Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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OroAto Gai, Scurcess and Pain How
Medical authorities state thrt nearly
iu tenths of the on.' if stum-h
trouble iud:.etioB, .sourness, burning,
gu, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to
aa excess of hydrochloric acid in the
atouiach and nut as some believe to a
lack of digestive juices. The delicate
rtumaeh lining is irritated digestion ii
delayed and food sours causing the
disagreeable symptoms which every
towh sufferer knows sj wdi.
Artificial digestonta are not needed
ia uch ease and may do real harm.
Try laying aside all digestive aid
and instead get from any druggist
few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and
take a teapounful in a quarter glass
of water right after eating. This sweet
rnt th stomach, preveuts the forma
tioa of excess acid and there ia no
eourness, gas or pain. Itisurated Mug
lesia (in powder or tablet form never
liquid or aiiik ia harmless to the stoiu
ch, inexpensive to take and is the
luest efficient form of magnesia lor
stomach purposes. It is used by thou
sands of people who enjoy their meals
with uo more fear of indigestion.
Kutfene, Or., April 11. Charles (Shy)
Huntington, who coached the Lniver
Hity of Oregon football aggregation last
neason, has been re-engaged for the
K.me job this year. Huntington was a
atar of the Oregon team which defeated
Iho Vniversity of ennsylvania at l'asa
iena on New Years day, 11I17.
Tfcoaght 3 Litile Children
Nceikd Mother's Care
"My stomach suffering was so se
vere that 1 cool I not have lasted much
longer. 1 did fot care so much for my
.clf hut did not want to leave my three
little children who needed a mother's
love and are. A cousin in California
wrote me about Mayr's Wonderful
licnicdy and I look a course of it. 1
liavp since been entirely well." It is
h simple, harmless preparation that re
moves the catunlial mucus from the
intestinal tract und allays tho inflatn
onat'iou which onuses practically all
Mtomach, liver and intestinal ailments,
including appendicitis. One dose will
convince or money refunded. J. C
Terry, Capital Drug Htore, and drug
gists everywhere.
10 tiwawH
Velars Ta (h hm
150 Liles la Costy
Iota Cf. 139.
Tj il.e 130 mile already planned as
the l.srd surfaced roads for Marion
county, to be voted oa at the special
eleclioi June 3, the road location com
mittee, at its evasion today at toe Com
mercial club added SO Biiea.
This will make a total of 130 mile,
as part of the Marion county program
of good roads and tho period of con
struction was extended te include seven
When the road program was presented
to the county court today, it waa poiut
t d out by Judge Bushey and eomuiia
sioners that the roads tad not entirely
btvu selected with reference to the tax
able property of the county. Also that
the r"ad program would need to be re
vised before it should be submitted to
the iieople.
Acting on the suggestion of the coun
ty court, the committee added 20 miles
to the plans as already submitted. The
location of this 20 miles is as follows:
Stayton to Mehama, 7 miles; Stayton
to West Stuytun, 3 miles; Sidney to the
1'aeifie highway, 3 miles; ialem to
Prat um, 4 miles; Salem t0 Wheatland,
1 mile, and St. Louise to Gcrv&is, 2
Mehama presented a petition to the
road location committee signed by 2oU,
asking for the additional mileage. Even
without the road as first planned, Me
hama was in for good roads with 130
n.-uies to the petition.
The petition to the county court ask
ing that the good roads bonds proposi
tion be put on the ballot June 3, has re
ceived 17oS signatures und it is uudor
st' od that about 3U0 more are to be
aimed in In- mail, as thoso handling
s. veial petitions did not attend tho ses
sion today. As already about 300 more
than the necessary legal number have
signed the pettiion, it was officially
lre:,ented to the county court today.
This is the first step in the good roads
program for Marion county.
With the addition of the 20 miles to
tho p:-ograiu, it is thought that every
part of the county has received duo
consideration hi proportion to taxablo
property und that at tho coming special
election, tho good roads program will go
through with but little opposition.
When you buy Homo products
tho principal and the profit all
remains in Oregon.
l.f every consumer would use
Oregon products, the output of
Oregon factories would bo inc
reased more pcoplo would be
put on Oregon payrolls. Mor
homes, more schools, etc.,
would follow property values
would increase, taxeB would bo
The first base ball game of the sea
son for tho Salem hig-h school will be
pulled off tomorrow afternoon with tho
Cheinawa nine, at-tho home grounds of
the latter. Several car loads of enthus
iasts will accompany the Salem bo.i
How To Clean Up Your j
System This Spring
We Recommend Dr. Carter K & B
' Taar Old Fashioned and Purely
Vegetable, but Does tie Work
Just the Bime
tv. . tW cents any economical
mother can get a pneksgo of Dr. Car- j
ter's K t B Tea and with it can gent-j
Iy, but surely, givo tho little children s ,
liowels a thorough cleaning and at the
eame time they will bo taking a spring
tonic unexcelled.
