Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 09, 1919, Image 1

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    Weaker Repc
Oregon! Tonight nX Tbars-
Jar rain; warmer east portion
tonight; moderate southwesterly
stands mi cr.vr
: 5250 CIRCULATION. : . t s -
Only Circulation in Salem Guar- jf f 1 M J
aateed by the Audit Boreas of f 1 Jll -a.
Circulations. I J 11 ,1. ,f ' 1 tj
Deliberations Tveach Point Where Early Agreement, Or
Complete Wreck Are Two Alternatives. Possibility
Of Continued Protracted Discussions Passed.
Human Endurance And Political And Diplomatic Ele
ments Combine To Speed Rearing Crisis.
By FtV. 'V'o. -vn
(United Press Stax ?V nt)
Paris, April 9.--The peace con4 it was declared
in certain official quarters today, has .eached a stage
where there are just two alternatives early agreement
or a wreck. ....
The period in which continued protracted discussions
is possible has passed, according to authoritative infor
mation. Everyone is showing the effect of the strain
There is a nervous tension in the very air. Every dele
gate carries an implied "ultimatum" on his. lips. It is
becoming not only a matter of political and diplomatic
effort reaching the end of the string, but as it is human
beings doing the work, the limit of physical endurance is
beginning to manliest resell,
A litis lioon stated for three weeks
past, the hour for definite decisions has
brought a halt iii the work of the con
ference. For days there has lieen quib
bling over details. One person in au
'tliority dec!: -.red todnv it would not be
wrong to say technically that the eon
fcnvH are ngivcd on the principles of
the main issues but that the constant
drawing in of details has caused nn
iMidh'Ss going over of every subject.
"It is a case of Irving to do things
Su the usual way in an unusual time,''
he snd. "The result is the conference
lias degenerated into a scramble for in
dividual desires. The Italians nre nttrs
ui th.-'tr tli ret; t to withdraw, while the
sou 'lion is (itietly coining from Polish
riicl 'S that unless they nre given Dnn
l'r they will t.ike 'it by force. Te
Vren h and British uie still struggling
with reinration detnils, while titimer
(ins other questions furnish a constant
ground for argument.
Responsibility Not Placed.
"The strong suggestion fur recalling
the provisions of the fourteen points np
piirently was designed to bring about a
hteadior basis for working out n settle
ment of some of these questions."
A portion of the press apparently is
pn purini? to place the responsibility for
delay upon President Wilson, following
the lend suggested in British nnd
T'reuch interviews stating that nn
agreement will be reached by Easter.
La Liberie openly declares the British
Souih Middle States Swept By
- Storn Damage Runs
Into Thousands.
Dallas, Tex., April ".Twenty-nine
persons are reported dead nnd ninny In
ured and thousands of dollars property
ilanmge is the toll of a cyclone that
(wept four north Texas counties nnd
one Oklahoma comity last night. The
killed and injured reports follow:
Mineoln, Texas Five killed; twenty
Canton, Texas Six killed, several in
jured. Ketor. Texas Three killed and mnny
Sentimental Monthings Not
Part Of YankFighters' Code
Portland, Or.. April 9. "The men
went .into the fight, not with any sen-
ti ulal mouthing, but in a spirit of
'go get 'em' and when thev wavered
the sergeant yelled: Tome on, you
iblanketyhlanks, do you want to live
forpverf ' "
That Is the statement of Captain
Thomas A. Sweeney of Portland, who
is still with his eom-pany of engineers
in France, in a letter to l local friend
"It was not 'Remember this' or
' Remember that. ' but just real human
devils without discipline, except that
discipline that is wrought bv a square
deal, square living and a larger un
derstanding of what they wpre asked
to d-i and wliy,'' th letter continues
"I believe there aie more men irho
never amounted to much 1'ptorp the
war, but who hove learned steady hab
its here than there are men who have
forgotten how to work for their ex
perience in the army; yes, millions
"These men are going to settle their
own -proble':' when they get home, as
thev did over here in true American
style, without the assistance of high
price,) commissioners nnd politicians of
doubtful ability. "
and French nre in agreement, raid thnt
it onlv remains for Wilson to approve
tho decisions reached by the big four
during his illness. American delegates
have been totally unable to find any of
the decisions said to have been reached.
