Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Building Good Clothes
To Order
Is our particular business. Clothes of true
worth excellence and fabric and featuring style
and fit are the four cardinal features of Scotch
Woolen Mills clothes. There is built into each suit
that undescribable cut of smartness that makes a
man coolj confident of his appearance- This
spring we are showing hundreds of the most de
sirable fabrics of very latest designs. Step in and
make a selection. Then we will build a suit for
you just to ypur liking. A suit that will reflect
your personality. A suit really made for you.
Vancouver Post Commands
Trims 12-Roimd Go To
.Legal Limit
i Vancouver Wash., April 10. Bob
by Harper of Seattle and Joe Gorman
of Portland boxed six rout.ds to
draw here last night.
The match was scheduled for the
. Victory theater, at the military bar
racks, and was supposed to go 12
rounds. It seems Colonel Charles Van
; War, post commandant, ilidn 't hear
about the serap until yesterday, and
when he did he refused to let it go the
lonjj route. He finally consented to the
bout, .provided it complied with local
laws wine call for not more thau six
rounds. '
! Three of the round were even. Gor
man shaded his ooimncnt in the sec
ond and sixth stanzas, Lut Harper had
a divided edge in the fourth. The oth
er three cantos were even, so the 1200
fans were well satisfied with the draw
Freddie Anderson floored Hilly Nel
son iu the first and sixth rounds and
won a verdict.
42G State St.
Salem, Oregon.
Clean Out Your Attic
and Basement
I Then call H05. There must be something there
I want.
Shu FranehVo, April '10. Hilly
Shade, welterweight, was shaded in
the four round main event at Dream
land last nig'ut by Prankie Jones.
Their bout was fast. Other results
were: Hurry Kcidy bent Hull Young;
I'uul l'ollock bent Roy Rentier; .lohn
n v ('line lost to Frank Aldrick; Hurry
Si'himiiiel won from liufe Marshall;
Ucorge Hra nti nn lost to Kddio Jones;
Al lieiny stopped Mike Coehinn.
Oakland, t'nl., April 10. The bay
region seems to be bad for spooks.
Jeff Clarke. "Jnpiin ghost " lost a du
jcisiou to Jack Thompson, also a color
led heavyweight here last night. OtU-
er result were: Joe Awvedo drew
iwith Joe Miller; Young Asevedu drew
with Danny Nones; Frank Luscher
;knoeked otit "Wild Cat" Leonard;
;'lollv 'Miller drew with Frankie Den
I ny; ' Charles ilttnlon lost to Johnny
! .iiibiiie; young FiUsimmons knocked
; out Bolshy Powers.
(By United Press.)
If you have any old stove's, old ranges, old clothing
or old anything, I will buy it
Stein bock Junk Co.
?,26 N. Com! Street
Phone H05
I .
The winners: Ran r'ruiieisco, Oakland
Los Angeles fllid Halt Lake.
Homo run honor roll: Koeruer, Seals.
Spider llauni, long in experience and
stature, held the Sentle Rainier to four
hit, the Seals winning 4 to 1. Pn-t
Knstlev, in his first whole gnino of the
senson. permitted 1- hits.
After an eight inning, deadlock battle,
the Oaks enme out victorious over Sac
rnmeiito, I to 0. Hits by Miler and
Htumpf turned the triek for the Com
A ninth Inning rally won 'tlio old
ball game" for the Angels, 2 to 1. Old
hiiin, pitching for the Beavers, with the
flumes full, hit Kilhfer with a pitched
ball, forcing over the winning run.
Close, enmes seemed to bo the Const
lengne diet yesterday, so tho Bees rout
ed the Vernon hunch In the twelfth
inning. 3 to S. Cliff Mnrkle, hurling
for Salt Lake, held the Tigers hitless
for seven innings.
Aicd Generals To Command j Man Claims He Confessed To
New Cordon Are Designated Crime To Save Young Brother
Purls, April 10. (ienpral Humbert
and (ienerttl (Irar.iani have len appoint
ed tu command the allied cordon, which
vi ill be established from the Hultic to
the Black sea, it win reported today. .
A despatch to the Matin said the al
lies have evacuated the Isthmus of
Perckop and are fortifying Sebastopol.
