THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 12, 1919. PA.iF SRYPN Go to Church Sunday Subjects of Sermons and Where They Win Be Delivered in Salera Houses of Worship, Tomorrow &loU of tmmv IP "From There" jfer General Pershing's Official Report Nasarene Church. .didly invite the publi to omc and wor- le:..,,,. .i. xi...;.... ..,.....,., . . . . "' "v.iui uu ...... .u.i o... .u. Bu,p Wlu ug- services will be as usual. Sunday school Lutheran Churn. Esist State and 18th streets. Sunday shcool at 10 a. iu. Divine service at 10:30 a. iu. A class o catechumens will t 9:4o a. iu., W. B. Hardy, superintend cut. Pleaching at 11:00 a. in. aud 8:00 We are waking the Sunday evening service a special service t.nd it is tu be 'be confirmed. Luther league at 7 p. strictly evangelistic. Good singing. m- Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Sub- Prayer meeting at 8o 'clock Wednes- jcet Loyalty to Christ. Geo. Koekler. day eveniug. 'pastor. Everybody cordiully invited to these! meetings. Just the olii gospel meet- Scandinavian Methodist Church, ings. A. Wells, pastor, Florence Wells,! Fifteenth aud Mill streets. Kev. A. deaconess. jE. Liud will preach the sermon at the don, Pa. jioreuoou service, ii o ciock. xoe ouu- Coaunons Mission. duy school will begin at 10 a. iu.' Mr. No. 241 State strocc, Hunday after- (iust Anderson, superintendent. The soil at 3 o'clock. Do not get ausukeu' Scandinavians iu Salem will be ijiter- The following casualties are reported by the commanding general of the Am erican t-speditiouary forces: Killed in action 3 Pied of wounds lied of accident and other causes Died of disease Wounded severely Wounded degree undetermined 16.' Wounded slightly .. , -.. 1061 Missing in action 12. 3 19, oil Total . 203 Killed In Action. Sergt Douglas McLean, Duluth Miun Private Marshall O Lin-sons, Cluren- ju the place because the Salvation Army ested in the announcement that aro to has its sign 0u the hall, for we aro botn be given Sunday. A cordial invitation using the same hall for the present. This to til. is a uiireieut meeting. Everybody wel eome and invited to come, superintendent. ells Court Street Church of Christ. Comer of Court and North Seven- First Church of Christy Scientists. Sunday servicis are held at 410 Che meketa street at 11 a. in. Subject of the liible lesson Are Sin, Disease and Death Real! Sunday school at 9:4o a. tee n tli streets. Beginning Lord's Dnv in. Wednesilav evening testimonial wonting and every night of this coining 'meeting at 8 u. m. Bculiiii? room in' for weeK we will conduct a series ot real . -Masonic temple open every day except Died from Accident and Other Causes, live revival services with home forces. Sunday and holidnvs from 11:45 to 6 Johnson, Howard W., Wilmington, Died from Accident and other Causes Glenn, George P., Lynchburg, Va. lleckmun, Walter, New York, fhaptinski, Theodore, Clevemnu, O. Beanchionelle, Guiseppe, Philadelphia. Edgiuon, Hessie, Mossvillo, Ark. Freeman, Prank F., Lynn, Msas, Gibson, Hugh Hillery, Ebson, Kans. Ketley, Johu Francis, Cleveland, O. Kerr, John S., Fcdorick, Ok!a. Pnrncll, Kdwin, Choudrant, la. White, Ashury M., Pueblo, Colo. Smith, Royal D., Hammond, X. Y. Killed iu Action. Rex 11. Conrad, Ponca, Mich The pastor will lead the song service p. m. room 201). All aro invited to our and do the preaching. Every member services and to our reading room. vi ine congregation is asked to attend these services and be a real soul winner for Christ. There will be special music. Church of God. 1210 North Church street. Sunday aolos, duets, etc. We would appreciate school at 10 a. m. Preaching services volunteer orchestra for this meeting. 