THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919. PAGE FIVb ! The Journal New Today Ads OHItlHMMMMttlMMlHItMUt Ml M4M JOURNAL WM AD DEPARBIENT IS THE BEST SELLING ilEDimi LN MARION COUNTY-TRY TKEM FOR RESULTS CLABSITIED ADVERTISING BATES . Bat per word New Today: I Xack insertion 1 week (6 insertions) . 6 17a I (Una onth (26 insertion) The Capital Journal will not ba re- poniible for more than one insertion, 1 tor errors in umsiueti Advertisement Baad your advertisement the first day at appears and notify ui immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 13e. WANTED Cattle end calves any kind. Fhoue 157GW. 5 2 WHITE Rock eggs for Phone 9iiF5 or 403 R. hatching. 1-7 FOR SALE Early fuggle hop roots. Phone 9S2.R, J. A. Krcbs. tf FOR SALE One chain drive Ford truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf TRY Streets' new garage at 420 8. Cora'L First class mechanic. 4 7 llOME grown mushrooms 1310J. for sule. 4-5 MALLARD duck hatching sulo at 544 Stuto St. eggs for 47 FRESH cow for sale. 293 N. Church. Phone 1483 or 4 7 WANTED Furnished houso by April U or 15th. Phone 355. tf MOTORCYCLE for etile. evenings. Phone 8F23 tf FARM hand Wanted. C. C. Russell. Call Salem 3F3, tf COOD gentle team for eale. Phone 693 4 8 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 133i)J. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursory. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Kt, 6. tf FOR SALE 6 room house and lot, 1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, 841 State St. . tf FOR SALE K, vibrator, half evenings. W. $15 iFovd Master price. Phono 2153R 45 FOR SALE Neat five room bungalow largo lot, paved stroet, $1500. Own er. Phone .ovonlings 2510J2. 4-5 FOB 8ALB Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. tt A. E. nUTOHLSON, 248 State St, Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll pward. Buren'a Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest eaah price for oggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co, 171 & High St. Phone 1400. tf FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for 325; can give terms; act quick, for this it a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co, 171 South High St. Phone 140U. tf CENTER Street Garage just opening a goneml repair shop; cars washed and polished. 215 Center St. Phone 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 13 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit troes, roses end shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lcaso very reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com'l St. or phone 1549M. tf FOR SALE 8 room modern house with garago paved street, 4 blocks from Btnte house. Price $4000, terms F. N. Derby, 115 Masonic tldg. 4 8 FOR SALE The two story frame building at 312 North Commercial streot. 8ee R. P. Boise, Breyman block. 5 WANTED "By permanent renter, 6 or T room house with garage and gar den, or few acres of land, modern house preferred. Write 1195 J Cot tage. 4-9 PLANT artichokes if you want cheap hog feed. Both top, and tubers moke plondil feed. I have a few bushels loft. Phona 622 or 254. tf WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS is 314 Masonic Bldg. FOR SALE Pansy plants. 211 MUler St. llarunY, 4-30 FOR RENT Best apt. 633 Ferry. at the Miller. tf , WOOD for sale. Phone 78F11. 47 , m state ST TELEPHONE 400 Headquarters fur baby ehicki. tf FOB SALE Indian Runner duck eggs "0 cents each. Phone 7294. ii FOH SALE 1 Jersey cow. Phone 101 IS F12. WANTED Roomers and boarders, S. Coiu'l. Phone 14-16. 495 tf FOR SALE Loose clover hay. Phone ki:p . D FOR SALE Or rent, 4 acreage. Phone 754. acres of citv 48 HOUSEKEEPING room9 for rent. Gar go. SOI X. Commercial St. 48 WANTED Modern 6 room bungalow, closo in. M K care Journal. 4-8 PHONE box for sale. Elvin Hcrr, Sil verton, Or., Kt. 2. 