Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 14

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I !
Nevada Too Not Agreed As
To Benefits To Be Derived
From Big Bout
),"T't8ja m2mmL -j y."S
f.V: 'At irj: " frr A YzU)
Four years of test and proof have firmly established Oakland Sensible
Six Cars in the prefernces of 100,000 owners.
'So emphatic has been the approval of their basic principles of construc
tion that these are continued this year without change in all models.
Thus they represent a maturity of development which ofers the utmost
security for owners' investments a vital consideration in these times when all
purchases should be made most carefully.
High power and light weight in Oakland Sensible Six Cars have laid the
foundation of the extraordinarily efficient and economical service they ren
der to the home and the individual.
Because of the unusually high proportion of power to pounds in all mod
els, thev are ouiclL flexible, and easy to handle: and for this same fundament-
American Auto Company
187-195 S. Commercial Street Phone 1599
By Dar L. Beebe
(Tinted ire !aff correspondent)
Iieao, Xev., Aj.ril 12. Half of Be
ne expects Tex K"ard to utep up,
hat in hand ami .olitely ask Keno to
j!:ilie the W iiiard lVmi'Ser fight; the
.other h f dew nut want tie fight or
I is linliiuus about the lenefits Reno
inoiild receive from it.
j No one here is making it hts busi-
... . - : i.. i:i i : i
( j um.- iu IU 11 lUOl niCU'U COnSlU
ii'rs itrnu. ine men n naturally
!uuld be iutere.ted in briiigiiip the
jfifc'ht here, however, take it for grant
ed Reno will stage the s'rar.
j The Miblished story that a refire
I tentative of Rieki.rd had been here to
I arrange the in ht -n uuluiiuded and
i the result of a prmti.-ul joke on a cub
: re.irter.
j "The fijiht wiild bring a lot ot
' 'Money here and Hike a lot awav " said
(f. ja .newspaper editor today. "Reno men
Hre still raying dibis resulting from
I the riinni season here."
II L- ... I.--.,.- ,.,-
niirrv r.. cicHiirt, who taint rni I lie
5 round boxing 1:11 t!irouli the lust
. j legislature, estimated that the .lohn-
ann-.Jettriea 'fight netted Reno $1C0,
!('0. He aaid that the scrap was not
! followed br n period of thuggery and
Heft no bad taste in Eeno.
I ".No mie i, taKing up with Kiekard
(the matter of sta'iug the figlit here."
he said. "We b.!iee we will get it
I however. "
New Books Received
At The Pubic Library
"Prance facing Germany," a col
lection of addresses ty C'etueneeau re
lating to the war.
"The village," Russian impressions
by Ernest Poole.
"In these latter days" writings oa
a variety of sublets of public inter
est, by .11 H. Bancroft.
"The evolution of the earth and its
inhabitant's" a series of papers by
"Oil intelligence," a discussion
that claims for the cell an intelligence
in the building of plants and animals,
presented by Nels VJuel.
"Hours and health of women work
ers" information gathered by the Illi
nois industrial survey.
't'hild neitare iu Oklahoma, ' re
port prepared by the National child la
bor cumuli !ee.
"Junior Red Cross activities; teach
ers manual" prepared by the Ameri
can Red Cross.
"How tj make concrete garden
furniture" by J. T. Fallon.
"The rllsrilla Irish crochet book"
by Lula M. Harvey.
. "Journalism in California," a his
tory of progress and the men who
have figurel iu it. by John P. Young.
"Matthew Arnold, and how to know
him" a prciiative study by Stuart P.
"Best short stories" another col
lection of fun from Thomas Ma-n.
"Invisible playmate" by William
"Friend Fritz," a novel of Alsace
peasant life, bv Frckmunn-Cliatruinc.
"The roll call" by Arnold Bennett.
"Gentleman player" by It. X.
"Daughter of tho land" by Gene
Stratton oPrter.
I tsl l1
I f,o.b. Salem $10.35
X The car with the half million dollar motor
t See this new Briscoe
People are calling
It "the best light car ever built"! Briscoe makes
practically every part of it. Therefore the price,
$10:15, represents quality through and through.
