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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1919)
ml . m . a Mm .a . m 5250 CIRCULATION. (23000 HEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SERVICE. Ticiuitr Report. Orta: Tsa'ght ud Tuce- av, light t hy frost i irT raisg, frill wiaas, asostiy wastsrly, m ON TRAINS AND NSW STANDS F1V1 CENT FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 71. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS BUDAPEST IN GRIP OF NE WRE VOL T-BELA KUN IS REPORTED Hungarian Soviet Declared Overthrown By Counter Movement Today. FOREIGN MINISTER OF "REDS" BEARD BY SI;ltJTS Allied General Denies Rumor Entente May Send Force Into Hungary. London, April 7 Tlie Budapest So viets have beoiv overthrown, according tj rumors in Vienna, a news agency di'Vatch from that city relayed by way of Berlin, repotted tcday. Bcla Kim, the Hungarian foreign minister, is ca'd to have beon hilled. Baalo, April 7 Rumors are being cir culated that a counter revolution has bro'-ten out ia Budapest, according to a d'spatcU from Vienna today. Foreign Minister Bcla Knn 1b said to have been assassinated. By Edward King (I'nited .Press staff correspondent) Budapest, April 3,- -General Smuts, sp'ciul allied envoy (inlay received 'Fnreign Minister Jtela Kun in his pri vate car. Smuts and hi parly denied rumnrs in circulation here that the allies were plniiniiu to i ud an army into lluu gaty. They di dared Hurt the allies' course toward the next Hungarian gov ernment lies not yet been decided. An "international red iirmy" is bo inu organized here. Twelve hundred well equipped volunteers arrived from Vienna, under the uvnuinnd of com munist lenders, Roth and Siigel, and were immeilia lely mustered into ser vice. More are expected. The first two battalions of the nnny have left for the line of demarcation established un der the armistice. Army Not Etfccted The soviet ha decided not to inter fere with military affairs. reeorii 'us ing the importance of discipline. Hun garian communist aviators flew over Vienna and dropped propaganda. They haded near a suburb and were arrest ed, but later released. Maximum thirty mx hour week has been fixed Lr apprentices. ' Thirty seven 'hundred of school children have been provided with free baths.. Week ly tuition fees huve been abolished. All ho.piials have become public, prer- l...:.... ,i ,n.ili,tfi i, iiutii.nta vreine ueui !! i'. r After tho meeting with General Smuts, Bola Kun wr,s interviewed by foreign correspondents. Errand Not Military, "General Smuts cunie not us a soldier bin as a diplomatist," he said. "Nego tiations are proceeding in the most cor dial manner. There is hope thnt tho en tente does not intend to ttikc an offen- sice attitude toward the Hungarian so- viet republic "My proposal for a conference of states forming the old Ausrro IIungar- ian empire, to be held in conjunction with tho peace conference, has been received -in a friendly manner. Wo hope that at suc conference the Hun- (jr.rions, Oeriiiiiu Austiinns. Czecho- Navs and Jugo-Slavs and Rumanians will settle their political frontiers and cooperate in an effort to promote a better and more liumau existence for the workers." Infantry Units Of 91st May O P i' i T iL I Tn al'",1, Pitrl vessel Aramis, 'carry- IrOSS tCrifnSnt lCI-eHlCrjing Sims' wife and family, drew along : side the lowering side of the Maure- san Francisco. April 7. That the I tunia as she slowed up for the qquarau Tailroad administration will attempt to tine station. send the liHIid infantry and 34ih field artillery acres tho rontinent together, svai indicated by a telegram received yesterday bv fr:a!or .lames D. Phetan ifrom ilflior Oeneial Jerver assistant Chief of staff. The men nip exnectcd to arrive be tween April 14 and IS. VOTE FAVORS STRIKE ;i 7. The Portland local of the Commercial Telegrsiersi Wicks, taken by the police Suturilay T'nion of America concluded itss trike'for alleged seditious speeches in a local vote Sundi.v and announced all votes hall, wr.a again arrested at 2 a. in. Hun favered the proposed walkout. May with Mrs. Erma Lee Lemb, 27, who Strike votes must