Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 12, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 13

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lies oi uoy
Tor the Person Riding a
Dayton Bicycle
Real pleasure is derived from riding a Dayton. You
have hours to spend at home where you used to be
late to meals. All makes repaired including motor
cycle repairing-
Lloyd E. Ramseen
I 221 High St. Salem, Oregon
Niagara and Flyer
Vacuum Cup and Vitalic
Special! April 8th to 15th
$1.75 Rubber Pedals, $1.35
$2 50 and $2.25 Roller Chains, $2.00
421 Court Street
. (labor, which every intelligent person
understands will tend to increase the
HfinrV ClPWS S1V$ Tht Fpi alri'aJv excessively hi;h cost of living.
News From Pans Not
New York. April 5, 1919
In spite of confusion financial con
ditions have shown some improvement
nat in turn must tall heaviest upon
labor itself by reducing employment.
Transactions on the stock exchange
were ord.imry in volume and fluctua
tions somewhat erratic. Some of the
industrials showed continued strength,
while others declined under consider
able realizing, the action of the ov-
nuiui-ut on price liking Dcing an tin
during the past week. The coming 0f!portant factor; although there was a
cent rise. Railroads were somewhat
spring invariably has a stimulating ef
feet upon business, and this may con
duce to optimism; but such an influ
ence is strictly limited, and the pres
ent undertone of confidence is based
upon something more tangible than the
mere shifting of seasons. The doinirs
at Paris must be classed as one of the
most important factors. True, surface
news has not been developed favor
ably, and vexations delays are -occurring
with a persistency that incites con
siderable irritation. Much of the in
formation given to the press, however.
neglected, the advance therein being
checked by unfavorable reports of
February earnings and the fact that
the government has not arranged for
their financial requirements beyond
the month of April. The most conspic
uous element of support to the market
was the confidence in business circles
and the partial revival of the spirit of
enterprise. The latter was strikingly
illustrated by the output of new char
ters in March, the total for that mouth
in the principal states amounting to
is apparently superficial, and dwells $370,000,000 compared with WT.OoO,
chiefly upon what is abnormal ami 000 a year airo. when the figures were
Ride a Bicycle
For you, no matter what your duties are, will find
it true economy if you own a bicycle. It is the only
vehicle of transportation which gives you 100 miles
on a gallon of economy.
But let our advice to you be, "when you buy a
Bicycle, buy a good one." It may cost more, but the
service that you will derive, will more than pay you
for your choice.
Harley Davidson
Bicycles have been built to give the purchaser
100 per cent on his or her investment. It is GUAR
ANTEED. Its workmanship is the best that can be
put into it.
Let us show you the HARLEY-DAVIDSON line
Harry W.Scott
147 S. Com'L St. Phone 68
Earion County Veterans
Meet At Woodburn
On of the largest attended and
sunt enjoyable meetings of the Marion
Ccanty Vetorana' association was held
mt the armory in this city last Thurs
day, large delegation coming from
Satoin and Silverton to enjoy the day
villi the Woodburn veterans. Among
thaae invited to be present were veter
Bj of the Spanish-American and the
lain great war.
At noon came the great spread of
g nod things with the members of the
Woman's Relief Corps waiting on the
four tsbles, which were more than
(vice filled with those having whetted
appetites, one table being set aside
lt and occupied by veterans of the
Bsisuuith-American war and those who
have recently been released from the
service. It w'uuld ibe impossible to
stmize all of the msny dishes set
before the hungry and pleased asscm
kJfje and all relished the great treat.
In the afternoon a fine program was
jrivra in the auditorium of the armory,
Wginning with the invocation by Rev
C- Id. Dark the "Star Spangled Ban-
rr,' sung by all, after which Mayor
2am. J. aH!l welcomed the veterans
in a very appropriate address. There
was also a ong by Miss Myrtlo Wago
man, an address by Gilbert Cole on his
experiences in the radio service and
ship hospital, instrumental music by
Miss Nell Gibbons, addresj by Sergt.
