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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1919)
PAGE TWO. i D ULY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. UKEGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9. 1919. t t 4 Ilfon Can't Cure Rheumatism With Liniments and Lotions Torturing Pain. Promptly kaf.fraa.ii. duailiag Return la All Their Intensity' bo eu? per-p!,, fo4 ml, fgeasia aai rshef fraa j raemnjataiai by purifying tk blood Tei u; as wU Utw y faai- j with 6. 8. 8. test ara jttsuied swots to ih wads, jf yoa expat ,i mKij ttie ckmdi4 rea kea to rid yea f tha pang ef : edy U ail who an aflieted. fer- a-heanatisa. Is f ict, tat sotBer yoa jkap 700 exM ia hit Uaaaaada af ctken wVtek ara caasad by ail la af tiay d-iaat garaa ia tha bke4. . 8. 8. 8. aa Uotwafhly eiears tie tsliod, that it rent aut completely ail eiiaiaate a3 dis mh geraa that iafrsf it. Ia tha way taa aware af th dia aaa ia reached, aad ita caaaa ra aeved. Git jvmr system a tfcoe oEgt, ekaaiiag with this reliable vegetable a!od remedy, aavl y wiu la delighted ta ba' frea of the panga ef raaeiuksak. It ku Una ascd for Bora Uaa tfty years and m sold at ail dreg atoraa. Beg: 11a aaa toJsj aad yo wfU av th aaae x'.a!t'.t,rj experlene aa tboMaads ef ether safereT. Should yoa wish spatial alriea abost jrur caaa, it aaa ba had without cost by wti'icj to Chief Medial Adviser, 101 bwift Labor. tory. Atlanta, (aw. By 6 EE TE ODE KOBIS05 )'.tard forever tS im af ail font af laeal traataat, the aaoaar rva will get aa ta r.fLt tratk whiei leada ta rational aeaa of relief. Tat Jfi eaa nb aid rab froa mww aatil doomsday, aad yoa will ever aaka any progrtai toward ndl:f jraarstlf af rhearaatisa, ba caasa aack treatment does aot ap proach taa aoorta of tt djeij. Kacaber from tha aatart tiit tba paajra of rbruaatra coaa fraa derpatated udh, aad that lim ply rabbraf tha paiaful parta of taa body kaj ao e?t ea Ua di aaa it!f. Bat wk you bxata taa caaM tba dacaac, taa ral aoarea of all tarta ictaaa pa:aa, f raa tirs tret Ua Uom ia ti:igeat!y. Aad aatil yoa do treat yoor rkeumatiaa iatei:i;a:!T, yoa wiil ilr. W. C. Hawlry, wlfj f Coa faaJ Mra. A. Hotb. lira. Xar Bob- rjaaa IUw!y, a srcaacayixf airt. (.Vri bike:afuna, FVed , .vwu MH Urafl ertairti. ail of Saiea. ilr. aad Vr t. hr kj-jTil oa a tour of u.MliiM'rra U'e.ano. r"n tk a Mk whM k. . the (Kibue wa:rwTa ia tbat ttriioi . cbiidrea. Maurtta aad tof t rjrt. Mr. "a4 Mra. Hwrr t V'';.0? Tarr aad itr. and Mra. F. Itlw 1'i.iat arml ia I r- U,w TW- i " amJBf ia too. bar Taara- !t Bor-trj. Jlirhfi?'d. Nortk Bond I ,iiJ Oar'dinw wiil ba ijitl as3 tiw'-r'1, JlB, AHiaoa. art. D. H. par-r wij a-ro at aedp-rt. as the , Y?tn:.Un- s- i Mjaa Bia-k of the Tmpqua rier. tatarUT. i"2 f!i11 j"iat kuatetae. at ITie f-.!!. win? Moclar thev w-U be "at irr P' .T taa LaJ.aa iai iCchwaa aad Roreaee where the eoa--""1 of ,b tjfresatioaal tkartk, ia ITearaaa w:H eoafer witk the loeaJ ,tk tilB pwlora tin aiiernoa. jinrera;a relitie to the Siuv'aw at- j jterwar iajirovemeat. Afier eoicjilet-1 B Jrs. Robert C Paalua iin? tie tr p Mra. Hawley will rede!ere al0B S-" p4'- reguter- SCHOOL BOARD (Coetisaed, froa page one) tart in Ua rettrkted, btwirn-nt room aaa terr aninatifartory, aod it in rg'-d tkat a oitlle. buildiRK ke arreted, about 0 by ft ia di aaeatiosa The aemlx-ra of the b-md eipraid thi-mwlTea ai beinr in faTOr of tlie ad art tftut tncy aere biuji-rrd from ea 'ering o;oa any aurh enlarg'tnerm by j llfk ef fuada. It wouTd be aarraaury : t0 bring the matt r before the taijy-j era at a nr-rial eletioa- If thi-y eouid' te eoBine4 of the aeed of the new bui'dir.g. and a iprTial election wis. held in June, it waa pointed out that1 eorutruetion work eould be atartcd arly in the (umrner and the fcjildin ( ready for one at the opening of thej J. M ri A tipr. wr eig feed f ,ia Sa.-m until the aretial a.-.on of, "l ort-a oti Tester Jay. jeotjrTtr. ia ealied. I j George Pearte, a oat of Coriime J Wun.