Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 05, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Bate per word New Tods;:
Elk'l inaertioa 1
M week (8 insertions) , 54
C month (6 insertions) 17
The 0j ti Journal will sot be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
tor errors in Classified Advertisements
Send your advertisement the first day
It appears and notify us immediately if
nor occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c
WANTED Cattle and calves enjr
kind. Phone 1570 W. 5
WHITE Rock eggs for hatching.
Phone 93F5 or 403R. 4 7
FOR SALE Earlv fuggle hop roots.
Phone SW2R, J. A. Krebs. tf
FOR SALE One chain drive Ford
truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf
MALLARD duck hatching eggs for
sale at 544 State St. 4 7
FRESH cow for sale. Phono 14S3 or
22U5 N. Church. 4-7
WANTED Furnished house by April
Is or 15th. Phone 355. tf
MOTORCYCLE for gale. Phone 8F23
evenings. tf
FARM hiiud wanted. Call Salem 3F3,
C. C. Russell. tf
COOD gentle team for sale. Thone 693
FRANKLIN louring car for sale, 744
N". Commercial St. 4 5
FOR SALE Newcom fly shuttle car
pot loom. Woodry auction room. 4-5
WANTED All kinds of chicken. Will
par top price. Phone 1339J. tf
WANTED Experienced grafterg at
Fruition d nursory. Phone 111F2L, Sa
lem Rt. 6. tf
WANTED An experienced man to
prune joung pear trees. Call 491 or
1431. . 45
TOR SALE 6 room house and lot,
1M0, call on my agent, Wm. Flom
ing, 341 State St. tf
FOR 8 ALB Good loganberry wire.
Capital Junk Co., 71 Chemeket.
Phone 398. tt
A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State St,
Phone 311. Overland service and
general repair shop. 4-7
iWALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
npward. Buren ' Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
WE PAY highest cash price for eggs,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Co, 171 8. High St. Phone
1400. tf
FOR SALE At 1200 Jefferson St. a
nice little house end lot for $323;
can give terms; ect quick, for this
is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf
WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
. run for sale, at a bargain Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1400. tf
CENTER Street Garage just opening
a general repair shop; car washed
and polished. 245 Center St. Phone
827, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15
NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6.
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on cortain linos. Phone
GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms
partly furnished; will lease very
reasonable. Inquiro 500 N. Cora'l
Rt. or phono 1540M. tf
We Buy and Sell at the Market
Tax Exempt
Farm Loans
314 Masonic Temple
Salem, Ore.
POR SALE Pansy plants. Marunr,
211 Miller St. " 4-3tf
IFRESU cow for sale. Phone 105F11.
4 5
FOR R FAT Best apt. at the Miller.
633 Ferry, tf
WOOD for sale, rhone 7&F11. 47
Headquarters for baby chicks, tf
FOR SALE Indian Kunncr duck eggs
10 cents each. Phone 7294. 4 5
POR SALE 2 bottom hop or orchard
plow. 3093 Portland road. 4 5
FOR REK'T -Clean apartments for
clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer
ry St. - tf
FOR SALE 1916 well equipped Excel
aior motorcycle, with side ear. Phone
250OW2. 45
WANTED A few loads of good top
dirt and few loads manure. Phone
1204. 3-7
WANTED Men to cut white fir cord
wood by contract. F. M. Suver,
Dallas, Or. 4-5
FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may
obtain same by describing same at
thi office and paying for ad. tf
FOR SALE 2 work horses, 5 and 9
years, woight 1150. F. Drager.
Phone 107P12. 4-9
FOR SALE 5 room house, lara lot,
barn, plenty fruit 406 N. 24th.
call after 5:30 p. m. 4-5
FOR SALE Iron bod and springs, bed
room stand, porch chair, oil heater,
kitchen table. Call mornings at 775
Center St. 4 5
FOR SALE Gold Dollar strawberry
plants, very fine; 60o per hundred,
$4 per thousand. Phone 6PF21 eve
nings. W. E. Scott. 45
FOR SALE 1 rfcre with 5 room bun
galow, lights, large barn, chickon
house, wood shed; about a dozen
bearing fruit trees, on good road at
fairgrounds for $2100. 2045 Portland
road. 4-5
HOMESTEAD in Canada for 123.