A cup of Dr. Carter's K 4 B Tea be-1
fore going to bed will work wonders i
for anyone especially in the spring, j
Drink it for constipation, upset
etomach sluggish liver, sick headache j
end that weary hate to get up in the i
jnorning feeling-you'U like it the ;
children will enjoy it. Be sure yon get
Dr. Carter s K.&B. Tea
For thrips on prunes,
pears and plums use
Black Leaf 40 Spray.
Use 3-4 lbs. of Black
Leaf, 4 lbs. Fish Oil soap
to each 100 gallons of
water. Use powr spray
er and spray in very
best possible way both
on top and under leaves
and blooms. Spray at
once, if thrip is showing
in your orchard, if you
want to save your crop.
W have a large stock
of Black Leaf 40 for us
ual reauirements, but
will not last long if this'
disease is general, so
buy now and be prepar
Phone 160
255 State Street
Special Feature
Lw.ni J
In a big thrilling,
griping story of mys
tery and appealing
6 Parts
Mr. and Mrs.
Tte fepk cf Dsk"
With Orchestra "
n II 1 V ' ,- n -4 it: r : a r J . ' n
V a. .
1 Yd 1 1 f v
mm wmm& wm mmm
Here is your opportunity to buy $l.0 worth of Palmolive toilet
ft a . i
specialties for only oi cents.
To secure a 60 cent iar of famous Palmolive Vanishing Cream a
m rrnf ran nf Palmolive Talcum Powder 50 cents worth of Palm- ;
. olive Soap, four full size, full weight cakes, all for the modest sum
oj oy cents! It you bought tnese articles separately at ms
regular retail price they would cost you $1.40.
Get them now take advantage of the buying power of the j
coupon and you save 51 ccnls and enjoy the use of the finest j
toilet articles that can be produced at this startling intro- ,
ductory price. j
Cut out the coupon, sign it end present it to your 1
WX dealer today. He will accept it at us lace
n . v
value of 51 cents. There is going to be
a big run on every store that selis
Palmolive products. It is saler
not to dtlay. '
TMs Coupon
51c Credit I
At Any
This great" offer"" will hold good all of
this week that is, if this supply holds out.
Most Palmolive dealers have laid in a
generous stock in anticipation of this
event but of course, it will be first come,
first served.
Rpmpmhpr the Palmolive Vanishing n icvnrM
Cream isn't excelled at any price, the Palm-, Vanishing Cream $0.60
Olive laicum ruwuci is uic im auuwiw
kind that particular women demand.
No need to tell you about Palmolive
Soap it is the best known, biggest sell
ing toilet soap in the world.
This wonderful collection of toilet articles with .
I 51 cents cut from the regular price is yours if you
, cut out, sign and present the coupon which appears
i in this ad to your favorite Palmolive dealer.
lfck .. . i
Four cakes Palmolive
Soap .50'
One can Palmolive
Talcum Powder - .30
Full credit counon .51
. a u.
S Tills Coupon
Is worth 51c
Thl. i-minnn emltUt theholdrto
the $1.40 aaaortnient of PalmolWa
,peoialtiea upon pre.ent.tion witn .
All VOUrS tOr vU.Oy On.j.rofP.lmoliveV.aUhlngCr.am$0 60
A , nt i..m L1S . m .50
r.k Palmolive Boat
One can P.ltnoltve Talcum Powder
825 Henry E!dg., Seattle, Wash.
Full Credit Coupon
All jrouri for
4 Cuttomtr'i Nam
. $0.89 :
AJJrtu .........
To Dlr.: We will rcpl.c. fr of ch.rg. .mount of P.lmoll.0 iM HtB
.war wHh thl. coupon. Addi... f
.at-' Rir, TTnnrv Ttnllillnir Sn.ttln. Wash.
-m . ' ,
,J Ihil coupon' net' did unit- txYntTby parckaur rec.ieinf e.ap
land inject all ipossilile ".icp'' into lb
I game. I ne lofai ooyg nnvc i'rn prac
iticinjf for .cveral wet'kj an wca'lior.
! would permit, and arc in g'iod condi
tion. (Six oirt of the J?rmi arc old
I players. Oaptain Orpug ha not bven
aide to make permanent aelePtiuns of
! bin men, hut tho tentative liner p plrre
I either K. dill Ahbv or Fisher in the
pitcher's boi. Gregg will rateh. A.
tjmktr Quickh; Date (fit So the,
f ejutraticf Appticatieei f
U-aka't Wizard Oil
Ia eases of rheuinatism and lame
back it penetrates quickly, drives out
soreness, and limbers up still, aching
joints and muscles.
Wizard Oil is an absolutely reli
able, antiseptic application for cots,
barns, bites, and tinRs. Sprains and
bruises heal readily under it tooth
in?, penetrating qualities.
Get it from druggist for 30 cents.
If not satisfwd return the bottle and
get your tnotrey back.
