PAGE TEN ,s!nl Journal TE z 0 H D h h CO 2 W Q 2 0 HMaf 2 I TION WIDE INSTITUTION ONLY DY THE STRICTEST APPLICATION' OF THE BEST BUI- NESS PRINCIPALS, AND Always Playing Fair g ' DATHT NEW ftECKWEAR We have women's nice collars sets and vestees in many neat sty les and colors, good values at 49c, 9Sc, $1.49 and $1.79 3 WITH OUR CUSTOMERS IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, HAVE Lj ENABLED US TO BECOME A NATIONWIDE INSTITUTION, WITH 3 197 BUSY STORES IN ABOUT 17 YEARS. ' C) 2 BATH TOWELS In the best nu.ilitv patterns in pink, blue and yellow at M 3 V, 49c, 63c and 89c W PI w H H C H 0 2 All Aroiin d Town WJOSQ EYEHTS wv, -.v, UJt BIIU OlC Wash Cloths to Match Towels at 8c, 12 l-2c and 13c YOU SHOULD LOOKAT OUR LINE OF Ladies' Purses AS THEY WILL SURE INTEREST YAU AND SAVE YOU MONEY THEY ARE PRICED FROM 49c TO $198 A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION ,. . . . ." ' " ' . ' tl 1 1 TV 71. li.MIIF Ml l'.if) I ...... I ApriJ 20. Em Sua day. April 27 Humane Sun Jar. May 3 Celebration aCham poeg, 7ta tuiTvrettrj: May 3 Lt WT which to regirter far epecial eleetioa May 2 3 Joaaur week end, Wiilaaaette njuwsity . May 18 23 L 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge aesaiona. June 3 tfpeeJal state elee-tion. Personals - - v ..a uiinuiu n?3 flinuiitf the rm-iit arrival i.i t,n city. t 1 I n tfs of a lUIh-hroi T.n I :?'!'"'":: ,!'U k"w !"'" J annual lffIlir John 0. Maxwell and wife of Mc pherson, Kansas are in the city for a abort visit, renewing acquaintance wilh Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Barnes. Mr. Mmnull and Mr. Harms were chool mali'ii. Mrs. T. H. ItoMimnn and Hon, Ilnr ry, left yesterday for Scuttle, called hy thn illnesj of the mother of Mrs. Kobiiuon. W. K. Tuvlor of Oorvallis is regis- n til win iirn. ' Senator C. M. Thomas of Me.lford If1'"" ""'''"'"K it In the city. ihrcrdcra dub. J. 8. Vun Annan of Aih-crtiin Snlem visitor jintcnlay. Orant Fcrjrnnoa of Amity wa in Hu lem Wednesday. Mm. Alice A. Nilei left yesterday for Bilverton for a liort visit . Jlobart Durum, who recently receiv ed l.ia discharge, the navy, eft yentcr.h.y for hi home in Walport af ter a short visit hero with relutivt. Jud'o T, V. By an, formerly assist ant a'ate treasurer, was in the city yesterdnv on hia way to iiieliur. John Rihiffcrer of Turner, route 2, wn a enller at the Capital Journal to day. He has a son with the Atnerhaii army of occupation in Germany at tha jrrsent time. (I'ortlaud architect win. i, eiiHiij-ed up :n larKo contracts on public luiildinirs. 'H a busiiiem visitor in tho cilv tu- uay. i E. Deckebach has been spending the day in I'orllund on a .business er rand. Kllicrt Thompson, of tho Valley Mo tor company, i, ci.'i.fincd t. his'homo by illn.-iM. liulph Thoinpson I. niakinu n c. tensive trip through eastern Oregon in the interests of t'io Kor.lsou true-tor. I'. M. ,.r..f....... .. husbandry' of the Oregon Agricultural lee, Is in tin. city uttemlimr the of tin. Oregon Jersey the bread mnkiiiL was served. This was the llie uiana!cmcnt announce several af- uurs or a similar kind to bo held in tho near future, all in the howinj; how bread is made by the lat-j- CaCh. Murdoc!t' 111 charge of athlet- v ... iiifcii mmfin, s.Hie llinT yoOH progress is being made by the boys band, which was organized about "a month ao. They hold regular prac tice meetiiiKs in the manual training cottage. Q3EG0N THEATkE NOW VIVIAN MARTIN IN "YOU NEVER SAW SUCH A GIRL" Phona 77 Oreeon Taxi and Tr.nef Co. for auick scrvieo . - 0 I Will Bell tha R raom una 4WU Court tit. for Ka n,u .f .... T1..VO m nanaie it. u. W. L.allar, 495 iuo uuDUard bld tf Among lata addition l.l I ... ..rury is a volume e-itil e.t "C, l'ai i;i2 (iermany collection of ad- d-esses delivered br 1'remier Clpmr- ccau during the earlir rears ..f nor Tliis will bo found very iuterrstin" as showing tho attitude and view point of the French official circle. Dr. Mott offices moved to Bardc 0f Cemnierce building, rooms 4U7 8. tf Ws buy liberty bonds. 