'at 11 a. m. und 7:43 p. in. 1'n.yer if you play bring your instrument und meeting at 7:13 p. m. on Wednesday help us make the song service a num-levelling. The revival services will bo nier. The meeting will only last one ' K" oil the 20th of April and will be week. We invito evervbodv t attend : conducted bv Evangelist Oscar Lewis. each service. The song service will be giii at 7:13 o'e'ock each night. Our Bible school is in a contest and interest in its success is growing. Come liclp us make it a great school. Morn ing worship at 10:00 o'clock and 12:00 noon, including Uible school. Tho pas tor will talk to the little folks about A cordial invitation is given to all to attend any or all of these services. J. J. Gillespie, pastor. Tirst M. E. Church. Slate and Church streets, Hiclmrd N. Avison, minister. Class meeting nt 9:13 u. iu. Sunday school at 9:45 a-, in., John "llio Man Who Found Jesus." Tho j Todd, suiieriiitf mlont. 11:00 a. m., morning sermon, "The Christian Ar-U'rinou bv President Curl G. Doney. Juor." ;i:00 in., service nt the Old Peoples Junior Endeavor 3:30 p. in., nnd Home. 7:00 p. in., the Kpworth League Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. in. Song devotional meetings, senior, junior, Miss son ice and sermon, 8:00 p. b., the sor--eva Aiuurd. 8:00 p. in., a service in jiiop, "Tho Relation of tho Gospel to honor of the returning soldiers. Saint nnd Sinner." Pro-am. On account of the revival services Organ Prelude, National Airs.- there will be no regular mid-week piav- Prof.. Roberts er service nnd teacher training class Processional "America this week. Our services open to the I Choir gad Congregation politic and we most cordiallv invite vou. : Invocation Anthem ' Recessional ' ' Uioir Scripture Offertory ''The Americans Are Com i""" Mr. Schramm it. L. Putnam, pastor. Sunday School and Society Topics. . Uible school lesson: ''Christ Our Sn- Del. Berry, William, Oil City, Ta. Glnscow, Edward L., Minneapolis. McGurthv, Catherine, Jersey Citv. N J. Bontz, Edward F., Baltimore, lid. Davis, Thomas J., Wilmington, Del. I'urrell, Charles F New Haven, Conn. Hell, .Joseph, Autigo, Wis. Owens, Will, logo, Tex. Pattwoll, Michael, Mentor, O. Penn, Howard, Trenton, N. J. Volk, Edni.rd, Newark, N. J. Jackson, Harry J., Baltimore, Md. Egau, Eugeno P., Rockford, 111. Fenouillet, Lucien J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Washington, Clifford D., Rome, Ga." EIHb, Love, Detroit, Mich. Sears, George J., Hammond, La. Mayo, Haskell, Bakersville, Vt. Whitmore, Haswell, Coxsackie, N. Y. Anderson, Tommio O., Corwitli, la. Binns, William, Marcon, Gu. Black, Orlie), Alva, Gn. Cade, Deo Brooklyn, Miss. Triumph of Christianity"; 8 p. m., evening )iiayer and address. Every' body welcome. Chas. II. Powell, rector Gibson, Marion, Dixon, Ky; HansoarLouis Herbert, Wellsville, Kans. Uocker, Charlie, Louisville, Ky. Jackson, Lewis, Swoope, Va. Kaifer, Paul J., Youngston, O. Kalbach, Joseph, Newark, N. J. McElvin, Michael Jn Macy, Minn. Marshall, Evans, Bowling Green, Ky. Meadow, Maxey J., Ensley, Ga. Morgan, Harrison, Kilgorv, Ky. Owens, Lee, Siiellmoiiml, Miss. Parisi, Jamea, Jeey City, N. J. Taylor, Lee R., Murray, Tex. Woods, Andrew, Horton, Tex. Mo.imaw, CUnis, Rwnoke, Va. Deeds. Uster F., Grinnell, la. Gowan, lUnry T, Duluth, Minn. Turner, James W., Culpepper, Va. ! ','M' i '. ;. loE. if ii I? if li if l f 15 if A talking machine that will prove equal to every occasion- In tone it has never been rivalled. The sweet musical quality of the Victrola has given this machine its place of leadership among talk ing machines. You can have your choice of price and style. Victors now p!ai all records. viour." John l:35-,ri1. Dead also Rom. i" Keep the llonie Fires Burning :il-J!i. 2 for. 5:17-21. Heb. 1:1-9. II. i. P. I'. and V. P. S. C. E. tonic. nnd Cons' esntion "How tu Give God's Day to Godlike Five Minut- Addresses ileeds." Exodus-20:8-11. E. L. topic, "Making Fiicnds of Iluoks." Piov. 2:1-9. Others desiring topics printed please notify ministerial association. First Christian Chnrcn. Center and High streets, I.eland W. Porter, p:istor. Bible school at 9:43 tl. in., Dr. 11. C. Epley, supeiintendeiit. Mi ruing worship, coniinunion nnd ser ines at 11:00 o'clock, "The Beust of HiJ-den nnd His Royal Fare." C. E. meeting at 0:30 p. ni. Evening services Central Congregational Church. Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry streets, H. C. Stover, pastor. A roligious- cuuciuioiiai service counting ine nun- t .1 1 1 .1. i I utij eriiuoi, unoer ine aujieriuiciiueucy of Mr( liuiton Edwards, uud the niorii ing service at 10 o'clock. Christion En deavor at 7:15 p. in. Evening service Solo by .Mr. Todd, Choir, Orohcstra at 8 o 'clock, theme, " A Progressive Ex perience. .Music bv the K'r's chorus. Passion Week services every evening,' except Saturday. Music appropriate to the wrvices by the choir und girls chor us. Sermons will be preached by Dr. W. C. Kaatner, pastor of the First Con gregational church of the city, Monday evening, subject, "Tho Disappointed ;;hrist"j Tuesday evening by Rev. J. P. Clyde, pastor of the First Congregation al church of Corvallis; Thursday even ing by Dr. A. J. Kulhns, home mission ary superintendent of the Congregation al cliiuclii's of the state of Oregon. K. N. Avit'on, Carl O. Doney, John W. rodd, Henry L. Benson, Jolin Carson "The Mnrselinine" By the Choir, M. I.. Alford, Raymond Atterlmry, Willis Bartlett. L; st Verse of "The Star Spangled Banner" Choir and Congregation Benediction. First Presbyterian Church Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Bible school at 9:45 n. m., Jos. H. Albert, su poriutomlo it. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, Piilm Sunday, theme, "Who Is nl 7:30 o'clock, "The Immortal Honrt . Thisf " V. P. 8. C .E. at 6:30 p. ni., of Man." and evening worship at 7:30 o'clock, Thursday evening prayer meeting at subject, "Let Integrity and Upright-. 7:30 o'clock. Choir rehearsal at 8:30 "ess Preserve lie, for 1 Wait on Thee, o'clock. 0 Lord!" Good music, all welcome. - "' t A "f. ' I ' ' 1 . I.,:, t . fx . I em :l . 6 -v Mi It V- - Victrolas Should Be Repair ed Only by Men Who Know How. WE KNOW HOW it I h it it If I? i m k p S !! a n I5 k U if II 8 Wi f! 'Salem's Leading Music House" 432 State Street Salem, Oregon. Evangelical Association. TO VISIT lllli FATHER r- Warren Pershing, general 's . little on who is Icavi.ig the U. S. to pay his father n Utile vis;t in Frame. (c) Underwood & Underwood. WELL KNOWN IN SALEM. The Rev. Basil Schrieber, O. S. B. Seventeenth and Chemeketa streets, 'pastor of Sacred Heart cliurcn, una Jacob htocker, pastor. 10:00 a. m., Sun-;niook, who died on April 0th, was well day school, C. T. Doty, acting superin- known in Salem, and a largo number of tendent: 11:00 a. iu.. nmn.nn liv tli no.-ihis friends went to St. Benedict 'b Ab- I ussion week service each noonday t the Oregon theatre. Easter Sunday, soldier-dead memorial aerviees at 7:30, with spaciui music and Tc.idings. tor, "Tho Suffering Messiah"; 8:00 p. This church willobserve Holy Week ni., iK'rvice at Fruitland; 7:00 p. m.. Catholic Church. Holy Weok ceremonies and services e with special services evening, ex cept Saturday, at 7:30 o'clock. Monday evening the Rev. Holt of tho Baptist church will preach; Tuesday evening the Rev. Powell of the Episco pal church will preach, and Wednesday Voting People's Alliance; 8:00 p. in., di vine service and sermon. First United Brethren. Vew Park. Riinday school it 10:00 n. m., Mrs. Corby, superintendent. Ad- bey, Mount Angel, on Wednesday morn ing to attend the funeral. Death was caused by double pneumon ia following an a'tack of influenza, which was contracted ten days before. Father Schicber wu born in Concep tion, Mo., July 20, 18MH, receiving his early education at that place. On com ening the Rev. Porter of the Christian 1 dress by the pastor at 11:00 a. in., sub- plot ing his classics lie enmc to Oregon nte ushered in next Sunday, known as church will preach. Other speakers will . lt, "Bible Doctrine Regarding the and took up philosophy, later timslung Palm Sunday, with communion ninss at be announced later. A welcome for ev-j'cw Life in Christ With Bible Proofs." his theological course at Mount Angel 7:30 and high mass, blessing and distri-'erv one U theso services. Mrs. Randall will have charge of the College and entering the novitinto of luil ion of palms nnd procession. Bene diction and sermon appropriate for the oiinsion, Sundnv ercnin? ar 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. Masses First Baptist Church. Young Peonies meeting in the evening Corner Marion and North Liberty . at 7.:30 o 'clock, leader, Mrs. E. J. Corby. streets. Last day of the Barner-Troy i "net ly Mrs. W. P. Barnes and Mrs. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday r.t I evangelistic meetings, Rev. A. Sterling . " 'ggms. 7:00 .nnd 8:00 a. m. in the acade my ' Banner, preacher: J. W. Troy, singer, ciapel. 1 11:00 a. in., "The Logic of God's Mor- Wednesday afternon and evening con- v "; 3:00 p. m., "The Problem of the fissions will be heard and mass will be Universe "; 7:30 p. in., "The Tliief of aiid and ocnimunion distributed r.t 7:00, Time." A large chorus choir, led by o'clock Thursday morning. Wo com- Mr. Troy and solos by himself and oth- muuion will be distributed ns".in until ers. Smi.biy morning. Services on Tnnrsd:iy, Sunday school nt 9:45 a. Friday nnd Saturdnv will bo in the People 's meeting, 7:30 p. m, iniusic. the Benedictine ratlicrs at the AD'iey, In a class of fie, among whom was the Rev. Father Buck, of St. Joseph's church, Salem, he was raised to the priesthood bv the 'ost Rev. Archbishop Short address hv the p-stor followine Christie, D. D.. on June 5th, 19109. the Young Peoples meeting. j Durinir Rev. Father Basil's presiden- cy of Mt. Angel College, a position United Evangelical Church. i which he filled most capably nnd wel! Cot'ngc and Center streets, Rev. O. L. . for four yours, Iho college maintained Lovell. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.'ts merited pnsitii n among the higher m. We trust every member of the h dm ntionul institutions m the f fnt". and Young ', school will be present. 'won for its wi.rth,' president unsttuteS j Divine worship and preaching at 11 ft. pmi-e and deserved credit for the ex- - a w in"k tit rnoMTTl ..mssmatcs. Rev. Fathers Powers of Med-j WOOUBUK i - . - ford and Buck of Salein. The body rcses in the Abbey cemetery. u... ,tl 1.. B.,r, i,r.,1 v Ilia nnr- miner " - i ' - u(u i,.,i,, , ., ... .i ....1 l;.- "i oroiner in loo u u-bi .... There will be a semi-professional or an inter-city buseba'.i league formed, already been ti;ken iu Portland. Wmidburn, McMuinviUe anil linve been invited to ontur and inlilo. O. S. B.. of Cottonwood, Ldoho, .1,,.,,. .Mn,. un.l tlnne brothers. NllOtll The kindlv, noble influence of this'take out a franchise. If Woodburn de nriest will be felt for yours to coine. cides to accept it will moan lively times not only in tho immediate vicinity of .for thiB city this season, A committee from Portland will he here Monday night to meot those inter ested and a meeting will be held in Gail Lniisdeu's barbershop at 8 o'clock that evening for the purpose of considering his labors, but in the entire stute. WOUNDED IN FRANCE ltnvinnnil Jni kson Leonard, nenhew of Mis. Coleman and Miss Jackson, ir-.the project anil nucning a uoiiniio ae rivud in Hubbard Tuesday morning cision. All prospective players and faiiB from services overseas with the engi-laro exoctod to bo there promptly. nnd cnnsiderinir the nature of his i There is so much eutliiiBiusiii on wound, n machine gun bullet through subject that there is no question of HE both thighs, he wnlked very well though a constant sufferer. Mr. Leonard will go to 1! public.. Wash., in a few du.vs, or ns soon ns he can get relief from Camp Woodburn organizing a strong team. Independent. According to sheepmen in the Inland Lewis, whore his wife and two little Empire, prospect are for the largest boys made their homo during his ab- percentage of Iambi ever produced on sence. Hubbard Enterprise. Oregon ranges. Ton months ago, W. II. Kol'.ey, a lumber salesman of Oinubn, had a pair of shiies re-Goled with Ncolin So-s. Mr. Kelley does much walking nnd Ii;.4 worn these sluies constantly. IIj says "they arc still good fur another tun months of wear." Good shoe stores entry Neo!in-M'iJ shoes in many styles for men, wont'n unci children. They cost you no rrrra than shoes that give less wear. Ncolin Soles are also available everywhere f ir re-solini?. iienu-niber these soles ara n.'ia! created by -science to be what sulci mourn ue. iney an: comiurutuie arm waterpnxif as well as long-wearing. 