4-7 FOR PENT Clean apartments for clcau people at the Miller, 633 Fer ry St. tf WANTED A few loads of good top dirt and few loads manure, llone 1204. 3-7 FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain same by describing same at this office and paying for ad. tf FOR SALE 2 work horses, 5 and 9 years, weight 1150. F. Drager. Phone 107F12. 4 9 FOR SALE Setting eggs, Barren V Martin 200 egg strain. Plnno 101 F12. -n WANTED I have a buyer for a good homo on South Commercial street; also have buyer for a five or six room bungalow in good location. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 4 5 AS I am leaving the city will sell my 9 room house on paved street, high, sightly location, lot 75x150; $l!.00 cash. None others need apply. Thone 1313. 47 01! BOON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3.50 per thousand, post paid. Chas. Hart, Jefferson Or. 4 19 FOR SALE 8 acres, half fruit, bal nee cultivated, srood builjjings, 4 blocks from ear line, block irom citv limits on Garden road, Box 230. Tonus. 4-8 FOR SALE Five acres adjoining W. Salem. Three acres plowed land, rood house and well. For sale or rent. 64iF4. - FOR RENT Or sale, 12ft acres half milo north of mute school. 5U0 peach 500 cherries, 100 apples, 5 acres of fino garden land, small houso and barn, cash rent. R. R. Ryan, phone 19F3. 4-8 FOR SALE Or trade, from 10 to 30 acres of stump land, nil good berry ami clover land,' 2 miles eaat of Sa lem. Will take some trade or work with man or team for part payment John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. tf FOR SALE iMy entire rabbi try hutch es and lirst class stock, all very cheap; remember that first come first served. Five over 8 months old find 8 over 3 months old. Call at Willium Voirt 1006 S. Liberty St 4 7 HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125 This includes fare to Alberta; "board traveling and locator's expenses. Finn mixed farniinff district. Partic nrars at my office, only. C. W. Nieinevor. Masonic building. tf FOR SALE 480 A in Jefferson coun ira I. nn Af inai4 TlllT. IJ, lov vurca iu Livfi - nam WWB, 1 r. 1 1 ' "-'-- 1 registered Durham bull, good house barn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; some timber, some pasture and all tillable land under Suttlo lake irrigation project. A snap at $S000. Address M J 8 eare Jour .l tf aK'nmrE SALE 5 room house Wh. toilet, hot and eold water, full lots 80 rose bushes cherries, ni..m TwwirW. Tasberrief. gTapes, .hiknn nn and barn. Worth 1250 for $950; terms. See me to T.l!i.iir. 271 N. Commer - ' . . ;.i pt,n t:u. tr LOANS-6 Salem, Ore. FOUND-Man a coat, none 1546. i t GOOD, gentle team for sale. 693. Phone 412 WANTED One Cuinea he. Phone FOR SALE Oregon strawberry platits 1110110 ewu tiv FOR SALE Loose har $20 a ton. Wm Fitte, Kt. 9. eall STF31. 41 WANTED .Position shop a( mechanic Address P L D eare journal. 4 8 L FOR SALE Or rent seven icom mod ern house, 1655 .X. Capitol. 49 GARDENS plowed and harrowed. Phone 927. 4 12 VACANT apartment at the Miller. 633 Ferry St. 4-12 Ft Hi SALE Man's wheel in shape, $10. 419 S. lSth St. good I WILL plow your garden . Thone 4-12 1601 . W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 .N. 19th St, Salem, Or. 5 5 LOOK after your fruit trees now and spray them. Phono 754. 4-8 FOR SALE Loose clover hay. Thono 4-7 73F12 evenings. CARRIER boy wanted for West Sa lem. Particulars at Journal oftice. FOUND 'Flyer bicycle, party who lost it call iwj .N. .Liocrty ot. jase Ross. 4-8 FOR SALE "Fine young Jersey cow, fresh; 6 percent test, very gentle. 20S5 State St. 4-8 FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants $2 per thousand, in the patch. In quire B. C Zieliuski, Salem. 4-12 FOR SALE Columbia graionola cheap Address room la, ilyrtlo hotel. Call at 8 p. in. 4-7 Vi HORSE power motor 110 A. U. Stewart s repair shop, J47 Court ot. Salem Or. 4-8 FOR RENT 7 room house with base ment and good garden tract. Call at Cookery, 307 N. Liberty. 4-9 WANTED To buy cow, 3 to 6 years old, giving from 2'i to 4 gallons milk. Write O E A care Journal. 4-7 FOR SALE Violin, fifty dollars, Call 664 Ferry Stradivarous model, or phone 1063M. 4-10 WANTED At once fivo room, modern bungalow in eastern part of city, reasonable price. 20S5 Stato St. 4-8 FOR SALd3 cheap, large barn and small house to bo moved from lot at once. Call 2085 State St. 4-8 NICELY furnished room with or with out board rates reasonable. Phono 1578. 4 8 KEEP your rose bushes nice and yon garden peas, etc. free from aphis by using proper remedy. Phone 754. 4 8 FOH SALE 20 to 25 hogs, from 70 11.. Mian JrnFt ,1 1 flrivillfT 11B UJ', .IW ,u.. U.K. ... n horse. Phone 3F11, address W. II. Ejiiu. Gervais Or. Ht. 2. 4 8 FOR SALE Reversible orcliurd disc, ulso 4 wheel trailer. 655 N. St. 20th 4-7 FOI'ND Hat for miss, Wednesday afternoon. Owner call at Journal ot fico and nay for ad. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA PER MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 5 2 90 acre prune orchard. Splendid buildings. $40,000. 18 acres all in prunes and loganber ries. $6000. 140 acres. Good buildings. 15 acres prunes. $6000. $1500 cash will han dle. 40 acre prune orchard. $9000. Take stock ranch part pay. 13 acres bearing orchard. 1500. 15 acres. 7 in prunes. Good build ings. $4500. 20 acres, 10 in prunes. 6000. 40 acres. 34 in prunes. 11,000. S'ii acres all bearing prunes. Strict ly modern house. $9500. A .fine in vestment and borne. 100 acre farm. Good buildings. All in crop. Running stream. On main road. $125 an acre. 10 acres with good house. All cul tivated. Close in. 3500. 5 acres 3 miles out. All cultivated. Plastered house. 1700. C W. NIEUEYER Masonie Building PATTON PLIHBEIG COMNY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 16G8. ntO.VB 1372J for Jot plowing. 4 j WANTED To rent horse bv month for garden work. Rt. 3, box 72C, Salem. Or., B. R. Schrononer. 4 8 LARGE modern rooms with board, simaoio ror two. airs, vt . u. loung 461 A High. 4 i WANTED Experienced grafter and florists apply Arthur Plant, land scape gardener. Phone 1250W. 4 8 MEN wanted for hop yard work 35e per hour. O. O. McClellan 54F13 49 FOR SALE One horse plow and har row, harness and bujjgy; also seed potatoes. 871 X. Commercial . 4 9 FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, fresh; 1 Guernsey cow, fresh soon; 1 Jersey cow, freh soon. 2'J13 X. Commer cial!' : , 4 8 WILL ship thi highest market week and pay the price for all kinds of livestock. White Emiuett, phone 4 9 1423M. FOR SALE Thorobred New Zealand bunk and Belgian doe; also man's bicycle. Call 1109 lliues St. affer 4:30. 48 FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, -lights, with 4 full lots, small orchard, at Aumsville, Or. Very reas onable for cash or payments. U. Kirkpatrick Salem, Rt. 6, box 22. 4-12 MUST sell 5 room house, bath, hull, 2 closets, ibarn, fruit, 1 lot, worth 1650 for $1350. 1 Hock Highland school; part cash. Lnvalleur, 271 N. Commercial. Phone 734. tf m FOR SALE One of the classiest 6 worn bungalows in the city, with nil or any part of my furniture. Call mornings or after 6 p. m. S35 Rich mond ave. 4 12 WHY leave your car standing on the street! It can be stored at tho Cen ter St. Feed Ibarn for a few eents per day. Special rate, by week or month. 245 Center St. Phone 927. J. W. Hunt, prop. 4 14 EXPERIENCED -woman, all around cook, wants work; small restaurant, hotel or camp .preferred, or any kind of work. Phone Leonard hotel 1802, 240 N. Front Mt. room 5. 4 7 FOR SALE 9 acre, mile east of end of 12th street enrbne, acre Itrawfberries. 1 fccro loganberries, young orchard, good 5 room house barn, chicken and hog house, good well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or Sundays. $2000. Jus. Callahan. 