be in the hands of says she is the wife of an O. VS. R. 4 N. International officials bv April 22. when ' passenger conductor living at fortland. a date for the intended strike will be; City detectives arrested the pair in settled. The railroad telegraphers have' Mrs. Lamb's room at a hotel, by amah piomised to not handle comnicreii.l busi- in a window, an hour and a half after , ,thcv hud seen Wicks enter her room. 1 i When thev entered, the light had been The Astoria park commission has an-; i ;. . i .....,..!.;!. iimneu iree campie aim "'"' ic rkiiia around near th- citv on the Co- lambia h'ihway Huns Prepare to Crush Ne Plot of Soviet Copenhagen, April ".The Gorman government lias discovered plots in sev eral towns for establishment of a so viet republic, a semi-official dispatch from Berlin aiinonneed today. Repres sive measures are being taken. The Krup works are reported to be idle and its oft'ieials have been in structed to arm themselves jiguinst an enicrgoucv. London, April 7. The Berlin corre spondent ef the Daily .News reported todj'.y that the German government is taking every precaution against n thrcaictud military eoe.p by ilie Spar tacanK. Fresh troops have been order id In Weimar, he said, ud War Min ister Xusk has issued two blanket warrants authorizing the aires! of any communists. Basic, A p'U ".A dispatch from. Berlin today reported the workmen's and soldiers' council there had decided to arrest influential persons of the bourgeoisie and press and cupy the war ministry, after which a soviet re public, would be proclaimed simultane ously with a general strike, lierlin April 6. Communists today were computing plans for a general strike early lext week. Government forces are on the alert to cj'pose a coup d'etat.' UUdiKU H GIVEN ADMIRAL SIMS Commander Of American De stroyer Force la War On U Scats Reaches Home. New York, April 7. Vice Admiral William S. Kims, who commanded the American destroyer force which helped bent the submarine, arrived home from the war ted'' v. He wus greeted at the Narrows the entrance to New York bay bv a fleet i(jf n, r,01. Vl,8S,.9 currying cheering wel pnmers. The Maiiretania was delayed by fog and forced to lie in Ambrose channel for hours. She finally arrived at the Narrows at 3:10 this afternoon. Two destrovers and six submarine chasers j surrounded the Hr.urenauia. Three na val airplanes circled overhead. ' Kims was n the bridge of tlm at punier. He was acocmnanied by i,;s tr.ff, composed of Captain J. 1'. R. I'riimle. Captain K. H. Leigh, Captain p v. Knox, Commander J. V. liabcock, -. , Fairehild ond W. A. Edwards, T1C monitor Amphiro fired a 17 gun R3Uite as the Maurcntunia passed flying t,o udmiral's flag, A band aboard the police boat patrol played "Tho Navy Took Them Over, the Navy Will Bring Them Hack," and "Hail, flail, the Gang's All Here," as the Manrctania passed quarantine, Troops aboard the big liner sister Iship of the I.usitania, lined the rails and gave back cheer for cheer to the crowds iin the boats and on the shore. The fog which delayed Sims' arrivul had quite I vanished bv this time. Soviet Agitator To Face . Crarges Of Whits Slavery Spokane, Wash., April 7. United States Marshal McOovern announced to !dav that he would prefer a charge of ; white slavery ngninst II. M. Hicks, al lleeed soviet agitator from l'ortlond, i twice arrested here within the past 41 hours. extinguished a nan noor. , n, ,.,! nn .t at ills Bonds were set at 10u0 each. Wicks . .. . told the police Ins admiration lor rs. 11 "merely meatal." KILLED IS PLAN hi i in IB Vienna Dispatches Forecast New Government Within Comiig Month. , VOLKSWEKR ALREADY IN COMMUNIST HANDS hdihte Rady To Give Up Control If F?rd Fcr Feople Assured. By Rudolph Koiaiuer rf'nited l'ress Staff CorresponCciit.) Berne, April 7. hsiablishment of an Austrian soviet republic by May li is forecast in advices received from Vi enna, today. The Yolkswehr already has gone out to the communists. The propoL.d soviet republic is being debated, it was n ported. Socialists, who now control the government are said to have discussed wim the com munists tho possibility of a change in