PAiiE SEVEN i JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLDiG l- MEDIUM LN MARION COUNTY CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISINQ BATES Bat per word New Today: i lack inserrjoa , It M week (6 insertions) , . 6t Oaa month (20 insertions) 17e The Cajatal Journal will sot be rs- POBsibie for more than one insertion. J . ...... . . .. 7 (or errors ia Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day It appear and notify u immediately if a-rrur occurs. Minimum charge, 15. VANTE1 Cattle and ealve any kind. Phone 1370W. Si 1)R SALE Earlv fui;nle hop root. Phone 932R, J. A. KroU. tf VOR SALE One chain drive Ford truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf WANTED Roomers and boariltrs, 495 j W i- N. Uoin'l. 1'uono 144H. GARDENS plowed Phone 927. and harrowed. 412 VACANT apartment at thv Miller, 633 Ferry St. 4 12 I W1IL plow your 1001. garden. Thone 412 WANTKI) young man Work of all kituls bv 473 N. Cottase. 4-10 "WANTED Furnished house. 412. Phone 4-10 FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, 325 8. 14th. 4-10 FARM hnnd wanted. Call Salem 3F3, 0. C. Kusacll. tf WANTED All kinds of ehioken. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf WANTED Experienced grafter at Fruitland nursery, rhone 1UF21, Sa lem Rt. 6. tf FOR SALE room koute and lot, 1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, 341 State St. tf WANTHD Poultry, eggs, hide and real, heavy hons, 32c; light hen 31c. Ghorry City foed barn. tf FOR 8ALB Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 71 Chemoketa. Phono 398. tt jff ALL PAPER IS cent par double roll upward, Burea' Furniture Store, 179 Commercial, tf WE PAT highest eash price for eggs, pork, eal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 a High Bt. Phone 1400. tf FOR SAliH 5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, light, with 4 full lots, small orchard, at Aumsvilro, Or. Very reus on able for eash or paymonts. O. Kirkpatrick Saleon, Rt. 6, box 22. 4-12 FOR 8ALB On installment 6 room house bnrn and 8 lot, or will trado for 7 Toorn house near car line. W. A. Lwton, agent, 484 Court. 4 13 WIDOW aged 29, with three children, desire pouition houseKeeper in widower' or bachelor' homo; good eook ami good manager; city or farm. Addrena A M care Journal, tf FOR SALE At 1200 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $.125; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf HOMESTEAD in Canada lor $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator's expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my ofice, only. C. W. Niomeyer, Masonic building. tf We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax First 7" IliVESTMEllTS M HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. 15 tf1! 1 ITlSrAT Pir'ir3 TRY TEE! FOR RESULTS FOR SALE Pansy plant. Maruny H Miller St. 4-3t 544 STATE ST TELEPHONE 400 Headquarters for baby thick, tf SALE Oregon atrawberry plant ! Pkn.. li,:tll r t 1,. ! 4-10 W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J llto . 19th St, Salem, Or. 5 5 GOOD, 693. gentle team for sale. Thone 411 FOR RENT Clean apartment for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St, tf FOirND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain nam by describing lame at thi office and paying for ad. tf FOR SALE 13 aeres of good timber :l . t I iiiuiA mivui'iii uui mil! -1, jit-ur : dale. See . A. Liston, agent. 4-12 TOR SALE Three quarter ten truck. In first class shape, $2U0. Highway garago. tf FOR SALE 2 good 'gentle horses, 5 and 7, good workers. Inquire Cen ter street barn. 4 10 LOCrANliEKRY tips for sale $25 i 1000. C. C. Faist, Waconaa, Or. per 4-30 FOB RENT Or aalo residence at 300 N. Capitol St. one block from Cap ital, tf FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plant t2 per thousand, in the patch. In quire B. C Zielinski, Suit' in. 4-12 WANTED h. p. motor 110 A. C. Stewart's repair ahop, 347 Court St. Salem, Or. Phone 1109. 4-10 WANTED Reliuing, remodeling and plain sewing. Oall 340 Division St. F 4-11 FOR SIALB Sow Home sewuifp 1n good repair, not drop head, price 15. Phone 599. 