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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKCGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 1919. I NEW TOD A ; 'ROTJND COAST LEAGUE BASES (Br United Tress.) Continued from page seven PAGE EIGHT. Y PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Always at Your Sfimcr Help of ail kind Furnished Free to Employers Mffwsw. tEiuiL rtsm. m tt tint I r. CMW, . U-tt Btuntid So t Portland. Otfu IXtl! .SAI.K French bull cheap. 3-Ji X. Com "I St. puppies ir. JKKSKV cow, 4.-,, if taken at once Phone fiHr'll. 4 11 WASH jKilish mid jgroase vour ears at .t-V .S . S UIU CI, Kl!t SAI.K I.opmberry tips -J per thousand, lit. 1, box 17. Plume .1 4 1 Half Durham cow. 5 , years, 4X Fallot's, doc fresh l.'UU, A. Hawthorne, Kt. box.Nii .Siltm. Phone -K2i. 4 11 TO ABSOBB FRECKLES AND OIHEE ELEMISHES V.vvry spring numerous inq nries art' mail by irls seeking some reliable re cipe for removing freckles. Very fav oraiilc reports have been reee'.ved frum many who have mod mereu'i.ed wax duriii the freckling season. The wax se-ms to possess unusual properties li!h completely absorb the freekles, Willi no harint'iil effect whatever, die complexion improves wonderfully, be ("wing as soft as a rose petal, and as ilelnatelr tinted, (let nu ounce of or dinnry mcreoli.ed wax at any drug irist s, unread a tlun laver of it over ih n entire face every night for a while washing this of in tile morning, h'or rough, upotty luu, sullowness, blavR- lira. is, pimplea ami all cutaneous blem ishes, this treatment is mperioi to tiny oilier. VYANTKD .Vaturnity work by graduate- nurse. Phone 21olW. ' 4 14 I-VU SAI.K 2 young Jersey rows, just fresh. 71" S. U'th St.' upstairs -12 IMR SAI.K 4 rorm bungalow i.Ht. toilet, electrictv, gas, elose in. Call afler U p. 111. 4Tj S. Cuui'l. 4 12 FOR SAI.K Leas or rent, furnished or unfurnished 5 room house with light and water, ete. Large garden space, thickens, elose in. Address A 11 X rare Journal. 4 14 N'KARI.Y new 5 room modern house with lot liilxlOO feet, small barn and woodshed must be sold at once. See it at lloyt and Winter Sts. 4 12 WANTKI) Agents to demonstrate Dr. Seotts corsets and toilet artieles. M. K. Mackie, 3V. X. Liberty St. ("all afternoon or evenings. 4 11 CITY NEWS. Frank Ma pes, of tus Metropolitan Insuranee eompany, luis purchased of John M 11 m 111 , a home at IH.i North Winter street. The consideration was -.'imiii and V. II. (Irabeiihorst & Co. handled the drill. County Clerk U. G. Boyer is tending out poslers us follows: ".Notice Klce tors, if you fail to vote Inside of two yearn or move out of your precinct, Juu camel your n gisti-ntion as 11 vot er and must register again. Do it now. " Miss Beitlah M. Seott, who baa been teaching school at Tillamook, has re turned to the eity for a time. Juflu ena tin's 11 nu in become so serious at Tillamook that nil schools have been cloned. The U. 8 .Labor bureau continue to jjet The laborer and Iho job together. There is a cull for a man and wifo on n sheep ranch. Hop workers are in big demand with a pay of a day. A mail and team is wanted ond three men ean find jobs who will work 011 sotting out strawberries. .Hut the big call is for men to work on hop ranches. 1 El beit Thompson, a!csma for Vlck Bros, who was operated ou lust eve lung at the Deaconess hospital for nb cos of the brain, is still in a serious condition ultliiuigU he is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Last Saturday Mr. Thompson was In .Portland unending NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that tho nn dcisigned will receive bids up until 5 o'clock p. m. April 21, Hll!', for the construction of a wood sidewalk to be laid nlong the east side of Winter street adjacent to and nhutting upon lot No. H in block lis, in Wilds Addi tion to North Salem, Marion county, Oregon. Plans and specifications may lie liml at the recorder' oft ice. KAKL HACR, 4 IH Citv lteconler. PATTON