Tho general movement toward an
nouncing a complete undertaking is ro
mir.lor lis liavin.r all the aspects or a
drive against the Americans. It is plain
ly evident the spirit of the American
delegation is not one of "we are going
homo unless vou piny qur game but
Hint of bending every effort to bring
about agreement on details previously
accepted under the principles laid down
in the armistice terms.
The league of nations meeting, sched
uled for last night, was postponed.
Trouch Censors Busy. -
The French censors were busy vester-
lay handling the Paris editions of the
Chicago Tribune and New York nort,M.?',rire.PrnlM"",ion but is planned to be a
us a result of the present tension in the
A headline in the Tribune read:
"Peace C'onferene (blank) Rays
Wilson; George Washington Coming."
Tho second bank of the head was a
complete blank. At intervals in the
news inciter appeared blank spaces with
such notes ns "lines censored'' "29
lines censored," etc.
A big white space appeared in the
middle of the Herald's story of the con
ference. Canaan, Texas One killed, several
Mulberry, Texas Seven killed.
Pit rant, Ok la. Seven killed, several
Only monger reports of the storms
reached Dallas todav. Officials here ex-
i prcsed fear the total damage and loss
ol lite might be higher than the early
reports disebtse. All communication
is down.
Cars Blown From Tracks.
Sherman, Texas, April It. Six people
are reported killed nnd a score injur
ed in a severe windstorm which ap
proached cyclonic projHirtions nt Tren
ton, Texas, early today. Reports re
ceived in Sherman by way of Denison
said a tmin of 30 cars was blown from
the M. K. and T. railway tracks near
White Wright.
Wires were down and communica
tions with the stricken area cut off.
Press Wires Down
Denver Colo.. April B. A blizzrd in
southeastern Nebraska todnv seriotislr
j interfered with operation of press asso
ciation wires of the Bell Telephone
system. This made the third time in re
cent months that the Rocky Mountain
and Facifie const regions have been
temporarily cut off with direct news
connections to the enst. A heavy
snowfall following rain nnd sleet car
ried down wires between North Plutte
and (irand Is'and. Neb. The snow un
usually heavy for this time of the year,
is beginning to drift, delaying trains.
F.ngene, Or., April 9. Severr. thou
sand people attended the opening of
Kugene'g first annual automobile show
lierp last night. The large armory was
packed from the lime the doors opened
jut 7:30 p. m. until they closed. A well
arranged exhibit of the popular mi.kes
; of cars is being displayed, and the pub
'iic is taking advantage of their first op
jnortunity to witness a collection of this
' kind. Slanv Portland dealers have add
ed their mr.chines to those of the local
j agents. The show will continue today
land tomorrow.
Vacation Of Trade Street Is
Favored "Buy At Home
Week" Sponsored.
The Business Men's League of the
Salem Commercial club went on record
lust evening as favoring the vacation of
streets along the river front necessary
to bring the $300,000 paper mill to Sa
lem. The opinion was generally expressed
that the foot of Trade street has never
been used to any extent for many years
and that s'ince Front street was graded
to a level with Commercial, that the
foot of Trade has served only us a
dumping ground.
Taking into consificruuon tne great
industrial advantage a paper mill in Sa
lem, tho league not only went on record
as favoring the vacation ox. certain
strets but in having the resolution pre
sented to the members of t lie city coun
cil. "Buy nt Homo" week was officially
sponsored by the league nt the Meeting
last evening, nnd the week Is to begin
.Monday, April 28.
