Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed ty the Audit Bureau of
Weather Report
r III :
Oregon: Tonight and Satnr-
day fair, heavy to killing frost
tonight, gentle westerly winds.
CI hf JM it
433,000 Train Ad Engine
Men On National Lines Get
Wage Increases Extending
Back To January 1.
Director General Says Advan
ces Made To Correct "Ob-
Of Last
ft. AAA
Year's Schedule.
V.isliinglou, April 11. (United
1'ievt.) Train end eiiginoinen on lined
of the national railways today were
"ranted t.uotlier iueioase in wages by
Hire-tor General liines. The order ui-l'e.-ts
more tha i 400,000 employes and
I lie increases are retroactive to Juiiu
hiv I. Claims of the employes tor time
tuiil a httlf for ovirtime in loud services
-in k-1 1 l a bi-partisan board for de-
I'ificlically completing tue "war
cyrle'' of wao advances, limes gave
I'm- t' (ii- grout railroad brotherhoods in-crea.es-
ranging from $15 to $o3.!10 for
in. 'ii paid by the mouth and from $1.:IL
to tl.oil for men paid on u day basis,
over their I!'l7 wage si-ales.
'I'lie iiilviiii.es are designed to readjust
"olivious injustices" wrought by the
general advance grunted rail workers
Alay il.i, nil's. Claims of the conductors,
trainmen, firemen Biid engineers have
Ii. i'ii spending since lust December. Con
sid -ration of the case has occupied the
time, of the railroad administration
Wiig" board since the first of the year,
ivhen the homings ended.
Amount to $67,600,000.
Only an approximate estimate of tho
milled burden of expense which will ac
inic i.s u result of the increase was ob
tainable by railroad officials. They es
liniiiti'd tlint if increases sought by the
train and engine men, dining r.nd sleep-
(Continued on page two)
Bolsheviki Plan To
Sieze Germany True
By William Philip Simms
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, April 11. Confirmation of a bolshevik plan
to seize Germany as the initial step in a world-wide pro
letarian revolution, has been received in government cir
cles here, it was announced today.
mmmmm m mmmm tmmmm mm mm. m. According to available information,
British Pilot Expected
To Start On Trans-Ocean
Flight Sometime Today
St. Johns, X. F., April 11
That Lieutenant Harry Hawker
would start to fly across tho
Atlantic, in his Sopwith plane
some time today was the belief
expressed by representative air
craft officials here. The gov
ernor inspected the Sopwith.
plane this morning and it is be
lieved tur.t if good weather con
tinues to prevail, Hawker may
nuike his start this afternoon.
Hawker's plane made a sue
cessful flight of 33 minutes
from the time of ascending here
yesterday afternoon. It took
just seven minutes for Hawker
to reach the desired altitude,
when he sailed in the direction
of Cape Usee. The wireless
station at Mount Pearl kept in
continual touch with the ma
eliine all through the flight.
Hswker declared his speed
while in the air had averaged
100 miles an hour. The ma
chine carried full equipment,
the same as will be ccrrM on
the trans-Atlnntic flight. Haw
kcr expressed entire satisfaction
with the result of the test. All
officials of the Sopwith com
pany who witnessed the trial
were elated over the prospect of
an earlv start across the ocean.
Spokane, Wash., April 11. Six hun
dred bronzed, ljusky veterans of the
318th engineers 308th M. T. C.
quartermasters' '0' 5' A'" '
arrived here this a. e .0V Great
Northern from the e
Cuuip Lewis, where they is
charged. ,
Seventy-three were from Spokane.
Most of the balance were Seattle, Ta
coma and other roast city boys.
The contingent is inVommnnd of Cap
tain E. E. Johnson nf Camp Merritt.
The band from Fort Wright and a great
throng of mothers r.nd other relatives
of the r-pokane fighters were at the sta
tion when the train arrived. A wel
coming cominitte composed of chamber
of commerce and city officials was on
hand. The men were marched to the
Davenport hotel where a big reed was
waiting. Tlio train will leave here,
cor.st bound at 4 p. ni.
