PAGE EIGHT IKK DAILY ( A n u JOURNAL, SALEM. OKEGON. SAT URDAY, APRIL 5, 1919. In . y it - Mo., . bit V It GREAT ADVERTISING AGEMTS HOLD JUBILEE (Continued from Pa;e 1.) rbtUirately bound t.;id illustrated auto gravid buok bore the inscrintion: 'To F. Wayland Aver, who made a motto and has lived it, who evolved a principle mill has practical it. who act u iileal and has UlaiacJ it." The agency was the first to adopt the pen contract plan, with a fixed com luissiua, since adopted by practically all ether agoucies, which quickly revolu tionized American advertising and laced in ou a hiiih plane. Tue p'an originated by N. W. Aver k Mou con cedes the right of an agent to a reason able profit and places the agent and the advertiser on the ssuie aide of the counter at sellers. The modem adver tising agency ia as different from the old us a department store is from a pack peddler. The Ayor agency made the first suc cessful venture into advertising a staple a- a brtimled, trade inuked product. That ens with Vmeda Hiscuit. Since then they have developed such famous products as "Domino Sugar," ''i'rin Albert Tobacco." "Camel Cigarettes." 'Kato Corn Syrup," " Hires liotit IWr Beer," nud "1M7 Uugcis Ilros." Anions other well kuuwn products ad vi iliscl by Ayi r are "I'nited States Tires." " National Cash Registers," "Stein way l'iunus," "Life-Saver Alinis," 'Netli Tohiuaa Clocks." "lllue Mio Me Overalls," "Dixon IVncils,'' jmd "t'c;nk!iu Fountain I'cns." 1 i : ; v i : i u won ils place as t no ion-most advertising agency in the country, N. W. Aver b S fn has set its aim upon still greater thiujjs for advertising busi iies. Recently it started un anvi rtis ing cumpi.ign to "Advertise Advertis ing," ioiutiug out to the render of the duilv newspaper the benefit to be do med from reading ca'ii'ullv every ad vcrtiseinoiit.' 'J'Imh cuinpuiyn provides for one niece i.f toitv inh cope once at week, over a period of lit least weeks. According to uiiiiuunceiiieut made at the baniiiet, by William M. Armi Ktend, member of the firm, over nine hundred nowspupeia have accepted tlw ciiiiipniun. A glimpse into the future of mlver lining was given by Wilfred V. Fry, an other member of the firm, ia u talk ou "The Next Fifty Years." Numbered among thw gucst:i nt the linn(Uet wuro representatives of each of the clients of N. W, Ayer & Hun, taid the four hundred oinplo.ves of the firm. J'ngo boys and page girls were ranged behind tint chuiis of Hie speakers as living "place cards." Kscunced behind the cliair of Mr. Tuft was a In lug pie. tin re of O. 0. 1'. .ltehijid Mr. Holt, of the Ladies' Home Journul, was "Color l'uge" lit bluck fneo makeuii. I'nging Mr. Jot dun, of the Jordan Motor far company, wua "Miss l'lay Boy" in ehinuctoiistic "Jordau Arrow" costume. 'Behind Mr. Kingsbury, of the American Telephone 6 Telegraph Cu., stood r. "lineman." Mr. Hubst, of American Sugnr tame, was announced by a package of ''Domi no Kugar." The history of X. W. Aver ft Son, as told by Mr. Aver, recnlled to publish crs and advertiser present, many of whom lmd been in tint business for over f if I v yours, the early struggles of ad vertisiug for a respected plucc In busi ness. At the time the ngomcy was founded In IMP, advertising was eon finecl to n very f.-w lines such as patent medicines, lobneoa, seeds nud agricul tural iuipleinentH. There were only a few (M'-nt dnilv newsnn tiers it ml the. ' hlv magnr.lnoi wore Bnlaown, N. W.' Ayer & Hon sturted without vmplovos, In seven years there wora twontl. In 1lo:i they numbered L'OO, and tmlnv they number nearly 400. The firm early minuted the motto. "Keeping F.vcrlustiugly at It livings fsin iess, " and wilh a beginning of 1.1, OiMl (he first year todt.y it points to un an mint business of mane millions. With in ten yours it hud taken (lie lead aio-mg advertising Hmn-ica In the tniiiiMit of business placed, ami lias kept .. .;V . i ! Xf ! I i ; v. hi , t ! '-I i f I i I l L m OlOJM J or j Ths House if RcMilty The "Siop" wiere sbp?E is We are showb? "Exclusive Merchandise" asd our prices ap'eiiare are tm LATEST PARISIAN FASHIONS OF BLACK VELVET. j Left, black velvet gown trimmed with jet black beads, j Right, gown of black velvet with a blue-black embroider- j ed tunic. The belt is of blue velvet, with buckle. They, are the creations of Paquin, one of Paris' famous dress; ftv i artists. 