P.K SEVEN .w IfTF A T Deals h Real Estate :jOiiai W aSlV i"iCG Nels Dogornvss to O. J. Foss, SW Quick Reference To Firms That Give Service On Short quarter, fcW quarter section 6, ad lot 5, section 6-7-1 E. Where Bayer And Seller Meet He Recommend Our Advertisers. ilnrv E Uoudv to J H Misler, lots S and 4," except Sacres ia tract i, Uoudy Gardens; $2MK. Sivrah Uawarth to A. E. Marshland, D.tMS acres ia X. bchram, claim, 7-1 W; TalephoM ..MaLa 1S0O 1 L and 1J acres in said claim, H V ; Salem Eleetria Co., Masonio Temple, 127 North Uigh.. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919. 1 ftanwd irS l s.t.,00. J A ' S w rf' The Cream of Quality Prelty Pumps for Stylish Wear In Patent Kid, made on new shape lasts, French luola, $8.00 to $7.00. .The newest Kid.on the low or mili tary heel last, very fine at $7.00. Fine black or brown Kid, inch lr.ee shoos, French, Cuban or Mili tary hols, at from $13.50 down to $6.00. Vi- jf C-oateit I '.11 Variety !'"' 'I 01 k Most ', 'i'-r Beautiful v ri""P )1 "-;-v4 Buckles ( ,v i'i the - s .! s-tx County Dainty Spring Footwear Our new shoes in Harmonized Spring Sty les to suit the new modes and fashionable wear. Our show windows are veritable style exhibits of newest seasonable foot wear designs. Nothing omitted that would make for better style, better . fit, higher quality service or perfect satisfaction. VERY TRETTIEST OF ALL SHOES THE OXFORDS Patent, Black or Brown Kids, French, Mil itary or School heels. Prices ranging from $8.00 down to $3.93. 1 Danie Simplicity's Offerings Natty Spring Pumps In tho lower heel, moro comfortable, lusts, heels in Military Cuban or school style. Prices very attractiveonsuler ing quality and style. Dressy High Boots Will also bo much worn the earlier part of this season and we are showing some very elegant ones. Sec them. -The Height of Elegance in tre Pprin Styles. . 'Sntisfuc '71 tory 'I,'" Serviro j;j ', J or no A Stile" J t j) Iden of Merchandising. 8. XI. A damson to . tneuesier, 39.50 acres ia Elius Cox claim, 43-6-1 W; S4000. O. st C. Land Co. to W. J. Wagner, itv 3 ml 4. block 39. Gervals. T. B. Kay to Jouui Deinoiest, lot s, Cherry City Fruit Farm. Richard Carlson to A. urancn, x. half of lot 12, Capitol Uouie Addition, Salem. Marv S. Penibertoa to K. V. Wv- laud, lot 22, Sunny fciide Fruit Farm Ko. F. U. Kecves to l. tasiuurn, iui 24, biok 2, Murlinifton addition, Nik'm. Ajithony Wargoth to Frank Jieidl, lot 6, block 6, Mays addition, ait. An roh tluu. Jaiw Moir to Hunt Broit, part of lot 1. Conk's addition. Salem. 11. (J. Coursey to liunr, eros., par ox lot I. Cooks addition. W. K. McLaren to U r. Abue, pans of lots 1 aud 2, Cooks additiou, baiem, C. U. Campbell to . J. lrr, part of lots 7 and 8, block 11. Luther Mvers to John Sundin, lot and 15, K. i. Simpson addition, Salem. Imogene L. (jrant to A. L. uuam son, lot Lt, block 10, Capital Park addi tion. Salem. Star Land Co. to Rose F. Stiff, lot 10; block 6 North Salem. Homer H. Smith to F. II. Thompson, lot 12. block 1. Willamette addition, Also lot 7. block 4, Willamette addition. Walter F. Hobnail to School Bistrie 24. S half of lot 6. block 3. Ann H. Purdv to E. B. Perrine, lots 1, 2, 3, block 11, Eutlewood addition, Salem. 14 WATER C03IPANY REAL ESTATE SALEM WATEB OQiLTANT Offiee orner Commereial and Trade atreelt bills payable monthlj in advance, fkuae 604. FDJANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Oofxl Real Eitate Security THOS. K. FORD ).r Ladd Busk bank; Salem Oregon EDEBAL FAR a LOANS 8 pot teat 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 4vl Masonie Temple. Balem, Orrgoa MOTEV to loan yn good read estate. oft percent government money w loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Balem Bank of Com merce. 