4-10 FOR 3ALB Violin, fifty dollar, Strndivarous model. Call 604 Ferry or phone 1063M. 4 10 FOUND Hat for mi, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal of fice and tar for ad. tf WANTED Board and room In private family. Inquire Mr. Johnson, tele phono 1540 . 4-10 WANTED To rent furnished apart ment or house. Telephone 1540, Mr. Johnson. 4-10 FOR SALE Sottiug egg, Barren & Martin 200-egg strain. Phone 101 F12. -l OREGON strawberry plant 50o por huudred, $3.50 por thousand, post Daid. Cha. Hart. Jeiforson. Or. 4-19 MUST sell 5 Toom house, bath, hall, 2 .elosets. barn, fruit. 1 lot, worm lVi.-,0 for $1350. 1 block Highland : nnrt ensh. Lnvalieur, 271 N Commercial. Phone 734. tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam Btto Vallcv Transfer Co., 171 South W,ah St. Phona 1100. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6 Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on cortain line. Phone 111F3. tf GOOD rooming house to lenso, 30 rooms partly furnished; will iwe very reasonable. Inquiro 508 N. St. or phone 1549M. Com'l tf Exempt ortgage oan OF HEBIT ONLY L TIO.NE 1372J for lot plowing. 4V1S WILli trade fin or pay casu tr gvoa pi&uo. rsua ij we twee 1 aud 6. 4 10 FOR SALE One of the elasacst 6 room bungalows in the eity, with all! or any part of my furniture. Call j morning or after 6 p. ra. 535 Rich-j Biond ve. 4 12 I FOR SALE Two (rood phonographs, lately taken as part payment on pi anos, easy terms. The Wiley B. Al len Co., 519 Court, afternoon. 4 10 WANTED Experienced store man for shoes, window trimming and gen eral atore work. 304 care Journal. 410 30.000 TO "j.OOO Italian prune tree for fall delivery. Fruitland nursery, 14 miles east of state penitentiary. Phone 11LF21. Kt. 6, Salem. tf WANTED Girl or middle aed wo man for light bouse work . Phone 032 during day or 331M evenings. 4-10 PI .A N'T artichokes if yon want cheap bog feed. Both tops and tubers make epleudil feed. I have a few bushel loit. Phone 622 or 254. tf IF the persen who took basket con taining silk and pillow eases from the O. E. depot Wednesday eve ning, please return to ticket otfice and get reward. 4i WHY leave your ear standing on th streetf It can bo stored at the Cen ter St. Feed ibarn for a few cents per duy. Special rate by week or month. 215 Center St. Phono 927. J. W. Hunt, prop. . 4 14 FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Suk'in, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horse, 5 cow, 5 year liugj, 50 ead of hog, round 500 cords of wood roady cut, all at a bargain. Write M W cr Journal. tf FOR SALE Pair of big type Poland China pigs, pair weighs about 223 pounds, pig are. registered. Have baled grain hay, also baled strtfw, have some cow for sale, too. 1st house SE of Knowles sta tion on Salem, Dallas railroad, or write Kinney, Corvallis, Or. 4-10 TO TRADE Oakland, California, resi dence, value $5000, mortgage $2000; will trade equity for anything in Salem or vicinity that will make good home; will be at 244 S. High fttreot; Salem, until Friday marning April 11, arter that, writ Mrs. O. M. Green, Melrose, Oregon. 4-10 SALE0 AUTO EXClAItS 229 Stat 8trm If you want to ferry or Mil ear eome and see me. Maxwoll delivery ear $325 Dotroit, bargain, $250 4 Fords rnn'ing from $350 to $390 1910 fttudt'hakcr $550 1914 Studetbaker $275 Overland good as new, $SO0 Excelsior motorcycle with handy aiileear $230 Lot of others, come and seo ns Open till 9 evening Phone 867 MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA FRR MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. HARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 5 2 FOR 8ALK Tcnm, mare and horse, 4 years old, weight 2100, sound and gentle, a bnrain; 3 year old Kcd pole cow, ftives 2V4 gallons a day, ; takes her; 2 tons of good cheat hay; two Rood Cainolbark wagons for sale cheap. If in need of nnv nhovo mention give us a call, 4 IS Ferry. Skipton atablc. 410 iu acre prune orchor. Splendid buiblinss. 40,000. 18 acre all in prune and loganber ries. 6000. 140 acres. Good buildings. 