Vhilo it is probable that special ef
forts will bo made to arrrnr nome
folks to tho stores in Salem by the way
of offering special prices, the "Uny at
Home" week is to be something in the
way of nn educational protrrnm.
It is felt bv many merchants that if
the home folks would just appreciate
the fact that the Salem stores nre of
fering now more than ever a much bet
ter grade of inerchand'ibe, at right
piiies, that there would be a Iors ten
dency to trade elsewhere. The "Buy at
Home" week will not onlv feature the
prneurni demonstration that home folks
can do just as well in their tradi
patronizing homo stores.
Oregon Guard Units Here To
Be Demobilized Within
Week Is Report. .
The Oregon Guard in Salem, which
includes four companies, will be offi
cially mustered out next week or at an
early date.
Although n official announcement
has as yet been made, there is no doubt
in the minds of ninny outside the inner
military circles, but who are in close
touch with the military situafioa, that
orders to this effect will be issued with
in a few days.
It is thought that the higher military
authorities of the state will begin mus
tering out the Hiilem companies early
next week, although there is no Inform
ation at hand us to whether al the four
companies are to be mustered out the
(Continued on pago five)
$ Abe Martin t
Ther'i been a whole lot o' fun made
o' Dr. Mary Walker, but one leg o' hti
pantaloon would make two modern
! skirts. Th' feller that could drink a
'quart without showia.' it now has a son
( who kin carry tlx quart without let tin'
Women Crusaders Attack
Car Mirrors-Company Says
Efate Tighl Skirts
toa Angeles, Cal, April 9
War has bees declared against
the little sidemirrors streetcar
motoruien use to see what 'i go-
ing on the rear steps.
Miss Cecille Stone is going to
circulate a petition to have tho
horrid bits of jrl removed.
"la these dayi of tight skirts
4s they arc just a continuous
musical comedy performance
minus the music for the niotor-
man," she says.
"Every time we board a
streetcar we are embarrassed,"
declared another miti-uiirror
crusader. "I don't see al-
though perhaps the niotornian
cau what divine' right a motor-
man has to demand we should
be exposed to bis gaze," she
The streetcar company does-
n't agree. Neither do the bunch
of males that ninke it their busi-
ness to stand on tho front end
of the car and aid the motor-
man in the conduet of safety.
The car couiu&nV savs: "Why
not do awav with the tight
skirts F The mirrors are going
to stnv."
Tho inotornien, it is under-
stood, want the mirrors on-
Siokanc, Wn., April 9.
"Can I get a box for six!"
appealed a feminine voice.
"Well, we don't generally
put over ono in a box, but wo
might break the rule and ar
range one for six," wa3 the
"Why, isn't this the Audi
torium theater! I want a box
for six. "
"No, this is the office of
the undertaker. " ,
Distribution Of Surplus Me
chanical Equipment To
Schools Favored.
Along wilh the presentation of bills
and other routine matters at the meet
ing of the school board lust night, Hu
oerintendent Todd gr.ve a brief account
of the trip to tho Inland Km pirn Teach
ers' association at Spokane, whuh was
of the greutest value to himself nnd the
two instructors who accompanied him.
Ho had opportunity there to compare
notes w'ith other school leaders nnd was
gratified to find that the Halem schools
compared very favorably with tho over
ago of city schools in, equipment and
progress. Among other men with whom
he conversed was Colonel Howard, who
outlined briefly tho program of tho gov
eminent in placing military instruction
r.nd equipment in the high schools.
Amendment Is Asked,
In this connection the board passed a
resolution endorsing an amendment to
tho Caldwell bill, now pending in con
gross, providig for the distribution of
surplus inechnnirnl equipment now in
the hands of the government, to the
schools of the country.
