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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1919. PAGE. FIVE i i The Journal JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING LIEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS frT.ARKTTTT.n ADVEETISINa BATES Bat per word New Today: lack Usertioa 1 as week (6 insertions) 8 Owe month (26 insertions) 1I TV Capital Journal will not ba re sponsible for mora than on insertion, Cor arrora ia Classified Advertisement Eaad your advertisement the first day It appear and notify us immediately if rror occur s. Minimum charge, 15e. WANTED Cattle awl ealves any kind. Thone 157Gw . 5 3 I Pitts, Bt. 9. tall 87FJ1. 48 FOR SALE Earlv fuggle hop roots. Phone 9S2R, J. A. Kreha. tf WANTED Position shop a, mechanic Address F L D care Journal. 4-8 FOR SALE One chain drive Ford truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf W. BEAVER, well driller, phone 827J . , 1105 ,X. ltfth St, Salem, Or. 5-5 WANTED Roomers and boarders. 435 N. Coml. Phone 144tf. tf ! FOR SALE Or rent seven room mod-' cm house, 1655 X. Cuuitol. 4 a . GARDENS plowed Phone 927. ami harrowed. 4 12 YAOA'NT apartment at thi Miller, 033 Ferry St. 412 1R SALE Man's wheel in good shape, $10. 440 S. lsth. St. 4 9 WILL plow your 1001. garden. Phone 4 12 MOTORCYCLE for sole, evenings. Phone 8F23 tf FOR BALE One saddle mare, found, $20. 2353 Trade St. 4 9 .WANTHD Canned Italian prunes, K. Hw a noon, 1757 Waller St. A. 49 FOR SALFJorscy cow. and yearling calve.. Phone SAF21. 49, WANTED Furnished house. 412. Phone 4-10 JXB BENT Three furnished house keeping rooms, 325 8. 14th. 4-10 FARht hand wanted. C. C. Russell. Call Salem 3F3, tf WANTED All kinds of chicken. Will pa top price. Phone 1339J. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phoaa 111F2L 8a em Bt. 8. tf FOR BALE 6 room house and lot, $1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, S41 State St. tf WANTED Poultry, eggs, hides and eel, heavy hens, 32c; light hens - 31e, Chorry Ciy feed barn. tf FOB SALE Good logarfberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 ChemekeUu Phone 898. tt WALL PAPEB 15 cents per doable roll apward. Buren'f Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAT highest eash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 8. High St. Phone 1400. tf FOR SALE On installments 6 room house barn and 8 lots, or will trade for 7 Toom house near car line. W. A. Liston, agunt, 484 Court. 4-12 WIDOW aged 29, with three children, desires position as houseKeeper in widower 'a or bachelor 's home; good cook and gouil manager; city or farm. Address A II care Journal, t FOR SALE At 1200 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this ia a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf .WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Vallev Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Bt. 6. Fruit trees, rosea and shrubs. Special low price on certain line. Phone 111F3. OOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com'l 8t. or phone 1549M. tf WANTED By permanent renter, 6 or T room house with garage and gar den, or few acres of land, modern house preferred. Write 1195 Cot- tage. 49 WHY leave your car standing on th street f It can be stored at the Cen ter St. Feed barn for a few cents per day. 8peiel rates by week or month. 245 Center St. Phone 927. 1 W. TTiuit. mrr.n. 4 14 5J-FARM ! I WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS WE AL 2' LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON I THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. 1 i WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS 314 Masonic Bldg. N FOR SALE Pansy plant. Marunv, 11 Miller St. 4-3 54 STATU 8T TELEPHONE 400 I Headquarters fur baby chicks, tf FOUXU-Jdan'a roat. Phone 1546 . 