Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 15

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Sylvia, Bramner. Jane Novak. Mary
Jane- Irving and Levis WUlooghby
Support Japanese Actor
A brill int .cast surrounds Se-ssue
llayakawa in his new play, "The
Temple of Dusk," which Ms produced
tT his own company, coming to Ye Lib- i
rty for 3 days starting Sunday with J
Scssve tlayaiawa
Ua-mortk-Uiitual Star,
special music. The leading rolca are
handled by Sylvia Bremmer and Jane
Novak, two of the most beautiful
young women in pictures who have ap
peared in numerous successful produc
tions. Henry Barrows, an actor of wide
experience, interprets an nuortant
role, and Mary Jane Irving, the littltu
1 1 .... ' i-... ...
lour year um iui, is uu important mc
tor in the play.
Both Miss Novak and Miss Bremer
Tiavo a, largo following among motion
picture "fans." Each is a beauty.
Miss Novak i3 a striking blonde while
Miss Bremer is an attractive brunette.
In addition to these plays there are
twelve Geisha girls and eight Japanese
actors who wore selected by llayakawa
from among players who passed thru
the Royal College of drama at the
University of Tokio and were former
ly member, of the Imperial Dramatic
or TUB
Keserve Loan Life Insurance
f Indianapolis, In th state of Indiana, on
the list dy of December, ISIS, made to
Ihe Insurance commissioner of tha
state of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stork paid up. $ 100,000.00
lal premium Income (1,140,010.81
lateraat, dividends and rents rt-
celved during the rear 190,403.72
Income from other sources rs-
selved d urine; tha year..,.,,, , 8a.048.2a
Total Income '.. ,, .1I,370,3B7.7J
Paid for tosses, endowments, an-
nulUes and surrender valups..l 834,790.14
Dividends paid to policy holders
during the year 28,01 3. 0
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year 253,802.91
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 26,933 T9
Amount of all other expenditures tM.4'J3.S3
Total expenditures f l.HUl.Si'S.ll
Value of real estate owned (mar
ket valuel 87,250.00
value ui aim-as anu Donas owned
tmarket or amortized value)..
Leans on mortages and collat
eral, etc 2,
rremium notes and policy loans 1
Cash In bunks and on hand....
a'el uncollected and delarrtMl
. t remlums ,
Other assets (net)
sn,14ll 44
81.3U 4i
Total assets tl,lirS.S2-'.75
Tutal assets admitted in Ore
gon 4,2:,8,S22.73
Net reserves S,lUil.74tl.K2
Total policy t'litltns unpaid 7 1 ..'7o.4 1
All other liabilities 2Mi.oJ4.u
Total liabilities, exclusive of
capital stock
Total Insurance In force Decern
bcr 31, mis ;n.4iu,i2l.oo
BuHincNs In Oregon for the Year.
Total Insurance written during
the year $ 1(11,31)1.00
Uross premiums received uurlrig
the year
Leettes paid during the year....
I.oh.-ps Incurred UurliiK tiie year
L'H.n-in ss
5, li.Hj.08
fotal amount ot Insurance out
standing In Ur g-tn December
SI, ISIS 1130.31)5.(10
CUAUIa'lls 1IKOWN, President.
U. 1.. STAYMAN, Kecrvtary.
Statutory resident attnimy for service:
U. 4. CLAltlDUE, A'orUaad, Or.
(Take a glass of Salts to flush
Kidneys if Bladder
bothers you.
Eutiuf scent regularly eventuilj pro
tea kidney troubl la some form or
ptfcsr, says a welHtDown authoritj, be
Caus the uric acl4 la meat eickea tht
Ithlriey, the j become overworked; get
aluggish; dog up aad causa all sorts of
(distress, purticularly backacho and mis
wtj la the kidner refi'.n; rheumatic twin
gea, severs headaches, acid stomach, eon
ptipstson, torpid lirvr, aleeplessness,
fckitlder and urinary irritation.