administration, declaring they are roa ty to surrender their power if the com munists will uHsiuno responsibility for feeding tho population. The socialists point out that a bolshcvist Austria could not expect food from tho entente. Bolshevism Fought. ilunguciiiii bolshevik representatives, who participated in the discussion de clared the readiness and ability of the Hungarian soviet government to feed Austria. (Count Unrolyi is reported to be in Vienna.) The newspapers of Vienna are fight ing bolshevism. They emphasize tne promise of entente diplomats to supply sufficient food for an " orderly popula tion." Information from private sources in dicates the situation in Austria is seri ous. Tho present government is said to bo helpless. mi it mar MiY Stones Med Through MiU And Church Windcvs. Many Arrested. Lawrence, Mass., April 7. A riot oe curred here early today when more than one thousand textile workers rushed the Everett mill, hurling stones through the winddWs. The Holy Rosary Catholic church also was attacked and valuable s.ained glass windows broken. More than seventy shots are mid to have been fired during the fighting, in whicii niu mounted and foot police took part. According to tho police. Marshal Timothey O'Brien's automobile was fired upo)n-when the marshal nppearod before tho strikers to read tho riot act. Chsrles ('alalia, a striker, was arrest ed, churned with rioting and also with leading tho strikers, in addition, twenty-seven other strikers wore tsken by the police ami held on charges of riot-in- Despite the number of shots said to have been fired, no ine was n-purted wounded. The polieo reported that shortly after 3 o'clock this morning a bomb, believed to have been incendiary and constructed of glam, was hurled at a house at 40 Newbury street. Tho explosion wreck ed a door and part of the rear of the building. BOYD ACCEPTS CALL Portland, Dr., April 7 The Rev: John If. Boyd has announced his acceptance of the chair of homelctics at McCor mick Theological Seminsry, Chicago. Dr. Boyd has been pastor of the First Presbyterian church in eight years, and is one of the best known clergymen in tho west. The situation in Petrograd is steadllv (growing worse, according ta report re- .. " . . wivea inursusy ax inn aepBri- Iment. AUSTRIA! TO FORM SOVIET REPUBLIC BY MAY President Improves But Sli'J Coibtd To Bed R-r CI -"ir-s r CSri "J By Carl D. Oraat (i'nited Prdsj corrsjMMidet) 1'aiis, April ' President Wilson's conditio alinued to show iiuuiiivemeat today, but Real Admiral tirsysss or dered him to remii it hd. The president, whose celd kas been broketi and whose fever has subsided, w;ihed to attend the "big four" meetia( today. Oiaysoa however, i',iiug that tle next to or three weeks will b filled witk ky work of vast importance, insist ed that Wilsna remsia qniet for at le;ust anotker dsy. Colonel House , and a few other Americans -; visited the 'white house" yesterday af ternoon aud were permitted to talk briefly with the president. It is understood that vcral inijxirtant qurslioaa were tnurh ed upon. The denrge asamis'.on, which has been ndertoing an overhauling in tke I'nited States, ha been ordered to be placed in commission immedi ately, it was learned yesterday Issuance of tho order two we ks ahead of the liuer's scheduled return to Franeo was accepted as meaning the presi dent may des'.ro to have her in readiness in the event it is necessary fer him to leave the conference on account of de lays. I I ID Poiilkid And Los Aageles To Ciasb. Seattle Ari Seals At Trisco. Los Angeles, Cul., April 7, Aroma of roasting peanuts in tU vicinity of Washington Park, told the baiiat fan this morning thut tomorrow afternoon 1'ortlaud and tho Angels will open tho Ceast lenguo season here. It meant ev erything, including the peanut uud pop boys, was ready. While the Angels held the' last nre senson workout the Yornoa Tigors were moving eastward to &alt Lake, having boarded tho ruttlor at 10 o'clock lost ! night. The full Tiger squcd is miming the triii, with the exocpttoa of Hob Meuse.l, who told Bill Essiok tko Ver non contract didn't look good to hiin and so ho, stayed home. Han