4 9 WANTED One Guinea hen. 4Si'3. Phone 49 FOB SALE Oregon strawberry plant 1'hone Slir'll' 410 FOR 8ALE Loose hav 20 a ton. Wm CARRIER boy wanted for West 6a- leoi. Particulars at Journal office. GOOD, gentle team for sale. Phone 412 693. FOR RENT Clean apartments for clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St. tf FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain sumo by describing same at this office aud paying for ad. tf FOR SALE 13 acres of good timber land without buildings, near Rose dale. See W. A. Liston, agent. 4 12 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Buttercup eggs for setting. Phone 66F21. 4 9 FOR SALE Three quarter ten truck. In first etas- shape, $200. Highway earaire. tf fa fc 5 . . . . tor street barn. 410 LOGANBERRY tips for snlo, $25 per 1000. C. C. Faist, vVaconaa, Or. 4-10 FOR RENT Or sale residence at 3fi0 X. Capitol 8t. one block from Cap ital, tf FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants $2 per thousand, in the patch. In quire B. C. Zielinski, Salem. 4-12 FOR RENT 7 room house with base ment and good garden tract. Call at Cookery, 307 N. Liberty. 4-9 FOR SALE Violin, fifty dollars, Stradivarous model. Call 664 Ferry or nhone 1063M. 4-10 FOUND nat for miss, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal of fice and pay for ad. tf WANTED Board and room In private family. Inquire Mr. Johnson, tele phono 1510. 4 10 WANTED To Tent furnished apart ment or house. Telephone 1540, Mr. Johnson . 4-10 FOR SALE 2 work horses, 5 and 9 years, weight 1150. F. Drager. Phone 107F12. 49 FOR 8 ALU, Setting eggs, Barren & Martin 200-eg3 strain. Purine 101 F12. 'l OREGON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3. 50 per thousand, post paid. Chns. Hart, Jefferson Or. 419 FOR RENT Or sale, 12J4 acres htilf milo north of mute school 500 peach 500 cherries, 100 apples, 5 acres of fine garden land, small house and barn, cash rent. R. K. Ryan, phone 19K3. 48 HOMESTEAD in Canada for $123. This im.lud fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator's expenses. Fino mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my office, only. C. W. Nicmeycr, Masonic building. tf FOR SALE 480 A in Jofferson conn ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur ham oows, increase about 20 ealves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house barn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; eome timber, some pasture and all tillable land under Suttlo lake irrigation project. A snap at $8000. Address M J 8 care Jour nal, tf SAORIiPK'B SALE 5 room house bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 full lots. 80 rose bushes cherries, plums, peaches, Tasberrios. grapes, chicken house and barn. Worth $1250 for $950; terms. See me to morrow, Lavalleur, 271 N. Commer cial. Phone 734. tf LOAKS-6 AND ROBERTS Salem, Ore. ew Today Ads i MMMMHM4MM PHONE 1572J for lot flowing. 4 12 FOR (SALE Loffrfjcrrr plant 15 ! per thousand. Phone Wll. 4 10 'MEN' wanted for hop yard work 35e l per hoar. O. O. McCleUan 54F13. LARGE modern room with board, j . ' 4 9 Mre. Toung, 461 X. High. . 4 11 I i WILL trad fine phonograph or pay FOR SALF J room house. Call at j .cash for good piano. Phone 492 b- 1910 Waller St. evenings. 4,11 'tween 1 and 6. 4 10 I. WANTED At once, one setting of i' LIGHT BRAHMA egs,. laying strain, turkey eggs. Phoae 9V13. 4 11 i At "fl lu .it;ntT IoLa nh..iiA 1046 . J, 5i0 B. 17th. 49 FOR SALE One hore plow and har row, harness and buggy; also seed potatoes. 871 N. Couunercial. 4-9 FOR 8AL&-One of the classiest 6 room bungalows in the city, with all or any part of my furniture. Call mornings or after 6 p. m. 535 Eivh niond ave. 4 ! WILL ship this week and pay the highest market price for all kinds of livestock. White ft Emaiett, phone 142JM. 4 9 FOR SALE Two good phonographs, lately taken as part payment on pi anos, easy terms. The Wiley B. Al len Co., 519 Court, afternoons. 4-10 WANTED Experienced store man for shoes, window trimming and gen eral store work. 3o4 care Journal. 410 PLANT artichokes if you want cheap hog feed. Both tops and tubers make eplondil feed. I have a few bushels loft. Phono 622 or 254. tf IF the person who took basket con taining silk and pillow cases from the O. E. depot Wednesday eve ning, please return to ticket otfice and get reward. 