12-14 THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under new management and it renders you and the general public a congenial place to pass away few leisure hour. The basement of Oregon Eleetrie depot, corner of State and High. Paone 628. Win. Livoek, prop, i t Stylish in Design Perfect in Fit Physician, Struck Cn Head By Cardboard, In Hospital Portland, Or., Anrll 7. Br. A. C. Bur roughs, a prominent physician, is in the hospital today as the result of being struck on the head with a heavy piece of cardboard while seated in a moving picture theater Sunday nijrht. The cardboard, a punier niache orna ment tumbled from its plneo on Trie wnll and hit Dr. Burroughs. He turned about, made a remark as to whether someone whs trving to kill him and then fell to the floor, unconscious. The physician regained consciousness this morning. His skull was not Irac tared, as first feared, BIO LUMBERMAN DEAD lull of ilimuir "From Over There" General Pershing'$ Official Report The following casualties are reported by the i omilmnding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: Died of Accident and Other Causes.... 2 Vouuded Severely ' Wounded, Degreo Undetermined 9 Wounded Slightl- 32 Missing iu Action - 1 Totaj - Died of Acldont and Other Causes-Privates. Kichard Bayhn, Skitlmore Mo. Nicholas E Blanc, Canton Ohio Harvey L Brady, Mt Morris N Y. Thomas (! Hunt, Alert N C. ,Ii,v B Titts, Kulnniazoo Mich. Emmet M Woodward, Leesburg Texas Died From Wounds, Previously Report ed Died. Pvt Vivtor W Kraft, Potrint Mich. Killed In Action, Previously Reported Wounded verery. Pvt. Waller Lumpkin, Spring Garden Mo, Daniel Y Toolan, Cr.vDnnmlo rn. mo. p.-vinuOv Renortcd George Horace Wood, West Wiufield I Killed in Action ?viotudy Reported N .1. Killed in Action, Previously Reported Died Corporals. Wavim C Adams, Big Imac W Va. David E Blackburn, Blackburn Mo. Harry J Davis, Philadelphia Piv. Privates. Joseph- J Alsheimer, Utica N T, Wiliam E Arnold, Letchworth Eng. Privates, Jesse B Pagan, Burnett Texi.. Burnio Fulkerson, Byyalton 111. Isnae Oold, Philadelplilii Fa. M.-iiice J Hettinger, Manchester Oklo Jumes O Hewins, St Paul Minn. Andrew Mitchell, Midland Park S C. Peter A Pohmis, Waumukeo Wis. Thomr.s B Sheonsey, Clnrks Nebr. Jolin L Wagoner, Cardiff Aik. Johnnie A Widgeon, Norfolk a. Died, Previously Reported MiS3lug in Action. Corp. Edward P Clowe, New Work Privates. Samuel Pinovitz, Pittsburg Pa. Lawrence 8 (Jilbride, Ireland, Nov F Hilty, Pittsburg Pa. Kay J Hulett, Esthervillo Iowa. (Iscnr Peters, Mctiee Mo. Income Tax Dodgers To Be Sought By Revenue Man Washington, April 7. Tho internal revenue bureau has begun to comb . the country for income tax dodgers. ComiHsioner Koper late loony - : Court House Elsie M. Tablor has sued for a di vorce from Oweu C. Tabler. Sho alleges they were married January 4, 1013, and that they havo one boy three years old. Also that ho stayed out considerably at night and that ho told her oneo "he was out having a good time with other women." lio went to Astoria last No vember to woik in the shipyards and hus not contributed to her support. Portland, Or., Aprit 1. Jesse C. Rom ick, who enmo from New Orleans to Portland as mannger of tho Cummiugs Moberly Lumber company a year ago died tqday. Item ick 'a death was doe to injuriei which ho received in an automobilo ac cident a week