Recent re)Mirts said 4jV' allies would
establish a new eastern front against
the liolsheviki bv bringing about coop
eration of the Humaninn, (Veeho Slovak
and Polish armies. These armies were
to bo officered, equiped and orgnnibed
bv the allies.
Oscar H, Straus snys the world's scat
tered Jews will not go back to Pales
tine in nny girnt numbers, Zionism or
no Zionism.
Spokane, Wash., April 10. Serving a
fifty year sentence In the Idaho state
penitentiary for a fiendish assault on a
.yomiu; girl 12 year ago, Fred S. I.nno is
I utetnptiug to prove that ho confessed to
the crime t0 shield his younger broth
er. The crime was committed1 near Iftrri
Ison, Mn ho. The girl, but 13 years of
age, was picked up 1H hours after the
assault and died from the effects of the
Lime's story has convinced pnrolp of
ficers at tho penitentiary, but C. H.
I l'otts, now mayor of Coeur d 'Alone, who
I prosecuted l.nnn, declares that his story
is a fake.
"Vive la France" Prize Animal
Of Pickard Bros., Has
Pine Record.
1:30 o'clock
43 dozen fruit jars; 73 pounds good tea; "00 pairs
of shoes; a lot of spices; cooking utensils; some fur
niture; Safety razors.
This has all got to sell at some price
So come and get the bargain. We buy furniture or
sell your sale
Salem Auction Co.
132 S. Com'l. Street Phone 1117
Auctioneer. , Manager.
The world's chnmpiou Jersey cow for
a record in butter fat is owned in Mar
ion Tounty. The world's chnmpiou for
a three year old Jersey butterfnt pro
duction is owned in Marion county aud
the county has more record producers
than any county in the I'nitcd States
when it comes to fine herd Jersey cows.
These facts were brought out at the
meting of the Oregon Jersey Cattle club
today nt the Suleni Commercial club.
The champion Jersey cow is limited
"Vive la France" and is owned by
1'lcknrd Hros. of Marion. This row has
broken the record for the production
of butter fat with ll:U pounds in one
year. She is four years old.
"Old Mnn's Darling I!" also owned
bv I'ickard Hros. of Marion is another
woild record breaker with 9.Hti pounds
of butter fnt at the ago of threo years.
The Jersey breeders of the state aro
proud of the fact that according to the
official announcement, Oregon has 12
of the 40 butter fat record cowi of tho
United Statta and four of the eight Jer-
isey cltwta leader.
In fact, dozens of breeders are mak
ing records higher than those from some
i of the fancy farms in the east. Here it
is done through intelligent work and in
dustry, and it is this that is rapidly
; making Oregon the champion Jersey
.state of the country.
I Tltomee ting today was addressed by
Congressmr.il Me Arthur who is Jer
sey breder. He pointed out that if Ore
gon would capitalize what it has already
done in Jorsev breding, that the state
would establish itself as te leading
Jersey center of the United Stales.
W. K. Taylor of Conallis is president
of the state rlub, Frank A. Poerfler of
silverton first vice-president, and Kobt.
1 Hurkhart of Albany, secretary,
j Tlans were under discussion today for
a big celebration to be held this spring.
This Includes a first meeting of all
Jersey breeders, to be held at Portland
and then following meetings at differ
ent parts 0f the valley. Arrangements
lJv' II ILm
Tamomw, you'll know why
$9 many ptople gel such real
tnjoyment out of life!
nro being niatlo for meetings requiring
io buios to carry memocrs iroin place to
place, ihe president of tho American
Jersey Cuttle club will bo present and
speak at all tho meetings. Details of
tne affair are to bo worked out by P.
M. Brandt, professor of dairy hiisbundrv
of the O. A. C, Secretary Burkhart and
i resident Timor.
t Open Forum
Salem, Or. April 10th, 1919.