41 MUST sell 5 loom house, bath, hall, 2 closets, barn, fruit. 1 lot, worth $1B50 for $1350. 1 block Highland school; part cash. Lnvallcur, 271 N. Commercial. Thone 734. tf REGISTERED Jersey Bull for sale, 2 yenrs old, broke to lead; from high producing herd, fawn colored, regie try papers complete; also B. R. Tur keys and Pearl Guineas. Phone 95 i-i. F. A. Welch, Bt. 8. 4 9 MOXEY TO LOAX We have money to loan in amounts varying from $1000 to $3500 on approved farm se curity and lessor amounts on good city property. See Square Deal Realty Co. or phone 470. 4 9 FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at a bargain. Write M W care Journal tf TO TRADE Oakland, California, res! dence, value $o000, mortgage $2000; will trade equity for anything in Salem or vicinitv that will make a good homo; will be at 244 8. High street. Salem, until Friday morning April 11, after that, write Mrb. J. M. Green. Melrose, Oregon. 4-10 SAM AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to bay or sell ear come and see me. Maxwell delivery ear $325 Dotroit, bargain, $250 4 Fords rnnjring from $350 to $390 1916 Studdbukcr $550 1914 Studeibaker $275 Overland good as new, $800 Excelsior niotorcyclo with handy sidcrar $250 Lots f others, eomc and see us Open till 9 evening" Phone 807 MEN WANTED AT WEST L1NX PA PER MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT: BEST MEALS 35c. 8 2 90 acre prune orchard. Splendid buildings. $40,000. 18 acres all in prunes and loganber ries. $0000. 140 acres. Good buildings. 15 acres prunes. $0000. $1500 cash will Ban die. 40 acre crune orchard. $9000. Take Stock ranch part pay. 13 acres bearing orchard. $4500. 15 acres. 7 in prunes. G.ood build ings. $4500. 20 acres, 10 in prunes. $0000. 40 acres. 34 in prunes. $11,000. 94 acres all bearing prunes. Strict ly modern house. $9500. A fin ia vestment and home. 100 acre farm. Good buildings. All in croo. Running stream. On main road. il25- an acre. 10 -acres with good honse. All Cul tivated. Close in. $3500. 5 acres 3A miles out. All cultivated. Plastered honse. $1700. C W. NIELiEYER Masonic Building PATTON PLUMBING COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 16G8. - T WANTED H h. p. motor 110 A. O. Stewart's repair shop. 347 Court St. Salem, Or. Phone 1 lt9. 4 10 WANTED Belining, reutodeliug and plain sewing. Call 340 Divisiou St. 411 FOR HALE New Home sewufr In good repair, not drop headl price $15. Phone 599. 440 GENTLE work horse, harness and 114 wagon for sale. 14S5 Summer St. 4 11 FOR SALE 5 room fcungalow, bath toilet, lights, with 4 full lots, small orchard, at Aumeville, Or. Very roas onable for cash or payments. U Kirkpatrick Salt-ru, Rt. 6, box 22 4-1 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prune trees for fall delivery. Fruitland nursery, IVi miles east of state penitentiary. Phone 1UF21. Rt. 6, Sulem. tf WANTED Girl or middle aged wo man for light hoiijjp work. Phone 532 during day or 33KM evenings. 4-10 WHY pay commission 2 good hous es, 5 and 7 rooms, electric lights, toilets, baths, cement walks, barn, well and 29 bearing fruit tret., for $2500, at 2525 Hinel Ave. 4-9 FOR SALE 6Vi acres nearly all culti vated and e-;wed to wheat, good house and large chicken house, close in. Price $2750. W. H. Graben honrt ft Co., 275 Slate street. 4 9 FOB SALE Well improved 10 acre tract, good 5 room bungalow, 5 acres Italian prunes, some strawberries, barn, chicken house well, family or chard. Address C. W. Grabenhorst, Bt. 4. Salem, Or. 4 9 FOB SALE Or trade for a Fordson tractor, on 30 horse power Monarch never slip, tractor and plows com ,nltA -ttiot mm oncJK J). new but too large for our needs. See Slem Ve- lie company, 162 N. Commercial or nhone 1604. 4-9 FOB SALE 8 acres, one of the fin est located berry and, fruit tracts in Willamette valley; running water for irrigation, Vi mile north of Koizer school house, main road, email five room house -.chicken honse, good well, with terms' to suit. Bt 8. box 90. 