4 12 FOR SALE 120 acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salom, on good road, in good 'location, good house and barn and other buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 head of hogs, round 500 fords of wood ready cut, all at bargain. Write M W care Journal tf TO TRADE Oakland, California, resi dencc, value $5000, mortgage $2000; will trade equity for anything in Salem or vicinity that will make a good home; will be at 244 S. High street, Salem, until Friday morning April 11, after that, write Mrs. 1. M. Green, Melrose, Oregon. 4 10 SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EX CHANG B 229 Slate (Street If you want to buy or toll a ear come and see me. 1017 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell delivery enr $325 6 pass. Maxwell $275 Detroit, bargain, 250 8tudebaker, 6 cyl. perfect condi tion, $460 Hudson 6 cyl, good as now, $1000 1918 Maxwell, good condition $425 1919 Maxwell new, $M5 1910 Dodge if you want a good car see this at $800 1915 laige, eloctrie starter and lights. $275 Open till 9 evenings Phone 867 . -4- U"32 WJNMAl -ItNStS The comparativa value of ordinary eyt lease and mm. is Indicated in above diagram. We fit Punktals and recommend them because they art the best lenses made. HABTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians N.W. Corner Stat and Liberty Sta. Whem yon sse Joaraal classifi ed ads get what yon want thm to they work fast. BAUSCH &t LOMEI Economical i ill " v 416 State Street CITY NEWS. id id The cash business at the tax collec tion office of Sheriff W. I. Needham was not so large Saturday, the last day as it iwa Friday. However, the num ber of people appearing at the window with anxious inquories was larger, mini bering about 4U0. Quite a number of tho larger taxpayers who hate to sep arate themsolves from the tax money send in cheeks so as to reach the sher iff's office on the last day. Hence the total amount received in taxes Sat urday will not be figured up until these checks are properly listed and credited. Business continues food at the of fice of the county recorder, Mrs. Mil dred Brooks. Saturday, 15 warranty deeds were filed with considerations running all the way from $1 to 3500. o The school girl or boy who has a knack fur writing compositions, now has two chances for a little ready mon ey besides glory. Tho war savings s'tamps county commit teo is offering $25 in sevorul pnze and now the vic tory lilierty loan committee is offering inducements. The rush is to get in on tho fifth liberty loan story, as it must be submitted by April 21. A toachers' institute will be held next Saturday nt Bilverton. The prin cipal speakers are to be Prof. IIocKon bury of Portland, Prof. Youcl of Bil verlon, Mrs. M. L. Kiilkorsnu, ., er visor, and Mis Blanche HulAs of Sil verton. Tho Hcotts Mills school will put on a piny. Petitions for the sate of boi.u. to build Marion county roads have now bom sent to all parts of the county! for signatures. The road rommitteo 7 EEASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE O. H. P. DENTAL CREAM Ingredients (llyccrino 'nrbonnte of Lime i Magnesia Carbonate Hici.rbonate Hoila Castile Hap Com ili-red Borax I Tincture Myrrh Flavoring Agent lst-i-Olycerine keeps cream soft. 2nd Castile snap is purest cleaiiber. 3rd Carbonate of Lime is a tooth building agent. 4th Tincture of Myrrh hardens gums and tends to prevent Pyrrhoea. 5th Carbonate of Magnesia overcomes acid mouth and prevents decny. 6th Bicarbonate of Soda neutralizes the acids of the stomach. 