Bert Bird who has recently returned
from the battlefields of France, vocal
selections by Miss Maude Turlay, anl
remarks by Comrades Wosdson and
Gilbert Cole told tome of his exper
iences on the wster while in the ser
vice, on the bsttlesliip Louisiana, the
trip through the Panama Canal, to
'Brest, France, and other ports, some
of the narration being quite interest
ing and some of an exciting character.
Sergt. Bert Bird, who wa a member
of Company M 23d Inf. in which
were also Bert Broyloj of Woodburn,
Joseph DeJardm of flervais and two
from Silverton, held the close and in
terested attention of the audience as
for three quarters of an hour he re
counted some of his experiences.. He.
with the other four boys. w?ro the
first to break away from Company I.
He had been in th company for
twelve years and wished to see some
active service, not wishing to put in
time training others while in Franee.
jHe gave an account of his trip and the
battles lie was in from the time lie
threatening often omitting what is real
ly assured. Public opinion the world
over is becoming impatient at delay,
and those in charge of negotiations are
not blind to these protests, for both
the peace treaty and the league of. na
tions are probably nearer accomplish
ment than ig generally supposed. When
some of the present hitches are remov
ed .ngreements will be reached more
rapidly. Of course, the all important
object is peace; a peace confirmed by
mutual acceptance of terms. This is
more pressing thnn the league of na
tions. Then the unhappy peoples o:
Europe can return to work, partially
forgot their sorrows and hasten the re
turn to normal conditions. The sooner
commerce and industry art allowed to
resume their natural chaanels. the bet-
Urt fnr ihn TK-hnn n-,,,.1.1 TI,'.. la fl.n
only cure for bolshevism, as well as
the many other ism, that are upsetting
nation after nation. Force may be
necessary in somo instances to restore
order; but tho chief needs of humanity
are. on increased production and a bet
ter distribution of food, elothingi shel
ter and communication, all of which
have been largely destroyed or derang
ed by war.
From now on the victory loan will
loom larger1 and larger in national af
fairs. There is no doubt that tho loan
will be a success will prove a good
short term investment, yielding an at
tractive return to the buyer. It should
exert little if any effect upon the mon
ey market, as nearly $5,000,000,000 of
treasury certificates litivc already been
sold which can be turned in for the
new bonds. To that extent the new
bond issue hag been lawlv discounted:
"but the more these bonds are tukon up
by tho public the less will be the bur
den upon the bankg whose resources
will then bo- correspondingly free to
take care of regular business require
ments. It is of the utmost importance
that these bonds be as widely distrib
uted as possible, not merely as a mat
ter of public poftcy, but also as a mat
ter of aiding the restoration of busi
ness to more normal conditions. The
most significant feature of the money
market wag the prompt oversubscrip
tion for tho $31)0,000,000 war finance
corporation bonds. These were issued
on a 5 per cent basis, and show what
might be expected if the forthcoming
victory loan was also placed upon bus
iness terms. There is evidently a largo
amount' of capital awaiting investment
providing the terms arc satisfactory.
It ig to be hoped the administration at
Washington will disregard political eon
siderntions, and make the rate upon
the new loan sufficiently liberal to in
sure its success. Other nations have
met nnirket conditions in such trans
actions, and a similar policy should be
followed for prudential reasons by tho
United States.
General trade is fairly active, and
me rcaiijuaimuoi iu jjcuco cumujuuiio j
goes steadily on. mere, are still many
uncertainties to bo faced, particularly
adjustments in prices and in the rela
tions with labor. The conflicting forc
es are very strong. The entire public
is interested in a lower cost of living,
which can be accomplished only by
lower price's. But lower prices cannot
be accomplished under rising wages
and shorter hours. Producers are fre
quently cutting price, at first hand,
particularly in tho textile and metals
industries. Retailers, however, are gen
erally unwilling to make corresponding
reductions. Some effort has been made
by the government to bring about an
adjustment by government price stabil
izing, notably in the case of steel prod
ucts, which have already fallen 10 to
14 per cent, overnmcnt efforts in reg
ulating prices, however, proved a dis
appointment, Director General Hines,
of the railroad administration, refus
ing to accept the figures named by the
industrial board. Producers were nat
urally displeased at this failure to
maintain values and secure more set
tled conditions, while consumers, on
the other hand, were looking forward
to the purchase of necessary materials
at more reasonable figures. These con
flicts of opinion must be expected for
some time to come. They are likely to
become more acute rather than less,
and the uncertainty resulting will have
to be philosophically accepted as a
part of the readjustment process.
