Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Relieve Your Indigestion
With A Laxative
Dyspeptics know that indigestion it accompanied by
constipation, and that until the bowels can be regulated to
they wiU act freely and naturally every day at a stated time,
wallowing dyspepsia tablet it of little use.
A peat and growinf number of sufferers from thit trouble
find immediate and then permanent relief by the uae of
combination of timple laxative herba with pepsin told by
druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
The laxative herbt act on the bowels and the prpcin and ex.
tracts on the digestive tract, forming an exceptionally effective
It is a combination that has been found wonderfully
helpful in indigestion, constipation, biliousness, headaches,
bad breath, belching and gas on the stomach. A small dose
is all that is required.
Th druiiltt will refund your motwy.U it ufs
to do as ptomimd.
SDr. CitdweU's
The Perfect jf Laxative
FREE SAMPLES If you have mn wrd
Dr. Caldwt-Ui Syrup FYpun md fcr free trial
buttle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4AS Waihinstoa
St.,ManticaUo,Ill. If there an balm at hone,
aak for a copy ol Dr. Caldwell's book. The
Care si Baby."
la apita e artatly
fcacreaaad laboratory
coat due to the War,
by aacnfiruif proliti
and abaorbmg war
tamee we have main
tained the price at
which thie farailv lux
ativc haa been aold by
drutfieta Inr the paat
Jb yrara. 1 wo
SOc and 11.04.
Clean up for spring -that's tho riht
Ideal Iriv8 out tho winter's waste ac
cumulatinns. Put the bnwuls, liver anil
tomach in good shape and hare purer,
richer blood.
Will do it the whole family, includ
ing the children, ran take It. Brew a
. oodly supply every othor niiht ami
Rive each a cup. A package costs but
; a trifle and it is purely vegetable.
, Celery Kitijr will do you much good
will help the whole family thnt
worn out feeling will vnuiah pimply
kin will go and bright eyes and clear
complexions will be your reword.
(Continued from page sao)
Two thousand Ameriean officers 'id
anon in Kuropp are to spend a term in
llrilltrh linivi'rsilies.
siego conditions directed by War Mia
istor Nosko. Tho government has tak
en special precautions to protect the
Ked :ros mission, which is housed in
tho American embassy. Thn minp,
front of that building is bristling with
uiavuino guns and armed motor cars
form a constant natrol. Alihr. i.
national soviet congress has develop
uNiiiisiaKauiv radiea tern nn a it .
parontly docs not daro to undertake nnv
Apropos of the "Buy at Home".
week which Salem is to observe in the
acar future, elub women may be inter
ested to leara Mrs. Charles Cwstner's
views npoa the subject. In "The Bul
letin" am-akina- nf tha Vl'n rv..
snmer's Week," to be observed in
noou jviver tu the aear future, under
the au.tDiee of tha wnmn 'a luh
Mrs. Castaer sava:
"The home merchant nara fovaa
mat, maintain atrtwta ami rtunfa vwl.
churches and all publio efforts. The
wcai mervaaut is always ready when
money is seeded for charity of any
cuiumunuy wors. me eastern mail or
der ho WW doea Bnthino- hut flrain tha
city and state of wealth. Every wo
man or vrregoa anouia demand of her
dealer that he keep Oregon products on
hand, and she should influence the in
considerate customer to do likewise."
railroad employes
(Continued from Page X.)
Two men wero killed and five oth
er, injured ib.y the explosion 0f a gns
olino tank Haturduy aboard a subma
rine chaser at Key West, Kla.
Durinir a lii.rl, .. t r i u
Katurdr.y the roof of a shed blow from
us lustonmgg and killed Ira M. Bnun-
uors. ici Humidors was fatully injured
Do Not Get Careless
With Your Blood Supply
Impurities Invite Disease.
. You rhould pay particular heed to
tny indication that your blood supply
la becominjf sluggish, or that there is
a Icaseniiijr in ita strong and vital
force. .
By kcepiiigf your Mood purified,
rour system more easily wards oft
ikeasa that is ever present, waiting
to attack wherever there is an Den-
I.... A knllln. CJ C! C!
great vegetable blood msdicine, will
. ruvitaliza your blood and give you
new strength and a healthy, vigorous
vitality. Everyono needs it just now
to keep tho system in perfect condi
tion. Go to your dru)? storo and get
a bottle tu-day, nd if you need any
medical advice, you can obtain it
without cost ky writing to Medical
Director, Swift fpecific Co., 25 Swifl
Laboratory, AtUntn. Ca,
The dinner rliinca which ,- hulil m.
cently at tho Marion hotel was such
a success tnai Air. juuier is planning
10 jj've anoiiier one in the near future
Formerly theftA affnira vara avtrmfTv
popular and a number of requests for
lueir renewal na'S nroinuiea Air. tini
er to lliv them lumin. Annnnn.jiniptit.
of the date on which the next one will
be given will bo mado later.
C. A. Tinfllnmir nf Pnrtlnnrl a
recent visitor in Salem, coming up io
see his mother, Mrs. A. Ji. irinsmoor,
who ia reeoveriiitr frnm a .nrimiu ill.
ness. Mr. Dinsinoor ucconiinied by
his wife, leaves for the east this week",
stopping in Chicago to attend a con
vention and banuuet nf thn lenilino
merchants in the country. He goes in
no interests of Olds, Wormian and
rung store, f rom Chicago Mr. JJins-
llioor will ao oil tn Amw lrb anil ri
turn home bv illllhern rmtln roftih
ing i'ortland by way of Lo Angeles
ami cmn i ranciwo.
a a
According to tho Oreguniwn, Lieu
tenant Charles Z. Kandnll, former tu
lem nttornev whn left with th Un.nl
burn unit of tho old Third Oregon,
has received hiu diKrharie mid mav
go to lantern Oregon to resume his pro
tession .
a a a
Mrs. j. N. Thompson, president
and f ield secretary of I he Oregon
Drumta nr thn v fiint.n ' llnriiit ntitl Kivr-
eign Missiouury societies, and Mis. S.
8. Miimeyi wcrctary of the same, will
rchrCHCllt Siilelll at the iitiniijil i'iiiivimi-
tinii to be held in Dallns the early
part of next month.
Mra. Anlhitiiv (Tinn H'lin linu hunn
visitinir ill California for thn nun! three
months has relumed home.
a a a
Thn .TiiHiui 1.nn Vtiu-nrfh Tiriiriia u-itl
atinnaur a aiii.iiil tllii. nv.initif. tn nh.li
all uieniberK of the league are invited.
T)nti .1. Mnliirknv inflnentiiit Pnrt.
In nil attornev, and former president of
the mate seiiule. is a vinitor in the
Capital city.
ing ear employes sad railroad police
had ben in effect under last year's eon-
ditions, the additional advances oa
these amounts would total about 167.-
300,000 annually.
The aew wage seals is ss follows:
Passenger conductors, $180 per month.
Passenger bauraircmen. 1U5.S0 net
Iaasenger brakemon, $120 per month.'
Passenger enginers, $o.79 per oay.
raasenger riremen, S4.31 per day.
Freight conductors, $5.40 per day.
Freight brakemcn, $4.08 per day.
Freinht enginers, $6.64 per day.
Freight firemen, $4.81 per day.
Yard conductors, $5.33 per day.
Yard brskemen, $5.72 per day.
Yard engineers, $5.72 per day.
Yard firemen, $4.25 per day.
With the disiKMtitinn nf thn brnthnr.
hoods' claims for rend imminent nf
scales, only two relatively small classes
of railroad employes remain to be dealt
with, the Hincs sttaement announced.
Dinins and slcenine car emnlnvea havn
presented their arguments and their
cases are before the railroad adminis
tration. Members of the railroad police
force were riven increases about fmir
weeks ago.
Hlnes Tells Problems.
In announcing his deeiaifin tn thn
brotherhoods cases, llines gave an ink
ling of the problems which ho facpd in
arrivinff at a settlement
"When the report of tho board of
Waires and working aonditinna nn t)iAUA
ciaims was maue," llines said, "I was
laced with the following alternatives:
"(1) To refuse to make as read
justments whatever, becauso of present
unsatisfactory eoifdition of railroad
revenues, in spite of the fact that this
dusa of emnlnvea hnd vnnann amnnt
n'ad.jiistnionts because of readiiiatmnnta
accorded other clssses of employes.
"20 To establish rnlntiva -iualioa
between the various classes of employes
by cuttini? down tho wnirea eatnldiMhnd
for tho other classes during the war.
"(3) To make rendiuatmnnta
pottional with those which had been
"Where Shopping is a Pleasure" "
Railway Superintendent Says
1 aiLac Helped Hnn To hold
J His Job.
"t would give five dollars a bottle
for Tanlae before I would Ac without
it," said Joe Owens, division superin
tendent of the Memphis Street railway,
whose address is Box 131, Memphis,
I "I was getting in mighty bad shape
with stomach trouble," he continued,
"and was all broken down and tired
out. I wss so nervous and had such
'awful headaches that I could hardly
j sleep or rest; I could cat but little of
lanyining, lor notning ajreea witn me;
,i was simpiy uown ana out and Oon t
believe I could have kept my job much
longer Lf 1 hadn't nt hold nf Tnnlac.
I rr-.. 1 - t I
) gained five pounds, I eat and sleep
just fine and it has strengthened me
up anu maue me reel so murn oener
every way that I eant say enough in
its praise.