11 . Dresses, Coats, Suits, Capes -and Dolmans Our lines embody a splendid extensive and exclusive selection of smart new models. They include "Dolmans" the hit of the season, in the newest cloths and weates. Three styles, Butterfly Dolman, Chicken Dol- if man, Novelty Dolman Are very new creations, the last word. Our buyers this season have most certain ly out done themselves, not only with the "Dolmans" but with the most exquisite W aiets, Stylish Suits and Coats : and the New Swagger Capes We invite you to come in and inspect o.u- showing, whether a purchaser or not TURNER BOY SCORES THE ASSERTION THAT MEN SEEK TO REMAIN IN U. S. ARMY to I lie Capital Journal ; Yiito in the national army newt uiudfl In a letter teeming with wruth at the suggMtiou inure than $;I0 a mouth pocket money that must of the men in the A. K. l' . bel'ore he enlisted! They are the bct would he content to spend the rest of men that the stntea hiiil. Men with tbeir lives in the army, with expenses i ability and hiaiii power, who gave tip paid and ttto a month pocket money, good positions and all the comfort) of John W. ScuiflVicT. of Turner, who is lifn to serve their country. And H.U5 new with tliu American urinv of oci w-1 pocket money per wci did not look put Jitn, ,tukts occasion ty deny flatl'lkr high to them, tho assedlions contained in an alleged j " l!ut our punpose lis, been fulfilled iutorview with un Aniericnn officr and wo are nnitioits to go home and wo in Franco. The interview iu question ; are not ashamed to say so, or to tava was written by Cameron Mac others know it. and printed iu the Vuris edition of th. " y,m mt know that this national Now Vork Herald of Fcbrutuy 19. ltnrmy is aot made up of men like om hss been condemned by practically the f our old regular that got into the whole A. K. F. (service not because their country call- "After reading Mr. I'nnieion Mae-! ed, but ibecnuse the r thought army life Ken.ii!' article of February 1!) I win the easiest ta fcad and to whom every say that the ine represents just th":l."i honently made, without renponsiOil opposite nt' the feeling in the army of ! ity attached, looked Jiig. occupation,'' . bitterer write. "If I Shown to th World ho is urn niiny coir, pondciit that has I "Thoso were men not used, or not spent nil of hU lime in the H. (). 8. I .fit to match their knowlelgo with tho nnd believes Unit they, with the M. 'ever Hncnasin'tlr fcarder ipiestion of 1. u and Y. M. f. A. won the war, 'muking a living tar theinselvea then destroy tins letter. Tnere is nv a wile or family. uso talking to yoa. (1 mean this Mr. MacKeunie.) Hut, ou the other hand, if you want to tell the tiulh, comn up "Hut we men have shown the world that we s'ould do any thing expected of us. We trained officers, non com- hiro Instead of inlcrviewing off ii'els i missioned off icei. ami nlher m. n i.ce.l in I'aris and listen to whut we hnvicd in the mnrhf and in every placo in ay. ion hiu ue auie to wine uooh;they Jiava shown tbst tlicy are at least ou tlm Inlorinutioa you receive. jas .0, rh the regulars. In no inatanee " Uo you really and truly ibebevo-- have they failed. I mean .Mr. Muchcnme- that a pr i "It wjs one of the wonders of the j world, this great national army. Men it ever since. Hjncr its founding the I taken from all positions in life and agency has pi. ill to publishers more tliuu ' made good under Jit'ticultiiM and t!OI),0!Mi,omi. nhowed ia many instances their super- l UHlTli'VEllllS , tr iMii'li'it'iiieium 4 At 7:i '! r "I"" i i i:lt;iii!iiiit'i'i'i'i'n'i.:i"s!-inS. . h.i , -.,iiiUaui.t..3r vii-v: p-n.4. v t J.-J iliii ..' iii.lillil.iii.iiiiilih;tn . 4- 1 "5. 5 I '3 -y Tho all -yot-round soft drink. Leadership, onco establisliod, h slreii-ffiliened and confirmed by its fclloVtOfs and imitators Bevo's leadersliip h proclaimed by .he largest rear ard ihzt ever followed a leader. Sol J everywhere -FamiliiM suppliod hy grocer, ilrtilst nnd ddKr."'iltor t corUUliy Invltfd to inpeit our plan. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. !. -'sJ: j : 9 mm 5591 TV??" m4 V ' I m .ft ilUVtCsl This cut skawx one of our lines of CORSETS. -Tkis department is one of which we are justly proud, carrying 4 f the leadei'6. We can correctly corset any figure. Nemo, Bon Ton, Sa Royal Worcester SMS and DRESS GOODS Suffice to say tut stock is replete with new cloths of accepted shades and weaves. All priced right.. c ; ''V Easter Togs For Beys The boy deserves his EASTER SUIT and SUN DRIES equally with the girl. Our line of BOYS' SUITS is the best made in America.