4-12 FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow located at 1795 S. High street, cor ner lot, paved street. Price $2000 Good 5 room house located ia south Salem, close to Lincoln school. Price $1500. W. H. Grabenhorst Co 275 State street. . 4 9 FOR SALE Pair of big type Poland China pigs, pair weighs about 225 pounds, pigs aro Teguttorod, Have Ibaled grain hay, also baled trlfw, have some cow for sale too. 1st house SE of Knowle-s sta tion on Salem, Imllns railroad, or write KiniK'V, Corvullis, Or. 4-10 FOR SALE 91 ncre5 level land 5 cultivated, all fenced, all kinds o fruit, well improved; nil stock and i-nplemenls go with place if sold soon. 100 rods from West Rlavton and 3'A miles from Stayton. 1'rici $100 per acre. J. W. Divcly, West Stayton, Or. 4 A BIO volume of suh s at a com para tivelv small profit, is a moro depend able source of profit than a small volume at a large margin. For this reason we can s-ll you any of ou high crndo pianos at a smaller cost than it is possible to get elsewhere Easy terms if desired. The Wiley B Alien Co., 519 Court St. 4 18 FOR SALE 3 1-S acres, 5 room house barn chicken house, wood shed, we water piped to house,' some frui trees, house finished fine; locate on Silvcrton road 34 mile NE fair grounds road, paved. A. E. Robert son, Rt. 9, box 159. 4-10 FOR SALE 9 acres, Vj mile east of end of 12th street carline, Vi acre strawberries 1 acre loganberries, young orchard, good 5 room house barn, chicken and hog house, good well. Call evening alter 4 p. m. Sundays. $2000. Jas. Cnllnhen. 4 12 FABMB WANTED We sre setlin farms and are glad to list farms at orieee that it will pay us to adver tine. We have buyers now for good farms, priced right. Kinney ft Co airente Corvalli". Or. . 4-14 100 ACRES. For gale a fine farm of 100 acres, 95 in cultivation, 5 in timber. family orchard, C5 acres in crop, lev el land new 6 room residence, barn 42x70 ft, entire floor cemented, 20 stanchions for cows, 5 stalls for hors es box stall, calf pen aud granary, good wire and board fences; 5 miles from Independence and 2 miles fron , Buena Vista, good well engine ami tank, 3 good hores and harness, new binder, hay rake, y, interest in m nur urireader, plow, harrow, disc and all other farm tools now place and enough feed and seed to last, until harvest, all for I i.vuu $W)00 eash. This is a splendid bargain all read to move into. JOHN H. SCOTT 404 Hubbard building The House That Has Something New Every Day We Can Please Everybody, Why Not You? Newly Received Fancy Georgettes 40 inches wide IN THE MOST CHARMING AND APPEALING PATTERNS The very newest creations VESTEES A shipment has just reached us of this very dominant feature of the well . dressed woman. They are designed on the accepted, practical models, from the very newest fabrics. Tantasf, TricoJette. Silk Tapestry, La Serge, Kiota Cloth, Broadcloth etc . etc. etc Ranging in price from $125 to $7.95 Tomorrow's Special Surprise Sale Bungalow Aprons The economical and practical garment for house wear, or working in garden. Sale Opens 9 a.m. - Tomorrow Only, 75c An exquisite line of Party Dresses Reached us this morn ing. You must not miss seeing them. LOST Stick pin, down town; finder return to Journnl and get reward. 410 WANTED To rent furnished bunga low with garage; no children, (.'all 379J. 410 MILK cow for sale, $75; heavy milk er, fresh in 10 days. 1 mile east ot Brooks, Rt 9, box 70. 415 U)T for rent or ule, 75x150, Saginaw St. between Miller and Owen. Plume 1115. 4 15 INSURANCE COUNCIL-For 'ree in formation about Life Insurance see J. K. iIutcliaon, dist. manager for tho Mutual Life of X. Y., office at 371 Ntnte St., Salem. Or. Office phone it!) residence 3Wi. tf FOR SALE Two 5 room, modern hous es, excellent condition, nicely locat ed ,cnHt of state house; large lots, fruit. Part down, terms. leo Childs 538 Slate St. 4 10 EXCHANGE 6 room house and l"t located 4046 St h ave. NE, Univer sity addition, Seattle; rented for $30 per month, for Salem home of equal value, or an improved tract. L, J. Deuison. 705 X. 17th, Salem. 