'I hey are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, wliu also make Wingfoot Heels guaran teed to outwear any other heck Ileulm Soles 1 rl Mrk Ki . k't. VI. ANSWER i.,,ir,t, i 7-nn o m Monibiv pveniuir ct 7:30 oVIork Mr'm., liislion M. T. Maze. D. D.. of Lo , ce lent results of Ins olfice. On Wednesday nnd Friday evening Troy will give the story of his life. He . Mars. Iowa, who hr.s presided over the j Failing health obliged Fntlied Basil there will be devotions nproprinte for has ha I nany uniijue and thrilling ex- recent session of our confirencc will to resign and aftc. a yenr in the south Holy Week. j porionccs. From southern Europe to nreucli. j he returned nod took up the pastorate Saturday afternoon and evening enn-' America, from darkness into the light.' Christian Endeavor service at 7 p. ni., of Tillamook par'-'h fes.iions w ill be heard in English, ' a strange young man in a new country, ; Grace Tow nsend, leader. j Solemn requiem hi"h mns was sung French nnd Oerman. Il'i story abound in iiiteresMng inci Evening worship nnd sermon My the at the Abbey chi.pcl on Wednesday On Easter Sunday there will be a di nts. Mr. Troy is n pleasing speaker pastor at 8 p. m. morning by Very Kev. Pnor JUturus , rommuiiioii mass at 7:30 a. n.. and a n well as e fine singer. Hurii.g the high n.ass with specii.1 music and ser-: evening le will sing severel solo. The: lnon at 10:30. Everyone, both Cntlitflie ' lecture is free. nnd non ( ntbolic is invited to any or ail I Tuesdnv evening the annuo! business Flavor niciting on Thursday evening. 8. B. assisted by two of Father Basil's services. Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. South Salem Friends . Corner of South Commercial and Washington streets Bib .school nt 1"' n. m. for all ages.. Costiel meetings at 11 a. m and. 8 p. m. All are welcome,. Younb peoples' meeting at 7:30 p. m. Jason Lee McmoriaL Corner fo Winter and Jefferson streets. Thomas Adieson, pastor. Fun day school nt 9:4". Classes for al! ages under the care of efficient lead ers. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Hubjert The Commsnd of the Mntr Class meeting at 12:1" o'clock. Leader J. M. Clr.rk. Epworth League devotion meeting of the church which was nd oiimed from April 1, will be held at 7:30 o'clock. j First Congregational Church. Liberty and Center streets, Dr. W. C. ; Kantner, minister. 10:00 a. in., Sunday! school with classes for all. Prof. W. I.! Str.ley, superintendent. 11:00 a. ni..: ''Crose and Crowns of Diseiplcfhip. " i 7:1- p. m., Christion Endeavor, Miss Mary Elizabeth Payne, leader. 8 p. ni., , 'The Crown of Thorns," followed by: motion pictures. J Beginning with Wednesday there will lie services each evening at 8 o'clock in i observance of "Passion Week." Thej J rvice wil begin promptly and continue -- FIEST BAPTIST CIIUECH APRIL 13 Bt. A. Sterling, Preacher J. W. TROY, Singer Last Day Evangelistic Campaign 11 A. M.. "The Loirie of God's Mercv . n 3 1. M.,"TheProbl"m 0t the Universe "d 7:30 r. "iae xiitii oi noe" Chorus Choir Solos . . t t, v l - e nnA hnn, rorr nnr p lnviipn in ineiie i meeting sr i p. m. it. hh-hhius, '" ' ' : . . , I amette I niversitv. will FpeaK. A,w"icrs. cunt uu ")( I.irire attendance is greatlv desired MONDAY EVE NIK O 7:30 P. M. Come early. Evening service at 8 p w. Sub ect Three Ways or Meeting St Paul's Church. Songs and Lecture by J. W. Troy v- Palm Sun-'ay 7:30 a. m., holy enm-Jj sa:. m.. u i .nm-ial mnnion: :45 a. m., chorrh school; 11 :H . snuiit at U O the sen-ices. We tor-' a. mM morning prayer and sermon, "The Story of His Life Unlque-hriUicg IEEE ' xr :: ,.,'.. ' ;' :: " i! , . I:; If - . I ' ' J mi 0 1 1 ill:. ft' ' S l,V-K CALL FOR American kmm, mm ';' I. 'ii- islts, i i null : )mm I VI y ' if A h 7.. s ,V ' 'I