Tanlae is sold in Tfubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by xten
Gooch, in Gervaij by John Kelly, in
Turner bv If. P. Cornelius. In Wood-
j burn by Lyman H. Storey, in Salem
oy ur. a. j. oione, in ouveriun Dy ueo.
A. Strelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. McCurdy, in Stayton by C. A. Ueau-
enamp, in Aurora Dy Aurora Drug if
wiore, in ot. ram oy viroceieria otore
Co., Inc., in Donald by M. W. Johnson
and in Jefferson b7 Foshay & Mason.
Easter Toggery for
Quinine That Dot Not Affect Head
Hee4Lile nf tla tnnlft and lnvativn af.
(Tablets) can bo taken by anyone with
out causing nervousness or ringing in
thn heart Thorn la nlv ntin "Rfumn
Quinine." K. W. GliOVE'S signa
ture on tho box. 30c.
Silk Petticoats
Lingerie Underwear
Every item for wear or use
Look over our line of Easter Gifts, Parisian Ivory.
Novelty Jewelry, Box Stationery, Fancy Combs,
Leather Hand Bags, Embroidered Linens, Handker- J
chiefs, Umbrelas, Toilet Articles.
U. G. Shipley Co. j
Brings Eairsss
With Ths fom
Tha Coinint Marks tha Ae
t of a Clonous Future.
ress oQtms
A new lot of these plain colored Satins has just
cVi tuc umm,S i-ne. most popular of all t
bilks this soflsnn. I
By the way, Skinner's is the one manufactory
where the standard of perfection in Silk weavini
was maintained at all times. No disappointing flaws
or imperfections in Skinner's. fe
. .ur soc is fresh, ur assortment is large and
varied, including the better of the new shades This
is one big advantage in making your selection of
orumtcrs ojiks ana batins here. That your pur
chases of Skinner's products, at our prices, will rep
resent greater value for the money expended, than
, .wvo, 10 ,u, uiuuisiaR.auie ccnainiy.
Cotton Goods
A whole COUnt.fr 1nn(?nr1 rlnu-n wUU V. nr.
put them there so you could make your choice easily 2
and at will There is such a variety of patterns, you I
Lawns, a pretty lot of them,
U&rd J20c
Haxons and Voiles, pleasing
patterns, at yard 23c
Woven Tissues and Voile?,
dainty stripes, yard 3Qo
Foulards, Voiles and Klaxons
as you like them, yard 33c
(Ooatinuod from page one)
niuiiiciition with llungarv, wiiH'h is 1m
uossible at prisent because, of the fact
that strimjj Kiiiiminnii iiml K.eclio-c!lo
vuk forces now form a barrier.
licnine nlso is reliably reported to be
milking prcnnitions to install bulshe
nam in luiiuiiiiia and iliilgnntt, thus di
rectly linking Uitssiu up with Huncnry
una liuvnna.
Tho explosion of n ton of dvnamite at
Issnipiah, Wash., Siiturtv niirlit slir.t
tered every window in the town. No
one was killed, but the damniro will ex
ceed K,0Ml.
II IE -4
Scientist aa mrtmt alw. J u. i-i .1
upon the rcnarkubla lnuenr which tho
mothers hapiiir prt-natnl dlrooalllon haa
rallh and future or tha a-aaera.
orQu Ilia hMl
llitna tn Mti.Hi
llwra Is a iplmdld Brcnnratlon women
w over hnlf a century hunt appliail he
mr ths shirk's arrlvul, Iramn as Mnthrr's
llcnd. This Is a most mteM, pen!trnllns;
cmcclr that at once anftens ani etwlhos
"1,n'",'i,n nf brnail, a-.t nhdninin.il miwles
i"M-r tha akin uf the alulumtn. Hy Its roi
nlar one tlurlnn the rarloit the nerves, ten
Ions find ccirds sro relaxed anil there Is sn
.aeiK-e of nainca, Iwsrinduwn pains.
strain and rcner .l dlsromr.irt more ofton
than rilherwlie experienced when nuluro bv
Hr tl uao of Mother's Friend nlitht nr.d
Jniwniiiii !ii mnarlea rln with enne whn
ImhT C0111..V the time at 11m rrlsis la ahmter
and w. oful ilmwer Is niturallr avoided.
write tlio Frm!Ktd Bcsnlotor Compnnr.
IVpt. 8. I anmr Rull.ilr.tr. Atlanta, (ieorais.
.,,b,.,,"h''u,,,' okib a
haitle uf .);.-. Kricu.l from Ilia dniaslBt,
Y r.!l mi-aiavaud frl lulu condltloa tu meet
h crlaU.
Tfitn -imnnmn.1 II bmm
-N . U-k. Us .U( t .