The Daily Cnpitat Journal; I noto
that 8. P. Snyder, has gono into
print, endeavoring to make the public
and the students believe that 1 am not
here any more. Hut I tun much pleas
ed to inform you that I am here and
expect to remain here. Tho only rea
son for such high handed methods as
he (Mr. Snyder) j trying to put over
is that he is afraid of his job.
this district had not been paying the
'schools for some five (5) years and
when Mr. Snvder assigned me to this
listrict in Nov. li.S, I have since
haerd that he did not think I could
make good here and that as the dis
trict was in a run down condition and
if ho would stay away it would only
be a short time until I would have to
uit and in that way he would get me
out of his (Mr. Snyder) way. But
here is what happened: I have a wife
and five (") children and do not be
lieve in moving all the time, and
when I saw what the conditions were
here I got busv anil worked (lav and
night to establish invself here in a
business like manner and if the action
How a Father Has Learned to
Save Shoe Bills.
"My son is very hard on shoes, m
keeping him properly shod has been
quite an expense to me," writes Mr. J.
Allison Allen, of Amity, Arkansas.
"But since I started to buy Neolin
soled shoes for him I have found that
it costs only about a third as much to
keep him in siioes."
This is because Neolin Soles are so
tough and durable that they wear a
very long time. Shoe bills are kept
down because you don't need so many
You can get Neolin-soled shoes at
almost any good shoe store. The
come in all styles and for all members
of the family. Neclin Soles are also
available everywhere for re-soling.
They are produced by a scientific pro
cess to be what soles wight to be: com.
fortable, waterproof and long-wearing.
They are made by The Goodvear Tire
& Rubber Company, Akron, 6hk, who
also make Wing foot Heels, guaranteed
to outwear any other bed.
neolin Soles
Straighten Up
TUB man or woman afflicted with
backache, swollen muscles, stiff
Joints, rheumatic pains or other symptom
oi kidney trouble is entitled to sympathy
and ihould hsve help.
Nature give early warning of kidney
trouble by pufhness under eyes, spots
befort the eyes, dry mouth, biliousness,
weskneM and pale, waxy, dry skin.
It is unwise to neglect the slightest
symptom of ludny trnubi. Giv lbs kuioeya
tbc help they r ctlliu for.
Weygdney gills
tone up weak. Inactive, slugg'uh kidney
and help rid the body of poisons. With
kidneys and blidticr properly functioning, IP
petite to restored, retrcstim iteep le poeeibls
nd heelth, trenflb. and energy come as a
MturaJ result.
C P. Reynolds. Elmlra.N.Y., writes: "Three
mom he ago 1 waeeick in Ued wilb kidney trouble.
My beck ached eoeeverely I could not get up.
We read of Foley Kidney Pillt, to 1 sent lor
one and coeaaneoced taking then. In a few
dare I wee up out ol bed and upon keeping the
treatment up for some time I was able to go to
work. Since then 1 bava had bo mora back'
achea and ao trouble with my kidneys.''
J. C. Perry 'g
partmcnt today announced the follow
ing transport sailings:
Transport Graf Waldorsec from Brest,
due .New York April 22 with bese hos
pital number i0 for Camp Lewis and
number 202 for Camps Lewis, Sherman
and Custer.
Court House Notes
Northwest Base Hospital
Units Embark For States
Washington, April 10. The war dc-
V. Persinger has sued C. A,
Lewis for $104.93. This amount he
claims is due on a noto given for
128.38 dated Sept. 29, 1913.
Vernn Allen was given a divorece
from (has. A. Allen yesterdav, bv
default. Both parties live in Portland'.
H. II. Latham has made application
to the court to have registered hig ti
tle to lots 11, 12 and 13 in Mill ad
dition to the city of Silverton. He al
leges that no other person has any
right or title or interest in the land.
The estate of Ursula Xeibert is val
ued at SS43 as this was the amount
received from the sale of a 112 aere
tract, a part of the donation land
claims of William Moreley and A. C.
Jacobs and also ae B 3-4 acre tract.
The executor Jacob J. Ncibort asks the
court for confirmation of the tale.
The estate of Mrs. Ceorge K Hatch
has been closed and the executor re
lieved of further liability. The broth
ers and sisters of Mrs. Hnteh are B.
