P4GE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 1919. n An Economical, Delightful Light Place to Trade SETS (T (Hs TCD for New Apparel Fashionable women realize that a properly made corset is one of the most important factors of their attractive ap pearance. Our line of R. & G. corsets one of the best of the standard makes in a full range of sizes and styles, will help you attain the relaxed, graceful poise and sfim figure demanded by the season's fashion. Prices $ 1 .SO to $5 n . ' i.A I tt 1 IHEAVY VOTE CAST ill BUDAPEST ELECTION 500,000 Men . And Women I i i n ' i mare Baiois uoyermnent - ' si 1 if . r hi NEW SPRING HOSIERY Just the same as every thing else at this time of the season, hosiery comes along all decked out in its new Spring dress. Our dis plays you will find a com plete stock of light and medium spring weights here in all sizes and colors. Pure thread silk, black, white, brown and grey $123 Ladies pore thread silk, good quality $1.50 Ladies' pure thread silk, . brown, grey, black and white $2.00, $2.23, $2.50 Some in out sizes New Spring Styles in Women's Footwear Ladies' footwear styles for Spring nineteen nineteen make their formal de but We feel that they are due for an unusual amount of applause all around and they deserve it. They look so simply got up and walked right out of their Fashion. Patent Pump, Louis heels $6.25 Patent Pump, French heels ., $5.50 Patent Pump, Welt soles, wing tip, military heels $6.00 Kid Pump, turn soles, French heels $5.50 Kid Patent, welt sdes, military heels $3.50 White Kid Pumps, French heels $7.00 White KidOxfords, French covered heels $8.00 Black Kid Oxford, French heels .$6.50 Chocolate Brown Kid Oxford, French heels $7.00 Chocolate Brown Kid Oxford, white welt military heels $7.50 Brown Oxfords, welt soles, French heels $6.50 416 Slate Street l V Phone 877 Charges Fraud By Edward Bing (United J'ress staff correspondent) Budapest, April 9. (Delayed) i Heavy street fighting in Agrain, 160 imiKs southwest of Vienna, where Ser bian troops attempted to restore order ' during a riot which developed in a peaants' mass meeting, a Fiuine dis patch reported today several radical agitators were arrested. Half a million men and women voted iu Monday soviet elections in Buda pest, it was announced todav. A new vote waj ordered in one district, the I government charging illegal balloting. A hundred carload of American fats armed here from Trieste today, great ly relieving- the serious food shortage. The government has issued a decree declaring all cinema theaters, cinema producing companies and pharmacies j public property. I At the invitation of the government, 1 1 he American and British commissions and foreign correspondents witnessed la parade af the First and Second in I teruational red regiments which are bound to the ' front. " j War Minister I'oganny has ordered I H II flM-mil ll"if iviuiiuifl I iff i.'.ii... tit rti. port for duty in the red army. A so called "Rumanian red army" is being organized here from citizens speaking the Rumanian language. Provision has been made for comiuun ist lectures for Italian workmen. Thes workmen former Italian war Asserts Begy's Musterine Gives Quickest Relief for Sore Throat and Chest Colds Sufferers From Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis and Sciat- W T V i - i vara, a -w - . . ica use freeiy witn wonderful Results Does Not Irritate The Nose And Eyes. The very best the original improve, It", the simplest and best remrdy ment on grandmother's wood nlil inns tard plaster, i, Begv-'s Xlustarine. Jt s netter tnau any mustard plaster ever made. Druggists know this, and that ia whv most of them freely recommiud Bogy" Mustanne for all aches and jams, in flammation and congestion Don't fail to rub it on when you have a sore throat or a cold in the chest or bronchitis or pleurisy the quick results will amaze you. For rheumatic (pains and swellings, pout, stiff ftttil sore muscles, aiiff neck and inflamed feet it is better than plasters, poultices or liniments. known to stoo headache. ache and backache in just a few min utes, without any stomach dosing. Just rub it on it's very penetrat ing and acts with greatest speed. Oct the "Original licgy's Mnstarine always in the yellow box you'll ne'er be sor-rr. prisoners, elected to remain here iath- j er man return to tneir own -country. IWOiAJniAi R0SEDALE the Gardner and lladley homes lu. t week. Harry Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Aloxnn- iL mwl 1 1 f!av1nii artmi.rl 4ln .,in. ty hu inlay school convention in Salem 1 ! Kiittirdnv CALIFORNIA WELCOMES EOTS OF FIGHTING SEVENTH TODAY (Capital Jounial Special Service.) I , , ., ,. , . .. ir t- "u "crnaruiuu, LB1., April ,11. 