ago, IIo whs well known as a lumberman thmiij'hout the sout and west. Mlsrinf in Action, I ient I vuch Fold. New London Conn Lieut Kenneth P Strawn, Lnmlovor Md. . . Scrgt James C Pellev, 1 unnevii.c r-v intru,tio, to uJl tullt.c.tors urgin them Corp Hubert Tarker, Charlestown W froB) pm.,lov,.r(, of ia)or Va. ... , , . the nanus and addresses of persons nt Harold W, KeHy has aued Evelyn Kellv for a divorce. They were mar ried at Vancouver Juno 4, 1917, and sho left him Njvcmber 15 of tho Mine year There are no children and he alleges in his petition that sho abandoned him. Lizzie Owens and Bessie Baillec have sued Henry Fc-wk and others for sev eral sums resulting from a mortgage of t!00u given on tiiuo lots In Nob Hill addition to the city of Balem. The Capital Journal Daily Market Report STOVE REPAIRING 1TOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 yean experience, Depot, National sod American fence. Si.e 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, et Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 850 Court atreet. Phone 124 BEST BUYS 5 acres, all cultivated, the best ber ry land. $1000, $250 cash, balance monthly. 10 acres all cultivated, well fenced, good prune land, (1300. 15 acres, all cultivated, the best ber ry or produce toil, 5 room house, barn other out buildings, fruit; V mile from town, at school, with fall equipment, J19lH); termj if desired. O. W. Brown 24.15 acres, IS era cultivated, 8 acres timber, 5 prunes, 5 logans. 6 room house, barn, out buildingv at school and church, val ley loam soil, price $T000; wouJiI consider acreage or house in Salem not over $-(RR. Stock, implements and tools go. 80 acres the finest of valley laad, all cultivated, good house, barn. y mile from school, 4'-4 miles from Sa lem; will take $3000 cash, balancs at 6 percent, prico $160 per acre. lt',9 acres, 120 cultivated, 4 slashing fi acre apple orchard 6 and 7 years old. 7 miles from ialcm; $17,000, half cash, balance 6 percent. Stii) ace Waldo Hill farm, all well fenced, the best of modern improve ments, 10 room modern house, fins barn, first clnss outbuildings, closs to town only $75 per acre; 13 to 4 cash, balance 6 per eent. This placs ia the finest bargain in the valley. Have several fine prune ranches for sale, also berry lands dope to the city at $200 per acre. For best bys see SOCOLOFSHY Bayne -building Salem, Orego SHEA IiKPAtKS all kinds of furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repairs niado. Shop 352 Che meketa Ht. between Commercial end Liborty. Phone 181. 4-20 BRING YOUR TRADES BRING your trades. I ean match yon. ' ... T. ,, 1 1 1 J. w. niomeyer, au oraocaes ui w estate and Canada lands, 215 HH Masonio building. Phone 1000. T ' AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of auto repairing by an ex perienced workman. All work guar ,autced to ho satisfactory. Btudebak er repairs' specialty. D. R. Moir, 203 N. Commercial. WOOD SAW PHONE 1000B Our Prices are Right W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor 1205 N. Summer Btroet, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE A good doubls team har ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for good dry wood. 8eo .Square Deal Realty eotnptt, Phone 470 SECOND-HAND GOODS NO CASH REQUIRED Good overesf shoes and suits, all kinds ol mnsae al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heal ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 10U0 other useful article, to sell or, trado. What havo youf The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Thone 