15 acre prunes. (0000. tl.WO cash will haa dle. 40 acre prnne orchard. $9000. Tak stock ranch part pay. 13 acres bearing orchard. (4500. 15 acres. 7 in prunes. Good build ings. $4500. 20 acres, 10 in prune. 4G000. 40 acre. 34 in prune. 111,000. 9i acre all bearing prune. Strict ly modora house. $9500. A fin ia vestment and home. 100 acre farm. Good building. AH ia crop. Running stream. Ob naia road. $123 an aer. 10 acres with good hons. Ail sal tivated. Close in. $3500. 5 aero 3 mils out. All ultivatd. Plastered houie. $1700. C W. NIEHEYER Masoni building patton mmm COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 1GG8. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA1' 5kTT 5 1" t FUR SALRLogs.fcrry jiant 13 per thousand, l'hun 79F11. 4 10 LARGE modern rooms with board, lira. Toung, 461 N. High. 4 11 FOR RALE 3 room house 1910 Waller St evenings. Call at 411 WANTED At once, on setting of turkey egg. Phone 19FT3. 4 11 GKNTLB work horse, harness and 1 Va J T wagoa for sale. 145 Summer St. 411 WANTED Position in garage or ahop a mechanic. F L D, 971 I'nion St. 4 12 FOR SALE Ford touring ear in fine running order. 1S7 193 S. Com. St. 411 WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 835 Oak St. Phone 9S9 4 15 FOR SALE Two ton choice baled elow hav $20 per ton, 1917 crop. Call 4SF21. 4 10 FOR SALE 500 bushel prune boxes for farm use, cheap. Phone 51Fo. 410 LOST Stick pin, down town; finder return: to Journal and got reward. 410 WANTED To rent furnished bungs- low with garage; no children. Call 379J. 4-10 MILK cow for sale, $73; heavy milk er, frech in 10 days. 1 mile cast of Brooks, Rt 9, bci 70. 4 15 LOT for rent or snle, 75x150, Saginaw St. between Miller and Owen. Phone 1415. 415 WANTED Woman for general house work on farm in Polk county; fami ly of four; no heavy washing. Write Mrs. P. T. Frixzelle, Rickreall, Or. 4 12 INSl-RANCdl COUN(TlL-For free in formation about Life Insurance see J. F. HuUhason, dint, manager for the Mutual Life of N. Y., office at 371 tttato St., Salem, Or. Office phone 99 residence 1390. tf FOR SALE Two S room, modern hous es excellent condition, nicely locat ed ,eat of etate house; large lots, fruit. Part down, terms. lo Childs S38 State St. 4-10 EXCHANGE 9 room house and lot Rotated 4044 8th ave. -NE, Univer sity addition, Seattle; rented for $30 per month, for Stuem home ox equal vain, or an improved tract. L. J. Dtnisou 705 N. 17th, Salem. 411 FOB BALB 8 acre, on of the fin eat located berry and fruit traeta in Willamette -valley; running water for irrigation, snile north of Keiaer school house, main road, small five room house, chicken house, good well, with term to suit. Rt. 8, box 90. a. - 4-12 A BIG volume of nlo at a compara tively small profit, is a more depend able source of profit than a small vclumo at a large margin. For this reason we can sell you any of our high grade pianos at a smaller cost than it is possiblo to get elsewhere. Easy terms if desired. Tho Wiley It. Allen Co., 519 Court St. 4 10 FOR SALE 3 18 acre, 5 room house, barn chicken house, wood shpd, well water piped to house, some fruit trees, house finished fine; located on Silverfon rood 3-4 mile NK fair grounds road, paved. A. K. Kobcrt son, Rt. 9, box 1 .r9 . 4 10 FOR 8ALF, 9 acres, mile east of end of 12th street rarline, Vi acre strnnlherries 1 acre lognleTrles, young orchard, good 5 room hoime, -barn, ehieken and hog house, good well. Call evening after 4 p.' m. or fiundays. $2000. Jas. Callahsn. 4-12 FARMB WANTrTD We are selling farm and are glad to list farm at price that it will pay ns to adver tise. We havo buyens now for good farms, priced right. Kinney A Oo. agent. Corvallii", Or. 4-14 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME Located 1xk miles from 8alem on Kalem-Dallas railroad, 14 wile from Knowles station, all land in cultiva tion, family orchard, fine big ahfV tree, buildings are on slightly roll lng land and consist of eleven room modern house, practically new, plas tered, ibaaemtmt, fireplace, built in convenience, large porch oa 3 side of house; has lighting and water sys tern somplete, bath, toilet and etc. Oood hen house, large old bam and on fbuil dings; 75 