PLUMBING COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 1GG8. to Mime business matters and upon his return home complained of feeling sick sterday his condition had become so serious that he was taken to the hospital for the operation. Wilford Allen, of the Industrial ac cident commission, spent Thursday in r.ugene on business connected with tne iepart nient . o - Dr. K. N. Avisou left this mornlrg where he will viit with friends nnd intend the oratorical contest held there this evening. Mr. Jones of the Balem Velie com pany, left this immune for Portland. expecting to drive back this evening with a fine new model of the Velie car. The Industrial accident commission is in I 'mi I nu. I today, having been in vited to attend the sessions of the hos pital standardization conference, which is lioldiii'f a series of meetings at all important points in the west. Some of (he lending surgeons and hospital au thorities of tho country ore on the program of addresses. There is large sized yellow cat that feels perfectly at home at tho S11 lein Fruit Cuinn nnd there is just a suspicion tlint the eat hns been serv ing as the mascot for the I' the past yenr as business has been excep tionally good. He goes under the name of "Hob," anil it is not yet made known whether he is named nl'ter the mnunger of ttic saiem mut union or because lie really is a bob tailed cat with no more tail than a Jack rabbit Real estate continues to move In Salem nnd vicinity. J. K. Scott re ports the following sales within the past ten days: Six nnd one half acre tract about a mile and a half from Sa lem on the Jefferson road for 'l'lOH. Mrs. r'. L. Mnssey was the grantor and A. C. Hiuctel of (I rnngerville, Ida ho, the grantee. The tract hns a house on :it and is well improved. Mr. Hiuc tel got tired of the M11I10 winters. A twenty acre trnct near ( oncomlev 011 tho Oregon Klectrie- was bought by Oscar Slahl of Washington from Rich ard 'llroding. The consideration was :HM)0 cash. A house nnd lot on Cot Inge and Judson streets was purchased by It. II. Harrington from l . D. Vin son for ulllO. Mr. Harrington Is from Kail. Citv. Two lots on State nikd 21st streets wero bought by r'red Armpriest from (leorge ( ohn ot San Diego, for 1000. This also was a cash sale. A. L. Lcavltt, fruit pathologist of the Oregon Agricull oral college, has been in the city toilnv for the purpose Of making an inspection of the prime orchnnls in this vicinity. He will make a report of his observations at the an nual meeting of the Siilcui rrnit l n- ion tomorrow afternoon mut win dis cuss the subject of prune diseases in general wnv. Anyone interesteii is invited to attend. The membership of the Salem lodge of Klks is now well over WOO. The semi annual report of April 1 of Ihe trus tees of Ihe lodge gave the membership at K!4 and Inst night 17 were initiated into the mysteries of the II o'clock hour. These were: Curtis H. Cross. Uis II. Fletcher, Joseph Oraber, James C. O'Heilly, Harry M . Hawkins I'nul K. Hurris Kov II. Mice, frank (iibson, drover Todd, Karl Hinges, II. .1, I'ilfhford. W. S. Hicks, M. W. How ley, A. It. Kelsey, W. F. Hoff man. J. V, Harbison nnd C. V. Whir The winners: an Francisco, Loa An eles, Sacramento, Salt Lake. Home run honor roll: Lund. Seattle. Four runs in the eighth sicnza gave the Seals their third straight game, 6 to 3. Three Angel hits and an error l Fuller of the Beavers, gave the Angela two runs in the first lulling, a lead which they retaiued to the end. Final 2 to 0. Although Schorr held the Tigers to one hit, Kasicka men crossed the home plate four times. At that, the Bees took the game, five to lour. A real bi.ll game was enacted In Sac ramento. The Oaks and the Senators went scoreless for eight innings, the lippers winning the contest with lone run in the last half of the ninth. sj atvu HOWELL At his home on Jerris ave nue in South Salem A. W. Howell, at the age of (IS years. Death was due to heart failure. After services