4BJ, REPAIRING lotto Texas. IS House Cleaning Here 3 lie-tint your walls with oar uuut kaisomure i which we are makinig a special price of He per 8 nour.i We have it in all colors and are prepared to supply your wants. Let us figure that new bungalow or garage bill. Our goods are the best and our prices are right. FIlSCMlfflLUIBCfl. Merhnnir George U Belcher, Row more thgn $, 000 aM y0Hr. This information must ih- in uie nanus oi collectors by May IT. S?n Francisco Maid To Teach Bashful Swains Courting Art; Time I In the county court, the estate of A. O. IHimou is appraised at $3705. The estate includes lots 1 and 2 of block C, of Hmitli's addition to tho city of 8a lorn on North Commercial street ap praised at $3000 and household personal effect valued at $703. Oram Wheat, soft while t" W'iirat, lower grades ou sample Oats 7o(n)7rtc Hay, cheat . - - $'' Bay, oats - $ '5 Barley, ton 4Hfu5Q Mill run - 43(wUe BntiorI;rt Butterfat - "'C Creamerv butler 01IC'',63c Pork, Vea and Mutton Pork on foot 1' Veal, fancy Wail-'ic fitters KwlOc (ws 4 (arte Spring lambs 1 -st. 4'j r Lambs, yearlings - 10(al.lc KK and Poultry Eggs, cash 37e Hens, livo ZKirz.'C 0;d rootcrs l-w Cockerels S5c Anril 19 has been set as the date for the sale of real estate belonging to the estate of Mary A. Mclntlro. Tho estate of John HiiKonnuer has ben appraised nt $13,167.1!2. The ap ....... T 4 Pur.M.1,wfii1ir. T,. K hcridan, manager of a m-hoo of ex ;... Rni, joh'n . Kuschnick. - nay io ii-acn i m "Everything in Building Material A.B.KELSAY,Mgr. I Phone 813 3 West Salem 414 349 South 12th Street Han Francisco, April 7. Believing that nine out of t u men do not know how to nronose to a cirl, Miss H olla nresHion. ontud a class to liunhful swuin.1 how to express them selves at that vital inonent. 'Mu'.lering -and stnniinering and mumbling must be oveico.uc, " slit: said. ' A mau many timts lo.,ts a Kirl because he does not know now 10 couri her." , , . , Miss hertdan indignantly denied that in nine times out oi teu ine j nomun docs tic funrting. Telegraph Rates Should Be Lowered, Says hstal Head ...ew York, April 7. Commenting on the recent raise of telegraph rates by Postmaster Oeneral Burleson, William J. lvgan, secretary of tho Postal Tele graph company, declared today that Burleson should have reduced rates more than one-half. Burleson says we tre entitled to only tl.ii),(Mi a year for the use of our lines," Pezan said, "although we did earn $4,2'SJ.uiO. Now, assume that is true, Burleson should havo reduced rates over one-half and should collect onlv from the public what we aro en titled to earn and what he proposes to lay us, namely $1.6HO.0K. i- ....... u&rJ fHl J Magnified Results Try one of Our Wonderful Little Want AdV and watch the Ueiulb JOURNAL WAfiT ADS PAY COM3 StSE TEH INTO GRAY Hi Darkens Beautifully and Be. itoii its Natural Color and Lustrt at Once. Commoa farden safe hrewsd Into s h-avy tea, with sulphur and alcohol a4 d-d, wtU turn fray, streaked and fadd hair btnutlfully dirk and luxuriant. Mixing the Sag Tea aad Sulphur rsdpa at hnrat, thonib Is troublesome. As coster way Is to get the rady-to-oe preparation Improvsd by the addition of other ingredients, costing about CO cec's s lsrge bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Bags and Sulphur CoBipennil," thus avoiding A tot ef mass. Whn gray, fadsd hair Is not siof'iL we stl desire to rUln pur youthful sp pcarsses aud attractiveness. By dark eniag year hair w th Wysth's Sage aad 8ulphnr Conpooad, no oss eaa tall, be cause it dees It so n rurally, so evenly. Ton just davpss spou( r ft hrosa with it and draw this t)ronh year hair, taking sos small strand at a time; ty morning all gray lrs have dlnpprarsd. After anrthtr appllratlon or two yotrf hair bsrosics bsaotlfuiiy dark, glossy, soft and ItururUni and rtra ppr Jr. I VegotaDlei Eadishes, dox 3.rC Sweet potatoes 0(afiMi Potatoes $1-50 Onions local $2.50n3 OnUliairn 8 Turnips " 2f)2 Head lettuce f.ao(.io Beets Parsnips - - J'A! Cauliflower, flats - VUwZM Spinn-eh, box $1-26 Winosan annlvi. 