7th It is pleasantly flavored, making! its use a pleasure j The followirie prominent Bfilcm den-j tints give it their endorsement: DR. OLSEN DR. DARBY DR. BURTON 1)H. UTTER (Pric 2T) Fo, Sale By OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY Salem, Oreeon Delightful Light Flace Coat Capes and Dolman type, developed on slender, straight lines, seem to be the most favored for Spring wear. Of these the models with loose flowing lines, straight flowing backs and belted in front sections are to all extents receiving the greatest amount of attention. Material in serges, poplins, English tweed silks and satins, wool, velour in all leading colors. PRICES: . $15.90 $22.50 $17.50 $25.C0 up to $33.00 The big show in town today ORCHESTRA MUSIC TOO i ( h r. m sw jm.Fmmr nit -n .!f.. - - and those who have been active in cir diluting tho petitions will have sor of a preliminary meeting .Friday morn ing of this week at the Commercial iTiili. It is asked thut all petitions ho brought in by that dale, April 11. Superintendent Churchill is in Ban Francisco today in attendance upon a meeting 0? western vocational boards, called together by the federal director. The first part of the Uitercloa track meet, of Willamette University, which wr.s postponed from last Saturday on account of the inclt inent weather, will be held this afternoon und tomorrow afternoon. Home of the men who made high records Inst year will be at tho front this season, smutt? them Dimick, who won four first places; Medler and Niehnlls, who won two places each. The hundred-yard and other features will be run off tliis afternoon. At tho People's Chorus tonight at Waller hall there will be s vsrien pro gram of work that should be very en joyable to everyone. Tt is hoped that every member will endeavor to be pros ent and on time. The tenor section is I in need of new recruits, and there are a lot of tenors In Salem that need the trninin- of the People's Chorus. Let 's get together. There 'were about 25 of the Boy Scouts on the street Saturday in the in terest of tho Scout council fund, and nobody was overlooked in the solicita tion unless they were expert dodgers. They suci-ceded in rolectinir subscrip tions to the amount of about $210, which is very good for a starter. They wi'l keep up a quiet canvass during the week on B little different plan with the expectation of rolling up several hun dred doiars more before the end of the week. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Coach Murdork has been at work dur nig the past wm-tc or tw i on tne pro of the Salem high rchool br.seball PROSPERITY Our local industries are doing all in their power to mrke Salem and Marion County prosperous. Do your part by furnishing them with the FRUIT and VEGETABLES they require. We will be glad to help. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier to Trade $1990 $29.00 $50.00 Phone 877 - tet4Sv-s GO! wy TODAY TOMORROW team, and has mapped out a tentativo series of games as follows: At Cheniawa with ChcmnwR, April 12; nt Salem with Eugene, April 19; nt Newberg with Newberg, April 21; at Salem with Newberg, May 3; at Eugeno with Eugene, May 10; at Salem with Albany, May 17; at Nulom with Ktay ton, May 23; at Salem with MeMinu viile, May 27; at Albany with Albany, Mav 31; at Ktayton with Htiyton, Juno 7; at Mi Minn ille, June 12. A promising lot of material tins been rounded up for the series. At a recent meeting of bull players (llenn II. tlre;;ir was elected as eitpt-itt, and prnctbtt work will be pushed as wnthers permits. nrn VILU ADAMS In his room over the, W, c. T. U. Sunday, April t), HMO, D. M. Adam at the age of 61 years. He is survived by six daughters': Mrs. Pearl Riugwald, Delia Elsie ami Iva Adams, all of Salem, Mrs. JO f fin Ferguson of California and Mrs. Kiiiby Colo of The Dalles, and one son, Earl Adams of Salem. Mr. Ailnm hud enmo from Th Dalles to visit his daughters and sore here and had about ma le arrangements' to rent a house and establish a home. The body will be taken to The Dallen for burial. The Journal Job Department will print you anything in the stationery line do It right and save you real money. ll'iiii 1 y 4-"f4-t