This includes faro to Alberta; board
traveling and locator's expenses.
Fine mixed farming district. Partic
ulars at my office, only. C. W.
Nicmeyer, Masonic building. tf
MARRY If lonolyj for results, try me;
nrest roliablo; years experience; de
soriptiorns free. "The Successful
Makor"; hundreds rich wish mar
riage soon; strictly eon'fudratial;
best and most successful "Home
Club," Mrs. Purdio, Bji 556, Oak
land, Cal.
FOR SALE 480 A In Jefferson coun
ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur
ham eows, increase about 20 calves,
1 registered Durham bull, good house
barn partly finished, with lumber to
finish on place; some timber, some
pasture and all tillable land under
Suttlo lake irrigation project. A snap
at $S000. Address M J 8 care Jour
nal. tf
Ml'LIS HORSES Last .opportunity
to buy stock of this kind, at such
low prices, from $2(10 to $283 per
span. Six span good young fmilrs,
weight 2100 to 2000; four spnn well
matched horse tennis, biocky built,
heavy boned , kind, weight 2500 to
2700, ages 5 to 8; stock is gentle,
well broke and sound. Guarantee
or trial given with all, if not na rep
resented money refunded; also sev
eral sets harness. 254 S. Liberty,
Waring 's barn. 4-5
TRY Streets' new garage at 430 S.
Coiu'l. Fust elaa mechanic . - 4 7
HOME grown mushrooms for sale.
1310J. 4 5
FOR SALE K. W. 13 Ford Master
vibrator, half price. Phone 2153R
evenings. 4-5
FOR SALE Neat five room bungalow
large lot, paved street, $1500. Own
er. Phone evenings 2310J2. 4-5
FOR SALE 8 room modern house
with garage, paved street, 4 blocks
from state house. Price $4000, terms
F. N. Derby, 315 Masonic bldg. 4 8
FOR SALE The two story frame
building at 312 North Commercial
street. See R. P. Boise, Brevman
block. 4 5
WANTED By permanent renter, 6 or
7 room house with garage and gar
deu, or few acres of land, modern
house preferred. Write 1195 N. Cot
tage. 49
PLANT artichokes if you want cheap
hog feed. Both top, and tubers make
snlcndil feed. I have a few bushels
left. Thone 022 or 34. tf
YOUR future foretold. Send dime, age,
birthdate for truthful, reliable, con
vincing trial reading, ilaccl llause,
Box 1408, Los Angeles, Cal.
CAL. WIDOW 32, worth $25,000. Maid
en 21. worth $00,000 anxious to mar
ry honorable gentlemen. Mrs. Warn,
221lVi Temple, Los Angeles, Cal.
3PIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A
Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Heme Thurs. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R.
RANCH WANTED Wanted to hear
from owner of good ranch for sale.
Stats cash price, full particulars. D.
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
WANTED I havo a buyer for a good
home on South Commercial street;
also have buyer for a five or six
room bungalow in good locution. F.
L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 4 5
AS I am leaving the city will sell my
9 room house on paved street, high,
sightly location, lot 75x150; $3500
cash. iNoue others need apply. Phone
1343. 4-7
FOR SALE 9 sores, half fruit, bal
ance cultivated, good buildings, 4
blocks from car line, block irom
city limits on Garden road, Box 230.
Terms. 4-8
FOR SALE Five acres adjoining W
balem. Three acres plowed land,
good amise and well. For sale or
rent. 64F4. 4 8
FOR SALE 5V4 acres on paved road.
1 nulo east of fairground, priced
very reasonable. For particulars call
ut 1505 Broadway. 4-5
FOR SALE Or trade, from 10 to 30
acres of stump land, all good berry
and clover land, 2 miles east of Sa
lem. Will take some trade or work
with man or team for part payment.
John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. tf
FOR SALE 9 acres. j mile east of
end of 12th street carhne, acre
strawberries, 1 acre loganberries,
young orchard, good 5 room house,
barn, chickon and hog houso, good
well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or
Suudavs. $2000. James Callahan. 4-5
3ACRGFICH SALE 5 room house
bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2
full lots. 80 rose bushes cherries,
plums, d'eacjies, Tnaberrief, grapes,
chicken houso and barn. Worth
$12)0 for $9"0; terms. See mo to
morrow, Lavallonr, 271 N. Commer
cial. Phone 731. tf
90 aero prune orchard. Splendid
buildings. $40,000.
IS acres all in prunes and loganber
ries. $0000.
140 acres. Good buildings. 15 acres
prunes. $0000. $1500 cash will han
dle. 40 acre prune orchard. $9000. Take
stock ranch part pay.
13 acres bearing orchard. $4500.
15 acres. 7 in prune. lood build
ings. $4500.
20 acres, 10 in prunes. $VwH).
40 acres. 34 in prunes. $11,000.
9Vi acres all bearing prunes. Strict
ly modorn house. $95o0. A fine in
vestment and home.
100 aero farm. Good buildings. All
in crop. Running stream. On main
road. $125 an acre.
10 acres with good house. All cul
tivated. Close in. $3500.
5 acres 3 miles out. All cultivated.
Plastered house. $1700.
Masonic Building
Are now able to take
care of your plumbing
wants in their new loca
tion, 220 North Com
mercial street. Phone
rilONK 15T2J for lot plowing. 4 5
FOR SALE 1 Js(s?y covr. Phone U'l
F12. 4i
WANTED Roomers and boardtrs, 49.'.
S. Com!. Phone 1446. . tf
FOR SALE Loose clover hay. Phon
SGF2. 4 8
FOR SALE Or rent, 4 acres of city
acreage. Thone 754. 4-8
HOUSEKEEPING roomg for rent. Gar
age. 881 N. Commercial St. 4 8
WANTED Modern 6 room bungalow,
close ia. M K eare Journal. 4 8
PHONE box for sale. Eh in Herr, Si!
verton, Or., Rt. 2. 4 7
W. BEAVER, well driller, phone S27.1
1105 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-3
LOOK after your fruit trees now and
spray them. Phone 754 . 4-8
FOR SALE Joose clover hay.
73F12 evenings.
4 7
WILL trade fine i.trol:i for pii.au
519 Court St. afternoons. 4 o
OHO AX Tor sale, j mall terms! 519
Court St. 4 3
CARRIER boy wanted for West Sa
lem. Particulars at Journal office.
FOUND Flyer bicycle, party who lost
it call 1045 N." Liberty St. Jake
Ross. 4-8
FOR SALE d'ne young Jersey cow,
fresh; 6 percent test, very gentle
20S5 State St. 4-8
POR SALE Violin, fifty dollars,
Stradivarous model. Call 604 Ferry
or phone 1003M. 4-10
WANTED At once five room,, modern
bungalow In eastern part of city,
reasonable price, 20H5 State St. 4 8
TOR SALE cheap, large barn and
small houso to be moved from lot at
once. Call 2085 State St. 4-8
WANTED Elderly lady to care for
2 children in a home, call afternoons
1210 N. 19th. 4-5
NICELY furnished room with or with
out board rates reasonable. Phone
1578. 4 8
FOR BALE Your own terms, lot and
8 houses, will pay for themselves in
rent; strictly a bargain. H. E. Bob
inger, 328 Hubbard bldg.
FOR SALE Studebaker 20, right 3
passenger car, excellent meehaniea!
condition, good tiros, $275. Wilson
garage. ' 4-5
KEEP your rose bushes nice and your
garden, peas, etc. free from aphis
by using proper remedy. Phone 754.
FOR HALE 20 to 25 hogs, from 70
His. up; also draft and driving
horse. Phone 3F11, address W. H.
Egnn, Gervais Or. 2. 4 8
I,OST Man's cravenette overcoat be
tween Salem and Liberty on Jeffer
Bon rond, last Monday. Leave at
Journal office. 4-5
T HAVE 7 room hoite for rent, would
like to have 2 or 3 poople. Will pay
difference for my board and room.
W J care Journal. . 4 5
WANTED To lens by Juno 1st mod
ern house 5 to 7 reoins, eastern part
of city preferred. No children.
Phone ItiOSM. 4-5
WANTED 'Man and team for orchard
work, $4 per day and feed for team
House to camp in. Phone 113HJ. 4-5
WANT To rent gnvaje in neighbor
hood 959 Center street. Phono bus
ines8 hours 2170, or address nnove.
FOR SALE 10-20 tractor, with plows,
hardly used. L. J. Lowuds, box 615
6.50 Center strectj Salem. 4 5
Miss Gertie Bowlej returned Mon
day from a three weeks' visit with Mrs.
Willis Cooley at St. Johns.
Mrs. E. E. Mnnning received a tele
gram from her son, Henry, saying he.
expected his discharge from the service
Mrs. J. A. Johnson and children left
Tuesday evening for Portland to join
her husband and expect to make tlist
their home at present.
Henry Benjamin, wbo returned from
the hospital two weeks ago after a seri
ous operation for appendicitis, is able
to be about and gaining strength daily.
O. J. Moisan, who has been ill with
mumps for the past three wcoks, was
down town laet Saturday for a little
while, but has since been confined to
his borne with a relapse.
A crowd of young folks took it upon
themselves to charivari the brido and
groom visiting at the home of the
groom's sister, Mrs. Laird. The unin
vited guests were asked in and a jolly
evening was spent with cards. At a
lata hour the hostess servea an unex
pected, but delicious lunch, after which
the guests deptrted wishing the bride
and groom many vcars of happiness.
Mr. Inland R. Rnckteff and Miss Vi
vian Spices of Florence, Or., enmo here
last Thnrsdav night to visit a few davs
with Mr. Rnrkleff's ststcr, Mrs. T. W.
Laird. They expectd to find a minis
ter in Gervais to make them hushfind
and wife but thev didn't propose to be
disappointed, and accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Laird and Donald Hackleff.
thev went by auto to Woodbnrn that
night where they were married by Rev.
Dark of the Methodist church. Mr.
Barklcff wr.s a sergeant In the army
and had but recently been discharge!
Gervais Star.
51 V acres nearly all ' cultivated.
some timber. 24 acres of 5 vear old
Italian prune orchard balance ia crop.
investigate this. Price "0OO.
320 arm farm. 240 acre under rul-
tivfttinn- kitaiiM rttfnnt anmA tim-
It?, omul nf furw Hmlilint o,ml
ft - - -- ' '
road. This i a first class farm. Price
34,UM) .
31 Vi acre of land all cultivated.
best of soil, buildings. Price $4723.
11.24 acres of good potato land til
cultivated, six acres in grain, 6 room
house, good bam, 4 mires from Salem.
Price $2400.
10 acre, nil milriivAf ed. X ar nf 4
year old Italian prunes, some straw-
uerries, loganoerrics. ramuy oicnaru, 4
miles south. Price $4000.
30 acres of bearing prunes, large
drver, located 7 ntile from Salem.
Price $12,000.
34.75 acres of land located near W.
Stayton, gooil 7 room plastered house,
barn, 5 acres under cultivation, bal
ance stump pasture. Price $5000.
"i0 acres of good soil located north of
Salem, two four room houses, barn, ."0
acres in cultivation, balance gtump pas
ture. Price $10,000.
44.25 acres, 30 acres under cultiva
tion, balance timber an.d pasture, 8
acres of 4 yemr old Italian prunes, two
acres loganberries, 6 room house, bam,
family orchard. Price $1000.
Well improved 10 acre tract ull in
bearing orchard, good modern build
ings. Price $0400.
100 aero tract of land, 40 acres cul
tivated, balance timber, running wa
ter, some fine bottom land. Prico $00
per acre.
160 acres of first class pruno and
berry land, 100 acres cultivated, bal
ance pasture and timber, good build
ings, rock foad, 8 miles from Salem.
I'rice $05 per acre.