314 Masaolc bldg. u est metliudi. Tor Blllouj Troubleg To iiomote a healthy act on of tho liver and correct tho disordeia cuused liv liiliousness, (Miniuberlain ' l.i..'ta are eiccllcat. Try them and sec 1ioiv qui. kly they give you a relish for your fund and banish that dull and siuid feeling. BERT LYTELL IN THRILLS SUSPENSE ROMANCE Today YE LIBERTY Passion Week Services At Oregon Theatre Daily The Halem Ministers' association lm arraiiL'ed for abort ,,.t -.. vice in the Orejjon theater every day wcck, in recognition of 1'ussion week. Tho time and iiluco has been appointed with a view to i.rovidinir ..... ousy people or the street an oppor tunity to articimtc in a biief relip- ems service daily through, ut the week coinniciuoratite of great event, in the hist week of the life of the l mi.tili'r of Christinnitv. Thn erui..n ;n Kill Ht I": III Ml, I Ill-Ill, I,, a. I'l J'; and will consist of lnv,,, i.i . iul unisical number, a brief a.blre.s l viiin and b.iieiliitii.ii. t'.,,l, .i.iv . layman representating one of the city . lion-lies will prcniil,. H, ,, f ti, pastors vnill give the nddre-n. Tho list of siieukers for the successive of the week. Iieinnniov M,,,,,luv f.'.t. lows: Rev. Dis. Avinon, Handier, An derson. J'rea. Doney, Dr. Holt, Itev. l'orter. It 1 hoped that there tnav be (a general aeeeptanee, on thn Mirt of our bu.incsa .eopln and others, of this 'invitation to give a few minutes each lav, for this one week at least, i a 'special recognition of religious things and the larger part they ought to play in our busv lives. United States Flying Circus Starts On Victory Loan Tour Han Diego, Cut April 10. Its nor- sonuel including six famous American ...raw i ji.mis, 10 inltlMj Blt,,s fy. log circus let t lu re to.lnv for its trip for the victory l.nn. It trnv,,i H far north as Seat'b, as far cast as Denver and a fur south as El 1'aso. Kpeetneiilnr air exhibits will bo staged by Lieutenant Toion-I Thaw, commander of the famous Lnfayetlu escndrille; Major Kenneth Mnrr, one of the organizers of the Lafuvette es cadrille; Major Cnrl Spatx, who while tittnche.l to tho l.'lth l.lirsuit adllAilron. won tie (lislinguishcd service crosa for his aerial a. hievenieiits; ( uptaiii John A. llainbleton conilnnn.ti'r nf .l,n oi'i,h aero s.uudron, oft'iciully credited with crashing six Hun machine; Captain W. II. Hoover, 27th aero ciuadrou, aix planes; Ueutemint II. W. Kollmer, "'Id aero s.iindron, three planes; Lieu tenant (leori;.' W . rurvear. In nlunni uud many oihers. Lieutenant, I'urvear was the first American aviator to escape from a Herman prison camp. Homer Earrel Parrish caxa all the j j way irom it. ix-nton, juoniaua, x' claim his bride who lives in the north ern irt of the t, rv. As he is onlv ! 19 vear nbl anil t he not brini7 an affidavit from one of his parents, or j his legal guardian, consent. ng to hisi marriage, ine y..u! g ia ;v wao nac.t: Out thi iov .-rrif t,.ta b. tlia cnniitT i clerk office could no nothing for him n win De ounea to wait until tosi proper affidavit arrives before a 1-1 cense to niarrv will be issued to him. The bride to be is over IS and can do i just as he pbus.