Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    P4HV "
hope for her n'tura at the end of the
year with the coveted degree.
Agate Kebeksh Lodge So. 17 met
Thurdy evening in r'gular session.
Three candidates. Rev. and Mrs. K. 0.
Pace and J. S. l'rime were initiated in
to the mysteries of the degree. Ihc
wrk was beautifully put on and was
enjoyed by a'l. Refreshments sonsist
ingof ice crvr.m and cake were sorTed
and an hour of social converse indulged
fv. ! V ('u jcii'T'vj! $ju OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 10 Iflifl.
t. v x--
ffT m-m -mr, . ,'imm-m-' " L'"er ye- , . '::m-T"-'nv' J
f ' "" ' ' . ,Sr -. " A V " ' -v -
Small Attesdasce Features
Conference Held Here
L&st Evening.
Keeping in wind the injunction
' 'despise not the day of small thiugs"
the informal labor conference held last
night in the grange ball might be term
ed important notwithstanding the
sparse attendance. Representatives
were present from the labor department
and the industrial accident commission,
and various industries and labor organ
isations in .S..lom and Portland were
Air. Gianim opened the discussion by
Mating briefly the objects of the move
ment to bring employer and employee
into a position where they could dal
with one another without prejudice, and
lie stated that there was no better time
than the present and no better place
than KMem to hanich the movement lis
indicated in the .Eugene .Smith meeting
some weeks ago.
Mr. Marshall recalled the fact that
the ultra radical element in the laboring
class had repeatedly brought down dis
aster upon both themselves and the in
dustries by harsh and high-handed oper
ations. He believed the time was at
hand when employers wero willing to
it down with the labor unions and ne
gotiate for eiuitablc adjustment of dif,
F.. Hofer spoke at some length from
the standpoint of the inniruitu?urei- cud
employer, stating that he had come to
see that the matter of adjustment must
be approached from the side or iho la
boring man if it is to bo dealt with in-
tclligently. Ho pointed to the drastic
t- 11 ml h'igh-hr.nded methods organized lu
- lior had resorted to in tho past to gain
- tits ends, but at the same time admitted
i that ho was ready to endorse their ac-j
tifms as being justified under the eir-
t"'t.niustaiices. ilowevcr, ho believed all
heso wero things of the past and that
we arc entering upon an era of Signer
'iji'nls und methods. Working men aro
mow doing their own thinking and can
no longer be stampeded into a general
strike by unscrupulous leaders. Thero
.must bo a higher ideal on the pert of
labor, wh0 in the past have demanded
u maximum return for a minimum serv
ice, and on tho other hand, the employer
must cense to look upon labor as a mere
commodity. Ho held that voluntary
mediation was tho only logical means of
getting capital and labor on an equal
looting, as had been dono through tho
industrials councils in, England. He
challenged tho statement of one dele
Kate t0 tho effect that all efforts at me
diation would fall unless there was an
nuthoritativo body back of it all to en
forco docisions. He held that the great
need was campaign of education for
lioth the employers and the general pub
lie. A representative of the L. L. L. L.
organisation pointed to their records in
tho pnst yenr to show that they were
furnishing the most effective solution
for labor troubles through their griev
ance boards, by which all troubles are
carried tip from one council to another
until they reach the highest tribunal,
from which there is no appeal. He
pointed to tho fact that during all the
disturbances ef the war period thero
liad boon no serious trouble from tho
L. L. L. L. organization.
Several labor representatives from
Portland niade statements showing the
fi'eetivoness of their organization there
tn sot only increasing the rate of wages,
but of reconciling difficulties with cm
ulovcrs. One of them showed that or
ganized labor in Portland was getting
as hiifh as 2 a day more lor worn man
the same class received in other parts
of the state. One class of engineers
ihcro were Rotting as high as a day
for eight hours. Kefcrring to the work
of organized labor in the shipyards, ho
etatcd that after the government au
thorities took a hand in the labor trou
tics and got the contractors and unions
togothor, there was such an improve
ment in the spirit of the men that in
the course of a few months they had
ut down the building time for a steal
bin frnm 1B7 dava ta 47 days.