-aa'a Relit-f Corps tetg !"I-J!y" barker ka retani from a ,wiii be entertained by Mra. F. W. oatirjf at A'ewport. (o. k. 1"5 Rntli Winter mirt T"Mir. iilar af-ernon. Membera of tha TauraJay Afternoor i A-sne.ate fcoteae for the aeeting ,;1! wul Xstj of Mr. Oewrge are Mrs. V. K. A'iserir.aa. Mr. J. i- Burnett tomorrow afternoon at ber ,.. A-krT.ap Mr. W. G. A'kennan, ' hom oa f'nter atn-et. Mr. A. I'. A'hmon, Ml. Kazaiiethi lAdaT, Mrs. Admj and Mrs. Avpin-i Mary Eliia Fawer-tt, A. M., d.'an of 'wall. women at the Oregvn Agricultural eol- j jteir wiil lecture this evening at the I Connne "B'iely" Barker, who waa'TUe library on Baildinjr your a guett at the OVo Hea-ee reiidrnee i;r!-" The lecture begins at t o'clock ;went to l"urt!arid vesterdav to visit ;n OBT women will be admitted. with frit-O'la and arrange her lransiKjr- j There be no alnisaion charge. tatn:n to New Vork. fehe wiil go via; the I'acifie and VL:t in the Healthy Effblsi Laugh ar.d Hay Health in babvtiood com. t from prraer A,iestm by regulating tbe stomach arid causinqrth? bowels to move as they stxnild. Mns.vviNSLov;s SYRUP Taw Infants' aad Children's F( alitor lor this parriov pTwijccj most remarkable and gratifying results, best of all children's remedies to rci:-rve constipauoo, Iktukocy, aind colic, currhoea, and ether disnrrlcrt. ThtM h"h rtvtor prrtr BiwirHr vriMe cflrrfmrnonoiatw, nar rrHf. or fc("4-i.r-l an a(f'era)i, ktffi'r brrftciiit atKt nmertf rrrw"ly warja of tbe very bn huRlrui ii,sredena 'taimile, aa thi (otmuu btkm abuwv yvnw S"r- rr Oit"fAa.i Carmwr Clrcarife XciuUare awcwBiKvbonata 1 .nrnl Corunder buar vnrp ". ACiO-A MLRIC AN DSUG Ca 1 iis-2t7r-rj.y. tfie l'.:i!ic anj vi;t in the 1 . p-avii a Mi' liarkerwl return tTcHk'm ta:' llAl IIIIaIi A nAll urday and leut a. an fur the w, VflUI WIIHin I ItUI GAINS 18 POUNDS '4 1 Wf n.l,.,aitI I I IS. t'j.r.1 ... . r.i. -vi a. V I' I a ir WW J. 0. Perry 't the fuliowing evening. Iier numcrona n ia'ivps and friends in the Capital ' city waiiuld love to have her remain ! longer but by the time sh? reaches New York her two weeks acation will! be computed and she will iminel.atelv bejin rehearsals of a Klaw-Krlin farce. The pup;! of Mrs. Kalph White's senior lianring e!s enjoyed their reg ular fortnightly dsnce at tht Cotillion hall .lu.-t night. "v. Smith Feels Like NewMaa Since Taking Tanlac Suf fered Thirty Years. Mrs. F. A. Wood of C"overda!c was guest at a surpne jwrty Hunday af termxin, the oeravion being her birth day. A sumptuous' dinner was served and a delightful sfterroon wns spent. Tlise preaent were Mr. and Mrs. 0. X. Ireiand, M! Myrtle Inland, Mr. a 1 - - 1 in I ! , III ""Asi itchin riead Is mosi anconicrrxaDie and annoying That fccbine is not alsrays entirely J ie to dandruff -oftentimes the irrtta con is :aixcd by a mild form cf eaema. kesincl Uimment is nsaal.'y most sat cesstui in clearing up a trouble such as this, and Speedier results are genenlly rtiined by washing the hair occaaon liiy with Kearxjl Sx.ap. TWir r aataea.lLusS.bratarmna. Utuxy raa&.n m umi tiaia jl at au aaa aiaoraars o ha&oa, tyxlj asat tact. S'iJ fy a." aVarz-atfj. Fw frm I lid, Resiaol GABRIELSON TELLS OF E IN SIBERIA Colds Caasa Headaches and Pains r'everih Heala hes and body I'ains caused from a cold are soon relieved be taking LAXATIVE ItKOMO (11 M.NK laiile's. There's only one "Bro no Quinine.'' E. W. UKUVtC'tJ signa ture on the box. 30c. . . h a building in connection with each of the junior high stiool, it was sug- One of tho strongeirt and aiost con vineinjf evidences of the popularity of Tanlae throughout America is the large number of leUerj that a:e being re ceived daily from well known men and women, telling of the remarkable re sults they have dj-ivrd from ita nse. Among the many received in the post few days is one from John fmi'h, 313 Ki.'hth street, Rieiiniond. Califor nia, which ia ess-eciaHy interesting. Mr. fcmith state that he had suffer ed for twenty years, with his stoiraeh, liver and kidneys, and had reached the point where M wUhed. eah breath would b" the last. He also says that when ke began taking Tanlae he weigh ed only one hundred and fortv