acre of well drain ed land, that can't be beat. We of fer thi place at aa attractive price, cash or trade. Kinney ft Oo. agents, Corvallis Ore. 100 ACRES. Tsr sal a fine farm of 100 acres, 98 la cultivation, S is timber, a family orchard, 63 acre ia crop, lev el land new 9 room residence, barn 42x70 ft, entire floor cemented, 20 stanchion for cows, 5 stall for hors es bo I stall, calf pen and granary, .good wire and board fence; S miles from Independence and 2 milef from Bu-sa Vista, good well, engine and tank, 3 jjnod horses and harness, new ' binder, bay rake, interest in wia nnre spreader, ' plow, harrow, disc and all other farm tools now on plac and enough feed and seel to lat until harvest, ell for $15,500, $W09 eaih. This Is splendid "bargain all ready to move into. . JOHN II SCOTT 404 Hubbard building The House That We Can Please Everybody, Why Not You? l 1 i Newly Received Fancy Georgettes 11 40 inches wide h IN THE MOST CHARMING AND APPEALING PATTERNS It - 4- !! 0 The very newest creations VESTES A shipment has just reached us of this very dominant feature of the well dressed woman. They are designed on the accepted, practical models, from the very newest fabrics. Tantasf, Tricofette. Silk Tapestry, La Serge. Kiota Cloth, Broadcloth etc etc. etc Ranging in price from $125 to $7.95 Extra Special Clean CURTAIN MATERIALS MADRAS, VOILES A wonderful showing of those dainty fabrics for Spring Dresses VIFCfNO cream separator, s.iri. new., 1'hone H0KU. model V, 4-12 JAMTtXIt wanted, good psy and lihl work. A-10 rare journal. H GIRIj wanted for general house work. Call at Wills Mimic Wore. tf FOR fiAlK-Jrwy H 20th St. heifer calf. 420 4 12 FOR KENT Fur niched housekeeping rooms. Cn!l 1510 State 8t. 411 HKAVY team of mares for wile; also wagon and harness, clicnp, tit Center 8t. feed burn. 4 12 FOR KALK Scrips Itooth 8 in fine condition. 193 b. Commercial Bt. -4-12 VOl'MI man who attends btininewi col lege mornings, wishes work after noons. C52 care Journal, tf 'FOR KALK Progressive everbearing strawberry plants, Kellnt; strain. I'hono 51FH2. 4-10 WANTtHX -Young man to travel with salesman in car. No silling. Hotel Blih, a-ik for Mr. Williams. 4 11 FOR RKNT 5 acres, all in cultiva tion. close to car tin", fine vegetable luud. Kocolofafcy, llayne M lg. tf HAVB recently listed some exception al bargains, for grain, fruit stock or dairy ranches. I can assirt you in buying right. For best buys see ftocolofsky, lieynt building. tf FOR HALB One of the best prune or chard in the Wil!nmette valley, close in and a money mnkr. Come in and let me show you. F. L. Wood Jiav-BO bide. 4 12 BEST BUYS 24 acres. 16 eulrivsted, 5 acres lo- gans 5 acres young prunes, fair im provements, stock, implements, tools, rock road, close to school, church and station. This is a bargain for tome one. Are yen that onet 315 acres, all in cultivation one of the best improved farms in Marion county, miles from railroad town, only $75 per acre. 50 acres all in cultivation, well drain ed, fair building; 4'4 miles from Kalem, only $160 per acre; thi is $t0 per acre less than it is worth; $1000 cash, balane 6 percent. Have several close ia tracts at very attractive prices. For best buys see iOfWIUFSKT liayn building tf Has Something New Every Day Ladies9 White Special Broken lines and sizes- Some are all, white, others white with black trimmings and stitching. Re tailing at $2.00. Special to close JL39. B CORSETS V WE AIM TO BE FIRST With the new things, to lead in ad vanced, authentic styles. That's why we take so much pleasure in present ing the new and perfect-fitting Royafl Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets They are typically Parisian in con ception and contour, and more than satisfactory in comfort and wear. SCRIM ETC VOILE ONE-HALF You can always do "TV WANTETX-tiirl or woman for general housework. I'hono 1S01W. 4 12 miH. ut.Kln,lln It,. r du.k eitus c. ,.i,i in ea,.h. Phmifi 4 11 HOARD and rouin at 801 N . Com me r 4 12 cinl. WANTED To rent bv reliable small family, a good 0 or 7 room, dice) to car line. I'liono 1210. 