State Treasurer Sends Check
For $100,000 Of Quota
Chairman It. X. Aldrich, of the Ar
menian Relief committee, has recently
received u letter from State Director
Huiidsi:ker, of l'ortland, calling ntton-
lion to the fact that lieu Soiling, state
treasurer of the fund, had just sent l'or
! ward a check for $100,000 to apply upon
! Oregon's iiuta of $1H4,000. Halem and
.Marion county may have the sutisfac-
; tiou of realizing that tliey are sharing
in the huge contribution, though III
have not us yet reached their ussigncd
quota. Could our people realize now far
a hundred thousand uounrs would go
'in the faiiiine-stricken district to save
! life and prevent suffering, there might
be a more ready response to the appeal,
i It is stated that the death rate In Ar
menia and Syria is 10,011(1 a week; and
a few cents a month will snvo a life
there. With regard to the contributions
Mr. Selling says:
''This money has atreailv boon spent
land is today actually saving Iiiimuii
lives, We have kept our Xow York
committee closely informed of the prog
ress of our camiiaign, mid they have ad
vanced the money as fast as we reported
it on hand.
"The stntc cannot give us too much
(Continued on page three)
It tie ooisiieviK sciienic iui;
Spartacans with possible nequies
. cense nf the nresent government will
assume administrative power in un
ninny during or immediately after the
Versailles congress.
Once in control, the bpartaians win
greet the uilieu uomanus nn iiw-h
arms and n general at tt Hide of "do
what vou like, but as far as we aio
concerned we will do nothing" mean
ing they will refuse to pay indemnities
or carry out any of the other pci.ee
Tl.n Q,...lai.m tliua linofl in force tlia
allies to occupy central Europe, winch
Uliev believe would embitter the allied
I peoples against their governments.
I With the allied armies in the interior
'of Germany, with the Spartacans would
'carrv on an active propaganda to con
' vert' the troops to bolslievism. Confi-
I dent nf their success in this the Spar-
itacans believe the troops returning to
! their own countries, would carry the
I seeds of revolt into "Oil made fertila
i by miscarriage of the allies' peace plans
I combined with the general social unrest
iof the world.
Meanwhile, a closer allicnce between
the Itii'sion and Hungarian soviet gov-
'ernnients is being effected, according
t0 official advices received here.
M. Lamelli, personal representative
XllV uiwim."" " -v -
'of Premier Lenine. is said to nave ar
rived in Budapest. He is reported to
hr.ve promised the Hungarians an army
of lioO.OOO to aid them in strengthen
ing their control of the country. Len
ine, it is said, continues to counsel mod
ern'tion for the Hungarians and advise
. ..-;,l Russia's excesses. He
lliein iv . - .
hopes soon to establish physical com-
(ConUsaed on paze two)
Former Kaiser And Accomplices To Be Reached Through
Legal Prosecution In Countries Where Outrages Were
Committed After Being Branded As Arch-Criminals
Of History, According To Report Of Committee On
Reparation And Responsibility For War.
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, April 11. Germany must pay in full for
"f rightfulness." The former kaiser and his accomplices
will be branded as the greatest moral criminals of the age,
with the way open for their legal prosecution in the coun
tries where their crimes were committed. , '
This, in substance, is the finding of the committee on
reparation and responsibility for the war, it' was learned
today. Although the "big four" has maintained official
silence in this connection, these tangible conclusions have
reached the surface. . j
The idea of an International high
court to try these indicted for ,vvar
crimes is understood to have beea
abandoned. No local precedent could
lie found under which crimiiiRls could
lie extradited to such a court. It has
been decided, however, that this situa
tion will not prevent individual nations
such as France und Belgium from extra
diting enemy officials on locul indict
ments, providing sufficient evidence is
Submarine officers ancj crews jinil
prison camp commandants ami guards
and provisional commanders of con
quered districts would be the ones most
easily reached under such a plan.
Efforts would then be made to trace
the source of their orders to "higher
Wtlhelui's Fate Puzzles.
While capital punishment for the i
kaiser is regarded as not feasible, it is
not entirely clear whether his punish
ment will rest with a mere moral indict
ment. According to reliable informa
tion, it is certain steps will be taKcn to
prevent him from ever regaining his old
position. It hns also been iutimated
that a- way should bo found to bring him
under allied control, but by what means,
outside of a locul indictment, it is not
made clear. H0 far us Wilhelm's moral
responsibility for most of Germany's
crimes is concerned there is not the
slightest doubt among any 01 tue mem
bers of the committee. Hut tho diffi
culty lies in establishing legal evidence
before a regular court.