There remains a feeling of uneasiness
regarding the unreasonable demands of
left the United States. He was in the
trenches and over the top, and five
days after the big counter offensive
began he was wounded in the hand by
a piece of shell, lie had it bandaged
and went on. The next day he was hit
in the heel by a bullet fired from a
machine gun in a German airplane.
During the fighting he had many nar
row escapes from death. One time
when he went over the top he began
sneezing and thought it was on ac
count of the sneezing gas used by the
Germans. After he wsjs wounded ir
the heel be was taken to a. hospital
and was there if or months before he
could walk. The narrative was in
tensely interesting. The 23d infantry
was composed of the hardest Amori
st a low level owing to the war. Tne
largest amount of new enterprises was
in the development of oil, shipping and
chemical concerns. The amount of new
financing in March totaled $153,000,
000, as against $75,000,000 last year.
About one third of this total was for
the railroads; bonds and notes predom
inating; while the remaining two thirds
were for industrials, of which the ma
jor portion was stocks. Foreign ex
change is still unsettled, though less
so than a week ago. Tho latest feature
was a kharp advance-in sterling, due to
rumen that tie Biitih soernruent
ws- a-t tU ii.fuei. Cur for
i n trade appear, to L mered
new pviicd. With tai lemni of cx
iiun?t to "mot nori.i: fir.'t;t.Piis, our
exjorts ira Mr uti-o'H affected
for a brief period at it ii.ee both
Britain and France arc likely to con-i
fine their purchases to absolute neces
sities, particularly food. On tho other
hand as industry is resumed in those
particular countries, our imports from'
thence will tend to grow, tho resmt be
ing a tendency toward more normal
conditions than existed during tho war.
For somo time to come the trade bal
ance will run heavily in favor of this
country, though the extremes witness
ed during the war period promise to be
Voters To Ballot On Paving
150 Miles In County.
Instead of 130.
To the 130 miles already planned as
tho hard surfaced roads for Marion
county, to bo voted on at the special
election Juue 3, the road location com
mittee, at its session today at tho Com
mercial club udded 20 miles.
This will make a total of 150 miles
as part of the Marion county program
of good roads and the period of con
struction was extended to include, seven
Local Instructors Gain Much
Froa Sessions Of Inland
Empire Asscciaton.
In the opinion of the Salem repre
so .natives at the meeting of the Inland
Empire Teaihcrs' association at Spo
kane they have enjoyed one of the
gieatest educational privileges that this
country ana ti.'-s em can present. It
was not so great in numbers as many
other great conventions, but in its po
teulialities its- impetus toward ei'fi
ciency and high ideals it is without a
peer on the Pacific coast.
The trio of delegates ironi ne ealem
schools Supt. Todd, Miss Cosper and
Miss Sterling found themselves in the
nuust of a galaxy of educational stars
and a l rtgrant o events that covered
every possible phase of modern School
6,i!cin In Limelight
Supt. Told, while having no specific
place cu tlio pi(.s;ii.m. took a lively part
iu discussions, with special attention to
the wt-rk and ichleuis of school super
intendents, lie found that tho Bulein
school hnd acquired uiore or less noto
riety by its experiments in vocational
training end its system of organization
auu he was called upon to answer nu
merous inquiries as to methods and re
sultB. In tho course of conversation!
and informal discussions bo gathered
that Salem was iu position to give
"pointers" to many of the schools of
the northwest in these respecrs. It
might not bo saying too much to state
that our city schools are second to none
iu tho matter of progreasivoness.
Miss Sterling devoted herself very
closely to the L'nglish work which was
ably directed in the Inland Empire
council of English teachers. Miss Cos
per gave special attention to the dis
cussions along tho line of superintend
cut's niethudu and problems ouo of the
aiost prolific and valuable depurtmenti
of the program.
Banquet Big Feature.