Superintendent Todd culled attention
to the vacancy in the teaching corps
caused by the resignation of Miss hr.tc
Barton, in charge of the Knglish classes
in the Washington school, and on his
recommendation Mrs. v. M. Hamilton
was elected to fill out the year in that
In the line of improvements, it was
arranged that the grounds nbout the
house that is being remodelled by the
manual training department should be
levelled and seeded, in order to have it
in prescntuble condition for use in the
fall, provision was also made for put
ting the baseball diamonds on the nth
letic field in condition for the season's
Athletic Buildings Proposed.
A delegation of thre citizens from the
Grunt school quarter made up of Dr.
K. E. Fisher, A. O. Davidson and C. F.
Hageman were present at the meeting
and were given the courtesy et the
floor to bring forward the matter of
athletic facilities for that school. It
was shown that the present methods of
carrying on the work of physical cul-
(ContliueJ en psge two)
New York, April 9. Liberty
quoted today as follows:
3'4's, 99.06, off .It; first 4's, B.'.3S
up .06; second 4's, 63.7.5, off .0; first
4'4's, 9.".60, up .04; second 44's, 93.76,
off .04: third 4'4's, 9.).G0, off .14;
fourth 4Vi's, 93.66, off .OS.
Negotiations Opened With Bu
dapest And Moscow Re
ports' State.
Munich Placed Under State Of
Seige Anti-Communists
Declare War.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Tress Staff Correspondent.)
Berlin, April 8. The Soviets in Sax
ony were reported today to be in coai
munication with Budapest and Moscow.
The situation in Baxony was do
scribed as "threuteuinjj. " llerr Tuuds-
beig, member of (iennuu cabinet, who
was arrested in Magdeburg (ci.pital of
baxuny; by republican guards is said to
have been rescued and taken to Han
over. General Vou Klcist, commander
of the Fourth urniy corps, who was ar
rested at the same time, y, us Relieved to
be still held a prisoner.
Muuica Under Siege. (
Bavarian elements opposed to t;ie so
viets uie understood to be organizing
nt Niiremhurg under Premier Hoffman
and preparing for wur uguinst tin) com
munists. Tho latter liavo placed Munich
in tl state of biege. The city is bristling
with machine gun defenses and armored
curs put nn too streets,
The German government has intimat
ed it will not interfere in local ufl'uirs.
despite tho fact that Spnrtiicans arc
flocking to Munich from all parts of the
country. The general strike appears to
oe lioliliu its own, though the presence
of government forces has so far pro
ven-tod any serioUs ctiuVipieucts. 'l,ie
national soviet congress which opened
Here today wus dominated by majority
Spartacaus Seek Control.
Everything was closely scrutinized
and delegates were searched for went)
un. Tho Spartacnns, however, were
known to be counting on tho independ
out socialists to turn the congress to
their advantage.
A reported split among the majority
socialist delegates to the congress is
said to bo causing a decided swing to
ward iiuliculisni. Mnny of the radical
leaders professed to believe the soviet
mill follow the example of their Bavar
ian prototypes and demand tho ousting
of Chancellor Scheidemnnn and Wur
Minister Noske.
Members of the German cabinet were
scheduled to leave for Weimar today.
Woman, Said To Be Salem
Resident, Tries To End
Life By Taking Poison
Portland, Or., April 0. Mrs.
William llobbs of Salem at
tempted Btiicido at a local hotel
last night.
The woman swallowed 20
grains of veronnl and two bi
chloride of mercury tablets. She
was taken to a hospital where,
it was said this morning, she
will recover.
Mrs. Hobbs' act is reported
to have been ensued by despond
ency. Though ttlo Mrs. William
Hobbs mentioned in the nbove
dispatch is purported to be a
resident of Salem, n0 informa
tion regarding her can bo ob
tained here and it is thought
the name, or address, or both
given by the woman are fictici
Paris, April 9. The "big
four," it was learned this aft
ernoorl has decided to , elimi
nate the idea ot capital punish
ment for the former kaiser, but
will provide some means for
bringing bim under allied con
trol. A decision also has been
reached to draw a strong indict
ment, pointing out the moraj re
sponsibility of Wilhelm and oth
er German leaders for the war.