25 acre tract, all cleared, 6 acres
bearing Italian prunes, Good 8 room
house, barrj, well, 2 horses, 3 cows, 250
chickens, farm machinery. Price $4700
20 acre tract all cultivated, house,
barn, well, 4 miles south of Salem.
Price $3400.
10 acres of good loganberry land,
four miles south on rock rosd, all cul
tivated except 1 acre. lrioe $1400.
If you want to buy, trado or sell.
275 State stroet
EXOHANWiH Fine five aero ttact
cast of Salem, fair buildings, b rttinz
orchard, good road, $2500. Also i
and half aires elosj in, ijj.id "uild
ings, $:'50O. Take hmio in Salein on
cither tract. F. L. Wood, In) no
bldg. 4-5
FOR SALE Reversible orchard disc,
also 4 wheel trailer. 655 N. 20th
St. 4-7
FOUND Hat for miss, Wednesday
nfternoon. Owner call at Journal of
fice. and imy for ad. tf
Stnyton, April 5. Fred Herrling,
who was across with the Orogon boys,
wn visiting friends in and about Ktny
ton the 'past few days.
Sunday noon, at the homo of the
liride's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. W. W.
Elder, in this place, occurred the mar
riage of Miss A'tn Grace Elder lo Con
rad P. NVnbert the ceremony being
peifodmed bv Rev. Warren of (lie M.
E. church, in the. presence of onl im
mediate relatives and friends. After
a sumptuous wedding dinner the new
ly weds left for Portland and other
puints for a short honeymoon. The
!.-:.!.. :.. - I... ..f Mmv. I
onto) is jiwitimi J'Miup; '""j "
ton and the groom a prominent farm
er of this vicinity, and they will make
their homo on his farm iibnut n mile
west, of town, which he has lately been
improving for his bride. The young
people havo a host of friends in and
about Stnyton who will join your cor
respondent in congratulations.
W. Richardson was up from Siilem
and spent Sunday with his family.
IVrry Bressler of Lyons was in
town Tuesday on business.
J. W. Mayo made a business trip to
Albany Monday.
Miss Wanda Brown, who is attend
ing U. of O. at Eugene, came home
Saturday, bringing with her four girl
friends who were entertained the week
end at the G. L. Brown home.
Mrs. J. T. to1dwcll has gone to
Mill City where she is employed.
Mrs. J. P. Wilbur is visiting in
Portland. She wss sccompnnied by her
grandson, Mtlo .Tack Hall.
Dr. Byrd of Salem was in Stnyton
Tuesday called in consultation with
Dr. Bcauchamp in the case of Mrs. G.
B. Trask.
G. C. Eksman was here from Camp
Lewis for an over Sunday visit with
friends. He is looking well, and seems
to be recovering nicely from tho ef
fects of gas he received while over
seas .
New Hungarian Law Gives
Franchise To Workers Only
Budapest, -April 1. The soviet gov
ernment today promulgated a new elec
toral law giving all workers of both
sexes over tho age of 18 the riebt to
The law slso deprives employers,
merchants, clergymen, monks and per
sons living on incomes, of the franchise.
Alt Knitilinir mfttarinlii hnvA been
seized oy ine governmeni,, nisoriit-r
companies have been socialized and the
universities are being reorganized.
Cleveland Motorcycle. 191
model, must sell quick for
rash, $120. Liberty beads ae-
eepted. Seo "
SMITH Argo Hotel
Sunday . m.
FOR SALE Setting cs, Barren
Martin 200gg strain. Phioe 101
P12. :i
PT.R S.. LF or rent, 1 ncre fine g"ird a
land sr. car am f. I., Wod,
Baya Udg. 4 5
FOR SALE-7 room bungalow, good
location, $1750. F. L. Wood, Bayne
bid. 4 5
OREGON" straw-berry plants 50 per
hundred, $3.30 per thousand, post-
I'mu. .nas. narr, jerterson Ur.
4 19
FOR SALE Strictly .-nj.li m fiv ioom
ounga'.iw- one hkH fi-o.u jm- iwi -nt,
$500. L. Wood. Havnj bldg.