Grand Admiral Von TirpHiS may bo
charged with the I.usilania deaths, forj
inoiiil responsibility would include not j
onlv crimes ordered but those which.
inialif have been pevented. The repa
rations bill, while not naming a definite
figure, will require an initial payment
of ."i,00O,0(l(l,nuo within two years.
Indemnity Bill Heavy.
The perinunent financial commission
will receive claims for each nation and
will determine the amount which can be
collected from Germany together with
apportionment among the claimants. A
final report will be made by the com
mission nt the expiration of the two-
year period in which Germany will
make the first payment, 'flic various
items of damage arc understood to have
been divided into a series of "treat
ies," tho least of which will be pen
sions. There is still some discussion
as to whether the pensions item will
bcnliowed to remain but otherwise the
terms are not expected to be altered.
A Biib coinimttee will report within a
few days on the method of establishing j
guarantes of payment while a similar
committee will report on the constitu
tion of the permanent financial com
mission. ,
While probable apportionment have
been a closely guarded secret, it is un
derstood that Germany will be required
'to reimburse etch nation in full not
m.!tr f.i, nrntui.l. ilam.i.. till! In .nmn
. ("I"'1.' nv
degree for lost man power.
Tlio French senate almost unanimous
ly adopted a manifesto demanding that
Germany will pay all the cost of the
157th Infantry, Including
t NorthwesBoys In N. Y.
Xew Tork, April 11. -The 157th In
fantry complete 2TOO men for Camps
Funston, Kearny, Meade, Custer, Sher
idan, Lewis, Dodge, Humphreys Grant,
Taylor. Sherman, Wadsworth, arrived
on the transport Julia Luekrnbsca to
day. The Pannonia was wheduicd to ar
rive this afternoon with the :,2Sth and
S.tOlh field artillery, headquarters,
.second battalion, batteries D and E
12 officers nd 413 men.
Til? Coos county court last week i-
-'Oft!Ml in A,.!..,, t.t AVrfKi ih
Jft4 the county' a!,F,rof'r'a''01' 'or Jn-
ltiAinn t a nntinnsl 0-unr.l irmnn
at Marshfiell. .
Bellingham, Wash.. April 11. A
heart rending story of family troubles
was brought to light here last night
by the death of Mrs, Winifred Couch,
the suicide of her daughter Ethel, and
the attempt of .her husband to end his
Mr.-t. Couch had been ailing since
her attempt to secure a pardon for her
son, who is in the penitentiary at Wal
la Walla, failed. Everett Couch, the
son, was convicted last summer of the
misappropriation of the funds of a Se
attle bank and was sentenced from
one to fifteen years in the penitentiary
and he was allowed by Acting Govern
or Hart to visit his mother's death bed
in conipniiy with his wife.
Ktbel Couch the daughter, had been
with her mother at the sick bed con
stantly during the past ten days und
a few moments after the death of her
parent went upstair and shot herself
through tho head. She died two hours
A few hours later the father attempt
ed suicide but wns prevented by mem
bers of the family.
The wife of Everett Couch said last
night that if Couch wero returned to
prison she would end her life.
San Francisco, April 11. M. A.
Hanson, 2d, of Mint tie was killed ear
ly today in a leap from the hixth story
in an effort to escape a fire at the
V. M. C. A. hotel on the embnrca
dcro. Hanson, a sailor, wns awakened by
fire in his room. Hushing into the
hallway, he leaped to his death before
comrades could detain him. The fire
did slight damage.
Friends said Hansen planned to
leave for Seattle today to visit his
Abe Martin - X
Lemmie Peters, who (ot married t'
escape th' draft, la scarred tip worsa'n
Private Ike Lark Jest back from th' Ar-
gonna. What's become o' th' ole super
stition that money yon got in a ques
tionable way didn' do you so good?
1 lvS55
w (i
Dissatisfaction Of Small
Nations To Be Aired Before
Plenary Session Of Today
By Carl D. Croat
(United Press Staff Correspond-
Paris, April 11. The plenary
session of the peace conference,
called for today to receive tho
report of the committee on in-
termitionul labor legislation was
expected to develop into a
forum for airing the dissntis-
faction of the small nations.
Many of the countries not rep-
resented in the ''big four" are
known to resent the assumption
of supreme authority by that
body. The belief was expressed
:e that, despite tho fact that for-
mation of the "big four" has
resulted in unusual speed in ar-
ranging a poaco settlement, rep-
resentatives of tho little powers
would seize the opportunity to
placo on record their disnpprov-
al of what they regard as delib-
crate evasion of their rights
Tho leaguo of nations conimis-
sion last night agreed to tho In-
sertinn in the covenant of a
clniise specifically recognizing
the Monroe doctrine. The amend
t moot wns prepared by Colonel
The "big four" was expected
to announce shortly further
agreement on importnnt ques-
tions In line with President
Wilson's fourteen points and
the armistice terms.
Feasibility Of Instating City
Owned Plant To Be Dis
cussed Tonight.
For those who arc Interested in iniuil
cipul telephones, especially since there
is a prospect of an advance in rates,
tho meeting to be held at the city hull
Ibis evening will bo of especial inter
est. At the meeting of the council lust
Monday -Mayor C. E. Albm appointed
a committee consisting of Dr. U. L.
hcott, Otto J. Wilson, V. A. Wiest,
Fred J. Ninth and Dr. F. L. Utter to
investigate the municipal telephuno
proposition for Halem. 1
.V'verul weeks ngu at a council meet
ing, E. T. Husselle, consulting engineer,
stated thut plant equal if not better
than the present telephuno system in
the city could be built for $2l)i),0li(J and
that it could be maintained at 70 per
cent of tho present telephuno charges.
It is estimated that the Dell telephone
plant in balcm has a valuation of ubout
Tho matter was brought beforo the
city council bv City Attorney 1). VV.
Macy, who represented the city, with
Mr. Husselle at the hearing held in
t ortlanu before the nublic service com
mission in which the telephone company
asked for an advance in all telephone
rates in Hnleiii, running from 00 to 100
mt cent increase.
There is an impression that the com
mission may grant the advanco asked
for, or at least compromise, wncti will
mean a rather higher rate in Nnlem, al
though other points in the valley do not
pur as hieli a Halem.
At the Portland hearing, Mr. Husselle
made tho point that the telephone com
pany had picked on Halem for the ad
vanee when the city was already ptying
more than others in the valley.
He will address the special commit
tee this evening and will be asked to
answer practical questions involving
the construction of a municipal plant,
mid other questions that will give the
committee practical information with
which to make its report to the council.
Hy aetion of the council, the mayor wa
asked to appoint a eoinmitte to report
on the advisability of putting m a muni
cipal plant in the city.
Washington, April 11
ference has made more
-The peace eon
progress in the
kfit two days than in
weeks, private advices
House stated today,
plainly pleased with the
the past two
to the White
Officiuls wero
turn of events
and rabies today mill
American delegates in
ate that the
Paris expert a
settlement of the major
point shortly.
The treasury of Meiico incurred a
deficit of about 7,000,000 pesos in the
im fiscal year.
Washington, April 11 Yankee troops
in northern Russia will be assured by
the war department that their tenure
of Arctic service against the bolsheviki
will soon be over.
Chief of fctaff March already has an
nounced that the last man should be
out of that region by June 1. Reassur
ances are expected here to quiet tne un
rest among American troops, some of
whom nearly mutined several days ago
as a climax to a long period of discon
tent as being held in service.
The refusal of somo of these troops to
go into front line trenches announced
by tho war department late yesterday
has not ben unexpected, it is known
here. The moralo of all the alied forces
in north Russia is exccdingTy tiad. That
of tho British is generally rated best,
tho Yanks second, while tho French
morale is understood to be lowest.
Ten-Day Jubilee, Beginning In
Portland May i5, Is
A Jersey jubileo w ill bo held by Jer
sey breeders in tho valley to celebrate
the fact that in Marion county is tho
most famous Jersey cow in tho world,
with a world record for butter fat,
"Vive la France. And besides "Vivo
bv Franco," there aro other champions
owned in Marion county and the vul
ley. Tho jubileo will bo held during tho
ten days beginning May 13, beginning
at Portland. It is tho intentioisxif Jer
sey breeders to bring from tho east tho
most prominent Jersey brecaors and
these men will ncocnipuny the party
from place to place in tho valloy for
the jubilee celebrations, going as fur
south as Eugeuo.
Congressman McArthur in his address
yesterday said that if tho Oregon breed
ers would properly advertise, that tho
eutiro country would eventually be com
ing to the Willamette valley to secure
its Jersey Block.
