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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9. 1919. PAGE THREE Good Profitable News for Everyone. u 4 t Big opening celebration of the economy basement, 186-194 North Commercial 4 j street, will begin Saturday, April 12, and will continue Monday, April 14. j j The program of the Opening will be as follows: A metal towel holder will be given FREE to each customer with the purchase of $1.00, or over in basement only. We will also have j Big Easter Surprise Sale in all our departments in the lines of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes. Especially in our economy basement Hundreds of bargains in Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery, Stationery, Toys, Candy and all sorts of notions. Every thin? in the basement you will enjoy and every step will save you money. We will follow this policy in all our departments; Good Quality at a reasonable price. We are sure you will help us to make the opening a suc cess, because this Economy Basement w ill supplant the Notion needs of every one. And with all our energy we will try to make this basement beneficial to our patronage. It is just suitable to three generations: Grandmother to Grandchild. i mm 10 SAMPLE juice wmm five Thousand Will Taste Famous Soft Drink At Coming Convention it In the meantime please visit our premium department which composes glass and silver ware, fancy crockery and hundreds of other items, which we are giving free with the purchase of each dollar. Management PcopI e's Cash Store 18(194 N. Commercial St. Phone 453 Salem, Ore. . Ccrrine Barker Says Screen Acting Not Filled With Fun By Gertrude Bobison If you sew her in "Money Mad" you have some idea of how stately she is, how sho carries her head a triflo kigh end walks with the eir of one who is quite certain that every movement is graceful and just as it should bo. (But the picture pave you no inkling mhatever of tho sweet unaffected mus s's of hor voice cr tho strange gulden fcigh lights in her eyes. Likewise, it eiaggerated the blackness of her hair nd failed to show up the dull brown tint that one so often finds In dark keir when tho eyes are brown. She Bhook hands with mo and seated her.ieJf in an armchair opposite mine, not at all as if she were a famous act ress with a bin all sized universe of her own at her feet. That's the way, I think, with really great persons. They are not forever reminding those they meet that it is a condescension on their part to even notico them. I can imagine Oalli Ourci or Albert, King of the Belgians acting just tho way that Corinne 'Riely Harkcr did yesterday n-hcn I went to interview her. (Which reminds mo I may a .fell tell you now ns later ".Riely" is tho correct way to spell the name. It is not, as some people think, a lynotype error for "Kilcy. ") I should like to bo able to tell you how she was dressed but I would have to go into dctuil am! it would spoil the effect. She was so correctly gown ed, everything was in ouch artistic harmony, from the tip of her stylish black pumps to the crown of her hand somely eoiffured head that it would bo exceedingly difficult to find the correct adjectives with which to de scribe her. "1 am sc. sorry" sho said by way of introduction, "that 'JrLoney Mad' was shown hero before any of my oth er plays. It was my first experience 'before the camera and I am not at all satisfied with my work in it. To be gin with, I was only experimenting with my makeup it is so entirely dif ferent from making up, for the stage. 0 HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF $ w I f . ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? IF NOT, YOU ARE LOSING THE BAR GAINS THE WISE ONES ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF. Ao Wo Schraiik 270 N. Commercial St. Phone 721 Salem, Ore. PHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY WE DELIVER ALL ORDERS OF 5Cc CR OVER FREE WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH FOR PRODUCE Five thousand samples of the famous loganberry drink and of the equally famous Oregon prune will be distributed st the national imperial convention of the Shriners of the United States to be held at Indianapolis this summer. That is, provided the plans materialize which were sucuested at a meeting of Salem Shriners last evening. Salem Shriners are alive tothe fact that Bhould the national Imperial con vention of Shriners be held in Portland in 1920. it will be t wonderful adver tisement for the Willamette valley. They also realize that something must be done to secure the convention for Portland as New Orleans is maKing a strong bid. As an object lesson In the way of showing the 5000 or moro Shriners who will attend the convention what we have in this country, it was suggested that a package with a small bottle of loganberry juice and several choice Oregon prunes be made up and distrib uted anion? the Shriners at Indianapo lis. It is felt that an object lesson of this kind would go much farther than a lot of printed matter regarding the northwest. To place the proposition in a practical shape, Fred A. Erixon was appointed a committee of one to find out if such a pacago could be conveniently packed. Speaking of the idea, Mr. Erixon said: "I believe it would be a fine advertise ment for the loganberry industry to pre pare a pacane containing a small bottle of Loju or Phes and have it distributed among the Shriners at Indianapolis. It would also be good advertising to in elude in a package a dozen or so of tho finest prunes from tho vallev. One of the biggest advertisements this val lev could get would be to bring two or three thousand Shriners to Portland fr the 1!20 convention." TVOID COUGHJ1 and COUGHERif ! CoiKlhlWl pre&d 30 DROPJvrropj-cm r.n.r HALF THU" fGR CHILDKEN In my later picturoe I uso none what ever. "Then, too, thcro is always a direc tor calling at you through a menu phono to life your right hand or drop your leit, to turn tins way or that, ana the very natural impulse always as sails you to look, at nun when iiu calls to you. . "There is another serious difference between tho stage and screen. It is very difficult, when acting before a camera, to work oneself into the part which ono is playing as tho scenes are scarcely ever taken in correct se ntience. For instance, in 'Money Mad' the scene where I murdered the man 'was taken after the one in which I was discovered! You can readily im agine how much hanlcr it is to do that than it is to act before