4 5
LOT Presumably in store, a black
cloth portfolio containing ' material
for library instruction. Kinder please
communicate-with telephone No. 000
POR RENT Or sale, 12U. acres half
mile north of mute school 500 peach
500 cherries, HH apples, 5 acres of
fine garden land, small houso and
barn, cash rent. R. R. Rvan, paono
1S1'3. " "4.8
ENTER a business where you will be
independent. The salesman is the
man of the hour, insurance the bus
iness of the day. Agency openings
everywhere. North American Acci
'deut Insurance Co., Ckicngo, III.
pendent oil company, strongest in
Texas. Advertising furnished, com
pany producing. Paying 12 pereont
diii nd:( now. IVtroleum tieeuri
ties Co., BlO'-i Main St. Ft. Worth
Tex. Wire territory desired.
AGENTS $250 monthly Income easi
ly made. New patented Ford attach
ment. Every owner will buy. Ex
clusive territory. Writo for details.
Territory going fnst. Address Kero
sene Motor Co., Peoria, 111.
(Cnptial Jotirnnl Special Service.)
The Misses Ina and Blanche Hubbs
wero shopping ovcr the week-end in
A farewell party was held In honor of
Mrs. Lela King at her home Tuesday
evening. Mrs. King left Wcdnosda)
for Portland, whore she will join her
Mrs. J. W. Hyett will leave soon for
California, where she will visit her fath
er, Mr. McD. Carpenter, during the
Mrs. F. P. Ristogen left Tuesday for
a visit to her old home in Fargo, North
A centonary meeting was held in the
Methodist church Tuesday evening, and
dinner was served to a lurg.i crowd by
the Ladies Aid society. A short pro
gram was joyed by till in the evening.
Speeches from out of town wore, Rov.
TaMiott of Salem and Rev. Dark of
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cooley wero
Portland visitors lust week.
Mayor L. J. Adams transncien husi
ness in Salem Saturday.
The Misses Catherine and Helen
Skiner of 'Portland visited with Hupt.
H. T. Youell and family this week.
A sliow-er party was giveu .Mrs. Willis
Cooley Thursday at the lioiiin nf Mrs.
M. Cooley. ()nt (,f twn frj,,ms were
Mrs, Duncan and Mrs. H. J. Cmiloy of
Vancouver, Washington, and Mrs. C. J.
Coidey of Port In ml.
Mrs. Mario Williams is visiting at tho
hnmoof her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
H. II. Conkle, formerly a toucher m
Kilverton high school, visited in the
city this week.
Mrs. Chester Wolcott and twins are
viHitinsr nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.
II.. L. Wolcott.
Kd Johnson of Portland was hi the
city this week. He expects to gocome
a resident of this city in the near fu
t litre.
.Miss Flora- (lee, who has been spend
iiig the winter in California, returned
this week and will resume her work in
Dr. Keene's office.
Miss I'll I in a Johnson visited home
folks this week. She is employed in
Otto Aim, who has beeji at Fort
Warden since enlisting In the coast ar
tillery, was homo a few days this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Diillum have re
turned from a trip to California.
Louis Steelliainmcr of Pendleton vis
ited in flilverton Wednesday.
Mrs. George W. Davis spout the week
end visiting friends in Portland.
Mrs. Ida Massey and children, Mar
jnrie and Ronald, visited in Salem at
the homo of Mrs. Massey 'g paretns over
the week-end.
H. W. Brvden transacted business in
Portland this week.
. Mr. and Mrs. Coi-aiel! Murray are
spending a few days l i the Silverton
hills visiting with Mr. Murray's par
ents. The Silver Falls Lumber company
mill reopened Toes iy and is now in
full operation. Op' one shift will be
used at the presen' lime. This mill has
been closed since December.
Mr. and Mrs John Wolford Fpcr!
Tuesday In HrI m visiting friends.
Preverh Vfo'ence h fa$r
By Trank J. Taylor
(United Press Stnff Correspondent.)
Berlin, April 3, Prompt suprcssive
Good 7 room mod-.vn house, private
water system on earlme. Price $lSt0.
Six rtom modern house, pav.'d street
corner lot, basement. Price $2500.