At tlio meeting yesterday afternoon,
a resolution was passed protesting
iigiiiii.it the standard being raised for
"old incdiil requirements. It is held
that tlio raising of the requirements to
more than 700 pounds of butter fat a
year would eliminate all but exceptional
cows. Also that such a requirement
would work a hardship to tho smaller
broder who cannot devote his timo to
producing except ioual butter fat pro
ducers. Another resolution passed was that
tho American Jersey cattle club be re
quested to arrange its publicity service
of register of merit in order that proper
r.niiounccineiit. can be made after com
pleting records that no unofficial claims
or records might, be published.
Wild Germans Talk
of War of Revenge
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Berlin, March 20 (By Mail) ---German psychology
has always baffled the rest of the world, or at least those
who tried to understand why a German thought as he did.
The world is due for a still worse baffling, if it tries to
understand what goes on in the German mind today.
Menially the Herman mind, suddenly. mmmmm mmmmmm
thrown unon its own resources by the
fall of the old system which fed people
thought as well as food, has gono wild.
Cndcf the strain of the war and due to
the sudden changes, the Uermons have
become child like psychologicaly. This!
is taking (ieruiuns generally.
Thoughtful, serious Germans, when
you occasionally find them, realinc the
temporary insanity, if it can bo called
that, under which the .Germans as a nn-
tion are struggling.
It is the only way --of understanding
the lack of realization as .to the real,
condition of things, a wave of which has
swept Germany. No one looks farther!
than hi nose, and every man and wom-
an i interested entirely in his or her
immediate self. There is littlo brood.
vision expressed in papers, in speeches.
or in porsonal opinions as you hear themi
in Germany.
T0 cile specific cases. The peace and
why it was signed is one of the Oer-j
man delusions. Pmetieallv every man,'
woman and child believes Germany was
not defeated militarily, but simply got
( hungry and sick of war, amt therefore
,accepted the entente conditions. Th is ;
belief prevails in spite or tne puonc
statements of men like F.rzbcrger, who
(Continued on psge tines)
un cm
Wurzburg Is Captured And
Munich Entirely Surrounded
By Forces Raised By De
posed Ministry Officials.
Situation Still Tense In Eerlb,
But City Remains Quiet
Madgeburg Scene Of Street
By Frank J. Taylor
(t'uitcd Press Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, April ,10. Wurzburg has been
captured and Munich entirely surround
ed by forces of tho deposed socialist
government, according to advices re
ceived here today.
After retreating from Nuremburg to
llriimberg, Premier Hoffman of Ilnvari
und several of his ministers aro report
ed to have succeeded in rullylng a for
midable nnti soviet army consisting of
soldiers, workmen and students. A large
force re-took Wurzburg (1 10 miles north
west of Alunich) from tho bolsheviki
after a brief encounter yesterday. Mgst
of tho soviet officials and cliildors are
snid to have surrendered. Another force
has surrounded Munich, completely iso
lating it.
Government Optimistic.
The Hcheideinnnn government, which,
has been tempornrilv removed to Wei
mar, was reported today as increasingly
optimistic regarding the situation in Ha
vana. Restoration of socialist control
is now believed to huve at least an even
The general strike in Saxony and the
Ruhr districts is reported to be growing1,
but the government has succeeded in re
gaining control of tho situation in Mag
deburg (capitul of Saxony). Street
fighting in thut city resulted in heavy
cusuult ics.
Hamburg Paper Stormed.
Hpartncans stormed an unnamed
newspaper offico in Hamburg, but their
activities were reported to be limited
mid government forces wero said to
greatly outnumber tho radicals iu that
The situation in Berlin is tense.
The city is quiet, however, under the
(CunriauOiA on page tro)
Grave Diggers On Strike
And San Francisco Waits
Two Weeks To Bury Dead
Han Franciseo, April 11,
There have been no burials in
six Hun Francisco cemeteries
since tho Grave Iigj;ers Union
went on strike two weeks ago.
The cemeteries have been un
able to get men to replaco the
strikers. Hodies are being cach
ed in vaults.
The strikers demand a raise
from $4 to t" a day.
"There is something about a
cemetery that even a strike
breaker doesn't like," John
O 'Council, secretary of the Ban
Francisco labor council, said.
"I predict that the grave dig
ger will win."
Holy Cross cemetery is paying
the new scale. Those tied up by
tho strike are Cypres Lawn,
Mt. Olive, Hills of Eetcrnity,
the Italian and Jewish cemeter