4 Kosedale. nr., April 11. Mrs. Kemp!.,. ., , , ' is visiting relatives at Fhilcta, Oregon. j lL B,,eo 1 "- ucrnarain0 (oAny u. a, iiauiey was a Jtoniana visitor "vjv""'v" -' u iuo iwu Monday Mrs. Gardner of Portland visited tt Phm lUrakill SS41 8wtln4 BuildiM Grace Adams Optometrist & Optician Kes, Hum Tabor SW Fifth and Wellington Portland, (Irwson Edith I. Phillips Optometrist and Optician jiKS MWM PiMock Btsek . Phona Braadwar 1805 w anmiTTon at nt rarn Portland. Oregon. infantry southern California's old fighting Seventh. The full regiment of 758 men will bs demobilized at Camp Kearny. ! I The Journal classified ads art great favorites with people who do things Try ona ..... TT 1? tt it ! STATE HOUSE NEWS The most interesting catte in tho su finvne court today was that of Horb ing vs ftrown, ipertninlng to tho at tempt on the part of .Portland inter st to compel tho attorney genera! by nuindauius to writo a title for a 'referendum petition opposing resolu tion 1, of the recent legislature, en dorsing the national ixiohibition amend ment . Ilerbing wns represented by Han 'Malarkoy of Portland, Theo. A. Hell of California, K. n. .Hoabrnok f Port land, whllo John A. Murphy of Seat tle was present as an interested coun sel. Attorney General Prown made o most exhaustive analysis of his posi tion and tho constitutional phases of the once, undertaking to show by nu merous precedents that he had no au thority vested In him to write a title to such a petition. On the other hund plaintiff undertook to show that the attorney gciu'ial was in a sense over stepping his prerogative in obstructing the ordinary procedure of the matter, holding that the ballot title should be written and then if it were ndmitted 'by tho secretary of state it could be contested by injunction proceedings. XTRA SPECIAL Remnant Read the Remnant Store Toilet Of Calico NOW DONT FORGET SATURDAY IS 10c Yard bargain day :59c to 45c . TonwrrowOnly ItiKsfpr lirnuTt Ladies Tailor Trimmed ,,.. f'.)C T lJuster isrown JIatg . V hite Outing Flannel Special 'fnair ty at S&tn rice For $100 $1.98 Each 19c ard pu-ij 98c '5c PI Y HATS TABLE CLOTH Mill Remnants of ILAYIIATb Tomorrow Skirting Tomorrow v j c,,tllr,iw p:na R v . 0'Jc Yard featui day l rice 6c Lach . 23c Yard Sample line of Dress Goods Bargains " LADIES DRESSES The biggest barpiin for" T ?f. . Value to $5.00 Saturday only. We will LaJles nslery At $2.98 Each sell 42-in French serge T10moIl;I,?w 10c for $1.00 a yard. A reg- 19cIalr ular $2.00 value. In blue Envelopes black, purple or red. Crystal White Soap Tomorow Limit 1 dress pattern to Special 5c Package the customer. Uc a Bar NEW TODAY PEGGY UYIAND in "BONNIE ANNIE LAURIE" TOM MIX COMEDY rBLIGI! W THEATRE $15 Ladies Silk Hosiery at $1.00 Pair WBL mm. 25-1 N. Commercial Stret A. D. THOMPSON, Prop. Odd Lot of Children's White Hose 9c Pair UNIVERSITY OF OREGON OFFICIALS EXFELL FOUR EDITORS OF RED SHEET! Kugene, Or.. Anril 11 H son of halein. .luck l)i,n,lr,. nt d..i land, Uoyd StiU of Milton and Douglas muimrnr or Jteml. innmr. !,. i, eipeueu irom the L Diversity of Oregon ine loui young u.cu, an prominent: sTuuenta, were cuuneeted with the pub lication of an anonrmous and often sive "Scarlet Sheet" during the vaca tion period '.tt u.outh. The "tkarlot Hheet" in ante-bellum days w ,s an nnuual event during the spring vacation, containing burlesques uu iase atones oo faculty monibcl and student Tho faculty dmded that the publi cation issiied itst month stepped bevond the bounds of a!l propriety. By study ln the kind of tvp used ia the 'Sear let .Sheet' and in various printing es tttblishmuits if tbv state, the inesti catdrs fwrt.lllini' it lia,l )u.. n.f..l..l "Tter, tif.. 4 jo sides from (he canpi:, and m tLnt wsr learneil Mul , .orky and Mill vr, .,li, it nnn a Jiney re iniere in the Following Styles Have Arrived ipyis j Cross i All Brown, F. B. & C, finest kid, full welt sole, Cuban j : : heel. Making an extraordinary fine shoe in up-to-the- j : : minute last, style, heels, etc. Price $9.50 i v joss ia Cross This style in elegant F. B & C. All black kid welted soles, 1 4-8 Cuban heels. Are splendid shoes if you prefer the always-in-order black. Price, only $8.00 The highest grade of Brown Kid is used also in this pump. Welt construction, Cuban heels. Just one of the nicest pumps you ever saw, and we can fit you too, -as we carry all these shoes in widths fromm AAA to D width. Price $9.50 We are also carrying fine lines of pumps and oxfords in browns, black kids and patents on down as low as $5.00. Pump Buckles in Profusion In all the larger cities the Buckles are surely raging. So to be right up to the latest style we, too, bought lots of buckles, and can show vou some beintip nt from $2.00 down to 40c the pair. These sell in Portland f Tomfl OOto $5 00 You can properly judge them by a peep into our Buckle Display case Footwear for those who enjoy the best of everything tad lond.re cm m.M reoierrlay. MIRMAl. Ym m PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Trade ,iuk jt- apgfjp 1 MM-i;;;;;