4 10 THK party tnkini; tlm blue eyed white kitten on H. (.ullage Kt. is Known; please return same and avoid trou ble. 4-12 TO F,X('1IAN4!K For city property 10 acres on rock rnu 1 miles Horn ra lent. Some prune and cherries, will assume somo incumbrance or pay cash difference, or will exchange onct give time on difference. Mud be on cash basis, as Hie price uked for this tract is 175 less per acrn than thu firlmiiiintr in KeltitiLr fur. ISeft H. H. Raddiff, room 4 Hayne build ing. 4 11 YOU ARE GOING To lose the opportunity to purchase that modern house at 1133 Court Hi. for $.5.ywi on vonr own terms I'n-. les you do so'within a few days it sn ill be taken off the market. It is wnrth more money nnd property val ues ore going up. Ths siun. will ap ply to tho beautiful home at N, 12UJ Court St. for ftSOO. Boo john h. scon 40t Hubbard building Ct-i u LUIC UUUiS UUlCd The formal annoiincen cnt of ths j candidacy of Christ rVlutebel for the unexpired term of tho late Walter A. I rvimij.w mftir he Innk.rl fnr at any) time. Mr. Hchuehel r us active in se enring the passage i f important leg islation in the lest isembly, notably the bill relating to inheritances anv incomes which is expected to add more than $300,000 to ;ho slate revenues. He bsses his r ;nectatinn Bpon his record as an sil.ocst? of constructive Icg'uljtion. Secretary Oiodin of the board of control, returned yesterday from a vis it of several day in Portland and other points for the purpose of in sjieciing various institution, Jor wnu n state appropriations are made. I Port- land there was a visit to the Hoys and ', , , ,11,1 1 1 1 ... 4-v4tv-T Kid Glove j ortlbn OYAL, tt .WORCESTER CORSETS, it Up Sale MARQUISETTE PRICE better at Oirls Aid society, tlie Baby Home, th Albrrtitie (Kerr .Nursery, th luii'm Homo, the I'loienro Oittendon Ttcf tij;, nonl ,n f"01"1 Shepherd, and tlm baivalion Army Rescue; Home. All of lliisii were found to be conducted gnod form. Hix copies of initiative petitions were presented at tlm office of the secretary or statu yesteruay, to ue is sued in behalf of a bill to prohiUtt the, taking of with seines, traps uml fisuwhecl. These were duly approved. In resiinsn to an invitation from Cliarbs H. Whitman of New York, chairmen of tint national cmritnil teo for the Salvation Army drive, (iov emor Olcott has consented to reprc sunt the state of Oregon on that com mittee and lead his support to tin' movement to raise funds for the work, of that organ.itiiiu. In replying he says: "I tuke it as an to be called? upon to serve as a member of t be na tional campaign committee and repre sent Oregon in thut capacity in tlm euiri j.h i uri you are conducting for fundi wild which to .finance t"e various sir vices of llittt oiganizntion to our peo ple at home. The nuignificerit wot which thi organization did for our men overseas deserves nothing but the highi st praise and the hcurttcst co operation of nil the eoplo in advanc ing their work and welfare at home." One of the cncs con ing before tlie supremo enurt today is the friendly suit in which (inventor Olcott soekss by mandamus proceeding to cempet rkato Treasurer Huff to issue the war rant for the governor's salary for thw month of Mnrch. It is expected that this action will decide tho status of the governor in his relation to tho of fice of secretary of state. A meeting has been called in the? governor's offico next Tuesday tntrn K, at which the permanent erganira 'ion of the Oregon Land Settlement! tmrnission will be effected by the -lection of a chairman, secretary fcml manager. Governor Olcott has auiioitne cd that all the members who have been r quested to sene on the commis-ioo have accepted and will be .picsent at the coming meeting. They are Kmery dim-ted and Whitney Is. Boise of Inrtland; It. N. Stanfield of Ptan fwld; i. H. Raker of Bend; Charles TT, II of ITarshfield. In this meetinK they will formulate plans and tak known) polioie wih regard to tho work of placirg returned soldiers 'tl siilnrs on the land. The eommlsion will be regularly incorporated under t'te ls of Oreion. placing it csp- i stocli at ".""U wnien is i"" 'amount appropnnted for the work by 'the legislature.