Paris, April 9. Through the interces
sion of Premier Clemenccau, the denth
sentence of Kmilc Cottin, the young an-
archist wh shot the premier, has been
'commuted to ten years imprisonment at
hard labor.
Bolsheviki Attempts
to Undermine Peace
Explains Campaign
By Edwin Hullinger , !
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
fondon, April 9. Cecil Harmsworth, under-secre-tary
of state for foreign affairs, declared in an interview
with the United Press today that the allies are fighting in
Russia because the bolsheviki are openly proclaiming;
their determination to destroy the foundations upon
which peace is being determined in Pans.
Ho denied that tho allies arc actuated
bv a desire to safeguard British and
French financial interests or that the
allies are supporting reactionary ele
ments in Rus;a.
"The refusal of the allied govern
ments to recognize tho bolsheviki," said
Hurmswortk, "is due t0 the following
"The bolsheviki do not represent the
Russian people as shown by their over
throw of the constituent assembly and
their refusal to grant freedom of the
press or the right of public meeting to
rivn) political organizations.
"They have openly proclaimed them
selves enemies of the league of nations
and are determined to upset the very
foundations upon which pence is being
determined in Paris.
Treachery Is Cited.
"With cynical iudifferenco to tho in
terests of their country, tltey made
peace with Germany and during tho lat
ter pnrt of the war acted with open
hostility to the entente.
"Tho allies supported the govern
ments of TchnikovsKi, Kolchak nnd
Deniketi because these governments,
formed from every political party in
Russia except the bolsheviki, openly
stand for restoration of liussiu. And
when this is accomplished they will call
a national constituent assembly to de
termine the future form of government.
They also will have maintained nn alli
ance with western Kuropo nnd America
anil, despite overwhelming difficulties,
Thousands Of Unemployed
Men Offer Bi? Problem For
Nations To Solve.
By Frank J. Taylor
(United il'ress staff correspondent)
Berlin. Mar. 20. (By mail) Ger
many's workmen are not slipping auto
matically back into iheir forimr posi
tions like o mnny round pegs into air
equal number of prepared round holes.
The old theory which used to travel
the rounds of the entente newspapers
thut Hermann were efficiently trans
forming war industries into peaco in
dustries and lining up workmen for
tile jump'!'!' at the world's commerce
as soon ns the pence treaty is signed,
is not working out in practice. Her
man intentions may have been better.
interior troubles are largely hinging
on labor. Tho thousands of worklesa
men who cannot find jobs, uud hun
dreds who do not wanT to, after four
years of army life, are ready sources
of unrest, (lerinnny's troubles with
her workmen began before the armis
tice was signed, in the days when liin
deuburg's iron defense suddenly crack
ed everywhere, anw each mun made for
jhomo without wailing to be demobil
ise'!, jiuoor nas inrown upon an un
ready market in enormous quantities.
For tho most part, these millions
found jobs, though in every largo city
thero were literally multitudes of un
employed, either intentionally or unin
tentionally. Many became soldiers of
fortune, and many continue in this
calling. Food conditions, ulready bad,
became much worso and prices soared.
To prevent starvation in the streets,
the provisional government allowed
amounts varying from eight to fifteen
marks to men. dipending oi; the fuaii
lies they supported.
Thin tins become a still greater evil.
Men who can draw twelve marks for
not 'working at all, would not accejrt
fifteen marks for working. It takes
a lot of good intentions for the ordi
nary workingman to ecept a .lot) dig
ging snow off the Berlin streets for
three mark additional a day, especial
ly if ho figures the fatherland owes
him a good long vacation, anyway, for
the services he rendered at the rout.
In this connection it may be observed
that women for the most part swept
the snow off the Berlin streets this
winter, just as they did in the past
war winters.