! The moment your back hurts or kid
beys aren't aetinf right, or tf blsdder
bothers yon, get about four oances of
Jsd Kelts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablnpoonfui in a glass of water
before bmkfae for a Jew day and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fsmoas
a alts is made from the acid of rrapea
and lemon juice, combined with lit his,
and baa been need for generations to
lush cloirged kidneys and stimulate them
to normal activity; alas to neutralise the
aria in the nrina so it no longer irri
tates, tha ending bladder disorders.
Js4 Salts canaot " injur anyone;
aiskea a delightful effervescent lithia
SmteT drink which aaUliona of men sad
women take now aad then to keep the
kidney aad ntrlstrrr organa dean, thaw
voiding aerkaa kidney diacasct
I I "! 1
v - - - r
. ..;
. 'f :i
$ . '
I 5
" S -w - k I
. vs . . I
rft - '
'-X f f i
i li
iiw&tir.A jmX- . .... i
i. , .,.,- T-.rl mnnn im if
1 1
dq:ildkews itetiIS.
(Capital Journal Seeial Service)
Donald, April U. A Terr interest
inj meetinj; of the Ladles Aid society !
was held at the h'me of Mrs. J. C. .
Moore Wednesday April 9th, about "'-
lad:et being present. A number of new :
names were added to the membership.
Since the Red Cross bejran its work in t
Donald the Aid society (rave way to it j
but since the KeJ Cross disbande'd somo .
uma ago, the aid will now take up its
work with renewed energy. Our aim '.
help eortire a resident minister
and help pay off a debt of $400 on the
lurch buuding. ilesdames Auirauc,
s'&xe and Muore were the hostesses fur
the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker have
returned from Salens, where they spent;
the week end.
Our "True Blu" man, Mr. West, of j
stiiem representing tne xru iuu rfis-
r... n i. .. 1 j.:.. 1....:
uuli iu. vi it urt inuu, was uuing uusi-
ness at tne jounsoa store in uonato
v eUnesiIay.
rkl"St. Helens, formerly of Donald
but now of Portland, was a guest at
the Dolph Cono home over Sunday.
A. A. i'arrett of Newburg was trans
at'ting business at the Duuaid nursery
t has. Hoskins and son Fern of Port
laud were Donald visitors during the
Smith Brothers shipped out a mixed
car of hoys, sheep and cattle to 1'ort
land Sunday.
Mrs. Singer returned from Portland
Wednesday evening; sho had been at
tending "an uncle's 77th birthday cele
bration. Mr. Phillips, bridge carpenter for
the O. E., spent Sunday wita ma
brother near Donald.
Mrs. Fannie Mercer was a Pert
laud visitor Saturday; she was accom
panied home by Mrs. Kirkland and son
who. remained until Sunday evening.
Mrs. Gertrudo Pago of Salem is a
guest at the J. C. Mooro home during
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bushman of Portland
were guests at the L, Eppera home
over the week end.
Mrs. Myrtle Walker and son Glen
of Salem, spent Sunday as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Daton Walker of
A little surprise was gotten up for
Mary Sibley Saturday evening, cele
brating her thirteenth birthday.
Mr. Morgan of Donald vicinity re
turned from Portland tjunilay p. in.
Mrs. Sarah Smith is spending the
week in Portland, visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Patterson.
Mrs. George Lamb and Sophia Ep
pers returned from Salem Saturday af
ternoon where they had been attend
ing the county 8. 8. convention. They
reported a very interesting session of
tho convention,
Ralph Kader, farmer and merchant
of Fargo, waa transacting business in
Dnxnld Friday,
lira. Baker was Portland visitor
ftlr. and Mrs. Joe Sample were shop
ipers at the Brick store in Donald Fri
day. Mr. Sample and sona-m law nave
taken the contract for getting out cord
wood on the Wegenroth place, "lhey
were formerly of Roseburg.
J. B. Kennedy, real estate agent of
Portland, was doing business in Don
ald vicinity Thursday.