Fine quarter block oa Fairmount
Hill, 150 bv 150 feet. Price $1100.
6 room house and two fine lot, lo
cated. 2334 N. High street, bearin;;
fruit. Price S10OO. $400 dowa.
4 room modern house loimted at 167
S. Church street. I'rice $12.50.
6 room modern house located at 9')
S. 13th street, two lots. Price $1250.
WOO down, balance $13 per month.
5 room modern hous- at 1O10 NortU
20th street. Price $1500. $500 down,
balunco 6 percent interest.
5 room modern bungalow and two
fine lots located on Fuirmnunt Hill,
eorner .property, cast front. Price $5.
000. 7 room modern bungalow located at
1155 N. Suminor street. Price $4400.
7 room modern house roc ted at 1245
B street. Price $2200.
6 room modern house and two fine
lots located at 256 X. 20th street.
Price $3000.
9 room modern house located on Cen
ter street. Price $4750.
5 room modern burtj:i.l"w at 1795 S.
High street. Price $2000.
7 room modern house located at 13SI
Stato street, two fine lots, eorner prop
erty. Price $7500.
If you want to buy a house See
273 State street
FOR SALE My entire rabbitry hutch
es and iirst class s'ock, all very
cheap; remember that first conn?
first served. Five over 8 months old
and 8 ever 3 month old. 'all nt
William Vogt ldi'O S. Liberty St.
4 7
FOR EXCHANGE 5 acres well im
proved, close In for eity property.
10 acres well improved, close in for
Portland property, or will sell on
easy payments.
For sale, very fine homo, 10 rooms
almost an aoro of gronnd, street pav
ed, all clear; easy ternw.
1 write insuranre on anything insur
able, money to loan on easy payment
plan', or advanced for building pur
poses. H. E. Holinger, 328 liuubari
bldg. Phono 1009.
Coming Movie Attraction
Involves Plot Of College life
Every Salem man and woman who K
or ever was, a collcgo student will collie
up against the next big feature at the
Orogon Theatre with the same sort of
emotion as is felt by the darkey boy
who tackles a ton-pound watermelon all
by himself. It carries xna umqns title
"The Girl Dodger" In which the inimi
tablo Charles Ray appears at bis best,
llo takes the role of a dreamy, bookish
bo-speotacled college youth, who will go
around a block to avoid meeting wit It
& girl. But ho is an obliging chap ami
out of regard for his "high-roller"
elimn assumes the perilous job of play
ing eseort and entertainer for a butter
fly chorus girl, with whom tho chum
finds it impossible to keep an engage
ment. There follows a mix up ov tin)
identities of the chorus girl and a mil
lionaire heiress, and the hero is involved,
in some of the most amn'lng adventure
mid sido-splitting situations in which
he has to use his fists nnd his personal
ity in a spectacular manner before tho
thrilling, rapid fire action is straight
ened out. It is one of luce's very best
productions, and the miilu star is ably
supported by pretty Doris Lee as tuo
leading lr.dy. Other hi(rh class features
in tho caste are l.eota Lorraine, us tlm
chorus giii, Hal Cooley and Jack Nel
son. Opens at. the tKegon rtuntuiy nignv
runs Monday and Tuesday.
measures by the governtnunr nve so
far prevented any vioie.neo in connee
tictn with the strike here.
The renounced Augusta regiment wr.'
surprised and disarmed by government
troops this afternoon. It was reported
1 he Aiignstnns planned to join the Spur
tacans. They offered no resistance to
The general strike continues to spread
anil reports have been received of occr
sionnl clashes between tho worjuis andf
soldiers. Several persons were killed
or injured in riots nt. EssliriKon.
Afti" serving four years as a member
of tho board of trustees of the Ellens
burg normal school, Howard C. Lucas,
president of tho Yakima Trust com
pany, has sent in his resignation.
Iwr-ll-llOO' 5 , fjTX
-. 7 '".I FMSI
The comparative value of ordinary eye
lenses and
ia indicated In above diagram. We fit
rp.uktaU and recommend them becauso
f.ey are the boat lenses made.
Jewelers and Opticians
N.W. Comer State and Liberty Sts.