Ever constipated or have aide
headache? Jost try Wlrard Liver
Whips, pleamnt little pink pills, 30
j cents. Guaranteed,
Gill is sintid Hr V,r t :o, Utham
first bone, Iyr h 1 or tc.imd !, l
either :ll ' A'liby for third bune.
(!r'.ie will str.rt w.tii iijiit field, Al- .
tiriuh; lef, NuHun; e;Mitcr, Kewrves 1
will li Hirks, Kri.-i.ii-1, Six-oloMty andl
I'.a'ij.elt . t'hf-niav.a will furnish the I
uini.ire f'.r Ibis name. Tha M'jit pfiuie
will he ti!h Kiijcuf on the loenl
Tie et of thi eUIo asaicst Josie
The ea nf Iho ifa'e against Josie
ftitler. w'.iieh wits to have coir.e up for ',
trial todny before the enurl (if Ju ;
tiee 1'nruh, hn hecu pr,sto:ieii until
next Tuesdav nf'rrnoon at 2 o'el.K'k.j
Th? postponement . neeen?nry on ae
eount of other huiiness thut had to be
attended to today.
Homer H Balth, reprewoilng toe
Htandurd A'eident lnnr.tnee eompnny.
recently rid 750(1 to Mrs. .1. A.
Wileoe. whi hiihand was mileu in
a iitcnoriile aeider,t on f4onth Oom-
mereinl street on thn evening of the
Crwriane' annnsl bsnqnet at the ho
tel Marion. Mr. f son had earned
ia ae dert policy wi'h this ermpan.,
for ewrl yesrs. Mrs. Wilson is now
visitini friend in si FVanriseo. Khf
expects to make her home in Portland
with relatives.
H.as v,liere ho lins been Kervinj; for
the nast year, Corpnrnl Alford ami
',! have returned to I'ortlnnd where
he will he eni;.loed by the Portland
l.ijjht and I'ower rompany, with whom
he wan emjiloyed netorn enlisting,
The nntionnl f'athnlie war emineil
propones to upend $:ili(J,000 in an effort
t,. iiriuliu-e food for the future of this
country and of the wholo world."
, DotTJrsJ a Clair Aiford of the 37th
engiuiis, Las Jut returned from over-
Oretna, Va. ht. 20. "I .offered
for over ten years with itehiitg and
burning of my nkii. It never broke
out at nil but jtit itehed end burned
terribly. I tried ai-
'"f" nint everything, but
- atti nn relief. As
aona , I b. qan lift
ing R'-sia.d Oint
ment and Resinol
Mip the itebiia
nd burning left tne
nlnin?t at onre. I
nad one feir ot Ifes
t: -ivtj : i -t:.....,o.. n,il
It llHJf .,IMMIirnt wen
v two rakes cf Kini
nl eviap and wns eomidete'.y eured."
(Kned) Ri'lurd T. Hhelton.
. Hesinol Ointment and Jtesiaol top
sold by U druggist.
At the meeting of tho Odd Fellows,
lust Saturday night, tho lodge wns n.
,reil hv a vinit from District Tnst Orand
Win. A. Weddlo of Ktnyton, who gnvej
it talk. One new randidato was imtia-i
ted. There was a good attendanee and!
at the rh.no of. the niecting, tuo kc- i
b. kahn' and families, having previously I
been invited, gathered with tho Odd;
Kellowa, where a program was given. I
Mr. V.'eddle g.ive nn intereatlni and in !
utruetive talk. A quartet eomposed of
Mendniiies Mtble Martin, Krma II. Gid
rlinea nnil MeHMrH. J. K. Whitehead and
Ii. K. KobertHon, also a duet hy -Mildred
Martin and Avora Hswder, eomprtsed
the voeal p'irt of the program. A very
fine piece was delivered bv the) talented
Robert Orav. As the elosing number,
Mr. A. U II tracer gave a talk whieh
included nn iavitutinn to the Odd Fel
lows to beeHie members of thn Hebelah
A .nlendid banniH-t. consisting nf ss4
ads, snndwifhes, pickles, rake, enffee'
and nlenty of good vanilla and maple
tint ice cream, wns served in the dining
room by the Indies. The long tcble was'
beantifnlly demrated with spring and'
wild flowers. j
Over a hundred were entertained and
'not before 2 e'eloek In the mornmg did
'the enjoyable time tease. Tribune.
UDi jufin "
. . - . n n . ww T..... nvrn
Kugene, Or., April 11. Irvin Maritti,
a Portland youth, is in the l,nne eounty
Sail hero today having been fined SI)
and sentenced to serve (en days in jail
for having liquor in his Kisisiun,
Maiilli alighted from a Southern i'a
eifie trnin at Junction City yctculi.y
mornlii and was nabbed by Deputy
Sheriff Nettle -kip. He was taken tie
fore Justice nf the Peace A. O. J.eo
there and wnteneed. Ho paid the )f)
fine and will hoard with Sheriff Pred
Htickels for ten dnvs.
one kind
of corn
and 1
are -the best
it-' "l
i a '