Model B 4-24
Is big and good to look at. It has a larger motor,
additional equipments, finer finish, every inch of it
shows value. Its roominess, simplicity, successibiiity
and economy make this the car you will buy.
The enjoyment of a Briscoe
Is permanent. Briscoe owners are followed by Bris
coe service wherever thoy call today for a demon
stration of the car that makes ownership a contin
uous economy.
Rutherford & Riedesel
The executive committee for tho Vic
tory Liberty J.oan, for the Aurora bank
ing district is Henry L. Hunts, chair
man; M. I). Leabo. John Murray, Dr.
B. F. GicBy, M. X. Crisell, J. W. Sadler
and N. C. Wustcott. Tho latter is also
chairman of the publicity committee.
Some of tho members of the local com
mittee went to balem yesterday to at
tend a meeting of tho Marion county
comuiittccmon. An intensive campaign
of publicity uud solicitation were de
cided upon for every banking district.
The executive committee for the Hub
bard bunking district consists of tho
following: L. A. Beckuinu, chairmen; It.
Paulsen, Ir. Edward Sehoor, Willis
Brown, Jus. Hunt and J. II. Sunguinette.
Tho Cunby bunking district Commit
teemen are W. 11, liiur, chairman; 11. A.
l.inli.nn, II. II. KwttiH, Marcus G. .Smith,
George lliowu tnd J. W. ftnllli. Mr.
Hair has. not yet completed his appoint
ments of district cuptuins but the fol
lowing have been named in the district
mar here: Marks Prairie, J. Column
Murk: Harlow, C N. Gi.hliti:; "91,"
I'hil Wicgnnd; Needy, ''li.'irles Spngle:
"74," Marcus (I. Smith. Mr. Hi.ir is
a'readv s tiding out his campaign litera
ture, nod is urging his so-iuos .j
make I he drive short and energetic, im
pressing upon nil the nocrsiuty of meet
ing the district's quota, and that any
thing h is is 'repudiation, for tho na
tion 's bills must be paid.
Tlie I)oiu;ld bnnkini d'itriet commit
In' is headed by Henry Zorn, with the
following members: Karl Carver, O. O.
I'r mn. John Murray. I ! (Joviv, T.
J. Kerr, fl. A. ftwan, A. K. Feler and
Prank 0.boriie. Aurora Observer.
J A iiUlj Fib La x x.z.Z.3
Phone 88
17:J S. Liberty Street
James riiiiuy, u pioau r of this yiein
(litd tit tne homo of his ilaugutor,
Xii6, I.. V. i'liulppi, lust C-,:hua., tl lU
was buried Tuesday ui'Uruooii iu tue
-iieitou ciinelety. Tho funeral was
In Id Ht the t l.risimu t hureh in tire un
ci noon, conducted by Uev. J. A. Bsu-
I Mr. l'iulsy was born in Suit land more
than lifcV.y veins ngo. Ho enmo to tho
l'u:tid S.atiS nt tho ago of Zl years,
. U.ii.g iu iMissouri, Ho ivun trout
I Mi .iiii to I iinois, then to Texas and
m m JW1tVmim t.,w.'tfWt''iWS twisi
r. business man Am
As a matter of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing--we are satisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 8 1
final:)' muted to Oregon, sel'.ii. g in this
Mnnt.y soinetliing more than thirty
)ei iH ago. lie is suruved ly one sou
oMog in Sent tie and two daughters,
MiJ. l'liilippi tuj Mis, 1'ied KuiU, lik
ing in or silvertou.
Air. rinlav hud been a member of the
OiH..; mil ehur. Ii for a number of years,
and tsus a man of extremely good re-mac.-KUverton
John Ntnrucss was aerioua'y if not
f;i:a ly injured Inst Suturojij, waile
Viufhu.g nt tho lumber mill, when he
was s.iuik l.i the face ly soiuethiug.