One of the bright features of the
convention, asido from tho regular rou
time, waB tho banquet and reception to
delegates held in Davenport's ball of
Doges a brilliaut uffair which was not
only attended by Supt. Todd but in
w Inch ho was invited to contribute vo
cal solos.
Among other notables present, Mr.
Todd met Colonel 8. A. Howurd and
hud n brief conference with him in re
gard to the establishment of military
training in the high school. On being
informed by Mr. Todd that ho had been
authorized to secur tho proffered
equipment from tho government, Col,
Howard assured him that it wits tho
purpose of tho nuthnrit'ea to furnish
the schools tho very best military in
structors obtainable for this work.
Federal Act Explained.
Because of tho fact tlint the Salem
high school hud been nlligned with the
Hinlth-Hughcs act in the establishment
of vocational work, the Bulem delegates
were keenly interested in tho presenta
tion of the suliiect by such men as
Arthur Holder, labor representative on
the federal board of vocational training,
who said in course of his ndilross: "The
Smith-Hughes act is one of tho most
progressive pieces of legislation ever en
acted. It leaves to each locality the
power to work out ilk own solvation. In
other words, the educators of one local
ity can teach to the youth of that local
When the road program was presented, i,v the vecntions Hint are fitted to the
to the county court today, it was point
ed out by Judge Bushey and commis
sioners that the roads had not entirely
been selected with reference tu the tux
able property of tho county. Also that
the road program would need to bo re
vised before it should be submitted to
the people.
Acting on tho suggestion of the coun
ty court, the committee added 20 miles
to the plans as already submitted. Tho
location of this 20 miles is as follows:
Stayton to Mchama, 7 miles; Stayton
to West tttayton, 3 miles; Sidney to the
Pacific highway, 3 miles; balcin to
Pratum, 4 miles; Salem to V neat land,
1 mile, and 8t. Louis tu Gervais, 2
Muhama presented a pettition to the
road location committee signed by 250,
asking for the additional mileago. Even
without the road as first planned, Ma
nama was in for good roads with 150
names to the pettition.
The petition to the county coun an
ing that the good roads bonds proposi
tion be put on the ballot June 3, has re
ceived 1758 signatures and it is under
stood that about 600 more are to be
turned in by mail, aaa thoso ssnuling
several petitions did not attend the ses
sion today. As already about 300 more
than the necessary legal number have
signed tho petition, it was officially
presented to the county court today.
This is the first step in the good rouls
program for Marion county.
With the addition of the 20 miles to
the program, it is thought that every
part of the county has received due
consideration in proportion to taxable
property and that at the coming special
election, the good roads program will go
through with but little opposition.
Dr. Geo. D. Strnyer, 0f Columbia Unl
wrsity, was anoiliei strong speaker on
this subirct, and bo also spoke with
force that carried conviction on the
bill to establish an educational ueihtri-
i.ient in the l'ulcinj government, which
carries with it an appropriation for
IWXOO.OOO. Mr. Todd states that the
Standard Makes
30x3 plain I0..P,0 tf.K
30x3 Non Skid 12.00
30x.')'j Plain 12.H.r 2. 85
3ox3',i Non Skid 14. vr,
3x31 Non Skid 17.25 3.00
31x4 Non Skid 22.00 3.li5
32x4 Non Skid 22. DO 3.75
33x4 Non Skid 23. H5 3.85
34x4 Non Skid 24.7ft 3.H5
35x4 -Non Skid 31. 0 4.95
311x4 Non Skid 32.35 15.10
37x5 Non Skid 30.40 6.20
When yon use Journal classifi
ed ads get what yon want tbern
to they work fast.
Fully Guaranteed
Non Skid $19.50
32x3 Non' Skid
32x4 Non Skid ....
33x4 Non Skid
34x4 Non Skid
32x4 Non Skid
34x4 Ribbed
35x4 Non Skid ..