K i t vj ft ; h- I I- 1 " v., i -T i r r . t. . aad i -j'd
f - Llr"V l tj r ' rr.Wf8"- r rt,
... ; T4 ' ar V 1 i ' -V a ' '',4 4 " a
f H ' s - t " as " ' t 5s. . - ' " r)
f ' M 1 . , , , ..." ' 1
u , - . . .. ; ',.
' ' t ' ' J vi-'i n i J
t JK ' - ' y "
1 Wonvtu troMuiuttoru T&JtOi'y &c t, , ' ,
e- 'k w" ri """y." ,''rJ -' 1 i
Urs - ' r T " " xf V , r I
. I - - - - ; ' x" i J ' , .... - ; . ;V
During the mad days whil wari.ijr
as rr irrg, rndrvKltrala and national
vere too busy to t.de stock of ti.eir
:,ccompli.rr.erit3. Now that the caa
r.cn are silent and th world i turn-
ttg its face to pMscs-tim ectivltrea
they find time U csrf3ii!er the ma?-1
mtud of their WM-waj.ng tRoris.
Some of them are snrp.is.rtg and
cone more so than thj lum total
ro'led ap by the Canadians.
Cnnada rav prvtliwaMy erf men.
Ton'.y and mmit-ons. J!cn ajd
r?,orev out of (11 proportion to 'tf
opu'Et.'on, wer tliroivn into the I beat treatment pToved a hard prob- U aasda'a war stinplies cre-'i; f
a'.tio averri. Tl.is is j:eralty wii:Um, but was so.ved largely thri-fh) Iha nx i'Jll Canada supp,.. , no
i-iw.i ir. lie United States fjr thci the tfTorU of W. A. Peterson f thwj lesj than 307n on nx sues of sheila
' ie tnnds p;p?d it from coat to 1 C;inal!n Pacific Kailway and C. S j furnished to th Jritih jrovernmeni
-t !ur,r? the British and Caia-i Winsiow of the InsreTwll Rand Com- t rr the mt of tha Allied armies. At
- -rrj-tmT ramrtnifrn. The-; pany. The first lot of munition was the eio-.e .f the war I'remier Lloyd :
" wi-; smaont of' munition turned out by the Canadian Pacific's 1 t-eorpe and Winston Churchill, Bnt- '
r fctared and sent overseis Anpua 8h"ps near Montreal undjrwh minister of munitions, sent let- :
i,e:rmK to marvel U aspeciaJly ; the supervision of H. H. Vaunan i teri of cor.(rratu!ation anknowledg .
a it is tcnumLered that recruit-1 who later hvded m unit ion corn-ling the Empire's debt to Canada.
Mr, and Mrs. Karl Cone were r"ort
la-.d visitors Saturday.
M. W. Johi:sin of the Johnson firm
of Donald, spent Saturday and Sun
day in Vancouver wi-h his daughter
Mrs. F. L. Allen, also to meet his
eousin,""A. Johnson of Olrmpia. Th.j
were boys together in West Virginia
and enjoyed talking over old times.
Mr. Johuscn is manager of the In
dustrial insurance for the state of
Washington. ,
Mm. F. St'ismith left Saturday p.
m . for Kelst she was accompanied
from Portland by her mother, Mrs.
thadiiua. They went to help celebrate
the 50lh wedding anniversary of a
great aunt of Mrs. Sexsmith. Over Tit
ty guests were served at the dinner.
K. C. Mayes spent several days in"
Portland during the week.
Henry floode went up to Salem the
first of the week to park the remain
der of hia household goods, which were
received in Donald Wednesday; they
will reside permanently in Donald.