eight lunds, but that he now weighs one D ress Sati A new lot of these plain colored Satins has just arrived. These are among the mostpopular of all Silks this season. By the way, Skinner's is the one manufactory where the standard of perfection in Silk weaving was maintained at all times. No disappointing flaws or imperfections in Skinner's. Our stock is fresh, our assortment is large and varied, including the better of the new shades. This is one big advantage in making vour selection of Skinner's Silks and Satins here, that your pur chases of Skinner's products, at our prices, will rep resent greater value for the money expended, than any other Silks, is an unmistakable certainty. Cotton Goods TOR SPUING DRESSES A whole counter loaded down with thr-m. Wp put them there so you could make your choice easily 2 and at will There is such a variety of patterns, you I geste.l that figures and estimates be se- hundred and air'y six-making a gain eured on three sura liuiMings. With.r.f .iirhteen no im !, .ha he fp..l like a new man. Following is his let ter in full: "To whom it mav concern: I, rha ub der.iigned, ian truthfully say thnt the wonderful medi-ine known as Tanlac has done more for me in thirty days time, than anv other medicine I have ever taken before in all my life. I have liven a s.ifferer from stomach, liver and kidney troubles for twenty years. I have taken six bottles of Tanlae, and today 1 feel like a new man . "Before I started using Tanhse it didn't make anr difference what 1 it distressed me so much that I wished the next fcreath ! would be mr last. Also when 1 started this in vi:-w Chairman Clark appointed W. C. Winslow and 11. O. White as a committee to consult with contractors and report at a meeting to be held on Monday, April 21. NEW GERMANY (Continued from I'sge 1.) Lieutenant Writes Of Wide Variety Of Experiences Army In East of the other forms of wealth have been hurled bv cannons out of the eountrv. Germany's industry begins with the derided advantage of being at the i sue '- ui . iipsiiir insraei, in aauiuon to demoralization, kusma as a market ' would eat or drink is not over attractive at present with money mostly worthless paper rubles. liernians realize that their recovery , taking this wonderful medicine, I only from the, tremendous debt tho country weighe4 one hundred and forty eight faces depends upon the field of cm-, pounds. Today, I weigh one hundred nieree they can get jn entente and neu- 'and sixty six pounds have grimed eigh tral countries. They also realir.e that j teen pounds already and am still gain the German wurkman, who formerly ing. Also before taking Tanlac I wo industrious an 1 n liable, ha. de-!cuulm't sleep either night or day, tenonle I during the war trenrh life ! but now I average about nine hours has ita effect. The future ia not bright steady sleep and I have an. appetite ' Hike a nor-. I am now fifty years of Tho lar.T.t dividend check received !age and I can't praise Taniae too ny any of the 4.KJ associations of the Twelfth farm loan district came to W. T. Tyres secretary of the Lane coun ty farm lean aax iation, last Saturday It was for .'tjs.)j. know. Lawns, a pretty lot of them, at, yard 20c flaxons and Voiles, pleasing patterns, at yard 25c Woven Tissues and Voiles, dainty stripes, yard 30c Foulards, Voiles and Flaxons as you like Ihcm, yard 35c SHE SUFFERED FIVE YEARS Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. much for what it has done for me. " Tanlac is sold ia Hubbard by Hub bard Irug Co., ia Mt. Angel by rten Gooek, ia Gcrvai, by John Kelly, in Turner by II. P. Cornelius, in Wood born by Lyman II. Storey, in Salem by Dr. A. C. Stone, in Silrerton b Ueo. A. Bteelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P. MeCnrdy, in Slaytoa by C A. Mean champ, in Anrora by Aurora Drug store, in 8t. Paul by Oioceteria 8tore Co., Ine., in Donald by M. W. Johnson and ia Jefferson by Foshay at Mason. Key West, Fla.