Keq Kids Kleen
the Suit
A New Suit
v, ir tney rip
, 7 rt
Look (or
this Red
Imit cations
Levi Strauss aV CoSaa Francisco
AaaeM (SASO MII at rf.lt
Look Young! Common Card;
oage And LMilphur Darken
oo Naturally Nobody
Can Tel
GrftmlmfthAi Unt ha v.:
j .. ' uiur in-null'
fully darkened, irhwsy snd sttractive
"iiu a Drow or fUvjfo To and Bulj.hiir.
n henover her hsie titnk that .1..11
'"". strenKed appoarnnce, this aim
I-.- .."mire wfta applied with wonder
ful effect, ftv amjsk i n tr af ana a4.no
store for Wyetk'. Srkhj and Sulphur
v..,,.uuhii, you win grt a large bot
tle o fthis old time recipe, improved
"V inn aillllllnn nf nfhie Inop.. nta
all readv to use. at vera- Uttin mn.i
Til. ' ' "
aia annpie muture can ts docnded
un to restore natural color and beau
ty to tho hair.
A weJl known downtown ib-nc,r;.t
says evervbodv use. Wv.ih'. k . ...i
Sulphur Compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell it has beei applied
a ho eas yto use. too. lou simply
uujtn a como or sort uriish and draw
It through Vour hsir. tskincr l.ne atranit
at a time. Ily morninir the gray hair
dtsepppam; ter .another application
or two, it i restored to its natural
coinr and looks Kbsy, soft and beau
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be yV A Remedy That
and Happy At
Stn.n r ti
aull !e
Makes Life
Vorth living
C aniline haare aisaatuea
r in
U41I0 other employes.
"Of these thro possibilities, I am sat
isfied thnt oulv the last was practicable
and just and therefore I adopted it."
as a result of his stand in this case,
Hines suid that after dealing with the
dining and sleeping car employes, wngo
questions will be handled in the future
only in tne light ol conditions here
after arising."
11ns statement, however, does not in
for thnt the pay of employes of the
American ltnilwsv Kxnresa eoninnnv
will not bo given just consideration, of
fieinls suid. The express men's wages
have been discussed for severnl months
and it is not unlikely they will bo de
cided within two weeks, according to officials.
Donald Sunday School Makes
Rapid Growth In Membership
(t'lipitul Journal Special Service.)
Donald, Or., April 11. The Sunday
lioot of Donald is tukinir on new lire
under the able mnniicromcnt nf Mrs.
(.icorirt! Lamb, annorintenilont. Sovtv.
three were present last Sunday. The
homo department is u!s0 being revived
after a lapse of six months, because no
quarterliis could be obtained durinir
thnt time, thn office force st the nub-1
lisbiug house beiiip short because of in-
flueuui. fifteen members have started
the quarter study, and others will begin
as soon as more quarterlies can be so-
cured. Let the good work go on until
every nir.ii, woman and child tn (ho
community is connected with tho Ron
day school in some of its departments
hnving the regular systematic studv of
the Bible. V. 8. Grant said: "Hold
fast to the Itible na thn shert-nnehn. nf
your liberties; wnto its precepts in your
hearts and practice them in your lives"
when the neonlo nf the DnnnM enm.
munity do that, then wo will be a happy
;uui prosperous people.
Enlistments under tha enll fnr 30..
000 volunteers fnr oversees duty so far
reported from recular enlistment offic
es total less than 5000 men.
I Snn Jose, Cal., April 11.
! Some eastern workman had tho
right dope four years iix when
ho scrawled on - board the date
"11-11-18" as the date for tho
close of tho war. ins prophecy sjc
"came to light today when a roew
paint doalor unwound tho last
;!0 yards off n bolt of burlap j
that has ben iu the shop since
113. !
Cahforna College Town
Would Be League Capital
Berkeley, Cal., April 11, Berkeley
wants to be the executivo seat of the
league of nations.
-Mayor W. C. Irvinir enbb.rl !, n:.,.i
lience conference declaring Berkeley In
the educational center on the Pacific
const uud is just half way between-!,
ope and Asia. Ho urged the conference
to choose. Berkeley as its headquarters.
New York, April 11, (United Press.)
Sailing under rush orders, tho trans
port lieorgo Washington, ottherwise
known ss the "presidential liner," will
start for Brest at 4:30 o'clock this aft
r,"a3r ...
rvan a pnysician. Immedi.
ately begin "emergency"
X? 1?
irt7'n i a w.i..
m,V 'Aijasj -
Save t&ele&fhevand
icep yourhoes Neat
1 j t
1 RfW
, t-Mi
HOLSUM HOT-CROSS BUNS were a revelation to Salem-1,000 dozen
were baked and sold; last year this was increasd by CO per cent.
Our expectations for Good Friday this year are for double this amount
HOLSUM HOT-CROSS BUNS will be more delicious than ever, and will
be on sale only one day, Friday, April 18, 1919.
Let ycur grocer have your order now.
Cherry City Baking Co.
a a a ------