Mr Miaruess do. not seem to know just
how he :m i.juitd, lor caa fOMS who
er.' won, ii, ne..r hiui tell how tho
ac idem happoued. lhs face was tcr
ribiy bruised and tho bol ts broken lo
such an eiti at that he will prolab'y si
nays carry w-nra r, sitting f.ei.i the
terrible blow. Ir. Wrightr.ian uirsacd
the wounds at his office and the patieut
was Ukcn to the No loin hospital that
evening.- -tsilrertnn Tribune.
There is 55 inelien of snow at Pearson
nu nilows, iu l inatilla county.
Nailing sickness has appenrej in Se
attle. A IN year-old youth, whiwe name
I'hy-deian refuse to give, ki slept tl
Ford cars are important servants
everywhere. They help the family
enjoy life, bring the pleasures and ad
vantages of the town within reach of
the farmer and give practical service
every day in country and town. They
require a minimum of attention; any
one can run the Ford and care for it,
but it is better to have repairs and
replacements taken care of by those
who are familiar with the work and
have the tools, the genuine materials,
and skilled men to do the work
promptly. We pledge Ford owners
the reliable Ford service with real
Ford parts and standard Ford prices.
2G0N. High St.-Salem
Made and guaranteed by the oldest and largest
manufacturers in the country. In stocK at -
Lot L
North Commercial Street
& Son
Tho Valley & Piletz railroad has re
arranged its truiu scueuuie anu will
give a beter service to its patrons of
Airlic. lVdee, Kings Valley aim tlos
kins. 'The people of Kings Valley peti
tioned for a daily service several weeys
ago and their request in tho main has
been grunted. Kings Valey, a purt and
parcel of Benton county, by location,
trade ndvnntages and sentiment belongs
to Folk county, and if its citizens had
their way it would become a part of
Polk as quickly us legal processes could
make it so. Tho Kings Valley and
Hoskins section has been greatly neg
lected bv Benton countv, but recently
was promised some relief concerning a
road. Independence Post.
left the hospital Sunday.
ham Ef ii operated on Tuesday for ap
pendicitis is doiny as well as cao be
expected at this time.
Mrs. J. M. Bachman had the misfor
tune to sever an artery iu her right
hand Wednesday. Hubbard Kntorpriae.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lady were in
Sheridan yesterday from their Hickreall
farm. They recently aold thoir fine
hundred-acre farm there to John C.
Stevcson, a farmer Sheridan resident
and owner of the Ford place west of
town. Mr. Lady hns not yet decided as
to his future loaction, but expects to
purchase a smaller place and get the
most pleasuro out of life. Sheridan
Horn to Mr. asd Mrs. Baker of Don
ald, n nine pound bov, March 29.
Bern t0 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hatcher
an 8' j pound boy April 5.
Mrs. J. Saubauer and baby of Xecdy,
It Soothes and Relieves Like a
Mustard Plaster Without
the Burn or Sting
Musterole ts clean, white ointment;
made with the oil of mustard. It does all
the work of the old-fashioned mustard
plaster does it better and does not bli
ter. You do not have to bother with a
cloth. You simply rub it on and usually
the pain is gone 1
Many doctors and nurse9 use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what relief it
gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup,
still neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion,
pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pain
and aches of the back or joints, sprains,
sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted
feet, colds of the chest (it oiten pre
vents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $250.
,v;w' ivvv "'.; .! i IPM Ann H nifr'i
ib ' r '. , ; ' ' f" . .. S i - 1 h 1 I a a t-C F i I 1 In I E I J B
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' . " 'iV.-' lit ' ;i
ifcz:-' --hr---H BKADPORO -- .
229 State St. Phone 8G7
Is open evervngs to acccmmcdate the rush for our
used car bargains. Every one of these cars listed
will be hard to keep so don't hesitate, but grab your
hat and grab this bargain before the other fellow
beats you to it.
4 Fords ranging from
$:',50 to $m.
1916 Studebaker $550.
Maxwell, 1918, good
as new, $725
Buick roadster, 1914,
2 1914 Studebakers,
$250 and $275.
Overland, good as new
Excelsior motorcycle
with Harley sidecar,