Mr. Hall of Portland spent Wednes
day in Donald, the guest of his sister
Mrs. Rov Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tergen and
children took an auto ride to HuOTnrx.
stopping on their way back to trade
at the Johnson store in Donald, Tues
day afternoon.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Central Howell, Or, April 11. De
lightful in every way was the surprise
party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Durbin at their beautiful country
home in Central Howell, on Friday
eveuiiig last. One hufKIred and two
friends and neighbors were present and
presented them a beautiful cut-glass
dish, Mrs. . E. Bassett making tho
presentation speech. The evening was
spent with games and music, refresh
ment being served at midnight. Central
Howell feels they aro losing one of
their leading families.
Miss f.eona Booth of Salem spent the
week-end with Miss Audrey Baggett.
Central Howell is very much pleased
to learn that their pastor, Kev. William
Nichoi has been elected president of the
Marion County Sunday School conven
tion. Wo fee) 00 s tue f'a'ht man 'n
the right place.
Miss Laurel Janz spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Miss Goldie Steffen spent Wednesday
night with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Widick and daugh
ter, Dorotha, of Salem spent Bunday
afternoon with J. W. Baggett and fam
ily. Mrs. Baggett returned home with
them. Mrs. Baggett went t aee "Vir
tuous Wives" Monday night, returning
Tuesday morning.
Miss Nellie Milne wai shopping in Sa
lem Tuesday.
Mrs. Ask and daughter, Olga, attend
ed tho Indies aid in Silvcrton Wednes
day. Mrs. Fred Durbin and Misa Gladys
Webb ealeld on Mrs. J. W. Baggett
Wednesday evening.
An election for a bond issue for .'500,
000 for good roads will be held at Yak
ima on April 26.
had drained Canadian shop and .
lactones 01 neavy percentage ot on
workers. The credit for Canada si
ochievement in this respect is due in aa
meaaiire to ner women who
stepped into the plr.ee left vacant
17 trie m?n, ns well za newly created1 Itr
places, and kept th whclr" it in-
du.-try humming.
ComioeralJa exnerirsental work
had to bs done bfore the production , pr,
of munitions could proceed smoothly. COO
itia .ova hro'ia btesl t.ompany d.U worth of nheil boxes and similar ma-urc-f
.t! pioneer work in obtaining 'he!t"r'nla. Aeroritanes to the ntrr.ber
exct trr9 of stel rertitred. Th!?JJl and SO flvin;? boats rt- ' la
Don't worry about old age. A oui.d
waa is good at any age- Keep your
Mdy in good rendition and yon can b
is hale and hearty and aMe to "do your
sit" aa when you wcr a young fellow.
Affections of the kidney and bladder
ar among th leading cause of early
or kelpies r. Keep them clean and
tb other organ in working condition,
end you will kav nothing t fear.
Driv th poisonous wsstes from tht
system and avoid arie and sctimnla
tions. Tsk GOLD MKDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules periodically and you wi
6n4 that yon are a good as the neit
fellow. Tour pirit will b rejuvc
aated, your mast-tea atrong and your
mind keen enough for any task. 9
GOLD MEDAL ITaarlem Oil Capsule
will do th work. But be sure to get
th .riginal imported GOLD MF.DAh
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They ar re
liable and should help you, or your
money will be refunded. For sale by
most druggists. lu sealed packsres
'hre siiea.
Scotts Mills, Or., April 11, An en
joyable farewell reception was given
Mr. and Mrs. Sandal. After a social
time and games, refreshments were
served. We arc all sorry to loso them
from our town. Wo understand that
Mr. Sandal intends going into business
ut Colton his former home.
F. . Howe has been having quito a
sit'go with mumps. He has beeu uuder
tue doctor a care and, although .
better, is not able to be out.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Taylor and baby
Catherine, of Portland visited tho home
foiks last week.
J. J. Doty, formerly of Crooked Fin
ger but now living at hito Sulmon
has been visiting uld frieuds hero aud
looking after the iutcrcsts of his ranch
at Crooked Finger.
David Delano and Mr. Richie attend
ed the Sunday school convention at Su
lcm. Mr. Delano reports an enjoyable
and instructive time.
A game of baseball, between the Sil
verton high school and tho Scotts Mills
high school waa played at Scotts Mills
Friday afternoon. Silvcrton won.