T. Kiimler of Brownsville, D. C. Kum-
8. Kumler of
Uervais, Mrs. Henrietta Graff of Ta
conin, Mrs. J. i:. Foster or Seattle,
Mrs. Cora Corinthers of New Castle,
Ind. and Martha Kumler of Kokomo,
of the students stand for anything I
hove sure done so. I am a member of I 'or ' Wabash Ind., J
your Commercial club I have opened
an offico here, and have spent hund
reds of dollars here in Salem, and I
can not believe that this man will get
nny of your moral support when yon
understand the motives thai he has
back of it all."
I made the statement that he was
afraid of losing his job and this I
fully believe, because in order to have
the best of snccess in this work we
must have the cooperation of indus
try, in order that our students can
get the practical experience along
with the theory, Mr. Snyder has been
making a fair record in' Portland but
it is in no way his work for I have
been working on a cooperative plan
with shout seventy five percent of the
Industry In Portland and this mon
tnyder hag been getting the benefit of
my work. So you see he is fighting a,
losing game and that is why he wants
to get into print. I may go further and
say that inasmuch as he hs done what
he has tlist I am now going after his
jd in earnest.
Oentlemcn I wish to thank you for
what ever kindness you ahow me in
this matter.
Yours for greater Salem,
Important To Ail Women
Readers Of This Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and
never suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to
be nothing else but kidney trouble, or
the result of kidney or 'bladder dis
ease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the otheV
organs to become diseased.
Von may suffer pain in the back,
headache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irri
table and may be despondent; it makes
any one so.
ltut hundreds of women tlaim that
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restor
ing health to the kidneys, proved to be
just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Many send for a sample bottle to
sec what Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, Jiver and bladder medicine will
do for them. Bv enclosing ten eente to
Tr. Kilmer k Co.. Binirhamton. S.
Y., you may receive sample size bot
tle by parcel post. You can purchase
medium and large size bottles at all
drug stores. j
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For Marlon County
Joseph Schmid, plaintiff vs HenrT
Krebg and Sophie Krebs defendants,
To Henry Krebs and Sophie Krebs,
in .the name of the state of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before
the 22d day of May, 1919, and if you
fail so to appear rnd answer the said
complaint) for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to tho court for the re
lief prayed for iu his coinpluint, a sub
stantial stutcment of which is as fol
lows, towit.
First: For the sum of $111.75 and
interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent or annum, from the 1st day
of November, 1W17, and the sum of 2j
special attorney's fees and the costs
and disbursements of this suit.
Second: That the usual decree may
be made for the gale of said premises,
towit: Beginning at a point on the
east line of 15th street in the city of
Salem in Marion county, Oregon, which
said point is 185.5 feet south of the
south line of Nebraska street in said
eity and running thence easterly and
parallel to Nebraska street 150.1(1
feet to the alley; thence northerly
along the west line of said alley 73. &
feet; thence westerly and parallel to
Nebraska street lot). 2 feet to the east
line of 15th street: then .n,,ti,.i
along the enst line of loth street 73.5
irci to ine place or beginning) by the,
sheriff of Marion county, Oregon ac
cording to law and the practice of
this court. That the proceed, of said
sale may be applied to the payment
of the amount due the plaintiff and
that said defendants and all persona
claiming under them subsequent to tho
execution of said mortgage on said
premises, cither as purchasers, incum
brancers, or otherwise may be barred
and foreclosed of all' right, claim or
equity of redemption In said premises,
and every part thereof, and that tha
plaintiff may have judgement and ex
ecution against said defendants and
each of them for any deficiency which
may remain after applying nil" of tha
proceeds of the sale of said property
or premises properly applicable to tha
satisfaction of this decree.
Third: That the plaintiff lave such
other and further relief in the premis
es as to the court mar eein meet and
That you are further notified hat
this summons is serve.l upon vou by
publication thereof in th Vr.;ti
Journal, a dailv nrw-rt'sner. rrinil
and published in the citv of Salem,
Marion county. Oregon and that tha
date of -the first publication of this
summons is the 10th dav of April, 1919
and the Inst dav of publication thereof
will be the 22d day of Mav, 1919.
This service is so oublished and scre
ed upon you pursuant to the order of
Honorable Percy B. Kelly of said
court, which order was made and en
tered of record in said cause on tha
3d day of April, 1919.
Attorney for plaintiff, S!Cm, Ore
goa.. fj-24