-s. A flturraftion. Be aura to t.v TToavct sweeer uacrs of Salem what actual rAH-rivttce wis laugni- tueiii, oeiore vou fcur an electric swecner: ,il.l on easy terms. Win. Gahlsdorff the store of housewares. 4 12 For sale. 4 room bungalow. S800. Toilet, electricity, gas, close in. Call mornings or after 6 rj. m. 475 South Commercial. NotiM A m 1 1 a 1 A et-1r. holders of Salem fVuit Vnion will be aeid at office of Lnion, Saturday April 12 at 10 o'cl.M-k a. in. erv im portant business will be transacted. 4 11 vl 1fL Special meeting of Do ' -Molay Conunandry No. e t . ..'.! t manna V4 i MM 8 nnnonilV . f t n, K. T. this evening Worlt in the Temnle de- Visiting Sir Knights welcome. Dr. J. O. Matthis, 409-410 Ban of Commerce iddg. Office phone 573, res idence lhoue 6!6. . 4 20 "Tho bost1 loath eoinea. l'hone 120. ' la all yu can do wticn Call Webb & Clough Co tf gree. In a report of the condition of Sa lem lodge No. 3:i.i. B. P. (). E. fur the six months endin-i April 1. l'Jl!'. the trustees present a statement fchow- inir thnt tllM linn.a of thn lnil in money and real estate and lodge equip ment amounts to '"Vl .fil with net a dollar of ixdcotedni'ss. One year nai the membership of the lodge was 777. On April 1 of this year this had grown ri fcni it,..;.,.. !.-...... in'. ... u. ,t ..-i .wit j.u bora had been taken into the lodge by initiation, tive by afnliation bv dc- nut n,wl nit.,, t-,..,.ut.. tili l.-;.,t,f members of the lodge died during th? past year. The membership of thi' lodge now is more than SOU. Notice Annual meeting of stock holders of Salem IVuit Union will be held at office of I'nion. Saturday Anril 12 at. 10 o'l'tni-tf n m . Yom- im portant business will be trim sac ted. 4 11 A new shipment just received in fancy silk parasols. Colors: green, red, purple, taupe, etc. Prices $4.93 to $7.90 our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salera Formerly Chicago Store Hug and more pceple stopping off iu Salem than has been known iur five six years. Postal receipts at the Salera post of fice is feeling the impulse ot the com ing prosperity. The sales of stamps for he prist month of March amounted to !7iir.ii.liU while one year ago it was TjlU.'iO. Postage collected for second class matter was $232. "S compared to Iu3.:it5 for March of one year ago. AUCTION SALE " The annual demonstration of bread making was given last evening at the Cherry City bakery, with an attend- am f 4(10 or more. The rtianaRcment took this number of people who want to know how bread is ma tie, thro.igh the bakery last evening, showing ex jaclly how bread l made by the whole-" sale. After an exhibition uf the work- " a A mm mm P vy lliamette Valley I Transfer Company 1??. Portland Office H 'A - '"Rn street 2H0 Ash Street if x iione uw Phono Rronrlwnv j i L.M.HUM i care of Yick So Tims Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo llaa medicine which will cur any known diseaae. Open Sunday, from 10 a. m. until 8 p. n., 15:fHouth Ilih 6t. 6olem, Oregon phone 2SU Another genuine -war tank will be shown in Salem. This tim-it will ar rive SutnlllV fnorninir on th troi.i on the Southern Pacific and remain in the city until taken on its journey by I he 1 1 o'clock train. It will be accom panied by three or four of the mcti who have neeu actual service. Dr. 0. B. O'Keill optometrist-optician, has roeumcd his practice over Udd & Bush bank bldir. Office hours 9 to 5 p. m. BuDdaya by appointment. Phono 025. 5-1 Artificial tooth, have expert plato man, with over 35 years eiperienee, at my office. Dr. D. X. BeVhler. den tist, 302 U. S. Nat. Bank bldg. tf T. O. Bllfth bought the Mrs. Olive Pnright house at It.'iO .North Tibertv i street, sold at auction yesterday by F. N. Woodry. It is an eight room ' boii-e with a lot frnn'nge of 4 feet, lailjoining the C. P. Hishop home.! Ir. Itlil'h ia M firm lw.liv,,r in Kn. lem real estate and bought the prop erty as aa investment. Dance Saturday April 12 at Querrjrs hall 4 mile, south; new floor; best music. 4 11 There will be same bulbs and plants for sule at 12.) .North ommerciul street on Friday and Saturday. Prof. 0..I. Lewis, chief of the di vision of horticulture of the Oregon Agricultural enlleae. will Pcak at' the Monday noon luncheon of the Salem t ommerciul club to be held at the Jla- rion hotel. He will talk on the horticul tural possibilities of the valley and es pecially of the valley in which Salem is interested. Lieut. Louis II. t'omp ton, who went through the severe fighting in the Argonno forests is al so on tho program for a talk. With two such interesting speakers it is thouirht that the ntten. lance -will dou ble that of former luncheons, especial ly now that the 'business ana Profes- di There is a "Ko Man's Land" ia Salem. This time it happens to be at me v'M.niv eon it nuusc aim is uie leriu r affectionately employed by court's! house otficlnls when referrtni. tn tho office of the county recorder. Mrs. Mildred Hrooks re the recorder and men are employed in the office Hence, "No Man's Land." A party mado up of Mr. and Mrs. Carleton, Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Mey ers Mr. and Mrs. li. If. Hrown. Dt. nnd Mrs. O. A. Olson were visitors in Portland yesterday in attendance up on the Grand Council of the Mnmiic. order The ladies of tho party wcro en- tenaineii in- the I'ortlantl Indies with a luncheon and theater party. Mr.' t arleton is master of .tho local council Tell your trouoles to t'ue nolice. Yes terday afternoon ft call came in to po lice hfHd.mnrtc.rH .with d comnhiint that a calf was runniner ut lariie on I North Water street. An una tnihd to look nffer the stray calf. Said calf was tied to a tree and the owner notified to get his property. Thero is a city ordinance on strny animals and no calf is entitled to wander around at liberty within tho city limits. AUCTIOiN MARKET Cor. Ferry and Liberty EVERY SATURDAY 10:39 a. m. HORSES, HARNESS. WAGONS, TKAILORS, PLOWS, TOOLS, 1 ETC, i. mm .nil. in.- ,ii,i.ii-.7i n.i iiiuii-n- oi-iiiiit.i hi iook nncr sional men uf the city arc taking such 'all of which was done u uiiivu iiueres. in vouiiue I cilli ciuo WO.'K. Go to the utility sale at 123 North ( 'oinmereial street on Friday and Sat urday. You will find a variety of use ful and seasonable articles such as aprons, liaus, bulbs, candies, cooked food, etc. etc. Get her a new rag rug for her Easter gift. You will find some pretty ones at the Utility sale at 12j .North Com mercial street. WE ARE NOW READY TO TAKE CARE OF YOTJB ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE 8REET WELCH ELECRI0 CO. F1I0NE 953. D'rcs at MacleaT Sat. n'a-ht: cood j lunch and good time. 4 M'r.j Caae, of the public library re ports that the French class is increas ing in popularity, now having about I twenty on the list. ttudies aro eon i ducted each Monday evening. No .Iff 1 4.nite course of study has been outlined T l,,r .,K,....i;, ., .... t.,l .1... .i.... i... -. ...-p. ., p. , iur ,m- v.h.-. in,- anil i'cing simply to progress as far as pos sible in the book at hand during the season. 451 ii i Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating j between here and Portland. We also make j 1 5 9 DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERT0N it We bUV T)roduPP nf fill Vinrlo nnJ nt, tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash Ii Pnccs- Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, oressea meats, poultry, etc., to us. a4i44i4i NOTICE! If you hare aiy Junk or mc. ond hand goodu of any kind sea us first. PHONE 30 371 CnteniekeU SI CAPITAL JUNK CO. "Tha Funeral Beautiful." Webb A ("lough ( o. tf Dance rthlajr April lltli at M. B. A. hnll. Larger orchestra, better floor. 4 10 Along with tho speeches nd awards to athletes at Waller hall this evening III ),n ,,,, ...l ..k. 1, .1. !lee club and the Male Quartet of Wil lamette university. Miort upeeches .wiil tie made by A. F. Flegel of Tort- llnnd. Cy Eakin, Harold .Nicholls and Harold Diniick. Trea. Itnrnl.I Dimick of the W. club invite everyone to ba j present. Program begin! at 7:30. No A d-stributor for Jell o products was arrested in the city yesterday while di-tiibiiting booklets udverti-ing Jell o. He was fined $10 and informed thlre was n citv nritinnocn hi. nhifti those who wish to distribute 'bills or pamphlet", niut take rut a license, pny ing lil for six months nnd $-0 for At a recent meeting of the nubile !:'M',. v"rL 'fl' .i'"'.'!, l1"1'" ... . , - - - nion on. a sis looiiin s license, iciiing library board reports were l'r'"'""t"'l t!l0 city recorder that his conipany told showing that during the month of h,n, .u,,.. ,,.. r, ,,,, ,,. L. - ,.-,K March ! books were added to the li- 1 1, i . , . . .. , . . i . i . i .uiii uiMrii'iin- iioMTiising in any brary and 119 new names were alde.l,.;tv -n , s (, ' o the lis of 1,,-rowors. bringing t ie if , with fc fc , total number of patrons up to Ml!). ii,.i.., : . , , , ,, ,. mi. . , , . i , i . ..i... is un- .on. i.iiuior..e.i on u s- Thcre was a total of o.iD.i books loan- i,.;i, : -, .... . , c,l during ihe month. The total Bum ! , " , ' ... . . j . . . , . , .,, . line T-U annual license, ber of books in the lmrnry March dlst I M,r42, Of the total number of 1:30 p. i H O TJ S E II O LD FURNITURE, CAKFET3, RUGS, DISHES, K. UTENSILS, RANGES, ETC. m NOTE: If you have anything to .,.;u onng n in. ii you want to buy como to tho Sale. Private j sales daily. I buy anything and ten everyrning. r m 1 a 11. li THE AUCTIONEER rhone 510 or 511 Huron Onto, former Japi.nese minister .ot loreign uituirs,.in an address at Halt jl.ako City Kiturday ngut, mud that j.lnpan does nut iieire to see the restric 'tinus on immigintion rttiscd. fnpinese j.onnn.t A .(ii.-!. ii i,giint the niiHr;iien of ho btreans to bre-ik away from Japanese r.c. ii ef Korea tint i resionsible toi was books loaned, nossiiilv one third are in tho juvenile class. It is noted that there ia a large increase in the demand 'or histories, and also of books deal ing with useful arts, s-ienec and lan- u. toiling . in- iiio.iw. lour I..-- .. ' . - - tares were given, nil well attended. anil ;l l:,r'l nbout the campus walks, thru aiiiireeiated. Three of these dealt with ph:tss of French life and history, and one on the league of nations. What O. Henry, Edna Ferber and othc. story writes have done for de partment store workers in literr.rv form, Charles Klein did for tho stage in "Maggie 1'epper,"' and now I'aiainount i", " . '"ul v ,,' "rar'",,l v . . . i . ''he epiK'r window of F.aton ha has meturifed the r. nv aa a acreen at i .. ....u traction with beautiful Kthel i'luvton