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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1919)
TBE DAILY CA PITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 7. 1919. PAGE THREP AUTO POPULATION OF Salem And Vicinity Believed To Lead State la Meter fF' A TT y 30X3J Dealer. Special rr...,lti.. PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, PORTLAND. ORE. neat renews oia nomes i .'I $19.C0 BOW U BOYD AVOIDED AH JMTION Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from n female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operatioo before I could get well "My mother, who bad been helped by LyiiiaE.Pinkham'a Vegetable Coin pound, advised me to try it before sub mitting to an opera tion. It relieved me from mv trouble to I cnn do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound n trial and it will do as much for them." Mrs. MARIE Boyd, 1421 6th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi tions where a hospital operation ia the only alternative, but on the other hand 10 many women have been cured by this f Hmous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was accessary every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. Finkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many ears experience is at your service. five today. ! ii yiiipij llpl! la an article published Saturday by i the Capital Journal on the road around Jackson hill, a fpraraph was made to read: "The new road around the hill las surveyed by the hihwav depart ment will all be of water. " There was ; j'.ist one word omitted and that hap jponed to the word, "grade," at ! the end of the sentence. There U lot oi diftvrenee between a road all of 'water and a road all of water grade. : - - wuuc livkuc iiuies ; I As noted iu the lust issue of The 'Journal, the bids submitted by twelve contracting firms for the construction of a bors' dormitory and a hospital 'dormitory at the Home for the Feeble Minded were all far iu excess of the amount alloted by the legislature, which I was $27,001. Hence no awards were i made at the last meeting of the board 'of control. It has been arranged that the two lowest bidders on tho hospital ilormintory and the t'o lowest bidders Ion tho boys dormitory shall hold a eou jforence with Dr. J. N. Smith, superin tendent of the building, and if possible I reduce certain features of construction Iso that the contracts may bo brought within tho bounds of the appropriation. I Another meeting of tho board will be I held Friday, at which these contractors ! will re-submit their bids. Pending tho jnctieti of this meeting, tho bids which were submitted for the heating plant of tho institution will bo held up. figures. HIM Captain Fred Mangls, of the Chcr rians announces that the first drill of tho C'hcrrinns will be held at 7:30 o'clock tliU evening at the old armory, known as the city hall. Attention is called to the place of drdling as here to! ore it lia been customary to assem ble at the armory on 1'erry street. In addition to others passed, a com mittee including Ralph Putnam, Mrs. H. Overtoil and 0. A. O. Mooro, mem fcera of the Marion county Sunday Softool convention, submitted resolu tions expressing thanks to the .First Christian church of this cdty for tho entertainment it had given delegates, ealling especial attention to tho deco rations of tho church. Also thanking all speakers, especially Dr. Sterling Bainer and Dr. John B. Hoyt for his presentation of tho 5'"laily Vacation Bible School.'" The' resolutions also put on record through the convention a commendation of any practical action that might bo tokon by the Salem fcun uy school association in regard to es tablishing a vacationnl Bible school in the city. Commendation was also giv en in the resolutions passed on the ac tion of Oregon cities reserving the Lord's day by closing cortain commer cial interests. Other cities were asked to likewise enact ordinances providing that pool halls and moving picture Shows bo closed. The Postofflce BuUltln, published in the interest of all post offices, in th issue received today in Salom, includes the following: Tho U. 8. geological board has rendered the following de cision: "Calif." to bo the abbrevia tion for California instead of "Cal." Tho postoffico dopartmcnt has been la "boring several vears with the difficul ty of distinguishing ibotwoen "Col." and ":al." and appealed to the TJ. 8. geological btard to provido a way eut. Ilem-e whon one is addressing a letter to California and iwishes to ab breviate, it should be writton 'Calif. ' Ever since the new daylight plan went into effect, tho town clock has been on a strike. On tho oaturd ine before the clocks were turned for ward the clock stopped. And since then it he been from .four to fiver min utes slow. Attontion was called to the delinquency of the court house clock by a party who almost missed a train depending on the reliability of the sock in the past. o ' The Rod Cross auxiliary of Eastern BUr will