-"For five yean I suffered from irregularities, with U-r- ntile pains and ao awful weakness my back. The tor rave me d erent medicine but Lhey did me no good. A friend asked mete try Lydia K. I'ink. j ham's Vegetable( Compound nod 1 found it to be the best medicine 1 ever tried because it made me well, and 1 can now do mt housework. I am telling my frier! about It." Mr. J. M. Caul's, ZX Caroline St, Key West, Florid.. Many women at Home period In their Gfe sulTer from ailments peculiar to their STUDENTS OF NORMAL OBSERVE JUNIOR DAY First Lieutenant Carl D. Gtbriclson. who is now with the Tth regiment, A. E. F. in Siberia, is having more experi ence in the war than has fallen to the lot of the average Salem wh0 m in the service. He went into the service last summer and afier taking the officers' training course at the 1'rtsiUio, was among those who were sent to Vludivistok, Mberia. la a recent letter to iriends ue writes lu part: '1 put in my spare time gathering material fur the fiuewt nest of lies 1 am going to have ready to offer to some ol tue weird tales 1 know I am going to nave to listen to when (he boys irom franco arrive in our fair city of fcaltai. My spare time isn't much, however, as I am adjutant of the first battalion ot the Twenty -seventh, in command of l small detachment of tho headquarters company and in charge cf the Oerman prison camo at this post. t came 0ver last fall, arriving here n nepiemuer z, along witli lb oi fleers and lliiU men from the Eighth infantry. ne are tilled np to war strengtu, bu we run t find the damn war. However, ae enjoyed nivsuil and had some good experiences, among them living in a boxcar from October lo to lleceiiioer 15. I have seen some pretty good cities ia my tiuvels, have danced and drunk coffee with the barishnas (you unov, -us,', uuenoeu dinners, etc., with Bus sun, Japauese, etc., officers, gone ice skating, watched tne Japs butcher a """ P'B '" n ax and, in fact, have .. r-H! cosmopolitan time in tne he.t cosmopolitan country on the globe. uuuioicany ail(i p,,;,,,,.,! thj, country eould give Mexico the joker in the hiile Ami .1. .11 u ,nonrr paying stud poker. The air feels like an earth I'inke i, about to break loose, w you know what I mean. A. for money mak ing here you would have to have a sack full of kopek, and put a padiock on the title to your property. Speaking of ko peks, roubles, etc., there more kinds of money here than there are different Hinds of nationalities to snend it ti,. biggest denominstion we had was a Fi 'ma eospon until they got next t0 it." Piles Cured ia 6 to 14 Day IHuggists refund money u' PAZO OLNTMKXT fails to cure Itchinu. Blind, bleeding or Protrudtn? Pile. !tops Trritation: Soothes anti H.-1. Vou eaa get restful stern after tbe firs: sppli'ation. I'riee 6lc. D-4RTOHe3BTvS $J Front Laced ARE AN ECONOMICAL PURCHASE The Modart Corset is essentially a figure-shaping garment It is beautifully and symmetrically designed to train the figure into lines of beauty and to maintain those lines when once obtained. MOD ART Corsets are constructed of materials that will stand constant laundering, without losing their shape The boning and clasps have a rubberized cover ing that renders thera im pervious to water. These features in the MO DART are well worth con sidering, for many corsets are made with uncovered steels or paper covered ones. Water melts the pa per. Some corset cloths are so full of starch and other filling matter that they lose their shape when laundered. Not so with the M0DART. It retains its shape until worn out. afe I E I :.s. 1 S-S i 1 To this end every woman should have at least two corsets, for all corsets should be laundered from time to time. M0DART prices are moderate considering the value delivered, and the prices range from those for the plainest of cottons to the fanciest of silks. U. G. Shipley Co. "Where Shopping is a Pleasure" i I Neighbors Suprise Pclk County Farmer On Birthday (Capital Journal Special Service.) j Monmouth. Or., April 9. "Sunshine i Farm" was the scene of a very pleasant surprise party Tuesday evening April 1, the occasion being the utty-tirst birthday anniversary of the proprietor, E. R. Ostrom. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Edwards, Mrs. Neol. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Moore, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Corn well r.nd litl-le daughter, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kid leil, Jr.. and sons, Percy and E!d-n. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. David son and daughter, Kvangelme. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Van Loan an 1 gnu, Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom, Heth, John ann Joy Ostrom. The evening was spent with music, games and sni;.l converge. Kefrcsh ments were served and a jolly pood time enjoyed by all. Before leaving the guests all joined in wishing Mr. Ostrom Sore Throat- Golds Quickly Rellevad By Hamlin' Wliard Oil Hamlin' Wizard Oil i simple and effective treatment for sore throat and chest colds. Used as a gargle for sore throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one night How often sprains, bruises, cuts and burns occur in every family, as well as little troubles like earache, toothache, cold sores, canker sores, stiff neck, and tired aching feet Soothing, healing W izard Oil will al ways bring quick 'relief. Cet it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver W hips, pleasant littie pink pills, 30 cents, Guaranteed. Hllll'lff'illllllll 'i;;Hi' -- -'Milii HJ "trill -i . , K I 1 r. r I 11 t '''' "l'erts throughout the roo lAitercoon Pagemt Is Chief! -r v the .t r". I p . it 1 i r i""- "T. un'1,f managemr rearsre.--niiiGreas tnjoy Big Program. "Back To SchooF Worker Is building was beautifully decorated in the class colors, blue and white, with a pri fusion of pink Lxf rnnee r"es inter mingled with greenery gracing the great ii ar supports throughout the room. udent management of jine juniors was given in the Eormnl gymnasium and was a most eniovnble a (fair. (ftpital Journal Special Service.) Wa AtNonnal School 1'r'y in the morning the bells began- . , to ring, which was the signal for thc; Mdial Jonnial Special Service.) dawning of the der of all days. From , M"nn'"n! April 9.-Miss Anne be fust Nil until' late at night there ' !'" "rking for Vncle Sam was something doing every minute. ,1B th " br-'k "fhnsil" campaign, wes The principal feature of the day. how- ""' """fling apeake, at ehaptd a.t nt-iorsiiT. ji is isvis gave a ro- . i .,!.- . tv. .1 itr a. in .inpnii loinur mum sex ana wnien in moet case may m - iteration of readily relieved by this famous root and i'onreraed. was the afternoon entertain . ' J 'n h.rK,.ia f.,i,a v ltniK.i.'. i ffifst ffivcB in the normal a u . 1 1 1 or i u mi ,rr " "en VoowtwhU Ccr,rvMm,l inaf Mr. land eoioved by a larte and appreciative """T exann r.m.i. f,rm t It h.l,l K... .ft... a.nTi.. audience. "Tiie l ivht of the Jewel.' ' 1 nbelievable ing for year and trying every tiling case in vain. . If yoa have any annoying ttvmjtotnn j yen fail to nmlenitanil, writ Lydia t- a tgea"t depicting national idea's, wasi"""'0 nation, the inspiring theme; their development. ,peaker is to ar statistics regarding illitcr nnueacy that the recent nations dise'owd and which conditions startled the The need now, said the nspirmg theme; their development. , i- ' .nrwn-ci 10 a tnor- through strife and turmoil was vividly I'" reauxation or the great per rent portrayed and their fint.1 rcaliiation,!P' illiteracy which tmounts to orie- I'inkhara Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. i when the proper conditions were f,nmn p soldiers examired, and to TberesulUof their 0years experienew (brought ab.iut through eduer.tion and "-medy this appalling condition by a in advising women on this ubject U at cooperation, was a most fitting rewsrd thmft 'o-operstion ef parents and youraervicav l6nii , j.t tni lmJ ta4tBg, xhe ''wchers ia the 'back to stay ia . school" campaign. ft.TsWft 'Te-S ;:'-".v; (Sdki says FA WKerv the world asked for nvore delightfully fla vored arvd ixvore substantial com flakes, it got k v-f,l. Ai.s.A 10ASTIES Your grocer sells thenx.