Francisco, April 7. With the weather man promising the best pos sible inelerological conditions and ttic returning soldier fans eager to keep up grenade throwing practice with pop but ties, the 1010 ('oast leagua sen son will be ushered in tomorrow witk the Seattle club opposing San Francises-. Casey Smith will pitch for tho Seals, .villi brooks catching. Big ty ialken burp will be in the box for tke Siwashcs nnd Land will complete tha battery. This is Seattle's first appearance iu Const leairiio ball for many rears. Hill Ulymer, tho Siwash niuinsger, insis.s, however, that his team baa the gonfalon already nailed to the Seattle flagstaff San Francisco, April '7. Tou csa't blame 'em for growling. Bssebsil fans now call the Seattlo club tke "piirps." Newark. N. J., April 7. Benney Leonard, lightweight champion, and Willie Ritchie, former' holder of tke title, have been matched for as eight round go before the Newark Sports men's club hero April 28. 8an Francisco, April 7. Mike Gib bon is expected here Friday morning from St. Paul. The ''"hsoUia" la sign ed to meet the winner of tke Soldier Bartfeld Billy Papke boot week. here this San Fruncisco, April 7. A gold chev ron on the right sleeva of soldier is a season pass at th Faeifie Coast league diamond here. All wounded sol Iters will be admitted frea t tke grand standeven tha war tax kaiag paid for them. Declare War Oi Serbia London, April 7. Aa Kxokaage Tel- to tha aetual amount of food m Ger egraph dispaUh from Roms today re--many. Nor does this indicate thnt there ported that Hungarian kolahsviki ha is enosgs food, or that (iermany does declared war on Serbia, which it de- t see ajsr. manding allied aid. Martial law waa. During the last two months food hss said to havo bean proclaimed throng k 'eome from any sources in small quanti- out .Serbia. jtiea, bat la aa aggregate large enough ' to keep the market good for those who BAKER BAILS FOB FRANCE ihave maasy, or know how to get sup New York, April 7 of War Baker sailed for France today on the transport leviathan. He was accom- panied bv officers of the genertl staff 1'ortand for, who wil linspeet army units remaining . .. . '. . . . . abroad. The secretary went aboard the leviathan at her dock at Hoboken. Go- in down the bav tha transport waa Sl luted bv the flotilla of small eraft bear- ing those waitin to wcleome Vice Ad- . mimi Him. .nrnino in tan Msnr- o . -u mirai nims, comuiK m do isb inn- tania. Promise of Peace By Easter Grows More Encouraging By Fred S. Ferguson (United l'ress Staff Correspondent) Paris, April 7. When the "big four" resumed its con ferences here today a feeling of hope prevailed in Ameri can circles that the predictions of Premier Lloyd-George and Foreign Minister Pinchon of an "Easter peace" will come true. Whether this is possible, it was declared, depends chiefly on the British and French. So if they have con cluded they can agree on the various problems by that j date, peace is much nearer, The Americans, however, were the i-Mual pen-e 'late forecasters, naming March 20, March 25, then April 1. Oa the basis of the American conclusions, b1i llliv yei,t,.rdav in preparation for to an agreement appeared possible on each i day's meeting of the "big four." f these dates. j A settlement has been delayed , oeyonu rue American iorecasi ooviousiy through no fault of the Americans. Tho more optimistic of the delegi.tcs believed the question which has been hiefly responsible for rteinr-. na tions would be cleaned up today. The task for the pust two weeks lias been getting together on this problem. Lloyd-tieorges pre-election pledges and French promises of making tho Oermaus iiy the full cost of the war huvo been the stumbling blocks. After the "big four hnd virtually greed oil the nlaa. for leaving collec- linns in the hands of a special perma nent commission without naming a specified amount of indemnities, a di vision of reparation under the yenrly idlcetioa scheme became wreatlv in volved. Leading bunkers from the Scandinavian countries, "Holland and other neutrals arrived todav to confer with tho financial experts of the peace conference regarding (iermnn credits in their countries. The Germans recently advanced tho plea that thev wero un able to make immediato gold pnvmcnts to the allies owing to tho interest on FEEDING 50,000,000 PEOPLE OF GERMANY MONSTER. PROBLEM New CoveniKt Mast Solve Source Of Sspply For NaiioijfelicEs. By Frank J. Taylor Ke: Iin, March n. (By Mail.)- Feed ing moro than fifty million hungry tier- man mouths is the uiosl imuiediute prob lem of the new republic. The people ex pert their new government to do won ders, and the nprisings t lint have taken place have been immediately tho results of hunger, though fr.rther back a polit- iral causa can almost always lie found as tae aim or isaaers. Germany's hungry are many, perhaps us many as fifty million, perhaps some whst (ess. Owing to the underground tritfic, or "schleichhandel, " ns it is al!ed, the best experts in the countiy do aot know exsctly how the food situ atioa stands. The stitrving arc of course far fewer thaB the hungry, for Ui rmnny is still organized fur emergencies. Thera were authorities who said when the war ended that Germany would be .mnA.t K.F U....I, .,l,.M B vm,h.ib.j uy m.m.v., I enormous quantities of fond were sent in by the astside world. March is hern aud there is no evidence of food de creasing or stopping abruptly. The sit uation remain much the same, with not essstfh food and with tho quality poor f. tks most purt in cities, and with prices far over the heads of the poor le. Ths fact that there is food does not necessarily mean the food authorities wera Imii ta deceive the world. On Ik eoarrary, they were probably hon est as far a they knew, lint it does demonstrate kow little anyone knows as plies. H ia not eold iu the own mar- ket, where cards are required to get what ra want to buy. Hut no one who can afford to live dcpvids 0Kin the open market. "If I lived upon what I could get in the honest and lawful way J . i t i.i a 4kf by means of cards, 1 would starve, that ia all," i statement you hear often, espeeiallr in Berlin. Almost the whole, or certainly the. majority of the population, of Berlin ' -n way, aad wears elothes secured in tho live an rood secured in ine uniawiui ,: i nnt....1 credits to certain neutrals falling ius. Th ' of li'e crcdita will be leara- . r,nKm.;n, xn watUA - ' , . Definite RllSSiail rOaCY Outlined By American Delegation Is Report Paris, April 7. The Amer ican peace delegation has evol ved a definite Russian policy, it was reported today. It will be nubmitted to the other al lied delegations for ratification Tho reported policy, it was said, doc not include recog nition of the bolshevik govern ment, but is such that Premier Lcnino is likely to accept it. I Recent Vuited Press dis--pat'ihc disidosed a "pcaco pro IKHtiil" submitted to the allies by Premier Lenine, promising to .discontinue HviMicvik prop agnniln and grant anti-bolshevik districts the right of self determination,' in ' roturn for withdrawal of nU armies and shipment of ford aud raw ma terials, " unlawful way, and gets practically ev erything Ihrough tho greatest business in Germany today " schleichhandel. " "Sehleicliliandel" means business oi the si- There aro thousands in the business. Reiiulutions tirevent ofliees or from selling (nods on tho sly. Hence jinyst of the " selileichliandel' ' deulers ply their trado iu baskets, or solicit business from Imuso to house, in hotels or in tho streets, always keeping as much iimler cover as possible. Vsunlly, before you have been in a ho ii inajiy nay somo waitor who has been watching you closely will como in lyour room und whisper, 'I)oe the gen tlemun want to buy t, ham. I know where J can get one for only a hundred and eighty marks." That makos some twentylivo or thirty dollars tn real money. Or he will know how to get a dozen eggs for fifty cents an gg, or butter at five dollars a pound, all oa the sly. How tho "schleichhandel" merchant plies his trade in the suburbs was told by a cultured, well-to-do womaa, wks unonureii vuu main a request to sea a I " nnl...n ...1. 1. 