hold an all day session to morrow, according to an announcement telephoned to the Capital Journal of- Stiperintendent J. A. Churchill lias re cently addressed a communication to tho county superintendents with regard jto tho courses of study to bo taken up :i junior high schools, iu courso of I which he says: I "Tho course of stuory which will bo ready for distribution sometime in Au gust will contain a courso for the junior high schools, since that organization seems to be (retting a foothold in many schools, particularly in districts of thf first class. We fuel that the time has iconic when the junior high school should j be defined, thnt a course be prepared i by tho state department and that text I books be adopted for the different sub jects by the textbook commission. This I department wishes to announce that r.fter June 1, 1919, no certificates will i bo issued to those who pass an examina tion for a one-year certificate valid to teach In tho junior high schools of the state unless tho applicant, lias had two years of work beyond the high school in a standard college or univorsity. Grad uates from standard normal schools will be certificated to teach in junior high schools, based upon their gruduatlon." While absolute proof is not at hand, it has frequently been assorted that no city iu the state has a greater number of automobiles to the population than Salem, and no county a bigger collection of rubber-tired vehicles than Marion. Probably this fact could be demonstrat ed by a sifting out of the figures from the automobile department in the office of the secretary of state, which go to show that there has been a phenomenal in the number of new licenses Usued during the -first three months of 1919. Many New Registrations. The quarterly report shows that there have been "y20 new registrations of all descriptions from nil parts of tfto state during this period, while there havo been ol.tioo renewals of licenses. These registrations produced $417,316 in reve nue us ugaist $3-0,738 for the sumo per iod last year. The number of dealers in all lines has increased from 390 to 441 during tho past year, while tho number of licensed "tlmuft'ciirs has increased from 1587 to 1077. Motorcycle registrations havo siiown a slight increase, being 2079 this years as against 203S ias year. Salem Dealers Do Snare. The report shows that there have been a total of 0(5,897 registrations from all sources thus far this year, repre senting !.!.. 7-3. oO in revenue, as against $337.L':12 in 1918, and $190,787.- 50 in 1917, The total number of auto mobile transfers for tho three months .is 2044 as against 1298 in Wis. Based upon this rtio of increase all along the line, it is believed that tho total registration of motor vehicles for tho year will reach 75,000 as against 03,3.4 in 1918. If this maximum is reached tho revenue derived will ainouut to approximately $530,000. Cer tainly tho Sulem dealers are doing their share to bring nbout this result, for car lend after carload is going through the local agencies, frequently a consignment being sold out before it is unloaded from the cnr. ; CITY news : Did : VAXDERHQIT At Sparks Nevada, February 4, 1919, Minnie, beloved wife of Alvie Vnnderhoff, of 633 South 19th street, Salem, Oregon. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Abraham, and one sister of this city, two brotlwg in Washington and one sister in Illinois. The remains will ar rive in Salem, Monday night at 7:4.') in care of the Terwillige-r homo, and funeral announeement will be nmdo on the arrival of the sister from the oast. She was a member of Silver Boll cir olo No. 43, W. Q.W. The formation of a Veterans' club to include all Clatsop county men who wore the uniform in tho world war has been started at Astoria. The T. M C. A. cabinet of nine Ore gon colleges will 1e guests of Willam etto university from Friday evening until Sunday evening. The meetings will bo held in the university chapel Returned soldiers of Marlon county Will be interested in the following rul ing recently announced by the war dc partment with regard to their personal equipmont, it having been arranged' that they shall retain the following ar tides: Ovorseas cap (for men with overseas service, hnt for others), olive drab shirt, woolen coat and ornaments woolen breeches ono pair shoes, one pair leggins, ono waist belt, one slicker and overcoat; two suits underwear; four pairs stockings; ono pair gloves, one toilet set, one barracks bog, gas mask and helmet (for ovorscos men only.) Soldiers who have already turn ed in their equipment, are authorized to redraw them by applying to tho di rector of storage in this city. The transport, steamer ArUonlan, which recently arrived at New York, brought detachments of the 337th in fantry and of various aero squadrons, among which were tho following boys from Salem and the Willamette val ley: Robert C. Sclirie.binger and Oli ver Mathews and Chester T. Moffitt, of Salem; Andrew M, Oribblc, Auro ra; Wm. M. Ashbahr, HilUiboro; Wil liani Beslak, Stayton; William Davis, Eugeno; Kergcant Henry W, Kms, Eu gene; Theo C. Richtcr, Amity; Merlo Resinol for that skin eruption - r Quick relief If your skin bums and itches inces santlyif your hands are chapped, sore or bleeding don't suffer another min te's annoyance simply anoint the tender parts with Resinol Ointment, ami all the itching and soreness usually disappears, Ouiefter ralts r aeuefeiry fltaaineet hf firrt bathtne" with Kettkol Soap. Ill extreme cam anoint thicker erith 0e ontiacnt 11 d beadaf c beirc retiring. At all Drvrrift. Fmr frrt mmftn fritt tin I. BHimtrt. U4. V - ' V ' -' .' i - v., , r I ''( ? j I - . K I '"V n MU'faJfeltfirt "SVfriuoasWfVQs Year's Greatest Fiction Story Showinsr At Ye Liberty As Picture Of Marriage Problems "Virtuous Wives" adaptation of famons novel by Owen Johnson to be offered to local theatre patrons with Anita Stewart as star. In a story that ranks as the year's greatest work of fiction, and with a supporting cast pos performence, Miss Anita Stewart re turns to the ranks of screen stnrs at the Liberty theatre today and tomorrow in "Virtuous Wives," adapted from the book of that title by Owen Johnson, as the first of her new itiwr productions Remodeling of buildings should begin in the basement. Next time you see altera tions being made, note what material is saved or thrown out! You will find the tin and sheet iron heating devices go to the dump heap but you never see IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators thrown out that way. They make a building always new and never wear out or lose efficiency. When. IDEAL heated buildings are remodeled, extra sections and more radiators are added to furnish the additional heat needed the building stays in the same desirable class for rental or sale. IDEAL Heating Outfits are, therefore, a long-lasting investment not an expense! AL Boilers These outfits guarantee you a lifetime of heating comfort and fuel economy! n h AMCAN v D I 3 1 I Radiators '-a ' l?f, "The just evictioo" "Shake out the old put in the IDEAL" I DUAL Boilen mad Aaf SRICAN Radiktort change mnf bouic into a hom. Comfort at turn of the velve. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators enable you to get not only the greatest possible volume of heat and therefore the utmost value from your coal, but these outfits guarantee perfect distribution and control of that heat ! No "coldside" to the house. No drafty floors! The greatest money saver in a building is IDEAL heating If you have a building to rent or to sell, you'll find it a splendid talking basis to say: "It's heated with IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radia tors." It means that the tenant will be glad to pay 15 more rent be cause of the comfort, health protection, convenience, cleanliness, and fuel economy he will experience, or in selling you get back the full price paid for the outfit, which does not rust out or wear out. Don't to through another Winter without remodeling your home, store, flats, shop, school, or church to the extent of enjoying the comfort and fuel saving of IDEAL-AMERICAN heating I Put quickly in old or new buildings. Ask for free book "Ideal Heating." Let us serve you now. A No. 4 II W IDBAL Boiler end 41 ft. of 38 In. AMERICAN Radietori, online, the owner $345, were uted to heat this cot. tege. At thia price the goodi can be bought of any reputable, competent Fitter. Thla did not include coat of labor, pipe, valvea, freight, etc., which vary eccordlng to climatic and other condition. Built-in, genuine Vacuum Cleaner iron suction pipe runs to each floor. We alto make the ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner connected by iron auction pipe to various floort of houses, flats, schools, churches, hotels, etc. Through a liaht-weitht hose ALL the dirt, cobwebs, lint, threads, moths, etc., are drawn with lightning rapidity down the iron piping into big, sealed dust-bucket in cellar. Nd dragging around a, inefficient portable cleaner instead, you hav practical outfit that is part of the building like radiator heating. Ask for catalog it does not obligate you to buy. American Radiatoi Mmpany Public Showraoouat Chlcaso, New York, Baetoa, Praeidoice, Worctiter, Philadelphia, K.