'Pox ..- Colery, crato - - U irult Oranges gOTcmwa Lemons, box $5(u8 Bananas - , Ve Florida grnpo fruit, case $7fa ) lilnck fists lb. 16((ile White figs, 11). 19(o 20o rackage figs per bx 80 pkg f4(ll.0 Honey, extracted 2 BoUU Prices Eggs, down dreamery butter - 7Uc Hour, hard wheat - $3.13(a3.23 Portland Market Portland, Or., April 7. Butter, eity creamery .'jJXrro I -j Lglis selected local ex. 41t3c Hens 3:i('v'l4 Broilers iOfti.ViO Ooese 17Ji"()o Cheese, tr. plots 37(j.lc DAILY LIVE STOCK MLaBKET Cattu Beceipts 1320. Tono of uiarket stca'ly Best steers 13(VI4.S0 Good to choice steers $11.50( 12.50 Medium to good steers $II11 Pair to K"od steers $0(U10 Common to fair steers t-StiiB Choice cows and heifers $10.&0(a) 12. fi Good t choice eows snd beifsra tWi 10.50 Medi.im to good eows and heifers Pair to medium eows and heifen :ot 6 tanners .!..Wn)1.50 Bulls ii(aH.r)0 Calves .50( 13.50 Stotacrs aud feeders $710 Bogs Ileceipts 262 Tone of market hiuher Prime niix-d tWn 11)2.3 Medium mixed $IS.7.'j(7i 19 Ko;i;i heavies $17fc 17.75 Bulk $lH.H'fo Id. fllieep Receipts 135 Tone of market steady Prime lambs $l'K'll7 Fair to medium lambs $H(S15 Yearlings $Urtil2 Wethers $!if(i 10 Ewes Jfl..V)-ii 10.50 STEWAKT'S KEPA1B SHOP Havs just installed a machine that will sharpen lawumowers the same as Us factory puts them out new. Bring all your light repair work to nio. Al vin B. Stewart, 317 Court Ht. Phons 493. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store 1 Buvs. sells and exchanges now and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repaii work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Bight prices. 247 North Commercial Hi. Phone 16. SALEM BCAVENGEB Uarbage s,n refuse of all kindi removed on moat ly contracts at foasonabls rates. Cess pouls cleaned. Dead animals f movnd. Office prions Msin, Il7l SCAVENGER LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ilEET AT McCornsck hU on every Tuday at 8. P. Andresan, C. C. I. J. Kt (C. 11. 4 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ors- gon Grapo cajnp No. l.lriO meet every Thursday evening in MuCornnek hs'l Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 Union fcit.j recor der, Mrs. Melissa Persons. 1415 W. 4th 8t. Phone 1430M. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248 meets every Thursday evening, h o'cUx In McCornack hall, over Meysrs store. Bay A. Grant, V. C.j J. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED A RTI9ANf Capital Asss- bly No. 84 meets every ISnrilsy at (t p. m. In Masnnie Temple. (Hess O. Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 310 Owen Itwt 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniturs, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. Ws buy what yo doa't waat and pay the highest price in cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commercial Phone 734 LAUNDRYMAN HOP LEE, expert toundrytran, 438 Perry St. I pay top market price for chickens and egg. Office psoas l:!::9J, residence 1333J. tt JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY