mrs. L. i amen, m '
prepared paper, gave her thought as
to the most valuable lessons the war
had taught us. Miss Burns, in a few
well chosen words, put emphasis e-n the
lessor, that 'in union there is strength'
The legislative superintendent, Mrs.
Newell, offered the following resolu
tion which is to be sent to congress
when endorsed by a sufficient number
of prominent women's organizations:
"Whereas, the effort to American
ixe the foreign born resiilents of our
country had received great impels? as
a result of war conditions, and
"Whereas, any American born wo
man who marries a foreigner, whether
a declarent or not immediately and
automatically loses her citizenship, and
"Whereas, it seems incredible that
we should continue this double process
of naturalizing foreigners on the one
hand and denaturalizing native born
citizens on the other,
"Therefore, be it resolved, that we
ask congress to enact such lejislation
aa will insure to every native born
woman her birthright as an American
citizen regardless of the political stat
us of her husband. "
This resolution was unanimously
. .
Mrs. Armin Steinrr and son, Karl,
.n.nlnn fi hricf -i(t in Wnnfiniirn
aa the guests of Mrs. E. G. Emmett.
Albert Stone, one of our progressive
farmers of the I'nion district rant of
this city, has a new one. Last year he
planted some sorghum seed and the cane
matured well. This year he has dis
tributed seed to a dozen or moro farm
era so they ran plunt an eighth of an
acre each. He has enough more to plant
five or six acre and anyone interested
may secure some of it from him. ar.
Stone states that Mr. llershbergcr of
Hubbard U Hilling to put in ma&hinery
to extruct the juice from tho cane if
enough furmcis can be induced to grow
it. Though only in fcn experimental
stage it looks like a very good proposi
tion if it can bo raised successfully
here. Mr. Stono wants other farmer
to try it and see if it can be made n
success. Wosdburn Independent.
M's. F. A. Wood wns g. est at a sur
prise flirty Sui.di.y, the occasion bci.g
In r -i.'nl l;rtl,di.y. A 'L.i.piuoiis
n i . Mini aid a Uf. ightful ailti
noon si fDt,
IL'ir i'...ui vce iclarrjefl C'o.-i
Scinciiifu.'tli .'.".-s icbiiition and ro,
( tr ii . .Mr. i.nd ,M.-. i.',.;,ii'l, Fred ami
Willie Ireland, ;i 1 Mr. t.u I Mrs. Hovcit
:ill f ! v auf 'f. Miles an
cl,ii:-u. MilU Ilia si '. Frederick, J. W.
Wiiod. fur I Weill Jin''. Ireland, F, A.
Wood and wife, Everett and Eii'cv,
Wood. Tribune.
The Goleta club of Shaw net Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. William
Howd, quite a number of member
were present, also guests. After a so
cial hour a miscellaneous progrsur
was given by tho ladies, followed by
a dainty luncheon served by the host
ess. This organizaticn has been well
attemled for over five years; no lacr.
of interest in evidence at any time,
the next meeting will be April 21th,
Thursday, with Mrs. Chamberlain.
and Its
are of paramount interest
right now for the Easter
parade is made or marred by
its "Easter bonnets."
We have never before fea
tured such variety in styles,
colors and models.
And good reproductions of
"model" hats are here a
plenty in the most fashion
able colors and designs.
Miss Larsen
At P. E. Fullerton's