-iaburg, Newark, Wilkeibarre, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Albany, Syracuie, Rochester. DncTaio, Pitubnrgh, Clereaaad. Datraat, Otand Rapids, Indiampolii, C .r- tl. Liville, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleane, Milwaukee, Uinnaapolia, Pul, Louie, Kanaaa City, Dae Moinei. Oineha, Denver, San ...iciico, Loi Angeln, Beattle, 8pokane, Portland, Toronto, Brentford (Ont.) Sold by all dealers No exclusive agent. Write Department S-48 U19-1221 Fourth Ave Seattle D. Gibson, Eugeno; "YVillinm ,1. Una-, soli, Eugeno; Sarauol O. (rriliblo, Aurora. A new kink in the law was brought out when Ir'reJ lsy, who wa arrested for stealing tho old sower dior loft on North 'Front street,' offored to put up as bail money, money whioh ho hud received Tor enilinir tho diuifer to tho junk man. The charge atinnt Aim 1 was ohtaininir mony under fulso pro- totwos.Innsniuch as tho charges against him whs for obtaining tho money un- I der false pretenses, the court ruled tluit it could not jnuuire as to where ho got his ibail money. Ho was bound over to the grand jury in tho sum of (175 and ho put up this amount of cufih bond. The court also ruled that the charge, against him did not in volve rhe monoy in any way. It is un derstood that iMy received in all t-Ul from the junk man for selling parts of the old sewer digger and when ar-r-t tdo had tlH6 of the money with him Mr. IMy claimed that tho digger was given to him, but W, L. Jacobson, ex ecutor of the Gordon estate, claims the property Mill belongs to tho estate. Duo to the fact that a boat is not avtvUuble on May 2, between Portland and Champoog, it is Pipbable that tho 78th anniversary celebration at thnt place will be held on h following day. Saturday, May 3. Judge D'Arry, who is president of tho Champoeg aofioria tion says that arrangements are now being made for ne of tho river boats to carry Portland passengers to the Ch&mpoeg landing and that llin cele bration this year will be a big affair." W, M. Smith, county superintendent of aehools, i sending out this week to the rural schools another announcement in regard to the priws to be offered for the best essays on "Thrift." This is all in line with the campaign t0 re put on to encourage everybody to buy War Havings stamps this year in order that Marion eountv mar rnskn a liMt,.- r. ord than last year when It secured but m per eeit of its ouota. A S5 War sewing names that read like a benefit made by her own company. PNEUMONIA B 1 SLM tjkW Call a physician. Immedi L stely begin emergency,, treatment witn 7 x7 VICKS VAP0B1 Y0UR B00YCUARO-30'.60r-rC20 MB Saving stamp will bo puid to tho boy or girl who will send to Mr. Kmith the best story on an unusual method of making money. Another (5 will bo awarded to the writer of the most in geuious or original of making money and still another " for tho best story of tho hardest work performed, which is to include an account of the time put in and kind of work done. Theia there are ten prizes of (I each for other stor ies, all along the lino of telling how money was made with which to buy stamps. All letters must be sent to Mr. Hmith by October 1. Announcements of wiiiuers will be made about October 15. Paul Btege writes friends her that With his wife he is taking an automobile tour in southern California and Mexico. He writes that while he has not seen a bull fikt yet, tliut he really has taken a ride on an airplane and went up about 30U0 feet nVid that on his way home from the sky, took a straight drop of 1UU0 feet down. At an open meeting of the Salem Trades and Iiibor council in D'Arry hall tomorrow evening the proposed plan of conciliation und arbitration will be disjointed by prominent trades unionists and others. Much interest in this subject ha been shown by ihnm interested in organized and unorgan ized labor, himincRH men and manu facturers. Mo et program has leen (prepared, but ell ore invited to attend and participate in the discusxion. L. J. Simnral will preside at the meeting, Panes. I Traglio is chairman of the com mittee on arrangements, whilo Labor Commissioner Grain and Industrial Ac cident Oiinmiimiuncr Marshall will of fer some well directed thoughts on thP various phases of the problem of con ci'iiition. Letters may now be sent to Eathonl by way of England, according to in formation received this morning jt the post office. J-'or the benefit of the high school student who never heard of Es thonia or tho Ksthonians, it may be said that they live in a part of Ku-ssia of which Kcvnl is the principal sea port, and that the country is just south of the gulf of Finland, and that the gulf of Finland is part of the llel tic sea. Tho final payment of part of the 18 due each arhor-i district in the county known as the county school fund was made today by W. M. Hmith, county superintendent of schools, amounting to $13,387.20, Tho totnl number of pupils in tho county between the ages of four and 20 yearg is 12,132. The last legislature passed a Jaw providing that all diatrict funds be handled thru thn iinimtv trnnanrnp nnrl honi'A ihi m tho last payment of the kind that will be mndo from the offivo of the county superintendent. The new nw goes into erffect Mny 29. Also the law providing fhat no district shall pay a teacher less than $75 a month. ASK FOU and GET IHiorl.c!!'. The Original 'Malted Milks For Infanta and Invalids! OTHERS s. .IMITATION 3 The United Daughters of the Confed eracy are holding their 2.1th annual con vonlion at 1-otiisvillc, Ky. When CofYee Gives yhu a Jab in some tender part of your anatomy, don't blame coffee blame yourself ! You can have all the pleasure of coffee drinking with none of its harm, if you drink Instant POSTUM "There's o Reason 9