4-11 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME Located TVj miles from Snlem on SaJcm Dallas railroad, mile from Knowles station, all land in cultiva tion, family orchard, fine .big shade trees, buildings are on slightly roll ing land and consist of eleven room modern house, practically new, plas tered liasciiiciit, firiplace, built in conveniences, large porch on 3 sides of house: has lightine and water sys tern complete, b-th, toilet and etc. Good hen houKC, jc old bam an I outbuildings: 75 acres of well drain ed land, that can't be beat. We of fer this place at an attract ive price, cash or trade. Kinney ft Co. agents, Corvallis Ore. umbtniz and Water Systems Installed ry GBABEB BROS., 141 South Liberty .t.. Phone 550. Also Went for Fair-oanks-Morse Oas Engines. k &--mmmmiv--- a myi L. 'l r.3- ri a Ladies9 White Kid Glove Special Broken lines and sizes- Some are all white, others white with black trimmings and stitching. Re- tailing at $2.00. Special to close . $U9 I o Silk Underwear It is practical, enduring and econom ical. It fits to a nicety, caresses the skin and is easy to launder. Silk un derwear is not a novelty, but a staple underwear which every woman wears who wants to be well dressed. You can always do WANTED Position In garage or shop as mechanic. F L , 071 Union St. 412 FOR SALE 'Furd touring cur iu fine running order. 1M7-193 H. l orn. Ft. 4 11 WANTED Girl for gsjiernl house work. Apply 8115 Oak St. Phone l)h!) 4 15 WANTED .Woman for general house work on farm in Polk county; fami ly of four; no heavy washing. Write Sirs. P. T. I'rizzelle, Itickrcall, Or. 4 12 FOB SALE Two tn choice baled clover hav $20 per ton, 11)17 crop. Call 4XK21. 4-10 IiKT On Chcmelicta street between Thirteenth and Twenty fourth, an Anivthist brooch. Notify 20(1 N. 24th Hi. ! FOR SALE 500 bushel prime boxes for farm use, cheap. Phono 5IF5. 410 FOR HALE Team, mare and horse, 4 years old, weight 2100, sound and "genllei a iiargain; 3 year old Hcd pole cow, gives 2i gallons a day, $50 takes her; 2 tons of good cheat hay; two good Camelliack wagons for sale cheap, if in need of any above mentions give us a call, 44S Ferry, Hkipton stable. 4 10 SALEM COMPANIES (Continued from Page 1.) same evening or at different Hmcl. Organized Tear Ago. t-i. ir. .,r (lie four companies of . X i-LbOCJlLOOOD G. vLy . the Oregon Guard was orgu-ntwd in j Jauuarv of 1918 and the other three a, few months later. During the time since, , the official organization, ;hc four corn panics have been subject to call of the ; governor for duty in aiy un ot the,! state. There is a feeling Mint the Oregon Guard has done mile!: to create a loys' spirit ill tie city ae l community, cspr ciully as o "'any prominent biisincf and professional i- u have been giviat; their time to the rious matter of pre nr.riug themsclvi i fur military duj. Governor Ol. otl is a private Is one of the companies :;s wel as several mem bers of the supremo court of Oregoa. Uood Rocoia j;,iae. The Salem Oregon Guard has received the uncial commendation of Adjutant Oen. nil May, not only in his publi' tUku, but in his private conversation .ill, mililarv min in Ilia PltV. The ceremony of Blustering out the 1 rW? f.'vv- the better at 300 Oregon Ouurds will consist In each man surrendering his equipment, incluil ing uniform, to tho sluto of Oregon aud each receiving his official diBiliurgc. The four Salem Oregon Guard com panies aro as follows: Company E ('r.ptain A. R. Wilson; Grove Ilensley, first licutominr) :arry D. Mitchell, second lieutenant. Ci.'ioixiiiy V Captain J. 11. Arnold; A. Morelock, first lieutenant; W. J. Ki.trrs.H, second lieutenant. Company (I - Cuptuiu, W. riniin l Dyer; Robert Duncan, first lieutenant; II. II. Corey, second liculciiitnt. Compi-.tiy II Cnptain( R. W. SiTneral; Lester It. Davis, first lieutenant ; Harry I.ik as, second lieutenant. GRAND CPERA HOUSE TODAY ONLY Come laugh with us again. The Mus cal Comedy Revue "MUTT AND JEFF' In the WOOLLY WEST LAUGH FEAST Delirious rr Reserved Seats on Sale At Opera House Phar macy Prices $1. 75c, 50c, 25c 7 jj Catchy Music 7T U Pretty v n - M fcjt ye;- swAsW.)JtJt.aaArat.tJs ...... ... w.iH Jl aw. t. 4