Saturday in St. .Pauls Kpiseopal church, the body will be taken to Portland for cremation. He is survived by liis wife, who was formerly Mrs. C.eorg W. Jones. Mr. Howell had retired from active busi ness. He was Generally known through his connection with the state hospital and Hate training school. local hospital Hobeitson, at HORKKTSOX At a April S, llllSt, Janet the age of 1. years. She is survived by a sister in Mich igan and a nephew in Portland. The funeral tierviecs were held this after noon at the Terwilliger home and were conducted by the Kov. ('. H. Powell. Burial was in the Odd Fellows ceme-lory. State House Notes SFFD WHF.AT We have some of the best Varieties SEED OATS We are making a special low price on miiirun- Have shorts and middlings for ho feed. Rolled oat3 and I? arley CHERRY CITY FLOURING ! The weekly report of the Industrial accident commission shows that there were but two fatal accidents in the state during the week: Alton (Iregory, lumberman, l.innton, and Ira Bower, ship ibuilder. ilarshfield. There were a total of 4! accidents reported, of which number 47.1 were subject to the provisions of the compensation act, Tl were from firms and corporations that have rejected the provisions of the act, and 15 were from public utility corpoiations not subject to the act. Tux returns on file In the office of secretary of state for the month of March, pertiiiuing to the oil compan ies, serve not only to give an idea of the amount of product handled but the. amount of revenue turned into thu stale treasury. The Standard Oil fig ures how the sale of :U7.ttH) gallons of gasoline and M.'H gallons of distil late, the former carrying 1 cent a gal lon and the latter one half cent. The total return from this company was l l.."it;t.:tn. The fnion Oil Co. re (torted 2!2.I1'J gallons of gasoline and ril.'.'Ts gallons of li-t i tlit to With to tal returnof :ili2.5!. DI'XX At the Salem hospital Thurs day evening, Apiil ID, lit 19, Mrs. C. A. Dunn nt the nge of 2! years. Mrs. Dunn became ill about n week 110 with appendicitis and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Her pro gress was favorable until yesterday when her condition suddenly became critical, tthe had been making such fuvorable iirogress towards recovery that her husband, C. A. Dunn, assist ant highway engineer had gone to Til lamook on urgent business. She became suddenly worse yesterday evening and died beforo Mr. Dunn reached nor bedside. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2::il) o'clock from the chapel of the Rigdon com pany. Burial will be in th.t Oty View cemetery. PERSONAL Mrs. M. K. Shin of Falls City is regislered at the Bl'igh. Mrs. M. T. Duiiegau is at tho Blijjh registered from Scotts mills. J. M. Devers, a iiromiitent attorney of Kugene, is in the city 011 legal bus iness. T. F,. JleCroskey, manager of tho Salem Commercial club, was in Silver ton yesterday in the interest of club work. 18c a package Mu Ir r 1 , . , , "ijZ '' ,:UM --"4i i-- , , ; ' .mt - .. , u . 1. I 4 11 II II MM. I 11 an -lit.. ,, , , , , .IT '.., , , f ., ' I AMELS will put more real enjoyment into your life than any cigarette you I v ever set oetween your lips! Camels refresh; Camels are the cheeriest work-and-play cigarettes that ever came your, way! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos is a revelation! You have never smoked a cigarette like Camels ! They give such unusual satisfaction ! You do not have to Cultivate a liking for Camel Cigarettes. The blend takes care of that I For, you start right in as though you had been keen-on-Camels every day for a year I Camels not only win your taste quickly and permanently, but they never tire it! Camels refreshing flavor and fragrance and coolness become more enjoyable all the time. The more liberally you smoke them, the greater your appreciation of their freedom from tongue-bite, and from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or unpleasant cigaretty odorl Smoke Camels on a try-out. Put them to the severest test you know! For personal information, compare Camels with any cigarette in tho world at any price! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. la'-wr-its Ha sPtP"e .V" 8. BISHOP M. T. MAZE, D. D. Of LeMurs, Iowa, who will preach Hiindny inorning at the I'nited Evangel ical church, Cottage aud Center streets, at 11 o'clock. AN ENDLESS CHAIN elfre is the endless chain of recom mendations for Lydia V,. Viiikhnm'a Vegetable Compound. There is hardly n town or village in the I'nited States from which women have not written letters telling rf health restored by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- .pound. If you re suffering from some female trouble, ask your neiyVilmr if she has ever used Lydia K. I inkham's ve'jetniile ( 0111 pound. In many cases you will find that slip hs regained health by its use and will recommend it to you. Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets That'9 what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowela are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste In your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. , Take one or two at bedtime for quick reuet, so you can eat wnat you like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Captain Dennis Have, formerly as sistant commandant nt the Oregon Ag ricultural college, hns been made post adjutant at the college. riani are being made by the Island Lumber company for the erection of a f-W.OOO sawmill opposite St. Helens, on Sauvies island. The mill will have daily caisicity of 50,000 feet. aicm 5amo e More off crsyou High Grade Oxfords and Pumps. New style in Black Brown and White. Quantity buying for our chain of stores enables us to quote the following low prices. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Texas Starts Campaign Of Relief For Victims Of Storm Dalle. Texas. April 11. (United Press.) North Texas settled down to- lay to a definte campaign of relief for the areas stricken by Wednesday's dis astrous storm. Hoports of completion of relief organ isations in the larger towns in each of the storm district were rccrwcil here. Funerals of most of the eighty seven known dead were held yesterday. Renorts from several other towns told of heavy proiiertv damage from wind and torrential rains, indicating the loss es are tremendous. The Dutch steamer N'ieiiw Amster dam, which left New York March 2. is being detained nt Plymouth by Brit ish authorities. No reason is given. The member of the Congregational church in 8t. Helens have decided to build a new church to tost tOOOO, (ilbert Hudwig, pttot in the serial mail service between New York and Chicago fell 2000 feet in his plane at Hollis, N. Y., lint escaped unhurt. Pensions were g:sr 'u to 10 Or.vr in piT.ns hist Vv-iik. 1U pensions av.-r ngi'd a mouth. Two thousand esses of Bed Cross sup plies will leave Seattle this week for ladivoatok for American soldiers in Si be ria. Grapete' . onceeach day W Then you're sure of your quota of fnuch needed Whole grain tiements in diet A wheat and barley blend designed for health Black Kid Pumps, military heel Men's Outing Work Shoes with $4.65 Rubber Sole White Buck Oxford, Perferated Toe, $ Military Heel Men's Brown or Black Blucher work $4.45 shoes $2.85, $3.23, $3.85 $1.65, $4.85 Brown Kid Oxford Pointed Toe to $5,5Q cifoc661 Men's Hats for Dress or Everyday $4.95 wear Black Kid Pump, Pointed Toe' $1.45 to $3.45 Lo"is Heel Mens Athletic Unions 75c 85c, $1.00 Women's Brown Vamp" Shoe, Lace Cloth Top to Match, Louis or Mili- Men's Cotton Unions tary Heels, Good Year welt, specially JljM JJ 75 priced $4.93 Men's Part Wool Sox 29c JUST IN BY EXPRESS Women's hats $1.19 lo $1.98 Men., Brown EngHsh Misses Hats, trimmed $1.59 $5.50 to $7.00 C J. BRIER CO. 141 North Commercial Street ; "You Do Better Here For Less" ,MUkl VAjWUMMIj rmr- JOURNAL WANT ADS PA JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY