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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 0. 1919. PAGE SIX ssssssslssssl r&mJk Wise vp on fohacco says Buck Ml ' . BCCND COAST l,r, uu-t, ijAiJa (By Vnited rress.) UA lot of you fel lows ore cheating yourselves out of real tobacco satis faction. That's what I get out of good old Gravely." Good taste, smaller chew.longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. W'rilt t: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for hUtl duwinf fluf. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch Mutt And Jeff Are At Ann inurement in mule that the lat ent in.H Hill triumph. "Mutt and Jeff Thirty-one thousand fans nw the opening vaines Sat Francisco, 12.ihi; Los AngeUs. 8.i"n; 8,itt Lake, ",500; Serraniento, 3.45H. The wiuners: Vernon, Han Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland all I'alifomian. Home run honor rull: Wilie, Oks. twu; llorton, Tigers. Vital statistics: 81 player garnered t4 hit off 12 pitchers, wiiile 8 umpires looked on. liiny Wilie with his two homers net td three runs and the Oaks beat the Senators 4 to 2. Twu Rainier pitehers Bowman and Mains walked five and allowed two hits in the third inning, while the Seals scored six runs. The 8eUs added five runs later, winning 11 to 5. Babe Burton's home run brought the Vernon Timers out of the hole in the 7th. Tao men romped in before him. making the score 4 to 3. Oh, how rold it was, but tavereni and Dell shared 22 strikeouts evenly. Los Angeles offered the only bargain bill. The Angels nosed out the Beavers in the luckv 13th. five to four, br I appeared in since they became real j bunching hits of f Lefty James, stage personages. The company eon-1 Tulsa, Okla., April 9. The St. Louis Browns today finished off the season's training. After the game here this aft erniHiu the club will head for St. Louis, readv for the annual citv series. r J TT . l. Tt.l Hams a east of famous entertainers, in UldilU 1UC4UC lUlUglU'e luding one of the mo-t beautiful chor uses of girls ever mustered in any sin gle production. Gorgeous custumes a massive scenic equipment and electric al effects and other novelties are also promised. With Copies Of Latest Work in the Wooly West," will hold the boards at the !rand theater tonight. In this piece (he famous cartoon char- Historian Presents Library and escapades sure to increase tenfold their already enviable popularity. This time th a mission is to outwit a ' pVir of schemers, an unscrupulous Uw-j Among the recent visitors at the state , ('li-l)urin, Texas. April 9 The Fort ver and his lady fair who try to in-, library wns Prof John B. Horner, head ,W(irth .Blll).r8 weri. vanquished here veigle little Jeff into an undesirable jof the department of historical research veilUirilir j,v tu, ,ite Sox second marriage so that they limy confiscate jat the Oregon Agricultural college, J ((um ,( ,( j cur,.y allowed the bush uduablo gold mine. The property widely known as the author of "Oregon onlv ix lits wbik, ,he clli. ..I.:. I. ..... ...(', I..f iiv t.i. i.ili.lf ....... ' '.....I ..ll...r worlfM Hn tills . .... um i . . j , uiirm. ... , ".Icugoaii tainted 17 BWUtS. Georgetown, Tcxr.s, April 9. The White Sox regulars yesterday triumph ed over the Southwestern I'niversity team here 11 to 3. Glensun's men reg istered Hi hits, one of them a home run bv Joe Jackson. brother i to come into his possession provided he marriej the widow. An other woman in brought into the breach. She is an old maid. Before the nuptials become binding, however, Jff discovers the nice" and the base plot is exposed. Prior to the denonnce ineiit, the two noted humorists engage in plenty of lively situations which in crease with laugh compelling velocity until the final curtain reaches them. There are any amount of surprises, ilan. es, lilting songs, features, originnl bits, complications, screams and the other ingredients destined to amuse the groiichiest person on earth. Those who have seen this splendid show do ehire. it to tie the best of the Mutt and Jeff series which is soiyethinjj to de clare find remenilier, in vi"w of the many successful vehicles 1 ho two have PNEUMONIA Call a physician. Immedi ately begin "emergency" treatment with ICRS VAP0R1 i-jo BODYGUARD" - 30'. 60'71.20 mm in Ht left the library copies of his latest work-a history of Oregon covering the 1V(irin T April o.Kfirl Purvcar of entire period since the accidental li-1 Xulslli okaii anil Kid Wolfe of Cleve covcry of the country, und including i(n, tmlgM ((,n t(rrifi, rol,nds to a besides the politcial events a survey of rnw )inf ,, ,),,, Tn,rP as plenty Oregon's great men and her literi.tiire. I ( f a(i.on fmm Brt (() filU)l ,)u, This is one of the most valuable addi' b()y f0uld K(m m niU(.h rg knofk. lions to our historical literature, '"rj1)WIU while it is most comprehensive in itS ' m m ope, it is confined to a few hundred J Virtually every hiibor union in Seat- pages of concise narrative the result ,1,, ul voteirt'iir a five day week, to of n most exhaustive research on t"e take effect May 1. part of the uulhor tml a caret ul win nowing of all noil essential detail. Hence it is a book without a tedious page n book that scintillates informa tion regarding nil cpoens or inc. state historv. It is finely printed and illus- triced with a multitude of half tono cuts. Especially attractive is the sec tion devoted to the biography of Ore foil's famous men and women, mid the pages of Oregon's choicest literature. Had Prof. Horner produced nothing more than this book he would have established for himself a place among the liletr.rti of the state. Feeding that his first duty is to the city of Seattle Mayor Hanson has de clined nil speaking engagements in tho east. When in need of a purga tive, do not resort to vio lent cathartics, but take the gentle, natural laxative- Jk A A 15 Jk A. A. tfv UrtMt Sals of Any MdVn ia h Wort4 i ' if ! : . ' : ' : ' ' ' : ffc.- m .. s"V I z&J I! 4? ' 1 j& r MA if l r ' ! i, I Tor further ptirlTcttlars' , - olo-u) the tracks t j I Tho Kugeno office of tho federal em ployment bureau supplied 103 men with obs during last week. The only people who have not yet been Convinced of the bigness of this great . EUGENE MAY GET BIO PACKING PLANT AND HOO FARM, EEPOET Liesla Ruby. Mr. Bnhskopf, who has ben one of Or A T 9 A k' 8 c'08Cst ,tuilnt9 un(lpr the direction . . J i ' ii , v i ot Prof. Crowder-Miller, was the win- ii ii r Ann hriiv fnrni will ho ihuciisaml ' ner of the contest for first place on the debating team of the university. That he is possessed of unusual ability and MONEY SAVING plunt and hog farm will be discussed at a meeting at the Eugene Chamber of Commerce tonight at 8 o'clock accord 'inir tn those behind the nlnn. I W. H. Strickland, who proposes to as proritea weu oy nis course ol study, establish such tn industry here if given wa brought out last night in his char- jthe proper encouragement will meet Mtcriiation sketches, in which he show- with farmers and business men at that pu ,lrR0 range of adaptability. Prob- time. ably' his best interpretation was that of I'nder Mr. Strickland : plan, a itock ,hp '"'"""t"' Mr. Pickwick, which he j corporation would be-organized for tho ,0 Perfection. purpose Of erecting and running a pack- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmti ing plant in the city with a six hundred ' or seven hundred cere farm located Other sketches wero from Montgom ery, Mark Twain and James Whitcomb Riley tho letter selection being espe cially effective, and demonstrating the speaker's ability to mergo hinisoif in the character of the person he is por traying. Selections were given in excellent form by Miss Eyre and Miss Mason, of tho speaking department, ana oenuti ful musical numbers wero contributed by Miss Ruby and Miss DcLong. Al together the evening's progrr.m wns one of tho best ever presented in tho hall. LVL I y arc those who have not yet visited our store and seen for themselves. Our enormous Hardware Stock is be ing shot to pieces. You get the benefit. We can still give you many of the lest buys ever before offered. Our loss is your gain. Take advantage of this great economy event. A few days will end it. You cannot afford to delay longer. Real Values In Hardware SsBSsWJBBssHB6aanSsJssHBMOs Pruning Shears Butcher Knives, 26-piece set cn Regular 50c ' Roger's Silverware in MC oc. Mahogany Case $8.50 50 Feet c , tr v Rubber Hose oi , ? cpt IfPtrtilir il2r0 Steak Knives oet Regular 512..0 Knivcg ftnd Fma J $.5'J J 75 Silver Plated emsmmmmmmmmmmmm mail mmmmmmmmmmmBKmtm CO AA G,BcardsSh Irving Set ' boards Regular $8 Set of 65c $4.75 Silver Teaspoons Granite Kettle Ram Shovels 1 Regular 50c Regular $1.23 . Soldering Sets 15c 65c 25c liil'IIIIW'ftiMlft HiiilllMTaWllgll1IBnifT1int nenr Lugene. The initial goal for a minimum pack would be six thousand I animals, according to Mr. Strickland. TELLS DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT Avoied Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach Heartburn, Gas on Stomach, Etc. ASS FOR The Original r SPENCER H ARDWAR E CO. 1CG-471 State Street Thone 19 During the sale we open at 7 a. m. and Close at 9 p. m. Salem, Oregon. Indigestion and practically all forms of stoninch trouble, say medical au thorities, nre due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Chronic "acid stomach" is exceedingly dangerous am,' sufferers should do either oue of two things. Either they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion or they can eht as they please in reason and make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the formation of gas, ournosf or premattrrS fermentation by; iiic u.m' oi a mile jtisuiateu .ougnesia at their meals. There is probably no better, safer or more reliable stomach antincbl than Bi surated Magnesia nnd it is widely used for this purpose. It has no direct ac tion on the stomach and is not a di gestent. But a teaspoonful of the pow der or a couple of five grain tablets taken in a little water wita the food il neutralize the excess acidity which may be present and prevent its furth er formation. This romoves the whole cause ot the trouble and tne meal di gests naturally and healthfully with out need of pepsin pills or artificial digetent. I Get a few ounces of Bisttralcd- Mag-, nesia from anv reliable druggist. Ask for either fxwder or tablet. It never come, as a liquid, milk or citrate and in the bisurated form is not a laxa tive. Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see if this isn't the best advice you ever had on "what to cot. " Large Audience Enjoys Horace Rahskopf Rental Waller Hall was filled with a most gratifying audience last evening, at tracted by the entertainment features offered by Ilorace Bahskopf, of .the de partment of public speaking, assisted by Miss Winnifred Ayre, Miss Evelvn Te-, Misa Myrtle Mr.son and Miss I Nourishing Digeatlbl No Cooklna! For Infams,lnvalids sndGrowing Children. I Rich Milk, Malted Grain Extract in Powdet Tha Original Food-Drink For All Ages.1 OTHERS are IMITATIONS Clean Out Your Attic and Basement Then call 305. There must be something there I want. I WANT OLD AUTOS AND PARTS OF AUTOS I WANT JUNK " OF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION THIS IS HOUSE CLEANING TIME If you have any old stoves, old ranges, old clothing or old anything, I will buy it Steinbock Junk Co. (AUTO WRECKING) C26N. Com! Street Phone 305 f