One of the delegates suggested that
Arrangements be made for a aiaes meet
ing in which to formally launch the plan
for voluntary mediation, but Mr. Hofer
nrged that this would be too precipitous
and advocated further quiet conference
and education through the press in or
der to preire both lubor and capita
for a new move.
rrt f - ' ,: "TI -- c i
I i V t . - v ... - VN ' ' ' 1
f ' . I , ? '"-O V
i '-VVA?jx 1 Lockr , t 1
, A twenty-three day ocean voyage I
that covered nine thousand miles and
included a passage through the
jPanama Canal, was the unique ex
perience of fifteen hundred home
bound members of the Canadian Ex
peditionary Forces who had original
ly enlisted in ilrit'.r-Jj Columbia for
service overseas, r
I This ship belongs in the Pacific,
being one of the Canadian Pacific's
i crack liners that ply between Van
couver and ths Orient. She had been
! diverted to Atlantic waters to assist
in the transportation of American
: troops to. Europe and was ready to
; return to her regular run. At the
?same time there were in England
and France a lot of British Columbia
,trncps noxious :o get home. Sir
Edward Kemp, Conad'ad Overseas
Minister of Militia, aid Mr. 0, M
Bosworth. Chairman ol the Canadian
Pacific Overseas Servic , arranged to
send these troops hor a by sn all
water route rather th in have them
disembark at a Can .diaa Atlantic
port and cross the co linent by rail
ThA existence of thi Panama Canal
made this a feasable lac, otherwise
the Empress of Asii would haye
found it advantageou to return to
the Pacific via the S ca CsncL, the
route followed by her teter ship, the
Empress of Eussia. 1 JO pas3aga of
the Panama Canal ei tcuinei nine
and one-half hours . xi tij tall
charge wa f93X - -
As this waa the first tirZS. &nd In
all probabUitj uift.oni.LUiiiJi..
tha Empress ot Asia would pasa
throngb the canai tha people of th
canal cone dado, much of the event!
There wero friendly demonstrations
U lnn the war And a verv cordial!
reception at CriAobah The Empreef
nosed far the above clotures in Mira-4
flores locks, six miles from the Pm
cific end of tha canal, ft 1
Enthusiastic receptions greeted thai
ship and her gallant passengers wherfl
Miss Imojene Richards, a February
graduate of Monmouth high school, now
living at Multnomah, spent the week
end here with former schoolmates.
Mrs. J. E. Vinear d Mrs. Win.
Riddell, Jr., were tmong Monmouth peo
ple who were shopping in Salem within
the past week.
On aturdnr night the student body
and faculty of the high school gave a
party in the high school gymnasium in
honor of the parents of the high stu
dents. A short but excellent program
of music and recitations was rendered
by students, a brief history of Mon
mouth high school wes given by Mayor:
Wolverton and a humorous talk, remi
niscent of the younger days of present!
hiijh school students was given by Prof. '
Itientle. tiaiues that the "parents used;
to play" were enjoyed again by all..
Doughnuts and delicious coffee were i
!served and evervone enioved th
"idea'," Imping it would
Inst time the parents wou
W. A. Wood, who purchased a new
Ford lust week, is having troubles of i
his own. So fur his worst accident was
vhen he lost emtrol of tho thing, ran
into a telephone pole and broke one of j
the lights.
The postoffiee at Kings Valley was
broken into recently by a gnui of rob
bers who opened the Ri.fe and took
about :!ik) in money nnd a ipiantity of
war saving stamps. The thieves evi
dently paused 'through Monmouth ns
they appropriated a speeder which be
to TaH?"
i'U ' i.
Major General W. H. Johnston
tcsmasder Of Division,
Also En Route.
! valosfent detachments IWi. C 15, 216, 217
2i!, i.'.l and 4! casnls.
t Transport Iowan, Bordeaux to New
York, is due April in with l.iSth tnian-
rters companv; regimental
fvuittiry detachments,
supply company, machine gun company
and er-inpames B to T, inclusive and Ij
end V; csstml company till, miirlnes and
tw civi!in"s.
Transport Kor.noke, Bordeaux to JCw
Yjjrk, is duo April IS with first battal
ion of -O h piigineeis, headquarters de
tachment, medical detachment and
t'irst, Second, Third ami r'ii'th compan
ies; cement mill company five; lltli
v tram iH'nuotiiirtcrs conilianv. si.n-
they reached ths end of the voyajreJ
Victoria. B. U. where 254 disemi
barked, declared pubba holiday an9
tha whole rjorjulation lolned in wet-
coming via returning heroes, A trel
msndnua nvation was piven at Van 1
couve andL tn Bnita of fata, caeefl
crowds throngecl the Vatei front tql
Ktl first glimpse ana nanasnaite. i
The Empress of Asia has been rcW
tiantled and, if nofa reffular paM
senirer a
Washington, April 9. The trnnSprtrt
longs to a gang of Italians who f.rc i-rnsadena sailed from St. Jkawure, April itary detachment and comianies A to F,
cated here while laying new steel rails;- (luf N(w Yurk A ., wlU mic Ull.lusive.
on the S. P. track between Monmouth. . ... . ' '
.Hid Airlie. The speeder was found l,y:"i'i , "i""" vU...,.uU
Postmaster Wood of Independence, who ; California; bakery company number ,
lecnme curious nnd sturted out with;,tlH fr Cump Lewis and Kearny, one1 PFETTY, WAVY. CURLING
casual officer and one civilian. HATE WITHOUT HOT LROK .
Transport Mercy, St. Nazaiie to New'
York, due April !iO with St. Nazuire ,,.t ,,, y(lll ()f a simple method
eonvn escent .leincu.uents jjj ana j.w, B li,.h ;s ft f,lVHl ite of (hfl
to 14, inclusive. I . . , . . ,
Tr,,H, n,t C'I,,M! .St. Vnnirn to exclusive social set
New York, is duo April 20 with 3Hith'.vna "l'i like to know if it, because
ill svmpatlii.e with the familv in their engineers, heailipiarters, veteriuarv, urd- u W1" 1VP -v"ur na'r .sueli a pret'
d bereavement. Tliev moved to Ku- imncc and medical dctaclu irs, engi- enrlmess and Instro and permit Jou
no lost summer or early fall. Ineer trein nnd companies A to Y. inclu-'0 'lo. HWH' wl,h (hl" "'"'"US waving
A t I. .,... f,.,i I'.., w.r.i 1 Rtuiill'V I -I.,.. u.wl Dm f ..I Inari .... (Hut ill viuiitti 1
n. rvvcm ni,.i v...... - ... j .O..V, ' ......... nm ...... ...
ithers to see if they could find a clue.
1'iiends of the Ualvorsen fi.mily -will
jiim wtih regret vt the death of the
lotlier, -Mrs. Mary Ilulvorsen nt ln'r
xime in Eugene on Salunlay, April ".
he Ilnlvorsctis lived in Monmouth sev
rr.l vears and have liuiiiv friends who
lies of
I'm sure
In Viab
JifJy-Jea fiav
otb come scaled
in glass a bottle
in each poclage.
Each is rich es
sence, condensed
from fruit juice.
' Add boiling
water, tbes this)
essence, and you
have a rcal-fniit
. Etlailae dessert, and at
triSing cost. You should
know tltls traity shinty.
m for St .
Farmers Must Keep Full Set
jvans to his parents here states that
lie has been t0 visit relatives In Lon
don and expects to go to Wales to seo
an aunt and visit the scenes of his par
ents vonth o tho old estate.
Sam Morrison, who was operated on
" with next January, the owner of ail
.automobile will pay his automobile tax
in tln wnv of a license. One fourth of
. - tho l.'ione
of it. He ice this may laise tax.s a
notch or "
ay 01 a icense. , c.o,u . )pon,ii,.itl. two weeks ago, was not
ey so collected will be e ur n , 1 V
iniitv f ir a cood roads fund, buti . , . , ,,,,.. .,. iV,,
It is now up to tho furmer t0 keop assessment different from these fig
books and to know all about his finan- ures: Sheep $8; sheet) registere
cial affairs. The jrovernnient has bcon
curious as to his income in order to fix
a proper income tax and now this week
or next he Will be visited by a doputy
tax collector who will ask more ques
tions about acreago and fruit trees than
the farmor was ever asked before.
Tho last legislature passed a law, and
it became effective at onco through the
emergency clause, providing that all tax
assessors should require all. sorts of
statements from the farmer and iruit
raiser as to how much grain ho nad in
or intended to put in this year and thon
all about his acreage in regard to fruits
and berries. The object of the law woe
to give aomo dofinte figure as to what
Oregon was really doing in the agricul
tural and horticultural line.
Label Law Also in rorce.
Another law was passed providing
tw factories and canning plants snould
indicate on their labels just whore the
fruit or berries were canned. It ts a
well known fact that tho largest can
ning establishments in the valley arc
n,n.d hv California people who ship
ped our finest fruits and berries under
California, labels,
with thn labels showing where the
packing was done nnd with the records
of each county snowing now uiar "
the itato has in cultivation in ea-h fruit
or berry, it is hoped that Oregon can
make a better showing before thq large
wholesale fruit buyers in the cast.
Now when the assessor comes around
within the next few weeks, the farmer
. fruit raiser should have convenient
all sorts of information as to what be i
doinjf, ia order that tne assessor can
get alone In Lis work.
lLKKUlvtuu www.
On blanks alrcwly prepared, here is
what must he answered: Owner or rent
er; total acres n farm, acres of winter
wheat, spring wheat, oats, Dariey, rye,
corn, clover, aiiaua, wuu or
.n,l nthor hkV MODS.
A A than ha ahnuid be anY with
the following
tatoes. other root
goat 13; goats registered t7; hogs per
pound 10c; cattle aix monhs end one, '
$15; cattle one to two years, $20; cattle $
tw0 to thro years, S)2d; eattle ovcr three
years, HO; tuttle registered, doublo,
amount; dogs, 10, and nothing under;
L-dtnrllbojs Wiss First Rcur.d
Of Telssrapsi Rate Figfet
colts, one year old, s30; colts, two year
old, lO; colts, three yenr old, $80;
horses, best draft team, iiOO; horses,
except stalilons and raise horses regis-
tcrcd, 800; horses, stallions and regis- !
tercd draft, 800; jnekass. 500. j
Assessor to Decide.
Money and notes will gn n 'he as- j
sessors books at 75 ner cent of thciri
valuo nnd aecounts at the ame per:
cent. Thresher outfits will be assessed
according to the assessor's judgment.!
Merchandise is to go on the books at
two-thirds valuo and oats and wheat at,
a valuo of two-thirds. Wool is to boj
assessed at 25 cents a pound. Lumber i
at from (6 to (20 a thousand.
New automobiles bought before
March 1 of this year nre to bo assessed :
at two-thirds of purchase price, cars
one year old may be turned in to the!
assessor at one-half of tho original cost.!-1
For ars more than one year old ot
bought tnnTe thnn one year ago, llio as
sessment is to be according to the as
sessor's judgment.
Of eonrse the Tste of assessment sen
net be determined until late this full
when all values are' turned in. This
year it was 131.20 on every S10000
assessed property. Next year It may
a little higher as the county win get
Chicago, Anvil 9. Tho stale
ef Illinois win a victory over
the federrlroverniiient her" to
day when Suirrii!V .lutbre Fo"ll
made permanent an injunction
granted itist February restrain
ing the American Telephone
and TelekTaph company and
Postmaster ' Wenernl I'.urleson
from incTenninj Hephone rates
in the stale.
Tho flfeision is the first g'.ven
in a number fit" suits in various
statc-J therein Increased rates
wete t'-s'led in the courts. In
liial.in.': 'he injnr.rt! n pe-man-en',
.Ind;;e Fori! tffirnied till
exclusive ripht of the r.tatc in
regulating telephone rates.
The temporary injunction Was
granted on reuurst of M'nr
l ey (l-ti"nil flrenriage of Illinois
the day before the new rates
'were to u ''lto ff,,('t all over
the country.
(i'piii'l Joiirtinl S;.iial Hcrvicc.)
Monmouth, Or., April B. A recent
for him. However, tho patient rnllied
and was ablo to undergo a second opera
tion Friday, but to no avail. Monday
morning he grew worso and at 3 p. in.
he paBsed sway.
'(United Press Ptnff Correspondent.)
Hilverton, Or., April 8 Mrs. H. C.
Paulson returned homo Sundi.y lrom a
three weeks' visit in Dallas.
Arthur Chamness has returned lrom
Cirass Vulley, having sold his business
thero and will make Bilvcrton his future
Frank Adams, of Ohio, a brother of
Mayor I.. J. Adams nnd Kd K. Aduns,
is visiting at tho hitter's home, lie ex
pects to remain hero Indefinitely and
may decide to engage in .business hero.
Murk Paulson was a Salem visitor
Homer Pittniun was visiting home
folks over Saturday and Suuday,
Casper Tour returned from overseas
Kastman Pros, became possessors o
the lot and otfice foruierly owned by
F. M. Brooks Saturday. Messrs. Ki;st
insn expect to tear down tho old build
ing and erect a larger one, where they
will continue their profession.
Win. Law was home from Portland
A iiimss meeting was held in the opera
house Friday night for the purpose, of
bonding the city for ten tliousaud uol
organizations: postal detachment, head
quarters troop, heailipiarters detach
ment, train headquarters and a military
polico coninuny; casual companies tiltK,
murines und ti-'l), Ohio; five 91st divis
ion prisoners and five, casuals. Mujor
(ieneral William II. Johnston, command
iug the 01st division, is a passeugor.
Transport West Alsek, Lal'allicn Ho-
Ji:st got from any c1nig-ist a few
ounces of ordinary liquid silmerine,
land at night apply a little with
'clean tooth bru.-h, drawing this down
ithe full length of the hair. Jn tho
I morning you will have a real surprise,
'the fasi-inatinT, fluffy, wavy effect
j will appear so natural, and thero will
be on greasy, gummy, streaky or other
unpleasant trace of this harmless li-
nnwl Ymi will filxn finil thia m unlfa-
puny 74, medical detachment and two dM drrt,iri, fr the hnir.-Mona Mor
casual infantry officers. row in Ttle fUibwomsn.
Trnnsiort Sierra, Bordeaux to New I m
York, duo April 18 with 144th 'machine a TT i 1 Af
gun battulion; headquarters detchment AJaSnCS, EXCCpi Aliny Vl
ana ineoiciii netacnineni ana comjmnirs
A, B, C and 1); 143 rd machine gun bat
talion, headquarters detachment, fan.
tary detachment and companies A nil Washington, April 9, Barring unci.
B; 4(ith division military police coir pc-ted developments, nil American
pnny detachment 19 bullnon company, troops in France, with tho exception of
two medical detchment; Bordeaux eon- he. armv of occupation, should be re
' 1 turned to this country by the end f
in this city sinco return from the serv September, the navy department stated
Occupation, Home By October
A number of 0. A. R. and Belief
Corps members attended a convention
at Woodburn Wednesday.
Louise Fischer of Portlnnrl hns been
visiting hor father, I.onii
the Fischer Flouring Mills.
Following the organisation of sever
al successful service club in differeat
parts of the. Yakima valley, a msetirrffl
Fischer, of Is to be held April 12 in ,Ynkims h
form a county organization.
visitor nt the normal wus H. II. Herd- Jars toward an appropriation for an
meeting and
'SB. Lot
ofjuinn, principnl of the Washington high;""1" Bilvertoa.
be . , . , ., i i i . ii..' ( apt. Met all called the meetu
.i school of Portland and president of the AMv...l n ,l,lr..,
e of the automobile tax. Beginning' Portland branch of the drama league. Mkv gare utiMvMinjr speecli and fol
Y KF1ITH TAI K$ iMr- pri'",an t001' tor bis IM!,jeti "Tholowing his address was a talk by Lient.
ViXLl XLLALIII lAlAu. lA.,.Kuo of Nations," handling this witnl jHall. F. K. Callister was also a promi-
People aro easily frightened when
they think something is the matter
t a. i . L. : mL
and timelv subject in a moat thorough j 11 111 l'"cr lfl0 rven.ng. i..mcr
. ... '. ... Ipriso was voted upon and was enrrled
and liberal manner, dn.sing tne pros . auntninl0Ui votc
and eona of tho proposed covc.ani as MiM NeriB(jn relv,tX m from
submitted to the runs 'Ierynrc her sister in Portland ovc, the week-1
J iltl IICll nlll't I 1SU1. MI, " ma. HH" 1
rJ,h. hpir 'unf, r. hcart- ?D1 visiting esses at the normal last; Hi,rt(,n volme .,,
mnr nez nur tpw TM-nnin i'ninr. 1. i " " .
4 - , , ..Uw. wVfaX.
Tor 200 years COLD MEDAL Hoar
Icui Oil hss enalilcd SMfTcnui humsn
ily to withstand attm ks of kiilney,
liver, blndrlcr and stomach troubles
and all dinrnses connected with th
urinary organs, and to build np and
restore to health orsans weskenrd bj
disease. These most tin ports nt oritnns
oust be watched, Iwaue they filter
and purify the blood; unless they do
their work you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, nespnndenry, backache, stomach
trouble, pains in the loins and lower
abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, srtntiea
and lumbsKO all warn you of trouble
with your kidneys. GOLD MKDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules are ths remedy
you nerd. Take three or fonr every m
The bealini oil soaks into ths cells aaa
lining of the kidneys and drive out
the poisons. New life ami health will
surely follow. When your normal tior
has been restored continue treatment
for a while to keep yourself in eondi
tioa and prevent a return of the dis
ease. Don't wait nntil vou are Incapable of
fighting. Start taking GUI. I) MEDAL
llnnrlcm Oil Capsules today. Your
druggist will cheerfully refund yotrr
money if you are not satisfied with
results. But be sore tn get the original
imported GOLD MKDAL and aeceiet ao
ub'ilitutes. In three snei. bM
packages. At all drug stores.
stand the dangers of d'"eas"'
These organs have fluty f vital lm.
motored to Halein rlunilny.
nnpe.inren.ioni wcugiinu, oi w, Frank Brown and Ten vnrvme were
Information: acre, in po- "I T ' Corv.ll.s spools w,s on the campus a j tl0 ei, H(ttlr1ly
crops, field pen-, aere, ? Vhere ia . tellinir hL Z t f fW '-" .''V" r"" ... .'ii' Rto ha, the promise of a chau
... J L.. mnm in Athof IH" ST IH
of field beans, and then ares in otner hpre ,h(J .. t0 aM.ear. The ' tauq.ia for this year, me proposition
... lulls in-ru mnru up uy nt.mti i iiiu uunr
: kidneys are filters, arid when
And in the hortlenltnral line, the fruit 1 v' l.t. i.. . i. hup. rinti mlciit Unci, or tne urants IIlcn anj arrangements are nearly
grower should have convenient inf orma-, , ,()ood nll WhpB ,1'ass schools, as here ,st week select- ,.omi)elcd fr a program to be rendered
tion that will enable the deputy awietwor , bc mf ar(, dif-H..l the poisons I ",'K u,!-cl"r ,u acancii-s at that hcre rme timP ,urini juy. Tiw enn.
klv MI cat the preparer! Diana, i m,- ,,.rTwhere. n,l ,,n nf l"ac''- .tract has been made with te lllison-
House Cleaning Time Is 1
Here I
to quickly Till oni tne vrcpar Ki..,.,,r. n,rnti .. ,ni one of
Jilling for he folk-Wing iniormouon. the5e po, lg flri(, ,,,5, The rie
Acres of aoplee, Uarina and non-bear-, Kill CJlrTi(1, all throuKn the .vtem
mg; eherrics, acres In bearing and non- ,ni in ri places, in the
tearing; peaches, tt.c same; and the form f npJlte Mi1tin infl feH) t)l(,
nne with pears, pr-nes, wa.nuts. Theanki,gi wristI anJ rM,ea0ftP1I form.
Pssessor will ask for acres ber.rln- and.ln(( Ugn undr ,h, fyp fv,m,tjmes
not beariwr of eoh and will hardly tne rrhin trotiblo U enUrd Thenma-
hve tiwe for the grower to. atop uo tiw, lrimhago. sciatica and hwekacbe.
ilrs. Currain, head of the department white Chautauqua company.
of rural scuoi., repreaented tlm faculty j -.y. B. Duncan, deputy food inspector,1
ai inc cnapci pcrioa Tcunesuuy. in
rirnr these things out
Berrr -rer Apked.
Then ia the way of berries, the row-
FinaTIr, come nne in the bladrW
abtet ml Prl.rht'. disease.
Dr. Pierce of -Buffalo. V. T., in
et should fcave convenient, ngure. mf ymt rpworered that a eeTtsin
showine the following: eres ia logsm jrmWna(jon f r,mNj; wntU dis
berries, ia raspberries, in l)teererrte,'OTlvf BP;, (tm 1b the
in strawberrirs rl in other frnita and mvem. H fonnd thii e-1.ination to
berries, showing he bering and aaa- hurmle.. rr hat he Tend it np -beaing.
,-; , (tablets, nt double nrn''h. and !lfd
And in order that th fanner awy tB,ra VTf Tablets. They diewilr
kare fTerytliag 5a readinetw tot the a Bri, acid in Te hnirma -tem a hot
seeaor e ahi.nld have already figured ,ffr mnr. ff 7011 hsre
np all lis per01 prcperty. K' nrie seid tyeht-s rVi delay la 1k
will o in tt the luu rate that it was j, jj.nri. TaMea w1Vi mrt be -assessed
last year. rnred ii b Aurg '-. Tern can write
By direction of Ben T. Vest, eoonty j. pierce, too. d he will tell ma
the personal property of mt to eaf nnl how to Ti m that
farmer will go on the arhedule at the gnttre aria arid wni nt form H ynnr
following prices, each aswssor bein -re m . Dr. Tin!t Will COl CtgS fot
positively instrarted at to turn ia any (atg SjOrieS.
her talk on "Uural Health, MauUards is)eeting the meat markets and slaugh-
anu Atrainmenis,- sue proven couciu- tor houses.
sively by menBs of charts and cTe-( The daiice given by the Lotus club
fully coniled aUtistics, taken by her- i,,t naturdsy night was a success and
self, that the rural eominunities had not a itme w. enj0ved by all. The
kept pace with the city in developing ,iB(, anothir aance w-ne-Mny
and bettering health conditions. To as- oiht, and still another will bs keH QaV
siat in rawing rural neana sianoaras 10 urday sight.
the city' a few day last week f pound. We have it in all colors and are prepared to
the equal ef those of the city, Mrs. Cur-
ran tdvocated thorou medical inspec
tion in a'l schools witkout delay, for
1bo betterment of fatitrs generations
that the appalling physical conditions
ost revealed by tha army examinations
may never again occur
Mrs. Bay K. Brown was taken Into
. .... . t. ,:...! 0,..i A i
cusiooy rroisy llj IIIU'U mmr, im-j
shnl F. B. Tichenor, upon the chargo of.
jdrawing an tllrrtment from three 'hue-'
bands ' at once. It seems that after
Mr. Brown went to France, Mrs. Brown
went east and married a ('has. Conns.
Miss Mamie Br.dabaugh, rritie of the After Mr. Coons sailed, he returned to
fifth and sixth grades in the training Portland and mc.rried Jark Watts. Mrs.
arhuol, has been granted a year leavt Hrown was visiting her sister, Mrs. Re-
of absence from the normal faeolty and ,n cf (his city at tho time of her ar fi PKatizi 010
has mnde arrtiEfrements enter the l jt. , ft 0X0
of O. in K-ptember, where she will re j janxf Hollingsworth was ia the city Jf .
main for the year for ths purpose of se-jovrr Hatnrdav and Sunday. M VVCSt oSleni 414
coring her degree. Miss Hadabaugh ia Ocorge Davis waa a Tortli rl v!.;tnr Ij
eonsi'lered a most excellent instructor gua3af, . 1 .11 it
and parents will regret her leaving and Lee Perda hu bets yisiting friends "
Re-tint your walls with our Bulk Kalsomine on
which we are makinig a special price of 11c per ftr
supply your Wants.
Let us figure that new bungalow or garage
bill. Our goods are the best and our prices are right. i
'Everything in Buildingr Materiar
A. B. KELSAY, Mgr.
349 &outh
12th Street