i .. . . oei as tne star. Ihe picture will he shown ,., ,,.im ,,, ,hl v rA . , at the Uron threatre Inday and hat- , ,rjri on fh urdav. "Maggie I'cpper' h i.reiiared ... " 6 for the acreen by Gardner Hunting and i ilirectct l.v (heater Wither. It won d .i,... v.t .. , , . : ; aua uv. ! ur inrLwwii inn inninra anA ' The Ptnt'al prsmenade of tha Willm cue universiity student, occurred at 11 o'clock this morning an. imposing and multicolored spe.tnclc. Headed by the seniors in caps and gowns, thev passed in ipiadruple columns from the ItllC State house m-OUlllta an,1 I., nnnr, ed i'm irresistible onslaught through the Corridors of the capitol. Massed ! on the cast steps of th- building, with ;the siiviors in the foreground, th.y I were taken by the camera for the ben letit of future generation. Returning 'to the campus, they were formed into a huge ""' and r...u. damage to the camcru ttm. fn t.n. been reported, which lends color tn look- wmiK IN BALEM, OREGON btop at BLIGH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern (1 por Day 100 Rooma of Solid Coffort Only ilotel in Businesi Dis'trict 1 TODAY LAST DAY SPECIAL MUSICAL ENTERTAINERS i admission rharge. 2ND HAND GOODS Highest Cash Prict Paid For Clothinir Musical Instruments, Tools, ete. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 337 Court St. TIim 493 MuMc by tha Big 5 tnle orchestra, to long dances both old and new. int. ni;ht at armory, (lentlemen 75c; ladies lbY. Tha abstract nflicea ant sw bnar aa the workers In the office of the county recor.tcr where all .leeds are reenr.led. 1. It. Kncilofska- r.-.,ort. tha fnllnw. ing tales during the past week: Wm. Jonea of California buys the A. W. Howell home on Ilines street; John Unll of Dallas buvs the F. P. Bow man tra.-t south of 8lem and C. M. t'arlson, automobile alenin, haa pur chased the O. L. Mcl'eek homa oa Twelfth atreet. be difficult to select a more perfect cast man mat cnoscn in sunnort miss ( inv- toa in this photoplay. Elliott Dexter plays the lending role the star. u is nanny nc.-essKrv to call attention to hia record for splendid work. He was leadiug nmn for Miss Clayton in "Women's Weapons" and has been seen in leading roles ill manv of Cecil B. DeMille's celebrated Artcraft snc- cials. i At tha annual lessJon of tha Royal and Select JIasons of Oregon, held yesterdar in Portland. Dr. O. A. Ol son of thus city was elected Hrand Con ductor of the Cram! council! The next annual session will be held at Mc- Minnvil'e sometime during April V.'-O. Within tha east tn r. ilica have aii.i.l at tK Til ,1, v..i.,l and after looking around have bought homes in Sulem and vicinity. Hotel ' men report a wonderful auiouut of trav sopnomores or the lu:h school for in terclasn honors will he held in the au- .litonum tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Aa a result of the drlva for Ai men inn relief fund in the high school yes terday there waa reported this morn ing 9.hO, with further subf-criptions to eome in today. , , A telegram wns recently received by' relatives from Luther D.('oek, who has arrived at Camp Mills N. Y. from ! overseas and has received his discharge Since December. 1PIS, he has been stationed with th army of occupation at Treavea, Germany. He expects to reiurn to Niicm next week after absence of two years. Secretary Buchtol, of the Public aer- vu-e commission, has been eallcd tol lortianil. while Mr. Wi Kama a.,,1 r. Corev are Hikinir after n.atter &t Cottage Grove. DUSEN FARKUTil in "THE VIRGINIAN" CHAS. CHAPLIN in an "THE COUNT" THEATRE i mm