This workman's benefit hs become
a real danger for the government. It
cannot quit paying the money to tne
worklcss for fear of uprising of work
men's Soviets. Once the government
tried and it had to give in under
threats. Once the government tried to
reduce expenses bv adjusting the pay-
'nieut for volunteer guards, with the
jresult that the government was sur
rounded and had to continue the higti
J,ay. The government may be stronger
now. though it atill is apprehensive of
have refused terms with either the Gard
muns or the bolsheviki, who betrayed!
their country and brought it to ruin. It
is untrue that any of these government
are 0enly working for restoration of
tho monarchy. Tohuikovski and his gov
ernment certainly are not monarchist!.
Personally they favor a republic, but
they admit the future form of govern
ment must be fettled by a constituent
Allies Not to Be Bought.
"Both Kolchk and Deniken may con
sider thut the futuro of Hussia demands
a constitutional monarchy, but they,
too, have declared their intention of not
prejudicing the issuo one way or th
other. Their iinniedSnvo on.vct Is the
restoration of order nud liberation of
the Russian people from tho tyranny of
the bolsheviki.
'It is equally wrong to insinnata
that the British and French govern
ments are supporting tho anti bolshe
viks in the hopo they may thereby safe
guard British nnd French financial in
terests. After announcing that they
had repudiated Hussia 's foreign loans
nnd would refuso any compromise witU
'capitalistic' governments, tho bolshe
viki now offers largo financial conces
sions to tho allied governments in re
turn for conclusion of peaco with them.
If tho British nnd French were actuated
by mercenary motive they would hardly
be likely to refuse such good offers,
which neither Kolchak nor Deniken
thought right to make."
adjusting tho labor problems and of
making men go to werk. Workmen
have learned the use of forco and the;
tjovcrnmciit knows it.
Like all countries, Germany is suf
fering under n movement to tho big
cities, where tin re is lesg work, less
food and. more trouble. Still the work
less, niay" where the music j gay and"
whero dancing is the only thing that
can bo found in unlimited quantities.
It is noticeable that in (iermany thursj
is an extraordinarily large number of
young men among the workb.,s. for
the most part they nro unmarried and
irresponsible. There seems to hava
been fewer marriages in (iermany dur
ing the war than in any other land,
with the result that cilies nu flooded!'
with rcHcs-) daredevil young charac
ters, who have little aim in life as
their legacy from four years of trench
life and two more yenrs of military
service in the kaiser's army.
Hie land in (Iermany needs nier., .nd
the government already has plans for
supplying those who want ground from
the huge estates that have been con
fiscated. Though there is food nnd
prosperity among tho farmery the dif
ficulty is in finding men who will go
to the land. A gnat movement is be
ing organized and a tremendous cam
'paign is being conducted by means of
poster and magazine propaganda. Ger
mans who are fnntilitfr with tho taboi
problem feel that this is a big step in
the solution of the worgingman'a sit
uation, if he will go to the country,
it will nccninplili the double purpos
of feeding the population and supply
ing work.
It is possible that the success of this
movement will change (lernmny in to
an agricultural as well nn industrial
in the industrial centers, especially
the Ithinelnnd, the problem is ono of
securing both business and supplies for
(manufacture. Factories, turned Sud
denly into war production or built for
thai purpose, cannot be turned lutck to
peaceful pursuits in a month, as they
were turned to war. Especially is this
true in view of the dilapidation of
most industries. It oil hinges on th
proposition that German did not ex
pect to lose the war and made no ad
vanced preparations for a pecco with
out victory. They enpected to live off
the defeated industry could b
The last testament of the militarists
to the new republic is a worn out in
dustry, through which a certain clas
of profiteer have become rich, but
which, as a means of giving German
labor employment to make a living,
depends entirely on what help the Oor
mans can beg from the world they,
have been fighting. Not only doe
(lermnnv need the material with whica
to manufacture, but she also needs ths
market in which to sell a well. Her
wealth consists of labor only most
(Continued oa pug two)