1 - ..L!. s'"i-"'n "no nun nouioining very ii-inuiuti anit ccnriiieniiai to talk aiiout." He had a side of beef to sell and half s ati..U f ,l,it Cl,.. t,.T - ".." "fui, nill u U- ,iad smuggled iu from the eouiury. l'hs woman, who would havo disdained such it rail during the first -Hires yeurs of the war, said apologetically, "You have to come to it, or else go Hungry, rtincc everybody does it, wo hare to." There were and still are thousands of "schlcichhr.ndul" artist who mskc it a practice to go to small country towns, buy what they can carry and bring it to cities to sell at exorbitant prices. In many small towns, guards have been stationed in depots to-search the bag gage of thosn taking trains, especially suspicious characters. The result was usually not the prevention of food leav ing those stations, but the increase of prices of " scheichhamdnl " goods. The merchants added so much to the exorbi :ant prices as "fees for good inspee tors" bribery, if you want to call it that, but a lot of people are susceptible to it in Germany these hard times. "Hclileiehhandd" obviously can thrive only when there is food in cer tain regions, and in exnsiderable qunn ti ty. In the country districts thero is :.l...l.lI...i l . considerable. Weimar, for example, was helped hy the government when the as sembly was there on tho theory that Wcimr.r could not feed the two or three - thousand guest it wonld have for scv (Continued on page two) BAVARIA PLANS FOR LAST STAND Communists Force Fcnaer Ruling Powers To Flee Frea Msiich. OPPOSITION TO SOVIET CONSIDERED fiOMESS Armed Troops Seize Assembly Bilding Ard Proh&ii Landtag Meeting. By Frank J. Taylor (1'nited Press Rtnff Correspondent) Heriin, April 6. The Bavarian gov ernment, considering opposition to communist hopeless, is leaving Munich, in-cording to dispatches from that tiiy today. It nbins to make a Inst stand at Hcmhcrg (LI" miles north of Munirbh The majority socialists are reported to be making efforts to prtvent firm establishment of the recently proclaim ed soviet republic. Thcv are centering their campaign in the rural districts. Landtag Meeting lifted. Communists, armed with - maehino guns, are reported to hnvn seized tea ! assemlAr building in Munich yesterday morning, preventing a meeting of th landtag. At the sumo time tho com munists begun strengthening their tics with the lluugnriaii anil Russian so-, v iets. I The Huvnriun soviet leaders ate re ported to be demanding abolition of all 'government parties, proclamation of a general political strike and fraterniza tion of the Havurian, Hungarian and i Russian soviet with the entente null- teals. They are sivid to consider ovei throw of the Bavarian government as the signal for uprisings in the entesta I;? nuiitries which will abolish all natinnnJ ! differences. Demand Demobilization. Iu lierlin, the soviet executive has demanded abolition of V'.'i, r Minis ter Noske's volunteer army. It etilleit upon nil workmen to boycott he build ings in which recruiting Is going on. Some of the newspapers charged today that Pus:iin ageuts are cooperation wlih the Spurtncuns in tho new revolution nnd have completely de moralized sevornl of the government ' regiments. It was also charged that, an other plot has been discovered to liber ate and arm Hussion wi'.r prisoners. Twenty Persons Iniurtd Aid Brj Damage Done By Cycbna OiniAn. Neb, April 7-Twenty per- S'ltis were lnjurcii aril property ilain nge cslimnted nt i-'OI'dO was done by a tornado whi.h htr;ick the western portion of the city last night, M-hw Frances Mirklen ti, whoso rack wnsi broken, wag the only one seriously in jured. About sixty w re in the di me! path of the Venn. All of tbcin were ibiuiiiged and several wero com pletely di"troy(d. All the damage wa done in the lUuidee-Clift Hill st'c.tio". Toiuihes of the twister wero felt in other parts of the state. Near Elm- wood several (farm houses wero wrrck- ed and outbuilding Mown awny. A woman living on a farm near there wa.4 carried 200 feet Uironiih the air, escap ing with slight ia.juriM. Loss of livestock and 'lamngo i wheatficUls by hail are reportc. Ahe Martin A feller never realises how little ho knows till ha trie f help h-s little boy out on a school composition. Nobndiiy ever paid th' fiddler feeiin' .