David Delano and his mother, Mrs. E.
W, Bartholomew, motored to Portland
Rev. Bennett of Silverton ii announ
ced to speak at the Christian church
Thursday evening, subject, "Missions."
Mr. Miller's afternoon Bible readings
were very good. Friday at 4 o'clock
the high school attended, subject, "Tho
Divinity of Christ Proven by the Scrip
tures." The prophecies concerning
Uim many hundred years before his
W. B. Helm of Salem, who la working
for the Butte Creek Lumber eompr.ny,
was a Sunday evening caller at the J.
A. Taylor home, : , ,
Born To Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Bar
tholemew, March 25, a daughter. She
has been named Margaret Violn.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kom
say of Salem, April S, a daughter. Mrs.
Ramsay is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
pany of b s cii and is an authority
ttu mrtuatiy in Canada.
In a recent rpmima uf th CjinaHi.
munitions output, Mr. Vautthan
statel that more than :1 n anta
were tnrnrvd in war work. The num.
of shell turned out waa 67.0'X),
coat. 1 1,200.000 m. Th is
of he"n reouired two mil-
lion tons of steel, ltj.OOO ton of cop-
25.000 tons of spelter and :.
ton of lead, besides $.'7 OOO.otHl
A. L. Brougher of this place.
J. A. Taylor, J. K. Coulsoa and Mrs.
Ethel Cox motored to Silverten Mon-
Several of our young people last Sun
lay (.tended a Sabbath school which
has recently been o'ganiaed at a school
bouse near Coal Creek, southeast of
Mrs. Laura Dale, who has been hav
ing trouble wth the bark of her neck,
is taking treatments at Silverton of Dr.
Clouks vie wllh e:ich other, It
seems, to be original, anil this
itraisht lined clcak of squirrel haa
managed to be different very welt
with the aid of a snug Utile gllet
of Hudson seal topped with the most
luxurious ot collars. Seal ts used
again to band the bottom In an ef
fective three pointed design.
The UiRhuinds, Monse, Wn.
Editor Oapital Journal: This is April
1st, all Tool Day. Why it has come
to be known as gush I am not informed
All the fool are not bran en tha first
day of April. 1 for one was not. 80
I hand the conundrum to the Fool
Killer and if not too busy he may be
muiv SOIVO IE.
November 26th our firs snow came
and now an occasional white opot here
and there is visible, the lingering rem
nant of 3 or 4 foot drift. Four
months of continuous -snow may not
seem pleasant to persons not used to
it, Din we up nere rather like it, we
think it better than carrying an um
brella for that length of time or long
er, in, for instance, the Willamette
valley. (.N. a. No disparagement to
SBid valley is intended.) I have been
here since last October and am getting
a little used to this somewhat peeuliaf
ciimury 10 ug coyotes, its high hills
and 'winding roads, its distances meas
ured -hy league Its BairebriiKh and
greasewood, it8 "hay slack" rocks
some twenty feet high.
now they got here and when, nobody
seems to knotw. They are scattered ov
er the country every whore. They are
neither granite, nor sandstone, nor lime
stone just iilain blak rock posnibly
The fall sown grain is coming on
nicely ami now that tho snow is gone
it. make, a pretty if;!it ficre nnd
acres of it. A grain field hero ltwi
than a hundred acres is not t hot nnt'-h
of as to extent. The farmers hero lust
fall wero wishing for heavy snows to1
iiiKiire from the moisture, a' good aniin'
crop ami they got i lung numlhs n it i
ami you ought lo sec them hitch up
their su:pi'iiderK and smile. 1 see by
the Capital Journal cows about Kali m
advertised for sale as low as t'.i't. No
cow here can he bought for that price j
If some one. down there could brine
11 herd of ctr up her he enuld more
than double) his money. The Kwrest
kind of cow here. wHl bring $.10 and on
up to !M) and tUOO for a better grade.
At a saio hero one cow was bill off at
112 and nothing very extra at that.
People seem cow crazy. Country but
ter sells at. the stores at 00e per pound,
and eggs 10c per dozen.
Farmers are beginning to pmw.
Some will uae tractors. Spring is here,
birds are singing, green grass is mak
ing it appearance. The weather is
warm and balmy. We have fino sun-,
rise, here. It rises right up out of the'
ground, at the periphery of the gret
wagon wheel of this plateau and sinks
behind the "saw tooth rnugo" at the
west this vast wheel is SO miles across
We are beginning to agitate for a
phone lino and It, P. 1). will eome
We bring our fire wood from 7 to
10 miles. This winter wo brougfct it
in four horse sled loads. Pine Itt inch
wood. 1 have seen no ha'd woo I here, (
no oak nor ash. Last fall we got wood :
from the Columbia river, drift, mostly I
cedar of all sizes and lengths. The nv-,
er lcavcg acres of such wood when thei
water settles. We went about 10 miles I
for this. We got it of "Long Jim" an!
'i chief of the Okanoanns. He owns a
lot of land on the Columbia. He deals
in horses also, and is said to b weal
thy. ILe hss the name of being strict
ly honest in business saatUrs, which
ean hardly bo said of some of bis white
brothers. Jim is quite friendly aad
speaks good Kngliyh. Why he is called
"long" I eannot say. He does not ap
pear to be more than 5 8 or 0. His
place i at the confluence of the Co
lumbia and Oknnogns. Here is where
John Jacob Astor located fnf a tim
before going to Astoria wher b es
tablished headquarters for the Ameri
can Fur company. At th first loca
tion a flag pole marks tha spot. Her
If 'fin
otiiial Want Ad
Quick Reference To Firms
Vi here Buyer And Seller MeetWe
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electric Co., Maaoaie Temple,
corner Commercial and Trad street
Bill payable monthly in advance.
r'ai c'Od. ,
On Good Real Estate Security
1HOS. li. FUKD
--r Ladd Bush bank; alem Ore job
eent 3-t years time. A. C Bohrnstedt,
sOl Masonic Temple, faleoi, Oregon
JIOXEY to loan on good real estate.
fiVj percent government money to
loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold.
. W. D. Smith, Balem Bauk of Com
merce. 18-14
liard parlor is now open under new
management and it renders you and
th general public a congenial place
to pass away a few leisure hours
The basement of Oregon Electric
depot, corner of State and High.
Phone 62S. Wm. Livock, prop. 3-8
80 year experience, Depot, National
and Americas fence.
Sizes 26 to 68 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, t
Loganberry and hop books. -Salem
Fenc and Stove Works.
250 Court street, Phon 124-
SHEA REPAIRS all kind of furni
ture if broken or out of repair; up
holster repairs mado. Shop 3.12 Che
meketa St. between Commercial and
Liberty. Phone 181. -20
All kinds of auto repairing by an ei
- perienced workman. All work guar
anteed to- be satisfactory. Studofeak
er repair a specialty. D. B. Moil.
263 N. Commoroial.
Our Prices are Right
W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor
1255 N, Summer Street, Snlcm, Oregon
or near by, Lewis and Clarke mado
camp 114 years ago.
I th'-t perhaps Fruituind was off
the map as 1 saw no "news" from
there in the Capital Journal hut late
ly I saw a nolice of a forthcoming
pio supper. Then I said she is there.
I remembered iFiiiilliind was famous
for pie. Hay "hello" for me to H. D,
and CViko Pnttoa. Hock tier kaiser.
N. J. 11.
Wash tha poisons and toxin from
ystsm before putting mora
food Into stomach.
6aya lnsld-bathlng makes "any
en look and fey I claan,
WMt and rfrahd.
W.uh yourself on th Inside befor
breakfast like you do on the outside.
This Is vsstly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties luto the blood, causing illness, while
the bowel pores do. ;
Fn- every sane ef food and drink
tii sen Into the stomach, neatly an ouueni
of wast material aiust be carried out I
f ths body. If this waste material Is1
not eliminated day by day, It quickly i
ferments aad generates poisons, fists'
oi toxins which ar absorbed or auekedj
lymph ducta which should suck onlyi
nourishment to sustain th body.
A splendid health measure Is to drink, j
befor breakfsst sch da, a (lass of!
real hot watr with a teaspoonful f!
Ifmestno phosphst in It, which is aj
harmless way to wash thes poison,!
pises ml toxins from the stomach,
l'ver, kidneys and bowels; thus cleans
ing, sweetening and fre bening the a
tfr alimentary canal befor putting
i"r food into th s omacb.
1 quarter pound f limestone phos
phate eosta bnt Trr MtUs at the drag
store, but Is snfflr, at to make anyone
a a tim last os inside-bathing. Men
nd women who ar accustomed to
"tk vo with a dull, aching head or
iv riirrJ toofua, bad taste, assty
'eStb. ssDow enmnlevfnn Attm
I ve bilious sttscks, add stomach or1
istipatioo ar assured of pronounced
trovement la both health and appear
V e shortly. Ady. , J) '
That Gif? Service On Shorl
-Maia 1290
1ST North High..
24 acres. 16 cultivated, 5 acres !o
fans, 3 acres young prunes, fair im
provement!, stock, implements, tools,
rock road, close to school, church and
station. This is a bargain for some
one. Are you that onef
363 acres, all in cultivation one of
the best improved farms in Marion
eottnty, 3 miles from railroad town,
only 75 per acre.
50 acres all in cultivation, well draia
ed, fair buildiugs; miles from
Salem, only $liiu per acre; thi is
HO per aero has than it is worth.;
$3000 ch, balance 6 percent.
Have several closo in tracts at very
attractive prices.
For best bins see
Bayne building tf
BR1XO your trades. I ean match yon.
C. W. Niemeyor, all branches of re!
estate and Canada lands, 215-Hlt
Masonic, building. Phon 1000.
FOR SALE A good double team har
ness, will trade for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wood.
See Square Deal Realty eouipea,
Phone 470
NO CASH REQUIRED Good svereoai
' shoes and aults, all kinds of miatie
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat'
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit eases aad
1000 other useful articles to sell e
trade. What have youf Th Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Pbona 483.
just installed a machine that will
sharpen lawnmowers th same aa tha
factory pnts them out new. Bring
all your light repair work to ne. Al
vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. Phone
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells and eichanges new and
2nd hand furniture. All kinds of
repaii work, light grinding, filing,
and brazing a specialty. Right
prices. 247 North Commercial ttt.
Phon 16.
refus of all kinds removed oa month
ly contracts at reasonable rate
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals rs
moved. Office phon Main, 167t
UcCornack hall, oa every Tuesday
at 8. F. Andreson, C C. I. J. Kont
t. R. & 8.
ROXAlt Neighbors of America, Ora
gon (irnpo camp No. 1300 meet every
Thursday evening in MnCornuck ball
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Dunn, 048 Union St.; recor
der, Mrs. Molissa Persons 1413 It.
4th St. Phone, 14J0M.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5218 meu
every Thursday evoning, B o'clock
in MtCornac.k hall, over Meyers
store, lluy A. Grunt, V. C; F. A.
Turner, clerk.
bly No. 81 meets every Tlmrsday at
Hp. m, in Mu-iinic Temple, tjlena
0 Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert,
secretary, 340 Owen- street.
Wa Buy, Sell And Exchange
AH kiuds of Furniture, Stoves,
Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness,
Tools and Junk. We buy what you
don't want and pay the highest
price In cash.
Peoples' New & 2nd Hand
271 N. Commercial irhone 734
HOP LKE, expert laundryman, 438
Ferry St. I pay top market price for
cbinkens and ef. Office phon
13S9J, residence 1WJ. tf
40 -
w a