35x5 Non Skid
37x3 Ribbed
. 35.10
, 44.50
, 4H.50
. 49.50
, 49.50
, fi2.50
can fighters at the front Independ-
eot. A-
Write or call
Goods shipped C O. D. Parcel Post
Kx press
Money refunded on goods returned in
tact within 10 days
Commercial and Court Strocts Salem,
Distributors for
Automobile Tire Company
Largest tire jobbers in the world
Buick Automobile
ublic Truck
son Tractors
388 North Commercial Street 1
Z'"7 2 Vt-
11 i 3 IT
XI t V k
l Y.-Vi
mm u mm
lopyrtflU mineral.
When you purchase a battery you expect it to be
Willard Rubber Thread Batteries are new the
day you buy them. Because they are shipped to
the Service Station dry, insuring the customer a
NEW battery.
We carry a large stock of both Rubber and Wood
insulated batteries. Rebuilt batteries carry prac
tically the same guarantee as a New Battery.
Willard Rubber Thread Batteries are oversize,
from ten to twenty per cent.
Auto Electric Shop
Dcgge & Burrcll
sentiment of tho convention seemed to
bo strongly in favor of the measure and
a resolution of tnOorsemcnt carried
strongly. In the courso of a most ef
fective address on tho subject "Educat
ing for l.Vic.'ihl.ip iu a Democratic So
ciety, Mr. Sirnver st.id:
Teacher Must Be Leader.
"During tho penod of education two
main principles should be kept before
tho mindt of tho pupils. First, tho idea
that this will enr.blo them to earn a
living, and second, that it will help
the in to understand t lit, government, in
solutions and idial of our country to
the end that they ir.nj work together
for the common pood,
"i'or men and women of tho commun
itios tho schools must bo developed as
a common center. Tho school house
inu.it provide for i itelligeiit discussion
ot locinl proLIoms n Ouine men sum com
paa Mo to the old town meetings in
which American ileinocracy was first
''When wo suloiisly think of train
ing citizens for a democratic society
wc shall modify our meihod of Instruc
tion, even In tho lower school rooms.
Ac must teach less if autocracy and
more of dotuoorucy in the class room.
iho teacher must bo a leader of a
sicitil group instci.d of a czar whose
com'iiiincla are to be feared and whoso
approvul is to bo sought. Tho war gave
us important tdiicutioi.ui programs from
'.ho standpoint cf tinning for education
in democracy.'
Military fompany
For Woodburn
Adjutant General John L. May was
here last Thursday consulting with Cap
tain drover Todd and caling upon Col.
J. M. Poorman. It is the general's de
sire that Woodburn have representation
in the Oregon National Guaid anu con
tinuo to hold up its good name in hav
ing a military company hero that will
be an honor to Woodburn and the whole
state. Many of the old Company I boys
aro willing to enter Into the spirit of
the movement and help form a company
ut this point provided their old coin
niamler, Captain Todd, will take hold.
W. V. Fuller, county lire warden, has
received word from Hon. W. C. Huwley,
representative in congress from this dis
trite, that he expects to visit Dallas
soon for the purpose of making a per
sonal inspection of the timber land of
he O. & C. grant at tho heads or Can
yon and Applegnto creeks, which the
city of Dnlas desires to have included
n the Suislaw forest reserve ror the
nrotection of the city's water supply.
Mr. Hawley had bill introduced in
congress during the last session for this
purpose, but it was indefinitely post
noiier upon objection of a member from
Illinois. He intends to bring up the
mater again at the next session ana
hopes from persona) knowledge to be
cble to explain awny the objections of
the member from the sucker state.
When Mr. Hawley arrives here Mr.
Fuller will drive him up to the intnke
of the city's water supply and some
listancc beyond. Dallas Itemizcr.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by GRABES BB08, 141 South Liberty
St., Phone 650. Also agent for ralr-banks-Morse
Gas Engines.
Where quality counts we
win. We now have a most
complete stock of Nobby
Cords, Royal Cords, Nobby,
Chains and Usco Tires and
before you buy your next
casing don't fail to see the
U. S. line.
They make good.
QuackenLush Auto Supply
United States Solids
Kelly-Springfield Solids
Phone 66
219 N. Commercial St.
pewisc advertisevxmvart
LnthcPapcrthat BrrPcsults
put a result E3rjvWantAd in
i(morrowvetjLhthc rctuira