--A big claim, but they' are the "Xtra good" kind, that says it all I i o.' J- L We cany everything to dress up the key, and all GOOD GOODS. Shirts, Hats Underwear. 4 Men's correct style Hab erdashery is one f eur departments that is kept up to the minute. You can always do better at v iloooe. The house that has some thing new every day. We can please everybody. Why not yeu? ' 4 """tttfttminm.. titi.iii-Ulilllll ::: - :.J m N A. I' Uliimiitit r ilk IIni'li, Wli.ilcsidc liivtieinliiis roll I I..VM1, UHR. Dim." .1. Fry. W iitIkmi-c M.eii.r .NAM M. UIS I'. 11 -f- iority. Hut now titer ire ng'r tiaifs awaiting these mra of t antioaal army. Great coinuirrcial aad ilitiial questions aie yrlsinf tad lwitiii settlement and we ara cteaaisj and rebuilding rnuds ia Gerasaa tillsjet. instead of putting alt of aur remit-ces back of the Foiled Stale. What Sank U Tats? "You wiotc I men tki Ur. Ua Kennie '1 do not believa tkat tk av erage American officer, certainly up to the rank f lieuteaaat' asd sa oa. Where, do you get that officer .below the rank of licuteimntf Just wkera do you got the rest of the fcuak you art trying to give us( Every foldirr that I have sHken to thinks your article cidiciili us and I could pick the same to pieces, but do ant feel tkat aa ar ticle like, yours deserves a much of my time. 1 hjve treveled aver quite a little of trance, Ilelgiuin, lamembuig nnd (icnnnnv and all one eaa hear f pe tally since the armistier win sign ed, is 'When ate we goin houief 1 ou do not ask a friend after not hav ing seen him for a leng tiiuo iu a civ ili.ed manner, 'How are ou,' or tome thing like that, hut 'Whan are you go ing home,' or 'What "a the dope," or 'That lucky division is home.' ''If you think I am wrong just put a couiien in vnur paper regarding the iipiestiou of going home and see who i wins, the men nnrious to go hack to the states or the ones willing to stay 'here and let the army regulate their lives and give tlicin t'M) pocket money 'per month in exchange. "Taking the payroll ot our regi ment as a basis, I have found that men under the rank of commissioned offi cers only rcecio an nvcrage of $1 pi r m. mill and the same condition pre vails in most outfits. How far that money reachfc! in France or over here i yen know yourself. I "It is a good thing that we have jone paer with the proper spirit back jof us, the ( hicngo Tribune. And e 'nil hoK that your good pajwr will take the lame stand tor the boys as Id'.d the I li;ia:u Tribune, with its U !!fin. home this buys toot seet,' And it w II not be forgotten y the boys in the A. K. F. A. O. "This officer that yon received your information trom knew better than to have his uame mentioned, if he really existed. He surely never een--nred mail nnd got his opinions from the men. It probably a only a Inam of an idciilist .reported in l'ar a. liaas lie wrote about, "I taiak your article an insult to trery deceat Kni intelligent American ia tka aatiuaal army, and that you onfkt to kave ike article recalled and apologize through your paper and kurnbly ej tae pardon of our 'dough boyi . ' "Tan tl aot know them as well aa t da, according to your article, or how da yen explain the court martinis and priaoaerf ia ,iail ia Wittlich since the armiafice, if all our boys are just hurst i h ( with satisfaction and glad- aevs. "Tou speak of our chances to see i things; you do not see much when you hike day after day with a full pack and equipment front France to Ger many. After arriving here you get a I'ti hour pass about once in every six weeks. Then your holiday in Treves begins. Every sort of fun is stopped by the M. F. 'a and all von hear is 'dua't do this' and 'don't do that,' or your holiday will be followed by a little court martial. A "furlough is very hurd to get and in these villages there is nothing to see whatsoever. "I beiieve I hive said enough to set you thiuking nnd 1 wooid be glad to answir any mirations that would give you different ideim bout the boys ofj the national army than the ones ex pressed in vour nrtiele of V'ebruarv III." JACKSON HILL ROAD WORK HALTED BY SUIT Jackson hill is something more than at 13 per ccBt (eras). The bill has been known to trayallers since the day of tho stag roach as it is said to be tho ii:i- point ia (s talley. The new rami atauad tha kill as smvcvid by tho Ihiifhwiiy ttepHrtsiMit Kill nil bo of j water. Action Is Brought Agaiast heariinf on the rsd and Mr. Oorpatein Judge And County Ceurt Bj ; mt Z ?7Z?, P rnmcfoin "ni tia" ,,oI,'ll "l all work until aft- I , VUipSiCUl. !er April the date of the hctring. , Among those who are familiar with Suit has been filed against Judga the situation, the oninicn is ueaeraRv Bushey and tho Marion county court by expressed tkat the property of Mr. Corp 1'. t'orpsleiat, who owns soma prune stein would be greatly enhanced by tho tracts near the Sunnyside school house, hard surfaced highway passing thtuvgii asking fnr a review of the order for one corner of one of his tracts. Orrtt laying out a new road t0 avoid the marily these writs asking fof a raview Jackson hill road south 0f th eity. . ate just preliminary proceedings to dam .nr. vui-miein, woo is luinoermau in, age suns. Arizona, in his petition alleges tnut he HUNGARIANS (rontinue,! from Page 1.) tent may not be interpreted as a po litical maneuver against the allies. I reply we were working for this sys ten long bifore the allies started their maneuvers n gainst us. "Our prcgram provides for monnpo li .n t inn of internal commerce by the state. it in free trade; the exchange of goods on n compensa tional rasis. "The mi'ry in Russia has deli her- j greut atel onel tiett'.ns ot Tile Hhiou I met there, can :his. (lielu Kun furmerlv nio un to I. con Trotsky.) "We will try cmh to send our repre sentatives to ali foreign governments, including the alln s. ' knew nothing of the order of the court by which about a half acre off one cor ner of a tract of land belonging to him was to be cut off by the new road around Jackson hill, surveyed bv the highway department. The writ of review was granted yes terday bv Judge Kelly at Albnnv and the case will come un for a hrarine i. I fore Judge Kelly Mimida" April at ; Kaiem. fit his suit nuainst the county court, Mr. t'orpstein alleged tliii the proceed ing were erroneous and that his proper ity had been seriously affected by lfav lug the In. i .t suilaced highway cut oil sometliiug less than haif ail acre. in the survey of the roaT. (he high way department ass well as the counly eourt regarded the !tu-fils or n nard turfaccd highway through the property as greater than the amount of land tak en for a tio foot rond. t'ha les II. Taylor and the estate of ""iitrke Kodgers, both agreed with the countv that the road would prove of benefit and neither asked anv Following raid across the Rio Grande river during a bliiidiliv storm by Mexican bandits Wednesday I night, a troop ia command of Captain iMatlick overtook and killed five nf this bandits, recovered the horses and cattle stolen iiu.l returned to the America side. been greatly exaggerated. Col-1 li. mages of the countv. In fact, no par corroborate aide Lieutenant A. C. Chandler, l"Pe profcsMtr of oolov at Oregon Agricul tural college, is making a study of rat Inr any Iro'ii the place a-d cor.di- itanii,- in France. Ami rii an army, ties interested have filed any objection ex-ein,ig Mr. ( orpslein. The result of this suit and the xntiit ing nf the writ for n review will resit; in the holding tip of all work on th, road around the Jackson hiil un n urn-r April LS. The new road will oxteno about three miles but will be rather r x H,nMe iu co.istrm tinn n it wi:i jn lude a iinmber of ruts, fi l, am' bridges. Tlic re.rd r.s new located over t!i' "CAN I BE CURED?' SAYS THE SUFFER How often hn-.-e you lie-in , cry from ihe tietims of !i r, hapa the disorder has j-.i,,. i ... f. , . help, but oftencr it is j i, b, ltK i;: stages and Ihe paim snd . i In me e naturc'a first 4f;,., fr . ,. .., ; despair. Find out the u .-c nature ail the kelp r..u , . . " will repay yon win - l:h ' i;. the kidiioy. The kj! c .. overworked -rs.:s of i;,e (, ana when tlo-v bt !l - tittering end t It ,-..C. -.J J r-. .. that cor,.-rar,-y n -. i -i ! t -tcm, ererr tl ir r 51 ,. , MKDAI, II- j. .. (. 1 , . irlve aluint icin j;..i.. ;.. . tie and'i.r tn- i1 ; dred ailuu-i.' . TI . W'dy from j.aia i:i s' ; . sure to pH COI.n '' ' the r.ame on every i . : sealed psckpgs. !i,:, Ihcr d., t- t )-!' . 1 11 . 1 1. I . t f