an appreci ative audience, and in a production where ono is enabled to become a liv ing replica of the character portrayed by passing from one scene to another in natural sequence, thorejiy working oneself into the part, as it wero." According to Miss linrker thcro l a big opening in the moving picture field for the right liersutis. Medium blondes are more in demand than bru nette or extreme light haired types, she says. Directors prefer thorn because their hair catches tho light so readily ami shows up to such advantage Mae Marsh, (who, by tho way, has recent ly married the sporting editor on tho Now York Tribune) has bleached her hair from a medium 'brunette shade to a medium blonde one for that very reason. Miss Barker is on hor way from Cul ver (Sty to New York where she will star in a Klaw-Erlingor stage farce for a short engagement. Her contract with Qoldwyn. calls for two more pictures alter wnich, altaougn she has not uo cided fully as yet, she may go into tho Hex Beach all-star productions. In all, Misg Barker has appeared in four moving pictures. "Monoy Mad" her first one "Why I Would not Mar ry," for Fox, and two others with Pauline Frederick, Her two most successful st'igo plays were "Remnant" with Florence Nash and Orrin Johnson, and "Shirley Knye" with Klsie Ferguson, both of which she left when they wont on the road. She is, naturally, personally e acquainted with a great, many film stars, Mary Pickford in Mins Bar ker's estimation, is the darling of the sereen, and Charles Kay the best boy actor of filmdom. Not many people will disagree with her. No one can afford to miss the op portunity of seeing her future produc tions. JShe is rapidly becoming famous in theatrical eirclcs and appears in only high class plays, put out by the beit companies. Her Goldwyn pictures will 'be shown here at Ye Liberty as quickly as they are released. "All that is neeiied," said Miss Barker yesterday st the close of the interview, "to become a successful mo tion picture actress, is the neccs-Ary talent and capacity for a great deal of good hard work! " The worldold "open sesame," ou see to succms in any form. - I State House Notes V .. yif-'-C.' UH.'l .. vsi 1 VM ti ""S nC'.' T" TT "T" . Hy iniS ieSt! uo"mlie iobriakIyia - " yauu ui your nana to Drtnj out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pur fragrtnc will convince you. Try this teat with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment "Your Nose Knows" Finest Burley Tobacco Mellow-aged till Perfect plus a Dash of Chocolate TourNoseltovs' 7 -i-SV ' The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and C- , ' " ' If JG jO Guaranteed by 10 In the pliable ; ', ,!",; K C teafoil I vuvnu :. -f-t (, lage In the C convenient pocket curved Ml the other side of the Cascades in the matter of road improvement is indi cated by an abstract of a recent road election held in Hncrmuu county. The figures in tho office of secretary of stato show that tho people of that county approved a bond is)UO of .'100, 0(10 by a vote of 1017 to 20. This coun ty in the election last year cant a vote of I Mil, which is far short of tho to tal vote, as in lillfl they showed a vote of 1620. Governor Oleott today announced that he will reappoint E. E. Bragg of La Grande as a meimlier of the 'board of regents of the Oregon Normal school Mr. Bragg's term expires July 1, 1919 and the rcmppointnient will be for a period of six years. Other members of the board are W. C. Bryant, Moro; Cornelia Marvin, Salem; JI. U. Htark wcather, Milwankiej. C. L. Starr, Portland end Judgo John S. Coke, Marshficld. Figures in the corporation depart ment show that for tho three months of January, February and March there was a total of 1M4 companies who eith er filed articles of incorporation or filed supplementary articles increasing their capitalization or their scope of activities. The number of companies dissolved in that period was compara tively very small. Among the number of new companies there were several coming from outside the stale. The Public, service commission has just called the attention of the South ern Pacific authorities to the practice of dining car and pulltnan attaches of dumping trash and refuse along the track in the center of the city. This has heen particularly noticeable in the vicinity of tho state house, and the commission rcipieMs that the regjla tionj be more strictly enforced. Highway Comumsioncrj Nunn and this week making a tonr of the southern Orceon counties looking after certain nnits of highway that are to be improved. Secretary Ooodin is Apcuding sever al days in Portland where ho is visit ing a numiber of iiiHUtujioim. Following is a list of corporation who recently filed urticles ut the stuto house: 1'ishcr I.eitzcJ Logging Co., headquar ters Portland, capital stock, $1."),(MI0; Biirniiuo Kivcr Lumber Company, Bead qunrters Klamath Falls, capital stock, (15,000; Kirkpatrick Hull Association, headquarters Portland, cupital stock, 10,000; Umpqua Growers .association, headquarters Kosebnrg, capital stock SO.OOOj U. 8. Oil & Kealty Company, headquarters Portland, capital stuck 25,000; Htorling Lumber Co., head quarters Medfotd, capital stock 25, 000; Ada Warehouse Co., Adu stution, 1000. I Tho impression Is general that re- turning soldiers from ofiisens are nut ut i.ll inclined to seek the land for a j vocation; but there is an increased num ber of inquiries routing inlo the govern or s office from soldiers who arc look ing to agriculture on tlieir return to America. These men are encouraged by tho provisions of tho new law with re gard to land settlement. Governor Ol eott has rcccntlv rei'.iuvpil r cnmmuiii. ! cation from Director A. P. Davis, 0f the United Bt&tes reclamation service, in which ho commends Oregon for the steps taken in this matter, lie speaks eni'Oiirnirini.'lv of nossilile ai t ion on the j tit. r t of congress at tho next session in the line of reclamation projects, lie states that there tiro now on file in ! Washington more tliaa :;i),n'tu inquiries front soldiers regarding the land proposition. I rx TT U;0 'MCA'STHOSKOEItCUSIlf Many peoplo uso ShuhA because it is quick and easy. Otnert usa it becauso they are thrifty, 4 All use it because it is good for the leather 50 shines in key opening box. SkinoiA Home Set Substantial bristle dauber and lamb's wool polisher. An added Service for Shlnola users. BUCK -Til -ITE - RED - BROWI JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY The sentiment of the population on